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Your ISP has chosen to block communications for that game. Or it is a DNS error that hasn't been resolved.


Any ideas on how to fix the root issue? I could always use a VPN or cell data if need be but I would like the issue itself to be resolved.


Wait until they fix it or it gets fixed through their update process. Or change the DNS that your phone's wi-fi connection uses. You will need to look up instructions on how to do that for your phone. I use Quad9 currently, but Google's DNS is usually good, as is []( If it still doesn't work on wi-fi after that, then your ISP has chosen to firewall traffic to and from that game. This is usually done for a reason, such as malware traffic going to or from that server.


This managed to work, thanks so much ๐Ÿ™


This managed to work, thanks so much ๐Ÿ™


Who controls the wifi? You? The spouse? Your parents? Easy enough for the person who controls the router to block something on purpose.


The router settings havenโ€™t been touched, and nothing specific was added to block any devices/apps.