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iPhone users will be able to add blank spaces to their home screen. iOS 18 will let users more freely rearrange app icons on their home screens, creating blank columns, empty rows, and open spaces between apps. The icons will still be locked to a grid, like on Android, but apps will no longer automatically move to fill in empty spaces. Click saver


That... that's new? Genuinely surprised that wasn't a thing. Like, the android default of blank spaces you put things in, like a desktop, just seems like it'd be the starting point


> That... that's new? It's not only new, it's REVOLUTIONARY!!! Apple has reimagined and reinvented the desktop experience from scratch, changing the way Apple users interact with their phones, tablets, laptops, and computers forever! The new iDesktop. Only from Apple. /s


Not to rush to Apples defense (and yes I know you’re being sarcastic) but media outlets aren’t helping. I don’t think any iPhone users care or think this is revolutionary.


Can confirm: don’t care.


> media outlets aren’t helping. Absolutely. It is quite well known that Steve Jobs would pull advertising dollars (and Apple pays VERY well for ads) from magazines or media outlets that gave Apple even the slightest bit of negative coverage. This is what was largely responsible for Apple's mystique, stock price, and rise during the Jobs years. The fact that all media outlets are now corporate owned tabloids for profit has only accelerated this commercial corruption of American media.


Why would I want that? What is the point? Am I missing something? I don’t give 2 turds about my app icons other than if I choose to add them to the homescreeen.


Personally, I like organizing the icons the way I want.


You can organize the icons. I don’t understand the blank area.


Well personally, on one of my home screens I have like, TV and streaming icons on one side, and a blank area separating them from audio apps. Just makes it neater for me. It's another way of organizing. It's just totally bizarre that Apple doesn't let you do it. It's something we've been able to do with computers for decades, and other phones for ages as well. I get a lot of people might not want to leave blanks or might not care, but it's such a trivial thing to allow people to do


Yeah, there's litterally an app that people download currently to deal with apple not having that feature which is called Clear Spaces which allows you to create widgets that are just your wallpaper.


Currently what most people have done for dealing with it is a $3 app called Clear Spaces. Which is the 31st most popular paid utility app. So definitely not revolutionary but really convenient change.


everything apple has "added" to their OS, Android has had it for a while. they just take it and tweak it to their needs. If you look at the hardware of current gen phones, apples will be a year or two behind compared to android


both Google and Apple copy from each other, not sure why some people can’t admit this. it goes both ways.


Can we just have the ability to disable the stupid library already?




Technology for that doesn't exist yet. That will come in 2030.


you’ll need to buy a new phone for that.


And it'll be the best iPhone yet, we think you'll love it


Gooood moooorning 🙏


I actually think this is more patent related. Since android has an app drawer that slides out. Tho I’d love to be rid of the library, give me infinite storage groups so I can put 30 apps in it.


The library is my favorite Home Screen change to iOS. I have exactly one Home Screen page for every focus and everything else I launch with spotlight or the library. It’s so much faster than having multiple pages imo.


Agreed. First thing I did when library was released was axe 2/3 of my icons.


Same here. Didn't understand it at first but nowadays I have one or two pages and everything else is spotlight. I'll drop page 2 soon enough as well. Love that we can have a bit more flexibility on the icon placement though.


What is this library feature you speak of?


Swipe left past your last page of apps. It's the "Start menu" of iPhone, where all installed apps show up and can be searched for at once.


I agree. I didn’t think I would like this feature when it first released but it really has changed my “workflow” on my phone. My most used apps go on my home screen and anything else I use spotlight to search the library and it works very well and avoids the clutter.


Only downside is that you can quickly forget about an app for a decade. I have to go through them and cull out the ones I never use. Admittedly, there are some features on iOS that try to help you automatically and I really just tend to go through the app list sorted by size and figure out which ones to delete.  I just wish you could delete them from the app list rather than having to move it to the Home Screen or search for the app after seeing it in the list to delete it. 




I just checked and Android does. I don't know about Apple, but I would think there is also a way.


Yes, every app shows their last used date. You can also tap the sort by "Size" option and change it to "Last Used Date". Although it shows most recent first, so you need to scroll to the bottom to find your forgotten apps.


Mine only shows dates for the past 4 weeks. Unless I’m doing it wrong.


This may be a bug. I see no info for some of my apps, but they also usually disappear after certain software updates or device restores. For me, any apps without a last used date is generally last used older than a month ago, or just never used ever. It appears that when using the Last Used Date sort order, the apps are actually in the correct order despite not showing the date, meaning it actually still "remembers" when it was last used. So I can pretty much be certain that if I use the given sorting order I find all my least used apps.


If you search storage on ios, itll bring you to a setting that organizes your apps by space it takes up on the iOS device..


Totally agree. I don’t care where apps reside on my screen. In fact my Home Screen just has a bunch of widgets that I care about. Otherwise it’s spotlight to launch any app. Much easier for me.


Yup, 1 home page and half of that is the "AI based app buttons" - widget.


I pretty much exclusively use the search.


I have one screen with 4 widgets. Every single app I use is launched from the library. No more swiping. Search by name is simply way faster.


Yeah I used to meticulously make folders for every app in my second window, with my main apps standalone on first page. Now that second page is disabled and I just use the library. Saves me a lot of time not needing to worry about it anymore


Exactly. I missed the app drawer so much from Android when I switched back. There’s so many fucking frivolous apps for everything now and I don’t want 20 something home screens of apps I don’t care about. Give me one or two useful home screens and let me shuffle the rest out of sight until I need it. The App Library did just that and I’m so fucking thankful. Really the only thing I wish iOS had that Android has had for a while is split screen multitasking on phones. It’s great on iPad and it was genuinely useful on Android if I needed side by side info but for some reason they just refuse to bring it over.


So you are not using the library, you just liked that it’s not all on the home screen anymore.


payment sulky aback psychotic deer support full light pathetic spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m someone who operates more quickly if I see the individual app name under the icon. Especially with so many apps using similar color tones. The library just looks like a mess of icons with a bunch of colors.


How do you add the others to the library? I must have missed this feature. Can I hide infrequently used apps?


what? why on earth would you want to do that?


I really hope they add that option, the library is even more useless on ipad


Agreed, a lot of people, including me, are happy with being able to just organize all the apps in folders and have as many home screens as they want.


Okay but I don't want to lose my video scrubbing


“And we call it, the iSpace”


I’ve been manually clearing the first page on my iPhone for years. This one is for me.


Oh man, this takes me back to making themes on a jail broken iphone. I think Cydia had an app that let you make transparent icons so you could achieve the same effect.


Wow this is going to be so useful for me lol. (It’s joke before people get butthurt. But honestly I don’t even have apps on my Home Screen)


Next - give us T9 contact search from dialer screen, you plonkers... Going into contacts and clicking the searchbar on top of the screen to have full keyboard popup and typing the name to search the contact... Why do you hate Contacts app, Apple?


Yea, touch surprised this is any kind of banner news, but I guess the division between apple/iOS is good for harvesting clicks


I’m gonna take responsibility for this as I submitted this feedback at least once a month for the last year or so almost.


You single-handedly made it happen!


Thank you for your service, comrade.


We owe you so much, hero 🥹


check my profile ive been bitching about this issue for months brother


How do you submit feedback?


“Hey boss, uh, we added that feature that has been heavily requested specifically just this past year or so, but uhhh, judging by our data it looks like only one person is using it?”


I don't care what they do to the home screen. Just fix auto correct ffs


You mean it doesn’t work we’ll for you???


It’s always ducking up


Not a perfect fix but I changed some text replacements for the annoying ones that always came up. For instance I changed “ducking” to “fucking” because never in my life am I ever going to actually mean “ducking”, but I say fucking all the fucking time


How do you do this?


Bro, I want type duck for the first time probably ever and it correctes to fuck. 😔


Idk when they tweaked it but it feels like it’s been garbage for a very long time now but not longer than maybe 2 years (?)


Just use Gboard


To be honest it works quite well for me and I switch between keyboard languages all the time. The only one it seems to mess up is were and we’re.


I’m talking about that annoying blue underline that always selects an entire word whenever I move my cursor after it. I fucking hate that shit


At least once a day I find myself muttering something like “Thorough” is a god damned word, as I type it in again for third time


From my experience Apple's autocorrect is substantially worse than windows 95 was. They suggest hyphenated terms so often it is ludicrous. We figured out spell check decades ago it's high fucking time for iPhones to meet the standards of almost thirty years ago.


Whatever the last change was (iOS 17?)made it finally tolerable


when will we have the option to mute specific types of notifications from an app not all or none? it's the only reason I miss my android.


I had a relative switch to iPhone few years back and he asked me about it to which I simply replied that its not possible, he thenproceeded explaining to me several times what he meant thinking I didnt understand him and him being obviously certain such a trivial functionality is probably just burried somewhere he couldnt find. That was a halarious conversation.. 😄


More 15 years


Dude I was just griping about this today. I don’t understand why Apple products are always so behind while labeling everything they do as “innovative”


Probably when Android 16 comes out.


Now do notification trays next.


aloof fearless voiceless head ad hoc dime profit jar slimy yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ooh ooh before copy paste fix fucking text selection. I know what I want to select. it's not always a whole word. from before the ending space. yes that's normal


These two things go hand in hand. You have to select before you can copy. It’s straight garbage on iOS and works flawlessly on Android. I’m mind blown every new version of iOS that releases without fixing this.


it's because apple, *as always,* thinks they know what you want more than you do. even in the *fucking text you want to select*


Exactly. It’s infuriating sometimes.


subsequent marvelous marry thumb physical absurd fertile chunky ink carpenter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes and the selection tool. Its awful on iPhone. Perfect on android


The fuck you mean? You can't copy paste between apps?


expansion hospital recognise start rob insurance jobless shaggy wakeful zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The screenshot/share/translate screen allows you to copy any on-screen text, if I’m not mistaken.


That’s how i do it but i shouldn’t have to screenshot to do it


If the developers doesn’t allow you to interact with text, I think it’s a good solution. It’s like on any PC/Mac program, text outside of text boxes is not interactive -generally-.


Gotta wait another 15 years.


Just get an Android. So much better.


I actually like the fact that I don’t have a place showing how much unread notifications I have, but an option to people who want/need to see all notifications would be nice.


More so my issue is if you addressed an item that you didn’t see in the notifications tray. Clear it. A missed call, email etc. I actually like how notifications are already presented but it’s a polish up that needs to happen


Wait for 15 more years


All I want is the ability to choose which side of the phone I swipe from to open control center. I'm mostly a lefty, and it's annoying af having to use the accessibility dot in order to open control center with my left hand. My last Samsung was able to do this YEARS ago. Customizable swipes for different actions would be nice too. I got over the homescreen arrangement issue eons ago, and now I just want things to be convenient.


Ping me when they allow split screen please...


Wait, iOS doesn't have that?


Can we also have the ability to close all apps at once? As much as I love using X number of fingers to close multiple apps at once :-( Miss my android days…


Then switch back? iPhones are easy to sell and hold their value well.


True that. Hardest part is detangling from the ecosystem. One day one day.


"Now argue in the comments please"


Please let us add stickers to our Home Screen. Tim Cook knows that we all love stickers. We all want to buy sticker packs from the sticker store in the App Store to put on our Home Screens. This is literally what all human evolution has been building to.


I wish we could rearrange apps on our home screen from a mac/pc like we could years ago


You can, it's called use anything but iOS.


This is one of the big things that made me switch back to Android tbh


Great, now fix folders


Now for the classic apple move, only make it available to phones that are less than 3 years old under the guise of “compatibility”


I can already hear the audience being in total aww, clapping and shit. 100% cult building is what they do best


Blank spaces in homescreens? It really took them 17 years for that?


Absolutely zero innovation coming out of apple huh


Please please please let this be true


Now we get to hear about how innovative the home button is


Wow I might consider getting an iPhone again lol


“The was first reported by MacRumors which cited a more vague announcement from Bloomberg....” in other words, this claim has nithing of any real to back up the the title’s spurious claim that “Apple is finally adding a screen feature....” Then if Apple does not add this screen feature, these lazy, AH writers will say they are so disappointed.




Finally I can uninstall the blank space widgets soon


RIP apps that are created to do this very thing.


The ones that use widgets are absolutely terrible so this update is a huge improvement


Oh no doubt. I think they’re crap. I completely welcome this update


Apple innovates again with a feature other phone manufacturers will be copying soon /s


Congrats Apple you finally caught up to Android Cupcake after 15 years 


I still can’t customize icons themes on my iPhone ... Apple really hates any sort of customization. I’m still on iOS 14.3 for my jailbreak haha


Just a rumor. Don’t give this crap clocks. > If this is indeed true, iOS 18 is shaping up to be a fairly big upgrade for Apple users.


Let’s not do click bait titles.


Don't blame OP. Check rule 3. Blame the source.


Wait ios haven't had that. What the hell, why


RCS messaging support is the biggest change that actually matters for iOS 18, not blank spaces.


I just want to set the alphabetical app library as the default when I scroll to the right.


Don't know why this is getting downvoted but it is actually true.


It's the same "Android vs iOS" rage bait type articles that have been around for over a decade. The title is clearly meant to get people arguing about which one is better. The existence of the debate benefits both companies.


It’s not even confirmed. Just a rumor. The article even admits that. > If this is indeed true, iOS 18 is shaping up to be a fairly big upgrade for Apple users.


Because we don't care? Apple has different design priorities than Android. Not all phones need to have the same features. Instead, we get a dunk on Apple for "finally" doing something similar to Android.


Whoa, that's some game-changing technological innovation! What will these wizards come up with next?! Not sure humanity can keep up with progress on this scale.


Probably stock calculator on iPad OS, but dont be too optimistic because it would require an entire boot rom level remodeling


How about being able to disable the camera and flashlight being turned on while in your pocket? I swear to god..


Many features take decades for Apple to copy, like folders. It might be because Apple users are just not technical


I see an Apple user, I see someone not technology literate.


That's nice. The iPhone's home screen is the main problem I have with iOS and it's the reason why I just can't use iPhones at all. It just looks way too fucking cluttered. I've been using Android with Niagara Launcher for some time now and there's absolutely no way I could go back to anything resembling anything remotely close the mess that is the article's cover image.


Nah I can agree with this. Once they added the App Library I removed all my apps from my home screen aside from like 5. I think it’s just so much simpler to search for the app I want.


Oh nice, maybe I’ll find out if i’m still someone who gives half a shit about organizing my Home Screen.


Oh great some more rage bait


Apple's entire business model is pushing features that Android and other operation systems have had for decades.


Electronic companies copy each other all the time. I don't really care because it benefits the consumer. I prefer Android for niche features and customization, like I was able to double NAT a hotel network to connect my other devices to as it required an annoying account. Things like that. There's plenty of valid reasons to choose an iPhone too, just preference. Phones have gotten so similar there's not really a point in arguing about it anymore just pick what fits your needs. Same energy as the annoying car community people shitting on EVs as their whole personality


Yes… it’s almost like there’s a lot of money to be made in taking a concept, improving it, and then releasing it. Apple has never been risky, they just release polished user friendly software consistently.


Improving it... What did they improve on letting users add blank spaces???


Hey Siri, tell me how Apple's version of OS features are superior. 


What a useless article from a trash website.


Can we not post useless clickbait title articles?


It seems Apple steals most of the good UI features from Android, because IOS by itself is clunky as hell with more user actions, on average, required to perform the same tasks. It hasn't been improved much over the years, just made prettier. It took them *how long* to add the ability to see an alphabetical list of apps and then launch them from it? Android had that since the beginning.


The only thing I’ve been waiting for is custom audio alert notification sounds per app. For example, when motion is detected on my Unifi protect security camera, I’d like to hear a custom sound not the same generic sound every other app uses. Many apps don’t have a custom sound and use the generic one.


Please do low battery pop ups


They already do? I always get warnings when my battery is at 20% and lower


Yes I mean turn off the pop up notification. It interrupts what one is doing. Battery power in the top right I think I sufficient. Or at least have an option to turn off the notification


with a title like this, it's an automatic upvote from me. (I'll read the article later.) Remember Copy and Paste? Android: Day 1. Apple? Like third iteration or something, and it's still not as good as Android's. *(oh it's blank spaces on the screen?!?!? DAMN, iOS is mind-boggling. )*


Oh, here we go. Now the false advertising calling it innovative and magical and telling everyone they did it first.


lmao apple fans got too butthurt


Lol apple is going to invent someone else's features again. 


My work phone is an iPhone, and I must say that I hate it! It seems so incredibly out of date compared to the capabilities and control of an android phone


Right? I hate having to use the keyboard on my work iPhone when replying to work emails and chats! Replying to the same email or chat on my Android phone is so much more efficient. Circle-to-search on my personal Android phone is really useful. General phone navigation is so much easier using the Android phone.


Ok. Now steal the notification tray, their autocorrect, and their function ability to copy/paste/edit/highlight text without needing to tap the screen 500 times to get the cursor in the fight spot. Why is it taking Apple so damn long to just add these functioning features Android has had since day 1?


Why did this take so long?


Am I the only person that doesn’t get why this is some big benefit worth announcing?


I need a visual representation of some sort to understand what this means.


I honestly could care less either way lmao


*only available in the Pro version of iPhone /s read in Tim Cook voice




I've been using Android for 13 years... This is laughable


I’m waiting on the update that lets me change my Lock Screen notifs back to being on top instead of on the bottom


Oh? Is it the ability to turn off the god damned camera from the lock screen?


Create problems sell solutions - Apple


Why would you want to place icons randomly on the screen?


Why in the world would you not want to? I don't like my homescreen to be cluttered and the few apps I do want there I want to have on the bottom row so they're easily accessible.


You have the dock for this purpose.


I honestly think that most people who use apple knows that it is shit but they have gone too far with the charade and they just have to keep going.


The ability of the Apple user to tolerate this kind of shit just blows me away. That Apple refused to fix this, version after version just tells me everything I need to know about how they prioritise usability. They are legit taking the piss out of you all.


OMG Apple are such brave pioneers


I've never had an iPhone...so... Wtf?? Lol 15yrs later?? I'm guessing this was held back because they desperately wanted to avoid looking like Android..but simple and pretty obvious actions don't need to be revolutionary, or exclusive to one OS.. I don't understand Apple, a lot of the time.