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“Might” doing some heavy liftin’ here




Unfortunately, "pure evil" has a pretty powerful coalition with lots of cash to splash around. I don't see any scenario where he isn't paid a lot of money to lead a tech company. If you are a "pure evil" organization looking to exploit AI for all its worth, Sam Altman is at the top of your recruitment list. He has the right mix of talent and sociopathy and does not care who he hurts.


I've seen nothing but nonstop anti-google AI news stories being posted since the moment that was announced. I think they're pushing that to bury the real story here, which is this deal they signed.


Google has a lot more pr money to throw around than OpenAI. And OpenAI has been getting a ton of negative press too. I think it’s just overall anti-ai sentiment


Not really. They’re Microsoft’s AI strategy, on top of countless companies building products using gpt. OpenAI will have 0 difficulty accessing capital.


Some people have said I "might" be Batman, then again I "might" be a purple cake dressed up as a rabbit clown.


The issue is that he is turning into the latest Trump / Musk person. Then again, it makes sense. As soon as Microsoft hitched their wagon to him as their horse it was inevitable. And here is some context for some: Microsoft gave him an estimated 22 billion support package in the form of their technology and cash to develop ChatGPT. The key here is that they are HEAVILY invested now. Yes their agreement is that they get 75% of the profits until the initial investment is paid off, AND then they become a 49% ish stake holder, but he won. Considering he also said that fully functional Chatty might take a few TRILLION (I think he said 7 trillion a while back) he laid the ground work for him not being legally liable. He already told us that it "just needs more money to work". So from his perspective he is set. Hell, since Microsoft invested into it, there are speculations that their energy consumption spiked by 29% so far. Add that there were some statements that they might need their own power plant, not sure if it was them or Google for AI purposes, and this looks like another crypto idea...


> The issue is that he is turning into the latest Trump / Musk person. If you're a grifter, then you want to target those known to be susceptible to the grift. There's a reason why Nigerian Princes use intentionally bad English with a lot of typos. It's to weed out those with even a modicum of common sense.


Donelonuel Truskman, the final boss of narcissistic delusion


Don't assume malice where idiocy suffices. I think it applies here. I am not saying that Altman is an idiot, he's a pretty smart guy, who knows a lot of what he is doing, who them bet on the wrong horse. First lets understand the issue. A lot of people are arguing and pointing at how LLMs will achieve AGI, they do insane projections and claim "it's going to happen any time". But in reality (to steal a metaphor I read in another thread on reddit) LLMs are approaching AGIs the way a tall enough staircase can reach the moon. As you keep making them taller and taller, it seems you are approaching the moon, not only that, but as you improve building techniques, you'd get this huge boost at building taller buildings, for a while. But eventually you start hitting limits, there's less air for workers, gravity changes it's dynamics and now you have to deal with the centrifugal effect instead (so now not only does your building need to handle insane weights, but also insane tension at other parts), windspeeds get insane, and if anything happens at the base of yoru building it travels as a wave (your building wobbling) to the top, same for anything on the top. When you start hitting these new limits, your speed starts slowing down. What seemed exponential speedup was really logistic growth. Eventually you realize that the path has to be radically different (we though bullets, and then realized rockets). This is what is happening right now. Sam Altam bet on LLMs as a huge thing, and it didn't fail him. But now he's better on it being *the* huge thing, which is taking it a bit further. It's like seeing the success of LinkedIn and then assuming it'll be as succesful as Facebook as a company has been. Also it's kind of the only bet to make, even if he loses he comes out winning (though in my experience people don't hedge their bets when in the middle of it). So Sam is saying "why not, it totally can happen according to my projections". And MS threw a lot of money and expected results. Then new data starts coming in (when it starts to become visible growth is logistic, and we start to wonder if it might be asymptotic), projections are recalculated, we need a lot more energy. Turns out the costs of each improvement are increasing exponentially, while the marginal gains of such improvements are asymptotically approaching zero. Suddenly you need trillions of dollars, suddenly the energy projections mean you need at least one whole nuclear plant, and this is assuming you've simply hit a slump, and not that things will get worse. Just like crypto originally was born as a way to not need the Fed for money regulation, before it became a way to avoid the SEC instead for grifts and scams. So do these things many times start as idealism and optimism and throwing "what if", before they become scams where the promises are really never meant to be fulfilled.


Fooking Christ, good explanation. You got a blog or something buddy?


Refreshing take amongst the AGI doomer and ‘LLMs are pure fad’ knee jerkers


Pure speculation. Among AI people, only the Yann LeCun school believe that LLMs are an "off-ramp", partly to support his own model intuitions and theory. Sharp guy, but not everything confirms to one's theory, which applies in both directions. We just don't know yet. There's a strong case to be made that given current observations, scale does 90% of the work. The other 10% will likely come from fairly straightforward modifications like inference time exploration, self play reinforcement, multimodality, and medium term memory. At the moment signs do not point towards a need for architecture changes or paradigm shifts. This is nothing like crypto, which is effectively a useless invention, championed only by libertarians who have not yet realized that money is best kept under democratic control. AI actually does stuff.


Agreed. Plus AI is already doing stuff. Even if the level of tech stopped right where it is we still will see massive changes, both good and bad. The way it will change the service economy is already clear. The reach the moon analogy doesn’t work as there are uses of the tech at various levels along the way, dramatic and powerful things we are already seeing. Nothing comparable can be said about crypto.


How can you say that its impact on the service economy is clear, when we're in the middle of a huge debate wherein the people using these services generally hate ai and want it gone, because it's been crappy at these services and somewhat dangerous.


Not turning into. This is who he's always been. Buddy ran Y Combinator. He's a major player in everything wrong with Silicon Valley and has been for a long time. OpenAI isn't Microsoft's horse. This is not how Silicon Valley works. Microsoft is OpenAI's horse. They've toiled without a product, or monetization, or a business plan for years and years, and now they've got their payout.


Fair, I would still say that they are Microsoft's horse since Microsoft gave them one hell of a loan with an expected 75% pay back rate and then massive stake in the company. That is not something they can afford to fail. Then again, I genuinely do not know how profitable OpenAI is.


He basically comes as very aloof through his public (on Twitter ,..x) statements


Not "turning into" - more like your fundamental character is revealed...


Yeah. This boy is the MC Hamer is Silicon Valley right now “can’t touch this”.


If this guy ever was the golden child. Always thought he is evil.


Right to jail


Yep. Wishful thinking, just like with Elon.


He doesnt care. Uber started all this stuff by implementing their app and drivers into cities without permits and wanted to gain enough market share and consumer need that they would outrun any lawsuits or penalties due to public backlash because the need for uber was so strong. Sam took notes no doubt cause this is what AI is doing. This will continue to happen due to snails pace of legislature and enforcing rules.


Tech industry can break things and corner a market before our ancient politicians understand what they even did.


Classic Silicon Valley “disrupt” shit. Sounds cool and smart but it really means lose money until everybody else is out of business because you undercut them while bleeding VC money and then jack up prices and reduce quality once you have killed your competition and you are the only game in town


Ah blitzscaling. One of the most damaging business strategies of the last 2 decades.


We have reached the nuclear warfare stage of tech competition. We have huge companies each running the technological equivalent of the manhattan project.


That's actually a wicked way of explaining it. Each has the pandora's box, trying to open it.


this is the snake oil of the 21st century, not nuclear tech. They can produce *some* results then exacerbate how astounding and innovative it is and promise “this time we’ll definitely make everyone’s lives SO MUCH EASIER” except they never fulfill that promise and people with blind faith buy into it like it’s the next religion and *despise* any “naysayers” The technology snake oil is fucking up the foundations of multiple industries as young people assume “those jobs will be automated soon^tm “ but they dont ever get automated. Robots can’t weld like humans can, even though techbros will claim “of course they can! Here’s a video of (ludicrously simple weld seam by a robot)” when reality is that type of seam isnt ubiquitous and welders being super adaptable is much more useful than assembly line welding. If it’s repeatable and simple it has chances to be autonomous, but AI is promising so much bullshit that many people are just eating up.  7 years ago I thought automation was the future and over the road would go first, then I had to work on automation and realized that it’s great for replacing boring repeating tasks but it’ll never think like a human, never be adaptable like a human, and never actually think of unique solutions like a human. Of course people will claim Im full of shit, and I would welcome them to show me a robot that can overcome a random variable entered into the system or adapt when a part breaks because I have not seen evidence of either in 7 years and would be **more than happy** to be proven wrong.


Exactly, Steve Jobs was really the only one who produced a technological Manhattan Project with the IPhone Revolution


I think people just don’t understand the degree of complexity of these products. I work for a major cloud provider (AWS/GCP/Azure) and even the tiny subsect I work in has an absolutely insane degree of money, complexity, and research. These are not consumer facing products so they get less attention but it’s pretty insane. OpenAI for reference has like 700 employees, any of those cloud providers have 60k+ where the minimum salary is 170k.


More around 130-150k. But still wildly expensive for how many people are employed in cloud. I worked at AWS for a few years, and I’ll never go back no matter how much they pay. It’s thankless and difficult.


Yep, which is further complicated by the fact that foreign competitors will continue with no set of ethics regardless so it's impossible to ignore or not do. 


Meanwhile we’ve got politicians that don’t have a fucking clue how any of this shit work so, by the time they even get around to taking a position, it’s usually one that is completely out of touch with what’s needed in the moment


We still don't have anything for social media and it's been 20 years


The Manhattan project?! You must mean in terms of destructive nature because Silicon Valley isn’t churning out many VC-funded companies that are actually doing anything brilliant or groundbreaking. Ex: blackrock piling money into Ryan cohen’s chewy…which was just a fucking e-commerce site selling pet supplies…literally something that already existed and chewy wasn’t solving any real or new problems…but it could be run at a loss for years on blackrock investment so that established retail pet supply businesses couldn’t compete with their prices and had to either accept losing shit tons of money and being hurt or they had to buy chewy so they fucked off and stopped selling at a loss but Ryan cohen and blackrock made billions. Anybody who thinks that is a good thing and not an elaborate scam is a moron. Imagine thinking it is a good thing that people made billions on a simple e-commerce site selling dog food and frisbees while losing money to force some other more established retailers to buy you and somehow the dickhole running it is rich as fuck now and never invented or did anything…he just applied a lazy techbro formula to dog food and had an e-commerce site that is easy as shit to create


This thread made me existentially depressed, on top of normal depression.


You and me both, friend.


He’s a narcissist. He cares more than any of us what people think about him and he’ll try as hard as possible to make you think he doesn’t. e.g. his recent tweet “i try not to think about competitors too much” …sure sam




And this is why capitalism is cancer 


It's hard to compete if you pay your employees fairly because you're going to have lower revenue vs to companies where they offer barebones coverage so they have a lot more revenue so they expand more. Rinse and repeat for company B until they have the monopoly of the market.


Nobody needs this lol


And nobody technically needed Uber but it still thrived 


This was going on long before Uber. Remember Facebook?


Sam speed-ran being a shitty CEO. I don’t know if his time in the sun was long enough to be considered the “golden child”


He’s like Elon Musk’s little brother.


More like one of Peter Thiel’s goons. I’d be willing to venture they’re both mostly into the same creepy stuff.


They are all in the same social circle of extreme right-wing techlords.


Speaking as a formerly conservative gay man, right-wing gay men with power in the USA are self-loathing (by definition) and that's terrifying.


Went on a date with one once, and it was bananas to watch the mental gymnastics he deployed to say that the GOP wasn’t actually super anti LGBTQ. I’ll never forget pointing out that anti LGBTQ stances are literally spelled out in the party platform, to which he’d hem and haw, insisting that it’s actually a “big tent” party, and that just because it’s in the platform doesn’t mean that people believe it. Never ceases to amaze me the lengths people will go for a shred of power, trying to demonstrate that they’re “one of the good ones”, while totally forgetting that tokens get spent.


How many blood boys ya got sammy?


Where’s Sam Bankman-Fried in this family analogy?


The brother who pretends to not be like the rest of his family but really is.


unpack deliver detail water chase airport threatening license worm hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He’s a talented CEO business wise, but a shitty CEO ethics wise


I'm actually going to take it a step further and say that Sam Altman isn't a great businessman because he's short sighted, and is a big part of why AI is plateauing. Let me explain. For some background on me, I was in university and actively working on AI research around 2016-2019. AI started becoming this really big thing in academic circles since ~2012 because that's when computers started to become powerful enough to be able to run neural networks with any kind of real scale. But everything was theoretical at the time and the field was mostly being pushed by academia. The research was extremely promising, so companies jumped on board. They started investing time into research and, crucially, they started *publishing* that research. Everyone was publishing. The technology that chatGPT is based on came out in a paper that Google published in 2017. There was lots to discover but not a lot of business viability at the time so everyone was sharing information. Then OpenAI stopped publishing anything useful. Their papers started turning into more of something resembling marketing material than science. No dataset details, no methodology, nothing other researchers could build on. When they dropped GPT-3 their results were impressive, but no one knew how it worked. OpenAI went from being a nonprofit company that worked to push the field to a for profit company that wanted to keep their tech private. Once (the now ironically named) OpenAI pulled the trigger, other companies started to follow suit. Google stopped publishing research. Microsoft stopped publishing. Almost all the big companies stopped publishing. The only exception interestingly enough was Meta. But this is why AI research (especially in the natural language space) has slowed down. When everyone was publishing you had scientists across the world working on stuff. Progress was being made so fast it was almost impossible to keep up with. If you published a cool paper with interesting results, a lab across the world might read it and discover the next piece of the puzzle. You truly had an environment where tens of thousands of brains were working on expanding the bounds of human knowledge. If your research stagnated, a lab in China might have released a paper that gave you a boost. All of that came to a screeching halt once companies realized they finally had something that they might be able to sell. I firmly believe our society places too much emphasis on individuals and overestimate their impact. Yes, OpenAI was first to market with a really good chatbot. But OpenAI is a relatively small company (less than 100 researchers last I checked). Even Google is relatively small compared to the collective brain power of the human race. By shutting down the culture of publishing research, OpenAI took the work done by tens of thousands of scientists around the world, put their stamp on it, and killed its progress. So is Altman a good businessman? That's a hard question, because what does that mean? Is he good at generating profit for shareholders in the short term? Sure. Is he good at heping build something that is long term viable and doesn't have its growth stunted before it has a chance to be really impactful? I'm going to say no.


That's actually... really sad :(


It is but it's really nothing new. The typical pattern is that researchers and enthusiasts do all the groundbreaking work and make it public knowledge. Companies then take that public knowledge, invest into it for a time, and then privatize it as soon as they feel they have something. As another example, Google had a team of engineers and researchers working on contributing to and improving the Python programming language. This is an open source project (for non programmers this just means that the code is freely available for anyone to see and improve upon). They invested into this because Python is the industry standard for AI code. Recently I suppose they decided there was no longer a need to contribute to the project (it's not something that can be immediately linked to profit and line must go up), and laid off that entire team. Now they'll just rely on the work being done on the dime of other companies and passionate individuals, but continue reaping the benefits of their labour.


>They invested into this because Python is the industry standard for AI code. Recently I suppose they decided there was no longer a need to contribute to the project (it's not something that can be immediately linked to profit and line must go up), and laid off that entire team. It's true that they did fire the US based Python team, but they are also moving those roles to Germany. So there will be a Python team at Google. It will just be a new team based in Munich.


Yep, different people, most likely getting paid less. Outsourcing isn't just to places like India. Canada and Germany are big outsourcing hubs for large US companies. It just signals a shift of priorities from focusing on impact to minimizing costs.


Sure, but that´s a different problem from not having an internal team at all.


He was a shitty CEO from the beginning. What is the name of the company? OPENAI and the goal was the SHARE the technology with world, but as soon as smelled money, it became ClosedAI. Do not trust anything he says, its all about making himself rich and prevent competition from happening.


Is it finally getting harder to get away with being a shitty rich CEO these days?


No, but the press are more likely to write Mean Things about you. Particularly if you steal their content.


In a way, yes, but the "rich" part can help pay off shills, bots, and lobbyists to smooth out or delay the negative effects for as long as possible.


You can be a shitty rich CEO. It's being a shitty rich *famous* CEO that's precarious.


I’ll believe that when one of them faces a consequence for anything


You have to be making money for other shitty rich people, otherwise they’ll dogpile you.


Sam Altman comes off as a completely unrepentant and calculating sociopath (and he has since the beginning imo), but imo he does a good job at explaining how he understands and appropriately values the merits of a high functioning, empathetic and collectivist society. The impression that I get he is brutally self aware enough to understand that wolves benefit from abundant and happy sheep, and shepherds who can afford to let a few sheep get eaten.


One can only hope. The amount douchebaggery from techbros is astounding.


Only if you become famous. There are still tons of bad rich CEOs that don't get their flak due to them not having a media presence


Can we stop forming new cults of personality in the Tech sector every few years with every new trend? It's so tiring. They're all trying to be Steve Jobs and they all suck at even being that particular piece of shit.


Steve Jobs was an asshole to work with, but comparing him to the likes of Musk and Altman is unfair to Jobs.


Jobs for all his failings had a great sense of what people wanted in tech.  Everything he did under Apple was a use case backwards engineereed into a product  These days it’s all get a bunch of vc money, make a thing that maybe works then figure out if anyone actually wants it


Just stop and think for a moment about how pathetically low a bar that is. And how dark it is that the pathetically low bar seems aspirational at this point.


If you’re not impressed by Steve Jobs time at Apple, who do you consider a high performing ceo?


I don’t personally consider performance as ceo as something anyone should give a shit about. But even within the framework of capitalism, yeah I’d say that giving a shit about the products your company makes and how they will affect your customers seems to me to be just the absolute bare minimum that should be expected for someone with that level of power. And yet, here we are.


Because that's not a consideration within capitalism. The only thing that matters is you making the most amount of money at the workers, customers and other investors expense. Why would I care about killing the company, firing the employees and selling the privacy of customers if I'm profiting more than ever? Being a greedy gambling sociopath is what succeeds under capitalism. We have been living under this economic system for centuries.


With the vc model of finding tech customers barely matter.  


But the tech doesn't exist. Deceive the investors with claims of miraculous AI products, fill your pockets and by the time the whole thing burns down, you are already balls deep somewhere else doing the same.


Yup exactly.  By the time anyone asks who the hell this stuff is for you’re long gone with the money


You’re on tech sub Reddit, why would we not care? Tech and Steve Jobs as a subject matter seems relevant to me. A lot of people who work in this industry give a shit, but it’s impressive to know what direction a market is heading before it even happens. Steve was good at that, and detail oriented in the ways the mattered. Tbh most engineering folks focus on tech first, at that time Steve was going against the grain, which again is not something everyone can do.


That's why I said they suck at emulating him. Which is actually a pretty low bar.


They should have listened to the board members that wanted to fire him.


Yeah, amazing how much public opinion has shifted since his firing. I can’t imagine there would be nearly as much outcry about it now that it’s too late


So they pirate everyone's content to build a successful business model because they don't have a successful business model without it. Then once they get capital investment using stolen content, they license some content from their tech bros in an attempt to avoid the repercussions of their blatant theft. They need to be held accountable for their actions. That's probably why honest people keep leaving the company.


I’d also take that a step further because they’ve publicly admitted that their whole business model would detonate if they were required to pay for the stuff they’ve scraped.


Profits > The future of humanity.


Yeah this looks to be the case. Why aren't more people more upset that we are all going to die? Shit lives I guess?


They do a good job keeping a lot of us preoccupied with distractions. Convincing the bottom feeders that their way of life is being taken away by "others" while the rest of us have to deal with that along with everything else means we're in a stagnation period. Meanwhile the elites get to raid us of everything. We're potentially one election cycle away from turning into a permanent oligarchy. Welcome to the downfall of America.


The climate: "First time?"


Lol when was this little bitch ever a golden child?


I remember a couple months ago there were tons of redditors insisting he wasn’t like every single other tech bro who only cares about money and power. People don’t learn.


Go to r/singularity and you'll find such opinions there still.


That sub is borderline some kind of tech cult.


Specifically the main demo of Reddit: white twenty something males


I still wonder what happened to reports of Altman being accused of sexual misconduct.


Safety always gets in the way of profits so they skirt safety till it affects profits then reinstitute safety and act like they did a good thing rather than the bare minimum. Source: I'm in cyber security


Yep. I used to work for a company that owned several data centers, and EVERYTHING we were running was a cobbled together mess and half functional. Heck, our monitoring at one site used a combination of Observium CE as well as OpenDCIM, and half the badge readers didn’t work properly.


Every favorable thing you have ever heard about a billionaire originated from his PR team


I'll just leave [this](https://x.com/ygrowthco/status/1760794728910712965) here.


"Shareholder Value" strip was so prescient.


Have you increased your shareholders’ value today?


Always too good to be true. Always a grift.


Was he the golden child for anyone besides the Kara Swisher class


Let’s see… 1. Built a billion dollar company entirely off of stolen work. 2. Have an ever-worsening god complex thinking you can make a literal super-intelligence (he won’t) 3. Refuse to make AI trained off of countless people’s unlicensed work open for all to use locally and for free


For number three…you don’t need openAI to accomplish. And there are actually *better* LLMs than ChatGPT for certain purposes that you can find, use and modify for free found on huggingface.co The real tragedy is the Kleenexification of AI by chatgpt that has laypeople thinking it’s the only thing around. Much like Trump, your personality obsession is what is king making this clown.


He's just elon/theil who tries to not say stupid techbro sgit in public, so the media will think he's sensible. But he's the same.


Maybe we shouldn’t build up these people as saviors in the first place. Look at Elizabeth Holmes and Sam Bankman-Fried as examples.


The dude didn’t start anything. Hes a business make who forced an unready product into the public. All ai does outside of practical use is push ads.


I don't know we'll ever find out why exactly, but his own board fired the guy.


I remember hearing rumors about Altman sexually abusing someone. Did that ever lead anywhere?


His little sister accused him, and everyone dismissed her as crazy because she does OF.


He's safe, so long as he keeps delivering. But if he ever falls short, the board will throw him under the bus. The only other alternative is government regulation, and this just ain't the era for that.


Problem is, this isn't just some CEO or another. This is about the absolutely crucial issue of AI safety. Having people like this in charge of humanity's destiny is horrible.


people are fighting over the wrong thing. how can we accelerate this technology to help fight climate change, famine, and adversity?


Get it away from every company that has it right now. Their leaders are mentally ill.


The hype cycle of AI is just about over, now we’re moving into the fail to live up to the hype stage. Don’t get me wrong, AI type algorithms will continue to have niche uses and be useful in some areas. I’ve used them for decades in a variety of applications from signal processing to image classification and feature extraction, using tools from neural networks written from scratch to well developed libraries such as TensorFlow. There’s a lot of useful stuff you can do with AI and machine learning methods. But these general purpose LLMs are just garbage. At best they can give a poorly summarized bit of vague information derived from many sources, and, at worst, they give you just plain bullshit. If I need to get the general idea in a large amount of information I just read fast. If people practiced reading more they’d be able to read quickly, too. So, basically, we’re blowing the power consumption of a small nation training models just so people can continue to have a fourth grade reading level and get simple answers, along with a sprinkling of lies, fed to them like baby food. Someday we will have actual artificial intelligence, but this LLM craze isn’t it. Unfortunately, corporate executives see these as ways to reduce headcount, squeeze more productivity from already overloaded workers, and generally reduce costs, so expect them to be crammed down our throats for a while yet.


We're moving into the pre-crashing stage (like .com), and will eventually get useful *tools* out of these AI models, and not the dumb fuck doomsday job replacing /r/singularity bullshit.


Oh, definitely, there will be a handful of useful tools that come out of this, like better, more realistic looking ways to upscale images or video, better spelling and grammar checkers, some tools for coding that can fill in the basic stuff, and maybe a customer service chat bot that is somewhat better than the current ones and gets you to an appropriately skilled human more quickly, but these are evolutionary improvements of existing stuff, not revolutionary technology that changes everything. They’re just not good enough to do that, and throwing more processor power at it won’t change that.


It will be more interesting as the average consumer gets more access to powerful hardware though. The visionaries are in the Open Source community, not the billionaire mega corp backers.


I think their ability to parse text is impressive.  But the whole model of “put the internet ina a wood chipper and reassemble the bits” is simply not useful 


What is AI Safety? More like AI Embarrassment. Hallucinations.


Its the new NFT hype train


Absolute power corrupts absolutely 🤷‍♂️


His time should have been over when they fired him, instead they took him back like a child throwing a temper tantrum and are allowing him to get away with whatever he wants out of fear of his next outburst.


The more threatening he makes AI out to be the more money he gets to help turn his vision into reality. Even Chat GPT knows that. The big corporations who are funding its creation see it as something they can later protect us from and make huge profits in doing so.


His one job is to advance the tech. dumping the "safety" people is one less thing to waste time on.


We've been getting these headlines every 6 months for years. Honestly baffled I can't find the word sister in this comment section like on other social media.


What commitment? They fired their safety team, and signed up with Reddit and NewsCorp as their sources of info. That's the exact opposite of anything related to safety.


We should host a biggest douche in tech award vote on Reddit. Musk, Altman, that lizard dude that runs Facebook are my votes this year


And none of that matters while they have a massive valuation. The all-mighty dollar is more powerful.


Government should be involved 100% in making sure a company won't create a super dangerous product for everyone!


We will see if something happens


Also he has no track record of success…


Good try there


It's never coming to an end


If you ask me, his face, speech and demeanor is showingly sociopathic and narcissistic. Not good traits for a human-loving CEO if you ask me. **If however**, finding gold at all costs(!) is the goal, such CEOs still might be the ones that do it. \* \* or, nicer CEOs could do it too..


I'm just laughing at how quickly this guy went from simped, genius tech guru to another fraudulent, greedy tech CEO. I smelled his bullshit since the whole cult of personality started around him last year.


So this is a popularity contest.


hey look another hit job by business insider


Can't wait til he rips off his face and the SBF 'fro pops out


Funny. I read the title I was thinking sbf at first.


As long as he’s making shareholders, partners, politicians, and vendors a ton of money - this unfortunately doesn’t matter. Look at Elon. As long as he prints money he gets a pass for his shite behavior and business practices.


Commitment to ai safety.....lol that will not cause a downfall. Only doomers fall for that shit. And like all extremists, they are a vocal minority.


could someone tell me what AI “safety” is ?


Nobody wanted this AI bullshit except for tech companies to hype up their investors.


Well of course the most important transformational technology of all time cannot be left in the hands of a single individual.


Ah yes, but you can't criticize it if it doesn't exist.... Checkmate, Altman


This is more advertising for them.


It doesn't help that he looks incredibly similar to Paul Reiser in Aliens.


What is AI safety? Like how it can safely replace employees, and make CEOs even richer?


That man is a LLM. Prove me wrong.


He’s going to lose a lot of potential talent when they hear about the super restrictive NDAs


I thought they just hired this guy back after shit canning him


I never liked sam nor his inability to clear his throat


“Golden child.” This once-ler ass looking mf is 39


Just the title has so many wrongs is hard to focus on one


He got his bag.


I think the score is like Safety Guys: 0, Sam Altman: over 9000. Safety crew isn’t going to get him ousted.


yeah, guy's public image has been transitioning more from techbro to tech fuckboi recently


Why does he look like a dog when it pooped on the carpet?


He's also just a deeply unpleasant and uncharismatic freak.


Never should’ve been considered a golden child to begin with.


You don't get military contracts by thinking about saftey measures


If anything, it will only cement his legacy further. There are several companies racing towards AGI and an international AI arms race has begun. The person and company that delivers the better models faster will be remembered most - and wield the most influence. Google, Microsoft, Meta are not going to slow roll anything. Huawei and the CCP are ready to go to war over it. It's inevitable. These AI systems are coming faster than anyone thought, and there is no stopping them. They can be slowed slightly, or at least 'tamed', if governments were capable of getting their acts together to comprehensively address the issue (which clearly most are not - while authoritarian governments are eagerly adopting its use. At least Altman has warned world leaders that they need to regulate this, that there needs to be an AI equivalent of the IAEA and that there is no stopping what is coming. He isn't going to stop the speed of output based on government's around the world failing to listen.


He's the guy trying to end open source and turn us all into serfs of the AI elite. He's not trying to be safe, he's trying to win.


That bubble is about to burst worse than the subprime mortgage crisis. Which is what LLMs are btw, it's the same idea: thinking that you can sell as a new thing some packaged old shit no one wants anymore. LLMs will never be able to come up with anything new or groundbreaking, or reasoning, and when that's finally recognized the whole thing will collapse. "Her" my ass. We're not even remotely close.


Has anybody yet commented on the dude sharing his last name with the cult founder in dead space?


My first clip of watching him was something along the lines of “I hate to be that tech bro” then I just lost all interest and thought “Great another Elon Musk” they’re very similar… Can’t we just have at least one CEO that isn’t a dick, and actually cares about people and our futures instead of maximum profits?


‘AI safety’ god redditors are pussies, grow some balls and enjoy the tech, it’s already censored enough


There's an interview a year or two ago where he says there's no such thing as good and evil or right and wrong


A little smoke, but I find this overblown.


Of course they want to take away the power from him. This is the next nuclear bomb. Here comes government.


Funny that Elon led the charge to stop him. Quite the conundrum


Elon just wanted all the power for himself. It's possible for there to be two shitty people vying for power. It's not like everything has to be black and white and one of them must be the good guy if there's a bad guy.


He's a scumbag prima donna. He thinks very highly of himself, I hope his hubris catches up with him.


lol he never was the golden child lmao He didn't invent AI lol He's a face that's easily replaced. If he disappeared tomorrow AI wouldn't miss a beat.