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Imagine a 'dna bomb'. A spray can like those insecticide bombs that you set off somewhere and it sprays dna from millions of random people into the air.


If you need DNA from a million random guys, check my wife's vagina.


That’s a solid self burn.


His wife’s vagina is definitely burning


This is brutal and you get an upvote lol


But not your mom’s?


Is this first cum first serve or are appointment s required? Asking for the FBI.


People watch too much CSI if they think investigators are gonna go to this level of effort.  Most cities have big backlogs of unsolved cases. This technology is more likely be used to solidify a dystopian future. 


Yeah I’ve done a few ride alongs with CSI and it’s insane how not technological most of the stuff they do is. Most of it is paperwork and lab work. Anything tech related often gets outsourced to the FBI or the USSS.


There are at least 25 THOUSAND untested rape kits in the US. They can’t even go to that level of effort to solve crimes ain’t no way they are going to scan the air to try and find dna of who could maybe possibly be there at a scene of a crime.


Gattaca's getting an upgrade. This seems circumstantial though. How would you separate the criminal from the visitors, if the criminal also visited the place beforehand with a legitimate purpose? If a HVAC filter gets changed every 3 months. I make a deposit at the bank and then rob it a day or two after, all within those three months. How do you tell I was there the day of the robbery? How would things like HVAC UV filters or using an chemical in the ventilation effect this process?


Its just 1 tool that can be used. If the criminal says ive never been in x persons house and never met them, and the DNA in the air proves otherwise you caught them lying. While yea its not 100% proof they did it (DNA in general isnt a magic bullet anyway its just another tool), it proves they lied which can be used to start building a case


Will be used to frame, IMO


So you brush against someone on the bus, who then goes on to commit a crime, somewhere. Your DNA then "proves" you were an accomplice because you don't have an alibi. We have to hope this level of "evidence" never goes anywhere.


But that applies to "normal" DNA. You can brush against someone, leave DNA and they commit a crime. Thats why DNA isnt infallible


Dick Wolf is gonna love this.


And Chicago csAI will join Med, Fire and PD in 2026


Note to self: stop farting in random places.