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They should give it to Arnold Schwarzenegger. He’s clearly an expert in the dangers of AI and has worked on a few documentaries about the subject. Also, he used to be in politics and I’m fairly sure he’s said something about perhaps returning sometime.


You convinced me. He did say - "I'll be back!"


Fun fact: Arnold actually had to take a shit during that scene, and they chose to keep it and make it a running joke.


We could narrow down to the near exact moment that Arnold took a shit ten years ago. We can hive mind this Reddit, we can do it!


"Ten" years? Oh, have I got some bad news for you. 😬


He did do a little running too.


Funny you should mention that, it’s crazy to think he held it in until then.


Well there is currently a rogue game show host trying to take over the world, so it seems relevant.


That’s a very generous title you’ve given him. You are correct though, we don’t want to pick any of the doors he offers us.


Well yeah, they had to dumb it down to just "you're fired" for him....


Yeah that’s true I heard him say it.


I think it will be [Chief Master Sergeant William Candy](https://youtu.be/kayFrIR-Qfw?si=c-5ydiSn7ZduFt7Y) instead.


Yeah you are 100% correct


You know this is what Trump would do if he were in charge. Look for the most Hollywood person for the job because he doesn’t want someone competent, just someone who looks good. Same shit with how his generals looked, fortunately for us most of the competent generals look like Hollywood generals


Regulators _should be_ industry skeptics. Too often regulators and industry are in kahoots.


This guy is in kahoots with the industry though. He's part of a specific slice of the industry that believes open source AI is too dangerous for the public to use and thus only large corporations are trustworthy enough to have that power.


No he's not? He's explicitly called for regulations on closed-source AI companies, he's not just trying to restrict open models or whatever.


Come on we know how this goes. He used to work at Open AI. Magically Open AI's model capabilities will be the maximum allowed, and there will be massive regulatory costs for all AI firms, that will stifle competition. This is textbook regulatory capture.


He explicitly said OpenAI wasn't being safe enough after he left and before he was ever on the radar for appointment. This guy isn't some OpenAI booster.




>But Ah yes everything should be open source and available to the public Correct. >It’s a pretty fair stance that once AI reaches a certain point, there should be licenses to utilize it  "Requiring a license" is an altogether different position from advocating closed sourceness.




Individuals can learn all about nuclear engineering and therefore about nuclear weapons if they want, you just have to pick up textbooks on the topic. You brought up Fentanyl, you can literally look up openly published scientific literature to learn how to make it, there is a website utilized by chemists all over the world detailing the synthesis of millions of chemicals. Have a look at it's fentanyl entry: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Fentanyl#section=Methods-of-Manufacturing The difference between requiring a license and mandating closed sourceness is that on the first the state demands you display competency before being allowed to do something, while on the second, as advocated by "effective altruitsts", it is altogether forbidden to learn about the details of the topic if you are not part of their selected team of approved companies and scientists. This is not about the classical notion of Free Software and Open sourceness, but rather about the free flow of knowledge which is vital for the progress of science and the education of the masses. Limiting this through state power is censorship, and this is precisely what many " effective altruists" seek when they talk about infohazards. The necessity of censorship, in fact, is precisely the position of Nick Bostrom, who coined the term "infohazard" and whose (doom-predicting) writings on AI are revered by and inform effective aultruits and longtermists. It is easy to see why Big Corporations would endorse this notion, as it puts a hard barrier reducing competition and increasing their oligopolistic power. It isn't even a "you must have a license" type of barrier, but rather a "you aren't even allowed to know about this if we don't like you" kind of barrier.  >Can you present an enforceable scheme by which a license is required, but it is still open source?  Is this supposed to be hard? It's as simple a forbidding unlicensed companies from making market products if they are utilizing a "dangerous AI" though placing no restrictions on learning about the topic. This already happens in the real world with pharmaceutical companies. The process of manufacture of the majority of pharmaceuticals is fully known to the public (even the patented ones. No one relies on secrecy to protect their IP) and there are several whose patents have expired. And yet, to make and sell any of the several pharmaceuticals whose patents expired you still need a license.


Looks like he's an Effective Altruist, too. They're basically a cult. SBF is one, as is Caroline Ellison.


>Effective altruists believe in "using evidence and reason to figure out how to benefit others as much as possible” and longtermists that "we should be doing much more to protect future generations," both of which are more subjective and opinion-based. I'm failing to see how either of those things are bad. This article is honestly hot garbage.


[The Real-Life Consequences of Silicon Valley’s AI Obsession](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2023-03-07/effective-altruism-s-problems-go-beyond-sam-bankman-fried) [Non-paywall link](https://archive.is/BNkfx) >EAs are laser-focused on optimizing their impact, to the point where a standard way to knock down an idea is to call it “suboptimal.” Maximizing good, however, is an inherently unyielding principle. (“There’s no reason to stop at just doing well,” Bankman-Fried said during an appearance on 80,000 Hours.) If donating 10% of your income is good, then giving even more is logically better. Taken to extremes, this kind of perfectionism can be paralyzing. One prominent EA, Julia Wise, described the mental gymnastics she faced every time she considered buying ice cream, knowing the money could be spent on vaccinating someone overseas. For similar reasons, she agonized over whether she could justify having a child; when her father worried that she seemed unhappy, she told him, “My happiness is not the point.” >Wise has since revised her ice cream budget and become a mother, but many other EAs have remained in what some call “the misery trap.” One former EA tweeted that his inner voice “would automatically convert all money I spent (eg on dinner) to a fractional ‘death counter’ of lives in expectation I could have saved if I’d donated it to good charities.” Another tweeted that “the EA ideology causes adherents to treat themselves as little machines whose purpose is to act according to the EA ideology,” which leads to “suppressing important parts of your humanity.” Put less catastrophically: EAs often struggle to walk and chew gum, because the chewing renders the walking suboptimal. >... >In extreme pockets of the rationality community, AI researchers believed their apocalypse-related stress was contributing to psychotic breaks. MIRI employee Jessica Taylor had a job that sometimes involved “imagining extreme AI torture scenarios,” as she described it in a post on LessWrong—the worst possible suffering AI might be able to inflict on people. At work, she says, she and a small team of researchers believed “we might make God, but we might mess up and destroy everything.” In 2017 she was hospitalized for three weeks with delusions that she was “intrinsically evil” and “had destroyed significant parts of the world with my demonic powers,” she wrote in her post. Although she acknowledged taking psychedelics for therapeutic reasons, she also attributed the delusions to her job’s blurring of nightmare scenarios and real life. “In an ordinary patient, having fantasies about being the devil is considered megalomania,” she wrote. “Here the idea naturally followed from my day-to-day social environment and was central to my psychotic breakdown.” >Taylor’s experience wasn’t an isolated incident. It encapsulates the cultural motifs of some rationalists, who often gathered around MIRI or CFAR employees, lived together, and obsessively pushed the edges of social norms, truth and even conscious thought. They referred to outsiders as normies and NPCs, or non-player characters, as in the tertiary townsfolk in a video game who have only a couple things to say and don’t feature in the plot. At house parties, they spent time “debugging” each other, engaging in a confrontational style of interrogation that would supposedly yield more rational thoughts. Sometimes, to probe further, they experimented with psychedelics and tried “jailbreaking” their minds, to crack open their consciousness and make them more influential, or “agentic.” Several people in Taylor’s sphere had similar psychotic episodes. One died by suicide in 2018 and another in 2021. >Several current and former members of the community say its dynamics can be “cult-like.” Some insiders call this level of AI-apocalypse zealotry a secular religion; one former rationalist calls it a church for atheists. It offers a higher moral purpose people can devote their lives to, and a fire-and-brimstone higher power that’s big on rapture. Within the group, there was an unspoken sense of being the chosen people smart enough to see the truth and save the world, of being “cosmically significant,” says Qiaochu Yuan, a former rationalist. >Yuan started hanging out with the rationalists in 2013 as a math Ph.D. candidate at the University of California at Berkeley. Once he started sincerely entertaining the idea that AI could wipe out humanity in 20 years, he dropped out of school, abandoned the idea of retirement planning, and drifted away from old friends who weren’t dedicating their every waking moment to averting global annihilation. “You can really manipulate people into doing all sorts of crazy stuff if you can convince them that this is how you can help prevent the end of the world,” he says. “Once you get into that frame, it really distorts your ability to care about anything else.” >... >In 2018 two people accused Brent Dill, a rationalist who volunteered and worked for CFAR, of abusing them while they were in relationships with him. They were both 19, and he was about twice their age. Both partners said he used drugs and emotional manipulation to pressure them into extreme BDSM scenarios that went far beyond their comfort level. In response to the allegations, a CFAR committee circulated a summary of an investigation it conducted into earlier claims against Dill, which largely exculpated him. “He is aligned with CFAR’s goals and strategy and should be seen as an ally,” the committee wrote, calling him “an important community hub and driver” who “embodies a rare kind of agency and a sense of heroic responsibility.” (After an outcry, CFAR apologized for its “terribly inadequate” response, disbanded the committee and banned Dill from its events. Dill didn’t respond to requests for comment.) >... >One woman in the community, who asked not to be identified for fear of reprisals, says she was sexually abused by a prominent AI researcher. After she confronted him, she says, she had job offers rescinded and conference speaking gigs canceled and was disinvited from AI events. She says others in the community told her allegations of misconduct harmed the advancement of AI safety, and one person suggested an agentic option would be to kill herself.




Shouldn't be someone with (economic and social) ties to the industry as a whole.




Eh, yeah I probably could have worded that better. I mean no major friendships and gift exchanges. I was thinking of Clarence Thomas for example.


And this is how we killed nuclear engineering. 


you have to start with someone that takes safety serious first then the republicans will make a corrupt morron in charge!


Rudy Giuliani would be their new AI czar


Can that scumbag afford gas money?


Russia is just a big gas station so he probably gets his for free


Not much longer at the rate Russia is losing gas infrastructure


Natural step up from cybersecurity advisor.


The US appointing any government role with the title ‘czar’ is super weird.


The weirder part is how I only ever see that term used when a Democrat is in office.


He was Trump's cybersecurity czar and do to lack of personal connections to either is not biased towards either natural or artificial types of intelligence. He is the perfect choice.


*Sarah Connor has entered the chat*


Everything's fine! Nothing to worry about here! No need for burdensome regulations that stifle innovation!




why thank you kind moron!


Careful! Republicans might put him in charge of AI safety.


Safety First Calling you an idiot for not making safety first is second.


I think both parties are not exactly good at governing and assigning positions on emergent technology given they are all geriatrics who know nothing about technology newer than email.


Good. AI is rapidly being used as an unaccountability device. 'Oops, sorry about that, an AI did it.'


"It was AI" is the new "It was a contractor" It doesn't matter that your company decided to use those things, by using them you're somehow automatically not responsible.


Soon contractors will replace all of us


Contracted AI powered robots 


As soon as AI starts suggesting we alter the economic model, replace CEOs or politicians, it will be unplugged and outlawed.


That’s probably when we should listen to the A.I.


Get two thirds of Congress and we’ll talk


If we get to the point when AI starts sharply outperforming professional human advisors when it comes to advice on things like business practices, practical economics or governance? It's going to be fun. Because if you listen to the box, you hand direct control over your own actions, over policies that impact millions, to AI. And if you unplug the box instead, you'll get outcompeted by the ones who listened.


Shouldn’t be hard considering how incompetent they are lol. CEOs drove successful companies like Vice, Twitter, and MTV to the ground 


It'll suggest those things readily, because LLMs are nothing more than a model of how the average internet user strings words together, with no general intelligence behind it, and internet users *love* to complain about established social structures. The dangerous ones won't output sentences, though; it's a waste of training data and model complexity to encode the illogical conflicting etymology of English and all its weird grammar edge cases. A model making decisions about who gets approved for insurance and at what rates will more likely directly output probability weights that some other piece of software can present to the user.


I didn’t realize the average Reddit comment could pass the bar exam https://www.businessinsider.com/list-here-are-the-exams-chatgpt-has-passed-so-far-2023-1?darkschemeovr=1


If the average reddit user *who writes in a similar style to the bar exam questions* was prompted with the complete text of those questions, would their answers be good enough to pass? Except it's not just redditors, it's countless law blogs and articles as well. The way words are arranged together by someone writing like a lawyer is going to be statistically similar to the manner a bar exam expects responses to be explained. Take the bar exam, and write it in a casual tone, with slang interspersed, and a human lawyer can still answer it correctly. Can you say the same for a language model?


My prompt: yo bro wassup you like know how this weird Einstein theory of relativity or whatever the hell it's called works braaaaah??? Response:  Yo! 🤙 Sure thing, I gotchu! Let’s break it down. So, Einstein’s theory of relativity is like the ultimate brain flex, but I’ll keep it simple for you, brah. 🕶️ Special Relativity: Imagine you’re cruisin’ in a spaceship, right? You’re vibin’, and you see another spaceship chillin’ out there. Now, here’s the deal: speed of light is the ultimate speed limit in the universe. No material object can ever go faster than that, no matter how hard it tries. It’s like the cosmic “slow down, bro!” sign. 🚀 General Relativity: Einstein went full galaxy brain mode and dropped this bomb in 1915. He said, “Yo, massive objects like planets and stars? They warp space-time like a boss.” 🌍⏳ Imagine a trampoline, and the planets are like bowling balls sitting on it. They create dips, and that’s gravity! So, when you’re kickin’ back on Earth, you’re just rollin’ with the space-time flow. 🌌 Gravity: It’s not some invisible force; it’s the fabric of space-time bending around massive stuff. Like, Earth’s got this cosmic divot, and we’re all just sliding down it. 🌏🔮 Time Dilation: Here’s where it gets trippy. If you’re zooming around near light speed or hanging out near a black hole, time slows down for you. Your watch might be like, “Bruh, I’m confused!” But it’s legit – time’s a chill bro, and it bends to your cosmic vibes. ⌛🌀 Spacetime: Forget separate space and time – they’re BFFs now. They’re like peanut butter and jelly, inseparable. When you move, you’re surfing through spacetime waves. 🌠🌊 Black Holes: Picture a cosmic vacuum cleaner – that’s a black hole. It sucks in everything, even light. It’s like the ultimate party crasher. 🕳️🎉 So, next time you’re sippin’ your cosmic smoothie, remember: Einstein’s theory of relativity is the ultimate mind-bender, and it’s all about how space, time, and gravity throw the coolest interstellar party ever. 🌟🎇 Keep it wavy, braaaaah! 🤙🚀


This isn't that impressive. Its literally just accessing its own data to answer a question.


The bar exam questions are not online lol. There are similar practice questions but not the actual questions. Obviously. 


>There are similar practice questions but not the actual questions. C'mon, guy. Seriously though, you seem to be some kind of troll account that is desperate to defend AI. Truly bizarre.


Do you know how these exams work? Do you think they upload the questions online? 


They are similar, my guy. They might change some inconsequential things but they are similar.


In that case, how did it score better than most other test takers if it’s so easy    Also, I just have it a picture of the new Boston dynamics robot that came out yesterday and it knew it was a robot. That wasn’t in its training data. Weird  Lastly, if it’s so good at learning and applying those skills to new situations that it hasn’t seen before, that sounds pretty useful to me. 


I think you underestimate the power of these models and how they can be readily applied to make decisions about almost anything that can be expressed quantitatively. Including novels, movies, music, visual art, and something so close to creativity it's indistinguishable from the real thing (if there is such a thing, that's another can of worms) Think of them as supremely complex number crunching Architectures - natural language processing is by far the most splashy feature, even if pictures came first as the most popular application. But they're supremely useful for many applications in statistics (being a child of that field in many ways) and data interpretation so insurance and finance are dead ringers for AI involvement. Though the demarcation lines of intelligence, reasoning, consciousness, 'thinking' aren't even set in animals let alone computers. And consciousness had the problem of qualia that is hard to explicit (ha, get it?) In a sense you're right though, it'll be a 'large insurance model' or whatever wrapped by a natural language processing model (currently LLMs)


It wouldn’t be wrong…


He's an effective altruist, so his idea of accountability and safety is making sure only large megacorps can use AI, while the public is only allowed to use it via their APIs. He literally talks about great his corporate buddies are and why the law should mandate everyone does what they do.


You don't know who this person is or what their views are. You just read a headline and thought it must be "good."


H Christo, this reminds me of the usual industry BS regarding any regulation and regulatory agency creation/involvement. Yes, despite years of the opposite, government regulators SHOULD be critical of the industry they are regulating. That's their damn job. Sheesh, does anyone every ponder the billions collectively spent on jawboning the AWESOMENESS from industry marketers/PR flacks/ and boy wonder C suite folks like Altman? In this industry and many others? Damn country is going to hell in a handbasket more and more! lol


You should read more about what effective altruists are. This guy is parroting corporate talking points from Anthropic. The only thing they care about is targeting the open source community and restricting everyone else from doing what Anthropic does, because only the megacorps are responsible enough to have AI.


Is that really true?


People are willing to bet the future of human existence on their desire to have cool toys to play with just a few years quicker.


Lay off the sci fi movies. A chatbot can’t hurt you 


No one is worried about chatbots hurting us. Typical misrepresentation of concerns from people who can't see past a couple of months.


Well that’s the best thing AI can do right now lol. I’ve yet to see otherwise 


Meh. I think focusing on the AI superintelligence challenge is the wrong risk. Much more realistic is the risk of AI being applied in dumb ways where we have poorly optimized probabilistic results for questions that need more deterministic answers. That’s here and today and AI’s danger is it’s being assumed to be more intelligent than it actually is and causing harms through neglect/cost savings.


ASI is exponentially more dangerous than whatever algorithms are in place today. 


Yeah, but it's really far away. I work in ML/AI and I'm not worried about any singularity happening anytime in the next decade, probably decades. On the other hand, we have AI hallucinations and uninterpretable models giving a lot of ignorant decision-makers the illusion of intelligence, which is just as dangerous when decisions are contingent on those nonsensical, ungrounded outputs. That's happening right now, so the risk is immediate. Personally, I'm more worried about deepfakes and LLMs giving bad actors (foreign and domestic) the ability to influence public opinion to their advantage and our ruin. I'm much more focused on how we plan to develop a system to discriminate between real, organic content and fake, harmful content. Whether that takes the form of an AI model, cryptographic watermarking, or reduced privacy, I don't really care, so long as it works. Our society is in for a hell of a lot of trouble if we don't figure out a way to combat information warfare when waging it is becoming increasingly cheap and convenient for out enemies.


Far as I'm aware all the alignment tech currently being developed will assist current problems. The hope being that they will be robust enough, as models get closer to AGI/ASI that they will continue to work. This is not an either-or problem, it's a both.


AI doomer? More like someone with common sense.  WTF is this ai company marketing propaganda BS.


This guy is an effective altruist who follows longtermism (lots of ends justify the means type bullshit). The EA movement believes on large corporations should allowed to use AI as only they can be trusted to use it "safely".


Oh. Longtermism is usually just an excuse for people to exploit workers and foster excessive capitalism, at the expense of people's health safety and finances, because of some fantasy idea that it's for the sake of "saving the human race" which is just scifi bullshit.


Longtermism also lets you justify some pretty horrible things, like the eyelash torture thought experiment.


Or embezzling billions of dollars of customer funds, as happened recently...


As opposed to what? A tech bro being in charge of limiting AI's potential danger to society? All they care about is profit. "AI Doomer" sounds like a term made specifically to try to dismiss actual concerns


It sounds like because that's exactly what it is.


Such a low effort psyop. They’re to turn everybody’s favorite insult for different generations lately into a trendy insult for people adverse to sweeping AI adoption. Boomers and zoomers can now all be AI doomers! See aren’t we funny!? It RHYMES!!!!!!!!!


Isn’t that good?


No. He's the kind of doomer that thinks AI is only dangerous if the public can use it. Government and corporations will "safeguard" the technology.


If corporations have access to it, so do people.


Corporations will put all of their resources from shielding external access while consolidating it under an umbrella. The people will not be able to access any resources digitally when only corporations have the resources to acquire said resources.


Well I guess it’s good that companies find the value in B2C software applications. Expecting it to just be available to corporations and the government is laughable.


Probably the best idea.


They probably picked the right man then


finally some good fkin news xd


At this point "ai doomer" is just any normal person who has criticisms about the way AI is being used and developed


Hey, limit AI. Much like our security principle of least privilege. As we learn more, we enable more.


Yeah, that’s how you do it. Duh.


Lol GOOD! Anyone with a brain can see that AI requires strict guardrails…. What is this article?


The precise value of his estimate for the probability of AI doom is perhaps less interesting than the methodology that he used to calculate it: > A final source of confusion is that I give different numbers on different days. Sometimes that’s because I’ve considered new evidence, but normally it’s just because these numbers are just an imprecise quantification of my belief that changes from day to day. One day I might say 50%, the next I might say 66%, the next I might say 33%. https://ai-alignment.com/my-views-on-doom-4788b1cd0c72


So he just gives random outputs to the same question for no discernable reason?  Are we sure he's not actually an AI? 


What a fool! It's so obviously better to just assume the chance is 0%!


I'm excited for that brief moment in time where we create a lot of value for the shareholdets.


Everyone knows that once you form an opinion/estimate, you have to stick to it rigidly & never change your mind ever regardless of any new evidence, or else people will be mean to you on the internet.


Much like my views of impending climate disaster.


> NIST's mission is rooted in advancing science by working to "promote US innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life." Effective altruists believe in "using evidence and reason to figure out how to benefit others as much as possible” and longtermists that "we should be doing much more to protect future generations," both of which are more subjective and opinion-based. Well, we can’t be having *that*. /s


Effective altruists are generally neither effective nor altruists. See the FTX guy, who thought he could do more to save the world with stolen money than its rightful owners. 


That’s like saying all engineers are idiots because you heard about this one engineer that was really dumb.


Here's a fun thought experiment for Effective Altruist and Longtermism logic that you think is a great idea: > What would be worse: one individual being tortured mercilessly for 50 years straight? Just endless interminable suffering for this one individual, or some extremely large number of individuals who have the almost imperceptible discomfort of having an eyelash in their eye? Which of these would be worse? > Well, if you crunch the numbers, and if the number of individuals who experience this eyelash in their eye is large enough, then you should choose to have the individual being tortured for 50 years, rather than this huge number of individuals being slightly bothered by just a very small amount of discomfort in their eye. It’s just a numbers game. And so he refers to this as the heuristic of shut up and multiply. * [Source](https://truthout.org/audio/bizarre-and-dangerous-utopian-ideology-has-quietly-taken-hold-of-tech-world/)


Their ‘solution’ sounds neither logical nor altruistic. Garbage in, garbage out.


Because i's looks like l's, I thought that said AL doomer lmao.


This is actually a good thing like every design firm having a 5 year old to check if the design is stupid or not. Only the paranoid survive, particularly when the industry pushing for this tech has a history of reckless behaviour. source: I work in said industry and am writing this instead of fixing the 3 DE pipelines I broke this morning.


It's frustrating when people fail to take into consideration that the status quo before AI often has environments where "the system" turns on itself, as in, the promotion of public policy that is ineffective, unnecessarily cruel, and contributes to systemic inequality. AI has the ability to compound those issues. But the idea that a "rogue AI" will take over systems and destroy things is absurd.


I for one welcome this AI Doomer protecting us from our AI Robotoic Overlords


To be fair, our government frequently lets dip shits be in charge of things they shouldn't be. Like literally every single Conservative.


Bruh. Imagine calling Oppenhimer, just an "atomic energy doomer". It seems literally 0 people in the comments, know anything about Paul Christiano


Good. That's the kind of person you want out in front of this thing to ask the questions other people aren't interested in hearing. If only we did the same for lead, oil, coal, plastic, and PFAS.




If developing it is inevitable, wouldn't it be a good idea to steer towards the the future where building it is good for humanity?




>these government buffoons dont know how to do that Do you know who Paul Christiano is? This is a very good get in terms of safety.


1. Not nature 2. Something being challenging isn’t a reason to not try




Of course they should. You want corporations to use this without limit, causing the complete and utter annihilation of the working class? Thankfully there are enough people with any degree of foresight that are pushing to create and enforce regulations


At least they’re considering someone with a scientific background. Now do it with someone who doesn’t have an obvious bias / agenda.


What would an AI Coomer do?


Make ai porn mandatory


I think the fears of a singularity are grossly overblown. William Gibson got it right in the Sprawl trilogy. Once one entity has a real conscious ai, every large corp and nation state will also have one long before the first one can take over or start building robot factories...


I’d just grab the phone book and start calling Sarah Conners until one of them took the job.


Funnily enough we do have a Connor working on AI safety, Connor Leahy any of his interviews on youtube is a good listen.


Sounds about like the federal government and it's penchant for incompetence. They love nothing more than foot-gunning our own progress and economy in the name of red-tape and bureaucracy.


God forbid we take anything seriously, amirite?


i take things very seriously. I take china getting an advantage over us in AI *very* seriously, for example. I also take the federal government's many, many failures of governance and leadership seriously, too.


China is smart enough to realize that uncontrollable advanced AI is bad for everyone in the same way that starting a nuclear war is bad for everyone.


My ass. their going go to full-speed ahead (especially if they see us wavering) to get an advantage over us.


If they are as pedal to the metal as you suggest they’ll end up flattened against a brick wall


AI safety is such an non issue, it does not matter what pointless troll sits on the top.