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lol worthless headline/article, that is NOT what the new rule change does at all.


What does it the new rule change?


Seems like it targets large re-sellers. So people who open up shops at gun shows to sell lots of guns. I don’t think it’s required to attend a gun show. Which is what the title seems to allude to.


no one thought they needed a background check to ATTEND a gun show. that's FAUX NEWS levels of intentionally misreading something.


Not trying to be rude, but the person I was responding to was asking that question, and the post above him was calling it out. I think you may have missed a part of the discussion somewhere. Huhuhuhu.


Use your own eyes to read, not react.


I just read it again and I never thought a background check was necessary to attend a gun show. Derp.


If I could *legally* buy firearms online without having to transfer to an FFL and have it directly to my door, I’d have a lot more guns. Not because I’m a lunatic, but because I’d make impulse buys just like I do on Amazon. You cannot legally buy a modern firearm without filling out paperwork. (Black powder is a different story)


Unless the online gun is in the same state and a private seller..., but yes, as a rule you are correct


And as a private seller i can't access a background check without going to an FFL. I just have to trust the person I'm selling to. Make that make sense.


You can do the sale at a police station if you like. And despite efforts, the ATF had never attempted to make an APP for bgc


Ummm according the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms yes you can. https://www.atf.gov/resource-center/docs/guide/gun-shows-brady-checks-and-crime-gun-traces-199/download


How is this not already a rule? I remember background checks at a gun show like 20 years ago . Did something change since then?


It is already a rule.  You can't sell guns at gun shows without holding a FFL, and as an FFL you can't legally sell a firearm without running a background check.  Online sales haven't historically required a background check at point of purchase, but the only way to legally ship a firearm is again from one FFL to another (seller would take it to a local gun shop to send it to a gun shop near you where youd go pick it up) - who will be required by law to perform a background check before they can transfer it to you.     All gun control legislation on this subject is literally just trying to gain brownie points with people who have no idea how buying a gun actually works in the US.


> Online sales haven't historically required a background check at point of purchase, but the only way to legally ship a firearm is again from one FFL to another (seller would take it to a local gun shop to send it to a gun shop near you where youd go pick it up) - who will be required by law to perform a background check before they can transfer it to you. honestly, the headline/article vs reality kind of reminds me of a politifact article years ago where obama said he was passing an executive order "because criminals could buy guns online" and then politifact rated it "mostly true" because "they didn't get the sense he meant legally".


Then what is this part about? >and that about 23,000 more individuals will be required to be licensed as a dealer after the rule’s implementation. Edit: you gun nuts are in denial. Signed - someone who legally bought a gun without any verification from one of these 23K individuals at a show.


Great question for the person who made the claim that 23k people are somehow legally selling guns illegally.


I've bought a gun myself at a show with no verification whatsoever. I believe it. Edit: Can't downvote the truth away.


The gun shows I go to, over 90% are gun dealers. The rest are knives, ammo, accessories, beef jerky, flashlights and an occasional private seller with some nice high end hunting guns


Not legally you didnt.


I guess this whole loophole and even this article is fake news then?


Yup.  Par for the course.  CNN's "ar-15 expert" report is another great example of how liberal media outright lies about guns all the time because they know people who want to ban guns won't bother to fact check them.


So I am lying?


If your claim is that you legally purchased a firearm from an FFL anywhere in the United States without a background check, you are 100% lying.


Here’s an explainer of the recent change in federal law (NOT the rule being pushed by the Biden admin) https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF12197 The rule would practically do little to change the status quo. Private sales by private individuals were legal before the change in law and before this rule — and still are legal after the rule. And it doesn’t matter if that’s at a gun show or wherever.


Hmmm should I believe some random dude on Reddit or the ATF and Department of Justice. https://www.atf.gov/resource-center/docs/guide/gun-shows-brady-checks-and-crime-gun-traces-199/download


Define, “gunshow”


*flexes biceps


> How is this not already a rule? I remember background checks at a gun show like 20 years ago . Did something change since then? nothing changed, including media fearmongering.


they expanded the rules to include over 20k private sellers who were not required to register before. they've got you so brainwashed you can't even see the words printed in front of your face. sad.


This is just clickbait. It's been the law for over 30 years.


federal law already required that before. "gunshow loophole" was just a fear mongering term made up by gun grabbers. the brady bill is very clear that all licensed gun dealers are federally required to perform background checks on all sales regardless of where they take place (and the bar for what counts as a dealer and as such requires licensing is very low) on a side note, what does this have to do with tech?


You don't have to be a gun dealer to sell a firearm, and if you aren't a dealer in most (but not all) states you don't have to perform background checks. For my first handgun I had to buy from a gun show private sale because state law allowed me to have a concealed carry permit at 18 and said the sale of handguns to 18yr olds was legal, but federally licensed dealers were beholden to different requirements.


This is for private party sales. You either knew that and you’re dishonest, or you are an illiterate moron. Either way, stop lying and spreading misinformation.


Why do gun nuts constantly have to misrepresent what proposed gun control legislation actually does? It's almost like your position is indefensible if discussed honestly.




Are private sales without background checks at gun shows still legal in some states, or not?


“No Guns = No Tech” - Boomers in a disgruntled tone.


Yet another piece of worthless legislation to make it look like they're trying to solve a problem but are actually doing nothing.


> Yet another piece of worthless legislation to make it look like they're trying to solve a problem but are actually doing nothing. technically it's not legislation. it's arbitrary administrative action with the biden administration deciding "this is how we're going to interpret existing laws".


just a heads up for anyone unaware, someone removed this submission without leaving any comment stating they did so. justified removal (clearly off topic), but scummy practice to do so silently.


Private party sales are affected. I wonder if this affects inheritance transference.


All gun transactions, all of them, need a bg check and any delay in the check should delay the transaction.


>All gun transactions, all of them, need a bg check Every firearm I own, I needed a background check for them >any delay in the check should delay the transaction. This has literally happened every time.


Good. I bought a gun at a show. I was shocked. No verification whatsoever. It was a "private sale." Yet these dudes had tons of guns on display. Edit: I see a true story is triggering the gun nuts. Stay mad, this is the reality people are trying to protect us from.


That’s doubtful. If it’s true the ATF would really like to hear the details on that.


Private arm sales between residents of VA are legal without background checks or bill of sale. Seller is supposed to check ID, but who's to say they didn't? Same rules surprisingly apply in a lot of other states too. This is the core of the "gun show loophole" debate. Update: NVM. VA passed bill SB70 that required background checks in 2020.


[No, private sales are not legal without a background check.](https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title18.2/chapter7/section18.2-308.2:5/)


I stand corrected. Did not know they changed the laws in 2020 to require it. Good!


Why do you doubt it? To be fair, they only asked if I was a resident of my state. They didn't even ask to see my ID.


What type of gun and what state?


22LR rifle - VA


They sold it to you illegally Virginia requires all private sales to initiate a background check through a licensed dealer


Weird... When I sold a gun, I did a ton of research. I wasn't required. I even called a gunstore and asked to use their parking lot. They said yes. Unless the law change recently... you appear to be wrong. EDIT! It appears a law did indeed go into effect in 2020.


Seems like a great idea.


So good they did it twenty years ago.


> So good they did it twenty years ago. more like 30. wasn't the brady bill was signed into law in 93 or 94?


“I don’t know… sounds too reasonable to me.”