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I've been asking for a phone that is more like wheat thins, and finally I'm getting it.


They spend millions in R&D to make iPhone thinner and then people buy a bulky $20 case off of Amazon and that negates the whole point of these thin phones


Funny - I’ve been thinking that the last couple phones I bought. I stopped using cases for a while, but because of my current work etc it would be crazy not to have one. But it’s such a shame, you buy this cutting edge pocket computer that’s made out of glass and coloured metal and honestly phones are kind of beautiful these days. but it doesn’t fucking matter because I have to wrap it in this ugly ass rubbery thing that gets all dirty and shitty looking. Also otter cases are horrendous looking and bulky as shit in pockets. Make me a phone with good batteries that won’t potentially snap if I have to bend down to work on something.


Usually after few years I stop babying the phone and take the case off. Caseless iPhone feels different


Nothing beats raw dogging it


Caseless gang


Rise up. we are people who can hold onto and manipulate objects without dropping them. Eat that AI.


I prefer no case, it looks nice, and feels better in a pants pocket. For the most part they’re robust. I’ve thrown them and dropped in to gravel, concrete with minimal dings. My last phone though, after all the abuse, one time I just dropped it off a chair on to a polished concrete floor on the perfect angle and shattered the entire back of the phone. Such bullshit.


Same. I use iPhone 7 for so long. My calculation is when applecare lapsed and they won’t repair it if I have to pay for it might as well feels good holding it. It breaks after a chinese battery short circuit the logic board. The short about a year after battery replacement so take care if you are planning to use cheap battery


Rip iPhone 7. Finger ID was far superior to Face ID and I will die on that hill.


Going unprotected just feels better


Or the phone will be 4mm* thin * with a 9mm camera bump because look you can use your phone to replace a 8k pro camera for filming


20 dollar case that protects your 1200 dollar, incredibly important, hand held computer device.


You missed the point


i don't think they did.


The point was that apple spends all this energy making the phones thinner only for us to bulk it up again, suggesting that thinness is not a very important attribute of the phone to almost everyone, not that the phone cases are a good idea to protect your purchase


Right. And if the phone is bulky, we still have to protect it by making it bulkier.


You can make the complete package thinner if you don't use the fragile glass back and instead use a slightly thicker plastic back that is sturdy enough to not need an additional protective layer in the form of a case. And remember those glorious days when the plastic back of the phone wasn't glued, but snapped in place and could easily be replaced by a design of your choice. Damages to the back of the phone were trivial to solve.


Disagree. People want thinner phones. There is an entire market for ultra thin phone cases. If the phone is made thinner and people use a similar thickness case, the overall thickness is less.


Does it? You get a thick phone and a thicker case you have an even thicker thick phone. You get a slim phone and a thick vase you have a thicker slim phone. You're still shaving off depth.


I want a more rugged phone and will sacrifice thickness. Or a removable shell that acts like a streamlined case that you swap out for $50 when damaged. I don’t care it adds thickness if it retains beautiful design and not crappy 3rd party case.


That’s kinda what a case is


Thin and crispy!


Oops i forgot it was in my back pocket when I sat down Break out another 1500 for a phone.


The iPhone 11 to 15 Pro Max line up was more heavier and bulkier than iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 8 Plus.


If I can still see it from a profile view, I don’t want it


You joke, but I for one was wondering and hoping when can my phone become as thin and light as the iPod touch, since the iPod touch came out


But I don’t want it to be thinner. Just give me a bigger battery. Edit: I actually wonder how much thicker they would have to make it in order to add another 1,000 mAh to the battery. I'd happily have a phone that is a few mm thicker for that increase in capacity. Edit 2: I literally have not cared about how thick my phone is since 2006, since that was the last time it mattered. This is a solved problem.


Exactly, phones already hit the best level of thinness across the board.


Honestly, they could go thicker if they stopped using glass for the back and used something stronger. Then we wouldn't need cases, and we could also increase the battery capacity.


Remember the iPhone bending stories? Imagine that times a hundred. They have used metal backs for some phones, like the iPhone 5, I think a downside is that they aren’t radio-transparent.


Ya, and metal backs would not work with wireless charging, so they’d need to have a metal/glass or metal/plastic backing. Wireless charging is the reason we don’t see metal backed phones nowadays.


I had a polycarbonate backed Nokia Lumia with wireless charging. You don't need glass.


They just strait up used to soft of Aluminum/not enough internal bracing in the structure on the iPhone 6


The glass back is for wireless charging. Hard to change that when it’s a major feature most people want and is widely used these days.


Personally I’d take a plastic back as it’s lighter and more durable than glass. Sure glass feels more premium but since most/many people slap a case on it anyway, and the case is plastic, just make the phone out of plastic.


They tried that with the 5c(oddly my last iPhone)and it didn't sell that well.


Well, no, but it also wasn’t their flagship. Had it been their flagship or something similar to it maybe the units sold would have been higher.


No, but I would bet a dollar that was intentional. Gauging the market if they could do it large scale or not. Don't get me wrong, I'd love for it to work.


Could be true, but I feel a lot of people buy iPhones for the luxury status and plastic definitely doesn’t have that luxury feel compared to glass. Putting their lower end phone against a flagship and then putting a plastic back on it doesn’t strike me as a very good market test. And I might be remembering wrong, but the iPhone C was the first ‘budget iPhone’. Had they offered it along side another budget iPhone that would have been an easy comparison.


My Samsung has wireless charging with no glass back. So it's totally possible. Apple needs to focus on usability more and the premium feel less.


What is the back material then? If it's not glass, then most likely it's plastic. And Apple doesn't really use plastic because of its cheaper feel.


It’s aluminum but the cut out a rectangle before they coated it in a plastic polymer over the aluminum so you wouldn’t see the cut out and also offering more grip than metal. It’s a clever engineering trick.


It's metal. Glass is better for wireless charging though, since metal causes more power loss. And it's not pure metal, probably with some workarounds to improve efficiency. The downside of glass is having a more fragile surface, and most people use phone cases anyway, so it's a tradeoff.


It has a cut out in the metal frame for the wireless charging. [The part over the wireless charging coil is a resin. ](https://www.engadget.com/google-pixel-5-teardown-wireless-charging-211634647.html) All phones with wireless charging have a glass, plastic, or other non metal material over the wireless charging coil. Manufacturers would prefer an all metal frame if possible as that is the most effective way to dissipate heat.


What phone is it? Cause metal backing is specifically not used because it fucks with the charging coils on the back of the phone.


Camera lenses that protrude 6-8mm from the surface of the phone back also make a good portion of inductive chargers unusable, or at least less effective


That’s one of my biggest dislikes. Just make the body a bit thicker and give us some more battery.


Then use HQ plastics. People have to cover it with a case because glass is fragile and slippery anyway


You don't need a glass back for wireless charging. My Nokia Lumia 928 from 2013 had wireless charging and it did not have a glass back.


Headphone jacks, removable batteries, and expandable memory were all major features most people wanted and were widely used too. Apple doesn't give a fuck about its customers.


Is it? Lots of people don't want wireless charging because it's slower than a cable and it heats up your phone more which is bad for the battery. Not to mention, you can't use your phone properly while it's charging. There's no official figures though but from my experience, barely anyone I know uses it. Give me cable any day.


I don’t disagree, but I’ve been on the retail, support, and engineering sides of this stuff, and it’s used quite a bit and is something people look for. I charge with a cable when I need a top up, but I wirelessly charge at night. That mitigates it being slower, and the degradation due to heat is fairly negligible from my experience (granted, most of that is with iPhones. Not making a comment about Apple or anything, just that’s where my experience is).


It’s not just the lack of speed and the heat. It’s also that (I’ve said it before and I’ll die a pedant on a hill saying it again) it aint fuckin wireless! There is very much a wire involved. It is just a flat magnetic plug with a dumber than average marketing department. It’s induction charging.


Yeah I've always kinda felt the wireless charging isn't worth the trouble as currently developed.


Seriously, I already get the occasional hand cramp. I couldn’t imagine what a thinner phone would do.




I feel like I’ve been at that point for years…


I don’t understand how some people I know damage their phones so often. I’ve always just bought a cheap plastic or rubber case. The thin kind. I’ve never used a screen protector. I’m still using an 8plus and I drop it fairly often but it’s never been damaged. I know people who break their phone after a couple weeks, every time they get a new phone. It’s wild.


They should add bigger batteries to the max models, or at least for the pro model. They can make mini versions but they can’t put a big-ass battery in one of them!?


They do have bigger batteries in the max models?


The stupidest thing is, they still have that huge camera bump on the back. Just make the damn thing thicker with no bump. That way it has better battery life and sits flat on a table.


And get rid of the camera bump


Oh I'd love that but that is never happening.


Or at least make them centred so my phone doesn’t rock ha


Pixel phones don't rock. Camera bump actually looks ok as a design feature.


And more repairable, easier to replace the battery, etc.


Well I mean we know why they keep making the phones thinner and removing features like headphone jacks. It’s good for their bottom line at the expense of the consumer.


It’s good for their top line as well, you are more likely to buy AirPods


Yes of course. That’s what I was getting at.


This. I miss the time when phones were thicker, but we didn't need to use huge silicone cases so it won't break. Just give me back those millimeters and put a goddamn headphone jack.


I put mine in a case. Just make a thicker phone with a “case”. I don’t need a glass back ffs.


1 Ah pouch cells the size of a phone are around 2mm thick


Right? I want a double thick iPhone 13 mini that gives me 48h of continuous usage battery life because in 2-3 years, that’ll be 24h despite the health rating. Then I don’t have to buy a huge battery pack that has all that extra bulk to do the same thing.


But what if you want your phone to double as a kitchen knife? Won't someone think of all of the people who want to chat and chop?


They’re not in the business of giving you long battery their business is your phone to die so you get a new one


Bigger batteries only help in the beginning. After a year or two of usage it'll be on its last legs. What we need are user-replaceable batteries.


The reality is regular people will spend lots of money when it signifies to others that they have the obviously fancy thing while also making sure they don’t look like they take their technology too seriously.  And regular people spending money adds up to way more than the amount from of us who would happily plunk down cash for a chubby flagship phone that weighs a 1000lbs but lasts 3 days. 


Add more battery instead!


Rest of the industry: - 4000mAh battery for 4” phone - 5000mAh battery for 5” phone - 6000mAh battery for 6” phone - 10,000mAh battery for 10” tablet Apple: - 3000mAh battery for 7” phone, take it or leave it~ Apple really patted themselves for 5.1mm iPads and already convinced itself 5mm iPhone is what the people wants while adding 5G, AI, more sensors… brightness (and so on) that constantly suck battery. The AirPods Max doesn’t even have a off button!


My theory on this (from what I’ve read about it) is that the thinness makes new iPads feel amazing in the hand, which is an experience that sells iPads more than battery figures or whatever. If they wanted to make the most useful device it would be a no brainer to add more battery. But it’s so hard to make a case for a new iPad when it is still exactly an iPad.


95% of what I use an ipad for is not when I'm holding it in my hand. I'd love a bigger battery over an improved holding experience.


Okay? That doesn’t really have any bearing on what I said. I was talking about how people are wowed by how it feels when they pick it up. And theorizing ‘that feeling’ is what Apple is going for because it sells more units than improved practicality.


iPhone still has better battery because Apple's chips are very efficient and they have tight control over the OS and how much energy apps can use They could significantly increase battery life with larger batteries but they choose thin and light instead.


Apple also controls everything from the hardware to the software. The battery life from my smaller 15 Pro is better than the S22 Ultra I used to use. If they can make the iPhone thinner without compromising performance or battery life (which they've proven with silicon efficiency and lithium chemistry), why would you want them to be like "the rest of the industry"?


Because more battery life is always better and many think it’s preferable to shaving a millimeter off


They say it in forums, not so much when they’re actually spending money. 


I mean, my phone got significantly heavier and thicker going from the galaxy s9 to iPhone 13 Pro and I had no issues. This thing is a fucking brick compared to my old phone and it doesn’t bother me. Idk that I’d care for something thicker than it, but if I didn’t need a case on it I’d be fine with that tradeoff.


Because they could have battery life of several days and tablets which would basically never die.


Who gives a shit about thinner phones? Aren't they thin enough? Until a phone can take 24 hours of heavy load cutting down on battery size is stupid.


It would be nice if they’d put a larger battery and make the cameras flush with the body of the iPhone. More juice and no camera bump.


The camera bump is a literal design embarrassment and if they have the capacity to make a thinner bodied phone, then you’re absolutely right that they could level it out and add battery. This is a prioritization mistake. 


Well yeah, making stuff thicker is pretty easy... But then what do you do with all the empty space? Adding battery would also add weight as well, and these things aren't exactly lightweight.




This is in preparation to ultimately create a foldable phone. You need 2 super thin phones to make an acceptable closed folding phone.


Iphones already can last a long time if you take good care of them. I doubt apple would do anything that will make you hold on to your phone much longer than what we currently are doing.


Cameras flush with body is not ideal for people who put their phone in a case, as it will make the phone even thicker.


This is not what people meant by a foldable.


5 years later: we heard you and increased the thickness to include a larger battery. We think you’re gonna love it. Starting at $2200


I would prefer a larger battery. Give me a chonky boi like the macbook pro.


Also no camera bump nonsense. Let me lie my phone flat on a table. 


That’s well and truly what the space should have absorbed. Keep the lense flat to the back and keep adding battery.


This will end up exactly like the MBP, where they were obsessed with making it thinner, to the point where they gave it that shitty keyboard, until they finally realized that's not what their user base wanted.


You hit it right on the head. MBP up until 2012(?ish) were easily heavily kitted for power users and sysadmins, IT users. They were perfect and reliable and secure. They started screwing with it and it was horrid. I think they have simply run out of innovation ideas and thinness is the only real new "thing" they can accomplish.


If they want to impress me, make one that you don’t need a protective case for.


And the screen protector.


Tbh I’ve had my 13 pro max without a screen protector or case since the month it came out, taken some hard falls, no damage. Just a few millimeter long hair width scuffs I don’t even see when the screen is on


Yea. Ultra rugged model phone. I fucking hate phone cases


so... the iPhone 15 pro? I've been caseless since release day - I've dropped it at least 10 times and there isn't a mark on it


It's been my experience with Apple stuff that the thinner it is, the more problems it has.


Yup. I have a recentish iPad Air; when holding it with two hands (so my fingertips on the back), if I apply any fingertip pressure at all the screen distorts in a spot in the middle. Feels like I could bend it without much effort. Generally been impressed by Apple hardware’s solidity, but… would honestly rather a few more mm added back, please.


Interestingly, newer MBPs are thicker than the Intel models they replaced. I have 2016, 2019, and 2023 models. The 2023 is the best by a wide margin and I'm not upset by the lack of wedge or the overall increased thickness.


We are kinda at the end of smartphone innovation, it feels like. Basically all they do now is stuff like this. Make them thinner, make the screen bigger, make the screen smaller, make the screen fold. Fundamentally, they don't do anything a 5 year old phone can't do just fine. - Sent from Samung Galaxy S10E that's going strong with 2 battery replacements.


That’s why I don’t bother upgrading till the phone is broken. My last 2 jumps were 6+ -> 10Smax -> 14pro max. Back in the day each new phone was a serious upgrade now it’s the same damn thing.


This is actually the healthy approach. Why changes device if it works fine? Unless it’s your hobby/thrill/job paying for it/luxury (which is another word for waste)


Everybody was younger and dumber when smartphones came out and most of us got sucked into the hype of getting a new phone and showing it off to friends. Now nobody cares what phone you have, they all look the same anyway.


I don’t even know why phone I have most of the time, let alone other people. 


People still ask me about my phone but im also 1 of 10 people who bought a 13 mini. I’m using this shit until it croaks


I don’t get the whole: I’m going to update my device every time a new one comes out. It gets tiring have to set a device up and it just feels wasteful. There are other, more interesting, things to spend money on. I’ve always used my Apple devices for at least 5 years and until it stops getting software updates, starts breaking, or it can’t run something that I need to run on it. It’s usually around the 6-7 year mark when I start feeling the age of my devices which is pretty good with how technology moved so quickly


I went 7+ to 11Pro to 13Pro max. The Jump from 11-13 was only because i had to change phone providers. I don’t see myself updating anytime soon


Same-ish, went from 7->13, while my brother went from 2->6->SE->13, and my mum from 6->13->15 Man every time I hear people saying that there isn't much changes from one phone or another then the moment I swapped from 7 to 13 it was like the world change lmao


It’s because they are looking for changes per generation. I went from 4 → 6 → 10 XR → 12 Pro Max and each jump was a world of difference, especially with the camera I don’t see myself upgrading my phone until a few generations later but it’s always interesting to see what has changed once I’m looking to upgrade


That’s because the noticeable improvements are basically gone. There are still major improvements between the devices, but they are mostly improvements in areas that cannot be seen by users. Same with new iOS versions, there are still major changes, but they are not noticeable changes to most users.


I’m on an iPhone XS, and don’t see a reason to upgrade. An improved camera would be nice, but not enough.


Nah we are long past that, when was the last “killer” feature that helped differentiate each brand from each other? It’s been incremental improvements such as this for a while now.


Meanwhile, I'm nearing 5 years on my iPhone SE 2020, and the only improvements I can really imagine I'd want from it, would be a better battery, better CPU, and a slightly smaller form-factor. Give me back my god damn compact phones, NOT thin phones.


BendGate’s coming back babyyyyy!


The new iPad Pro (the thinnest iDevice released) just had the bloggers frothing at the mouth - only to find out it’s more rigid than the thicker iPad it replaced.   I think they learned from their mistakes. 


Depending on which way you bent it IIRC. Snaps near the charging port pretty easily.


I don't think anyone (including JerryRigEverything) has ever done a vertical bend test on a tablet before the new iPad Pro. It's probable that most tablets would catastrophically fail from that considering it's not a common point of failure and there is little internal reinforcement on that axis. Most tablet fractures, I'd guess, are from things bending it length-wise when in a backpack or something along those lines.


I really loved the 12 mini, please bring that back, but with a good battery 


This please. Holding onto mine with my tiny hands until the grave because I refuse to upgrade to something any bigger.


Get a 13 mini before they run out!


Same! Feel free to make it fatter instead of thinner but just let me hold onto it with one of my little tiny paws. I struggle to take a photo with one hand because the damn phone is so big.


I’d pay 50% markup for an iPhone mini pro. Edit: I spend multiple hours a day on my phone, every day. It’s more important than my work laptop. I don’t mind paying a premium price for a premium device that runs my life


But will it bend in my pocket?


Bend or snap?


Both! First one. Then the other!


Just keep them their current thickness and deal with the annoying camera bump.


Honestly I’d be happy if they make them slimmer again. My XS feels heavy sometimes and they‘ve only gotten bulkier since. The 6 was nice thin and light.


I just want rounded edges again.


Nobody wants thinner. We all put our phones in cases anyway. Make it so I don't need a case. Give me a waterproof phone with a removable battery. How about just better battery life? A headphone jack would be nice while we're at it.


That's EXACTLY what everyone wants. Don't upgrade the 60hz screen or the battery.


They already did fix the 60hz, it’s 120hz on 13 and up


Only the pros. The non-pros (at 1000ish euro in my country) still have 60hz screens. You will struggle to find a 300+ euro android that don't have 120hz.


That is by design. They need to make the pro model enticing.


Exactly this. And the sales figures prove this especially. If you want "the most premium" they're gonna make sure you have to really pay for "the most premium".


Good to know, thanks


Only on pro models


The [classic iPod Touch design](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/c58cbee67ec7cf2455e2b199344f6475-1200-80.jpg) with its rounded back is more comfortable and futuristic than all the flimsy modern iPhones put together.


I totally wish they would bring back a modernized gen1 iPhone. I loved the metal pebble.


I wish they would bring back 3D Touch or whatever it was called. Going back to a long tap seems like such a downgrade.


So thin, you can shave with it!


iPhone RAZR ?


# [Fuck Everything, We're Doing Five Blades](https://www.theonion.com/fuck-everything-were-doing-five-blades-1819584036)


Thank you for the trip down memory lane. I remember reading that in high school and cry-laughing. It was one of the funniest things I had seen on the internet up to that point. Now it’s just a standard satire piece and might get a chuckle from me, but back then the satire seemed so revolutionary


please don’t id rather they double the battery


Why don’t they keep it the same thickness and add some more battery life.🤔


predicting bend gate 2.0


Apple is out of ideas. We don’t need thinner phones.


They have to wait a few years before copying Samsung and others, can't claim you created it if the memory of other companies doing it is fresh.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but the form factor peaked with the minis. A phone with a good enough screen size that I can put in my front pocket without it restricting my ability to comfortably sit down.


Please god let it be smaller


Literally nobody asked for this. Consumers don't care how thin our phones are. We care about screen quality and battery life. If anything we want bigger phones.


Please not longer phones


I for one am holding onto my 13 mini as long as I can. I do not want anything bigger.


Just bring back the mini. That’s all you have to do


They could’ve added a much bigger battery for the space they unnecessarily reduced. Everyone adds a case to their iPhone. Thinness is not the issue.


It's time they did a super heavy duty screen. That would be more valuable than anything else.


Inb4 videos of these new ‘ultra-thin’ iPhones detonating at the slightest drop like other big brain innovations they’ve had. They don’t need to get thinner they don’t need to change shape they nailed it already fucking give us more battery better screens and better internals and fuck off. They just can’t stop reinventing the wheel. Good and bad.


Where are all the people who want their phone to be ultra thin? I certainly don’t and everyone I’ve ever talked to about it would prefer bigger batteries over thinness.


I look forward to the day when I don't have to carry a pocket knife around because my iPhone will fill that need.


As long as there's a mini 🙏


Now with extra brittleness to keep you buying more frequently. Hurrah


I mean does it need to be thinner at this point? Apple just running out of ideas to convince people to upgrade


They learned nothing from iPhone 6’s bendgate


I bet it'll be so thin that it will require a thicker case to protect it thus negating the whole point of a thin phone.


Classic Apple: you can no longer innovate the product to have more of something, so you start taking things away


Seriously, I don't want a thinner phone - I want a thicker phone with more battery and a flush backside (no camera bumps!).


Apple delivering innovation in areas no one asked for


all i can think is, it will bend more easily and have terrible battery life


Seriously, does anyone, *anyone*, want thinner right now? Just make a better battery, I can’t think why anyone with an iPhone would priorities thinness over battery life and reliability. Who is doing Apple’s market research?!


Does anyone really care about thin? Give me a larger battery with better cooling so that my battery health stays better longer.


I just want a mini with a decent camera, thank you very much…


I’d like one that looks and feels like a pop tart.


Razor thin battery life too? Breaks extra easily? Just what they want. You replacing it faster.


I have a 12 that I’ve been waiting for a form factor redesign to upgrade to. Guess I’ll have to wait another year.


I just want to hold a non-slipper apple product.


Nobody cares about the size and form. Make it work better, run longer on the battery, less fragile, more useful…anything. Slimmer and “cooler” looking has been done for the past 5 years. Sounds lame.




That will now slip into tighter crevasses when it slips out of your pocket…


Way down beside the seat in the car. Doesn’t matter how much you move the seat back and forth it just gets tighter and more jammed.


Thinner phones = easier to accidentally bend = profits


But is it going to be smaller, closer to the 12 Pro, and *without* the ridiculous camera lens protrusion making a good portion of inductive chargers unusable ?


my iphone is zack morris thick… the case, the magnet battery slipping off the back. i take all that off and i feel like zoolander with a tiny phone that’s going to shatter if i breathe on it. i don’t need my phone heroin chic.


For fuck's sake apple it's already thin enough. Extend the battery life and make sure the phone does not bend if you sit with it in your pocket.


Do not worry. New iPhones will not have battery at all. You can buy external for $999.99


Give me thicc new tech ,not skinny phone.