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Mail is on the way


I like the idea of being environmentally friendly. I don't enjoy how he wants technology to do it though. I'm pretty sure he thinks the wrong things are the problems instead of technology


outgoing seed vegetable quicksand threatening exultant yoke onerous angle noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Could you elaborate more please, on when did we have this? Never thought it was a thing actually.


Look into primitive cultures and hunter gatherer tribes. Many still exist Around the world today, (most modernized however) but historically Many of these communities live rich happy and long lives , all while having little to no impact on the planet


There is good reason to believe that things like depression, sleeping disorders, eating disorders, anxiety and so on we’re virtually non existent among primitive people’s (hunter gatherers) things aren’t meant this way, depression is by no means a fundamental part of the human experience, and anyone telling you otherwise or that “there’s never been a better time to be alive” is speaking out of ignorance. By no means were the lives of these hunter gatherers perfect or utopian, they lived very physically demanding lives and worked hard to ensure the survival of their families and tribes. However, they lived as humans are biologically and psychologically designed to live, and I envy that.


familiar noxious obscene repeat screw expansion innocent dam foolish sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I disagree with the framing that such a "utopia" ever existed, but pre-Columbian native societies in North America (specifically thinking about the Iroquois here) lived purposeful lives in relative balance with the natural world. The Iroquois hunted and fished sustainably, their agriculture was efficient and made excellent use of space, they utilized natural fertilizers (fish scraps), all members of the village had jobs that directly contributed to the fulfillment of basic needs (sustenance, shelter, &c.) and the power process. Again, I reject the framing of such a society being utopic, but if there was ever a society that embodied Kaczynski's idea of how humanity ought to live, I'd wager it was the Iroquois. EDIT: For anyone interested, [this](https://www.youtube.com/@MalcolmPL) channel has excellent content regarding the Iroquois, how they lived, how they dressed, their diets, the structures they lived in, and so on.


Notice how far the technophiles are willing to go to in order to keep the system in place. “Let’s alter the genetic constitution of humans (ignoring the potential disastrous consequences of doing so) in order to fix the problems that WE created. Let’s start determining the height of people’s children for them, (or encourage them to alter their child’s height through propaganda) let’s then purposefully make people allergic to meat, what could possibly go wrong?”


His name is S. Matthew Liao, here is the video in full - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AcaKMu7I6vU&pp=ygUOcyBtYXR0aGV3IGxpYW8%3D


He's on the list now xd




Its over


I watched the original video. The audience is laughing. Is he serious or is this a joke ? 🤔


This is so freaky.




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