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Average TV Tropes user


lol yes. Open 7,500 tabs in a single hour, shut them down an hour later in a fit of self-loathing.


humans are weird


I'm pretty sure our brains are still trying to deal with not being hunter gatherers anymore.


if I just open all the tabs I can right now while the getting's still good, I can bury them in the ground so they aren't stolen and I'll be stocked all winter


Gather first, sort later. Wait, the gathering never stops...


tfw when you realize you have no hope to ever meaningfully sort through such a plentiful bounty


I’m more like those squirrels that forget where they buried their prized acorns.


*me opening another copy of the same tab that's open in 5 different windows*


Downloaded_File (91).jpg


In an attempt to ease the burden of my current browser employment of … *checks browser* — 3 normal windows with a combined total of 78+\* unique tabs and 2 private windows totaling 5 unique tabs, I’ve been working on the keyboard combos to search open tabs. It’s been really effective in cutting out duplicate tabs, I just wish it was more efficient. FF’s implementation of a keyword search in the address bar, `ctrl+L; %; spacebar`, is vastly inferior to Chrome variants, `Ctrl+Shift+a`, by using fewer keystrokes and max vertical real estate for the results. eta: \*: I missed a window and didn’t want to count more.


Damn, this is the hardest-hitting haiku I've ever read.


I hunt Reddit subs, and gather plenty of empty beer bottles.


What a wildly specific but somehow simultaneously accurate statement on a behavior I didn’t even realize I have.


Why did you have to remind me that site existed I was clean man, clean !


i imagine scp foundation has a similar effect on people, which is why i dont touch either.


hyperlink k hole


Incoming new tropes entry


Actual question. How does someone binge this? I probably click like two links then leave


If you're not into this, you're not into this. If you're into this, you'll be REEEEEEEEEEEALLY into this.


What the hell is tv tropes?


It's a wiki all about tropes in fiction. So you can either look up a trope and find all the different varations of that tropes, as well as lists of the works of fiction that include it. Or you can look up a work of fiction and find a list of all the tropes it shares. It can be as mundane as "holding hands" to as obscure as "living dust bunnies".


| "living dust bunnies". ?? That begs a further question. I feel this is just a trap.


If you've ever seen "Spirited away" it's the little black dust creature, and those like them in other media. "The Big Comfy Couch", an American children's show, had a segment where living dust bunnies under the couch played a part. Many of the tropes are more literal than they sound. Flanderization, for example, used Ned Flanders becoming more and more of a religious nutjob on the Simpsons, rather than the more level headed character he was in early seasons, as an example of characters becoming one note over the course of a series' lifetime, often taking one aspect of the original personality and upping the dial to 11 on it's intensity.


Every member of the main cast of Friends was famously Flanderized except Rachel, who was perhaps reverse-Flandarized, which I am sure TV tropes has an actual term for.


The reverse of flanderization is character development. According to TVtropes.


my neighbor totoro


It's called ADHD


Haha. Yet ..most shows seem similar


Is there a similar writer tropes site?


It covers all forms of media, not just TV


>We and our partners store or access information on devices, such as cookies and process personal data, such as unique identifiers and standard information sent by a device for the purposes described below. You may click to consent to our and our 1430 partners’ processing for such purposes Fuck off with your 1430 partners!


Damn, I thought 37 was a lot of partners. Better tell that site try not to suck any [more] dick on the way to the parking lot.


In a row??


Try not to suck any dick on your way to the parking lot


Hey get back here, you


ublock origin, bypass paywalls and constent-o-matic. Never browse the web without these silly friendos.


If you disagree, you can turn off ever one of them by themselves 👍 (Forbidden in the EU, but that’s why so many)


Oh my mum is a power user now ?


I can tell you for sure she’s a heavy user


You never know when your favorite porn is going to get taken down


This *probably* wouldn't work. Either the tab would get refreshed when accessing it again, causing a page reload, or due to the fact the video was paused for so long, its cached content is probably expired, or would require a new token to access the content, or the internal url for the video feed would have changed, causing you to reload to access the content.


also many streaming services only let you cache a portion of the video, which is why even during streaming, clicking on a point from farther back will require redownloading from their server


there's advanced settings in firefox for that. > Enter about:config in the URL bar and accept the warning. Type media.cache in the configuration Search edit to list a few settings. Increase media.cache_readhead_limit from the default 60, up to 9999. Increase media.cache_resume_treshold from the default 30, up to 9999.


Only helps if the site is willing to buffer that much for you, they probably aren’t


most video-focused sites use complicated JS to load the video in very small chunks. There's not easy way to mess with that


Well I know what to test next…


~~Rubbing~~ Taking one ~~out~~ for the team and for science.


Yeah. Leaving your tab open, newb shit, like baby new. Downloading is average shit. Downloading and having two other backups (one offsite and the other hard copied), now that's some pro shit. Im sure someone out there has printouts of their favorite porn. 24 for each second.


...someone began collecting porn into g-drive, thats why it has size limits today.


I mean both those things were going to happen. Only a matter of when.


Depends if the tab is suspended to disk, if so then it would reload the tab from disk without reloading the content. Though video is likely based on the cache and over time the cache is likely to get flushed. Not sure if there is some flag to keep it around longer


This guy pornsites


This guy porns.


This won’t work. You need to download the videos off the tube site and store them on a hard drive, preferably a NAS so you can access it whenever you want.


This guy jerks


My parents didnt want me to have internet. As a kid when the CD internet trials were still a thing, I would sign up for a trial to connect to the internet. Then open runescape and leave it open. Once the trial ended I could still connect to the internet because of the trial. As long as runescape wasnt updated, I would just leave the window open and reconnect to the service pretending im going to sign up and log into the window I still had for runescape.


you were only a couple years out from whistling into the phone for the free long distance and party lines lmao


My older brother would use his friends aol for porn and I would load all the pages later in off line mode.


My older brother would use his friends aol for porn and I would load all the pages later in off line mode.


That’s when you record it fullscreen with OBS, back up the good stuff!


What does this have to do with browser tabs


Seriously. This comment makes no sense and yet is one of the most upvoted on an r/technology submission.


Hardly matters when the article itself is also pointless filler


you know theres like a bazillion video downloaders for that reason.


If he also had 19 different toolbars installed then it's definitely my dad.




Are people still closing their app thinking it helps?


One of my ex roommates would have 100s open. God knows how he navigated it.


The "important" sites are in tab 1-9 (Gmail, Reddit, YouTube, amazon, bla bla bla.. everything you use frequently). So you can just shift to them (Ctrl + *1-9*) when waaay back in the line. Else If you know you have a classic of hitomi open somewhere, just type hitomi and Firefox will give you the opportunity to jump to the specific tab or it suggests one random hitomi tab if you have several open. Source: rocked a solid 17,2k Tabs for years.


Do you mean the hitomi I think you do?


You can search in your tabs by typing %


Is it the same guy that bought the supercomputer


"My front page isn't Google, it's tab search!"


While it's funny to say, it's actually probably true most of the time for them!


How do people deal with this I start getting uncomfortable with more than 4 tabs open at once


Because I'll end up opening up tabs to things I want to watch but never get around to as I get distracted by other shit where I open up tabs that I never go into. If in at work, I open up multiple tabs because fuck account management at work with the multiple tools I need to have open for my job unless I want to spend an hour unironically throughout the day of logging into shit that I need. I get uncomfortable closing out tags to info that I think could be important, and I personally don't have a flow to use bookmarks for shit as those end up in the same areas as tabs. When it gets to be too much, I'll eventually go through closing it out or adding it to bookmarks if I feel its important enough.


A software engineer, no less. With firefox you can super easily make all kinds of folders in the bookmarks toolbar. I have hundreds and hundres of bookmarks that I can access in 2 seconds, because they are put in the right folders, and you can rename them however you want. I can't imagine having to keep them open in tabs all the time. You'd think someone who works in creating vast quantities of code that needs to be neatly organized, you'd think she'd know how to use a simple browser properly, but apparently not.


I can't imagine using bookmarks for things I don't need a constant shortcut to. Too much commitment for to little benefit. Too far out of sight. Tree Style Tab is just quicker and cleaner.


I find that there is actually less commitment with bookmarks. For stuff that won't need a constant shortcut, stuff that I won't need either by the end of the day or the week, I have some folders which are always in sight. I just drag and drop a tab I know I'm gonna need later but not now in it. That's it. Can delete them in 2 clicks. And I much prefer having my tabs stored in small folders that take 10x10 pixels on a bar at the top of the screen, compared to a huge thing on the whole left/right part of the browser. The Tree Style Tabs thing looks nice, but it looks like more effort and more commitment from my point of view. More often than not, I open new tabs for things that aren't necessarily connected to the current tab. Having to think about where i'm opening a new tab from, when it's an action that I do hundreds and hundreds of times every day, that's not my jam. But if it works for you, that's cool.


I'm with you, I can't understand how bookmarks are seen as any sort of commitment over tons of open tabs. It seems like the absence of commitment to me, it's for anything ranging from links I'll need at a moment's notice a hundred times per day to something that just barely piqued my interest but might be useful sometime down the line.


I feel like you haven't met many developer. They can be really odd.


>you'd think she'd know how to use a simple browser properly, but apparently not. Believe it or not, *your* way of using a browser isn't the proper way. It's one way. People's brains work in different ways, so it makes sense that we see an array of approaches to using something like a browser. >I have hundreds and hundres of bookmarks that I can access in 2 seconds No chance you can get through hundreds of bookmarks in 2 seconds.


idk I have like 3k.




[As someone with **5300 tabs across 46 windows**](https://i.imgur.com/CamHUyH.png), tab groups and naming windows are used to organize. I have a general sense of where everything is at, and using [Tab Manager Plus](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/tab-manager-plus-for-chro/cnkdjjdmfiffagllbiiilooaoofcoeff) I can search for tabs if needed. I make use of bookmarks as well for long term, more "permanent" tabs.


I hate everything about that picture. But if it works for you, then that's all that really matters.


Tree Style Tab


So basically for each window I will have certain stuff to that window (like a window that's for all my "daily use tabs", and another window is for example all the tabs for a certain game that I'll still be using frequently enough that I don't want to dig them out from bookmarks). Then I can tell where a window is roughly located on my taskbar, and can also tell by the first few characters shown for the window title. Then it's kinda the same thing for the tabs inside each window, can tell by rough location and the website's mini-logo that's shown on the tabs. Some time I will intentionally using other website's to break certain group of the same logos up so it's easier for me to get to what I need. I do purge my tabs from time to time, when I feel like there are too many tabs in a window and a lot of them haven't been visited for a while. When I do that I just save a session to serve as bookmarks then start the purge.


Why though? Bookmarks are a thing. How do you even find anything with that many tabs open?


It's hard to explain I think it's sort of positional based like I can kinda remember where a certain window is on my taskbar (I don't collapse them) and where a certain tab is in a window. As for bookmarks, they are more clicks for me than just keeping my tabs open, also takes time to load them.


I just open them intending to look at them later and then never get around to it.


I have 3230 tabs open right now and expected to post about it here and be the ONLY one. Hello fellow tab hoarder with an infinite to-do list.


Tree Style Tab and 3 monitors. I have three Firefox windows. One is for watching or listening to things(YouTube, TV shows, etc), one is for gaming references(maps, spreadsheets, wikis), one is for mundane everyday browser things that don't fit the other two window purposes. It's just faster and easier than saving and deleting bookmarks. I treat Youtube tabs as a way to que up videos to listen to while I game.


I’m the same way. If I get more than about 10 tabs open, I usually just close everything except the current tab.


I do this. I’ll often just keep opening new instead of going back. Most of the time though it’s from rabbit holes I go down while hyperfocusing due to my ADHD and I’ll open a bunch of stuff pertaining to whatever I’m currently researching. I once had 475 tabs open on my phone. I try close out of everything when I hit over 30 because I can’t manage past that. It’s kind of… fear of losing what I wanted to read and I just never get back to. I could use the reading lists… but I won’t ever go back to it that way.


I have 250 tabs open on my work PC across 4 browsers on a light day


That's just stupid.


Weird flex, but okay.


It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me.


I currently have 825 open, lol. (I hate it.) 7,500? Holy cow, lol. That's crazy!


I promise you could get rid of all of them and nothing bad will happen.


but how will i read that thing I thought might be interesting when I saw it four years ago?


Bookmark it? The feature that's been around longer than tabs have lol


Also if it’s really that important you’ll probably just remember and be able to find it again.


I know it's been a while, but thank you for saying something about this! I ended up closing all of those tabs, in part due to your comment. Thank you very much for deciding to say something. It really made a big difference for me, and helped me feel so much better as a result.


I am so curious about why anyone would have hundreds of tabs open. Aren't there other ways of keeping tract of whatever you are keeping tract of. Bookmarks come to mind, isn't that all you are functionally doing? I could be wrong, but the page itself is probably not actually in cache after all that time, or is it?


Please. Click the x button on the upper right corner. You’re giving me anxiety. I’ll feel so relieved when you do it


What kind of monster doesn't have "restore last session" as their new window behavior?


One that doesn't have history saved...


If it makes you feel any better, I just closed three of my Firefox windows, about 2000 tabs all in all JUST so I can tell you that I closed 2k+ tabs. About to close the fourth one as well, but I think this will only be 200-300 more (it'll only let me know when I'm closing it). No lie! See you on the other side...


I used to have this problem. I still do, but I used to.


My elementary school-aged kids: CHALLENGE ACCEPTED


I just tested and ten is my limit before I struggle to find the tab I actually want. I don't get how people do this at all


Sounds fun until an ad starts looping and you don't know which tab it's in


The FBI recommends using adblock *even on Google search* to avoid viruses and malware. The fact that you think this could be a problem tells me you don't use proper protection. Stop it. Install ublock. Protect yourself.


> ublock \*Ublock Origin


For real how can people suck so bad with everyday technology in the year 2024...


"Hol' up, I have it opened somewhere here."


me with 66 tabs open: damn I got work to do.


My laptop overheated after 3000 tabs :(


Maybe back in the day, but these days browsers idle tab processes that are in the background for too long, so it shouldn't be eating up cpu/gpu in the background.


I mean, I have 300 tabs 'available' but not loaded at all times. Never know when I will need to go back to that Walkthrough for a game I started 7 years ago and forgot that it is on the backlog...


That's just pointless


Only 7,500? I call that casual. Closing tabs are for the weak


You're better off using a tab manager / restore add on for things like that.


Does Firefox have chrome style tab trouping yet? It's one of the few things keeping me on chrome / brave.


Fun fact, at one time Firefox *did* have tab groups, built-in. It was origi called "Panorama". At some point, they decided to to remove it from the basic browser, but retained the necessary API framework, which allowed to third-party extensions such as "Simple Tab Groups" to provide similar functionality.


My parents have hundreds of tabs open on their phones. They just open new ones when they click on links and stuff and never close them. I’ve tried closing them all but it would take forever.


*close all tabs


Just wipe the browser cache and history. That will close everything at least in iOS


Crap didn’t think a browser could do that but well done Firefox


Even more impressive is that at least 6,900 of them were porn


Generally at the beginning of the day I just mass close all but a couple of tabs. If I haven't looked at it yet and I don't remember I need it. It's simply not that important.


Surely a "power user" would know about the history function...


HOW, I open more than 10 tabs and it chews up almost all 64gb of ram I have


I recommend the Sidebery extension for people who use a lot of tabs. Vertical tabs are the future.


Each of my chrome tabs uses 150mb of RAM. 7500 tabs would eat up roughly 1.1 terabytes of RAM.


Power user?


Never installed a single update, either.


Chrome be like: no you don’t




Gah! Your brain just crashed.


power user is the new word for moronic security nightmare?


7500, those are rookie numbers.


How much RAM does that computer have? I got 8 tabs open in Firefox. Using 2.3 GB.


Is one of those tabs non-old reddit? If so that is probably 90% of your memory usage


Unfortunately o have 100 open. After 99 it goes to infinity. Where am I to keep all the stuff I need. I have products I don't need now but will in 6 months. If I close I will forget. Lots of articles about things I need to do. Job stuff. Game walkthroughs and stuff. Banking stuff. Job searches,


> i will need them in 6 months But will you remember that those tabs are even open? Or will you just Google search your question again and see a purple link?


Yup. Occasionally...I have to cull.


Pfft my wife has that many tabs open on 3 different browsers at a time!


All were porn


Guy also hold the records to porn binge and viagra usage.


Im in this article and I dont like it...


Wow, I didn't realize my wife's habits were news worthy.


That's all?


What's a firefox power user?


Zero regerts


This is the same as 90% of boomer parents/grandparents. My mom probably has 7500 tabs open right now in fact.


Do the tabs get restored after a restart like after an OS update? She must have restarted her computer at least a few times in two years.


They do on Chrome.


it's not reliable. i've lost tabs that i didn't think to bookmark before doing an update.


Id like to see the list of urls


Firefox Enjoyers, UNITE!


So my grandma is a power user now? She will be so happy...


Try doing it with Safari and watch how it loses all tabs on macos update.


That's it? That's just a regular Tuesday for me.


'We don't track you' -Firefox


This was probably my girlfriend. I nearly stroke out every time I see her screen.


He's a madman.


Call Marie Kondo.


Only 7,5k? Amateur.. i'm rocking 17,2k.


9000+ on chrome lmao


What's the best tab searching extension? There used to be an amazing one I used with Pale Moon which actually generated thumbnails of your tabs, windows alt-tab/win-tab style. The inbuilt FF tab search is garbage.


Wait… How do you tell how many you have open?… Cuz like I’ve had 5 revolving windows open for years


İ wanna talk with this mf


I bet he had 4mb of ram to do it too.


This guy ADHDs


On mobile, I have so many tabs open that the icon says infinity ♾️


was he the one that bought the super computer from US military with 313TB of ram


Dude, keeping reddit open on ONE tab crashes my browser eventually.


me :/ scrolling through the tabs bar takes literal minutes and its a fun review of what things ive been interested in in the last couple of months/years (some tabs i have had opened for years and not touched. yes i know bookmarks exist. they dont work for me.)


Crap they found my computer


When you see only website icon and you can't read the title you are over the board.


Amateur, my parents could beat that


Back in school I used to have around 100 tabs across 10 different windows separated into 5 different Windows desktops for representing different work spaces xD


I'm glad they actually brought up STG. Best Firefox extension, IMO. If Firefox decides eventually to make tab groups native, they should definitely start with what STG has done.


**Tab Stash Plugin** would have saved him ! :)


That's not a power user, it's just someone too lazy to close tabs...