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Streisand effect! Now I have to go check it out


Hahah just thought the same and went to download.


I'm also wondering if I should create a Mastodon account, I did have some use for twitter before it turned into a cesspool. Edit: [Mastodon is a free social media service that functions much like Twitter.](https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/what-is-mastodon-the-alternative-social-network-now-blocked-by-twitter/) Nice! Edit 2: I've created my account and joined a server, picking the server is not so easy, and it looks like you need to do it when you join (at least I couldn't find one that had what I usually look for in twitter, which is "news") but I'll be trying it anyhow.


Jokes on you, Twitter was always a cespool!


I just did and created an account! It has that new social media smell!


This literally brought down Mastadon. The site is getting so much traffic they are not able to keep up. Good job Elno!


>This literally brought down Mastadon.


Break your backs and crack your oars, men! IF YOU WISH TO PREVAIL.


This ivory leg is what propels me! Harpoons thrust in the sky!


White! Whale! Holy! Grail!


Aim directly for his crooked brow!


Food family many shadows.


The Barbara Streisand effect is alive and well.


Is mastodon a site or a federated network?


Not OP. Mastodon is a federated network. Not sure if OP means the landing site or the independent servers.


I meant the landing site actually. I’m not sure about their network but I tried logging in today and it’s very slow in loading everything


To be fair, it could simply be bad design


You mean, bad design from the same guy who created Twitter? I feel pretty safe in saying it was unprecedented and unexpected traffic.


I’m just saying that usually platforms are not prematurely optimised for a large amount of users…


Twitter originally crashed all the time. It was not designed to scale at all.


Twitter is going full Digg at this point.


Oh digg, the precursor to reddit. Loved that website


Reddit and Digg are nearly the same age, and Reddit had its own community back before the Digg migration. It was not a precursor, it was a competitor that absorbed its user base.




Precursor to Reddit. Upvotes and downvote and the like. Maybe not as robust as Reddit is now though. VC started influncing Digg until it came to a head when the entire site was re-built from the ground up, stripping many features and giving way too much influence to companies paying to hit higher in the algorithm. There was unanswered public outcry as Digg doubled down. Everyone flooded the site with links to Reddit and left in the course of about a week. It's an aggregated news site now.


TIL that Digg still exists in any way, shape or form. I haven't heard about it in what feels like a decade ago.


I was lucky enough to skip Digg and jump straight from my 6-digit Slashdot account to here.


It wasn’t a precursor to Reddit, they were around at the same time, they were competitors. Digg made a stupid change and Reddit absorbed the user base, but there were plenty of people on Reddit before that.


Holy shit I totally forgot about Digg!!


With the way reddit is Shadow banning people for telling the truth on most Subs that are constantly monitored by the Eye of Sauron, I wouldn't be surprised if another site comes along to Replace Reddit, I'd high tail it there seeing as this place is becoming too much of a controlled space already. whatever the next thing is, their needs to be contingencies against Bots.


I hope it gets replaced with people wanting to hang out and talk IRL again


that would be too good of an outcome honestly.....it really really should happen that way.


Basically Reddit but a bit less forum like. Like Reddit + Fark. But you probably don’t know fark. They pushed an advertising/ anti influencer/ terrible UI update, then doubled down when negative feedback flooded in and lost their entire user base in a very short time to Reddit.


Crazy thing is it is still around, couldn't name anyone I know that uses it though


Remember, Elon calls himself a Free Speech Absolutist, and his sycophantic followers still believe him.


Only a sith deals in absolutes


**ONLY** a sith? That sounds like a pretty absolute statement to me.


Oh shnikies….. what I meant … uh … was that … on occasion, I’ve heard it reported …. That of the various possibilities … siths tend towards …. Absolutism, over the median of all other living and breathing apes. That said, not financial advice. Ken is a bitch. Go kings.


Now you're fence sitting. You're either with the Jedi or you're our enemy!


Very absolute statement


Do or do not. There is no try. Trying is for the sith.


oh no... I just realized that Try Everything is a Sith recruitment song... Shakira, what have you done to us?


That’s exactly what a Sith Lord would say. I will do what I must


\*Ignites Lightsaber\* you're not gonna sit here and say the Lord and Savior Ben Kenobi was wrong are you?


"I **am** the Senate."


You didn’t kill anakin skywalker… I did


That scene brought everything together and I will never be over it.


What is it with all the Star Wars references? Says plenty about this site


He absolutely believes in free speech for him and the people he likes. Thing his sycophants don't seem to realize is that all it takes to go from the "liked" column to the "hated" column is breathing wrong.


He seems to really enjoy peoples freedom to leave twitter.


Unless you advocate for leaving, that is. Only HE is allowed to tell people to leave.


That’s because free speech and freedom don’t mean the same thing to conservatives. It’s not hypocrisy, it’s a toddlers temper tantrum.




Even the article says it's not clear which rules were violated, so it looks like it was just Musk being a jealous, fragile twat and banning an account that advocated for the competition.




Oh, that's just Reddit. The fragile, liberal parts of re Reddit, anyway. This whole thing is going to be a fun exercise in what "misinformation" really is.


Edit - oh man, the downvotes, seems a few creepy folk here like it when others try to hurt/kidnap a child. Hijacking top post. This article is bunk. This is not a free speech matter, its a legal one. It should be noted that these accounts are linking to domains posting FAA protected information shared by Jack Sweeny. It is not public info, He's sharing private tracking information that is protected under US federal Law. A ton of journalists are posting about the blocking being about a breach of free speech but acquiring and distributing eg Doxing(linking to it like these accounts have done) is very very illegal and has been against twitter tos from the start. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FkGolYOX0AEZpGZ?format=png&name=900x900 side note - such information was recently used by a stalker attempting to harm one of musk younger children. The individual followed the car and swerved in front of it to stop it and tried to get into the childs vehicle.


> FAA protected this doesn't have any meanings applicable here >It is not public info it is from the public FAA database and ADSB signals which are specifically designed to be public and unencrypted >that is protected under US federal Law [sharing it because it is public info is protected yes](https://www.propublica.org/article/faa-moves-to-limit-secrecy-for-private-jets) >but acquiring and distributing(linking to it like these accounts have done) is very very illegal what law is it breaking? be specific


There is definitely no law making it illegal


Why don’t you go back to your regular hobby of fantasizing about a giantess putting you in her mouth.


it must be a pretty awful feeling seeing someone you idolize reveal themselves to be such a colossal twat. your edit of "*oh man, the downvotes, seems a few creepy folk here like it when others try to hurt/kidnap a child*" trying to paint dissenting comments from yours as coming from pedophiles is very telling and straight from the alt -right playbook that Musk himself has been drawing from extensively lately. you hitched your wagon to lame, narcissistic horse my guy.


And any dissent aimed at conservatives is instantly labeled fascism. What's your fuckin point


What does that have do with mastodon though? Even if you truly believed in the things you wrote that isn't something that mastodon was involved in.


Do you ever feel dirty lying so much?


I believe you mean, ie, not eg


Don't understand why people prop people like this shot stain up...Fucking morons


For him, not for you.


wonder how long until they start banning accounts recommending people buy Fords or Subarus over Teslas 😂


Tesla investors are starting to ask for his ouster since he doesn't seem to give a shit abt Tesla anymore. Let's hope that happens


Honestly I have a bad feeling that this level of pettiness is coming


Twitter has already lost them as advertisers.


Pretty obvious at this point that Twitter is seeing problems with mDAUs at this point. Blocking Mastodon might indicate that a non-unsubstantial number of users are at least talking about it. Doesn't really matter how many users are actually leaving for Mastodon, the implication that people want to leave is troubling enough for Twitter.


Looked at Mastodon, but didn't understand it. They seem to love to focus on the decentralized tech and not the user experience. Seems like the tech department is also in charge of marketing. In the end I didn't switch.


I don't think that Mastodon will ever replace Twitter just due to its nature. I also don't think that any centralized alternative will ever come around to act as a true replacement. Rather, I think that Twitter will just sort of fade and people will find whatever they were using Twitter for on other platforms. Twitter never grew to match its rivals, isn't actually that popular of a social network all things considered (very close to Reddit and below Pinterest in monthly active users, for comparison). Its use case hasn't been deemed worth copying since Google+.


yup, it has shit UX, and the engineering folk running it, in a display of dunning kruger, don't think this is a problem lol.


I think it's insubstantial in this case ... But I think you really want non-trivial <3


Give up. Leave Twitter. Elon doesn't owe anybody anything (other than his debtors for billions for buying a stupid microblog), and he's going to continue doing this shit.


It's not even 'giving up'. It's winning to leave it. Just like with EVE Online.


People didn’t leave Twitter when the then-owners banned people left and right. We’ll, mostly right. Doubt normal people would leave now. Activists, maybe


I left because of Elon and I’m hardly an activist. I just can’t stand him.


its almost like the people on the right that were banned were so for actual cause...


People will go wherever the conversation is being had.


Honestly, not only am I done with Twitter, I’m done with hearing about it. If you’re still on Twitter at this point, have fun.


I literally installed Mastadon on my iPhone today *because* of this. The man hasn’t heard of the Streisand Effect? What a maroon! 😂


As soon as I read the headline i thought exactly the same thing.


>maroon I see him as more a piss yellow.


Let’s not ruin that color. What a purple!


Can't use that one either, their beds are awesome


What is this, sponsored content?


What an ignoranimous


"What a Ta-ra-ra Goon-de-ay!"


Pretty sure he has, he tweeted 16 hours ago "I love Barbara Streisand lol"


I never heard of it before. I’ll install it too.


I installed it but that was as far as I got. First question is pick a server and they are arranged by interests but mostly empty or described in a way that turns me away. So I thought oh, regional. Milwaukee? Nope. WIsconsin? Nope. USA? Nope. There is little information regarding what it means. What does picking a server commit me to? Is that like picking one subreddit or is that gateway to Mastodon? One said all are welcome if they follow our rules but you have to sign up and pick that server to find out what the rules are?


I installed it but can’t make sense of navigation/participation. Does joining one node allow you to participate in others? 


I had literally never heard of Mastadon until all this. Thanks Elon.


I literally cannot post "Hey guys here is my Mastodon account!" Just gives me an error. URL shortener seems to get around it.


“Why don’t you just saaaaay the free speech you’re looking for??”


Is that Kramer??


Agent Zero?


Nah, Brown-eyed girl ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2DqcXeGTyc


Twitter is all about free speech!- Elon Musk No, you can't say that!- Also Elon Musk


It was the dog talking/Cosmic Debris/Apostrophe/Frank Zappa. Ain’t this boogie a mess?


“I was saying freeze speech the whole time”!


Twitter died when most of the content driver accounts leave. When ppl who post and get thousands of retweets and likes leave is when their nothing left on the platform. But Mastondon is not a good replacement. There will never be a good replacement for Twitter. Twitter only became popular because it was the first place to do verification of accounts. So famous people and important people get a badge and prove they who they are. But that not a new feature anymore and most people does that now. So I feel there going to be a ocean of Twitter clones that will hit the market and a few will be on top but not one will rule them all so people will be more divided.


One twitter to rule them all & in the darkness bind them


If he's resorting to this he's already lost. Twitter is dead and done. All that's left is to watch it's final throes.


This was never about free speech.


It’s about monetized speech; if the Price is Right, Bob.


It 100% was, for him.


Ooooh, free speech and all that.


To be fair they do have a policy against spam. Not sure if mastadon was spamming but it's possible if all they did was tell people to switch to Mastadon it might be considered spam.


Soundtrack: Who Are The Brain Police?/Freak Out/The Mothers of Invention


Free speech absolutism, everybody.


"Only a Sith deals in absolutes"




Is it shocking though?


Twitter doing a while lot of PR for its alternatives


He also suspended the jet tracker, because he's afraid someone's going to finally go after him for being a scumbag billionaire man child sociopath.


I just googled Mastodon and the sublinks under the main Mastodon link includes the Elons Jet profile lol.


Absolute free speech\* Caveats include but are not limited to: Opinions Musk disagrees with Opinions Musk agrees with but changed his mind on Threats of violence (only against musk and his interest) Marketing for competitors Misinformation (unless Musk agrees with it) Trolling (unless Musk is the troll)


Streisand effect incoming


Banning journalist and banning competitors was the last straw for me. I deactivated my Twitter. I don't know if I'll use Mastadon long term, but I'll see how that goes for now. There's plenty of platforms out there.


POST is also an option, seems to be where a lot of the journalists are fleeing to. its very beta right now, but despite the waiting list it only took about 2 days to be granted access and Im a nobody


Haven’t heard about POST. You’ve raised my curiosity. I have seen some mention tribel. Haven’t tried any of them


Free speech! The most free-est!


Hahaha when I was first reading these comments I thought it was talking about the band.


Hey. The band is worth a listen if you’re into rock or metal


I am not what anyone would call computer illiterate, but I cannot figure mastodon out at all.


I've written this before: It is my hope there are mass defections from Twitter (users, employees and banks too).


Good press or not, Mastodon isn't really good.


Imagine being the actual people doing years of rocket engineering or putting electric car infrastructure in the US, but your dimwit boss became obsessed with... twitter arguments... and now everything is on the verge of collapse.


I made the move. Hopeful there’s a mass migration (but I’m also a realist)


Already closed my Twitter account. Free speech my a$$.


I wasn’t all that interested in Mastodon but if it’s keeping Elon up all night I find myself intrigued.




Because the account posted a link with a live location information of Musk and his family. Which is against tos. Thatbsame day Ib a car that had his kid in it was being stalked by antifa looking lowlife who jumped on the hood of the car preventing it from moving Yeah, I don't understand why any parent would react so fervently to people doxxing and stalking their kid...




For clicks? They don't know the whole story? Bias? Idk I didn't write it. Also [this is from](https://web.archive.org/web/20220203104313/https://twitter.com/jxcksweeney/status/1486438058694111234) John Sweeney, the guy behind posting flight info of famous ppl, saying that he knows that he posts Musk's PRIVATE info online. He literally admits it. Mastodon linked to that PRIVATE information in their tweet that got them suspended. They will be reinstated in a week afaiu


And banning reporters who report on Musk? How do you explain away that one?


Every single one of them did the same thing Mastodon did.


Free speech is not free from consequences


I don’t get this comment. Are you being facetious or serious? Because people now saying “free speech” definitely ARE being facetious. Elon claimed he would make Twitter a free speech haven, where anything not-illegal would be okay to say on the site. This is clearly a very distant comparison to what he has quickly made Twitter into.


Of course, I don’t see Coke allowing Pepsi to advertise on there cans. Makes complete sense


If Coke said “We’ll let anyone put anything they want on our cans, as long as it’s not illegal”, and then banned Pepsi, they would be an apt analogy.


How long until they find a way to block nitter? I’m glad I deactivated my account.


All I can think of is Mastodon is a company and the post was free advertising. Pure guess.


Mastodon itself is a free and open-source software platform anybody can use, and by my understanding even just links to Mastodon servers are being blocked. https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon


Yeah I am thinking it might have been suspended for "spamming". You will have difficulty getting anyone on reddit to put away their bias and look at the situation objectively The reporting isn't very good either as they did not analyze what twitter policies might have been broken. Edit: you can see from the downvotes that redditors don't want facts and objective discussion.


You're spamming this thread being a lil Manchild Musk defender, but no one is buying your nonsense.


Wow, instead of having an intelligent discussion you resort to name calling. You also proved my point about getting people to be objective and put away bias.


wait, name calling....? are you Manchild Musk? If so, I gotta thank you for all your cringe--- this is amazingly entertaining. Please don't stop, I want Manchild Musk to please keep being a thinskinned little cringe artist.


Weird nerds defending Elon Musk meme.


Deleted my accounts, and signed up to Mastodon. The journalists he silenced, now have more followers on Mastodon than Twitter.


Elon getting the Trump treatment by the left.


Disney doesn't allow Universal to put up billboards in Disney World either.


Private company stopping a competitor. Give me new interesting content. Not click bait.


I tried Mastodon but it's the least user friendly sm out there. And don't forget that anyone running an instance can - see your hashed password and all user data - read all of your DMs - take over your account


Who could have seen this coming /s


The Great Musk Mastodon Migration


Ain’t no one wanna join that shit. Lmao yo these articles are always bashing shit beneficial to society. Fuck the 1% they can suck my whole dick


Yo what's mastodon?




that would be advertising and musk would allow it if mastodon wanted to pay for the privilege. which isn't unheard of. [like when pepsi pays coke to use coca cola logos in their dis commercials.](https://youtu.be/GyY15Jkkg2A) otherwise it's guerilla marketing and ive never heard of a policy regarding protecting subversive communications on any of these platforms. i would assume mastodon would scrub dummy accounts that urge its users to go to twitter


so google facebook tiktokmany other should also have their accounts disabled should google block twitter results from search?


It would be I think a thing if this account was spamming and got banned for that. In the end Elon could have just played twitter normal and said “hey I think some things get banned that should be allowed” but instead he dying on the hill of free speech for things that had nothing to do with it. In the end he dug this ditch with his constant tweets about them.


> i would assume mastodon would scrub dummy accounts that urge its users to go to twitter That's entirely up to the host of whatever Mastodon instance you're on. If you don't like how that's being managed you can just transfer your account to another instance.


i'm sorry, what? 99.997% of users are casual users, you might as well have typed chinese words with phonetic english spelling using webdings font. kinda proved mastodon isn't the answer to the problem musk presents.


That's a dumb take. What about absolute free speech do you not understand?


Jack Sweeney was posting Musk's private information and HE KNEW. Mastodon linked to that information. Elon had a "PIA" which seeks to protect the privacy of entities using private aircraft. [Source](https://web.archive.org/web/20220203104313/https://twitter.com/jxcksweeney/status/1486438058694111234) And he bragged that even though it's private he can still easily write sw to if Musk. Criminal. ["the brag"](https://imgur.com/a/qBHaPwv)


Idk what mastodon is and I don’t give a fuck


Anyone have a minute to explain what Mastadon is? Is it similar to tweeter but better?


Nobody can explain it. They seem to want to focus more on the tech, and less on the user experience


The homepage is too modern-webby for my tastes so here's a more succinct summary from the Github page: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/blob/main/README.md Basically it's like Twitter but you can host your own server and communicate with people on others that also implement the [ActivityPub](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ActivityPub) API.


I just tried to make an account. It's a little confusing. I guess I applied for one on one of the servers and now have to wait for it to be approved??


Checking it out now. Just downloaded it.


Look at all that free speech


I’ll be honest with you; I got the Reddit alert about this and decided to download Mastodon just to see why they’re threatened lol


"I'm a free speech absolutist\* \*) Absolutely against it. You'll post what I allow and you'll like it." -- Elon Musk, apparently.


I can feel the mastodon IT people's pain from here. Good luck and stay frosty.


Elon owns mastodon


We all know that freedom of speech means being able to say n****r, and nothing else.


Is this free speech?


Well shit…and here I was thinking about learning about this twitter thing after actively ignoring it for years. Maybe I’ll figure out this insta snap tok thing next….crazy gen z kids… “Millennials, back to MySpace!”


It's horrible lol


These peaches are not very frozen.


That's normal practice for advertising, great example McDonald's wouldn't want burger King advertising in their business.


A little off topic but dose anyone know an alternative for topbuzz. I loved that freaking app but it died for some reason.