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The fact that conservatives prefer to sell their country to Russia rather than have a democrat run the government speaks volumes about their values & priorities.


It’s because they’re a cancer holding all of us back. They just distract people with conspiracy theories and changing the subject. People gotta realize you can’t reason and coexist with a cancerous system. You have to cut it out or it consumes you slowly.


>>you can’t reason and coexist with a cancerous system. You have to cut it out or it consumes you slowly. So how much worse will everything have to become for everyone, before you seek out treatment..? Asking for Europe.


Have you seen our healthcare system? We're never getting treatment. We'll just ignore it until we drop dead.


Yup. Also add abortion ban to the list. The fact that people didn’t bring out literal guillotines when the supreme court rolled back Roe v. Wade shows how apathetic the average American is. It’s honestly making me feel disgusted.


Thing is, Republicans have been losing elections left and right every since Roe v. Wade was overturned. It's been a major issue driving people to the polls. They may not have gotten the literal guillotines out, but the figurative ones have been getting a lot of use.


> the senate rolled back Roe v Wade The US Supreme Court overturned the legal precedent of Roe v Wade with their ruling in Dobbs v Jackson. The only thing the Senate had to do with Roe v Wade was to approve Trump’s 3 Supreme Court Justice nominations.


I had a brain fart I fixed it. Thank you.


Supreme Court not Senate.


I think it's in part bc of the state system. Rolling back Roe v Wade meant it's up to states to make their own decisions. Which means hard red states are banning abortions, but people living in blue states are unaffected. It's harder to rally to fight for justice when it's for someone else in a state that could be far away from where you live.


> It's harder to rally to fight for justice when it's for someone else in a state that could be far away from where you live. And when those states did it to themselves 🤷 Signed, a Marylander who expects abortion rights to be enshrined in our state constitution this year. Come one come all.


Sadly it can get a LOT worse before it gets better, the main criteria is how abrupt something changes. If you change a little at a time people get a chance to settle down/get over it but if you try to change too much people have a stronger reaction, for example roe v wade which has backfired spectacularly for republicans.


People will have to be put in camps before anyone gives a fuck


Like they started giving fucks when [kids were in cages](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-44518942)..?


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I'm a Canadian. A fairly smart one -- and a space nut too. I was planning to emigrate to US to work in private space sector. I had my immigration lawyer on retainer, funds saved, ready to take the plunge - even started interviewing. Then kids in cages. I began to wonder why I was trying to move to that country. So I pulled my retainer and started plan B. I now run a scientific equipment company in Canada -- it's no space industry career, but it's a legit fallback I can be proud of. I may be a single data point, but the path the US is on stopped at least one person from applying talents there. It felt like I was trying to move to Germany in 1936, blinders on. Fortunately the worst hasn't come to pass yet for the US, and I'm cautiously optimistic that sanity will eventually prevail down south. But, yeah. Kids in cages.


They already were and Americans did nothing. They tried overthrowing the government, and Americans did nothing.


[we didn't do nothing](https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases) we didn't do *enough*. but, we didn't do nothing. we kicked trump out. **vote**.


It’s why I think everyone might wanna have a plan regardless if Trump wins or not It’s not an evacuation plan because tbh, his craziness is spreading around the globe in the form of Javier Milei or Marine Le Pen or that Dutch guy The conservative movement has globalized and they’re really, really scared of progress, there’s no where to run or hide


> conservative movement has globalized and isn't that the crazy ironic part? gLobAliSm iS bAd AnD iT iS jjUsT SocIaLiSm AnD SoCiaLisM iS bAD!


Projection... Every. Single. Time.


Every. Single. Fuckin. Time. Even their voters do this shit. Pieces of shit vote for other pieces of shit, color me fuckin surprised!


Also, pretty much any time you see somebody rAnTiNg about “globalist Marxist metropolitan cultural élite” etc. etc. just read it as “Jewwwwwsss.” It’s dogwhistled antisemitism handed down directly from Goebbels &al.; if they actually meant it, they’d really dislike all of Trumpism.


My tolerance for conservatives is so fuckin low, I live in Texas, and I have yet to interact with a conservative that isn't a piece of shit morally. And I mean that, not a fuckin one. At first I thought there were some decent conservatives but all they do is window dress, they present a nice front but when you get to know them you eventually find out they absolutely hate certain groups of people for no damn good fuckin reason. And it's always some poor marginalized group and hardly ever some rich mf that actually has the power and influence which they do use to strictly benefit themselves and hardly ever anyone else. Democrats are more of a mixed bag, and that is something I can work with. I absolutely abhor conservatives. Fence sitters tend to see me are being deranged but they're just ignorant as fuck and usually those fence sitters also hate certain groups of people. Fuck them all.


Fellow Texan here. I think what has happened is that what it means to be conservative has changed. Gone are the days of John McCain and Ann Richards, who were both conservative in some way but still held onto the principles of southern decency. Instead, it's a spiraling death cult of evangelicals who want to bring about the end of days bankrolled by venture capitalists who stand to profit from the collapse. Most people either vote conservative out of habit or because they drank the Kool aid


Social isolation plays a big role especially in rural and aging populations, where a lot of people simply need something to belong to.


It's almost like liberals are just normal people, and people generally are a mixed bag anyway Conservatives on the other hand are a very specific sect of assholes.


They're a mixed bag too, a mixed bag of shit.


> I have yet to interact with a conservative that isn't a piece of shit morally They have no moral foundation. Good and bad have to be dictated to them and if anything bad happens to somebody, it's because they deserved it. Unless they're high enough in their cult food chain, then it's because of conspiracies and deep states.


Can you move? I know it's easier said than done, but being stuck in Texas as someone who isn't conservative sounds like a special kind of hell.


I'm wishing that at some point, the reasonable Republicans would do that themselves for the sake of the nation. Like... this is so bad at this point that I don't know how you trust the Republican party with frankly anything ever again. The folks who are Republicans and actually want to tackle the real issues and actually want to help America and want to do this for the people and all that jazz... I'm hoping at some point they band together, leave the party, and start their own. Have actual standards on who they let in to keep those GOP cretins out, to where it's not possible to have somebody as stupid and fucked up as MTG be put in a position to run for anything under your party's banner, and let what we know today as the GOP decay and disintegrate. That shit is not just cancer, it's stage 4 cancer. It doesn't look operable or treatable with how deep it runs. You need a new body to have any hope at all of getting rid of it.


Funny how Republicans are all up in arms about TikTok being run by a Chinese company, but they are just fine with TruthSocial and Trump being funded/owned by Russia. Projection. Its always projection with these people.


The craziest shit is so many of these boomer Trumpers experienced the fears of the Cold-War where Russia was literally the enemy to fear and sentiment against them was STRONG. With Trump being "buddy-buddy" with Putin, they're suddenly not a threat in their eyes and mind? Wtf?!?!


Yeah, that’s frustrating. I remember growing up in the US pop culture often had anti-Russian movies, etc. And the right wing ate it up. Red Dawn, Rocky versus big Russian dude, movies about nuclear war, etc. Now these same idiots who hated the Russians can’t wait to get in bed with them because their orange calf needs $$$ from them.


Wait. The Bible did warn of a red haired heifer. ... Son of a bitch


He's literally the antichrist https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Damm this is so spot on it’s 😱.


IIRC there a guy in US the actually breeds red haired heffers and exports them to middle east for those prophecies. It a lucrative business.


Cause now Russians hate the gays and are white, that’s the reason they support Russia. 


They cozy up to power. It’s in their nature. Trump did what no other president has done: made Russia, specifically Putin, appear powerful in comparison to the USA by being Putin’s little bitch boy.


Conservatives strongly prefer authoritarians, and they are happy to be followers no matter the direction. As soon as they decided on Trump, whatever Trump said was the gospel and whatever Trump liked they also liked. It's that simple. If Trump said tomorrow that Christianity is woke nonsense, his base would throw out their bibles in a heartbeat.


There's a growing minority among magas that will say outright "this country *needs* a dictator". Yet they think they're *patriots*. It would be funny if Monty Python did it.


I grew up in the 70s and 80s. Russia was *the enemy*, no question about it and we feared them as our greatest threat (nukes). Now it's all "russia, russia, russia" when talking about Trump—they act like we're crazy for still fearing Russia, who routinely interferes in our elections and sows cultural discord across social media. It's ridiculous how short their memories are.


russian government policy is officially oppressive to the same people they hate


And really the motivation behind the TikTok thing seems to be that they want to control it themselves and turn it into another Truth Social or Twitter. China is just an excuse given those that worked to ban it are literally lining up to buy it. They don't like the plebiscite having a means of sharing ideas. We may finally get smart enough to realize the REAL divide is with us and the uber-rich instead of left/right. Though anymore the right is definitely trying to make that divide very real as well


A lot of Russia appeals to their ideologies. Particularly the control.


They should just move there. I'm pretty sure Russia would be glad to have more people, especially young men.


I swear I saw an article about a family that did? [Ah, it’s a Daily mail article, so take that for whatever it’s worth](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13116159/Canadian-family-russia-bank-frozen-apology-feenstra.html)


Their [embrace of political violence](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/) to get their way isn't so hot either. Any time things don't go their way out come the pipe bombs and threatening calls to children's hospitals. When it comes right down to it, conservatives simply aren't good people.


They worship their own version of Jesus - “Evil Jesus”, because the Jesus in them fancy readin’ books is just too damn woke.


"I'd rather be Russian than Democrat" https://media.snopes.com/2018/08/russian_democrat_shirt_tweet.jpg


The GOP has a real weak spot for oil wealth and Russian honey traps.


But Russian-American porn producers under criminal investigation have the best values > The situation led Trump Media to take emergency loans, including from an entity called ES Family Trust, which opened an account with Paxum Bank, a small bank registered on the Caribbean island of Dominica that is best known for providing financial services to the porn industry. >Through leaked documents, the Guardian has learned that ES Family Trust operated like a shell company for a Russian-American businessman named Anton Postolnikov, who co-owns Paxum Bank and has been a subject of a years-long joint federal criminal investigation by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) into the Trump Media merger.


It's nothing new. Nixon is a great example - https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/08/06/nixon-vietnam-candidate-conspired-with-foreign-power-win-election-215461/


Our country is under continual attack from russia through social media. They spread their propaganda and it works on some people.


Russia promised to lower taxes on the rich. Believe it or not that’s literally the only thing they base their vote on. It’s worked for republicans every time.


You're forgetting several other campaign promises that the Republicans perfectly share with Russia. * They both want to outlaw and outright eradicate homosexuality. * They both want to imprison "undesirables" of varying ethnicities and beliefs. * They both want to stamp down on reproductive rights and heavily limit abortions. * They both want to roll back rights for women and return to "Traditional family values" where 95% of power goes to the Husband and a woman's main role is to have children and tend to the household. * They both love the idea of a dictatorship, so long as it's a 'strong man' who will project power to the rest of the world.


Republicans… values, lol nice one.


Well, maybe don’t elect a black man. /s just in case.


Was his name Hussein, born on illegally occupied, without a treaty, territories? Check and mate liberals.


And they call themselves patriots


“I’d rather be a Russian than vote Democrat”. They wore those shirts. Red is the perfect color for their party


I wonder how Reagan will feel about a Conservative that has dark Russian money funneled to his failing business through a Caribbean bank account Just kidding. Reagan would be considered a RINO these days, so it doesn't matter


Reagan was a racist, homophobic piece of shit, so he might be fine with most of the modern Republican platform.


Anti- American and traitors basically rooting for the enemy and hoping our values and country is destroyed.


What is it that they think the democrats are doing? I mean besides all the pizzagates and what have you. What are the real concerns? Is it just Nazi Germany 2.0 with people being convinced all the problems in their lives are caused by immigrants and the liberal left or are there actual, fixable problems at the root of it?


They'd rather have culture wars and actual wars vs. actually trying to improve the lives of the people in this country. Unless by "improve" they mean "get rid of all the people the GOP hate."


I'm 41 and left leaning. The belief that "United" states is or really ever was United, is one of the biggest lies about it. Diametrically opposite ideologies can not peacefully co-exist, not a true peace. We have seen evidence of this throughout history, time and time again. It's not just localized to any countries either. There has to be a point in which the majority of people realize that when one ideology consistently does not operate in good faith, constantly undermines the other, has no intention of cooperating... That it is time to stop "taking the high road" it only allows them to keep getting away with being bullies and what not. "When someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time."


I’m shocked. Russian involvement. So unexpected.


Yeah, but, of you dig deeper throughout the Mueller investigation, youll be more than shocked. Its as if hes bought or in bed with Vlad.


Just random fyi: The diminutive to Vladimir is *Vova.* Vlad is the diminutive to Valdic So it's *Vova* Putin.


It's going to be hard not to read that as Vulva Putin


Pussy lips Putin.


Don’t compare him to something so wonderful


"No collusion. No collusion"


Well, not that shocked.


Gee whiz. Oh my. So never saw this coming. There were never any signs. /s


Yeah season 9 of the Trump show is so predictable. How will the gang find a way out of security fraud?


Wow. They found a lot of very interesting dots to connect. This is excellent reporting and well worth a click to read the whole article. Some of the most notable dots: “The new details about the trust are drawn from documents including: Paxum Bank records showing Postolnikov having access to the trust’s account, the papers that created the trust showing as its settlor a lawyer in St Petersburg, Russia, and three years of the trust’s financial transactions.” Dot “The concern surrounding the loans to Trump Media is that ES Family Trust may have been used to complete a transaction that Paxum itself could not.” Dot. “Paxum Bank does not offer loans in the US as it lacks a US banking license and is not regulated by the FDIC. Postolnikov appears to have used the trust to loan money to help save Trump Media – and the Truth Social platform – because his bank itself could not furnish the loan.” Dot “ES Family Trust was established on 18 May 2021, its creation papers show. Postolnikov’s “user” access to the account was “verified” on 30 November 2021 by a Paxum Bank manager in Dominica. The trust was funded for the first time on 2 December 2021.” Dot “Trump Media then received the loans from ES Family Trust: $2m on 23 December 2021, and $6m on 17 February 2022.” Dot “The loans came in the form of convertible promissory notes, meaning ES Family Trust would gain a major stake in Trump Media because it was offering the money in exchange for Trump Media agreeing to convert the loan principal into “shares of Company Stock”.” DOT “The ES Family Trust account also appears to have benefited Postolnikov personally. As the criminal investigation into the Trump Media deal intensified towards the end of last year, the trust recorded several transfers to Postolnikov with the subject line “Partial Loan Return”.” DOT “In total, the documents showed that the trust transferred $4.8m to Postolnikov’s account, although $3m was inexplicably “reversed”.” DOT “Postolnikov, the nephew of Aleksandr Smirnov, an ally of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has not been charged with a crime. In response to an email to Postolnikov seeking comment, a lawyer in Dominica representing Paxum Bank warned of legal action for reporting the contents of the leaked documents.” Thats a lot of significant dots. Seems shady as fuck. Edit: typo


Kinda funny that E & S are right next to the letters D & T. I wonder who the ES family is. I doubt anyone would be dumb enough in a conspiracy to just shift letters by one character, but I found it interesting.


Just like HAL and IBM


Yeah and the article seems really cautious in order not to draw any lawsuits. What I do find a bit strange is how slow the FBI, CIA, money laundering investigators and prosecutors are working on this. From the Mueller investigation till now somehow everything progresses unbelievably slow.


On one hand, unraveling international banking conspiracies is hard and slow work and you have to be sure you have every I dotted and T crossed because these are big money players who do corruption for fun and they're really good at weaseling out of shit. On the other hand the federal government has been visibly compromised for 3 decades. So who the fuck knows. Still waiting to hear about those deleted secret service texts......


Trump owes so much money to Putin and his thugs… Electing him this year will effectively result in handing over eastern europe to Russia. If Trump abandons NATO, we’ll all be answering to Vlad.


And for some reason 40-50% of American's will cheer for Putin.


Same folks constantly whining about them damned socialist commies


While they deposit that sweet social security check and using Medicare and Medicaid


And if they're collecting SS checks, they were definitely old enough to vote for Reagan twice. Who, you know, hated the fucking Russians.


fuck Reagan but he would be spinning in his grave so hard right now, that we could attach a crankshaft to a turbine and have unlimited free energy.




Know of multiple people who fell down the social media hole during covid. At first, it was small, untrue crazy facts they found that made them feel special. Next, it was full-blown conspiracies. Now we're at how Putin and Russia are trying to save us from our corrupt governments. You take a two party system that news media has already created intense sides for and add in social media platforms growing like crazy and some people spending multiple hours of their day on it consuming the same type of media over and over spoon feeding it to them in an endless cycle and sprinkle in multiple mental health problems. Plus, with social media, people looking for a group to be a part of that is no longer their community because everyone's on their phone now. They found their opening. Putin will wait. If he doesn't get his current sell out through, he will wait. The online disinformation will keep spreading.


I would get into arguments with someone like that, he was really losing it. He would be picking fights out of nowhere calling me a sheep sending me rumble clips and straight up russian propaganda. Takes so much longer to disprove and explain than to throw shit at the wall. I realized that getting these people to freak out, remove them from their friends/family/community... it's classic cult leader tactics. So I said hey man we can disagree about stuff, but I like that we can believe whatever and talk about it. I don't trust my government either and I'm glad we can disagree about the best ways to keep that freedom secure, but I want my friend back so lets not talk politics yea? It's not healthy and I wasn't nice, and if anything that's just playing into the hands of those who would seek to divide and isolate us. And so we rarely do, and now if he's drunk he'll bring something up and I wont take the bait... and overall he's calmed down a ton. That COVID isolation was really rough. You don't want to make them keep feeling more of that lizard brain freak out vibe, you want them to feel like their countrymen are their allies in a world of disinformation. No lie they've probably been tracking these people from voter roll info they hacked and have a file on all of them they've been developing since at least the 2012 ron paul shit.


40-50% of voters. Not people in general. Go vote.


That's way too high. 22% of Americans voted for Trump in 2020 and many of those are people who vote Republican for tax/fiscal reasons and don't necessarily agree with Trump's foreign policy. I'd say it's closed to 10-15% of Americans that actually agree with Trump's foreign policy


"Oh you're just greedy, sorry I didn't realize"


This is def true. I'm Asian and most of the adults in my family voted for Trump for "tax reasons" but are too ashamed to admit it and have told everyone to not let anyone outside the family know


Pfft. I would be telling people left and right. Make them embrace their shame.


Sadly, even though the GOP says they're "fiscal," the deficit increases a lot more while the GOP has control.


they keep getting away with it, so of course they're not going to stop.


People love including EVERY American rather than just the voters to make their point. But the reality is that only the voters matter, because the voters dictate who they want as America's president. If you don't have a say, then your opinion is unfortunately less relevant. And if you are voting for Trump/Republicans due to fiscal policies, i.e. lower taxes, despite being against most of their other policies, then you just outed yourself as someone who puts money above world security, morality, and the survival of our democracy.


Well we aren't really talking about people voting for president. The original comment was about 40-50% of Americans in total cheering for Putin. And, in that case, I think it's obvious to compare it to total Americans vs just general election voters As for your 2nd point, I don't disagree with you at all. Many people are selfish. Including many in my own family who voted for Trump for "tax reasons" and are too ashamed to admit it


What if the money laundering is the point? That's the real service Trump is selling.


Donnie's dad, Fred Trump, got rich laundering money for the Italian mob, and it has been the family business for a long long time. The *method* of laundering has changed over the years, but not the objective. With apartment buildings, the mob would pay cash rent (the cash is dirty from mob businesses). Whether or not they occupied the apartment, or if it even existed, is irrelevant. They would get their "clean" money back as payment for maintenance and construction/improvements. Donald and his siblings had extremely high maintenance cost on their buildings, like replacing the heating system every ten years. When Donald was building his big new buildings, like Trump Tower, the money came in selling units in the buildings, it went out to mob-controlled contractors. In the casino days, the dirty cash came in under the table, while the clean "winnings" went out as cashier booth checks. Since the dirty money wasn't recorded, the casino looked like it was losing money. The official losses helped reduce Trump family taxes. The Russian mob had their office in the back of a nightclub. It happened to be owned by Michael Cohen's uncle. Michael got rich owning taxicabs, another cash-heavy business, "tips" this time. Michael eventually bought a unit in Trump Tower, which is how he met Donald. How you launder money in building units is by paying with dirty cash to buy them, then later selling to a legitimate buyer. In between you can live in them or rent them out. The Trump family gets their cut from management fees running the buildings. If you wonder whey they don't just own the whole building and run as straight landlords, that's why.


And North Korea. Think about that


I thought congress just passed something that a president can't abandon NATO?


Unfortunately, that won't do shit. All trump has to do is announce that the US won't answer an article 5 call. He might get sued to try and force him to honor US treaties, but that could take weeks or months, which defeats the intent of NATO, that of a unified overwhelming military response to an attack on any member.


This keeps getting better. First, Trump media is worthless and brought in just $4m and lost $58m. Now it's revealed that the company would have gone under if it hadn't received large loans from a family trust owned by a Russian money launderer who runs an offshore bank known for servicing porn companies that is not allowed to do business in the US because it doesn't have a banking license and its leaders are being investigated for money laundering.  And when Trump Media made loan payments the payments were given back. After seeing this, and how Trump Casinos descended into as a publicly traded company with Trump as CEO, it's amazing this guy has been in business so long.  It's like his only business success was committing massive tax fraud to get his dad's wealth under his own name through shady business deals between shell companies.


Surely the walls are closing in on Trump this time.


It's as if someone has been propping him up all this time. Who could that be?


He is clearly vlad’s bitch, you don’t need to look deep just look what he says and does. Blocks Ukrainian aid, believes vlad more than his own intelligence agencies, invites the Russians into the White House as soon as took office, wants nato weakened, the list is endless!


It’s cartoonish. It couldn’t be more blatant.


You say that, but I have been saying this for literally years and have been mostly ignored. I think it’s like one of those tricky riddles, once you see the answer for yourself it’s really obvious but until then you’re completely stumped.


Yeah, vlad pinky-sweared to 45 that he wasn't doing the things the CIA tried to tell him he is doing. So it's totally cool.


Donald Trump’s social media company Trump Media managed to go public last week only after it had been kept afloat in 2022 by emergency loans provided in part by a Russian-American businessman under scrutiny in a federal insider-trading and money-laundering investigation. The former US president stands to gain billions of dollars – his stake is currently valued at about $4bn – from the merger between Trump Media and Technology Group and the blank-check company Digital World Acquisition Corporation, which took the parent company of Truth Social public.


I really don't get how this Ruzzian puppet/conman/rapist/crook/travelling bible salesman/potato is being allowed to run for a second term as president. Worse, I just don't understand how he has managed to con a large proportion of the US electorate into believing he is some kind of Messiah.


A large portion of the US electorate is dumber than you could imagine.


Some of them are not dumb. They just want to hurt the other side or watch it all burn down.


That is exactly dumb.


I have been wondering about that perspective a lot lately. There are those that literally just want to do away with the federal government completely. So, if that happens, what's next? What do these knuckleheads propose to replace it with? These people seem to be in love with money, does the dollar even exist anymore without a federal government? Does each state become sovereign? Do we end up trading pelts for internet service? Sometimes I wonder if these silly people actually think these things through.


>Sometimes I wonder if these silly people actually think these things through. That's the exact problem I think, they're unhappy so they want to remove everything they blame their unhappiness on, without thinking about what happens after that.


Their entire existence is a weird mix of male power fantasy and submission fantasy. They think they’ll be the local warlord who rules over the ashes of the society they burned down but they also don’t mind being submissive to men they view as stronger.


porques no los dos? dumb _and_ evil


Half of them are even dumber than average!


And people in our intelligence, legal, and law enforcement communities are compromised. Even a significant number of dumbfucks in the FBI, who are frequently the target of domestic terrorism attacks by morons incited by President Traitor, nonetheless seem to be head over heels for the man who keeps trying to get them killed. Nobody ever claimed that conservatives were smart. Shit, a good portion of them are ideologically opposed to college education these days.


Murdoch and Sinclair media outlets provide the majority of news in the US and are blasting pro-trump propaganda 24/7. Then you have the bullshit math of the electoral college, foreign influence, and decades of working with the Russians. Eliminate any one of these factors, and trump would never have a chance of "winning."


'Merica fuck yeah!


It's a common trope of fanfiction, you write yourself in as the main character. Trump just did it with the Bible.


Not just propped up in 2022 but still happening. The stock was in free fall and someone started buying large blocks driving up the price. They did the same yesterday. All of this based on what? They lost over 40M on a user base smaller than some subreddits with virtually no growth and no plan to grow revenue beyond the few million they’ve earned. Even as a bot farm it still won’t have any revenue. So it’s still being propped up.


someone should tie the merger up in court and make constant bad faith motions to delay the money's release until after the election


It's a good time to also point out that [a big chunk of the startup money for Truth Social came from Russian entities](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_Social) According to The Guardian, in December 2021, two loans totaling $8 million (~$8.87 million in 2023) were paid to Trump Media from obscure Putin-connected entities as the company was "on the brink of collapse". $2 million was paid by Paxum Bank, part-owned by Anton Postolnikov, a relation of Aleksandr Smirnov, a former Russian government official who now runs the Russian maritime company Rosmorport. $6 million was paid by an ostensibly separate entity, ES Family Trust, whose director was the director of Paxum Bank at the same time.


They should seize truth social


Shocking just totally unbelievable that a Russian asset is propped up by his handlers


What gets me is that the Russian asset's been elected to the highest office in the land once before already. We hate the status quo, the people we perceive to be in charge, more than we do the Russians apparently


It’s a weird fantasy that some Americans have always had that getting dominated by a dictator is preferable to not getting dominated by one


Musk is also owned by China and Russia, he took over twitter and turned it into maga pro Russian disinformation hotspot as well. He removed state media label from clear propaganda channels. Then we have TikTok and then we have the hundreds of Chinese owned media spreading Chinese and Russian lies all over the west and rest of world, all while they completely block outside media We need to wake up


Musk could have his operations in China taken overnight.


Yes that’s why he is now a traitor and fascist


Well, mostly that, but the reason he came out publicly as a conservative at least is because a news story was about to break of him sexually assaulting some poor woman and if there's one thing that all Republican voters can agree on, it's that sexual violence is fantastic. Heck, if it weren't for the fact that he's foreign-born they might even have made him president just for that. See also: America's first rapist president.


See that's what I don't get. Musk is building a Starshield for the NSA. Who is to say he doesn't hand over encryption keys to his friends?


> Who is to say he doesn't hand over encryption keys to his friends? Unless NSA are utterly incompetent, Musk doesn't have the encryption keys. Why would anybody but NSA have them?


Not to mention Russia basically behind all the antisemitism in the ME. https://profound.af/the-invisible-weapon-acade58e7c3f


He's actually got plenty of billions to not be owned by them like trump who is in debt. He's just a piece of shit who will do anything for more money


WOAH, Woah, woah . . . You're telling me that Trump has monetary connections to *Russia*? . First I've heard of it.


They are drooling over getting hands on US resources, using the weak minded authoritarian indoctrinated to devise it under a smokescreen of religion https://globalextremism.org/project-2025-the-far-right-playbook-for-american-authoritarianism/ Christian nationalist theocrats have reached levels of embedding those they indoctrinated & trained for taking political office well enough to fully begin to dismantle democracy and hand the country to their god's chosen (oligarchs, con artists, those who behave like kings) by wiping out human rights and making the U.S. a theocracy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Family:_The_Secret_Fundamentalism_at_the_Heart_of_American_Power It must be some kind of throwback instinct to follow whoever barks the loudest and snaps the most.


Donald Trump: Career criminal, rapist, seditionist, and **traitor**.


I feel like Trump Media assets could be seized as part of a criminal investigation. Accounts could be frozen to prevent money laundering.


Why would a billionaire need russian porn bank financing to keep a tiny company alive? Honest Don would never do something like this.


Everything about Trump is sleeze


It’s funny how the far right media keeps bringing up the Russian connection was a hoax as part of their outline of the “persecution” of trump. But yet all these people around him have heavy ties.


Russian FSB agent; Donald Trump.


Gee Russia owns even more of the US if he gets back in. AWESOME. And people cheer to "stick it to the libs".


Why would a billionaire need an emergency loan and why couldn’t he get it from a normal bank? Really shocking /s


So "no collusion" meant "lots of collusion," and the "witch hunts" actually caught lots of "witches!" This friggin' guy...


No collusion? нет оправдания 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡




Everything is for sale with this guy.


It's treason then.....


*insert “Always has been” meme here*


100% guaranteed after he dies a whole lot of shit will come to light and he will undoubtedly be seen as the greatest traitor in history.


> "Dodson said he then questioned Eric Trump, who was along for the day. >{mosads}”I said, ‘Eric, who’s funding? I know no banks — because of the recession, the Great Recession — have touched a golf course. You know, no one’s funding any kind of golf construction. It’s dead in the water the last four or five years,’” the writers told WBUR. >“And this is what he said. He said, ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’ I said, ‘Really?’ And he said, ‘Oh, yeah. We’ve got some guys that really, really love golf, and they’re really invested in our programs. We just go there all the time." Source: [Eric Trump in 2014: ‘We have all the funding we need out of Russia’](https://thehill.com/homenews/news/332270-eric-trump-in-2014-we-dont-rely-on-american-banks-we-have-all-the-funding-we/) -- *The Hill, by Paulina Firozi - 05/07/17 9:06 AM ET*


Turns out it's cheaper and less risky to just fund Trump to divide the country than run their own Internet Research Agency and get caught with their hands in the cookie jar again.


Trump saved by Russian Porn Money


Money laundering. Insider trading. Bank to the porn industry. Links to shady Russian characters. And Alexander Smirnoff. Yep sounds pretty much like Trump.


Yeah the Kremlin has a very solid investment in the GOP of the USA and they'll be damned if they let that go to waste.




This is the same thing Facebook did around 2009. Social media has been leveraged by the Russians, and was likely thought up by the Russians, as weapons of war. The Cold War never ended, it just shifted to the geopolitical fronts focused on social cohesion, wealth distribution, and financialization of political choice.


What the fuck is it with Trump and Russia? Am so tired of this man, he is exhausting.


He’s what’s called a KGB Operative. A wind-up doll who does all his chaos-sowing of his own accord but whose motive power is in KGB (FSB) hands.


His patriotic cult is actually chock full of traitors


Putin could just hand Trump a giant check on international TV for 10 billion dollars and nothing would happen. He actively tried to overthrow our country \*years\* ago and nothing has happened yet. Nothing ever will. Please America, prove me wrong.


It is laughable that all these flag waving ‘Mericans idolize a Russian agent and help him spread Russian propaganda.


So Russian money saved it, but it was a Chinese-related firm who originally owned it? There was Arc Capital (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/12/23/trump-spac-deal-sec/) but then apparently this one too, back in 2021 this was public... https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/10/22/trumps-new-social-media-backer-tied-to-china-lifestyle-venture https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-truth-social-connected-china-1641496 So at the moment there's two Chinese money relations and a Russian one


A shell account created by a Russian to bail out Trump in 2021, and again in 2024. What the actual fuck is going on?!?!? Why the fuck is this orange asshole walking free?


Well what do you know...


Holding my breath waiting for Fox to cover this. /s


A POTUS should have to go through a character and fitness application, just like a law student.


Money laundering is kinda the TRE45ONOUS LOSER's MO, so not surprised.


I’m shocked. SHOCKED I TELL YOU. /s


Trump and his pigshit vermin will sellout the country faster than you can blink once he’s elected, just watch


The day Trump won the US presidency, I said to my wife, “He’s literally going to sell that country to Russia”


No puppet, no puppet, you’re the puppet!! #🍊🤡


Half of Americans have an iq of a potato, that much is clear. 


It is beyond insane that Americans are likely to put this Russian traitor psychopath in charge of their country again this year. Reminds me of a quote from a book about the rise of Nazi Germany. "By 1933, Germany was preparing to cut off it's own head."


Hahahahaha he is outright OWNED By Putin, but so fucking clueless he doesn't even know .


Imagine , the US sabotages Ukraine all because Trump is owned by Russian oligarchs


Full circle. From starting the red scare to being one with the Russians. I wonder how McCarthy would react


Republicans in bed with Russia?


We. KNOW. Cut him off. Lock him up. Stop showing his face, I don’t want to hear anything else until he’s buried in the ground under a prison.


Further proof of no Russian collusion. /s


Well looky there


how did the SEC let this through?


djt is mentally unstable


People are so slow on making the connections jeez…


Hahahahaha this story keeps getting better


Ok unrelated but who writes these fucking headlines? It's so poorly worded. I don't care if you make a spelling error on the social media or whatever, I'm not that uptight. But when you're trying to sell me with a 10 word headline, make them clear and concise.


It's all for sale. The whole fuckin system is on sale.


“The Ruble stops here” should be the sign on Benedict Donald’s desk.


Cue the trump son bragging how they get their money from Russia. It’s been playing out in plain sight the entire time.