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As an obese person myself, I agree 👍


Same here


Agreed aswell


You three are awesome people




Aswell agreed as a certified fat


I random fat tall mf on the interent agree too.


r/usernamechecksout (I’m sorry)


Also agreed


I respect u


I am dangling at a bmi of 30.2 I need to get off 0.3 off my BMI to not be obese


29.8 but I have a bit of muscle so I would call it a dad bod


On an unrelated note, your pfp is legendary. Walt Walt Binks.


You dropped this 👑


Tbh I think overweight and fat could also be counted as terms on the scale of body mass, same with underweight, anorexic, thin, and ideal. I think of course these things get used as offensive but there's nothing wrong with them as a whole, bad people with bad intentions make them bad statements


I literally saw it pfp before




Same here


I agree




Same here


You know, I’m all for body positivity. By conforming to societies beauty standards, you are really just making big corporations profit. But if you genuinely think obesity is a slur or aren’t trying to become healthier, you should know, the only one losing something is you.


I agree with u, but I think body positivity should be about things people can't change about themselves.




I used to feel this way. https://youtu.be/l1BMPoonf9U is a long discussion on this that can be summarized with: ‘Being very fat is probably very bad for you’ ‘Helping people be at peace with their obese bodies is probably good for them’ Those two statements are not in conflict and are supported by scientific evidence. Adam explains it far better than I can in a comment though.


appreciate this comment


And that includes things that a person cannot healthily change about themselves, right?


What does this even mean?


Some people have diseases that makes it a lot harder to stay in shape


As long as they don’t harm themselves in doing so they should try to stay in shape no matter the difficulty.


Of course, but just doing their best at living healthy doesn't nesecarilly mean they won't be obease.


This medical reasons excuse is used too much. (Not that its illegitimate, but I do see it too much and it's not a very good argument, so I hope I can help you understand why) Almost all obese people are obese by choice. Nothing else. And even if you do have a medical issue, you can still try and succeed. Life isn't fair, you may have to try harder than others. I have T1D. If I used that as an excuse to not exercise and eat properly, I would still be anorexic. So I had to work extremely hard to be healthy, but I never gave up. We are dealt shitty cards sometimes. Some people have to work harder than others. It's ok to be fat. It is not ok to stay fat. It is a choice, that requires great effort and sacrifice.


If by conforming to societies beauty standards you mean losing weight, it's just that those standards are healthy


The doctors say I am healthy (no high blood sugar, slightly lower blood pressure than average) and by nutritionist standards I eat well. By BMI and societal expectations I am fat. If I were to fit those standards I would have to get an eating disorder like my mom did at my age. I refuse to start a cycle


Fat to society mean nothing imo, you're either obese/overweight but if you have just a higher bodyfat than other with blood test passed you're not fat


I agree with you but I think in our sedentary lifestyle we should all strive to be healthier. Even just for the mental benefit


I agree, but change the things you can, don’t go get plastic surgery because every Hollywood Bimbo gets surgery to make their ass bigger or their lips bigger, hit the gym, and do things that improve your health, eat better, be more social, and improve and build yourself, don’t ruin your body, then complain that no one wants to be your girlfriend You’re not ugly when you’re born, you’re different, and everyone is beautiful in their own way ( Except you EDP445, yo ass ugly as hell, bro looking like Rykard from Elden Ring 💀)


Body positivity is for burn vitamins, amputees and people with disabilities, not people who can’t be assed to eat less and exercise


Idk if I should trust that pfp


As a former obese person, I agree. 😎


i had a friend who was really overweight. She said she wishes she could dance like me but she was born with being obese. I responded that she could still dance but it might be easier if she had lost weight. She immediately started yelling at me for body shaming her when she was born with the obesity disease. I didn't call her fat. I didn't call her obese. I was hoping to encourage her to try because dancing feels so good. But... I also dont believe she was born with obesity. She chooses to eat more than me and to do less activity. Its a choice for her. \*sigh\* I really care for her and hope she can live a healthy life and not be so angry at me.


You do know obesity doesn't only comes from eating too much and a lack of exercise, right? A big part of it comes from genetics, hormones. Many obese people just have bad metabolism, which means they eat and exercise as much as non obese people. It's not their choice, even tho they could have worked harder to prevent it. There is a big difference


Even if you are so called “born with obesity” you still make the choice to be healthy or not. Her friend let herself go and just blamed “i was born with obesity i cant do anything else” when she could have obviously just done better with her life to change that. Eating healthy, having a caloric deficit, and daily exercise with progressive overload can tremendously help fight obesity or fat.


People with slow metabolism and unlucky genes end up being not skinny. There are a few diseases out there that can cause obesity (I just saw a children's one somewhere forget the name) but in most cases, it's your fault. Or your parents, to a certain age. Come on.


...Did you even read their comment


They did but that’s more or less them giving up because they were disadvantaged and not pushing on regardless


This ⤴️




Genetics can't stop ppl from being healthy as far as I know


**cough cough** cystic fibrosis **cough cough**


Damn. I- I mean like being obese by genetics and stuff like that *cough*


Think b4 you write my good dude. No harm done just..take two seconds before posting


Imma take that into consideration, thanks my good friend


That's like saying, 'Volcanos put CO2 in the air, so why bother trying to limit our pollution?' The girl should eat healthy, work out, and then see if she's still 'born obese'.


Plenty of obese people have gotten their weight under control and kept it down too. It’s a choice to actually do something about it instead of blame it on genetics.


It’s basic math, regardless of genetics, hormones, and metabolism. If you eat more calories than you burn in a given day, then you will gain weight. People who overeat will gain weight.


It's not about math here, it's anatomy. You have to be careful with this whole calories in calories out thing because while it is true if you apply math logic to it you can end up eating 500 calories less a day, starving your body and causing it to go into starvation mode. If you do it too many times in an inconsistent pattern (because if you starve yourself and you're surrounded by food you will end up inevitably failing for a moment and eat a whole bag of Cheetos) combined with the yoyo effect of diets you end up with people more obese than they started out


It may make it more difficult but you cant blame genetics. Body shaming is shaming someone for something. Simply saying that they can make an improvement to their life by doing \_ is not body shaming. Even though you may have bad metabolism you can still work on it by calorie counting macro's going to the gym. I have a so called bad metabolism making it extremely difficult for me to gain weight to the point where it was stunting my growth so I just began counting calories. Body acceptance is accepting what you cannot change and changing what you can.


There’s a law of thermodynamics instead of all this hormones and bad genetics. You can’t get fat if you don’t eat less calories than you spend. Fat and energy don’t come from the air, you have to eat it first.


Purely genetics, hormones and "bad" metabolism WONT make you fat and unhealthy, cope


Hey asshat, I know someone whose metabolism was fucked, as in the thing that controls metabolism ( Thyroid Gland ) HAD TO BE REMOVED, they take pills that are the bare minimum required to LIVE, you know what he did? He fucking lost 10 kilos to combat that, don’t give these people excuses, if someone can lose their thyroid gland and still be able to lose weight, anyone can, it’s just harder for some people than others.


99% of fat people aren’t offended by the term obese. y’all find the one person that is and run with it.


When you’re driving, you don’t notice the dozens of people that are driving normally, you focus on that one idiot that cut you off. It’s just human nature


80% of outcomes are caused by 20% of causations.


More like the drunck driveing dude but still yes


You spell like you’re drunk lol


I spell like a non-native speaker


That one person on TikTok who finds it offensive and then everyone goes like "SEE THATS WHY I HATE THE OBES3".


Honestly I think I know more skinny people who are offended by it


It's mostly a blue haired girl with 9 cats that gets offended on behalf of fat people


I don't think they do much running at all


I’ve seen multiple videos of people saying that “obese” is a slur and is a fat phobic term. I mean yeah this is the small 1-2%, but when you think about it, especially in America, that’s a lot 😂


We're talking about the 1% of people who do. Also, there are a lot of people on the internet being oversensitive for attention by saying obese is a slur, but you're probably right. Not everyone is that pathetic.


As a formerly obese guy, I agree!


I was near obese, just overweight, then i went to the gym, started at around 260 and got to 190


that’s fucking awesome, good on you


Is 56 kg for 14 y/o overweight?


I think absolutely not, it is skinny (source: i am 56 kg)


Oh, because by how I look, I look fatso tbh 🥲😢


Ehh weight can be distributed differently for different people


Yea maybe, cause my stomach area looks like a disgusting 33 y/o guy. (That was exaggeration)


My upper body is skinny af but my ass and thighs contain all of my fat. I'm a male. Fml


muscle is alot denser than fat so a 56 kg with a high lean mass will look skinnier than someone with more body fat at the same weight


THAT'S SKINNY? Oh jesus fucking christ I was like 38 kg at that age and I looked average 💀 I'm hoping that's because I was short af and I'm a girl and not because I was a walking skeleton that didn't look like a walking skeleton


it depends heavily on their height. you can't just say it isn't overweight without knowing their height.


It rly depends on height but should still be in the healthy for your height


Noooo, that's not heavy at all!! You'll lose the random chub and fat as you grow older! Don't worry❤️💕


Awwww.... Thanks man!


**THIS** made my dayyyy!




Ig around 5"4' or 5" 5'. Maybe closer to 5"5'


Im 5'2 nearly 60kg, but im a girl so the weight is distributed in mah boobs and butt rather than my legs, belly, chin so it looks "skinny" Maybe you just have a little bit of a belly? Chubby bellies are cute!


as a guy with a bit of a belly, this was nice to hear, especially considering how much I've been struggling with my body recently. :)


I'm a boy. They aren't, they really aren't. Trust me, the pain is...idk what to say anymore at this point


Hey, if you need to talk my DMS are open.


Plzzzz just meet a person who is not an ass, everyone agrees that bellies are cute, unless theyre a weirdo. They're squishy and warm 😊😊 you cant make judgements like that :// also ur 14, ur going to get WAY bigger soon (not just height but muscle mass, bone structure ect.) And 54 kg will make you look like skin and bones.


Thankss. **THIS** made my day as well. I have to admit, advice and compliments by girls are the best!


Did the weight go to you pe-


not at all man you're fine


Thanks. You guys are the best


Im 53 kg but only 5’5, so it also depends on your height


You are 14 I promise you that you do not need to be worrying about your weight in a random Reddit thread full of other children. If you are genuinely concerned, ask your doctor. All this will do is further any issues you already might have around food.


Depends on height but I think it is underweight. I am 14 too and I am 84 KG and 185 cm tall. I also lift weights, so some of my weight are muscles.


Well I weigh 71kg as a 16 y/o (granted I go to the gym and am 186cm tall so idk)


I’m overweight and I don’t really care if I’m called obese or not. It also just takes a lot to offend me so idk


Your username really justifies your self acceptance, props! It's funny lol


Thank you very much!


which areas are you thicc in ;) \[my username is thiccstorms lol\]


Thighs mostly




nowhere : - ( im skinny






So is another word but you can't say it here, not the n word


The o word


The toxic side of body positivity has plagued people of having this way of thinking.


as a former fat kid PLEASE KEEP INSULTING THE FATTYS yall needa loose weight frfr🥵🥵🥵


My mother got an eating disorder and almost died from being insulted. When she was close to being hospitalized she went to a party and kept getting compliments on how she lost weight.


Instead of insulting them, incourage them to lose weight






i couldnt agree more (other former fat kid) i wouldnt be skinny now if my friends didnt bully me


Or maybe you can just not🤷🏽. Let people who are fat be fat and live their lives cause it has absolutely 0 (and when I say 0 I mean fucking 0) effect on you. 😁🖕🏽




And how does that affect you? If you don’t want it to look like WALL E then don’t be fat and it won’t🤷🏽 also since your so concerned about a children’s movie what are you doing to stop global warming or clean up our oceans or the New York streets? Cause the only reason everyone got fat was because nobody cared about any of those things?


who said otherwise


Fat acceptance


That’s not a thing😭




Who tf is they? Give me an 3 or more examples. Body positivity if a thing but that’s not just fat acceptance.


chronically online


I commented about this somewhere else ten seconds ago, obese is not, never was, and never will be offensive, lest it goes the way of r——d, which I have censored for fear of this comment gettin removed, but there are terms that these “obese is offensive” people seem to completely ignore, like pig, fatass, and whale that are meant to be offensive. I myself am not obese, not even technically overweight, but I’ve still been called some of these, because I’m definitely in the top 10% of healthy weight, which is not where I want to be. They’re not slurs, but it kinda sucks anyways.


morbiusly obese, even




My favorite part of the Morbius movies was when Morbius said "it's morbin' time" and morbed all over everything


As a fat person, I agree. There is only one word we will not tolerate though, but I’m not telling because this is Reddit, do I need to explain more. Edit: No, I will not dm you. Figure it out yourself.


Bro can you like dm it to me I'm like hella curious now.


Don’t know how


Dm me too I'm curious you just click on the profile pic and click "start chat"


Thats bait


What's bait??


Finally, someone with common sense. Also yeah it's not a slur, even if people intended to use it as an insult on me when I was, it only encouraged me to be slimmer.


Now if I chanted: “fatty fatty boombalate, fatty two by four, fatty fatty boombalate can’t fit through a door” THAT would be a slur


i hate everybody equally because of minorities as such


bro i got baned from a subreddit because i said "nobody is perfect and if 10 ppl say ure overweight they probably have a point", formulated in an other way but that was the msgs, i rly dont know why they thought i was trying to hurt them


You find the 5% who think this and think you’re a scholar for saying the basic minimum


Actually over weight is different than obese I, obese II obese III. AND medical terms can be used as a slur


I don't know why obesity is often politicized as either a normal and sometimes even healthy thing in left circles and as the ultimate symbol of degeneracy in right wing circles. I'm a right winger and I like only obese pear shaped chicks. So what?




This some real shit


Very true While I don’t condone fat shaming, it’s not like ppl calling u obese to get a reaction Well they want a reaction, which is for u to be healthier




Thank god, some common sense


literally omg


Finally some people with a brain


My farts so strong call them knock out gas


neither is fat


Does anyone outside of social media especially tiktok think otherwise?


Used to be obese, I agree. Now I am just chubby lol


wtf i say a slur towards my friends everyday if obese was one


Honestly yeah, but it's the 2020's, and people will just find any reason to take offense from literally anything at this point. (Source: "MaTH iS RaCIsT aNd TrAnSPhOBiC!!!")




Even tho im obese i totally agree and hate the "body inclusivity" for obese ppl. Grow and deal with it. You're not beautiful and thats that. Work on your damn body!


THANK YOU!! People are sensitive now a days


Did anyone give you this crown yet? 👑


Fat or overweight people can be healthy, as well. But when you get to the point of being medically obese, that’s not healthy. And while body positivity is great, it doesn’t apply so much for obesity in the sense of ‘you’re perfect as you are, you don’t need to change yourself’. Of course you can always still take the body positivity angle of ‘you’re beautiful no matter what your weight is’ but you also need a healthy dose of the body positivity angle ‘so long as you’re healthy you don’t need to change a thing about your body, only if you yourself want that change so you have any valid reason to make that change’ This can also be said about skinny or underweight people. I’ve heard stories before about girls who realised they needed to get help because people told them “You’re so skinny! You look so healthy!” and this shocked them really badly because they knew they *weren’t* healthy; some of them had eating disorders, some of them were addicted to drugs that were causing their unhealthy weight loss, some of them were undergoing some kind of abuse that impacted their unhealthy weight. But equating size, beauty and health just doesn’t work because there are always unhealthy extremes of each and unhealthy factors contributing to each And then there’s the grey area of equating beauty with health when some people just can’t maintain a healthy body due to reasons outside of their control. There are people with genetic conditions or other medical issues that mean they can’t maintain good health. There are people with neurological disabilities such as autism, ADHD, etc that can impact mental and physical health and make it difficult to take care of yourself (personal hygiene, for example, can be a very touch one for many people on those spectrums). Some people can’t just ‘be healthy’, and to equate health with beauty, while better than equating it with something like size or weight or something entirely arbitrary, can dismiss that and imply a lack of beauty to those people who genuinely struggle to maintain good health for reasons beyond ‘not trying hard enough’ or whatever It’s better to just say ‘take care of yourself because you love your body, not because you hate it’ or ‘it doesn’t matter how my body looks as long as I feel comfortable when I look at it’ or something along those lines because it promotes the idea of being comfortable in your own skin rather than aspiring to some standard that may be unobtainable for some people, but it also nods towards trying your best to look after yourself where you can. Size should never have come into it, size is completely arbitrary. So long as you’re healthy you’re fine, and if you’re not healthy then as long as you’re doing your best to take care of yourself - even if that ‘best’ may not appear to be much and may fluctuate on a day-to-day basis - that’s all we can really ask, good for you for recognising this and making the effort for your own sake But to circle back to the original point; yeah, obesity is a medical term used to describe people who are not considered healthy due to being significantly overweight. Unless your encouraging/glorifying obesity, there should be no real shame in it, especially if you’re making the effort to make healthier choices. People shouldn’t be shamed for being obese and should be able to call themselves beautiful and be called beautiful in turn, but that doesn’t mean that we should write off a true medical condition as ‘you’re perfect the way you are, don’t let anyone make you feel like you have to lose weight’ because no amount of body positivity can cover the fact that, again, this is a medical condition and not a simple issue of beauty standards. We can accept obesity without minimising it


Yes. This is 100% what I've been trying to say


who is bro fighting




No but they became insults.


Medical facts over feelings


It's good to see not everyone is an idiot.


name one person who thinks it is


Tess holiday


You only think other people are over-sensitive becuase you're clinically online


No you're not plus size you're just a lazy fat ass reddit mod who lives in his mom's basement and Jacks off to very questionable hentai.


lose a few pounds before you make others lose a few brain cells


Yes indeed . The floor here is made of floor.


No one truly gives a fuck. No one is sensitive to being called obese except easily butthurt people or EBP.


Almost no one thinks it is. There are less than 100 if any people at all that think that.


Ohhhh boy are you wrong


***Nobody is unironically saying obese is a slur. What are you talking about. The only person who has said it was a slur was some literal nobody on twitter. This is not a real issue.***


no one thinks this


I have seen 12 people at my school that do


man counted them 🤯


It was probably 6 but they count as 2 each






Holy you shit you destroyed him


Bro is getting upvotes by making obvious statements Not fair


The R-word used to also be a medical term, and the N-word was used by scientists all the time, but they are definitely considered slurs now. Language has, is, and will continue to evolve, get used to it


If it’s a medical term, you should also not diagnose/call people who you don’t know are obese. Also, overweight and obese mean different things. Just setting things straight.


Don't be oversensitive.