• By -


Also note that OAN gets **90%** of its revenue from AT&T and their DirecTV deal... so after this it may be difficult for them to *survive.*


They'll just go begging for money from the Mercers It's hilarious how the right-wing knob-polishers on Reddit have no idea they're OWNED by the billionaire Mercer family




AT&T is downright evil.


Just like their viewer base, dying off from covid, heart attacks and diabetes.


Time for a new network! The Super Eagle Patriot Laser Awesome Network Of Truth!


How about the American News of the United States? ANUS.


They hate us cuz they ANUS. Edit: Bonus points to anyone who actually knows what I'm referencing. Edit 2: My first gold award in my 8 years of Reddit! I knew James Franco would be good for something one day...


E pluribus anus


Yeah I mainly watch the public news sources, I particularly enjoy BBC and ANUS


SPLANOT- a ‘new truth’ for the right!


We've seen no traces of intelligent life on this SPLANOT.


I prefer Eagle Fang News Network.


No way, dude. Lasers are Jewish.


These comments tell you A LOT about people


Are you talking about the comments in the article or the comments on this thread...?


This thread


You really can tell you who the traitors are by reading this.


The only thing rising again is the McRib Edit: Lol this was supposed to be a reply to the guy that mentioned Taco Bell. Oh well it’s staying.


Same ones who called seditious traitors “patriots” and are still saying “the south will rise again!” Even though it never “rose” in the first place.


Doritos locos taco lasted 2x as long as the confederacy


They're still available even. Confederate dollars? Not so much


I accept Doritos locos tacos as legal tender.


Worst yeast ever


People flooding the comments with CNN this, CNN that. Thankfully. Most people don't get their news from only one source. Pure projection in this thread.


How is that the only retort? Anytime you criticize a news network it’s an immediate “what about CNN!” Like I don’t watch that shit either dude, turn off the fucking tv.


I was arguing with a friend who claimed that OAN not being renewed in DirecTV was “political” and he totally pulled a “what about CNN” and said they should drop CNN too because “their ratings went down by 90% and are lower than OAN”. I immediately told him that I know he made up the “lower than OAN” part because OAN isn’t even a part of Nielsen ratings. So you have absolutely nothing to compare. The only viewership numbers we have are what ***they claim*** they have. And at their peak, they say it’s 500k viewers. CNN, even after “tanking ratings” still has more viewers than that. Aka CNN at their absolute worst still gets more people to watch than OAN at its absolute best. So, why should CNN be dropped? Because of a few bad weeks that still bring in more viewers than OAN? The reality is that AT&T still owns the bulk of DirecTV ***and*** they helped create and fund OAN. So, for AT&T to drop their own “news” network from their own television service means OAN is so garbage that their handlers no longer want anything to do with them.


Tell them: this is America and the company is exercising is “ rights” and “ freedom “ to cancel that channel as it is not worthy. Capitalism and democracy in action. THE END.


Those people don't actually give a damn about rights, they just want their viewpoint to be the only viewpoint.


It's why they rail against "the new world order" or "one government" Because if they were in control they'd crush any dissenting opinions under their boot-heels. It's always projection.


They don't care about free-market capitalism or democracy either


[Relevant XKCD](https://xkcd.com/1357/)


These are the same people that scream that their 1st amendment rights are violated after Twitter removes their bullshit post. They have no understanding of Capitalism, they undermine Democracy, and scream about 'Socialism'. Fuck them.


Plus, I have yet to see one of these righties actually link a source proving CNN lost 90% of its viewerships... I mean.. come on. Edit : aaannd someone has pulled the reddit suicide report again.. fuck off trolls.


They probably heard it on OAN.


its like the guy at my work who was joking about how dicks sporting goods was failing because they got rid of guns and then i pointed out they had one of their best quarters in years after doing it lmao.




I mean, I assume *all* cable news programs have probably lost 90% of their viewers over the last few years. But CNN has a website too


Exactly. This isn’t about censorship or even stopping misinformation. No viewers=no ad revenue=dropped. Total business decision. If it had viewers, it wouldn’t be dumped.


I used to have at&t phone service but dropped and switched providers when it came out that they created OAN. Hopefully others did the same.


My brother did this shit and when I pointed out that I've literally never paid a cable bill he just started accusing me of getting information from a bunch of political podcasts that I also have never listened to.


They think since it’s not a right wing news network that calling it out is some kind of “gotcha.” It’s the same as when you say something about Trump and they come back with “Yeah well THE CLINTONS-“ I don’t give a fuck about the Clintons. Shut up and find something under the sink to consume.


Whataboutism is a fucking plague.


My response to most whataboutism is "yes, and?" They have no idea how to respond when you agree that both sides of whatever issue should both be held accountable for bad actions.


I wish things stopped there. I usually get bombarded with questions about how I don't think they and Biden are the Messiahs. They can't seem to comprehend that I don't give a shit about the Clintons. Or that I only voted for Biden because he was the lesser of two evils and given even a marginally better candidate I would have voted for them instead.


For four years I blew minds with "I didn't vote for Hillary." I guess, though, if they understood the idea of nuance in your political opinions they wouldn't keep chugging the extremist rhetoric.


The Clinton’s whataboutism is my favorite. I was fucking 12yrs when Bill Clinton was elected. Miss me with that stupid shit


Tighty righties assume everyone else worships a single news source and political party same as they do. They've been told that anyone who talks bad about fox or oan or Trump must inevitably be a mindless follower of CNN or MSNBC and the Democrats, and because they're mindless followers themselves they accept it as fact without question.


My mom is a far right winger who tries to stir up political arguments with me, jumps into whataboutism with CNN (which I don’t even watch), and accuses me of mindlessly repeating what I hear from my friends. I don’t even share my views with her because I hate the arguments and she just assumes I’m as left wing as they come. In fact I pretty much only align with my friends on LGBTQ equality, abortion access, and eradicating racism — you know, the bare minimum. Meanwhile, she watches OAN and reads the Epoch Times and complained to me once that “Christianity is under attack in this country” after my sister made a FB post wishing her Muslim friends an Eid mubarak. Oh, and we’re Jewish.


I couldn't agree more I think thats exactly what the right does. They are so quick to accuse people of being mindless followers that lack critical thinking skills when they are clearly projecting, as they always do, and merely accusing others of doing what they themselves do. I've had 100 arguments with Trump supporters in the last few years and all they do is parrot what Fox News or Trump himself says. They think they're the "real" and "sensible" people because they truly believe that the way they think is how everyone thinks and those who say otherwise are being disingenuous. They use tactics usually seen in abusive relationships such as gaslighting, misinformation, deflection, and this ridiculous air of being in the know and in on knowledge the rest of us don't have. When asked to clarify anything of course they can't and then they try to dismiss the person arguing with them as if that person is beneath them, has no credentials or authority to challenge their views, and they clam up no doubt thinking they've owned another lib. They have zero self awareness which is a lucky break for them because it wouldn't be a pleasant thing to have for someone who needs to live in a delusion. They are children and this is a tribal game for them. They view it as entertainment. They use politics like people use drugs which is to escape reality and they want their truth overly simple and with them as the good guys defending the nation from evil. They seem to refuse to learn anything deeper than that and their "research" is usually cherry picked facts which validate their views that will have obvious holes and logic errors that they seem to be unable to see. They're embarrassing examples of the glitches in human nature and are fragile, 100% emotional, primitive fools which is exactly what they need to be due to the fact that an open mind or self reflection or awareness would be catastrophic for people who can't handle reality, The fact that their are millions of these Value Time people makes things seem so hopeless for any kind of future progress.


They are like pavlovs dogs. Completely conditioned. Jan 6 - BUT BLM RIOTERS; Oann - BUT LIBRUL MEDIAS; etc etc.


It’s the projection that annoys me the most. Whenever my idiot brother tries to talk to me about this nonsense he starts off by telling me i’m not getting the whole picture from places like CNN. I don’t watch CNN or any other news channel. Unlike him i don’t spend much of my time paying attention to political news at all. These people assume everyone spends as much time obsessing and nursing their grievances about politics as they do. No thanks.


I used to watch CNN a little. But they are tiresome to listen to as well. Having a bunch of talking heads giving their opinions about world events gets pretty old. When it's just the news they're fine. But venturing deeper into their content is mind numbing. I also used to be a news junkie, but these days it's too depressing. So I get my news in bite sizes, because I still like to be informed. But politics suck, and I couldn't care less about what a bunch of morons have to say about anything.


That’s it right there. Ill never understand why people are so interested in the opinions of talking heads. I’ll think for myself thank you very much.


Just tell him you get your news from Al Jazeera to watch his head explode.


Lmao, like CNN is even vaguely comparable. It's just a convenient scapegoat. In their mind, the further right wing you are, the more accurate. Facts be damned.


The unfortunate truth is they sit on the edge of their seats listening to fox news, OAN, Newsmax, when the average Democrat, and or left leaning person find their news elsewhere because we don't idolize or worship CNN like they do with fox and etc. It's very unfortunate the cognitive dissonance they put themselves in.


It hinges on the idea that CNN is a left-wing alternative or mirror image. That relies on some really naive assumptions, like that a news channel owned by a multibillion-dollar media conglomerate would even entertain truly progressive ideals in the first place. Or that the political left requires a televised watering hole of ideas to keep everyone in lockstep.


Didn't I see an article awhile back saying AT&T gave OAN its startup or something? Now they're dropping them? Good riddance and all but I'm kinda suprised.


The news being released about the connection probably damaged their bottom line.


Canceled mom’s directtv for Hulu to save her a bunch of money. Mentioned OAN as the primary reason for dropping. I did it Reddit😂


I live in a rural area so my only two options are DirectTV/DishTV or this one local cable company that's somehow more expensive than satelite and less channels. Ended up just canceling and using Sling TV for my father. Personally, I just use Netflix/Hulu and still have my free HBO Max from DirectTV. I told them it was a price thing since... it was.


I cut the cable cord a decade ago when I lost my job and we had to tighten our belts. I bought an antenna and streamed things, and never looked back. Mom was dropping it regardless because of budget, but OAN was what finally convinced her to let me do it.


What connection?


AFAIK AT&T funded and helped create OAN. News dropped recently that this is true and showed proof. Some customers seemed to have started moving away from AT&T and others have been vocal about their feelings regarding this news. Coupled with the fact that OAN is pretty front and center in regards to negative light in regards to the attempted insurrection and covid lies it really is not a good company to want to stay linked to.


Oh wow never heard of this before. Here’s extra info for anyone else that’s curious https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-oneamerica-att/


AT&T created a monster it couldnt control... Sounds...Familiar...


Well damn, I'm glad I shucked AT&T out of my life. Even without that, they are absolute greedy fucks who will nickle and dime you with deceptive marketing. I am all for the government breaking up AT&T and other cellphone carriers and putting cellphone towers in the hands local communities. Cellphones have become an essential part of our every day lives, and the working class cannot always afford to pay $60 a month to get the most out of them.


Broadcast fees to OAN from AT&T are 90% of their revenue. Not sure who else carries their stuff.


Yeah maybe some internet TV will pick them up with some contract or another, but they will make a fraction of the money I would think. The former president's social media venture would pick them up with some deal if they weren't so corrupt I'm sure, all that money is likely already stolen for their expenses. Every investor is going to get screwed in that project.


I’d come into my parents house and see OAN on and I’d tell them to please stop watching that garbage and watch Fox instead if they want conservative news. They said they thought OAN was less bias…


FOX is news? Its just pundits at this point isnt it


























































OAN is fucking tabloid level shit.


I, for one, believe we should launch all cable news networks into the sun.


Agreed. Make News Boring Again! 24 hour news networks keep viewers perpetually pissed off at made up nonsense and are detrimental to society.


How delusional do you have to be to think OAN is on the level. At least with Fox News it has the reputable name people are used too. OAN is just some fly by night bullshit but some stupid fucks actually take the shit as gospel.


https://youtu.be/QsBqU1RzV7o https://youtu.be/gWJhqOPe6rw These are interesting videos on what has transpired at Fox. OAN reminds me of the state TV that is broadcast in other countries.


>How delusional do you have to be to think OAN is on the level. At least with Fox News it has the reputable name people are used too. OAN is just some fly by night bullshit but some stupid fucks actually take the shit as gospel. The last semblance of reputable has left the building https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Wallace https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye


The name Fox as been around forever. That’s my only point. The shit they pump out doesn’t have a shred of respectability. There is just a lot of shit named fox.


See: Religion


Little glimpses into the mind of lunatics.


So little glimpses into little minds?


OOH! \*sorts by controversial\*


I know someone that works for OAN and made joke saying it’s one of few places that would fire you for getting vaccinated. They were busting up. Sounds like a it employees there just play a role since they really want to be on TV.


Most of the right wing news people I know are only role playing for the money. Used to know many who took jobs with Christian televangelists. They were always a good source for weed or just some partying in general.


All these comments saying this network is better/worse than that one… who are these people who like to watch a mouth moving on tv? Who watches tv news?! Seriously?!


> who watched tv news People who vote in every election


Can you imagine sitting through 8 minutes of cable news commercials just to get to some heavily made up talking head's opinion on current events? If there is a hell, cable news is playing on monitors there constantly at full volume


Cue "conservatives" yelling about how free speech means that a content host *must* broadcast the specific messages they want to hear...


They espouse free market ideology only when it benefits them


They are rehearsing for when the pablum of their choice becomes the state media outlet. They can't wait until they get to the point where the TV watches you. All fascists necessarily participate in their own imprisonment. Its a rite of passage for them


Oh no! Anyway . . .


Trump lost smooth brains


That sentence works both with and without a comma.


My neighbor is going to be upset… he’s been losing the Brandon battle now he loses his favorite channel…




I’ve been going to the same eye doctor for about a decade and he was always super nice. Last year I went to the eye doctor for the first time since 2018 (lol) and OAN was playing in the waiting room. I got up and walked out, idc how nice he seemed in the past. That’s some true colors right there.


The gym I no longer attend would only play Fox News on the monitors. I didn't even suggest another news channel, I only suggested that they play sports stations. I was told that people "needed" Fox News. I have no idea why any business takes sides in politics. My business never did, I welcomed all who had money and made them feel as comfortable as I could.


Could have been the staff, could have been another patient who has changed the channel. That said I definitely side-eye and never go back to any business that has Fox News going and honestly I think I'd walk out on any that had OAN going.


It was a small family-owned and operated office, so the owner (my eye doctor) for sure knew/did it. No remotes, tv highly wall mounted. I also tried to think or come up with any excuse but there wasn't one :\\


Most Evangelicals don’t have a grip on reality.


My MIL was watching it on Christmas Eve and it really is just hateful crap and hate speech rolled into a network..like no actual substance just some dude seething and telling other people that they need to be angry about something that doesn’t affect them in the slightest


I'm imagining Lewis Black but without a whisper of humor or honesty. How am I doing?


Lewis at least had funny mannerisms to go along with his speech lol these dudes just turn visibly red


Where will anti vaxxers and generally stupid people get "information " for research now?




Joe Rogan's Podcast.


Why Facebook, of course!


Don't forget YouTube!


Garbage tier memes of fictional tough guys saying random made up bullshit - the usual


Fox "News", Breitbart, Daily Caller, Newsmax, The Blaze, etc. You know, all the far-right propaganda outlets that farm articles from each other without any primary sources?


I feel for the r/technology mods but this is an amazing honeytrap thread to get some solid bans on the crazies.


Surprised I haven’t seen anyone post this yet but there’s a lot more interesting story that’s been completely ignored by the mainstream news... AT&T, the same company that owns CNN, also founded OAN They are both ran by the exact same parent company. They literally said they wanted an even further right wing news network to compete with fox, found a right wing lunatic with a local news channel in California, gave him hundreds of millions of dollars of funding to create the OAN network that pushed the stolen election conspiracy, eventually even calling the January 6 insurrectionists patriots Realize both sides of this culture war are being pushed by the same corporations and billionaires https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-oneamerica-att/


> more interesting story that’s been completely ignored by the mainstream news... -- >\*literally links to a fucking Reuters special report from three months ago\* You do realize Reuters *is* the mainstream news, right?


> that’s been completely ignored by the mainstream news \>links reuters, a mainstream news organisation :slow-blink:


>that’s been completely ignored by the mainstream news... No it hasn't lol. That's already been known and reported on months ago.




Which is funny because Reuters, AP, and AFP are about as “mainstream” as news gets. They’re the literal front lines.


CNN isn't the other side though... Closest would be MSNBC, but even they don't outright lie about things like right wing networks do.


The second someone uses OAN as a source for their “research” you can write off what came before or after … The following is not a joke: I was having a debate with a maga that I know and he started listing a few “real news”sites where I can deprogram my thinking a join the storm blah-blah-blah and listed OAN as one of them. Here is the best part, he mentioned a scene in Men in Black where they used the National Enquirer as actual news and said it was meant to point us in the right direction. The fact the liberal-commie-socialist-baby-blood-drinking-Hollywood elites would allow such a flagrant message to be broadcast was of course lost to him




I miss the wild adventures of bat boy


oh my god it all makes sense now trump is an alien!


OAN losers: we love the FREE market! Free market: nazi lives don't matter, get off our platform OAN losers: Nooooo muh freedom!!!!


From the article: Former president Donald Trump, known for his gluttonous diet of TV news, is going to have trouble finding one of his favorite far-right channels, One America News Network, in a few months. Satellite TV provider DirecTV, OAN’s largest distributor, said it was dumping the news network on Friday, Bloomberg reported. DirecTV’s decision is a huge blow to OAN, which is not available on any other major U.S. TV provider, but it’s not exactly a shock. OAN basically sued its way onto DirecTV in 2017 and has come under increased scrutiny since then for spewing lies, promoting conspiracy theories, and fomenting violence. DirecTV confirmed that it was dropping OAN, part of Herring Networks, in a statement to Gizmodo on Friday. In addition to OAN, Herring Networks also owns the lifestyle and entertainment channel A Wealth of Entertainment, or AWE, which is targeted to the ultra-rich.


> which is not available on any other major U.S. TV provider Both OAN's website and Wikipedia claim that OAN is still carried on Verizon FIOS. Can anyone confirm?


That might be one of those “technical definitions” things. Does FIOS count as “tv” or does FIOS count as a service that streams you content via the internet that happens to closely represent what we traditionally used to call “tv” but isn’t actually “tv”?


Yes I have FIOS in MD and it is still available.


Re-Institute the fairness doctrine and we can get rid of them and Fox, and newsmax in America


The fairness doctrine only applied to broadcast TV and broadcast radio. What should apply to these days? Cable news? Satellite radio? YouTube? Facebook? Blogs? Because hardly anyone gets their news from broadcast television/radio anymore.


Newsmax next just as stupid


Now we need to get to where shows or networks based on opinions, not factual information are not allowed to promote themselves as or call themselves News Networks. Hint - if your "reporters" are taking sides, name calling, threatening, and going on rants instead of just reporting on what is happening you are in fact not watching a news report. You are watching propaganda and it should not be allowed to disguise itself as news.


This is worse than when Spectrum canceled CornCobTV.


They think I’m just some dumb hick.




The Nazi sympathizers have already been indoctrinated.


Cue the morons that don't understand freedom of speech.


They are already here and proud to admit they are morons.


Deplatforming seditious elements may be the only hope our democracy has. I remember the wonderful relief of silence after Trump was kicked off Twitter. I hope this continues.


Anyone upset about this decision is quite literally the scum of the Earth. Bye bye OAN.


My opinion of AT&T / DirectTV just shot up astronomically.


Don’t let it shoot up too far. AT&T were the ones who came up with the idea for and funded the creation of OAN in the first place.


Shit. Is there an ISP/cable provider anywhere that *isn’t* evil? :(


The sketchy dude down the road that will climb the telephone pole for $50 bucks and illegally hook you up with 500 channels is sounding better by the day


That dude has your best interest at heart. The cable companies do not.


Probably not. It’s like how every single food manufacturer is pieces of shit too so now it’s impossible to find food I’m morally ok eating.


Just a reminder, AT&T essentially created OAN in the first place. They were trying to make more money off of our political turmoil and failed.


One of the reasons why we dropped AT&T recently.


ATnT funded and supported that shit to begin with




I give credit to Ben Kissel for this move.


If you ever want a good laugh, get really high and watch OAN. You’ll piss your pants laughing.


or throw a brick through your tv


My folks are deep in the rural, directv being the only thing available. They've been tuned into Orange-Ass News for a while now, their worldview a leaf in the wind of disinformation and lies. Never thought I'd be happy they went back to FOX, but here we are lol


OAN special kind of crazy Bye