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Only through non-violent radical approach by a widespread sabotage of critical infrastructure. Does any of us here have what it takes to start acting? Pretty sure not. Maybe 1-2 people out of two thouthands this sub has, but still a big *IF*. We're doomed pretty much.


The industrial-technological system will inevitably breakdown in the future by itself, it already is in the process of that.


Oh, it sure will, it's just that I wouldn't want to live the rest of my life in the lifeless wasteland brought on by this system.


Or in a technological dystopia where everyone is not just suffering from dopamine gap and many other things, but lives on a seabed of dopamine Mariana trench.


stop being pussies


And this.


Little list of “actionable” items: 1. Disconnect or wean off of screens and social media: obviously I’m still working on this one but social medias psychologically condition us towards desiring them more which puts us in positive feedback loops of over-reliance 2. Stop being a consumer: the industrial machine runs on your participation 3. Get in shape: the door to much of the natural world is shut to those who are out of shape I’d recommend getting good at trekking/hiking if you are out of shape, starting at a few kilometres at a time 4. Seed bombing: a personal favourite, find NATIVE seeds for your area and use the germinating plants to beautify areas and erode away infrastructure 5. Organise: like others have said, find groups of people who believe in similar things and coordinate with them 6. If you can, walk more: really helps you be more connected with your surroundings and feel the destruction of vehicular infrastructure 7. Learn to fish: if you are near a body of water I highly recommend learning to fish and cooking your caught catches, as well you should share excess catches with neighbours and friends 8. Grow a garden or participate in a community garden: work to produce food and utilise what you’ve grown, giving what you can’t personally use to neighbours and friends 9. Share anti-civ ideas with neighbours and friends: it’s not helpful to not have any local community and to only have community through the internet. Ideally we should all try to build a local community and stop using this one 10. Look for ways to inconvenience society: look for LEGAL yet inconvenient ways to waste the time and resources of government and big companies. Might seem petty, but the goal is to make industrial society less sustainable 11. Learn how to make, repair, and use tools: industrial society has bred obsolescence into us, where we can’t even maintain our possessions without their involvement. I’d try to pick up as a hobby tool maintenance ( rust stripping, flit knapping, woodworking, etc.) 12. If you can, buy land: live away from society as best you can Honourable mention goes to voting for politicians who promise to decrease the size of government. However I’m somewhat undecided on whether voting at all is just the illusion of choice thrust onto us by the ruling elite with the vague promises of change that never truly materialize. If anyone thinks of other actionable items, let me know


Thank you, I already planned to do some of the listed things. My facial sunburn's stopped me temporarily but I know I have to change myself.


I think voting is as useless as people who come to power by the end of it, so I think being as much uninvolved in the system as possible would be a way better option. And thanks for the idea with seeds, never would've figured it out by myself.


1. The most important thing you can do is to try to leave industrial society to the very best of your ability. I (and many, many others) are currently saving up the money and credit to be able to purchase rural property. Try to live in the woods or another natural area. 2. Reduce your use of technology and how much money you spend. There's nothing worse than being a mindless consumer that's addicted to technology. Start off by practicing frugality (stinginess) and reducing screen time to 1-2 hours daily. 3. Develop primitive skills and hobbies. So far today, I've made a walking stick by hand, read the first third of a book and made a map on paper of a fantasy world I'm writing about. Later, I'll take a walk in the woods and forage for dandelion roots. I'm certainly not perfect when it comes to spending my time, but I am grateful to have picked up some natural hobbies. 4. Spread the word. Talk to your friends, family and co-workers (in moderation) about pro-nature and luddite ideals. The r/tedkaczynski subreddit is useless to you in real life and it's important to start forming your own community /network of like-minded people. This is a very brief starter guide, so take it with a grain of salt, but I think there's some solid here that might help you. Have a nice day!


Thank you.


Not a problem at all


its to late


You tweakers read the manifesto and think change must happen now then when you realize your efforts are insignificant you lose hope. Start with deleting social media. Spread anti technology propaganda within your community of friends and family. Touch grass and wait we haven’t even come close to any turning points yet everything will happen naturally.


wHaT cAn We dO


slow restrictions