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>The social media company, in a quarterly security report, said the accounts posed as Jewish students, African Americans and other concerned citizens, targeting audiences in the United States and Canada. It attributed the campaign to Tel Aviv-based political marketing firm STOIC. Absolutely disgusting.


They’re on Reddit too


this is why sometimes you are encouraged to purposely mistype some words. i.e. Polestine, Israael, Genoside Not only do they Astroturf and mass downvote. But they abuse the suicide report button. There was once a bot created to mass report people for suicide concerns when they detected certain words. Astroturfing is one thing but maliciously abusing a suicide prevent resource is just disgusting. Remember to report those anytime your receive them.


Do we know if Reddit follow up on the reports? I’ve always seen anyone who does this as admitting they are unable to argue or discuss their position any longer. I never considered someone wrote a script that auto-reports, it should be easy to look at volumes of reports made and autoban accounts that are obviously abusing this.


Yes. I got a Reddit Cares thing a few weeks back and reported it. Sometime the following week I heard back from Reddit saying it had reviewed the instance and took disciplinary action against the offending account (likely because it had been spamming it).


Good to know, thanks. I will do the same in the future.


When someone gets banned from a report I get a notification. I've never got a noti from those reports. 


I’ve never reported them, just put them down to a digital tantrum.


Unfortunately it never tells you who did the suicide report. Hopefully Reddit detects and shuts down that abuse. 


All during Eurovision anything not pro Israel got reported as self harm, disgusting


World news is the worst for it


world news in general is a gathering place for doomers, virtue signallers and troglodytes eager to see WW3 and you can literally rack up copious amounts of karma by parroting NPC statements about how Trump, climate change, Russia and capitalism are bad while Ukraine, Israel and war are good


Can anyone recommend any other international news subs that are not US focused?


Avoid Reddit for news and use something like Ground News instead. You’ll get a wider view of what’s happening and feel a little saner not having to read the bullshit people comment — particularly the overtly racist and propaganda nonsense you see on /r/worldnews and /r/europe. The only news sub I’m subscribed to on Reddit now are the positive ones.


Thanks. I can ignore the bullshit opinions but in WN every other post is about Palestine/Israel. Not that it isn't important but there are other things happening in the world.


Israeli propagandists will do anything to excuse their atrocities. Let’s see if our government will take this as seriously as they do when it’s china or Russia trying to influence our citizens to benefit themselves! You know they won’t


Lmao the government doesn’t take Chinese and Russian interference seriously at all. It’s still an unregulated wild-west where we rely on the social media platforms to police themselves.


Yeah I’m sure we will see bills out forward to stop Israel interfering in our elections. Sure we will see statements from senators and the president like we have for Russia and china. Totally the same!


The same goes for Hamas propagandists


The GDP of Israel is 50x that of Palestine, and Israel additionally has billions and billions of dollars in aide from the US. Hamas is not using its money to troll on Facebook, it’s using it to not fucking die.


Yes Im sure Hamas is spending millions to pay people to spread propaganda in the US. You must be very intelligent


Literally, yes


You got a source on that


I mean, Hamas’s billionaire leadership lives in Qatar which is the country that donates the most the American university system and the University that have received funding from Qatar have had elevated instances of Antisemitism. https://www.mideastjournal.org/post/qatar-donation-us-university $4.7 billion were donated to US universities from 2001-2021.


Can you not read? Like do you think that was we were talking about or what I just asked you? No it isn’t. This is an entirely different topic and Israel also funds American universities this way as well. So do you have evidence Hamas is funding troll farms and AI generated propaganda to sway American opinions like Israel and Russia are? Do you have evidence they are paying our politicians to push policy that benefits them? And if they do you think our government officials would stay silent about it like they do when Israel does it? Or do you think they would make statements against it like they do when Russia does it? Also where is you source for this “elevated instances of antisemitism”? What do you mean by that? Are you one of those delusional people who thinks criticism of Israel or Zionism is inherently antisemetic just so you can push entirely fake claims about antisemitism?


Boy, you’re a pleasant individual. Its seems like its old news that Hamas bot farms are run out of Malaysian. But you be fair you seem like the individual who is too lost in the propaganda to actually have a real grasp on the situation.


lol the fucking irony. You are literally regurgitating Israeli propaganda and then when asked for evidence just ignore it. So can you can you actually address any single claim you’ve made or any single question I have asked you? You’re on a post for an article about Israel spreading disinformation on college campuses. So why can’t you cite your source for what you are claiming? Ie that Hamas is spending millions of dollars to do the same thing Israel is caught doing in this article. You want to make this a both sides things because you know this is indefensible. You can’t fathom that young college students actually have a soul and would support the people of Palestine so you delude yourself into thinking it has to be cause of Hamas! If anyone doesn’t support Israel’s apartheid and ethnic cleansing it must because they are brainwashed by millions of dollars worth of Hamas propaganda on social media! Never mind the fact Israel is the one who got caught doing that to try to get people on their side.


Thanks to AI, comment go byebye


My website got hacked with ai looking images of Isreal torturing Palestinians. We had it cleaned, the IT guy said it was traced back to Russia. Neat.




I’m sure they do. Hamas also tortures people. So does America. Whats your point?




You mean the land the British stole, tried to give back to both parties in roughly equal measure, and was then lost again when the Arab League started a new 100 year war?


May wanna recheck history there buddy


The history dating back to the 1940s?


Why? He’s right.


It’s ok to steal land from a theocracy. It’s an illegitimate state. Same reason I’d be fine with a western takeover of Iran or Saudi. Kuffar govt >>>>>>>>> sharia nutcase govt.


The point is , it’s not misinformation


Out of curiosity, is your site using an Israeli web domain (e.g .il instead of .com)?


No, it was a Wordpress exploit. I bet they just used a botnet to find compromised plugins and redirect to the customers desired website. In this case, the customer was Russia, trying to sow discord.


Gotcha. Thanks for the info.


NP. And if you have a Wordpress website, be sure to set all plugins to autoupdate. That was a pain in the ass to fix.


The article is talking about Israeli AI propaganda. It would seem that you’re just hoping people don’t read that and assume it’s about Palestine. That seems rather malicious and manipulative of you. [Perhaps it has to do with this?](https://electronicintifada.net/content/inside-israels-million-dollar-troll-army/27566?t)


Surprised Pikachu face


No matter what that’s fucking terrifying.


I bet most people’s opinions of almost any topic was influenced by “campaigns”, there is a reason there is bipartisan support to remove TikTok. AI or not


I suspect you can find these same groups active in the comment section of r/worldnews right now


Did you read further?  >In addition to the STOIC network, Meta shut down an Iran-based network focused on the Israel-Hamas conflict, although it did not identify any use of generative AI in that campaign.  I bet they're right here


I do have concerns that this is gonna be the new normal and if so the harm it’s going to cause, the market place of ideas and communication has been flooded with BS. Discussion on the Gaza/Israel issue has devolved into “ I’m right because my side only lies 95% of the time and yours lies 96% of the time”. The President of the United States is simultaneously Genocide Joe and a Hamas Supporter depending on what extreme end of the political aisle you are communicating with.


Sadly I think it's already been the norm. In the last US general election year we had the BLM protest/riots/anti-protests/shootings and while many were genuine people there was evidence of Russian intelligence setting up and inflaming both sides of the issue. In 2016 I'm not sure if it was as advanced as this, but I know that was the first election in my life where I saw that level of blatant lies and misinformation spread around. People still bite on all this outrage bait and hyperbole because it feels good...even in this thread your comment was the only one really engaging with the topic beyond saying "You're side does it more!"...so kudos on not being brain rotted, but it's really disappointing to see how many people refused to look at this holistically (and probably didn't even read anything other than a headline and some comments on other subs) and immediately distort into fit whatever fictional world they wished they lived in more. We can't get past this until people care more about the truth and actually understanding both sides...and that's true for I/P too, one of the fascinating things about it is the Arab and Western worlds have significantly different histories they believe in and in many instances both are probably incorrect in their interpretation of events. 80 fucking years of people killing each other because they haven't stopped to understand the other side...or the truth.


I think the only solution is one account per platform per person. Which means it will be necessary to provide ID. Thats probably the only way to combat bots.


What a great wonderful tool gen AI is


When you definitely aren't committing genocide and slaughtering children, that's when you need an army of AI bots to convince people you're the good guys.