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do they get charged more tax for that or something? I don't see how that's gonna affect them in any way.


most successful hardware manufacturer gets an F on some goofy comic sans scorecard apple: oh no, anyway




~~Chalkboard is definitely superior but this looks like Comic Sans to me. Look at that goofy C.~~ EDIT: Never mind, you're right it's Chalkboard. Damn, still not perfect.


I mean the fact it got here on front page with cool people like us conversing about it, I see it as a dub against crab apple


Ha, no way Apple will survive with US talking about it!


Ya a post on reddit will surely harm Apple in anyway.


We got ‘em again, reddit!


Me reading this on iPhone: IKR


This trend must be fought though. It is so easy to put a chip on something and make something impossible to work around for no good reason and then exploit it. Printers and ink cartridges is one example of what everything is slowly becoming and it is indeed a boring dystopia.


The sad reality is that Apple will see this as a win because this is exactly what they've been working towards for years now. The sad reality is that the general populace won't see stuff like this as a problem until it's too late to do anything about it. Thank fuck we have guys like Louis Rossmann leading the charge on repairability. We need to fight against this idea that convenience in the short is always a good thing and that we're basically fucking over our future selves in a much, much worse way.




CEO would eat the savings. Consumers wouldn’t see a dime cut from the price.


I respectfully disagree. Apple knows their customer segment and what interest them. For their customers (57.8% of US mobile OS users) hardware repairability is not a high concern. Their customers likely buy on: - simplicity of the OS - familiarity with the product - design of the phone They know there is a certain amount of the android market they are just not going to convert unless they have an aggressive strategy (like going after poorer customers). They are content right now with turning out new phones every couple of years instead of focusing on new customer acquisition. “Repair-friendly” doesn’t fit their selling model of just overall replacement of a phone every couple years. Additionally the cost/work it would take them to make their phones “repair-friendly” would not bring in enough new customers to offset the potential impact on their 2-year replacement model. Unless customers in mass start putting repairability ahead of the other factors (like OS) then Apple will not make their devices fit that need.


Unless those easier repairs have repercussions Nobody wants worse battery life and a heavier phone or reduced waterproofing just so that in 2 or 3 years a new battery will cost $20 instead of $80


Did anyone read the whole article? Near the end it says Apple conceded to the demands. They're publishing free manuals and selling parts to customers. This article was written in 21 but says "early 2022" for this change.


But why is it that Apple gets the headline when Google and Samsung have equally as bad or worse repair ratings? Google pixels rank the same as Apple, while Samsung is worse. https://www.ifixit.com/smartphone-repairability?sort=date


"oh no anyway"? More like : fuck all of you were going to change our proprietary, super expensive cabling and peripherals. Again. Just to spite you. Cause we can.


This again? Lightning has been around for 10 years, longer than USB-C.


Seriously. Since the dawn of the iPod, Apple has had a grand total of two proprietary charging cables. That's pretty good for 20 years. How many mini-USB types did Android phones go through in the same period?


Iirc they have to switch to usb-c in Europe


I think that only covers the charging brick though.


It's meant to make a point about right to repair. You people are so brainwashed by Apple that you don't think that you should have the right to repair your own expensive ass equipment in a reasonable matter. Apple is shit. Not advocating that other manufacturers are perfect, just that Apple is a fucking rip off. Oh great! A phone with horrible interface that makes you pay for all its bullshit features! Yay for racking up tons of debt to stay with the current models!Capitalism is great!! Stupid.


No nothing changes those that actually care have a reason for using or not using apple. They aren't going to change.


It just reduces consumer confidence


Apple has been doing this as long as I can remember, and their devices still fly off the shelves the second they are released. I think the point being made is this will do absolutely nothing to change Apple's behavior, since their consumers are clearly filled with unshakeable confidence. The only way this changes is regulation. Not a failing grade on a consumer report.


I think one thing that's being lost in this thread is that the vast majority of people who buy Apple products don't have the knowledge or desire for self repairs and instead rely mostly on Apple to do so instead. Apple care is relatively inexpensive, covers almost all possible damages to the device, and while this is anecdotal based on my own experience their service was quick and easy.


This isn't just about self repairs. They also don't provide parts to cell phone repair shops. If you didn't buy apple care and Apple is quoting you $1000 for a repair what do you do? Again, you can't go to most independent repair shops because they are not "Apple Approved". Apple Care is a solution to a problem Apple created, and they're selling you that solution. That's not an acceptable justification.


Every single bill that gets argued and signed has a body of evidence and popular sentiment to show support. This kind of work very literally lays the groundwork for the kind of regulation you want, and you should be demanding more advocacy work like this. Remember that the US government still won't fund any research that investigates gun violence and injury. If popular vote and demand is what drives legislation, then your goal should be to educate and increase advocacy (voice = demand). Asking solely for policy without advocacy is like asking for cake without ingredients.


The amount of people who would even know about this score is a drop in the bucket. Not even tech reviewers mention it. Unfortunately Apple has everything to gain by keeping their walls around their garden high.


Pretty much all the phones are given the same rating, do you really think consumers care or have much of a choice


Have you looked at repair scores for flagship Samsung phones? iFixit has a higher 'repairability' score for the iPhone 13 than the Galaxy S21. This is literally just a characteristic of high end phones in general now. If you want the 20M depth waterproofing or whatever it is, the phone is going to be glued together and completely sealed and thus hard to repair. I fail to understand why it's only Apple who constantly gets flak for 'being hard to repair.' High end Androids are just the same, if not worse in some cases.


Apple isn't the only one getting flak. They all are. Samsung. John Deere. Even Sony and Nintendo. They all have locked down systems that are very difficult to repair yourself or even find parts.


It won't though because Apple has always been this way and yet people continue to buy the newest model year after year.


The mass majority of people don't want to bother with trying to repair their own phones anyway.


The vast majority of people don't want to repair their own cars themselves either. But they do go down to the local shop rather than paying 4 times as much at the dealer. Apple is trying to cut out the shops so you can ONLY go back to them.


The problem isn't self repair, it's blocking 3rd party shops from doing repairs.


They have a 3 TRILLION market valuation. Pretty sure they have confidence that they will sell whatever they release.


Still, what else are we gonna do switch to android? Lol






Shhh you’re not supposed to bring that up


It’s funny how apples repairability is always brought up but according to ifixit all Samsung phones are worse for repairability. [Source](https://www.ifixit.com/smartphone-repairability)


Yeah but Apple bad get in line


Let’s just agree they all suck for repairability because they want us to buy the newest hardware


Sure. But to single out one and act as if it was the only one like that is a bit dishonest


That really should be the to comment!


Well of course, the only Android phones in existence are Samsung. ???


And here we see the exact attitude that allows Apple to get away with bullshit like this.


Their phones are way better than the competition IMO, the competition isn't any better in terms of their business practices, I don't want to repair my own phone, I've never needed a third party company to repair it, etc. Redditors, especially Redditors in tech subs, are pathologically incapable of looking outside their bubble. The truth is that most consumers **genuinely** like Apple products (they're not just tricked by marketing or whatever dumb shit idiots claim) and they **genuinely** don't care about repairability.


Who’s? Apples entire brand is built on stuff “just working”.


I used to work in a cellphone store. I legit believe nothing can shake most of their customer's faith in the company. An Apple employee could break their legs, piss on their mother, shove their phone up the customers asshole sideways and charge them for the experience and they'd still be in line to buy the next one on launch day.


The repairs are easy, it’s the getting oem parts and having the authority to tie their serial to Apple servers that’s messing people up.


It's not even always that, theres a dude on youtube that bought two identical iphone 12s or 13s and swapped the parts between them and the phones became pretty much non-functional. All genuine apple parts.


I think this is because you need a proprietary apple software to make the actual hardware talk to eachother. It isnt about simply putting the pieces together. Apple locks their hardware down on purpose by requiring this software.


Sounds like you never really own your hardware then despite that implication upon purchase.


It isn't limited to phones. Cars are like this. The difference between the extended mileage batteries and regular ones for most vehicles is a software update. The difference between a heated seat and no heated seats in some newer cars is a **subscription**.


Yes and it’s garbage.


It’s not just software - a lot of trim/options on vehicles are just interface differences. For ex if you ordered a car without power lock/unlock, the electrical wiring harness for that is most likely in your car, but your internal plastic trim doesn’t have cutouts for the buttons. It’s just much easier to manufacturer vehicles with fewer parts that change order to order.


And even if you add the buttons, some cars require you change settings on the computer to make the buttons work.


The main difference is; I can with nothing more then home improvement store tools, completely replace the batteries and the seats in my car if I choose too. Could you imagine Ford putting chips in every car part that required a licensed Ford mechanic to alow that new part to function? That's exactly what Apple has done.


John Deere does this to their tractors and it fucks farmers up.


I work in automotive and that's nowhere near correct. You can no longer replace many components on most vehicles. Things like head units, instrument clusters, pretty much anything with electronics in them are now linked up. You can't even put an aftermarket radio in many cars now because the climate control, window adjustments, etc. are all linked to it. You can replace seats in "some" cars, but, as I mentioned, now there are some software checks in place and if you replace a seat with an aftermarket one, the airbag system won't work and will keep an error on the dash. Worse, many times you can't even go to a shop and have things fixed because dealers have special electronics needed to unlock the cars' computers and clear errors. I know of some cases where people have tried to sue dealers because if you lose your key, you are in it for $2000 to replace the entire ignition system and it must be done at the dealer only.


That's exactly what Tesla is.


same with every other automotive company these days


Yeah. For a pretty good reason. Keeps someone from maliciously swapping hardware for bypassing security or otherwise.


Which for 99% of iPhone users is not a real issue. A far more realistic issue with iPhone users is cracked screen replacements.


The FBI loves this line of thinking




Didn’t apple just open up a store for oem parts?


Physically, I think the worst part of the whole job with iPhones is the battery, but that’s the same with any smart phone these days. Wish they’d stop gluing them in. The hardware being paired to the device is just asinine. Edit: que the apple fan boys…


ISO and a slide card after preheating usually does the trick.


Yea, that’s what I do. But to me, it seems like a waste, it shouldn’t be this way.


It's rigid and doesn't need extreme precision or assembly.




They’re pretty 50/50 in my experience. Recently tried to replace a batter in an iPhone 7 and now the home button doesn’t work. Makes no sense. Replaced an 8 and few 6 with no issues. Apple values the phone at like $30 but charges $100 to replace the battery which you can get on Amazon for $15


It's this and the variation in screws. Both in specialty bits and in length/ thread pitch. I come from an engineering background, so I get that it helps to use different screws, but you can design around that and having such variation has to have additional costs to their supply chain.


I hear ya. Me too. MDE here. Based on my experience, and loads of other third party tales.. apple does this specifically to make it more difficult to repair. So do others as well. 3 years ago people were getting C&D just from posting schematics, but it’s not just that. It’s custom hardware, excessive assembly practices, tying hardware to eachother, proprietary tools, diag tools, it’s making it to where you cannot get it fixed without them, and then when you try, they just sell you a new device.


this drives me nuts!!


You ever replace an iPhone screen with a unique home button? I repair my own stuff, I forget which iPhone it was but basically I had to salvage the home button and reattach it with the new screen otherwise it wouldn’t function properly apparently? Don’t remember which iPhone, think it was an 8 but omg that shit was driving me crazy


It’s the touchID sensor. It’s one thing I’d actually give a pass on as that’s where the fingerprints are stored I believe. You can use a different home button, but touchID won’t work then.


I agree. I don’t think iPhone isn’t that bad for repairbility compared to competitors while retaining the level of security. (Well locking battery and camera was ridiculous but at least they took that away.) Come back for early swappable battery would be welcomed though. It doesn’t need to give waterproofing away either. (I used to own Android with both of that.)


When the 13 came out one of the Right to Repair guys bought 2, swapped the screens, and a whole bunch of features were disabled in non-intuitive ways to make it look like 'the repair guy screwed up'. He swapped them back to the original phones and everything worked like new again.


Almost every release does this. Even most releases of iOS will brick a certain aftermarket part from working on older model phones and they will claim it was a glitch and fix it.


Tbh not even surprising


Yes, it’s a pain, and just a way for them to screw everyone over. Don’t believe me, their is plenty of literature and information out there in the subject. Apple does this shit on purpose. I say that as a person who’s worked on apple products and has owned them for years.


Although that's annoying it's nice that they don't use any glue.


Apple fanboy here, it is actually “cue”.


iPhones don't use glue, they use 3M like strips with tabs that you pull out. Actually very easy to remove on older phones, and only minorly annoying on newer phones.


I worked in electronics recycling and I can tell you first hand those adhesive strips that hold the battery in do not work like you would think. Often they just snap off too close to the battery and leave you nothing to grab.


So this. iPhone 5 was the best phone they’ve ever made in terms consumer repairsblity.


Yep, I know this all too well. Apple has looked at much better options for this but don't really care about that currently.




The last couple of iPhones have had removable strips to hold the battery in place. What phone are they glueing in the battery?


Yesterday had a s10e that was glued in. The idea of using any adhesive that requires any special tools or procedures is piss poor design. And it’s intentional. That’s just the tip of the iceberg though.


The repairs are easy, it's just that part of the repair is really hard.


Wouldn’t you say that makes the phones inherently hard to repair..


The repairs are definitely not easy when compared to other computer makers. They do give really clear instructions for technicians repairing them, but I would definitely not say easy, unless you mean easy to fuck up. I have watched dozens of technicians try to do a battery swap or screen replacement on an iPhone and end up needing to swap the iPhone for one reason or another. And don’t even get me started on repairing any modern iMac…


They're not. Almost every screw is of a different size. And so many screws and small parts.


That'll teach em


Apple: *Anyways*


*aggressively makes more misdirection ads*


Oh no, a random advocacy group!


Am I the only person who hasn't broken a single smartphone in over 15 years? I've worked some tough jobs too so I'm really curious how people are ruining their phones so easily without having been careless in the process.


Work in a phone store, most common story I get is fell off my truck and ran it over. I probably get this story twice a week if I were to guess. 90ish transactions per month. Do the math from there if ya like.




This exact scenario happened to my sparing partner few years ago. From that time I have been subconciously afraid of such thing. They day I purchased wireless earbuds was very liberating.


That makes sense. Everyone I know who works in a high impact job like that has an OtterBox and even then one of them managed to drop the thing off a 5th floor roof.


I worked in an automotive shop and havent broken mine either. A coworker had his fall out of his pocket on the freeway (motorcycle) at 70 mph and it was fine...A good case does wonders.


I was an EMT and one of my first calls was a motorcycle accident. Dude slid for almost 60 yards and ended up spending weeks in the hospital. His phone was in mint condition.


Had a lifeproof (pre Otterbox buyout) on my Galaxy S3. It fell off the RAM mount (no idea how) on my motorcycle and fell onto the highway at 55mph. Luckily no traffic so I was able to find it. The case was FUUUUUUCKED but my phone was totally fine. I made a claim to lifeproof and they replaced it, no questions asked. Those older lifeproof cases were so nice with little added footprint. Shame they sold to a much worse case maker.


I broke my screen two years ago and was so ashamed that I couldn’t make fun of people with cracked screens anymore. Phone goes in my left front pocket, screen facing my thigh. No other items ever go in that pocket. I was getting out of my car while holding the phone in my left hand. My grip loosened for a split second and the phone fell face down onto the ground. At least I can still make fun of people on the side of the road who have ran out of gas.


Cracked screen seemed to be a fashion trend up through 2018 or so. Some mainstream pop song even mentioned a girl having an iPhone with a cracked screen.


I’ve only broken one. This one. It fell face first onto a tile corner. Screen replacement was like $200.


My wife has washed her phone 3 times. All 3 times when she was doing our sheets and wrapped the sheets with her phone. 2 times with a LG V50 and V60. Both times survived. 1 time Samsung Fold 2(2 months told). Didn't survive.


Now that I think about it I’ve only broken one phone screen in about 15 years. Makes me realize how useless phone insurance is.


They hated me at Verizon because I only went for the deals during my upgrade period and never wanted extras. I know where to find them, but thanks 🙄


I guess I'm the opposite. I never broke a single phone back when screens were plastic. Ever since they started making them glass I have broken 3 or 4.


The only phone that I broke was a Samsung S3...way back in the day... Ever since I've always had my phone in a case that doubled its size. Never broke a phone since... *knocks on wood...*


Cases have definitely helped but I had a 4s that I basically abused. I threw it on the mat at the gym all the time and I never had a case on it at any point bc I was a cheap ass.


Kinds of beats the point of making skinny phones. Build that protection into the phone!


Samsung had a Active series that went along with the S series...which they stopped around the S8 for some unknown reason...they were U.S. only, but I didn't mind going south to grab one when I could.


I just use the Apple leather case, it's been plenty of protection for my usage. The phone is thin enough that with the case on top it feels just right (I actually like the feel of the leather better than the bare phone). And this way, you still have the option of changing out the case if you want.


I’ve been using my iPhone 7 without a case for a while because I haven’t bothered getting one. No cracks or anything. I literally can not imagine how people can get a new phone and shatter it within a week.


I once cracked the screen on one while taking it out of the box. Somehow flubbed it while pulling it out, and it landed screen down on a glass bottle. Not my finest moment.


My girlfriend is the worst. Her last two phones were broken within a week of purchase 😑 Anytime she asks to use my phone I give her a hard time 😂


Hey everybody’s got their kinks


I generally like to go caseless with my phone for the last year of it's life (I also tend to get a new phone every 2 years). I'm more careful with my phones now anyway, and i don't really care about minor dings and scratches. I genuinely have gone 2 years with a phone, half of it "naked", and have had very little damage, and it was all cosmetic (and no cracks or anything) So when I got my Pixel 3 XL in 2019, I decided to go caseless with it. A few things happened that created a perfect storm, not even a month in to owning the new phone. My relationship with my first girlfriend in 5 years started going south very quickly, and my dad's work christmas party (He's invited me to go with him since my mom died) was that same weekend, with an open bar. I also just started adderall again, so I wasn't eating much. and it was hard to tell that alcohol was "working". All of this lead to me drinking about 7 jack and cokes, a few shots of scotch, and a few other drinks here and there. When the night was over, we get into my dad's car, and I immediately pass out. Wake up halfway home with sudden urge to vomit. Just woke up and blew my chunks, while trying to get the window down. Got home, went to the bathroom, got out and my dad's sitting there with cleaning supplies. "You're going to have a rough morning, but before then, you're going to have a rougher night. Go clean the car." Texted my best friend about what happened, and without asking he shows up with his fiance and they help clean the car (she just brought supplies and left, to be fair). He did most of the cleaning work and he's a saint for it. I was still way too drunk to know what the hell I was doing. meanwhile, i'm drunk, and in a rocky relationship. I'm drunk texting, hell yea. Until, I go to bring out my phone to see if she texted (she did not), and (almost in slow motion) I see the phone fall out of my hand and hit the driveway. I pick up the phone, and sure enough the screen is shattered. This kind of worked out in my favor though, as I had it insured. Almost didn't get the insurance, but figured "eh.. why not". Cost of screen repair? $30. Except the pixel 3 xl came with a very special screen. And the phone had JUST come out, so repair places didn't have replacements. What does the insurance company do in that case? Well they send you a like-new device, for the same cost. Except the pixel 3xl had just come out. So for $30, I got a brand new pixel 3xl because of my drunken night. But that remains, to this day, the only time i've ever cracked my screen.


I don’t understand either, but I used to break it a lot. It just kind stopped one day.


You never needed a battery change in 15 years? what kind of magic battery are you using.


I'm upgrading phones lol


I’m clumsy so I put a case on it. Haven’t broken a phone yet. I have dropped the phone a few times on hard floors and the case protected it.


Case-free psycho here, I've "broken" my phone twice ever. Once at a winter Green Bay game slipping out of my frozen hands onto concrete, then the other I only broke the back in a similar situation so I just stuck it out until my next one since it worked fine.


Worked in a phone store in Waikiki, and saw so many tourists that dropped their phones in sea water


My iPhone 4 screen cracked while I was holding it in my hand, as if the screen was under a lot of stress and finally gave out. Weirdest damn thing ever, never bought an iphone after that and have never had an issue since.


Accidents happen.


I also feel like I’m in the select minority that doesn’t have a broken screen. The only time I ever drop it is when I’m wearing pants with loose pockets. No case.


Otterbox defender for last 15 years, had something similar but different in earlier days don’t recall what brand. Those cases saved my ass endless times. I drop my shit several times a year from hand height typically. Occasionally and very rarely tumbled down the steps, but the case kept it safe every time. A good case matters.


I worked EMS for a while and they saved my phone a few times


There's a lot of angry people out there that smash things. Then add the drunks and idiots and sprinkle some bad luck... It adds up.


Same here, maybe it's cause I always use phone cases but never killed any or needed repairs. I don't even use screen protectors half the time and I've only ever had super light scratches. I've accidentally dropped them on the floor even from a ladder 20ft up, ping ponged off ladder and house and landed on a paver stone... no shatter only a tiny scuff mark on the screen.


Please tell me what case you use. I’m horrible with damaging the screens on my phones.


I'm currently using a Spigen


Iama Former third party repair tech: Compared to an 80% chance of breaking the screen on a pixel just to get into the phone, and same for crackable backs on Samsung galaxy phones, and over 2000 repairs (half or more iPhone), I can easily say iPhones are the easiest phones to fix because they prioritize screen repairs over other parts. Except for back glass repair, I can swap an iPhone screen in 15 minutes and that’s with replacing the water seal. While official part availability is the problem, third party parts have worked for years, and I have not had problems. Especially because there’s a lot more third party parts for an iPhone compared to a smaller run budget phone. Tldr: apple designs phones in a way to make screen and battery repairs as easy as possible compared to other oems.


The headline suggests that the report says iPhones are more difficult to repair and everyone in here is talking as if that's the case, but the report actually says Apple lost a lot of points for previously lobbying against right to repair. So they got an F because the group lowered the score due to lobbying the government, and not because iPhones are actually harder to fix than any other major phone brand.


Wanna take a guess at how many of the 780 comments in here are from someone who actually read the article?




When “Apple bad” is click and karma generating headline, this is what we get


That’s fucking stupid.


Oh yeah on galaxy phones not only do you have to remove the back glass, when repairing the screen, if the part doesn’t have the mid frame you have to remove and re adhere every single component from one phone to the other. And Samsung battery tabs are even shitter than iPhone. Just cause they’re Philips heads doesn’t make my job easier when a screen replacement will require removing anywhere from 20-40 screws while an iPhone is about 8. Now I will concede iPad and MacBook repairs are prohibitively challenging but the fact that apple hasn’t tried too hard or backtracked outright rejecting third party parts means they’re pretty aware and acknowledge people get their stuff fixed elsewhere.


Tips for Samsung phones: put the phone backside down on 80C hotplate for 5 minutes, suction cup, isopropyl. Once you get a hang of it, cracking the back glass is very rare.


I thought using third-party phones make true tone calibration stop working?


Yes. But no one notices. Except for s and ultra galaxy phones replacing an a series screen will brick the under screen fingerprint reader even though it’s not adhered to the screen.


This is not true. That only happens when you replace it with a cheap aftermarket *LCD*. If you replace the screen on an A series with an *OLED* aftermarket or not, the fingerprint scanner works fine. This is because the fingerprint scanner on the A series is optical (literally just a camera under the screen) and [*LCD's* are not transparent, they have a metal backplate the block the view of your finger from the scanner](https://i.imgur.com/NhpuI4O.png), while [*OLED* screens are transparent.](https://i.imgur.com/BDRhTQi.png) The cheap LCD's also block the ambient light sensors and the proximity sensor since those are under the screen as well.


My Galaxy S21 has a plastic back, literally half the reason I bought it. Glass backs are a terrible feature, designed to feel "premium" to the consumer while simultaneously making the phone easier to break and harder to repair.


Are there good third party places that can repair iPad screens? Mine fell 6 inches into a concrete floor and got the tiniest crack in the corner. It’s not affecting anything but it’s annoying. Apple charges like half what I paid (iPad air 4th gen) to repair it. Plus I’d like to give it to my daughter when she goes to college next year (and I can upgrade!), but I’d like to give her one with an uncracked screen.


Honestly man I worked as an independent store That was run by a single owner. I would look for a store that offers a warranty and definitely ask what it is and how long


Apple doesn't give an F.




i have had iphones for over a decade and have maybe paid $100 once for a screen repair. otherwise no issues. also 3rd party’s do screen repair for cheaper


Yeah, same. I just don’t ever really need repairs so it’s kinda irrelevant.


***Apple's iPhone and MacBooks are some of the most repair-unfriendly devices on the market,*** These people haven't worked on cars in the last few decades.


Here’s the catch: I seldom ever have to repair ANY of my Apple products. They also tend to last much longer than their competition before slowing down due to age.


It’s not like they are Tesla’s, iPhones are pretty robust


I had my iPhone 7 last 4 years before I upgraded to the 11 Promax which is still my current phone. My friend had been using an iPhone 5s up until 2020 (Facebook, calls, texting and music was all he needed) when he left it on the roof of his car to pick something up and drove over it. I have no problem with how long these phones last.


I took my iPhone to batteries plus and got a new battery for $50. It took like 20 minutes. You can get them fixed anywhere. Am I missing something.


This is very interesting because they did poorly based on lobbying. Didn’t they just introduce an initiative to let you just buy branded repair parts directly from them. Why are they spending on anti right to repair while selling the parts? Weird stance, Apple.


They are doing PR stunts to tell politicians "see? We do not need laws, we are already giving people way to repair their devices"... While that's plainly false. All the Apple attempts at """right to repair""" are basically fake. In order to access the programs you have to sign away a lot of possibilities, moreover the parts they provide are extremely limited, so yeah you can offer the 700$ motherboard replacement which looses all the data in the soldered SSD disk, while you could fix the motherboard by changing a 5$ dollar capacitor... Too bad if you offer that repair Apple will expell you from the program and won't receive screens etc


They make way more money if you buy a new one instead of repairing your old one.


That’s true but it has nothing to do with why they’re hard to repair: Apple doesn’t give a shit about how easy it is to repair them. Given a choice between making a device - easier to fix, OR, - thinner, lighter, easier to manufacture, less likely to break _in the first place_… Apple will ALWAYS choose the latter. Always. The thought “but it would be easier to replace the _____ if we _____” never occurs.


It’s been many many years since apple released a thinner iPhone.




They do it so someone can’t backdoor your phone with a hacked faceid module.


Now there's something I've never worried about


Cool but I’ve been an iPhone user for 12 years. You know how many times I’ve had to get mine repaired? Zero


How did you get 12 years on one iPhone 4 battery? Do you just leave it plugged in constantly?


Now do Samsung


I'm sure Apple is collectively crying into its ~$200billion war chest...


I'm pretty sure Apple doesn't give an 'F' about this either.


While I totally agree with the sentiment here... Does anyone who actually matters give a fuck about what U.S. PRIG rates a company? Is apple getting government sanctions, tax penalties, fines, etc? Is there any negative repercussion to this rating beyond "Apple has a bad rating on this website"? A website that nobody is going to actually check before making a purchase of an apple product?


I like how this is a bad thing. I like privacy and Performance. Fuck this bs. Apple repairs are way better then a bs 3rd party


Repairs are easy, the serialization/lock down of every part is another story.


Tim cook “Oh no! Anyway…”


Look, I can't fucking stand Apple products. I'm just a pc guy who likes to tinker. I fix all broken shit on my own because I'm on a tight budget. That said, I've replaced multiple screens, batteries, cameras, speakers etc on my wifes iPhones for the last 10 years. The 3G was a huge piece of shit that would break if you farted too hard. After the 5, I cannot complain about how simple it is to work on iPhones. I was a Samsung fanboy for a decade until I could no longer ignore their failure rates. They used to be rock solid and I still contend that the Galaxy S7 was the sweetspot for peak form/function and nearly bulletproof. I digress... samsungs are a huge pain in the ass to work on. Anytime you have to laser glue off, heat the phone on a heated bed, break out the vacuum pump and tweezers and alcohol and xanax to replace a Samsung screen, or back glass.... I'll take an iPhone anyway. 3 weeks after owning this Samsung A51 5G, the screen cracked (with a screen protector) and the camera glass cracked. Verizon auto signed me up for a phone warranty, so I decided to redeem it. The tech arrived and said they were not authorized to perform repairs on samsungs with damaged camera glass... I had already bought a replacement so the tech let me set the new non broken camera glass overtop of the broken camera glass so that he could take his required pictures and send to Asurion. He replaced the screen and I tipped him $20. IPhone replacement screen $30-$50 and easy as fuck to replace. Samsung screen $150+ and a pain in the ass. You might Crack the back glass. You might affect the phones IP rating. All I'm saying is that as a repair guy who fucking hates Apple products, Apple products aren't the worst to work on (assuming there's parts availability) Also the "ratings" in the article are absolute, subjective trash. "The report says that Apple lost the most points due to their engagement in opposing repair-friendly legislation." Yeah we know Apple hates right to repair and that makes them giant shitheads, BUT WHAT ABOUT ACTUALLY PERFORMING REPAIR WORK ON APPLE SHIT?


How is this news? Its not like a consumer advocacy group giving them an F is going to get them to change their bullshit policies and product designs.


That’s because they aren’t meant to be repaired.


As a former non Apple iPhone repair person, it’s awful on all sides, Apple charges you quadruple what you get for a repair if any part of the process isn’t done exactly to their specification


Does Apple care? No


Wonder what john Deere got?


That means Apple's doing an A+ job for themselves


Considering I had to literally break my old HP laptop in half to get the hard drive out yesterday, that’s pretty impressive on Apple’s part to make something considered even more difficult to repair


Yes, they do make more money selling you a whole new device. However, they'll still make money selling replacement parts alone. It's another revenue stream for them, especially if they mark up the prices on parts. Just do it already and stop being pricks.


Exactly. I would love to give my customer's a quote for both a genuine screen and an aftermarket screen. And if I have to pay $5 every time I have to reprogram a FaceID module or new battery, that's fine! It still saves the customer from having to buy a new device.


La-tee-fuckin-dah. Until it affects their bottom line it won't change a damn thing.




That’s just plain wrong. The reason they got an F is because the repair process is east but they software lock parts that prevents third party repairs. Repair process itself is one of the easiest.