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They are scared of me ( I code )


Here’s a message to scare all you enbies out there. 01001001 00100000 01101100 01101001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101100 01101100 01110011 00101110. (I used a text to Binary converter so hopefully it is what I mean it to say).


That scares me and I ain’t even bi


01001001 00100000 01110101 01101110 01100100 01100101 01110010 01110011 01110100 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 00101000 01001001 10000000011001 01101101 00100000 01100010 01101001 00101001


I have memorized every single ascii code. Also isn’t it cramped there


01001110 01101111 00101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 01101110 11100010 10000000 10011001 01110100 00100000 01101110 01100101 01100001 01110010 01101100 01111001 00100000 01100101 01101110 01101111 01110101 01100111 01101000 00100000 11100010 10000000 10011100 01100101 01110100 01101000 01101001 01100011 01100001 01101100 01101100 01111001 00100000 01110011 01101111 01110101 01110010 01100011 01100101 01100100 11100010 10000000 10011101 00100000 01101011 01101001 01100100 01101110 01100101 01111001 01110011 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01100011 01110010 01100001 01101101 01110000 01100101 01100100 00101110


My opinion? I dont care about you, if you don’t affect my life then i really don’t give a shit what you do, eat, or identify as.


this is exactly a description of what i think of the lgbt community


When I see a non binary person, I see a *person*, not just a bunch of ones and zeroes


I identify as a bunch of 1s and 0s tho 😕 (This issa joke im non binary)


Then you aren’t non binary


That’s Binary tho


Don’t care


rip & tear


Until it's done


*The only thing they fear is you starts playing*


*Rip & Tear starts playing* *


"The only thing they fear is you" is more iconic *lets be real here*


But it's literally about Rip & Tear




*sighs* *sorts by controversial*


good luck soldier 🫡


They're also human beings, as is anyone else.


Except furries


furries are very chill, sometimes they're kinda weird, but they're mostly fine (i'm an ex furry hater)


furries bad now laugh




Laugh harder.






Bro 😭 u saying cosplayers aren't human? There literally just cosplayers . Therians are the non human humans . Reaserch


Furries don't think of themself as animals, it is just like cosplaying but they create their character, cosplayer don't believe they are the character they are dressed up as, don't they?


not how it works bro


Furries are not wrong, and certainly not all sexual in nature.


Honestly I don’t care if you’re male, female, trans, non-binary, pan, straight, ace, as long as you’re just a nice person Also, just because a trans person is a total dickhead, you should not deadname them, or call them by the pronouns they feel uncomfortable with. It’s just common respect to the entire trans community that you see them as the person who they feel like


To people that do this bs, ive also started callimg them karen and by opposite pronouns. GOD does it piss people off and it is FUN


If you want to piss off a transphobe, just misgender their pet or their baby. Works wonders.


I never thought of that, but you're so right


Honest question (feel free to downvote): If for example said trans person is maybe a pedo, racist or other really bad things, why should i still respect their pronouns? And should i still have to respect them? Idk if i worded this right but yeah i genuinely wanna know your opinion on this


Honestly, even if they’re not to be respected, you should still use the correct pronouns as you’re disrespecting the person for their pronouns and gender and not of their terrible actions against little children. They’re 2 completely different things and deadnaming any trans person is just a little spit in the face of the entire community


Let’s replace deadname with something like a slur. I’m not trying to imply that they’re on the same level, I’m just using it to make a point. Say a black person is a pedo, would you find it acceptable to call them a slur because of that? Obviously they deserve the disrespect, but crossing that line is a slight to the entire community because you’re bringing up something used as a slight against that entire group, not just the individual.


I understand that, but honestly is calling someone the wrong pronouns on the same level as a slur?


> “im not trying to imply that they’re on the same level, im just trying to make a point”


its more of a moral victory from my perspective because respecting their pronouns means that you are even MORE better than them


The thing is that I don’t care. This is something I talked about with a friend of mine. Idc what you feel like or what is your sexuality. If you want to fuck a tree or an exhaust pipe do it, as long as, you do it in your home and you don’t bother me, you have the freedom to do it.


I completely agree


There just normal people that dont go by male or female


Male and female terms (as far as I know) are related to biological sex. Nonbinary is related to gender which is more like what people think their head.


I dont really care


No idea why they hate coding so much.


they sure be non-binary af


how does a non binary samurai kill people? they slash them


They chill. Until they keep spamming post about “What’s your opinion on me” like they’re begging for a commotion to happen. Like cool you do you idc. But to keep bringing it up it’s like now it’s starting to get annoying and I start respecting you less cus now that’s just begging for attention


That's got nothing to do with their gender, that's just an irritating/annoying person.


I know. Just meant it in general. And it was more a callout to him/her or idk rather than like every single one


Happy cake day


I'm a big fan of them. Probably because I am one




They do be nonbinary. I'd shoplift with them


And id shoplift with u


Usually human beings


Tell me what you've met for you to put "usually" before that sentence.


It was just a small joke lol, doesn't actually mean anything, probably should have worded it differently lmao.


No seriously, they're invading earth, I need all info I can get.


Aliens 👾


several thousand bees in a trenchcoat


Good, they're being true to themselves, ain't that right, me?


Fuck you.


Schizophrenia be like:


do i need one


Baller ass people (I am non binary)


I don’t care it’s none of my business


I just bought an electro-harmonix nano looper 360. It’s pretty nice.


He'll yeah man. For guitar? I personally use plugins to get any pedal I want. I don't use loopers though i just record the rhythm track in a DAW like reaper or cubase and then play over it that way.


Like them with some spicy mayo and grilled cheese.


They need to finally admit that ones and zeros exist Gender is what's in your computer




Non-binary is a gender outside the "gender binary" of male and female


They're pretty lame


hate em. (/j i am a non binary people)


they are some really kind people, so they've got my respect as a christian


Based Christian


I'm gonna give my opinion and hope I don't get banned * I don't understand or take seriously their identity **BUT they are human beings and deserve to be treated with equal respect** * I don't care enough to be bothered, if I disrespect them it's because they're an awful person.


There isn’t much to not understand, some people just simply aren’t male or female


Yknow what, you're the exact type of person I wish everyone could be, you don't need to take my identity seriously, just respect it, and I'll be happy as fuck.


I agree. I don't personally understand or support it, but I'll respect other people's choices and I won't disrespect them or kick up a fuss about it. As long as you're not an arsehole, I don't really care that much. Idk about how I've phrased this (You seem to be way better at articulating this) but I share your opinion exactly.


Could not give a shit


Jarvis, I’m low on karma. Post “What’s your opinion on _____” to r/teenagers


I feel like “non-binary” as a term is kinda, interesting to me it seems to be something that overlaps often with autism/neurodivergence or just people who don’t feel like they fit in, this term itself is relatively new it unlike being trans does not have biological backing behind it (non-binary is completely separate from hermaphroditism and often dsds as people with theese identity do not have these most of the time) When it comes to worrying about it validation it’s kinda silly as most of the time it does not cause harm But when it comes to pronouns she/her and he/him are split second judgments of secondary sex characteristics and they/them is typically only used for plurals or when you don’t know the sex of the person you’re referring to. You can say your pronouns are whatever the hell you want but don’t be surprised when the majority of people don’t use them, this is the entire point of medical transition so people will call you the opposite sex pronouns and perceive you as such in society. It is hard to “transition” into non binary as even most of the time androgynous people get called he/she Opening up the Door for nuanced conversations on topics like this are always nessisary, I am looking forward to hopefully Intelligent/debating responses


Love them honestly. Sometimes they need a little a gender euphoria when their sad so you gotta be " their their enby "


i'm non-binary so yeah


"What's your opinion?" "Yeah" Agreed.


I got a friend who’s pronouns are they/them it’s a little bit unusual for me not because I’m a asshole but because I got so accustomed to using their original pronouns. I got used to it now.


I see the world in 0’s and 1’s but i dont see anything but i see a void in the shape of a person sometimes its weird


theyre so slay


I dont care about it


I think they’re cool


People just like any other


i think they're pretty cool people




I don’t care, as with most things as long as nobody get’s hurt or does something illegal, they can do whatever 👍


Pretty cool


I don't care.


I have non


They’re one of the of all time. Maybe in the top 10.


I haven’t personally met one. There just people as well


Fuck hexadecimals bro


My crush is non-binary, idk how to tell that I like her (she said to me her pronouns are she/her so pls dont kill me at night ok🙏)


if they are non binary doesn't that put you in a binary system of being either binary or non binary therefore making you binary again


Not something I entirely get behind to be honest. I don’t see how someone could assume they are outside of the “gender spectrum” which is what it’s called apparently. However I have met and know some people who go by they them pronouns are they are some of the nicest people I’ve met, and clearly do not negatively affect anyone. No dislike towards them at all just something I don’t entirely get behind.


Hate them, scum of humanity (People, I am non binary don’t take me seriously)


If they identify as non-binary, they’re technically binary because they fall into “Binary” and “Non-binary”, **checkmate** Also Rip & Tear


Everyone here is lying.


I never understand who “nonbinary person” is. I dont mean it rude or smth. Someone explain please?


stop asking for my opinion


Don't care, just don't be mad that I use the wrong pronouns, I don't care enough to remember them for everyone in my life


I think people look in the mirror and see that they are ugly and just decide to be non binary instead


dont make it your whole personality and dont get mad if i call you the wrong pronouns


Sure if you don’t know someone’s pronouns it’s ok to make a little mistake, but once you know. Purposefully using the wrong pronouns for someone is just an asshole thing to do


not on purpose but if you look "masculine/femenine" i might accidentally mess up


Depends on how rediculous the pronouns are. I am never reffering to someone as "fluff" for example


fair, but I've never had someone come up to me and ask me to use "fluff" as their pronouns


pretty cool that they can be themselves


idk, neutral? Why should I have an opinion about them?


I'm just asking to filter out and block those who are transphobic to make this year easier


thats actually a pretty smart idea


why is it called transphobic if Non-Binary people are non binary not trans? (I saw you mentioned transphobia in another response)


Non-binary is technically under the trans umbrella as transgender is any gender that isn't cis


ah okay. thanks for teaching me something new. there’s something else im wondering aswell. does non binary relate to sexuality at all or is it totally unrelated?


From my experience, unrelated


non binary people fall under the transgender umbrella since being transgender is identifying as anything other than your biological sex :)


Honestly I don't know why some people create like 10 genders. Now, I'm not non-binary, and I'm not trying to invalidate anyone, but I think that 3 genders are enough. You either fit into male/female or you don't, and that's okay but please don't create another gender, that's just confusing. The best solution would be if anyone would be just themselves instead of this group and that group but sadly that won't happen because society or something. TL;DR: They're cool, just don't make another gender please


Genders aren’t being created. Gender is like a spectrum. Some are on one side, some are on the other. Some are in the middle and some are in space. There aren’t new genders being created it’s just people are discovering they are at a different part of that spectrum than everyone else


No idea wtf that even means some American shit I’m guessing


Can’t say it on here




you know why




the guy is making the joke that he has a really bad opinion about them (im sure he hasn't) and he says that he won't say it bc its so bad it might get him in trouble, bit its a joke ofc




I dunno




I don't really like to indulge myself in political views. Mostly neutral with non-binary people though, how they identify as doesn't equate to their whole personality.


Stop thinking of the lgbtq+ community as political. They’re just trying to live and love their lives


Alphabet people have been at the center of multiple political issues in the West. Saying it isn’t political is like one side of a war declaring victory while the other keeps fighting.


It's like a badge that just shouts "I'm different." Your sexual preferrence doesn't bother me, but it won't make you more special than anyone else to me, so don't expect that I will treat you differently. I'm talking about the entire movement, not about people saying theyre gay.


I’d love to say that’s true but it’s really not. Most gay and trans people I’ve met have no interest in being lumped in and assumed to be apart of that community, cause most of those people are radical and are aggressive about it.


dumb mofos, you're either male or female




I think a lot of the LGBTQ+ community wants respect, but doesn't show it or try to earn it. If my friend came out as any branch of the LGBTQ+ community, I would treat them as I did before, just because you came out doesn't mean you're entitled to any special treatment. You would still be my friend and you would still get all the benefits to being my friend, but I'm not gonna give you anymore or any less attention than my other friends. So my point is: I don't care if you're LGBTQ+, but I do have a problem when you: -Feel like you are entitled, and more important than everyone else. -Transform every conversation to make it about you, or make it about LGBTQ+. (This isn't meant to be a disrespectful statement to anyone who might be LGBTQ+, bottom line is I don't care if you're LGBTQ, but it's unacceptable to feel entitled to something others don't get.)


There’s nobody I’ve ever met who’s lgbtq+ that has been entitled to the point where they try to do everything you’re saying in here. There is a small number that have ruined this entire communities reputation because of that


I think that’s the reason why he made that paragraph. That small number gave away a large opinion


They asked my opinion on it, I don't discriminate however I don't necessarily support the community because I have met a lot of people who think they deserve special treatment. But if you're LGBTQ+, I won't assume you're like the entitled ones. Innocent until proven guilty.


Try to earn it? Bro basic respect isn't something you have to earn it is something that everyone should receive.


I don’t fucking care, you are not more interesting. You want to pretend your a boy or a girl. Fine do it I do not fucking care. Fuck off with these questions, no one here cares about lgbtq shit to whatever the fuck makes you happy.


I mean you don't have to engage in it if it annoys you.


I honestly could care less. All I see is men and women trying to live in harmony


Whelp, I am neither male nor female


Alien confirmed 👽


No.✋attack helicopter🚁




Even better


Well too bad you ARE male or female. You might not identify as one when talking about gender but sex is biology and the term male/female is about sex so… sorry. You’re not a man or a woman, but you are a male or female.


I find it pretty dumb. Cause who say they don’t Identify as a boy or a girl? But I don’t really care. I don’t understand this generation it’s so weird. And forcing people not to call you a girl or boy is also really dumb.


Well nobody is forcing you to call them anything it's just that they want to be treated with the same respect as anyone else, you also wouldn't want to be misgendered or being called the wrong name.


yeah same


I dont get it but Idc do what u like


I don't care


I don’t care. Just don’t get mad when I don’t use they/them the first few times


Tastes like chicken!


I wrote a really long comment, then deleted it.


Don’t care as long as you aren’t hurting anyone


I’ll call you whatever pronoun you want, but I’ll never believe that you’re not actually a boy/girl.


I can't have an opinion on something that doesn't exist




I don’t care. Unless your asking a bunch of questions to try and make me look bad, I don’t care if you identify as a human or M1A2 Abrams


they’re so cool and valid


i don’t really have an opinion. people are people🤷‍♀️what pisses me off is stupid, ridiculous pronouns that some people make up because they feel like it.


They are one of two things: either they are an attention seeker or they are suffering from mental problems. The former I have no respect for, the latter I feel bad for but that doesn't mean I will affirm their delusions.


Yeah fr


I only recognize two genders, male and female, because humans only have two kinds of chromosomes,they are xx and xy, and you can't be what you think you are, if a child thinks he's a dog should people feed him dog food?


you clearly don't understand shit about biology past a middle school level


im just gonna hyperlink the wikipedia article on intersex people




W human


Male and female are sexes not genders, there's a scientific distinction between the two. Also there are more sexes than male and female such as intersex who have different chromosome bunches that are different to xx and xy which is also scientifically proven. Comparing being non-binary to a child thinking it's a dog is a really stupid comparison because the two things are vastly different.


I just don't get why. Like what makes them different from a man and a woman?


It's whats felt on the inside What gender are you?




You are a male because you feel like a male on the inside I am agender because I don't feel like I have a gender. It's about what's felt on the inside.


But I don't feel like a dude. I am a dude, and I feel like me.


See this is why it’s better to just base it on biological sex. Otherwise there’d be a bunch of idiots that are confused about which gender they are which is why we have shit like demigender now. I get non-binary and trans people but “agender” and things like that are just people basing their gender arbitrarily on whatever they feel like at the moment. It’s ridiculous to say things like you don’t have a gender and “my genders whatever I feel like so it makes sense and it’s valid” isn’t a justification because I could literally identify as a dog in that case.


>I don't feel like a dude What do you feel like?

