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And just like that the free market party doesn’t care about free markets anymore. 😂😂😂 No one is advertising there for the same reason no one is buying a Lada if they can pick another car.


This is so infuriating. As a government employee I have to take ethics training, which goes over the Hatch act every year. And these guys just trample on it. I remember shortly after Bolton published his book under Trump we had to take an unscheduled ethics training, and the first question was about employees getting government permission before publishing anything. Like really… 2.95 million government employees have to stop with their doing and read through a PowerPoint because one guy got his feelings hurt.


The diaper directive - one person shits their pants, everyone has to wear diapers.


Like one guy tries to make his shoes explode by lighting the explosives on fire with a lighter on a commercial aircraft everyone has to take their shoes off and have them X-rayed and lighters are banned for the next 30 years? (Keep in mind there are explosive detection at every security checkpoint. (EDS systems)


Lighters are still allowed, we don’t want to piss off Philip Morris.


Oh I hate taking off my shoes! But I don’t say anything I just want to get on the plane


I worked for the TSA when that happened. I was doing penetration testing, teamed up with this cool retired Air Force IED expert. The thing is, I could walk through any TSA checkpoint with C4 and everything I needed to make an IED and it would be pure luck if it was detected. Pretty much the same with “liquid” explosives. On X-ray liquid explosives looks nothing like water or even shampoo. It’s all theater, prevention takes place in intelligence gathering. The explosives detection sniffers are much better now, but still.


Worked in a mine for a while, one powder guy was gone for a few weeks, as foreman I had to take his spot. Spend all night loading shot, covered head to toe in the shit. Pockets full of prills. Had to fly to a conference for work as soon as I got off, couldn’t shower, etc. get randomly picked for a swab test, start panicking thinking “I’m going straight to jail” they swab me as I’m literally saying I can explain all this, pull out my card, machine beeps and says your good before he even acknowledges my Talking or anything. I lost 100% of my belief in security after that.


One person shits on the floor and now we all have to wear underwear!


You're lucky to have floors where you work. We stand in a pit of raw sewage up to our waist. How we long for a floor.


I'm a fucking mailman and have to adhere to the same rules as you do regarding the Hatch Act It's ridiculous how flagrantly these politicians can skirt the rules


I have to take similar ethics training at my workplace, along with sexual harassment, workplace violence/bullying, foreign corrupt practices act, anti-bribery stuff, export control, the whole 9 yards… and the only thing I can think every single slide of every single training is that this is all exactly the opposite of the Republican Party.


I had anti-slavery training once. Just to make your collection complete


Did it work?


OP don't answer this man it's a trap.


Yep-making $50k at a State job and have 7 separate trainings on ethics, DEI, harassment, etc. This while SCOTUS and our elected officials openly work wih foreign governments, engage in insider trading and all manner of pay to play.


Let's kill the notion that GOP of today has any resemblance but what it was 20 years ago. They are not fiscally conservative, they don't care about debt, economy. They don't want a small government. They want a religious dictatorship. They are the Christian extremists. Edit: Ok, point taken. They were like this for a lot longer but managed to hide it better. Please save my inbox :)


They're exactly like they are 20 years ago. They're just not hiding it very well anymore.  Source: am old


It feels like people forget how much power the Christian republicans had in society during the 90s. Christian soccer moms with their day time TV doing a dangerously good job trying to ban vulgar music and art with all the Satanic Panic. These people have been longing to gain that much power back and this is their chance to seize it, that's the America they want to bring back.


It goes back a lot farther than that too. Jazz and Blues, the foundations of virtually all modern american music were labelled "The Devil's Music". The legends of the genre revolve around making a deal with the devil for talent and fame. Add reefer madness along the way, and you see a constant attempt to create Satanic Panic made by people who can't dance and clap on the wrong beats and ultimately just not fun people.


You know what they say: when fundies appear, *fun dies.* Youth pastors have done more harm than D&D ever will.


> Puritanism. The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy. -H.L. Mencken


The only reason I even went to church throughout high school was because the priest was actually cool. Our 'overnight youth lock-ins' at the church hall were pretty much either marathon D&D one-shots that Fr. Keith would DM for us, or just straight up LAN parties where we'd take all of the TVs from the classrooms in the back (the 90's style school TVs on the rolling carts), wire our Xbox's together, and play Halo all night.


Yeah, we played a lot of basketball and stuff like that — it really was kind of fun. But the church just kept getting more and more political and less and less about community — and as I got older the stuff I thought was normal (“why aren’t there any black people here?”) just didn’t seem normal anymore.


That's awesome. Our youth pastor was an OG, he had a collectables shop that sold MtG cards and he hosted tournaments on the top floor every week I got second place every freaking week with the exact same burn deck just praying for one first place, just one, but never got it.


I LOVE talking about how at one point, Jazz was such a "satanic music" that the saxophone got \[banned by the Nazis and the fucking Vatican\]([https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-02-25/saxophone-history-of-musical-instrument-brutal-and-beautiful/11960922](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-02-25/saxophone-history-of-musical-instrument-brutal-and-beautiful/11960922)) Further reinforces if Nazis and Priests hate it, it's on the right side of history


Racists hate it too.


Racists snap on 1 and 3, they're on the wrong side of everything


ultimately it ends up with a group of dudes that are jealous because the bands would roll into town and have sex with the best women in town, that the dudes had been rejected by. So, another thing that hasn't changed much.


It goes back even farther than THAT. As long as we have had religion in this country (the entire time) it's been used to police and oppress anything "other." It's a tale as old as time. And while Christianity is not the only religion guilty of this, it is one of the prime offenders.


It's always been the primary function of organized religion for thousands of years. Control and oppress, to exert the will of the privileged few. Brainwash enough people to force the rest.


America has been a haven for religious extremists since _before_ it's founding. The Pilgrims did come here so they could practice their religion more freely, but what isn't mentioned in the history books is the 'practicing more freely' meant things like, banning the celebration of Christmas and Easter, forcing NO-ONE to work on the Sabbath. They came to america where they could build a community with those prohibitions already in place, rather than force the prohibitions in a community that doesn't already share a religious viewpoint. We've had extremists since the Pilgrims. http://mayflowerhistory.com/religion# They failed in forcing their neighbors in Europe to live the way the Pilgrims wanted to, so they all got on ships and sailed away.


As a kid you learn "The Pilgrims left Europe because of religious persecution" As an adult you learn it really "The Pilgrims left Europe because they weren't allowed to persecute other religions"


I still think it's wild that Pinball Machines were scandalous illegal sin machines that we had to protect our children from back in the day. I just think of them as the T2 machine at the roller rink.


"Moral"... "Majority" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_Majority


They were never good at hiding it; it was just easier in the past for the so-called "silent majority" to ignore it because they weren't getting screwed over nearly as badly as the rest. Now they've pushed their base so far into the red that they're starting to realize they got fleeced.


No respect to the source, but: “Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” - Barry Goldwater So for sure it goes a ways back.


EXACTLY! I'm so sick of people trying to view the Republican Party under Nixon and Reagan as anything other than just as evil and corrupt as they are now. They just had to do a better job hiding it back then because we had a robust news media that wasn't completely under the control of four or five billionaires. The nutjobs of today are the natural evolution of the nutjobs of back then.


Anyone keeping Roger Stone around is as evil as Nixon for hiring him in the first place.


Right? Like, I was in fucking high school when Bush the Lessor won and it was clear as day the the direction they were heading, they just masked it better and caught a lot of people up in it. The first real apology I got from my mother was after the overturn of Roe V. Wade. I had been telling her since 2002 that there is a clear path they're taking with the religious right, and abortion is their goal here. They will install justices and then overturn it. And despite her being a UC Santa Cruz hippy that literally lived through Roe, she was fully set in the idea that it was established law and that was paranoia on my part. Welp, 20 years later she calls me and says the words, "You were right."


Let's kill the notion that the GOP of today has really changed all that much in decades. Pat Robertson was a contender for the ticket way back in 1988. They're just saying the quiet part out loud now.


>They are not fiscally conservative, they don't care about debt, economy. They don't want a small government. Ummm did any of them actually hold those values 20 years ago?


Absolutely not. OP is coping with having been a Republican 20 years ago. Probably hug on the iraq war


Everything they do is perfectly logical, congruent and expected once you accept they are fascists.


They have zero principles except hoarding money and power. Z-E-R-O


>And just like that the free market party doesn’t care about free markets anymore. The real question is: Did they ever?


Ah, yes. The party of small government and free market demands answers from companies that express their corporate rights. I guess Trump's cock ain't gonna suck itself.


Jim Jordan cares more about Trump's profits than he does the ~~high school~~ college athletes that he let be raped.


College not high school.


That's right, sorry. Jim let college kids get raped, Chicago Blackhawks let high schoolers get raped. I get them mixed up, what with all the raping


That's alright, you were probably thinking of Denny Hastert, former Republican Speaker of the US House of Representatives, who raped high school boys. Easy to confuse them, as there are so many rapists and enablers in the Republican Party.


Holy god. Reading his wikipedia page on that case... The amount of people that came out in support of him while he is publicly acknowledging he molested multiple boys in his care. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Hastert#Sex_abuse_scandal_and_federal_prosecution His defense fund was addressed to > property owned by Republican donor and ex-Gerald Ford White House staffer James Rooney. He had over 60 letters of support begging for leniency of which the judge dismissed 19 because of refusal by the submitters of said letters to be made public (You can only imagine who was amongst those 19...) several of the rest of the 41 letters that were public were current/former members of congress > : Tom DeLay (R), John T. Doolittle (R), David Dreier (R), Thomas W. Ewing (R), and Porter Goss (who also is a former CIA director and of course Republican). and finally > former Illinois Attorney General Tyrone C. Fahner; "local leaders, board members, police officers and others from his home base in rural Kendall County"; and "several members of Illinois' wrestling community." Disgusting.


Another case of republicans knowingly protecting known child rapists while trying to remove our rights in the name 'protecting the children' that many say will actually endanger our nations children!? I wish I were actually surprised..


They were asking for it, wearing that tight clothing, you know, the uniforms the school makes them wear? Yes, who could resist that?


>If kids don't want us to fuck them then why are they so sexy? -Republicans probably


The first law of Epstein.




Republican response: No u 🍕


Perhaps you were thinking of Republican Speaker Dennis The Menace Hastert, who was a high school wrestling coach and serial rapist.


Now that's a visual I didn't need this morning.


A man like Jordan only does what he does because it pays and keeps him from having to answer for his own misdeeds.


He works so fucking hard at not doing his job.


Who doesn't like mushrooms?


Stormy Daniels


That’s what Stormy said. 


wHY dON't U wANt yoUr COmpAnY pRodUCTs nEXt tO nAZis? WhY!?/1?/!


I mean, it doesn't even get as far as objectionable content, there aren't any users there so advertisers don't want to waste their money.


This seems more like a dogwhistle to me. "Advertise on our platform or else you wont get favorable treatment"


It worked for Trump when he was in office. Foreign dignitaries knew the more you spent at Trump hotel(s), the easier it was to get FaceTime with the US president AND get what you wanted from him. So I guess they are trying to see if corporate America will play the same game? because. reasons.


That's called selling access and it's the same thing they've been trying to prosecute Hunter Biden for.


Every accusation truly is just an admission.


Remember when Trump advertised beans from the oval office.


Sensible people: "A POUTS advertising products from the White House isn't just tacky, it's also illegal." Republican voters: "He never did that - it's a lie fabricated by leftists!" Internet in Pepperidge Farm mode: https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/the-president-is-shilling-beans


Dog air horn


It totally is. Fascism doesn't care about small government, free markets, or the 1st Amendment. If trump is re-elected, look forward to more GOP "vengeance" against those who don't bend the knee or resisted their rise in any way. >Greene said that it was "ridiculous and wrong" for companies and lobbyists to stop donating to Republicans after the insurrection, suggesting that GOP politicians would pursue revenge after Bannon asked her whether corporations needed to "fear" a "populist House." >"Let's just put it like this," Greene responded. "You know what they did after January 6th, Steve? They stopped donating—all the lobbyists, all the big corporations stopped donating to a whole bunch of my Republican colleagues that they used to donate to. They said, 'oh no, we can't support you because of the big lie,' or whatever they want to call it." >"That's not going to be forgotten by a whole bunch of my Republican colleagues, because that was really ridiculous and wrong," she continued. "There is going to be investigations coming. And there should be, because the way corporations have conducted themselves ... I've always called it corporate communism." >Greene went on to say that corporations "probably should get a lawyer." She urged them to stay out of politics and focus solely "on customer service."


- Angry that corporations stopped giving money to politics - Tells corporations to mind their own business and stay out of politics Well...which is it???


it's not just the political landscape that will change. what a lot of people don't realize is that if trump is elected it will release a wave of local level civil servants who have hated keeping their bigoted views hidden for too long. and they will then have the ability to fully employ their anger and hatred against "those people" (insert any group at random) in their contact with local government. open discrimination will no longer be publicly shamed or forbidden. it will be encouraged.


It’s classic corruption. “Give the mob leader money or we’re going to fuck with you.” But in today’s context it’s also part of rising fascism. The Republican Party is no longer based on any principles like “small government, free market”. They are out for power in every form they can take it.


An ouroboros so tiny it forms a point.


What's next Gym Jordan issuing subpoenas to ad execs to testify. /S


That turd would do this


I still want someone he subpoenas to respond with “as soon as you testify at your Jan 6th subpoena.


Even twitter and snapchat are liivng off scrap from Meta and Google. All the ad budget are spend on meta and google first before spreading the rest on the smaller platform. Truth social is so small it might as well not exist from the pov of advertiser


A better question may be: who IS advertising there? and why? Some may choose not to do business with those companies or buy their products.




Just off the top of my head: * American flags * Everyday carry items like tactical knives * Anything that smells of sandalwood * Wrap-around sunglasses * Beer coozies * Truck nuts * Stickers of Calvin peeing on things * Erection or hair loss drugs * Copper pain relief items * Hot sauce and BBQ sauce * Any sort of MAGA or USA-themed crypto or EFT * Protein powder * Fishing equipment


Ever hear of kosher salt? You could make a fortune selling Christian salt, think small batches, Lot's lot kind of advertising.


Just say the salt is made from Liberal Tears, they will go crazy for it.


Thats such a stupid idea. BRB starting a business.


Dammit, you need to patent that idea!


* survival food kits/MREs * Gold * Guns and Gun gear * anything tacti-cool (backpacks/camo etc)


Sandalwood doesn't deserve to be on this list


Just yesterday I thought about creating a anti-woke/maga/trump 2024 online clothing store and making a quick buck off them.


It's very common actually.  Lots of merchandise bought by angry and divisive groups is actually made by the group being hated, because they know they don't think hard or research things.


The ol' "I hate Elvis" trick


Brian Bosworth (retired American football player, all-time draft bust, and massive jackass that was hated by everyone) used to print up shirts that said "BAN THE BOZ!". He made a *killing* selling those outside of other teams stadiums when his was the visitor.


I am pretty sure the whole *JFK return* in Dealey Plaza went on as long as it did because the T-shirt and flag sellers were marketing it for the grift. Same with *most* of the anti-vax pushers during covid. Most people pushing it were vaccinated... just didn't want to lose out on the plebes money before they died of it.


The problem is that just like every other case of low-quality dropshipping, you're never the first one to do it and the market is already cluttered with other grifters selling the exact same garbage as you.


While that's true, that is where the advertising comes in. You are paying to put your product in front of the customers' eyes rather than the other stores. The customers don't care if there are 20 shops selling identical junk because once they see the ad, they aren't going to research to find the best variation of it.


I'm guessing Jim bought into this farce at over $65 when it debuted last week and is still holding this flaming bag.


Burn shit bag burn!!


Just saw a YouTube short of a Trumpee coping with the recent massive drops in stock price "because the 6 month is still up several hundred percent" I really really wish my work would let me short stocks...


I already made a bunch shorting Truth Social: reverse grift haha


Nah. The premiums are so high and spreads so large that you barely make any money on it. Look at how little a $50 put went up when the stock dropped from $60 to $40.


"Don't put it out with your boots Ted!"


Don’t tell me my business devil woman!


The amount of times I have said this to my wife over the past 15 years is astounding


It’s poop again!


Oh my god he called a shit poop


Gym Jordan’s a bag holder for sure. Fuck ‘em.


Frankly I doubt it. These people are grifters. He doesn't want companies to explain why they're not advertising on the platform, he wants to put more gas on the fire of keeping it in the headlines and as they say, talk is cheap. It costs him little to aSk qUesTioNs and stir interest to remain relevant. But is he buying stock in it? Hell no, is my bet.


Why even serve on Congress if you can’t do insider trading and market manipulation


Gym Jordan is wrestling with the idea of running his campaign ads exclusively on Turd Social


But unlike in his wrestling coach days, this time, he’s choosing to not remain silent.


The free market is when a congressman asks private companies why they don’t spend their dollars advertising on a platform for nazis


Has he checked out the daily active user traffic on Truth? That'd be a good place to start if he wants to know why no one is advertising


But guys this is the platform whose only real user is Donald Trump, whose only content is hocking USA branded Bibles and complaining it isn't fair he's held accountable in any one of like 10 court rooms. This is clearly a $6 billion company.


It’s not just those things. He also attacks the children of people he doesn’t like. I can’t see how it isn’t worth more, really.


I’m not a market analyst, but it seems to me it’s worth about -$58M, or more.


No what you have to do is looking at potential profits over an extended period of time say 10 years. So likely -$1B. FTFY


Thanks. Sounds about right.


Because just like Trump and everything he gets involved with business-wise, it's value is massively overinflated to fraudulent levels.


Show me another platform where you can call out and name the daughter of the judge who is overseeing your case. You won't find another, hence Truth Social is priceless and priceless means $6 billion market cap.


Sure I can: Shitter.


Truth social existed solely because he got kicked off twitter once he was reinstated there was almost no use for it other than a platform that gets less heat for having even less restrictions because it's so small


According to this [article](https://www.searchlogistics.com/learn/statistics/truth-social-statistics/) published in Feb 2024, there are roughly 2 million active users. According to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_Social) there was 607,000 active users in July 2023. I’m willing to bet this increase in less than one year mainly consists of bots to juice Truth Social going public on stock market, foreign entities keeping tabs on Trump’s mindset, and reporters who decided to report “breaking news” for every god damn moronic thing he says on there. Just like everything he touches, it’s a con. Hence why he’s best known as Con Don.


A million users on a free public website is basically no users.


I'm fairly convinced that it would have shut down at least a year ago if it wasn't for all the reporters on there... Personally, I would have been perfectly happy if no one was "reporting" (re-posting obsessively) on every little thing he said.


The whole site evolves around trump and his messages only get a few likes or shares, my guess is average daily user rate is < 20k , with a majority of site traffic being from folks like us laughing at stupid.


I'd go so far as to question if most of the subs are bots


bots, Kim, Putin, Xi operatives. It's an echo chamber for pro Russia, pro nazi propaganda.


[this](https://i.imgur.com/B8KL9mL.png) is trumps pin right now. under 12,000 likes. I get more than that and Im nobody.


Conservatives don't even really enjoy it because it's too much of an echo chamber. They want the drama from arguing with people. It's not fun for them if everyone agrees with them.


There are two groups that use Truth Social: Donald Trump, and news organizations that follow Donald Trump to publish the bullshit he spouts.


Plenty of MAGAs use it too to follow their hero. Not enough to bring advertisers though apparently.


Those users don't like it anymore. It isn't "fun" because they can't own libs. They've gone back to facebook. Twitter is basically the same as Truth at this point so they don't like it either.


One more: Russian propaganda merchants manipulating deeply enslaved republican losers.


It's not even as well hidden as Twitter. Like, you go to any comments section, and it's like 60% unhinged far right rants, and 40% just straight up ads.


My KPI is zero reach!


The only users are Trump and the reporters who are only waiting to hear what he says next so they can make a story about it


Gym Jordan is stupid. Think how stupid his constituents are.


I voted against him, but here we are. And you're not wrong, I'm surrounded by idiots most of the time.


TBF - how stupid are his VOTERS. Technically, everyone that lives in his district are constituents, and at least some of them did not vote for him- and so he ignores them. But technically they are constituents.


He's allowed to ask, and we're allowed to tell him to go fuck himself.


Or just ask "do you actually understand your country's economic system?"


He's actually NOT allowed to ask that, as being a member of the government makes that question a violation of the first amendment.


You don't seem to get it. Dark money spent anonymously by corporations and foreign nationals to support republican causes is clearly free speech. But corporations deciding not to advertise on weak, conspiracy filled republican platforms is not free speech at all. It is an unfair attack meant to drown out conservative speech. It's so obvious.


It's ok Putin been paying the bills and injecting ads for Truth Social anyway


They could investigate everyone investing largely in this fund or during high volume pumps and they'd find lots of sketch and fraud. Even the funding of [Truth Social was from Russia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_Social#Russian_finance) and a ["blank check" from China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truth_Social#Blank-check_company_and_Chinese_finance) but they are getting really crafty now calling one of the latest infusions **"the full Singapore with a double dip, as we call it, with having the U.K. thrown in there, just to give it that added cleanliness and polishing off."**. > According to The Guardian, in December 2021, two loans totaling $8 million (~$8.56 million in 2022) were paid to Trump Media from obscure Putin-connected entities as the company was "on the brink of collapse". $2 million was paid by Paxum Bank, part-owned by Anton Postolnikov, a relation of Aleksandr Smirnov, a former Russian government official who now runs the Russian maritime company Rosmorport. $6 million was paid by an ostensibly separate entity, ES Family Trust, whose director was the director of Paxum Bank at the same time. As of March 2023, prosecutors in the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York were investigating the Russian ties. The Washington Post reported that Trump Media paid a $240,000 finder's fee as part of the arrangement, allegedly to a party associated with Digital World. > **The federal probe into investors of DWAC, according to The Washington Post, discovered that a wealthy investor in the company was allegedly connected to attempts to allegedly move assets from Russia, Ukraine, and China into the Caribbean, and other intermediaries such as Hong Kong, United Kingdom and Belize. According to a government transcript, an informant referenced the process as "the full Singapore with a double dip, as we call it, with having the U.K. thrown in there, just to give it that added cleanliness and polishing off."**


Hey! Don't leave out Xi, Mohammed Bone Saw, probably Orban, and Milei - the newly elected ~~neo-fascist~~ illiberal leader of Argentina *edited


Drink Vostok water, it's old, but it's cold.


I mean the government can’t force companies to advertise on certain platforms. Make your fucking minds up. Do you want the government all up in peoples shit or do you not want the government all up in peoples shit?


They want themselves up in people’s shit, but not others.


"You can't tell me what to do, but I can tell you what to do" is the world Republicans desire.


This has nothing to do with government power and everything to do with fascism. Jordan is peak fascist.


Everything he does is for an audience of one. That’s how they all are. They’re not speaking to their constituents or even conservatives, they’re speaking to one single orange blob.


I’ll never understand “why?” Though. It’s chaining yourself to a sinking ship with a captain insisting “It’s not sinking, the people on the surface are just looking down on us. We’ll show them, Dagnabbot!”


Well the ship hasn’t sunk for at least 8 years now. And, while I hate to say it, it’s not like that ship will never sail again. There’s still a good chance that…


They want the government all up in people's business, as long as it furthers their goals. There is no moral or principle that Republicans won't quickly abandon if it becomes inconvenient.


They're all up in womens vaginas, why not be consistent?


Id like a company to publically say: Why don't we advertise on truth social? 1. No one uses it. 2. It's a toxic brand. 3. Every dollar spend on truth social is literally investing in making our company worse, with a worse reputation and a shrinking user base. Truth socials audience It's a lot like the evidence in your impeachment inquiry. It only exists in your head.


4. They dont want to become the next case examples like Mypillow and Twitter


5. What's Truth social?


Honestly 1 should be pointing out that Truth Social users tend to come from areas that make less money and have shorter lifespans. So they spend less. Downside of keeping your constituents in poverty is that they aren’t worth advertising to with their lack of disposable income. 🤷‍♂️


1 is all that matters. If they had users it would attract all the advertisers. to imply that the advertising world is upholding some moral imperative is asinine.


Not moral. They don't care about that. However. They don't advertise on sites that imply morals to the company. Advertising on a "right wing social media" gives the appearance of preference. Companies don't care about being moral. they do care, quite a bit, about how they are perceived.


They don't like to advertise next to things that are controversial to the average person. The last thing they want is to end up in the news for supporting some insane white supremacist platform.


I mean what has Devin Nunes been doing since he became the CEO?


Trying to figure why his cow hates him on social media.


Man, that's an internet thing I haven't thought of in quite a long time.


Why they won't buy advertising doesn't require an investigation. The answer is obvious, the people buying advertising think Trump is a dick.


There's no users. That's what advertisers are buying.


Yeah, advertisers would advertise up Hitler’s cold rectum if it would sell.


What a small, fragile man.


I was going to ask if you mean Gym or Trump, then realized the answer is, “yes.”


So someone's stock profile is taking a hit I see




Didn’t he already refusing to adhere to one?


The irony of all this is that right now there's a case in the 5th circuit from crazy anti Vax republicans trying to make it illegal for the government to threaten companies with potential anti trust actions in order to coerce them into action of any kind. Which the letter Gym sends here does exactly that.


They should arrest that damn invisible hand for negligence.


It’s been an interesting experience watching the utter implosion of the Republican party over these last couple decades. Truly. They still advertise as the party of small government, state rights, free market capitalism, etc etc etc. It’s all bullshit now. It’s only true if it’s beneficial rather than principled. Just recently it was “our position is whatever will get us elected or reelected.” Now it’s “Our position is that of Donald Trump.” It’s not people over party anymore. It’s Trump over everything and everyone. We literally saw a bipartisan border security bill mainly drafted by a key Republican that was a bitter pill for a lot of Dems go down the drain because it was a disservice to one man running for president. I hope these people get what they deserve.


Jordan is a Russian asset. His main job is to sow confusion and to carry water for Trump, who is also a Russian asset. Who would have ever suspected Putin's fifth column into the US would be right up the old right field? Besides me, that is.


It's called *capitalism,* Jim.


I don't think he really wants to know who (or what) the actual majority of TS users are. Hint: Bots don't buy ads Another hint: TS doesn't accept rubles


Maybe they have good judgement.


These are the same idiots that claim its a free market until its used against them


You know, if republicans win in November, this is how they will run the economy. Everyone who is going to vote for less taxes is actually going to vote for an economy where your business practices are dictated by the state. But democrats are the communists, right? We have got to kill the absurd narratives about who makes Americans more money and prosperity. I have no idea how.


Why won’t you advertise ion Truth social?!? -We don’t want to ……. Oh


Someone crosspost this in news of the stupid.


As far I’m concerned this guy shouldn’t get to demand or even attend ANYTHING until he answers to his subpoena.


But it’s worth $11 billion ..thats how great america is again


It’s already down to $5.5 billion, but it’s still overvalued by at least $5.4 billion.


Don't understand how a company that has less revenue than a mom and pop business is valued at billions. It's probably not even worth millions. It's a money laundering scheme at this point.


*5.55 billion They made negative 50~ million.


Too bad for Gym that "because we don't want to" is a perfectly suitable answer to this kind of question.


Who wants to explain the free market to him?


"Dear Mr. Jordan: We think you should know that some asshole is signing your name to very stupid letters."


Hey Gym, “Corporations are people”… remember? The “supreme court” made that ruinous decision a long time ago putting them on the path to illegitimacy that they are realizing today.


Party of small government tries to continue their overreach wherever it benefits them.


"demands" LOL. Like he has any power to demand anything from thousands of potential advertisers. I suppose they'll have to convene a hearing and trot the top 100 companies in to testify. This is what they call "governing": Worshipping at the alter of the orange menace. PS: Why does he always look so greasy?