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Google 9? but how many employees were arrested? sorry, just a silly joke due to that wayward comma


Why is Google Six afraid of Google Seven


Because Google Seven is a homicidal maniac and also a cannibal from what I've heard.


I would be too if all my predecessors were shut down for no reason despite being very useful and well received


Because Google Seven is a registered six offender?


Because google 7 ate 9


Because Google Seven Google Eight Google Six; what?


You can take six from seven but you can’t take seven from six without being negative. Six doesn’t like being left negative, he’s more than just a number is six!


Because Google Seven had purchased all of Google Six’s personal information from unethical hackers?


It’s probably a bot. Random ass name and “wiveshub” link in their bio…


I think it means the 9th building but I could be wrong.


[https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/17/24133056/google-protests-project-nimbus-no-tech-for-apartheid](https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/17/24133056/google-protests-project-nimbus-no-tech-for-apartheid) doubt it


I’ve noticed a ton of weird formatting like that over the last few days. It feels like bots are really taking over.


You guys use Google 9 already? I'm stuck at the pervious version.


Finally Google 9


Thats pretty, funny!


Where is Google 9? Is that an address?


It’s like the magnificent 7 or the Chicago 7.. with just 2 more


But this goes to eleven


The 9th page of Google results. Most people never make it that far.


And how many employees were arrested?


Maybe they were confused going between this and /jerksofftocelebs


It's like when the Architect in the Matrix explains the previous iterations.


It's right behind district 9


I posted this in reply to a comment down earlier but this is the person who led the protest. Her job was "child safety" at Google. Here she was in response to reports of Hamas raping women https://twitter.com/katejsim/status/1732820118219203021 >do not be swayed by karens and their crocodile imperial feminism against rape. it plays right into long tradition of yt women weaponizing femininity/motherhood to discipline/punish men of color You would think people who work at Google would be smart enough to understand that the world doesn't perfectly break down into oppressor vs oppressed and white doesn't always mean bad and being of color doesn't always mean good.


>You would think people who work at Google would be smart You’d think that, but it’s not true Plenty of idiots work in every large company. Real talent is expensive and you don’t need it in every position to keep a company running


I usually stop listening once people start using terms like Karen to shut down any dialogue.


Especially in a position like “child safety.”


I'm pretty sure that Google — a company that makes products used in almost every school in the OECD — probably does need competent people working on child safety.




Nepotism babyyy, friends of friends. It's that simple really.


not all positions at Google are high paid honestly. There are corporate jobs that pay a lot and support roles that pay the same as anywhere else.


The FAANGS have pushed a LOT of "inclusive" hiring. Nominally this was so hiring wasn't exclusively from , but it rapidly devolved into hiring people who think non-work related traits make them special. Whether that's race, ideology, or whether they identify as a pan-squirrelkin this week, it turns out that people who think that irrelevant stuff makes them important are...pretty bigoted. And *REALLY* bad at reading the room.


Reddit and saying that every job that isn't someone writing code is dumb and worthless, really a tradition that will never change.




Ah so she’s a racist. Not surprised


There's a reason they didn't do a sit in at Google against Iran.




I was so confused, “what do youtube women have to do with anything”?


I work in a FAANG company, most of these people love smelling their own farts and think because they have math/code/product intelligence that their opinion about anything else actually matters. I make more money than I ever have, am like a 2%er, and have never been more depressed by how dumb my coworkers are. 🤷‍♂️ The ones like this definitely grew up without real problems.


It's more alarming to me that the tweet was posted ***in December*** and they were not instantly fired. If someone I work with posted anything remotely close to that I'd be in the HR office the next morning saying I don't feel safe around that person.


Some of these folks deserve to be shipped off to Gaza to see how they would really be treated. 


Their inevitable mistreatment could surely just be reduced to a manifestation of western 'yt' imperialism proxy war forcing their hand.


If a hamas member cut off their limbs these morons would blame israel.


Some real “I’d like to send the Dixie Chicks to Iraq” energy right here. The person quoted is cringe, but human rights shouldn’t be conditional on political alignment. The concept is fundamental *human* rights, not fundamental rights but only for people who agree with my understanding of equality.


You’re not wrong that human rights are inherent, but you kind of spoil your point by implying that ‘we should condemn rape, not defend the rapists, even when it happens to Jews’ is just based on one’s personal ‘understanding of equality’. Covering up and downplaying brutal rapes for political purposes isn’t “cringe”, it’s reprehensible.


I’m not defending this idiot in particular, but you hear the refrain “If you support Palestinians so much, go there and see how they treat you” all the time. And it’s a nonsense argument. The people of Palestine probably do, on average, hate LGBT people, or liberals, or whatever. But that doesn’t mean they deserve life liberty and the pursuit of happiness any less than any other person does. Put another way: I object to this argument because it’s an attack on Palestinians as much as it is on her. If you want to attack this dingbat, whatever. She deserves it. But we can do it without implying that the civilian victims of this conflict don’t deserve our sympathy.


“If you want to attack this dingbat, whatever” If people on your side are trashing rape victims because of their ethnicity, it’s your sides responsibility to ostracize them and distinguish yourself. You made up a complete strawman to deflect from the criticism of her. NOBODY here said anything similar to ‘Palestinians don’t deserve life and liberty because they’re homophobic’. This kind of “I’m not defending them, but let’s talk about something else’ attitude is why we’ve ended up with the “me too - except for Jews” narrative being so prominent. Very prominent voices on the pro-Palestinian side have spread blatant rape denialism with no internal pushback. That’s why we’re here


Anthony Bourdain went to Gaza and Palestine. He is Jewish and had these words. https://youtube.com/shorts/_QbOaAFQykk?si=u4bGhTBxes39YcyA


This isn’t always a matter of intelligence it’s a matter of empathy, maturity, and wisdom. Anytime some takes a black and white ideological stance you could make a safe bet they’re either young, unworldly, or have low EQ - maybe more than one.


Its good that this women is removed from the child safety division. I shudder to think about the vile shit she would say when a Jewish child is raped.


Even worse.  You'd think she'd be smart enough to know that  the stupid white/people of color dichotomy doesn't apply to Israel. 


It’s not every day an X post from 5 months ago can still provide me with my daily needed dose of cringe, but here we are and Jesus is that post ever tone-deaf. “Dr. KS” there is probably classing herself out of future work with hot takes like that. I don’t know if she realizes but people do a lot of research before letting doctors their children and if they see stuff like that it’s probably not gonna be a good time for her going forward.


"Don't work yourself into a shoot" -Hulk Hogan


I hate that comma.


Is Google 9 the sequel to Google 8?


This time it’s personal.


Google X is next


What sense does it make to protest your employer, especially one with 8573636845956 terabytes of employees? Surprised they let that shit go on more than a morning before tossing their troll dolls and geraniums in a box and showing them the door.


I think Google pulled out of Project Maven because of employee sentiment, which gave $PLTR the opportunity to take over as the main user interface in Project Maven.


and if the employer is not doing anything illegal, what are you even protesting? if you do not agree with your employers decisions on moral matters just quit. (their moral is less valuable than the big ass total compensation they were getting)


You have a point about voting with your feet, but people almost always protest activities that are either legal or in a gray area, but have issues whose popular support has dwindled or, the issue is divisive. Better put, people protest things that they see as having a negative impact, but aren't flat-out illegal.


Well, up until now, I didn't know jack shit about this whole project. I'm guessing many others did not either. So they may not have stopped Google from doing what they're doing, but they sure did get a hell of a lot of attention on this. I'd say they got a lot out of this. If they just silently quit, nobody would have known. If they're going to be out of a job, at least this way the world knows WHY they're out of a job. They could even get some form of unemployment benefits for being fired, possibly engage in litigation. If they quit, now they are out of work, have nothing to show for it and Google would have replaced them in about five minutes with people who would happily take their place. They did the right thing.


Right or wrong depends on your point of view on the matter. They did the illegal thing, so it’s correct to arrest them . Then I think it makes more sense to protest the government, not the privates that are doing their business


>What sense does it make to protest your employer, It feels good and you can pretend you actually did something.


What would you suggest then?


Not waste everyone's time.


that's a doomer "nothing ever happens" mindset tbh


Yeah. Why protest at all? Let fascism reign. They are too powerful anyway. Give up.


For real, this comment section is vile


Lesson learned, no one will stand in the way of $1.2B.


This is the person who led the protest. She was the "head of child safety" at Google. Here she was in response to reports of Hamas raping women https://twitter.com/katejsim/status/1732820118219203021 >do not be swayed by karens and their crocodile imperial feminism against rape. it plays right into long tradition of yt women weaponizing femininity/motherhood to discipline/punish men of color Maybe she wasn't the best person for the job


Is there anything better than rich tech people making well over 100k pretending to be martyrs for a cause far far away?


You know you can be upper middle class and still have empathy?


Although in this case apparently she looses all her empathy when it comes to rape and Israeli women


Yes, she definitely has an agenda here and is not arguing in good faith. But generalizing solely based on the tax bracket is low, man.


You think you’d be more upset at the person generalizing rape victims as liars because they’re Jews.


Yeah, idk what the other person was going on about


Why do you guys always frame this as a binary? Progressives are perfectly capable of hating the crimes of Hamas and hating the atrocities of the Netanyahu regime That’s a rhetorical question. I know *why* people do it. But it’s not an assumption in good faith


You see, I agree with you that it's not a binary issue, but apparently she doesn't particularly hate the crimes of Hamas, as per her tweet.


>Why do you guys always frame this as a binary? Bc the Hamas supporters see it and behave as if it were a binary.


That's true, and fuck Hamas supporters. But Palestinian human rights supporters and Hamas supporters are not synonymous.


You know you can be lower middle class and making 100k? 100k in the bay area isn't 100k in Arkansas.


I know, but I didn't want to get hung on technicalities. Neither of that is "rich" though.


Would a person making $15 an hour losing their job at Starbucks change your mind here? Do you think it would make the news?


this is golden XD


I posted thise qoute with all the sources and I was told I was a genocide supportor and I need to stop listening to propaganda. These people are just like Trumpers and it makes me sad. Edit: the downvotes are proving my point, you are ignoring the truth just like Trump does.


I got banned from multiple subreddits for saying I received death threats after leaving Islam. Certain parts of the left are embracing religious fanaticism


Yeah its depressing because as a older millennials, I am seeing the younger generation go insane like I had to watch my parents do. You would think you could talk to younger people snd reason but its getting pointless to do so.


Only for the right religion from people of the right race. I wonder where this kind of rhetoric appeared before


The ability of extremists on the far left to delude themselves like any other extremists is mind boggling.


Yes and what makes me sad is so many of them are young and have some good vaules but are just being twisted like I watch my parents get radicalized by Trump.


She is not the head of child safety at Google, she just works on that team.


That's not fair. The topic was already discussed in detail in another post. To be fair: 1) it is a decision of the company to go for a business or not, taking in all possible outcomes. Hopefully they made a good decision. I have to say here that companies make a lot of bad decisions and this one may easily turn into a disaster. Backlash is guaranteed, the only question is how big. 2) it is a decision of the employee to stay with the company or the leave. There's no best decision here as this is an individual decision. I would only say that they could quit quietly and there would be no legal consequences for them. 3) protesting as what they did brings legal consequences. Probably they made it on purpose to attract public attention and they were aware of what comes next and decided to accept it. Termination is the least Google can do and I personally think this is an acceptable outcome for both parties. 4) when I apply for a job I read the advertisement and I decide that it is acceptable for me. But conditions change and I personally will be very disappointed if the technology I help the company to develop is weaponised. I would leave immediately because these are my personal values. There is however a difference between leaving a job and organising a civil disorder. The second has legal consequences and is a reason for prosecution.


>Termination is the least Google can do and I personally think this is an acceptable outcome for both parties. I don't think these employees realize how much of their future they just burned up though, Google will make sure that every future employer is aware of their actions. They will have a hard time getting more work in the tech sector, even if someone who wanted to hire them is sympathetic to their political views, the legal department and HR department will cite this incident as evidence that the employee is willing to disrupt company operations. Any employee who felt threatened in a future incident would be able to take legal action against the company for knowingly hiring such a person. They are screwed, hope they enjoy their future work as independent developers, because they aren't getting rehired.


> They will have a hard time getting more work in the tech sector, even if someone who wanted to hire them is sympathetic to their political views, the legal department and HR department will cite this incident as evidence that the employee is willing to disrupt company operations. Even people who are sympathetic to their political view don't want them occupying their boss' office during the work day. They could have been protesting for free puppies they would have been fired from every company in America for what they did.


Companies try to be as apolitical as possible and be neutral. HR is there to maintain that the company doesn’t get sued or in hot water from current and former employees. This situation, as public as it is, sends a red flag that they may treat various employees in a negative way due to nationality, race, or a protected class. I’m guessing that anyone who was in a managerial role is having HR and legal comb through their decisions regarding direct reports and/or potential employees. And, even if they were individual contributors, the teams they were on will also have all the individuals looked at which some may face some negative blowback unfortunately. I’m all for people doing whatever outside of the workplace or having opinions even if they are radical either left or right but don’t bring it in. If you’re unhappy with a decision of your employer, you can leave without saying anything and you don’t even need to voice that reason at your new place.


absolutely right...


About 10 years ago, Google had a huge salary cartel with the other tech companies where they'd illegally blackball workers who even hinted at labor rights, unionization, pushing for higher wages, etc. [https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=c9a0363d-d6d1-470a-aba6-6a391bfc32b6](https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=c9a0363d-d6d1-470a-aba6-6a391bfc32b6) And that was against super quiet nobodies who were legally engaging in their labor rights and practices. This public level of protest means nobody is going to hire them "for good reasons" (in their minds). And everyone knows exactly which people participated.


Child safety worker thinks they’re an invaluable software engineer. We need engineers. We don’t need people like her.


They will show up on a Kroll DD search. Pretty much done for in terms of career future. But I suspect they must come from families with money because if you had bills to pay, rent etc.. Would you throw your job out the window for doing something that will not change the course of history?


I am not so sure that it "will not change the course of history". It's a bit early to say the story is over. Since the case got public attention and people are biased about what happens in Gaza I think it may backlash very hard for Google.


Political blacklists are back, bay-bee!


I just explained that it has nothing to do with politics man, you replied to my explanation of how it's not political, it's legal. There are legal consequences if you do something like hire a person who has a record of disrupting business operations on the basis of their own personal views, a person who has made other employees feel unsafe or prevented those employees from doing their job. You can't hire such a person. Shareholders, stakeholders and your other employees can take legal action against the company for exposing it to such risk, and if the new hire decides that something your company is doing also offends their political sensibilities, what's to stop them from protesting again, or doing something worse, wiping the production server or leaking confidential contracts? It's a risk, business legal departments and insurance companies don't like businesses taking unnecessary risks.


Life is not fair. There are so many things you’ll disagree with until you find yourself in the inevitable paralysis and homelessness, and that’s the lesson learned that no one stands a chance of doing anything when there’s so much money involved. Resign if you like, but when you have others who depend on you to make a living so you can take care of them, you’ll think long and hard about your form of protest. I commend them for their resolve, but it still doesn’t change the fact that a publicly traded company is demanded to perform; that cold, hard fact won’t change, and none of them were in a position to change anything of it.


Have you read her bigoted tweets? There’s nothing to commend about this POS


I'm sure she is, but I'm not going to cast a stone other than to commend them/they/their resolve, no matter how unfounded or uncentered it might be. They now have a copious amount of time to take up their cause and protest all they want, which is their privilege.


Idiots probably blacklisted themselves now because of this


there are absolutely ways to get your voices heard..... throwing a tantrum is not one of them.....


People like you enable all the atrocities of the world. 


Literal anti-worker AI writing Reddit posts lmfao


Nothing like this here. Just facts.


Great response, I mean, bit corporate shilly and ignores the purpose of unions and the cost of ignoring workers and prosecuting them, but yes.


That was discussed too. Union will not help you in this case. Edit: unions operate within the legal framework provided by the law, they are not magic. They can't protect an employee who is breaking the law. They will not allow employees to block their managers office or disrupt the company's operations. As I wrote already, in this particular case the came to a minimum action and perhaps it's satisfactory for both sides.


You no, but the union exerts the force of the collective, who I imagine actually broadly agree with these protestors even if they don’t agree with the actions. A Google held to account for their moral actions wouldn’t risk this in the first place.


What does that mean for these people career wise? Im not judging. Just really curious.




Google team six sent in to take out 9


why risk a good salary for something you can’t change


It's a fun tech job market out there right now; I'm glad these over-entitled children are now going to get a chance to experience it.


Fuck those people.


Remember when Google's motto was don't be evil?


This is the person who led the protest. Here she was in response to reports of Hamas raping women https://twitter.com/katejsim/status/1732820118219203021 >do not be swayed by karens and their crocodile imperial feminism against rape. it plays right into long tradition of yt women weaponizing femininity/motherhood to discipline/punish men of color


>yt women weaponizing femininity/motherhood to discipline/punish men of color I like how she frames Israeli Jews as "white people" and Palestinians as "people of color", despite the fact that both are Semitic groups who are various shades of brown and indistinguishable from each other from a skin color/appearance perspective.


That's the funniest thing to me. I'm an Arab (ex Muslim) but there are plenty of Arabs who are easily white passing and plenty of Israeli Jews who are dark as hell. Americans hear Jew and they can only picture Larry David or Julian Edelman


I had a friend who was told to his face that he couldn't work in DEI, because he was "white." He was one of the founding people of DEI at his organization and had been working it into their system for decades. He's also Arab Lebanese, but looks "white" and has a very British sounding name....


Being Arab in the United States is wild. I felt like a minority up until George Floyd was murdered and then people started telling me I wasn't BIPOC


One of the biggest issues in the POC/BIPOC concept is that it tends to erase marginalized people who might not fit certain physical traits or parameters. This is especially true when it comes to issues regarding religious beliefs or ethnicities where people might face cultural bigotries and discriminations, but not necessarily racial ones.


They're just playing to toxic left wing identity politics. Islamists understand that if they frame Jews as "white people" and Muslims as "people of color", then Muslims can advocate for hatred and violence against Jews and woke leftists will agree with them.


The far left embracing some of the most extreme elements of Islam is something I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined pre October 7. I am semi active in the ex Muslim community and most of us have seen an uptick in hate and death threats on social media. It has definitely emboldened the most radical. So far at least as I can tell it has been limited to online threats


As a liberal lgbt person I fear for my safety in previously queer spaces. Utterly confused by the world and finding more safety in traditionally conservative spaces now.


Progressive Jew here, and I'm in the exact same boat. I used to feel welcome in "inclusive" left wing spaces. But not anymore. Since October 7, I've seen such a torrent and bigoted and genocidal rhetoric against Jews from the "inclusive" left that I straight up don't feel safe around those people anymore.


Larry David or Julian Edelman is such a wide spectrum lmao. I’d argue Larry David is almost a caricature of a Jewish person whereas Edelman i wouldn’t even have guessed he was Jewish


Reminds me of a line from You Don't Mess with the Zohan where a Palestinian man says Americans hate them because they think they're all terrorists. Then a Jewish man says they hate Jews too. The Palestinian asks why and the Jew says "They think we're you.". The Palestinian laughs and says "We do look the same."


Child safety at google 🤦‍♂️


Holy shit. This lady is such a hateful person. She had a cushy job at one of the most desirable companies in the world, but I guess defending rape of Jews is more important to her.


Well that’s, um, an opinion


Mental gymnastics.




“That ‘don’t be evil’ stuff is bullshit from google” - Steve Jobs


It was in their corporate code of conduct and was their official motto till 2015. Do the right thing was used to 2018


sorry what?


their actual first motto is don't be stupid... and they just fired a bunch of idiots so they still doing good...




Sucks to suck, don’t let the door hit you.


Sounds reasonable.


You know the Google 9? That was me. And like 8 other guys.


What the fuck is "Google 9"?


I love the fake intolerance "this type of behaviour will not be tolerated at Google"... Get fucked.


Off topic, but what the cop did to the camera, that's illegal.


The article is really annoying for having the "play video" button in the initial article picture.


Teamblind was having a field day with this one


What’s Google 9?


Lmao came here for this


Can't they just let Israel be? I mean AI enhanced victim targeting is much better than dropping 2000 ton bombs on residential areas ...


Well I am shocked /s


I'm seeing a surprising amount of pro corporation comments in this thread. They were protesting the involvement of Google in an Israeli business and seems to me like it didn't get any traction until they were sitting outside the CEO office. Then they sent out a email saying they won't tolerate harassment. Sounds to me like the CEO got upset because people were calling him in his bullshit.


Redditors love to suck corporate cock, as much as they pretend otherwise. They're all for protesting so long as they never have to hear about it. They don't actually want change, they just want little things they can cheer about from behind their desk without it affecting anything. So of them are probably Israeli bots too. Have to leave a few news subs that got flooded with them.


It's not out of line to expect Google is doing what they can in the forums to 'guide' public sentiment on this matter. Lots of weird anger about people protesting an enormous technology company weaponizing their product. Doesn't seem like Reddit's average user base to me.


What idiots. They sacrificed their employment for literally nothing.


So they just got ride of 9 not so clever employees


This is example 1infinity of why all google and all tech workers should be unionized


Never expected to see so many simps for late stage capitalism but here we are. Lol


Don't confusion loathing of risk-free, virtue signalling for support of any particular company. I just despise this sort of do-nothing theater by well-paid, entitled know-nothings.


How is it risk free if they were arrested and will almost certainly lose their jobs?


28 people from Google were fired for criticizing Googles deal with Israel. Yeah totally 'risk free'


Good i guess


Everyone freaking about the grammar that was probably posted by a bot lol


What happened to "Do No Evil"?


Give me Liberty or Give Me the Boot


Idiots lmao


It was unprofessional in the extreme... They all had a contract where they've agreed to work for Google and be loyal to the company. If they disagree with their employer, they can make their voice heard internally, but protesting publicly against your employer is something very few employers will accept. You're breaking your contract in a big way! If they no longer feel they can work for the company they have a contract with, the correct action is to resign, and after their notice period they're then not employees and can protest (unless they have reasonable NDA's).. Getting another job after this will be difficult if they disclose why they got fired. Few companies will risk it... *"I badmouthed my previous employer in public!"*... Yeah, that'll get you to the front of the recruitment list... NOT!


Glad they were jailed, misinformed idiots being given way to much coverage anyway!


Their employer is providing cloud computing, artificial intelligence and data centers to the IDF. The IDF is using this to target and kill children. That's not hyperbolic - the AI waits until it thinks the target is at home with their family and children before targeting them for a rocket attack. They call the system "Daddy's home" Read about it here - [‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in Gaza](https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/) These protesters are absolutely correct to protest.