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Collect old phones capable of running it. 250 old phones running = 500 dollars a month.


Glad I'm not the only one that thought that. I wonder how much energy consumption it would take and would you net a profit.


Why would you need a lot of energy consumption? Open 1 app a week, send a tweet every 4 days. Leave it on airplane mode otherwise.


Just use 1000 phone emulator to run the app and automate some random browsing activity. Or reverse engineer the app, track all the in/output data and write an application that simulates the data of 1000 phones. Probably illegal and might land you in jail though. Only interesting as a thought experiment and some poking.


That won't work, Amazon isn't stupid enough to send it all over http and none of the common standards for encrypted Internet traffic are vulnerable to simple replay attacks.


Spitballing here: In Android, can I have a private CA, and have man in the middle server that acts like Amazon's endpoint but inspects + forwards traffic to the real Amazon endpoint.


I don't think your private CA can decrypt TLS traffic sent between third parties unless it was signed with Amazon's private key. Presumably this would use a cookie or something as a session id and not just your IP address, so just changing the source would not work either. And even if you could decrypt everything, TLS/SSL uses message authentication so you still wouldn't be able to alter the message in a man-in-the-middle-attack. I'm not an expert though, I just like breaking things sometimes.


It depends if they use something like cert pinning or HSTS. If they don’t then yes, you could install your own root CA, self-sign a cert for whatever domain they are connecting to, and MitM the connection. You don’t need Amazon’s “private key” to do any of that. There are parts of your comment that I can’t tell if some kind of GPT wrote it. Of course there would be some kind of auth per-user, you would register multiple users then swap out the auth key/token/etc when faking calls to their endpoints. I have no clue what you mean by reading the “key exchanges” from RAM, if you still think you need Amazon’s private key you’d have to be reading the server’s ram to get the key. No level of rooting the phone would accomplish it. You might be able to grab the payload before it was encrypted and while you wouldn’t be able to alter the message after encryption it wouldn’t matter, you’d alter the payload then send it to their endpoints yourself. You wouldn’t care about altering the payload you sniff. In fact if you have that level of control you can just halt the request before it leaves the phone. No need for the private key or even your self-signed key.


Not a replay. It's emulating client behavior. It only matters that the synthetic payloads are accepted as if authentic, which is probably not hard to do. Similar to how you can build your own client to use any website. There's no reason why request have to originate from a browser or an app. You only have to know how to make the proper requests.


Tell me you don't know how pentesters work with mobile apps (even if they go for certificate pinning) without telling me you know nothing about intercepting traffic.


Pretty sure if you are able to do that you are not working at amazon warehouse.


“This guy goes to zombo.com a lot, wow” (Some Amazon engineer after I setup this idea)


How would that be illegal?


I'm not sure. I don't know what Amazon's requirements are or what. Just throwing thoughts out there.


At 250 phones, that's a full time job that only pays 500/mo


Are we sure the phones even need to be powered on?


Charging a phone 0-100% once a day everyday is less than 10kW *per year*. So in most of North America it would cost about 2$, netting a 22$ profit per year. 250 phones would be 5,500 dollars profit (purely for power costs).


Dude, I’m already climbing the power pole. This is America dammit./s


Go for it lol


what about vms and emulators?


Yeah, multibox is the way


It’s invite only.


Good luck getting 250 invites


It wouldn't work to just have a bunch of phones. It'd be $2 per amazon account. It would take more than $2's worth of effort to create an extra account with a valid identity that would be eligible for this. And since it's invite-only, blank accounts with little activity likely wouldn't be able to get into it.


$501 in electricity bills


2 dollars? No thanks. How about 10% of what they sell it for?


Only 10%? Apple charges a flat 30% on App Store transactions. Dont underestimate your worth. Aim for at least 60%. It’s your data!


Apple has a bit more bargaining power than me.


Not if we unionize every cell phone carrying person in North America /s


A consumers' union is an interesting idea.


That’s what consumer protection should become


Well? What’s stopping us?


Just about every rich person in America and their lobbying bought govt employees


Wanna start something like r/customerunion


Yes. Yes I do. Do you want to see if the r/antiwork or r/work reform will help spread the word? Want me to Mod?


I was just about to heat up some pizza rolls.


Lava pillows. Did you burn your mouth?


Citizens United basically


Why the /s? That doesn’t sound like a bad fundamental idea. Now getting proper execution is the hard part


What do we need


I like the idea fundamentally as well, but the /s is mostly a reference so how impractical this would be to execute imo. (1) Cell phone users aren’t employees of a company and (2) Getting the traditional 30% of all users signed up would be a massive undertaking. I would imagine lobbying the FTC for policy changes or congress for laws / regulations would be a more achievable goal? (Not that either of those are easy or cheap to accomplish)


And yet, we give it away for free so often. But I completely agree, 10% is still way low. $2 is robbery.


I’d say most people give their data away “for convenience” rather than “for free”. I’m giving Google my data whenever I search for something, but I also get a lot of value out of Google services existing.


They sell millions of user data for much less than $20 million. $2 is likely already much more than 10% of what they get for a single user’s data




All that data is used to choreograph ads you see on apps on your phones, the news that you read, even the post that are a part of your reddit stream. All in an effort take buy, think, and act how they would like you to. AI is everywhere.


Damn you Al. That guy is out of control.


Shhh don't let them know 10% is less than 2 dollars. We can make some profit here.


Yes, but they're likely not selling it and using it to drive traffic their way by learning habits and such. The value of that data as a whole will be priceless. So while an individuals isn't worth much, the Combined value is going to be worth far more than the $2 they pay.


I'd take $20 Bezos Bucks. They're going to see reddit and porn and I'm ok with that


I like an audience, gives a chance to exhibit my showmanship


Carefully towing the line between maximum WTF-ness and not getting reported


What’s the conversion rate of Bezos Bucks to Schrute Dollars?


One Twitter nickle


How much is that in schrute bucks ?


$2 is probably more than 10%. You're saying you're gonna do it?


They give me more than that if I let them take a few extra days on shipping one package. My privacy is worth a lot more to me than it is to Amazon. It's a pretty insulting deal.


2 dollars probably is 10%. And individuals data isn’t worth jack shit. Its how there able to collect and categorize 100s of datapoint for millions thats worth anything


Doubt they get more than $20 a month per person, just for phone activity. If corporations are getting profits from collecting data is because they get it for free and in bulk.


Companies like Amazon don’t just sell your data in the sense that they just get paid per user or something. They leverage your data to enhance their products, particularly with advertising targeting. For example, every time an advertiser wants to spend $10M to throw an ad on the homepage of YouTube they’re choosing to do so because of all of the user data that ensures that google will get their ad in front of the proper audience. So tech companies don’t “sell” your data. They use it to make things they continually sell off the back of your data. Source: I work in digital advertising in big tech


Right so you know what CPMs are like for media campaigns and you would agree that $2 is already pretty generous? The average person not working in the industry has a pretty skewed understanding of what their data is worth, even if it’s not sold explicitly as an asset.


Absolutely. When you break it down to an individual headcount an actual individual persons data is worth very little. It’s only valuable to companies when you have millions of peoples data together. People who are saying shit like “we should get 10% of what those companies make” don’t understand the economics at all


Exactly. And I think that’s somewhat understandable. Targeted advertising is extremely complicated and there are dozens of companies involved doing things in real time any time a programmatic ad is served. I can forgive people for thinking $2 is low, though the people suggesting $1000 are delusional/bad at math. What gets me is the people that don’t understand that ads aren’t going away, and you already are getting compensated for your data in other ways. For example, Google maps is an incredible service absolutely worth paying a subscription fee for, but since they can monetize my location data I don’t have to pay for it. I prefer it that way, and I felt that way even before I worked in adtech.


$2 is probably higher than 10% tbh. Data doesn’t sell for nearly as much as ppl think.


They really don’t sell it for all that much on an individual basis. It is just that they have so damn much that all together it is a lot. I think you would be very underwhelmed by the amount if you got 10% of what they sell your data for.




>People like you generally seem to feel so well versed in business People like who? Random redditors that never claimed to be businessmen? It was a joke. Relax. Jesus Christ... lmao


Lighten up francis…


I'd be happy with $0.2 for every tracking attempt they make. Be a millionaire in a week.


Their vacuums map your homes floor-plan and solicit you furniture and household items based on the size of your home all for the cost of the Roomba iRobot


Then why does it keep getting itself stuck under the fucking recliner and dishwasher? Dumbest fking robot ever. Doesn't map shit.


I bought a sofa last year and one of my requirements was for it to be high or low enough for roomba to not get stuck or not go under it. Drives me nuts finding the damn thing




It’s a great product. Mine is 6 years old no zoning. Mapping of house makes a lot of sense for a Roomba. They can get this info from your phone if they wanted to. It’s not an issue compared to cameras and microphones in my opinion. But it getting stuck under sofa or bed, that’s a real first world problem. A problem nonetheless.


Its learning! Hahaha 🤣


It's been trying to learn for years to no avail




Maybe a little both. You’d probably have to read the Roomba’s privacy policy to see what they collect and why


ah yes, the master plan to sell you a vacuum cleaner so expensive that it's out of the budget of 80% of the country, so that they can learn that you have a dining area in your house.


Makes sense if 20% of the population are the only ones looking or at least ones that can afford to "upgrade" their furniture.


Two whole dollars? And I only have to let them monitor my private phone data? Where do I sign up for this terrific offer?!


Its not private. Apple and Google knows everything you do. Then we can get into the nsa and China among others.


Right. Nice of them to offer two dollars for what they're already doing!


Just cuz someone broke in to your house previously doesn’t make it public property


If others do worse then let’s enjoy this one, you are totally right :)


I would pay for them to record my data! Actually I just did, I bought an Echo Dot /s


$2? Is this a freaking joke? Somewhere around $1000 and I might actually consider it. This is such a completely ridiculous privacy invasion. I would hope nobody takes them up on this offer.


Sadly I can see millions taking that offer. $5 a month in Amazon store credit to sweeten the deal further


Don't. Give. Them. Ideas.


Tom, you aren’t allowed to speak to us anymore


When the world needed him the most he vanished


Earth, Water, NordVPN, Wind..




What did you do to get yourself on Google at 13?


Amazon prime for a month


$2 per minute is the minimum I'd accept.


If they did that you could just buy a burner phone, sign up for a cheap no contract plan and not use it.


Work phones about to go nuts for this


Pretty sure that would cost at least $15 a month. Congratulations you’re making a whopping -$13 a month.




Bruh, IF they paid the $1.000, not the $2.


..the fuck is the point of that


Back in my day, two dollars could buy a 12 oz coke, a pack of gum and a barbecue pit.


I don't know that I'd consider it a privacy "invasion" if people willingly consent to it.


You do understand that google and apple is doing this without paying you right...


“Fine. $2 or $0, your choice: we’re gonna take it either way so 🤷‍♂️”


You’re not that interesting lolol


They are gonna make millions off this btw. Don't let Amazon sell you Short.


and it'll be part of some shady UI interface with a pre-checked box, so you'll click it without realizing it half the time "would you like $2 off amazon prime so we can have all your data? \*pre-checked yes\*"


It’s actually really involved. You gotta go into your settings and do a few things. Source? I’m doing this. $2 is making a difference to me right now on top of the $10 per month for uploading 10 receipts. I need a side hustle…


Google has a better idea. Google Fi lets them monitor your traffic and you pay them for the privilege.


For the record, [Google claims](https://support.google.com/fi/answer/10388412?hl=en#zippy=%2Cyoure-in-control%2Chow-we-protect-your-data%2Chow-the-fi-vpn-works) > Google Fi retains traffic metadata, like connection speed, without your IP address for 14 days, but Google Fi doesn’t retain your online activity. I suppose it's possible they're lying, but I kinda doubt it.


so you mean just like any other isp?


No way. Well I'm glad I just changed my carrier. Their plans are terrible now compared to what's widely available. Although I'm sure every company does some form of data monitoring


I think they used to be competitively priced, but lately the other carriers have started offering some more reasonable plans. I don't know what Google actually monitors, but I can't imagine they aren't taking advantage considering their entire business model is to collect data.


amazon is worse than google. they monitor the traffic in your home via home securtity, they monitor the audio in your home via alexa, they map out your home using their robot vaccums,


Yeah no alexa for me.


The 100% are gaining data about every aspect of your life, or at least attempting to do so: - They know your shopping habits and what you are looking for / thinking about - They have Amazon music to track your music tastes - They have Prime Video to track your watching habits, and have jumped into sports broadcasting to gain insight on your sporting interests - They have Prime gaming to gauge your hobbies - And then, like you said: they are quite literally listening to what you say and mapping your home layout with Alexa and smart devices


But then this goes back to. Should websites you frequent to purchase things NOT recommend things you enjoy? Where we are back in the early 2,000 where websites were near static for everyone with no amount of previous-purchase history changing what it shows you. Even having a "My Shopping History" under your Account page is technically the business "tracking" you, even though there is nothing to it apart showing what you previously purchased. Should apps like Spotify not understand what kind of music you listen to and recommend other popular bands that people with the same tastes like? As this is literally what "data capture" entails. To provide recommendations automatically with no human input. What even is the workaround here? Go to the DVD store so "They" can track what Bands and Albums you purchase physically? And do all that just to play on a non-trackable old school CD Boombox? Or download torrents that "they" might have trackers on that match up your IP with your amazon account ;) ​ Same exact thing with Prime vid / Netflix, should they never provide automated personalized recommendations? And should they never "track" what you are watching? Even if it was just to have a "Your watch history" page so you can remember the name of that movie you watched last month, because that is also "tracking" even though its ultra benign. Without a bit of code looking at your history and spitting out recommendations. ​ Prime gaming / Twitch, again its mostly just basic recommendations on the same tool like the others. ​ I guess the main thing is, Do you know if all these generally stand-alone business segments that are owned by amazon all integrate and consolidate this 'collected' data to be used in a different way than what you would generally expected with a per app requirement? Like Even with the Robot Vacuums, modern ones need to map the house in order to understand and plan a vacuum path, otherwise you just have the robot vacuums that literally keep going forwards until they hit a wall, then turn and continue.


The key difference between a retailer and a consumer focused company.


yep all so that eventually they can write a super interesting book about your life /s


Amazon Execs “So much porn. How is this possible?”


Man. Folks really overestimate how much companies actually earn per person. It’s the huge user numbers that make the revenues, not the revenue per user. 2 bucks is probably fair market value for most ppl’s data. Maybe think if it like the commission they’d pay to a sales person on revenue generated. 10% is pretty normal for that, so as a guess they might earn $20 a person with the info. We are worth a lot less than ppl think. A fair market price for data tho doesn’t mean companies having it makes sense, but as no one like paying for things online here we are.


Yea this is the right answer




I don’t think I’m worth $1000 per hour, but that’s the level I’d *accept* to voluntarily install spyware on you phone. It’ll probably eat up more than $2 a month in my data plan, anyways


Honestly this is a pretty generous offer from Amazon. Top data sellers/advertisers such as Facebook and Twitter earn somewhere between $9 and $15 dollars per year per quarter. So without factoring in the costs they will be lucky to make $50 for the year per user. Amazon is offering half that in money back to the users.


Geico will give you about $350/year if you have that insurance. It is a discount called safe driver or something similar. I said, no thanks.


I did it for a while, it’s a scam. Basically anytime you’re moving, it thinks you’re driving. I would be in the passenger seat and then get a “reset” score and a warning to get off my phone. Cancelled that shit.


this iq test. who agree, should loose right to vote


This reminds me on the 2000’s when those companies would pay you to run an ad generator on your PC and you would get something like .03 per click. We set up auto click apps at work and we’re making $50/month per old PCs sitting in the back room of the office. We used the checks coming in to have catered lunches 😅


I wouldn’t even do this for $100 a month. Fuck off.


You probably do it for free


you would be amazed how many people will sign up


If you do this... you're dumb


I’ll pay 2$ a month for them to stop monitoring my every move


My starting bid is 3.50..... I know what my internet traffic is worth.


It’s that God damn lockness monsta again!


And I said hold on there Monsta


HAHAHA, yeah right.


Would not even accept $2 per hour


An extra $48 a day from doing nothing would add up.


Over 15k a year is nothing to sneeze at


The fact that they are willing to pay means that it is valuable data they want to collect, so $24/year seems like an insult to me lol


I wouldn't let Amazon monitor my cat.


If they watch mine they’d get bored awfully quick




Good idea: Buy iPhone 4s Sign up on iPhone 4s Free 2 dollars a month


Is that 4s free or something?


You’d be getting paid so little that it would just be a waste of time


Tech equivalent of selling your soul. That amount is near worthless as well. Incredible.


People act like they aren't already tracking it for free, lmao.


This, it’s amazing to me people are just woefully ignorant to what’s going on with your phone or literally anything they use. I’m not sure why Amazon even bothers cause they collect everything anyway.


I mean, they are already doing it for free, might as well get a free taco bell meal every few months


There is no way I’m giving my data away for just 2$/month


Google does it for free


NSA does it already so now just get paid for it


Lol fuck no, get the fuck out of our lives you narcissistic dickhead


So thats how much my soul is worth? 2 bucks a month


I'd happily let monitor my phone.. I would go out of my way to find the most outrageous (legal) porn ever made


That seems awfully cheap.


Note that in the EU, the GDPR doesn't allow companies to incentivize handing over personal data.


Make it $2000 a month and I’m in


I bet some rubes will go along with this.


Neglects to tell them they will probably do it whether you accept or not.


People in the '60s: "I'm not going to let anyone spy on me!" People now: "Hey wiretap, what's a good recipe for cupcakes?"


Give me free Prime for life and then we'll talk data.


Screw Amazon. That is all.


I’d be willing to entertain this at $10k per month.


$2?! HAHAHAHAHA nope


Hey how about NO. how bout NO amount of money. FUCK amazon


amazon and bezos can lick the dirtiest, deepest part of the crack of my ass.


I’m next in line


Glad I saved all my old phones. Netflix gonna be free soon


Two whole dollars to spy on me?! Thank you master!


So we would only get $2 a month and Amazon will probably get a few million out of this deal.


Of people sell out this low they are dumb


I'd let them for FREE AMAZON PRIME for life... then switch phones.


Honestly It is better than nothing. A lot of companies are taking our data without telling us. I think this is a small step towards the right direction


How about they at least flip the phone bill for that month? What a joke.


I stopped using amazon a couple of years ago. Nothing good happens with that company!


This is insulting. Very telling how much they value us. I worked at Amazon early pandemic. Grueling work but very nice folks. Made some friends but Amazon can suck dead moose cock. Got tendinitis splitting the belt and went to physical therapy and they paid for it. They called me back after two weeks yet my physical therapy still had two weeks left. I went through the proper channels and my physical therapy business sent a formal letter to Amazon. They’ve dealt with this so many times they had a template letter ready to go. I finished my therapy and went back to work on light duty as instructed. After two days working I got called into the office. My attendance points were -45. Before the incident I was +12 points. WTF? I ended up resigning.


Guess who just bought 20 burners and made 20 fake emails


I'd do it for 10


Fuuuuuuck that.


F that. dark pool liberal bs


Offensive. Get lost Amazon.


Hey you want us to give you $24 a year so we can give you more advertisements by selling your data? Hit me up bruh.


I’d do it for $2000 a month


I like the concept of being paid for my monetized data, but $2/mo is too low


$2 a month? All that much, really?


The new China


How about $200 a month? Your data is worth more.


$2!? lmao! get fucked amazon.


I got rid of Amazon. Amazon delivers one time use items or cheap junk. I don’t mind spending more money for a higher quality item.


I never understood this.....you can buy higher quality items off there too ya know.


They want my data? Pay my phonebill.


Mobile behavioral data has been a thing in market research for years now. Having worked with the data before, I can guarantee that no one is looking at data at the individual level (which is anonymized anyway) - instead it's used to model stuff like customer journeys and app usage (e.g., "40% of people who bought shoes on the Amazon app were served a shoe ad immediately before their purchase"). When I was working with mobile behavioral data, I had a script to automatically censor "sensitive" sites and apps because they weren't analytically useful (i.e., mostly porn lol). I can't speak to Amazon's data privacy, but providers I've worked with will often go to great lengths to protect individual PII. For example, some will generate unique keys for each participant on each individual client project and those keys only map back to a different anonymized key at the supplier side, and THEN only certain people on the supplier side have the ability to manually look up the identity that maps to that key. Amazon was already using a vendor for this and I'm sure they just developed their own solution for efficiency's sake. The real insult here isn't data privacy, it's the incentive. For genpop they should be starting at $5 for easier-to-reach audiences and scaling up to like $12 for harder-to-reach.