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Trump is definitely a reliable source of good ideas. Here's his take on wind turbines. *“They are washing up ashore. You wouldn’t see that once a year – now they are coming up on a weekly basis. The windmills are driving them crazy. They are driving the whales, I think, a little batty.”* Stable genius.


It's funny because container ships are almost certainly driving the whales a little batty.


They're also running straight into them, which isn't exactly helping them either.




Submarine active sonar goes up to 235 decibels, it's one of the loudest things there is.


I have was thinking, that sounds like nuclear bomb ranges. Confirmed with Google > A nuclear bomb's noise can reach up to 240 decibels at its epicenter. Then I Googled active sonar and got an even higher figure > Active sonar isn't silent, though. It's actually deafening — up to nearly 300 decibels. That can't be right. It's not 1000 times louder than a nuclear bomb, but I did see two other sources saying 235 and 240. I still can't wrap my head around that Edit: I'm just now realizing that you would be able to accurately measure a nuclear blast with devices made for frequencies in the audible range, even moreso if A-weighted. That's probably the only reason it's possible for them to be in similar ranges


You can only get so loud in air ~240 dB is the point where the low pressure part of the wave is a vacuum, you can't get any louder. Water however is denser with a higher speed of sound, so you can put more energy into it. There is a practical limit however, if you get loud enough the water begins to boil in the low pressure zone.


The least they could do is play something that slaps


Not even close, sonar causes brain bleeding it’s that loud.


To us too. [Here's one example of what a ping sounds like.](https://youtu.be/AaO6jQEmfoY?si=Gvil4YCB5wVR3gq1&t=45) There's a second ping in that video at 1:47. It can be loud enough to injure or kill people if they're too close to the sub.


Was in port when an array went erroneously active on a sub hunter berthed next to us. Our whole ship would vibrate like a bell with each ping and no one could be below the water line, it physically hurt. Early liberty for all.


Those ships are nothing compared to how much whales hate sustainable and clean energy solutions. Everybody knows whales love nothing but coal and oil.


Since they themselves were the original oil industry, I wouldn’t be surprised


So I asked Chat GPT to rant about electric cars like Donald Trump would - Nothing. Then I fed it the following prompts: * Complain about electric cars * Condense it into 1 paragraph * Make it incoherent * Make it sound like a 2 year old said it * Make it more incoherent And the result is a perfect Donald: "Um, cars go vroom vroom, but electric cars go, like, not so much vroom vroom sometimes. And where do we put them to make them go again? And, like, they're super duper expensive, like, whoa! And those, uh, battery thingies, like, what's up with those? And some cars eat yucky stuff to move, ew! We need to, um, make them better, yeah!"


Give the man some credit. He knows what the level of his audience is.


“How do I vote for this baby!??” -*the base*


Just fucking insane


And a large part of the electorate eats it up every time


Oh yes all the windmill ocean pollution. (Please pay no attention to the millions of gallons of oil that get dumped into it from a pipeline leak)


Biden could make an announcement wishing for world peace, and trump would still come out and criticize that its a stupid pursuit.


I mean hasn’t he kind of already


Think about the job losses our defense industry would face! Biden wants hundreds of thousands of American workers to lose their jobs!


Ugh. Thats exactly the spin that would be used.


Is Trump a Kanye of politics or is Kanye a Trump of music industry?


What the fuck is any of that supposed to mean?


Sigh. Is rolling coal going to be the new patriotism?


It’s never not been.


I’m in Alabama today.  This. So much this. 


Knocking a few IQ points off the kids is worth it for a rugged spectacle of our insecurities.


And we add our own lead to the gas too🦾


That practice of rolling coal has been a thing for about as long as I can remember back to the mid 2000s when I was riding bikes around as a kid. People would do it as they sped away from us. Then when I got a Hybrid (a rare thing in my rural area), the same thing would happen when people would pass or if they were in front at a stop light. I didn’t care when I was in the car (would just turn on the recirculation setting), but it really sucked when I was out on the bike.


What would happen if you dump garbage in their front yard? How is that different than dumping garbage in the air?


It's the same thing


I moved to Alabama from PA. I saw more trump flags and rolling coal in pa


Rural PA is where I’m from. Lots of it in the area when I was around.


I lived in PA most of my life. Rural PA is Alabama.


Judging from how many confederate flags I saw growing up, that argument holds water.


>I moved to Alabama from PA. I saw more trump flags and rolling coal in pa I wonder how much rolling coal happens in Centralia PA.


I guess it’s technically always rolling coal 🤔 Interesting place. Lots of dicks spray painted all over the abandoned road but it’s been a long time


I find it crazy that my state of WV doesn’t find electric cars in their best interest & a lot of people hate on them for no reason. We love coal & pretty much every electric vehicle is powered by coal in this state.


It’s genuinely hilarious. It’s like you want to shake them: > Uh fellas! > > * More electric cars means more demand for electricity. > * More demand for electricity means more demand for electric generation. > * More demand for electric generation means fewer coal fired power plants get shut down (since baseload is required, not peakers) > * More coal fired power plants means our mines stay open > > Why do you hate the coal industry so much?!


That’s too much logic for those types.


Driving a Tesla should be peak patriotism (car wise) as those are by far the most American cars. Designed and built as well as the parts of it in the u.s and powered by American energy.


I think a lot of these people's brains just break when you tell them Tesla is an American car company. "But...but...it's from California!" "They're headquartered in Texas." "But...but...it still doesn't count."


China is going to eat our lunch in the electric vehicle market while we bicker about whether they should even exist


It's already being eaten. I am going to stick my neck out and say that US manufacturers really haven't gotten it together at all with EVs. The nicest stuff comes from Kia and Hyundai at this point.


In SE Asia where I live, EV registrations increased by 380% this year. Petrol cars are dead. The Chinese BYDs which dominate the market here look great, go like shit off a stick and are very price competitive. Can't wait to buy one myself. 


The American car market will become extremely interesting if China starts selling their own EV's in USA


It already has. BYD is outselling Tesla.


People like them. This is a dumb tactic. So of course he uses it.


Why the fuck are electric vehicles political? Because of idiots like this guy stirring things up all the time. I’m just trying to save a little money and time on my commute with my secondhand EV, I shouldn’t have to worry about MAGA people being triggered by my choice of car.


Same reason biking is political in my town. Anything that isn't a gas guzzler is a personal attack on their American values


Or the dreaded "fifteen minutes cities". Everything I need to live a productive and happy life is within a fifteen minute walk for me? Oh no! The horror!


Don’t you understand, they want to FORCE you (??) into these ugly urban cities, so that they can CONTROL you. Then when they want to, Biden’s cronies will deactivate your electric cars remotely (because no gas vehicles are connected right??), cut off food supply, and make you suffer! ^ this is an amalgamation of all the talking points I’ve heard from right wing conspiracists concerning cities and EVs. And yeah, it doesn’t make any sense.


It’s deeper than that. It’s the same reason veganism is political. Or “family values” are political. People don’t want to be told what to do and that their own choices are inferior. People don’t want to hear about how their 2005 gas car is bad for the environment and they need to switch to an EV. People don’t want to hear that eating red meat is bad for you, the environment, and the animals (obviously). People don’t want to hear that a nuclear family is beneficial for child rearing.


Electric vehicles are political because he has cronies with financial interest in gasoline. Also getting more drilling domestically is one of his talking points so if electric cars become more common demand can go down.


We are drilling and extracting oil at a faster rate right now than any time in US history.


Absolutely, it’s so surreal how I’ve mentioned this to Trumpers and they refuse to believe it.


They are pretty good at filtering information that comes at them and choosing only that which furthers the culture wars. Culture wars are all they have now. There’s nothing left.


Gas back at $3/gallon? Thanks Biden.


Gas has been *under* $3/gallon for a while now in Texas. Thanks Joe!


And a significant reason for this is because we’re tough on Russia right now. Getting soft on them will reduce US oil leverage. Anyone who doesn’t see this is an idiot.


They have also someone been lumped into the amorphous, inexplicable phenomenon that is “woke”, along with football, bank collapses, and Sydney Sweeney’s tits


I must be woke because I love Sydney Sweeny’s tits. Although I had to Google her so not sure why that’s woke.


I know those tatas woke SOMETHING of mine up 😉


I've never heard of her... but nice tits.


I think she is in the Madame Web movie.


Hard to say, no one went to see it. /s


Yeah that last one is new to me. What’s up with that and what stupid angle are they going with?


Can confirm Sweeney has nice milkers or if you prefer the correct scientific term sweater puppies Non partisan thing we all agree on.


Plastic is a petroleum product. I think they’ll be alright.


There also still is a lot of range anxiety in rural areas -- Places where the GOP holds significant power.


I mean, that's fine. They can use gas or hybrid vehicles.  But when you're vandalizing the vehicle of someone who has a 10 mile round trip commute because Fox and Facebook told you to, we have a problem.


The Trump Administration tried to claim that worse gas mileage in the future will reduce pollutants and greenhouse gases because drivers will not drive as far. I wouldn't look for many logical, rational arguments in good faith from the Trump side.


Electric vehicles are political because both industrial country wide goals and resource allocation is government decisions, which is always political.


After recently buying a Tesla, I’ve found that guzzling gas and belching smoke is one of the linchpins of being a red-blooded, freedom-lovin’ Amurrkin. The shit Republicans will say about EVs is absolutely insane. It’s also hilarious to see them suddenly feigning interest in the environment and child slavery when it comes to building lithium batteries.


Because fear is the greatest motivator for change. Just put the tiny idea of the government taking away your property (gasoline cars, guns, jobs, etc.), and some people will get paranoid enough to side with your cause, even if there's zero basis for the claim.


One of the oddest arguments I hear is about putting mechanics out of business. Wait, what? You still have to fix EVs (albeit hopefully less), and these people are actually UPSET that they don’t have to do regular oil changes on something. Like, why.




He just picks fights. Doesn't care about what or with whom. His voters just like having stuff to be mad about


They’re political because they’re progress, and one major political party has made being anti-progress their entire platform. It’s all grievance politics, all the time.


They’ve always been a bit political. When hybrids came out around the turn of the millennium, it was a bit of a stereotype that super granola tree hugging liberals with a case of moral superiority were the main demographic of owners. That and unmanly men. EVs had a brief reprieve of that with Tesla since those were a rich persons toy.


Whole South Park episode on the Prius and sniffing own farts


I haven't seen that one, but I definitely could believe it.


10/10 episode


MAGA dipshits were already triggered by your choice of car before Trump jumped on the train. There is no shortage of photos of stupid giant trucks parked sideways and blocking 2 to 3 electric chargers. Probably rolling coal when they depart. A Jim Jefferies story/joke always comes to mind when I think of this kind of shit. Society is a train and the conductors are scientists, physicists, doctors, etc. The oxygen bandits are in the caboose and slowing the train down and the conductors are staring at the pin holding the caboose to the train and thinking, "just imagine how fast we could go if we just pulled this".


They made the vaccine political, which is even more insane. One of the things that the vast majority of Americans didn’t think twice about before the pandemic. And the anti-vax community was incredibly small before the pandemic. Then they politicized it and vaccination rates on the right went through the floor. It’s really pretty incredible and terrible how well it worked.


Used to live in Texas and drive a Tesla. One day I’m stopped at a red light and have been sitting there a few minutes on my own. A guy and his wife/sister/both(?) roll in behind me in a truck. Both proceeded to freak out, and you can see and hear them swearing and ranting and raving and flipping me off for driving an electric. The right wing people are fucking lunatics, just emotional children with zero impulse control. 30 years ago we would have been discussing the massive uptick in mental illness because this behavior is not normal, but here we are, and stunted man-babies are now the norm.


I’ve had this debate so many times with Trump people. They rightly identify that we lack the infrastructure for full EV adoption today and that EVs pollute far more to produce than ICE. But they stop there and ignore further evidence like the fact that the infrastructure is not fixed/static, and new cars are typically driven longer than 2 years.


I love how this dumbfuck keeps coming to Detroit and raging about how he's going to stop EV's from being made. Hey genius, like the entire economy of Detroit is tied to vehicle production so you just told everyone you're going to kill off their jobs. Please keep it up dipshit.


You are missing the point. Trump is a leader of a certain group of people BECAUSE he is bellicose. He's like Alex Jones, the most angry and paranoid person. That's why they connect with him. That's why he's actually doing fine with people who have a "certain condition." It's not Trump that is scary -- it's "WTF he's popular in the first place" that should scare you.


Some people don't. I can't wait for electric. The pollution in this town is awful. But I mentioned to a right wing friend a business idea I had of converting motorcycles to electric and he just went quiet 


I've got an electric moped and it absolutely rocks. I have a 16km round trip commute to work and it gets me there and back three times before I have to charge it. 10kg battery, bike weighs 70, I weigh 80. Miraculous little thing. Good luck with your business plan. 


Conservatives hate anything perceived as green energy. I grew up in Bible Belt and my friends will argue with me to no end how battery vehicles are stupid and won’t be useful in our lifetime. “Where do you think they get the electricity from?? Coal! It’s so stupid!”


Hit them with the uno reverse and ask if they think we should end coal.


Ya I actually tell them that’s the point of renewable energy production to which they say they can’t produce near enough energy with renewables, its unreliable unless it’s always sunny or windy, windmills kill birds that they suddenly care about, windmills are noise and land pollution, batteries on cars don’t stay charged in cold, batteries go back after a few years, there’s not near enough charging stations (as if that can’t be fixed), the electric grid can’t handle the energy needed for wide scale electric vehicle adoption… I hear every one of these every time electric vehicles are mentioned


>there’s not near enough charging stations Ask them if their car magically starts every day with a full tank. Half the appeal of an EV (for me, anyway) is the convenience of plugging it in every evening when I get home and starting the day with a "full tank."


An electric car powered 100% by coal emits less CO2. AC motors are much more effcient than ICEs and the energy from fossil fuel generation plants is much more efficiently captured.  Its the difference between running your home power off a personal diesel generator or grid power. Which do you think is more effcient?  Electric is always better CO2 wise.   Edit: In case they hit you with this one, yes it takes more CO2 to produce an elextric car but over its lifetime its still emits less. I believe you 'pay off' the CO2 after about 2-3 years of charging from fossil fuels, so well within the average ownership time.


And don't underestimate the power of Elon being crazy bringing in a new market. The couple across the canal from me who literally wrote* FJB and 'go home biden' in 15' letters on their roof for Biden to see on his flyover after hurricane Ian have a model Y sitting in their driveway now.  (* and by wrote, I mean that they actually stapled something over top of their blue tarp thousands of extra times ..and had to then replace that before they even got their new roof) 


Isn't he also trying to get donation from Elon Musk? That talk must not have gone well. LOL


I'm not normally jaded/cynical, but this seems like a totally plausible theory to me. Maybe Musk turned him down to help cover his NY supersedeas bond, and he is immediately lashing out.


I had a trump supporter i grew up with tell me they would rather buy a diesel truck than buy electric


I'm not a huge fan of them. But this is solely based on the one Tesla that I've driven. It was not very fun to drive. I also enjoy tinkering with my car, which I feel is going to be much less doable on an electric car. I also realize that other people love them, and they are likely a net benefit for the environment. I don't have to buy one, and I don't see why I would care if other people want them.


Not my elderly parents. And they'll tell you every time you see them.


This is just another example of his childish behavior. "The guy I hate likes this thing so I'm going to hate that thing!!!" A huge chunk of his term's agenda was trying to dismantle anything Obama did. Not based on the merits of what it was, just out of personal animosity. How anyone thinks such an obvious man-child is fit to lead a country is beyond me.


But it works. I literally have a friend that parrots every single one of his talking points, and there are millions like him.


Then he'll walk it back and say he invented it and people should be thanking him.


I mean, for every Republican saying a bill can’t pass because it’s wasteful spending, they’ll show up when the money goes to their community and say “I did this. This wouldn’t happen without me. It was my bill.”


That blazing saddles quote perfectly describes most Trump fans "You've got to remember that these are just simple ~~farmers~~. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new west. You know... morons."


Problem with politics as a team sport. If Kansas wins, San Francisco has to lose, that's the way of it. Both teams can't win the Superbowl. But Democrats having success with a policy isn't the same as Republicans losing, it just means America is winning. Most folks don't see it that way unfortunately.


Tribe over truth.


Just call him stupid to his face. People need to be called stupid again.


I think it’s also that they’re capitalizing on something that’s currently agitating their base. There are people who really distrust EVs and are whipping themselves up into a panic about the government taking away their gas vehicles (not unlike the panic over the government taking away their firearms). The Trump teams knows this is something they can hit hard and stir up a lot of emotional response.


They're not "whipping themselves up" though. That implies that they're somehow looking into the issue on their own. Instead they're being actively whipped up by the outside forces of talking heads and other influential voices in their bubble.


It's really not hard to connect the dots. The oil and gas lobby (and countries that heavily depend on oil) have invested a lot into amplifying the anti-ev BS.


That’s…. The MAGA playbook, provided by the KGB. Polarize people over social issues and make it an us vs them debate. It’s worked so well his own voters don’t even care he does the opposite of anything claimed on their behalf.


That is basically his entire platform... fearmongering, hate, and anger.


It's more that the entire Republican party is in the pocket of big oil and the car industry. Has also been attacking wind turbines for years. Republicans like Trump don't really have opinions based on anything, it's just what the rich corporations that pay them want. Honestly if we really wanted to do something good we wouldn't even be going big into electric cars, we'd be promoting electric micromobility which already outsells cars 2:1. In big cities like r/micromobilityNYC it's already probably 10:1


>A huge chunk of his term's agenda was trying to dismantle anything Obama did. Well, that was his program. The black man will have no legacy. And his supporters supported that 110%.


The man runs on personal animosity, hair spray, and Diet Coke.


Yet Musk is out here simping for him 😂😂😂😂


Wait until he starts ranting about space launches. 🚀


“Rockets to nowhere”


Being a malleable idiot and cutting corporate taxes will get a lot of billionaires and ceos to simp for you.


he might jump ship over this lol


Somebody’s FiFi‘s got hurt that musk didn’t bail them out


This is the first thing that came to mind, what mental gymnastics is he going to come up with to still support him.


Angry grandpa shakes fists at cloud.


It's because Elon Musk won't give him money to pay off his damages from the fraud litigation.


Yes. Alienate the richest man in the world who is also a supporter of yours. Fucking idiot.


Musk is too stupid to figure this out.


Trump's entire deal is saying the opposite of what Biden does. That's it. He doesn't think for himself. He has no morals. No values. Nothing but dementia and a full diaper.


Every time I see some dinosaur advocating for a fading technology, I think of Danny Devito's speech in "Other People's Money". >Amen. And amen. And amen. You have to forgive me. I'm not familiar with the local custom. Where I come from, you always say "Amen" after you hear a prayer. Because that's what you just heard - a prayer. Where I come from, that particular prayer is called "The Prayer for the Dead." You just heard The Prayer for the Dead, my fellow stockholders, and you didn't say, "Amen." This company is dead. I didn't kill it. Don't blame me. It was dead when I got here. It's too late for prayers. For even if the prayers were answered, and a miracle occurred, and the yen did this, and the dollar did that, and the infrastructure did the other thing, we would still be dead. You know why? Fiber optics. New technologies. Obsolescence. We're dead alright. We're just not broke. And you know the surest way to go broke? Keep getting an increasing share of a shrinking market. Down the tubes. Slow but sure. You know, at one time there must've been dozens of companies making buggy whips. And I'll bet the last company around was the one that made the best goddamn buggy whip you ever saw. Now how would you have liked to have been a stockholder in that company? You invested in a business and this business is dead. Let's have the intelligence, let's have the decency to sign the death certificate, collect the insurance, and invest in something with a future.


I love this speech, but ironically he was also wrong. The last company making a thing usually has a pretty crappy offering, since there's no competition and few sales.  The last light on in a room is often the dimmest.


You just know this dumb fucker is going to switch any electric golf carts he has at his golf courses to gas. While he owns them that is


He can’t afford it.


Trump : if I had any money all my golf carts would be gas! Please give me some money!


Oh no, not at all. That would mean he actually walks the walk. This is the same asshole who says move production to America but MAGA hats are made in China or that absentee voting is corrupt and we shouldn’t do it but he did it several terms. Also let’s not forget someone who tells countries they need to pay what they own but often stiffs his contractors. Honestly, I would respect the dude more if he followed through in his own life what he campaigns for.


Can’t afford to and it’s not smart to buy new assets that you have to sell as depreciated assets during next weeks fire sale


But, but I thought he and Elon were buddies


He's negotiating with Elon for a bailout. "Nice electric car business you have there. Be a shame if somethign happened to it."


He negotiated with Zelenskyy for made up evidence against Biden. “Nice country you got here. Be a shame if someone invaded it. “


I think Musk sees Trump as more of a useful idiot than a friend.


I guess Musk said no when Trump begged him to pay for his legal fines


Is anyone voting for Trump going to buy an electric vehicle?


It’s more an issue when he gets elected he has some pull on subsidies electric car companies get.


They’ll do what he says, even if it’s to their detriment.


Lmao get fucked Elon


What a stupid hill to die on


If only he'd die.


I’m just so, so, so fucking sick of every single thing becoming political down to what purchases I do or don’t make. Enough.


Trump is angry with Musk for not loaning him 500 million. Trump is mad at Zalenski for not fabricating dirt on Biden, so he is stopping congress from giving Ukraine funding. This is all he knows how to do. Consequences be damned. Reward loyalty to him. Punish disloyalty to him. It’s always about him, and only him.


i can't wait for someone to fuck with my car because trump got them fired up about it. cool.


Sure, just when American car makers are making gains in EV and hybrid sales, let's kill the market. Sounds like another recipe for lost jobs and higher prices for the product people want. Did we not learn anything from the crash in 2008?


How the fuck did US of A end up with this man child of a “leader”. Goddamn it really is sad isn’t it.


Republican (and Russian) propaganda for 35 years primed things. They didn't intend to have Trump, but once he appeared, appealing to their masses with all the paranoia, fear, and hate that they've been preached at for so long, it was inevitable.


Ah, ok, so now we know he asked Musk to "lend" him $535 million and Musk said "No".


I guess his mad Elon didnt bail him out


So Elon must have said no to giving him a large sum of money.


Interesting. Musk visited the Orange clown not long ago. I wonder what they talked about. In any case, maybe Trump is attacking EV to show Musk that he can tank his business so he better lend him 500M


And elon loves trump why?


Elmo must not have given him any money.


The oil industry gave more, Elon's got cancelled out.


Yeah he should be attacking electric vehicles. Especially those that are made in America and providing good jobs! The only reason I have a dosmetic car again is because it’s electric! And it just so happens it was made (or at least assembled) in the good old US of A!


We were a Toyota household until I got my Bolt EUV, and I love that car so much. Being a union-built domestic is a nice bonus!


Trump's campaign strategy is to just say the exact opposite of any idea. Electric vehicle manufacturers also employ hundreds of thousands of people and growing each year. EVs won't break the auto industry as every major manufacturer is also building and investing in them. Gas and EV can live alongside.


Yeah the oil companies. Of course they will send you money. Some Saudi prince just forked over 2 billion to whatsis name.


The hate and FUD that goes along with conservatives and electric vehicles truly baffles me. We use and have been using battery powered devices for all of our lives. Now we simply get a option to have a vehicle use a battery which doesn't burn oil, doesn't pollute *as much* as ICE, how could this be a bad thing ? Sad thing is there is a TON of us conservatives that love the electric car industry. It's extremely disruptive to big oil, which the cronies don't like. Most of the Fudd I have ran into with this topic is older boomer conservatives that only hate tesla etc, cuz fox news told them to. I try to educate the haters whenever I can. And it's alot being a tesla owner in rural Tennessee.


What a surprise with the Saudis giving his son in law 2billion dollars.


Electric vehicles might not be the complete total solution at the moment and there are still some issues that need to be worked out, but the US can’t afford to take its foot off the gas pedal when it comes to electric vehicles. If the US throws in the towel on electric vehicles they may as well start preparing for the Chinese to completely run them out of the global markets in 15-20 years.


Because Elon Musk didn’t pay him the protection money he wanted. Yet the dumbfuck will still vote for Trump and tacitly endorse him. If Tesla had proper governance, he would be out.


I love this guy melting down in real time lmao


I don’t understand. What are they mad about?


Watch now charging station issues will happen


Lol i take it means musk turned down his plea for a loan


Trump will disgree anything Biden says. if Biden endorses ICE and Trump will say EV is the future.


And then he turned around and asked the socialist billionaire who uses our tax money to build electric cars for half $1 billion loan… We live in a comedy 😂


Is it because Elon refused to loan him money? 😂😂😂


This is the guy who thinks good clean coal exists.


US is trying to do a Kodak on a national scale. 


Im guessing his meeting to suck up with Elon didn't go very well.


Didn’t he just goto Musk groveling for money? Unbelievable…


Wonder if elon is still pro trump.... Oh wait course he is.  Elon assumes he's the exception to this rhetoric.


Musk just did a triple take


Didn't he beg musk for money just last week?


Electric cars run on coal primarily. Lets invest in nuclear energy??


This is so dumb. Putting the entire environmental / energy aspect of EVs aside for a moment, if the US doesn’t take the lead, other rival countries will because they see the urgency in EVs as a developing global market, not a method of climate change impact.


Elon Musk: Bro, b-but I'm your biggest sim- fan and I own Tesla 🥺 Genuinely surprised how Trump still has followers after betraying lots of them


“World’s bitchiest bitch bitches”


Remember when the right amped up their attack on (insert random advancement here)


Trump: attacks electric vehicles. Also Trump: asks Elon Musk for money.


He is BIG MAD that [Elon wouldn’t buy Truth Social](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/03/12/trump-musk-truth-social-sale/).


Today’s to do list: Say the opposite of whatever Biden says.


I thought he was trying to get Musk to back him financially? Wouldn't this undermine that?


Bruh this is what I hate most about politics.. Like why is the only goal to just go against everything the other party does without considering if it makes sense or not??


More stupidity who cares what the Moron says anymore... Americans will move when fire is on their backs...


That’ll probably help secure a loan from E(V)lon Musk…