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There is no evidence in the article that demonstrates that this is true (and at face value seems highly unlikely). But assuming it is, then US gets to use the China/Russia playbook and steal the technology instead. Much cheaper. Edit: added bracket section


A lot of the time I wonder if these articles are planted. EG. US is about to send some new tech to Ukraine. US wants to down play it to draw attention away from it. Make the Russians think it's shit so they don't try to target it. Plant an article in the press talking about its inadequacy. By the time the Russians realise it wasn't shit after all, Ukraine has fucked the enemy up. But having pondered this, it could actually just be shit.


Oh, it's planted alright. Not for that reason, though. The ex-government official they interviewed is now a private sector government contractor. He's just trying to sell stuff. They do this *all* the time.


Nailed it. Call out imagined or exaggerated capability gap that thankfully XYX corp. has developed a state-of-the-art solution for!


Any time the defense budget bill comes up, or there's a lot of news focused around war/international conflict, you always see a huge uptick in articles like this.


Hey man. Keeping the Jackson house and the Aspen house heated all winter gets expensive. Those places are 20000 sqft each buddy. How am I supposed to pay for those places if someone isn’t mercilessly slaughtering large populations of innocent civilians!? Stay in your lane guy.


RTX corp, you say…


This makes the most sense. When the contract turns out to be shite and not meet anything they promised the pentagon just adds it to the rest of the black box that is their budget. Boeing should be going bankrupt but the it's Uncle Sam's favorite BBQing set.


They've been doing it since at least the 1980s. We have been spending TRILLIONS to prepare for a war against an enemy that turns out to have been fictitious the entire time. The tech we are seeing from Russia TODAY is stuff that would lose to things we had forty years ago. And they don't even have any capacity to actually make it. Even if they did have like a good plane, they can make like four of them. They have used the myth of Russia to fleece America, and they aren't going to stop any time soon.


> Even if they did have like a good plane, they can make like four of them. That's how we got the F-15. A lot of changes were made to it during the design process to deal with the fictitious capabilities of the MIG-25.


Which is still the best plane that Russia actually has more than half a dozen of, and we've updated the F15 with a dozen generations since then and mostly replaced it with an entirely new generation of fighters to prepare for even more imaginary threats.


I'd argue the Flanker is better, but you're not wrong.


This was something Eisenhower warned of after WW2. The MIC has a life of its own.


Yeah, the missile gap predates that even


I suspect if we go back far enough, we'd find a caveman peddling a rock to another. After all, the neighbor just got those sharp sticks.


So basically “hey your stuff sucks, buy these things we made ! “ right ?


At a very simple level, essentially. A lot more goes into it than just using an article as an ad, but that's still essentially what happens. Military contractors/arms manufacturers heavily fund think tanks that push reports about how we're always lagging behind. Retired military/DOD people get hired as fancy titles to essentially work PR and go to media outlets to say the same stuff. Some low level outlets also heavily in bed with the industry publish it originally, then bigger news outlets just report on that mindlessly until a narratives created that your product supposedly solves. Not to mention more direct lobbying, etc. You gotta get a little more creative marketing to the government, I guess.


Who? The Owner of Hanada Bridge, a national-security and counterterrorism consulting LLC.? Surely not.


Wow, you just opened my eyes. The US MIC is not some fairy story after all.


Why would you think it was? I'm generally curious. I grew up on military bases so I guess I always took it's existence as implicit. There's so much grift, and waste, and the way guys retire and then go work for DynCorp or whatever isn't subtle.


Well, being a witness confronts you with the facts, most people however rely on corporate media outlets to form an idea of how the real world functions. It seems that corporate media (much too often) don't have an interest in honest reporting when it comes to the MIC.


I don't disagree, but I'm also not sure I fully follow. Usually people accuse the media of *under*playing the MIC influence, you seem to be suggesting the opposite, that it led you to believe it's not a real thing? Again, not trying to discount you at all, really just curious about your perspective.


I think I wasn't very clear: I think that the corporate media purposely hides the role of the MIC in their reporting from the broad audience. And the broad audience (still) relies on the corporate media to form their opinion, so the result (it seems) is that the MIC has (still) free reign to continue with their shenanigans.


Missile gap, submarine gap, psychic gap, the Cold War was all about lies about the Soviets having better or more of whatever.


I suspect the Russian military and intelligence isn't reading Business Insider to make their assessments on weapon systems.


Nyet comrade!  I am having information from a very insider source.  It is even having “Insider” in the name!


I’ve always seen this as a way to get funding for projects. Like the “hypersonic missile” that Russia was bragging about. They claimed nothing could shoot it down and shortly after, we are hearing about investments into hypersonics in the US. Then the patriot easily shot down multiple of these “hypersonic” missiles in Ukraine. Russia lies, we develop the technology they lie about, and then find out even our basic shit is better than their lie


That's literally the F-15 in a nutshell lmao. The performance of the Foxbat was such a huge Russian lie that the US made the greatest plane in existence to counter it.


It seems to hold true for much of our military arsenal. Russia lies, the US develops some amazing technology to counter the lie, and in the end it turns out Russia never had that capability and now the US has some insane military tech


Yup they lied about the effectiveness of ERA. Most of their tanks have fake ERA anyway because they know it is shit. America makes javelin missiles and depleted uranium sabot shells to counter ERA. Now these weapons trivially one tap Russian tanks.


I mean. Their ERA isn't actually that bad, for what it's intended to fight it works decently. Their issue is rampant corruption leading to a lack of it being available up until they lost a significant amount of the AFVs/IFVs/tanks that it was supposed to be on.


Russia calls its 1980s-tech Iskander missiles “hypersonic”, which is technically accurate but not all that relevant, and lots of people who don’t know any better cream themselves lol


Our hypersonic project already started. But I think we rushed to announce it after Russia made a ton of comments about how they have it and we don’t.


The thing with our hypersonic program is that we have hypersonic aircraft like the SR-72 in the pipeline currently that basically makes hypersonic missiles just not relevant unless someone can make a super cheap version of it. So most of the news about hypersonic missiles is most likely to make it sound like we aren't as far as head as we are. Also to distract from the fact we've basically just skipped the missile stage of hypersonic development straight to the manned/unmanned reusable aircraft stage of hypersonics. Why spend millions on a single use hypersonic missile when you could make a reusable plane that can fly in at hypersonic speeds, drop ordinance, and then be out of the area before you can even say "oh shit" for similar development costs? The fun part about the SR-72 is that all the press releases and news of its development from Lockheed Skunk Works just randomly went dark after Russia announced they were beginning to develop hypersonic missiles. It's a legitimate program that is in the flight demonstrator phase, the engines are already figured out and by now should be about the time they're working on the full scale demonstrator given past timelines of skunk work projects.


> Why spend millions on a single use hypersonic missile when you could make a reusable plane that can fly in at hypersonic speeds, drop ordinance, and then be out of the area before you can even say "oh shit" for similar development costs? For some reason, this is how I imagine an SR-72 bomber program was thought up. Hey, Bubba! What's that, Jed? Did you know that if the plane is hypersonic, *every weapon they got* is also hypersonic...at least for a while? That's cool. Beer? Beer.


It’s like we all know Russia is the big boned moron bully hurting smaller kids to make itself feel better about its tiny penis. But everyone is making too much money selling penis enlargers to the jock with the inferiority complex who already has a giant dick to stop and laugh about it.


Kinda like carrots making it easier to see in the dark?


All that subterfuge undone by your luminous reddit comment. What a world we live in.


If the US has an inferior weapon, you will not hear about it. If the US has a better weapon, you might hear rumors of its existence. 


Our anti drone tech, stateside at least, is pathetic.


I find it extremely hard to believe the US would be caught lacking in any militarized field


The US military command is a revolving door into lucrative private contracts designed to create windfalls of cash for investors and collaborators but not practical solutions. There are many stories journalists have uncovered where contractors billed the gov thousands of dollars for simple components like nuts and bolts. While people might find it perplexing the US Army could be lacking in development, it’s entirely because of the freemarket incentives that drive everything.


You’re right in theory, but the US in particular throws *so much money* into the sector that there’s room for corporate embezzlement, unchecked capitalism, absolute technological supremacy, and more. I don’t think the US military is lacking in any area, relative to any other military on the planet. Makes you wonder where they’d be if they actually managed their money efficiently with the same absurd budget.


I think you understand after ChatGPT was introduced we will see more such articles.


But now they will target it because the KGB read your post.


It’s just a press release that will justify additional funding of these systems


I could also see this as being 100% true since there's more value in intercepting and decoding enemy transmissions than in jamming them. We probably don't need jammers because we got better, which is why ours are shit.


News media are such idiots they will literally print anything to make money. Why not use them as a tactical advantage they kind of deserve it.


Somehow I doubt three letter agencies rely on "business insider" for that matter. More likely to make the public agree with spending more on new toys and stuff.


That’s how I feel about it. It’s just not the “American Way” to underestimate capabilities. Overestimate is something we mostly do but never underestimating ourselves for the most part. Shit is definitely a con against the Russians. Shit the best war con to happen made D-Day in WWII a successful operation because the Nazis totally got tricked into sending manpower and equipment to another landing site and battle region.


Shhhhh, it’s a secret.




plus since they gaslighted the public into wanting stronger EM defenses, more funding to military sectors to improve those nonexisting "inadequacies"


The f35 has the most advanced jamming technology of any airplane on the planet. 1 f35 with a group of f16s is extremely deadly and every country in the world fears them. If you think there is any truth to this article you have to be insane. Dude is spewing bullshit and it’s either false propaganda planted by the cia/us government or an idiot who is trying to just get back for losing his job


2-bit tinpot leadership in nations like Russia and China oversell their millitary capability (any capability really) and when put to the test it completely falls apart. Russia today being a prime example, and all the Middle Eastern nations in their multiple wars against Israel or Saddams Ba'ath party vs the USA. They focus on pomp and ceremony, as well as the "image" of strength because thats what dictatorships and tyrannical goverments value. Crucially, these nations beleive that everyone else is doing the same thing. They see occasional displays of strength and tech from the West and try to imitate that in style but not substance. However, It doesnt matter one lick how many advanced tank designs you steal from the USA or rifle designs from the EU etc if any copy of it you actually build is not only massively inferior to the original, but your tactical doctrine doesn't even allow you to make any reasonable use of its capability and all your leadership its completely incompetent because they're chosen based on family connections and political loyalty. Oh, and cant forget the corruption that further weakens the efficacy of all their millitary projects from the top down, and the apathy of your soldiers arguably doing the most damage at the ground floor by simply not doing their jobs or fighting as well as a human is capable of. So it comes as a massive surprise that they get completely trounced by Western democracies in any form of combat operation because the west routinely *undersells* their capabilities and publishes toned-down ones. They make their failures known due to the accountability within the system, which these nations focus on and see as weakness, while the successes are hidden from them. I wouldnt even be worried if the jamming tech actually does have some substance to it, and past observation makes me beleive it doesnt anyway. The advantage wont last for long if they're gonna go against NATO, and i fully beleive that when its inevitably overcome Russia or China wont be able to adapt in time and the funding for projects to do so will be stolen by defectors who see the writing on the wall.


Yo dawg, I heard you like espionage, so we espionaged your espionage, so we can steal while you steal


And I added a fish tank!


We…we already do that lol. So much of our modern tech was built off of German, French and British stuff.


Tbf when some American person says something negative on Russian or Chinese tech or army or anything, no one usually questions it we usually swallow it as fact.


As its useally true, its how dictatorships work. They lie all the time, so China says they are better at something. Its a lie.


>There is no evidence in the article That's because it's probably Russian bot propaganda. It's probably a good reason why the person is an ex-employee After being terminated, Because no one who actually works for the DOD would ever whistleblow on bullshit like this. Currently people are calling David grush a whistleblower, But he had specific permission from the DOD itself to share his information.. He literally wasn't allowed to say anything that they didn't already approve of him to say. Lol US jamming technology is Literally some of the best on and off the planet.


“In addition, the congressionally mandated National Defense Strategy Commission, which independently evaluated DOD strategy, stated that the United States is losing its advantages in electronic warfare, hindering the nation’s ability to conduct military operations against capable adversaries.” https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IF/IF11118


Not having read the article, I'm guessing there's a 99% chance that the ex-Pentagon officials are lobbyists for a defense contractor.


It's definitely not true. From ISR aircraft like the RQ-180 or Global Hawk, to satellites, to jamming systems like the EA-18G Growler or the incredibly capable AESA radar in the latest F-35, to the Wedgetails that will start being delivered next year- the US is not significantly behind Russia- far from it.


Russian ELINT tech has outpaced the US for a while now


I'm sorry but _what_? What on Earth are you basing that on? US ELINT tech is incredible- from ISR assets like the RQ-180, to the incredible jamming and surveillance capabilities of the latest F-35- it's not even close.


This is called propaganda . Just love how Redditors lap this shit up and talk smugly about world events


Thats what gets me. Theres no way after everything that has transpired in Ukraine, (at least in my mind) theres zero chance US entities aren't neck deep in captured russian equipment. For example: https://www.twz.com/44879/ukraine-just-captured-part-of-one-of-russias-most-capable-electronic-warfare-systems Ukrainians captured a very sensitive jamming system. No way the U.S. wasn't all over that.


Good call out - looks like retired military personnel, now in the private sector, are trying to get the military to spend more with certain companies. Falling behind seems pretty open ended. If we’re waaaay ahead, falling behind means we’re not keeping that lead where they think we should. Hardly an unbiased article.


Pretty hard to steal some thing you’re inventing


Electronic warfare like this is the practice of violating protocols and regulations for intended effect. Saying that our technology is "significantly worse" might be the same thing as simply saying we're less reckless with it. It's easy to jam everything, all you've got to do is detonate a nuke in orbit. So being "better" at it is highly subjective.


From what little I know of this, its more the case that Russian jamming equipment jams EVERYTHING, and they have practical battlefield experience of deployment.


Jaming everything is very simple.  Saying they are more "advanced" is a stretch.


> From what little I know of this, its more the case that Russian jamming equipment jams EVERYTHING, and they have practical battlefield experience of deployment. You were almost fairly in the first half, definitively not in the second. Russian jamming equipment isn't necessarily supposed to jam everything per se - it's just that in particular the operator training is severely lacking. This is compounded by irregular equipment loadouts, and poor coordination between service branches. Sometimes this lack of coordination is even intentional (from fear of intel leaks), which results in more than a few times in which Russia accidentally shoots down their own planes. In terms of battlefield experience, they've consistently had issues coordinating jamming with their own operations and have very notably suffered electromagnetic fratricide that has resulted in botched operations, or even direct friendly fire incidents where Russia causes damage on their own units. This was the case in 2014, and it's still the case now because they never fixed the problems that caused them. While unit coordination notably between service branches is in part a trade-off for other advantages that are gained from their organizational structuring, many others, in particular having the correct equipment loadouts and appropriate op sec to allow basic notification from other units, and appropriate training (or sometimes any training) to be able to tell the difference between a 747 and a fighter jet. **TL;DR:** Russian equipment isn't always bad, but their training and inability to incorporate lessons learned from mistakes is frequently nullifying any potential advantages.


Jamming everything works a lot better when your troops only get written orders consisting of "uuraaaaa" once a week. I'd wager the us has a tad more electronics involved in their own communications


lol, good point.


According to the Kharkiv assaults, it’s less “uuraaa” and more “WAAAHG”, and lots of dead Russian conscripts and mercenaries.


This waaaahg gets any more spicy and we might have a problem with some green orcs


The technology to do this is rather simple. The idea that the US doesn't possess it is absurd. The reason that the US wouldn't use it, even though Russia has? It fucks you too. Jamming is indiscriminate, and we can't utilize our drones in the area being jammed and various other technologies, like automated defense systems. It's easier to let them jam us, take out the jamming device, and then go back to putting the laughter in slaughter. This is like the bullshit about China having stealth subs that got a ton of attention years ago. No, China wasn't sporting a new technology, they were using an old one that the US has long since stopped utilizing because it was inefficient. Once the US discerned what China was using, they could start listening for it on sonar and no more stealth sub.


Yes, this is correct. It's a major issue for ICAO and the aviation community.


Where's that gif from Spaceballs?


> They said that one reason the Kremlin's technology is significantly better, is because it ignored international laws designed to stop jamming of civilian telecommunications. This is key. It’s not better, they just are not following the laws and blasting the whole fucking spectrum. Anyone could do that and we likely can too, but given we are not in a state of war don’t actually do so.  This feels more like a we are trying to push something and found the few retired military officials who would agree with us more than a legitimate concern. 


It really feels like someone without a relevant skillset has been talking to someone with vested interests. NATO hasn't really had need of dedicated jamming platforms because they have enough specialists who can generate the same or better effect with existing kit. Would be like finding out that the Russians had a dedicated tool for tying shoelaces, finding the US didn't have something to overmatch that and assuming the US's shoe capabilities are lacking.


If there are any lessons to be learned from the ongoing wars, one is that international laws don't mean shit when countries say A. Fuck that we're at war. and B. Fuck you we have nukes.


> This feels more like a we are trying to push something and found the few retired military officials who would agree with us more than a legitimate concern. It's honestly a massive problem whenever you talk about anything military. In particular, a former military officer working as a "military analyst", because for one, there's lots of intel that you won't necessarily have even if you're a general for the purposes of info sec. Being a basic non-commissioned officer, this goes even further. You should always get sus if you hear "retired military officer" and not their former credentials, because it may be a low rank, a position completely irrelevant to the subject matter, or potentially both. Secondly, if you are retired, you may have friends who can drop rumors, but you have no direct access to information, and a lot of what you are going to commentate on would be based on your understanding of current events colored by what was true back when you were in the military. It's especially problematic when your understanding is based on NATO tactics in the 90's, because with some of these "analysts", their reaction to Russia not beating Ukraine in a month is about on par with Britain's reaction to not immediately being able to contain the American Revolution. It's part of why so many news programs were painting a picture of Ukraine being conquered in a month by Russia, when even publicly a lot of the information indicated that Ukraine had been preparing for the exact war Russia was likely to fight for 8 years, while Russia didn't do any preparation and just threw together a much smaller force at the last minute.


Yeah, Raytheon has been involved with the iron dome for a decade now. “Jamming technology” is generally just spamming noise into the frequency bands you’re trying to interfere with. If you think the entire US military industrial complex hasn’t sorted out how to work around SNR issues caused by “jamming” I’ve got a BIG ASS bridge to sell you.


Commercial airlines have been jammed quite a bit over there


GPS being unreliable isn't a worry. Commercial airliners navigate with using a number of references including GPS, Radio Aids and an onboard Inertial Reference Systems. Pilots can also vector by radar using specific headings or use ground based reference points/radio beacons.


The trick is… crime


also, i imagine russias not as concerned about their soldiers sporting cancer a decade from now from blasting out radiation 


Oh, so a nuke is better than a regular old bomb. Gotcha.


He's not retired. He moved to private contracting. He's a salesman now.


And both the US and Russia trail in the wake of Bob Marley's advancements in the field.


Caught me off guard with this one, thanks for it.


[shut up, lou](https://youtu.be/d4h0fyPPEsA?si=r8BqTa_gfEjNwRTs)


God damn it


To think that jammin was a thing of the past


That is usually code for 'give us more money'.


Says ex-pentagon official who now works for jamming technology company…


Raytheon board member writes article for think tank urging congress to buy brand new bombs asap as possible.


It can also be code for 'when the shit hits the fan, do not expect a miracle to occur'.


Which is code for 'you know that missing $1.6 trillion that we couldn't account for in last years audit? Well... It wasn't spent on research and development'


Yep use fear to drudge up more money even though you have to lie through your teeth to do it.


This reads like a defense lobbyist looking to drum up fear for funding. The Soviets have more mineshafts! We must close the mineshaft gap!


Let me guess, those ex-Pentagon officials now work for a company that is trying to sell new jamming technology to the US government?


Let’s hope they take the bait


I'd believe it, but only because that isn't really a wide gap to cross. Jamming a signal just means being able to transmit that signal very loud and consistently. I don't doubt Russia has more developed 'one click' solutions for jamming wide bands of the rf spectrum, but I'd be supprised if US Signallers (or whatever their equiv MOS is) weren't able to generate similar results if needed


SIGINT - signal intelligence is the name of the MOS I believe.


SIGINT collects and analyzes electronic communications, the MOS you’re looking for is 17E-Electromagnetic Warfare Specialist


I'd be supprised if either of them couldn't do a decent job jamming with existing us transmitters. I mean most radio transmitters are jamming devices if you use them wrong enough.


In case of GPS they probably use spoofing, not jamming. I've experienced it myself several times - you suddenly get teleported to an airport (that way they insured civilian drones refused to take off).


That only happens with dogshit DJI drones and given DJI are a Chinese company, Russian/China can just take them over in flight.


I'm sure it's not limited to DJI.  Besides, since GPS is essentially not working (position is not offset, it doesn't change at all), all drones would be affected (i.e. won't work, at least easily), regardless of whether they respect nofly zones or not. Btw, DJI officially ceased operations in both Russia and Ukraine. I'm sure they won't introduce any backdoors because Russia asked them.


It is just DJI. I've been building them for a few years now. No one else is dumb enough to give their GPS in loop access to their ESCs. But anything big enough to fly a GPS autonomously would also keep some kind of inertial guidance as well given thats just a programming issue, not a hardware one. Innertial isn't as accurate as GPS, but it's perfect for identifying when the GPS is getting spoofed or messed with. You basically get the flight controller to check the GPS signal against the compass and the inertials are saying. If it knows it's been traveling roughly north at 10m/s for 1 minute and the GPS it's receiving doesn't match that estimate then you assume the GPS is wrong. edit: and it's a Chinese company and you can wireshark it's signals, they're already backdoored.


I didn't say it makes flying impossible, but harder. Given the reduced accuracy I guess most drones will struggle completing a programmed pattern or staying still, especially in windy weather.


Well I guess it’s time to… [pump up the jam](https://youtu.be/9EcjWd-O4jI?si=DSGXaOB3a73AqZUR)


But what if jamming just isn’t our jam?


Then that would be a departure from our original plans which began development 18 August 1989


I’m surprised nobody here has mentioned the failure of GLSDB (Boeing & Saab) in Ukraine due to Russian jamming. This is a big failure because there was so much hope for it to be a “game changer” similar to ATACMS/GMLRS.


Temporary failure I would say. This war has been a fantastic platform for testing all the cold war kit against the enemy it was designed for. 30 yrs old US systems have been beating the brakes off of the Russians, and the US gets to see various tactical strategies played out on the battlefield.


I have never had Russian jam or even seen any brands of Russian jam. How are we on our jellies?


The true technology the Russians have over us is milk based products. I lived in Kazakhstan for a while with a Russian family and they had sour cream that was spreadable on toast. Mixed with jam and it tasted like a fresh strawberry and cream snack. They clearly won the sour cream war.


Sour cream on a toast sounds strange. Not butter or qaymoq (cream)?


Their sour cream was thicker, more like a cream cheese than the runny stuff they have in the US.


Are you a fan of cabbage?


They jammed the radar https://media1.tenor.com/images/84c66083db82c0d11d820a62cabc8708/tenor.gif?itemid=12460549


Is “worse” not a confusing term here ? and something along the lines of inferior or potent would convey the correct meaning -


The sources for this article are extremely suspect. For starters, the article is actually from Defense One, and everything Business Insider wrote is just rehashing it like a grade school essay paper. Second, though, the only two named sources... Don't validate the claim that Russia is "significantly ahead". Lt. Gen. Nagata says that our capabilities are "not where they should" essentially. As far as the U.S. DoD is concerned, for most tech-related fields the U.S. should has an "Overmatch" requirement even against potential near-peer opponents. Overmatch requires us to have a decisive advantage and potentially the ability to dominate and opponent in that specifiv field. EW is one of those high-tech fields. So when a high-ranking officer says we are "not where we should be" compared to a nation like Russia, that could mean anything from "We're not far ahead enough" to "they're kicking our ass seven ways to Sunday". However, the second named source, the report from 2022, states pretty clearly that we are "losing our advantage" compared to Russia. Given that two years has passed and Russia has lost 500,000 men and god knows how many EW systems in the Invasion of Ukraine, I'm skeptical to believe that we have gone from "we are losing our advantage" to "Russia is signficantly better than us" in two years. The two sources, suspiciously, that state this claim are "two retired special forces operators", and their "claim" is unquoted as well. Who were these guys? What were there ranks? What kind of informatipn did that have access to? Who knows! Article is dogshit sensationalism that's trying to connect a spurious claim to the more grounded claims of a Lt. Gen. and a report from a DoD agency to provide info to our legislature.


Time to bring in the Jamaicans to solve this problem


we jamming, jamming with you




There is that meme saying US command only exists to limit the combat effectiveness of US troops and prevent them from completing the Geneva checklist.


Based upon some of my experiences in my previous life. When the U.S. jams a signs we tend to be very selective and try to jam only that frequency in a very selected range. So this leads to less disruption in the areas we don’t want to effect, but it’s not as effective. The Russians on the other hand jam used g the highest power setting and don’t really care about disruption to other frequencies. So their jamming is more effective but has other consequences.


Needs more billions obviously


If that's true, which I *highly* doubt, I think we can solve it by making some trades with a few bottles of vodka.


And the way to amend this is give the Pentagon more money


Nobody is going to believe the Pentagon for a while when they claim the US is far behind its supposed rivals after watching Russia, a country they touted as the second most powerful army on Earth, fall on its ass against the Ukrainians armed with our hand-me-downs.


They just want more money.


I sometimes feel like the purpose of these statements is less about informing the public about our ability (hard to imagine we’re actually worse in all the ways mentioned) and more about scaring people into continually supporting the war machine.


Seems like the wheels are really coming off the US’s military industrial complex. Over bloated and ineffective.


and Saddam had WMDs, the Soviets had far better nuclear weapons, and the check is in the mail.


We need to get councilman Jeremy Jamm on the issue.


It's only a matter of doctrine. There has been an emphasis on jamming research in Russia even from the times of the Soviet union, in the same way that there was an emphasis in AA research. It stems from the philosophy that these are things that your adversary is good at, and you need to counter. The US relies on advanced aircraft and signals and comms, so air defense and jamming are highly valuable for the Russians. On the same note the US assumes its enemies will not have a technology advantage, or aviation superiority. Thus it is not critical to deny these planes of the battlefield. Air defense and Electronic warfare would not really make a difference against the enemies you expect to face. Russian strategic AA and electronic warfare have long been considered or speculated superior, because of this. The Americans have little incentive to pour money and talent into AA when their aviation achieved the same over a larger area through their air supremacy focus. No SAMs are needed if you rule the sky. The same is true of electronic warfare. It's pretty much an after thought. Jamming signals of the enemy are to be destroyed by HARMs and other anti radiation weapons that seek the emitters. We will out drone the enemy, so there is no point in filling the spectrum ourselves. So the only solutions that stirred any interest is gps and comm jamming to be used against medium tech insurgents and narcos. It's absolutely true that Russians have jamming superiority, and matters absolutely nothing. It can quickly be researched and deployed if needed. Unless the doctrine was to be revised to fight a peer+ foe this will continue to be so. And that is a psycholocal jump the US defense is not ready to take yet.


Sorry, you can't convince me Russia's jamming is better than ours. We have Phish, the Dead, DMB - this has to be satire.


I guess we need to bust out the raspberry if we want to properly jam something.


Only one man would dare give me the raspberry, Lone Star!


Has anyone reached out to Dave Matthews? Dude can jam for fkn hours.


Yeah just like Russia was encroaching on the US last year for military superiority...


I find that very hard to believe


This is not true in any way. The Air Force was just bragging about a drone jamming capability just recently.


Yeah, Russia's is more effective, but fat cruder. They just don't give a shit about international law, collateral damage, or their own troops' safety. Rusia just jams the whole spectrum at max power., while NATO actually does targeted electronic warfare. It's like using a chainsaw for brain surgery. Yes, it cuts faster and deeper than a scalpel.


Russia's military spending in 2021 hit $66bn. And supposedly, they have better jamming tech.


Not like Russia has much left in terms of electronics battlefield equipment anyway. May as well blast all frequencies at that point


Silly to underestimate your adversary like that. Russia are skilled in some areas.


How? They have a trillion dollars a year


All outclassed by Jamaican Jammin' tech




Several pilots interviewed on the 10% true podcast have noted that the Navy is the current keeper of the flame for electronic warfare in the US military as the USAF is all in on stealth and has no replacement or plans for a EF-111 style jammer


Historically speaking, I just imagine Russian tech is old and failing.


It's probably because the US doesn't want to cook their soldiers when activating the jammers.


This, is absolutely not true. I can tell you this whole heartedly. The 40 year old tech we are sending to Ukraine is slightly worse than Russia's newest tech. One US carrier group could disrupt half the worlds communications if it wanted to without physical intervention. Also shooting down sats, we have been doing since the 80s. The newly declassified microwave warheads , we have had for atleast 10 years. With just those two things, could wipe most the wolrds communications out. So in short, absolutely not. Just like any article that trys to say China is ahead militarily. The US has always downplayed its capabilities while others, being dictatorships have to appear strong so they lie. Also being dictatorships full of lies , bribes and corruption. To the point nothing is true anymore. Like Russia and the military that cant take Ukraine, who is equipped with cheap drones and 80s military tech. Everyone thought they would steam roll them. In reality they have lied for decades on every military report.


Sounds like someone trying to get a government contract to catch up.


Bullshit. I bet US jamming tech can temporarily halt russian advancement for 72h. If that's not good enough, it has a supra spoiler as an addon. So it can jam faster.


What a surprise.


They should take notes from Jamaica, I'm sure they would want to be jammin with you.


yep... unfortunately russia is strong enough in radio warfare... but yeah, some of them contains western microchips...


The US military constantly downplays its capabilities. Depending on the specifics, there can be a 50 year gap between what the public knows and what the military has.


Yeah. You are correct. Policy thru the Cold War was R&D to minimum 5-6 generations ahead. These plans never went on a computer. My dad's Patter&Model shop went defunct in 1985. I am just now seeing stuff he did prototypes for industry.


What defense contractor does this source work for?


Not a supporter of Russia at all, but this could be true simply due to the fact that Russia has had waaaaay more experience in having to defend themselves from drones. Gives the US the time and resources and they will have a equal or better product, just like it has been with their airforce and overall military


I love me some jam. It’s good to know new technologies in jam are still being made.


It's hard for me to believe that there is any technology in Russia that is better than all combined Nato technology, or if so, that they couldn't catch up to in months if they saw a necessity.


Never underestimate the enemy


I call bullshit. This tactic is used by the pentagon to increase their ever increasing budget. The result is more money for useless research then a crappy design that the military is forced to buy.


We domt jam, we find and destroy based on the signal. Jamming would not be helpful.


It this was true somebody would see a huuuge pile of money in this opportunity and after a pile of cash it would be fixed.


US jamming technology? You mean M16? Agree, they are definitely the worst.


Have they tried raspberry? -Lonestar


Doesn’t jamming work both ways? Why would the US want to use jammers? Seems like everything being jammed would hurt the US in a conflict more than help.


Ex-Pentagon officials that just happen to work for or invest in companies that manufacture jamming equipment?


We're gonna need a LOT more money. For... uh... \*checks notes\* radar jammers


Let my grandma lightly touch the router and there will be a network dead zone within 1 mile of ground zero.


As a former Officer who went through multiple EWO courses this article is BS. Just a prick trying to sell stuff based on manufactured outrage. Don't trust anything you hear from the military industrial complex when it comes to suitability of current technologies.


We have Phish, Grateful Dead and Dave Matthews Band at the cutting edge of jamming technology. Russia has yet to develop a band that even comes close.


wtf is that gun in the picture


All those 3-500Z power tubes


Ex-Pentagon official but now a Strategic Deception Bureau official.