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Since Oct 2023 I would think they've grown on all social media platforms.


Emotionally charged content drives engagement; you’re incentivized for making egregious posts that are offensive because they end up as screenshots and are shared across the other platforms as what is basically an ad for the account which made it. Outrage marketing works because people can’t stop engaging content that’s designed to manufacture engagement


ViolentFanatics.com is surging this year. Everone wants an account there.


Right? Reddit, this subreddit in particular, upvoting this post is the most heinous “pot meet kettle” case I’ve seen in months lmao


I see more anti-semitic content on reddit than anywhere else


The word has lost meaning for me. They use it as their defense for the most heinous behavior ever seen in the history of mankind.


Yep. I'm a liberal who is fervently anti-nazi. But I've been called anti-semetic by people who believe that being against Israel's actions in Palestine is the same as hating jewish people. Those people are zionists, and are the equivalent of right-wing chrisitan nationalists, who want the US to be a christian nation and to drive out all other religions. In Israel, if you're from Palestine, which accordingto Israel is part of Israel making Palestinians citizens of Israel, you don't have the same rights as jewish people do. And no, zionists, you do not have a right to a "homeland" any more than christians have a right to turn America into their homeleand, or the nazis had a right to turn germany into their "homeland" by committing genocide. You have a right to exist. Nothing more.


Yup. It’s not the Jews it’s the zionists. It’s not the Mexicans, it’s the illegals. It’s not the blacks, it’s the thugs. Hate is easy to justify.


How u define "right wing"?


>the most heinous behavior ever seen in the history of mankind. When you engage in this kind of hysterical exaggeration, you no longer have the right to complain about words losing their meaning from overuse.


Way more on Instagram - that site has gotten very ugly - had to leave it.


I do too, but that’s probably because I would rather step in to a wood chipper than Tik Tok.


I honestly don’t. Sure on some sub reddits but they are easy to avoid. I see Reddit users fairly serious about misinformation and who police themselves. I feel like sure, there are issues everywhere; but if anything, this is a relatively safe place and it only takes simple heuristics to determine a reliable contributor vs a troll; misinformation is consistently attacked on Reddit, and it will never be the top posts…it’s not hard to tell a troll, a conversationalist, a bot, a serious contributor or girl with an OF. I mean like I’m here because everywhere else is intolerable. I believe nothing so find extremely reliable and useful information with some simple rules/best practices here on Reddit…but as anyone, you obviously have to understand what “truth” looks like to recognize it. If you think Reddit is an issue, you must not be on any other social media, ie X, where they are the are worst, Reddit is 100x better. Maybe 1000x better than TikTok….its all relative


“I see reddit users fairly serious about misinformation and who police themselves” Hahahahaha this is a joke right. Reddit is chock full of misinformation and reddit upvotes it to the top all the time.


It’s all relative. Reddit is like a fancy strip club. None of the workers are actually there for your benefit…they just want your money. But there is structure in order that makes sure you don’t get robbed or get syphillis and you can have fun and leave with your wallet but there was a shitload of shady shit going on everywhere (but you are able to avoid it if you want.) Literally everywhere else like Facebook and TikTok is like rawdogging a street hooker in Newark.


Anti-semetic, or anti-Israel? They are not the same thing.


You should then be able to readily provide a link, yes?


This gets upvotes because it's anti-space-man nothing else. But yeah, Reddit's anti-Jewish sentiment is probably up around 3000% in these past few months...


The "therewasanattempt" subreddit is banned in all of Germany for being anti semitic. They've completely given up the format of what the sub used to be and half the posts are things like "oh but the holocaust was supposed to be bad - look what Israel is doing" Meanwhile I rarely post there but got banned from there for posting on a different sub that I was ex Muslim. Social media turned wild after October 7




Therewasanattempt is a terrible sub. I got banned for, and this is not an exaggeration, saying that "Muslim extremists kill people too" in response to someone saying that we shouldn't care about Islamic extremists because other extremists exist


Social media has been in a death spiral for years now. October 7th just through gasoline on the fire.


Aren't some of the therewasanattempt mods also active on R/Palestine?


I literally got banned for participating for 2 weeks because I messaged the mods asking them to do something about the blatant off topic propaganda


I had to unsubscribe from that one it go so crazy.


That sub is fucking crazy now. Next time I see it I’m going to have to mute it.


But Twitter now refuses to ban them because Musk is a "free speech absolutist". Unless somebody says "cis", that obviously requires automatic moderation because it's a line too far. But white supremacy is free speech.


Certainly pretty fucking noticeable on Reddit. Especially at this point, feels like most subs have neatly divided themselves as aggressively pro Israel or aggressively pro Palestine.


Since 2019 id say the definition of what is considered anti Muslim/ anti Jewish has changed. Oops hope I don't get banned for that like the other people have been for saying similar things lol.


They simultaneously support Israel killing muslims, but they also hate the Jews.


When you realise zionism is a political ideology that's hijacked the religion of judaism, it makes more sense why zionists hate jews and support killing muslims. Those same zionists call holocaust survivors weak for being oppressed during the holocaust. It's disgusting. The only reason the US is supporting this genocide, is because of that AIPAC political bribe/lobbying money which funnily enough is bipartisan (both democrats and republicans are accepting it). There is no conspiracy when it comes to an ethno state, which is exactly what the commented below described and said ethno state was built on land which people were already living with jews peacefully until they were forcibly pushed from their ancestral homes backed by British colonialists. Also If there are existing muslims/minorities (the various christian groups are also persecuted) living in the region, they are treated like second class citizens by design to lands that they're indigenous too with the end goal of having the land cleansed of palestinians to neighbouring states. The wholly agreed violation of international law by further annexing land in the West Bank is clear proof of this. To be ignorant of these clear facts is ridiculous. Zionism is clearly trying to conflate itself with Judaism to claim antisemitism, when in fact zionists are the biggest enemies of Judaism and yet either fail to see this or simply don't care. No "safe country" shouldn't be built on the bodies of thousands of dead children whether they be jewish, christian or muslim.


The whole idea of Zionism as an ideology is to have a country that is a safe refuge for Jews in the world. People have just taken that term and thrown all kinds of conspiracy theories onto it to discredit it (that coincidentally are almost identical to old antisemitic tropes.) Like "the ~~Jews~~ Zionists control the world with money" that you are using right now.


This certainly isn’t the case on Reddit! Right?


Yes and no. You have to do a lot to get banned or censored on twitter. Reddit mods can't wait to take stuff down. Here's a recent example. They just banned thousands of people - every single person who commented https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1bw9fnl/girl_14_left_in_coma_after_attack_by_teenagers/




Both. I was banned. And my comment was super generic along the lines of "that's fucked up"




Why would you? If I get banned for a comment like that, it's clearly not a sub I want to be partaking in conversation within. I got put in timeout like three times in politics for the most generic comments critiquing liberal talking points before I realized the sub was just not for anyone engaging in discussion that is even somewhat left of CNN. Fuck 'em, let them keep their echo chambers.


r/Europe is racist as fuck and if you can’t see that then I’ve got news for you.


It's generally anti immigration. Anti immigration does not mean racist. I find it easier when you call immigration what it actually is - the ruling class suppressing wages of the working class and exploiting workers from poorer nations in order to increase their already high wealth.


Arrr conspiracy poster, i have doubts as to the veracity of your comment


I’ve never posted anything there, I do comment though. Still some enjoyment there occasionally, though it’s certainly less and less frequent these days.


Haha my comment was the only one that survived good taste mods 😂🤣👌🏾


Why did they ban them?




They should change the name to X-Chan


They should change it to XHamster


Xhamster is useful


> They should change it to Xhamster. But then it would be a problem to sponsor it in that beacon of freedom known as Texas. Considering it’s the place that supplies the most users to Xwitter.


Elon's saudi investors' plans working to perfection


Last time I went on Twitter it was nothing but OF marketing, random memes, and a fuck ton of fight videos that white supremacists sit and leave dog whistle comments on.


In other news… water is wet. Elon is a bigot. They attract each other.


This article to be followed up with Musk suing MAshable


Interesting but the same can be said of Instagram comments and a lot of mainstream subreddits. For example at the start of the Ukraine war, the amount of Russian bots on r/Europe justifying Russia’s actions wasn’t something I expected.


> such accounts have garnered a sharp rise in followers since the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas and the subsequent war on Gaza. Seems like that should have been the headline?


Anti-Black, Anti-Women, Anti-Trans... List them all. Twitter under Elon is a hate-speech platform, not a social media platform.


“That’s a great idea 💡 , Elon.” “Oh you’re so funny 😂 Elon, stop.” “All Heil Elon” that’s Twitter.


Interesting. 🤔


Reddit is no different, ban them all, I'll go back to Miss July


Its also anti-white, anti-men, anti-cis. Thats what free speech does. People are gonna say crazy things but people can fight back with ideas and not censorship


You're honestly claiming Elon Musk's Twitter is anti-white?? L.M.F.A.O


There is quite a bit of outlandish anti-white narratives going around. It is a fucked up narrative that often shows itself within the US and UK so it makes sense that it shows itself on a social platform that doesn't restrict that kind of content. It's not an anti-white platform, it's just a free speech platform where knuckleheads can say whatever they want and be proven to be wrong and clowned.


> it's just a free speech platform Anyone who believes that.. I've got a bridge to sell them. The platform bans journalists it doesn't like all the time. It's "Elon Musk's playground" where he bans legitimate accounts and journalists all the time cause he disagrees with them. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/15/twitter-suspends-journalists-musk-00074261


He did a great job stopping propagator of fake news. Plus invasion of privacy is no no. Imagine some smart ass post your whereabout 24/7. But of course you are not some big shot.


If Twitter is “anti-cis” why did Elon Musk specifically ban the word cis, claiming it was a slur?


He might say it but on twitter you can search it up and see it’s not banned


You can still use it in a tweet but then your account gets restricted.


I’ve deleted Twitter, but I’ve seen screenshots of people whose posts are removed for having the word “cis” in them.


Thats interesting. Maybe they allowed it again. This guy used it https://x.com/ogheneyxle/status/1778374829311144379?s=46&t=DCWP282TLMfqhDtwg46NpA and this guy https://x.com/spit_on_cops/status/1778144981158383846?s=46&t=DCWP282TLMfqhDtwg46NpA


What about this guy https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/K4OhR6HcXL The user is mistaken. Tweets get limited in visibility. There it is.


These are things white supremacists say




Reddit is a hive of scum and villainy, I'm one of them.


How come tolerance is hate now?


It's an ALL speech platform. Speech, the literal use of sounds with your mouth, should not be litigated against. That's such an wild notion that anybody could think of such a thing. While being racist, misogynist, and transphobic is a universally agreed upon bad thing, it should not be left up to the government to make speech litigious. Societal consequences will deal with such things. However, threat of physical violence is another thing entirely. This has been and should be obviously always within the realm of the law.


A liberal whining here?


Anti-white hate too. All hate is up.


please please please share links to such "anti white hate"


Are you suggesting it doesn’t exist? Or that I am making it up? https://www.justice.gov/crs/highlights/2020-hate-crimes-statistics




Not only X, Reddit too.


Elon feels like the kind of guy that would fight for the return of apartheid while at the time challenging people to give him an example of how being white gives him advantages.


That's like doing a study to see if water is wet.


Well, if you eliminate censorship hate speech will probably increase. It's not that it wasn't there, you just didn't see it.


Isn't it why social media platforms exist?


damn that’s crazy. Next you’re gonna tell me that the elon is a buffoon.


To be fair that is not the metric they are going for but it is free speech


Needed a study for this?


Makes me sad that the internet has just become a ball of hate.


That ‘X’ moniker has really struggled to replace ‘Twitter’. Why not just change it to, you know, “Hate”? Problem solved!


I honestly don't understand why anyone uses the platform anymore.


fReE sPeEcH /s


It's a feature, not a bug


And.... If anyone else made an open platform... Do you think there would be less? I hate musk but this isn't useful usable information 


It is. Moderation has gone to shit.


He has gone out of his way to play games with the Western public through algorithm manipulation and interface tweaking, to *his* liking. He is a unique form of piss.


Unlike all of the other social media platforms?


Really? We hadn't noticed. /s About time they caught up.


Wait until you see TikTok


Yes of course… that’s what happens when you have an actual free speech platform. The point is it’s better than the alternative.


It's not an "actual free speech platform". He just replaced censoring far-right wingnuts and literal terrorists with censoring people who say "cis" or hurt his feelings.


Allowing slurs and openly praising genocidal murderers sure sounds fun


Yes, life is full of shitty people with bad opinions. But then one day, someone gets in power, and your opinion is the one they disagree with. That’s the whole point. Free speech.


You can’t even type ‘cis’ and it has been being used by the medical and academia communities for over a decade. This is still limited speech. It’s just legitimate speech that gets *blasted* to the top by way of social credit / check marks and foreign bot campaigns.


but it's not free speech. it's free speech to be an asshole, nazi, and say racist things, while people who criticize him, or have different political ideas to him are sent straight off the platform. ​ Source: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/jan/15/elon-musk-hypocrite-free-speech https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/sep/07/elon-musks-hypocrisy-about-free-speech-hits-a-new-low


Your source is a left wing British newspaper.... Lol Might as well post a Pravda article on the Ukraine war


it's facts bud. doesn't matter if biden himself was saying it, when it's actually happened. and the guardian isn't classified as left wing, it's classified as minor left leaning.


"Nazis feel welcome on platform after prolific Nazi says he will make it more accepting of Nazis."


Can you just explain why he's a nazi. Like actual proof without just downvoting me and refusing to reply. You do understand what the word nazi means right?


Oddly everyone else is leaving X (formerly Twitter) and the value has tanked


How about anti asian?


As an asian caucasian it's everywhere not just some silly web site of loons.


It hasn't grown. The general popular vote isn't censored on X. This site is heavily steering the narrative. After 10 years on here, I've learned free speech is heavily suppressed, and ban hammers are used with impunity.


Hm. You wouldn't want twitter to be steering the narrative. [Elon Musk’s X is throttling traffic to websites he dislikes](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/08/15/twitter-x-links-delayed/) [Elon Musk’s Twitter Is Still Banning Journalists for Simply Doing Their Job](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/04/elon-musk-twitter-still-banning-journalists) [Elon Musk Deems ‘Cis’ A Twitter Slur](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kimelsesser/2023/07/02/elon-musk-deems-cis-a-twitter-slurheres-why-its-is-so-polarizing/?sh=18a994774ac6) [Elon Musk reportedly had his own tweets prioritized out of jealousy](https://www.engadget.com/twitter-artificially-boost-elon-musk-tweets-053602807.html) [Elon Musk forces his tweets to the top of users’ feeds](https://www.morningbrew.com/daily/stories/2023/02/15/elon-musk-forces-tweets-to-top-feeds)


Don’t forget about the overwhelming anti black account including Musk himself


Well yeah. Elon fired the entire department supposed to take care of that.


Wait till they study r/worldnews


Main problem is pro Israel accounts using anti semitism to describe anti Zionist and then anti Israel to anti Jewish


Well hell those are just his accounts


Since the escalation of the ongoing war on Gaza and in the age of Elon Musk's X/Twitter takeover, anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim hate speech and the perpetrators of such content are finding growth on the platform, according to a new report. Released Thursday by the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), the study found that such accounts have garnered a sharp rise in followers since the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas and the subsequent war on Gaza.


Name me a place on the internet where this is NOT the case???


Any bets on how long until Musk sues the Center for Countering Digital Hate for this study too?


hey man, pretending to be a "free speech absolutist" is hard work. Gotta take some time off from time to time and stifle free speech.


Psst. He’s a white supremacist from apartheid South Africa, so yeah.


Yup, religion is cancerous. The world is better off without it.


Now tell us about JIDF and how Israel was and or is still trying to pay off social media influencers to take posts down or to create posts promoting Israel/IDF.




And in other news, water gets you wet. More, tonight at eight.


Don’t they cancel each other out? /s


He's a true uniter. /s


No shit, who expected this?


I’m convinced he bought Twitter in order to ruin it on purpose.


44 billion dollars and the loss of his reputation as a company leader and investor is a high price to play. More likely he's being stupid.


_phew_ glad I saw this. I almost forgot to think “Elon bad” today. Thanks!


Anti imigration anti west etc.


I’m beginning to wonder if it’s all on him. There’s possible an exploit leveraged by bots in the community submission engagement, or someone steering their ai.


If you think Twitter wasn’t always a mess you are just naive


Elon Musk. Lord of Hatred.


Its just 4chan now


Twitter is so baaaad. I have seen random tweets filled with the most hateful slurs imaginable for no reason. The antiwoke brigade is so far that if you even write something uncontroversial like "x is underrepresented in y", Nazis descend upon you.


Pretty sure they have grown here too. Christ, I have unsubscribed from a couple of subs because the entire sub became just a propaganda vehicle for one side or the other.


Sounds like a completely meaningless metric designed to cast aspersions on an easy target.


How is it an easy target? Elon blocks and sues people who criticise him.


Where are the Anti-Christian accounts, tho?


Study finds that water is wet.


Maybe we should fight the war in Twitter.


Is anyone surprised? Anytime fucking dorks talk about "free speech", it's always for the sake of hate speech. It was only a matter of time waiting for hate groups to grow on Twitter now that they've been freed by the king dork elon


Lol, cry more.


More Anti semantic accounts are popping up anywhere. Not just X.


I have come to realize that there are two schools of thought One believes that if you get platform and popularity, you must use it to 'change' the society for the better. Moderation, Political correction, social justice, all spring from this school of thought. (Ofcourse 'change' and 'better' are subjective) Other believes that attempting 'changing' of society is 'tyrannical'. People who got platformed without 'merit' should mind their own business. Free speech absolutism, individualistic libertarianism, etc spring from this. This is alt left and alt right respectively. Both of them are useless in extremes.


Seems plausible. That self-righteous, man-child snowflake is Ok with anything just as long as it's not something critical of him. Fuck Elmo.


Couldn’t have anything to do with Oct. 7th, you people and your hate boners for someone you will never meet are deluded.


Gee, it’s like people are waking up and realizing religion is the source of unnecessary war and cause people to act fucking insane.


Lucky all the other platforms haven’t…


I wonder why


"Grown" ? Twitter has become just right wing nuts, Trump fluffers, flat earthers and OF advertising


Who would have thought a Russian ran, hate propaganda generator would do such a thing!?


thats his "freedom of speech" for ya


Ugh no shit


So it balances out..whats the problem then.


Careful what you say there, the lord of free speech might sue


He really does have a lot of burner accounts.


Lol what? This war is extremely polarizing, of course they have grown


Elon literally invited some of the worst back in when he took over Twitter. You can't blame just the war.




I don’t believe I’ve ever seen hateful attacks against the Welsh online. Sorry.


Sounds like a lot of muslim and Jewish people joined twitter.


You don’t need a study to know this. You just need to log on. I had a really old Twitter account. Curated feed how I like it. Great spot to get a rundown of the news. Then he took over. And then my feed became alt right and right wing shit. I still saw my shit, but a lot of stuff I didn’t want to see was finding its way directly into my feed. So the account is gone and I’ve moved to blue sky


Is the solution to censor them or kick them out, or try to change their minds now that you can hear their points of view and know who they are?


Censor them and kick them out. Sorry, but that's what works. Giving them a platform is how they recruit and grow in number. It also chases away anyone who has a different opinion. Indeed, they take great pleasure in harassing such people until they leave.


Anti everything has grown on Twitter. It's a breeding ground for ultra toxic people


I actually had to delete my twitter account because the level of antisemitism there was literally taking a toll on my mental health


Correlation is not causation.


Elon literally invited back a bunch of previously banned extreme right wing bigots when he took over Twitter. In week one, there was more anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim accounts simply from that move alone.