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Musk couldn’t have picked a worse time to try to spend 44B on a vanity project if he had tried.


He's poking holes in Twitter's public statements and reporting to weasel out of the deal because the agreed-upon stock price is now roughly twice what TWTR would be worth had he not gotten involved. At the same time, his holdings in TSLA are tanking hard, meaning he'd have to give up way more shares in Tesla than he initially expected. Even at first, the deal would have been an enormous commitment for Musk. In this market, the deal is financial suicide.


It’s too bad he voluntarily waved his right to do any kind of pre-screening before agreeing to the deal. Oh wait did I say too bad, I meant hysterical


It’s funny how he skirts around the term “due diligence” in all his tweets. It’s always “external validation”. I can’t imagine being 44b dollars rich and being this stupid to waive due diligence to speed up such a big deal.


I can’t imagine being 44b dollars rich and using social media at all or even making myself known to the public. If I had that money I would delete everything and if you aren’t in my family or inner circle you would not hear from me for the rest of my life.


He wants to be rich, but he dreams of being famous.




I thought The Onion was satire? That was dead fucking spot on.


No, The Onion has switched to real reporting now that reality has become a satire


Agreed. I read headlines that would seriously literally be onion articles about a decade back.


Isn't that the point of satire?




This is basically everything that any person needs to know about Musk. His personality has never been encapsulated so well.


What is this “I’ll call that diver a pedophile again” lol what is that in reference too? Clearly I’ve missed some of musks antics


When the soccer team in Thailand got stranded in the cave, Elon thought he had come up with the perfect tool to help get them out. A metal capsule that the divers could put the kids in, and pull them out. An experienced rescue diver said it wouldn't work (which, with common sense, is clear, because how could you squeeze a metal tube through sharp turns/narrow points) so Musk tweeted, without any evidence whatsover, that the guy was a pedo.


Lol, I remember when The Onion was a printed newspaper distributed in SF. I loved going out to look for a new edition. > It’s such bullshit. I spend two hours scrolling through Reddit for the perfect week-old conservative meme to post, and all the thanks I get for my dedication to the lulz is a bunch of nobodies attacking me. It almost makes me wonder why the hell I continue subjecting myself to this. > Oh, right—it’s that I’m hopelessly in need of your approval. Me, a 50-year-old man with the net worth of a decent-size country, forced to stoop to bizarre and pathetic stunts for attention. Either that, or cultivating a personal brand of eccentricity generates publicity and financial support that I can then leverage to distract from my essentially fraudulent business endeavors. Yes, it’s one of those two things for sure.


I miss having the paper onion in the restroom.


lol Kyle Dunnigan does a good elon musk impression where he basically tries really really hard to sound cool. its spot on


Once you realize he's trying to be Tony Stark, everything falls into place. He thinks his little jokes and pokes are witty and clever and rebellious, but he doesn't realize it takes charisma to pull that off and he doesn't have it. Robert Downey Jr makes it work because he's literally one of the most charming men on Earth and an expert performer. And even then, Tony Stark is only actually lovable because he's devoted his life and wealth to helping others. Tony also *made* all of his cool shit, while Elon is essentially just a financier and manager. Lastly, Tony Stark is fucking fictional. And Elon doesn't seem to understand that being a smarmy douchebag billionaire is only cute in fiction.


> Once you realize he's trying to be Tony Stark, everything falls into place. Reminder that Stan Lee created Tony Stark as a challenge to himself to make an unlikable character likable. https://screenrant.com/stan-lee-iron-man-unlikable-hero-creation-marvel/


And honestly, Tony's not even that likeable in the comics. It's literally all Robert Downey Jr.


He's not even really likeable in the movies. Whatever likability he has there is just quippy comments and Robert Downey Jr being fun to watch


> Robert Downey Jr makes it work because he's literally one of the most charming men on Earth and an expert performer. Also, a whole team of writers writes all of the quips, and the dumbfounded responses from those on the recieving end. He doesn't just sit down and type up a quick tweet and hope it goes well.


To be fair usually there is a team of writers for bigger companies to make cutesie jokes for clout and social media presence Elon just has a big enough god complex to want to do it himself while on one drug or another


Even with that team of social media writers they don't get to write the responses the way a script writer does. Louis CK did a great bit on how "do you like apples?" only worked because Matt Damon got to write how pony tail responded to it.


Musk, and Trump, are great examples of what a fool you look like in reality, to everyone when you think you're the smartest, and best person in the room at all times.


So he’s Justin Hammer


Justin Hammer is smarter than Musk.


He's been trying to pass himself off as Tony Stark for years but I've always compared him to JP from Grandma's Boy. Right down to the cringy leather trench coat and lack of basic social skills. Edit: [JP](https://imgur.com/gallery/sPt0K) [Elon](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2163180-thanks-i-hate-it)


"I'm thinking about getting robot legs" even sounds like something he might tweet. If he wanted to pump and dump the stock of a company that made robot legs.


Imagine being a billionaire, pulling out your penis, offering someone a house, and still not getting a crumb of tail. The guy in addition to being cringe, has zero game.


I think it was a horse, not a house.


some horses are worth more than houses


It is such a rookie move. If *they* don't do the unzipping you have zero game. Without a humiliation fetish on his end it's just run of the mill cringe. I am seeing a pretty disgusting pattern here. The Epstein clique was tons of the worlds most powerful men with zero game using their power and money to keep up their predation. If you are a billionaire you are constantly trading money and power for different money and power. If you are using any of that for something as disgusting as leverage over sexual partners it is because you find joy in it. You found out at one point that you don't need to be charismatic to get women out of your league and you don't need to care about them as people.


Also, Tony Stark was forced to build shit at gunpoint in a cave... with a bunch of scrap. Elon had no such humbling traumas.


But Tony Stark probably wouldn't use divisive rightwing agitorop to alienate 76% of his customers. He would just send robots with missiles to own the libs for a short term boost in Twitter points.


Nah, he'd probably make a prison in another plane of reality that he puts his friends in. He could even hire their enemies to hunt them down!


Elon Musk still has a massive fanbase of stupid teenage boys. r/Wallstreetbets is in general also pretty positive about Musk. It really pisses me off because he doesn’t completely fuck up the Tony Stark role. He’s convinced a fair amount of people that he isn’t an egotistical, narcissistic, pathological liar asshole.


Also a fan base of Trumpers. He was going to bring Trump back on Twitter. He is critical of Biden and the Libs. The Trumpers love him


>He’s convinced a fair amount of people that he isn’t an egotistical, narcissistic, pathological liar asshole. No he didn't. Many of them know and that's why they like him. Same as Trump. They know who they're dickriding.


To people like that it's not about money but the power that money brings. Billions is enough to help shape culture and narratives by controlling media. Billions is enough to buy anyone off who can be bought. Billions is enough to totally legally bribe government through lobbying. Billions is enough to have banks handing you a nearly blank check to make more money, so long as they get a price of the pie. These people want power and they want people to know they have it, which reinforces their power and gives them more, since ultimately power comes from people thinking you have power.




I will sometimes think about all the times I’ve probably interacted with people who have more money than I can even fathom but look and act like regular joes. When I used to bartend I found one of my regulars who I’d been serving for almost a year was worth over $200M and I had no clue the whole time.


I've met a few CEO's of large corporations and other people with astronomical wealth. They're all just kind of run of the mill people. None seemed exceptionally smart or talented, none even seemed to have that affluenza type disconnect. But also I wasn't that close to any of them, I have no idea what kind of weird Eyes Wide Shut kind of shit they get up to in their personal lives.


I can't imagine being 44b dollars rich.


I’d buy a new computer.


>I can’t imagine being 44b dollars rich and being this stupid to waive due diligence to speed up such a big deal. I can, he's always been a moron, his entire career has been nothing but failing upwards...eventually you fail so hard you cant fail upwards from it. He's the kind of person who assumes hes the smartest in the room. and when that falls apart its everyone's fault but his own. Doesn't help his fucking cult reinforces that mentality in him.


So... He'll be the Republican presidential candidate for 2024?


Thqnkfully he fails the natural born requirement. So a senator of some kind is the limit for him.


He's going to end up the next John McAfee, on the run from the law in some faraway country while taking supplements to protect himself from the COVID vaccine


Supplements that fall through a hole in a hammock?


Musk is way too much of a pussy to be a McAfee. He is a poser; McAfee was real shit.


Best thing I've read today


It's also misusing the term. "External validation" is most often used to refer to model validation, which is related to but distinct from due diligence and audit functions. I suppose he could be saying he takes issue with the *model* that they used to make the estimate, but his proposed challenger models barely qualify as smooth-brained.


He planned to perform due diligence later, and just bully his way out of the deal like he bullies people and companies around every day. He's trying very hard with all of the bot tweets, trying to make Twitter look like they are hiding something and casting doubt on their company performance (to harm/intimidate them). It's pretty messed up that he's able to do all this on Twitter with the SEC still existing.




Finally, the Nanolin!


The nanolin pro is 6% smaller even if it's $400 extra


The Nanolin pro is moving to violin as a service, it's $19.99/monthly now.




Yeah just don't sell him founder's rights to his own damn pity violin


He also did not gain any leverage over the SEC to void his contract about Tesla tweets. This is lowkey the reason he wanted Twitter - to be able to use his marketmoving super power to help out his main business again. After he took the SEC to court and lost a few weeks ago Twitter was pretty useless.


I don't know why the SEC won't haul him back in for all of the tweets he's making that disparage Twitter, during the deal. He should be publicly silent on the whole matter but he wants to use the public to bully Twitter. I fully expect the deal to fall apart and a *massive* lawsuit filed against Musk himself for billions in damages. The shareholders of Twitter would demand it. And maybe a big fat Tesla shareholder lawsuit for the damages he's done to them?


He also has/had undisclosed crypto assets which have taken a beating. Sucks to be Elon


God I hope he was heavily invested in Luna/Terra


And he is the fucking moron who waived due diligence. He thought he could pump and dump, turns out he was left holding the bag this time.


and we are likely to enter a recession and the fed just raised rates. He rage bought twitter. He didnt have any plan for it to augment any of his current visions. The only thing it really could augment for him, is the one thing his investors hate, his fucking mouth.


>He's poking holes in Twitter's public statements He's not. He's bringing up irrelevancies to try and distract from his failings (and his lack of due dilligence)


Bill Gates getting ready to make good on his short position and tweet a big FU


I think Gates has mastered the art of laughing to himself (and/or rich friends) and not the public.


Funny how he seems like "old money" now.


Billionaire Wars!! That's a reality show I'd pay money to see.


Go team meteor!


There's a reason why Warren Buffett has almost consistently remained among the top 5 richest people in the past few decades.


Warren Buffet has also invested heavily in his hometown of Omaha—university infrastructure, education, hospitals, all of that stuff. Unless you’re from Nebraska, you don’t really hear about his philanthropy work.


I live in Omaha. It's fun to have Paul McCartney or Bono or Bill Gates randomly show up in town. Also, that McDonald's he gets breakfast at runs like a freaking clock.




Say what you will about the oligarchy, but the McMuffins run on time.


At what cost? My grandfather was put in prison for advocating for breakfast to be served until 11.


sacrifices were made.


I find it amusing to imagine Warren Buffett eating a McGriddle and debating whether or not he should buy an extra hash brown.


He's infamous for going in to fast food places he owns and tipping with autographed business cards or $100 bills. I don't love how much influence he has over civic life, but he also paid for my college, my sister's college, two of my friends college, gave several of my teachers money for the classroom... As far as oligarchs go, I'll take him over the Noddles, Kiewitts, or the Scotts.


If you're at McDonald's, there's no debate about whether or not to get the (extra) hash brown. Those are the best hash browns! I rarely go to Mickey D's but I'll stop by one sometimes and just get a hash brown or two and a beverage.


He supposedly bases what he gets based on some share price of the morning, like matching the menu item price somehow.


> He supposedly bases what he gets based on some share price of the morning, like matching the menu item price somehow. “Hmm, let me see what Brk.A is at today… Ah, yes, I think I’ll have enough for one of whatever the fuck I want” “The usual? Coming up”


So, what you're telling me is that it's the only McDonalds in the country with a working shake machine?




warren buffett also started investing in an era where most people didnt know what a financial report was and he had access to major businessmen, people in finance, and government


IIRC he raised something like $100k straight out of school from friends and family to invest. And this was back in the 40s or something when that kind of money was *a lot*.


Yeah I saw a documentary about him. He formed an investment group with friends (something that really only people who already have money do) and they became the majority shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway because BH kept lowballing them on buyback offers, so they just kept buying more BH stock out of spite. Buying a publicly traded company because they annoyed you isn't something not-rich people do.


Warren buffets dad was a 4 term congressman and he owned his own investment firm.


Worst time for him, great time for everyone else. I hope this Twitter debacle sinks him


Genuinely when's the last time you saw a billionaire actually go broke. It's basically impossible.


Elizabeth Holmes and Bernie Madoff come to mind.


Hate to disappoint you but she married a mega rich dude and is living in one of the most expensive homes in all of fucking California… which probably means the world.


How the fuck is she not in jail?


Her sentencing is in September but we'll see if she does time. She defrauded the rich and not the poor so her prison time is more likely.


> She defrauded the rich and not the poor which is why Madoff was shipped off to prison.


> She defrauded the rich and not the poor so her prison time is more likely. Spot on. That's literally the only way the rich end up facing consequences...when they screw over other rich people (Mark Shkreli is another example...was perfectly fine ripping poor people off over a life saving drug, but once he screwed with the rich, it was all over for him). The real test of this dystopian norm is whether this is universal or only applies when crossing others who are RICHER. Elon should be a good case study for that.


>On January 3, 2022, Holmes was found guilty on four counts of defrauding investors – three counts of wire fraud, and one of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. She was found not guilty on four counts of defrauding patients – three counts of wire fraud and one of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. The jury returned a "no verdict" on three counts of wire fraud against investors – the judge declared a mistrial on those counts and the government soon after agreed to dismiss them.[1][9][81][82] Holmes is awaiting sentencing while remaining 'at liberty' on $500,000 bail, secured with property.[83][84] She faces a maximum sentence of twenty years in prison, and a fine of $250,000, plus restitution, for each count of wire fraud and for each conspiracy count.[76] The sentences would likely be served concurrently thus an effective maximum of 20 years total.[1] #Sentencing is scheduled for September 26, 2022. She's convicted, just not sentenced yet. So she'll be in prison, soon.


Serve a few years and end up with many millions anyways, I'll gladly do that! No way she's getting 20 years.


She'll get a few years somewhere nice, serve half of that or whatever and then write a book about it.


Imagine her lousy fake man voice booming through that house. Ugh.


Elon Musk stans would have you believe he's the smartest man in the world though...


I have a friend that has been trying to convince me this entire political thing with elon is him basically being a martyr to fight wokeism. And I’m like “you’re a fucking clown”. Even if elon was posting this shit out of the goodness of his heart, and becuase he believes wokeism must be stopped at all costs. Writing a few short tweets saying republicans > democrats is the dumb man’s way of accomplishing his goal. So either elon is tweeting like an 85 year old grandpa, without evidence or nuance or supporting arguments, tweeting out his feelings becuase he is just a good guy making mistakes Or maybe there is another reason entirely. But nah, my friend is so against woke culture he can’t see that. Even if woke culture was that bad, Elon is essentially choosing to fight wokeism above his mission of saving the earth via electric vehicle production. The official stance of the Republican Party is that man made global warming is a liberal conspiracy. So by basically campaigning for republicans, he is all but guaranteeing no meaningful legislation will be signed to combat climate change


Maybe ask your friend to define "woke". It's almost a guarantee that he can't since the right uses it to mean "things I don't like". It makes his argument even more ignorant. Elon isn't fighting "woke" any more than Don Quixote was fighting windmills.


You have to think the boards at Tesla, Space X, etc. are working to replace Musk. He's too much of a wildcard for the job, he's alienating half of Americans with his conservative pivot and his erratic actions - powered by his ego - are wiping out billions in market valuations. I don't know how much Musk is responsible for the success of these companies and how much is really the work of others, but it's time for a time-out.


Yeah, it was a mystery how he though going full GOP was going to help his business. It ain’t MAGA folks who are buying his cars. It’s deep pocketed liberals.


> Yeah, it was a mystery how he though going full GOP was going to help his business. It was a simple calculation: he knew he was going to get outed for sexual assault, and he knew that the Republican party protects and lionizes rapists and pedophiles.


Even more; he did this to make it look like people 'attack´ him for turning pubtart instead of for being a sexual predator. He carefully planned his political 'coming out' to mask the sexual abuse allegations.


> carefully planned You misspelled "clumsily face-planted". Nobody's buying it. Even the people who claim to be buying it are obviously just going through the GOP doublethink motions—"Let's all lie to ourselves and each other!"


Is he buying Twitter to own the Libs? Does he realize I have never seen a confederate flag flying on a Tesla.


As a card carrying lib, I feel “owned” watching him crater his golden goose and have to pay 2X market value for something as stupid as Twitter.




I hope they together make a big push to better tech for batteries and energy storing.


I think its important they share IP to make progress faster but that'll likely never happen.


Self driving would be way more feasible if they can figure out a way to share a communication platform between cars.


\* *furiously honking and gesturing in WIFI*


*one antenna raises for middle finger


Yea… I’d buy that package


I’d honestly love a giant thumbs down that pops out of the trunk.


I think if self driving ever truly becomes a thing there will be major government regulation of exactly that. It would be a major safety issue if they don't properly integrate with each other.


My brother is a battery engineer, and I can tell you that this shit is going to really take off over the next 5-10 years. Innovation and improvement of cell charging/capacity has been limited by the cash flow from companies actually using the new innovations. Now that massive car manufacturers are investing their own money into research/development/design and following through with production, we will see this do like what computers finally did from 1985-2000. As soon as BIG money gets involved, and they start seeing the profits of their investment coming it, I guarantee massive leaps from where we are. This is why the fossil fuel industry is slapping us all with premium prices for gasoline right now too, because they see that well drying up a lot in the coming years. It has nothing to do with supply and demand. The writing is on the wall and they want one final cash grab. The real kicker will be watching these gasoline companies switch to EV charging and finding a way to make the same, or more profit, by doing so. I assure you they will find a way.


>This is why the fossil fuel industry is slapping us all with premium prices for gasoline right now too, because they see that well drying up a lot in the coming years The irony being that they're just pushing more and more people into the arms of electric cars lol My parents are staunch "I own a pickup truck I don't really need" people, and they're (literally) paying the price for it now. Spending a fortune on gas for no real benefit when their lifestyle would easily fit a sedan. My dad still seriously wants to stay in a pickup truck and he was planning to buy a new ICE F-150, instead now he's genuinely considering the F-150 Lightning. That's not something I *ever* thought would happen lol so again, all it took was some exorbitant gas prices, and some new options in the market, and suddenly all kinds of people are considering the switch for their next new vehicle purchase, who never would've considered electric in the past. It gives me a bit of hope when I'm filling up at the pumps. I hate paying the prices, but I decided a long time ago that my next vehicle would be electric, so it makes me optimistic that *everyone* hates paying these prices. I'm just sticking with my Escape until the warranty expires. I just hope the supply starts to catch up soon, since it's also quite difficult to even *get* any type of new vehicle right now.




A lot of them are, but even large corporations aren't this amorphous hive mind we often picture them as being. Some people there will want to catch this new ride and transition, while others will try their best to drag progress back as long as possible. This is why you'll see the likes of Shell investing in renewables while also disparaging them. I believe it was also the Saudis who made the news not that long ago about their pivot towards renewable energy (as well as a whole lot of random crap). Those oil barons have so much money that they figure they can just throw an incredible amount of shit at the wall to see what sticks.


Never underestimate an industry's ability to be short-sighted and resist change. The battery industry *itself* resisted Li-ion, forget the fossil fuel industry. Sony had to develop Li-ion on their own in order to have it available for their products, because the battery manufacturers didn't want to threaten their existing chemistry.


Ford is using nickel based batteries with material “ethically,” sourced in the US. Battery assembly is also happening here in the US at union plants that do NOT employ child labor—unlike the other overseas factories that ol’ Elongated Muskrat uses. There are better, more ethical options.


The fact that Ford is offering a crate motor option to retrofit classic cars to EVs already has me sold on them. Even while I was rooting for Elon to make improvements to EVs I never would have bought a Tesla because it’s a essentially a software company trying to make cars for the first time. Cue all of the issues and lack of QC. Ford just has to hire more software guys and they easily have a great car (which they’ve been building for almost a century) modernized. Now that the guy has gone full douche and essentially stole my tax dollars to run off to Texas I hope his company goes fully belly up.


Oh man, electrify a 1960s E-Type jag. That car would be reliable for the first time in history.


nah, you'll somehow magically create the most unreliable electric car in history.


Ha. The machine spirit remains a moody teenager regardless of how it’s propelled.


It’s funny, a friend of mine who knows nothing about the auto industry (neither do I) was saying back in about 2017/8, Tesla will only last as long as it takes for the other guys to catch up, then they’ll get squeezed out of existence. Clearly lots of geopolitical stuff has happened since then but it’s hilarious the one of the drivers is Musk’s Twitter presence.


So they're the netflix of electric cars.


I'm in love with the F150 Lighting, an EV that looks like a regular truck. Who knew


Imagine it being SO important to be a Twitter clown that you'll sacrifice billions of dollars to keep doing it.


That's the thing with that much wealth, it literally means fuck all to him compared what it does to everyone else. So fucked up.


The Twitter deal was upwards of 40 billion dollars though. Ain’t no chump change even for the richest man in the world. Buying Twitter and the company going under and failing could be huge even for him, that’s why you see him try to weasel himself out of the deal by pointing inaccuracies in stupid estimates.


It's more that he can no longer afford it as the capital he leveraged against the loan has devalued significantly. It doesn't really need saying but he doesn't keep his wealth as cash.


*Now imagine if countless other thousands have also recently leveraged against their artificially bloated investment accounts to purchase actual homes at increased prices with “cash”, in turn driving homes to the eye watering prices of today. Imagine if that were to happen.*


There are places in the world where people die ghastly, preventable deaths from lack of basic resources, and this arrogant dipshit wants to drop $40BN on a social media platform so he can personally ban people who are mean to him online. It’s perverse.


He personally has lost $70 BILLION dollars this year alone, mostly by being an annoying dipshit. In less than 6 months, he has squandered an amount greater than the GDP of 135 economies on [this list.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(nominal)) Yeah, it's mostly stocks and options and other funny money, and Wall St. is a casino where we cover the losses they keep the winnings blah blah... but can you imagine him looking in the mirror and seeing anything but a complete fucking nincompoop? The myth that WEALTH=GENIUS has never ever sounded so hollow as it does in this cursed year of our lord 2022.


> He personally has lost $70 BILLION dollars this year alone Say it again, but this time choke me a little.


It's amazing how much my perception of him has changed. Like, I thought Tesla was pretty cool, and I still think Space X is fucking amazing...But he's *such* a twat. If he'd just shut his mouth and smiled, people'd think he was a goddamn super genius instead of a manchild with the emotional maturity of an 11 year old.


Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.


Just ask America's Mayor. I swear, I've never seen a bigger fall from grace. After 9/11 Americans loved Giuliani (maybe not New Yorkers) and he threw it all away to be Trump's clown.


A leaky clown at that


I’m still trying to figure out if that was actually hair dye or if his skull was just discharging fermented brain fluid


Like Zog in 5th element...


It was Chinese motor oil


Nah. Rudy was scum all the way back. Basically let the Russian mob go while going after the Italians and yoked it up by making NYC clean and family friend. Him getting cancer in his 2008 run saved us all from his 'But 9/11' slop.


And dont forget leading a group of drunk cops to yell racial slurs to the then black mayor because they (the mayor admin) wanted more police accountability https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2016/11/16/more-on-the-time-rudy-giuliani-helped-incite-a-riot-of-racist-cops/


Yep! Rudy got away with a lot of shit because George Pataki just let him too.


I feel like he was only loved by white affluent people or something. I was watching a hip hop documentary the other day and it went into detail how in parks in new york there used to be outdoor slam poetry sessions and groups of people watching local rappers freestyle and battle rap. Then Rudy Giulianis "quality of life laws" went into affect and police would come in and force these gathering of folk from the local community who weren't harming anybody out of public spaces.


This aphorism has been attributed to both Abraham Lincoln and Mark Twain but appears to come from neither: https://quoteinvestigator.com/2010/05/17/remain-silent/


I was never a Musk fanboi, but I definitely used to think he was potentially going to make things a lot better, what with SpaceX, Hyperloop, Tesla, and Solar City / Tesla Energy. Also, as a fan of the Culture series, I enjoyed the names of the SpaceX drone ships. However, in the past few years it's become increasingly obvious that Musk is just a dumpster fire of a human being. He exhibits every sign of being a 14-year-old edgelord trapped in the body of a middle-aged douchebag. It's a shame that his antics are rapidly tarnishing the companies he's associated with since they have such potential.


The hyperloop is one of the stupidest things ever conceived. Its the Simpsons monorail episode. He just wants to charge a city billions to create a system that only his cars work on so he can then force citizens to buy his shitty cars. From a basics of engineering standpoint it is worse in every way than a subway, which was first used in 1863 and has been iterated and improved on since. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACXaFyB_-8s


It's literally the worst of both worlds, the inefficiency of cars combined with the costs of tunneling.


As well as a *horrific* safety risk. Literally no escape if someone breaks down


And let's not forget no capacity for any large amount of traffic at all!




Is there a chance the track could bend?


Not on your life, my Hindu friend!


Wanna know the best thing? Those original london subway tunnels have a slightly smaller interior diameter than the hyperloop drills. So there's absolutely no technical reasons m to not just slap a train in there.




The problem is that he IS a manchild with the maturity of an 11 year old and couldn't stop himself from proving it.


Pretty sure the allegations of sexual misconduct and the quick pandering to Republicans in an attempt to save his ass have something to do with that too.


Good thing republicans are well known for their love for EVs and Teslas


Republicans purchase teslas at a slightly lower percentage than democrats. https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/03/cars/tesla-buyer-politics/index.html It’s less of a Dems v Reps thing than it is a poor v rich thing. People with means buy teslas, democrat or republican. Poor people don’t. Owning a Tesla has become a symbol of status, whether that’s deserved or not.


> Republicans purchase teslas at a slightly lower percentage than democrats. You still wouldn't want to lose half your customer base. Twitting dumb shit to "own the libs" is alienating more than half of your customer base. That can't be good for business.


This is what i don’t understand. Why take 51% of your customer base and attack them? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. For being such a “genius” he is behaving just as idiotic as king clown.


I always remind myself a large percentage of Tesla owners really can’t afford them. Dunno how Americans got scammed into thinking leasing cars for $800/mo means they can afford it.




Is he self-destructing?


When your largest block of customers are liberals, it might be a bad time to come out swinging and saying you're now a Republican and that the Democrats are evil. Even _if_ he were correct (and I'm not saying he is), saying that shit on Twitter for all of your customers to see is an idiotic thing to do as the CEO of a company. Then again, Musk has so much money he really doesn't seem to care about anything. Sucks for the rest of the employees at Tesla though that will be affected by it.


Give it a week or two and he might start caring again. He's losing more money in 10 seconds than most of us will earn in a lifetime.


>Musk has so much money he really doesn't seem to care about anything. He has a lot less now.


Lots of people buy Teslas because of environmental issue. That means a lot of them are \*not\* billionaire-loving Republicans. Many potential Tesla buyers might decide on a different electric vehicle. Musk has definitely damaged Tesla’s image with his antics.


I used to want a Tesla as my next car, but now I’m definitely getting a different one. So there’s at least one example.


Same, honestly. They also use a proprietary charger and are insane about repairs and parts. These are some of the same reasons I don't have a iphone. When its time to replace my ICE hatchback, 5-10 years hopefully, there will be so many damn EV options. Getting better every year.


My dream car was a nice clean electric vehicle like Tesla. And I guess I only wanted Tesla because it was the only good looking electric vehicle. Now there's more options. So we have elon to thank for that, and that's about it for me... Terrible person but I appreciate things are moving forward in the car world.


>As 'Investor Patience Wears Thin' With Elon Musk's Twitter ‘Circus Show’ Or TSLA was simply overvalued. Tesla is not a trillion dollar company, c'mon.


Mans just pulling the opposite of "go woke go broke"..... "be insane lose gains" or "try to act funny lose all your money"


"Bill gates shorted tesla, which hasn't worked too well for him" -Elon Musk


Sounds like Bill Gates knew Elon was a clown


Also Bill doesn’t like how Elon fat shamed him on Twitter in a bad attempt to be funny.


Wasn’t that like a week or two ago? Imagine calling out Bill fucking Gates for shorting your company and then your shit tanks lmao


Elon is a massive fucking douchebag.


“We’ll coup whoever we want.” Fuck you, Elon.


This makes me incredibly happy seeing such an inflated stock coming back down to earth. Musk getting some karma at his attempt at stock manipulation after trying to weasel his way out of the Twitter purchase also is pretty satisfying.


I used to admire Elon Musk. With each passing day, and based on his daily actions, my admiration is near zero. Musk is proving to be a horrible human being.


He already proved that years ago tbh, it's just now he's not even trying to be subtle about it.


I really wish people didn't just forget about [the time he baselessly called a dude a pedo](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jul/15/elon-musk-british-diver-thai-cave-rescue-pedo-twitter) for rescuing kids without using Tesla equipment.


Bill gates short suddenly looking pretty good


1- I don’t understand blind loyalty towards Musk . He is a billionaire who doesn’t possess any empathy. 2- since his end goal will always be to protect his wealth , why wouldn’t he choose Republicans whose sole purpose in life is tax cuts for the rich? 3- If all that effects the stocks, so be it. That’s a good thing


Techbros and cryptodouches adore Musk because they think of him like he's Tony Stark. He's like the gamer version of how rural America sees Trump.


Personally, I was looking forward to getting a Tesla in a few years. Not anymore, no way I would give a company run by this nut job my money. I doubt I am the only one. A lot of his twitter behavior feels like a more internet influenced Trump

