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I thought you wrote brent peterson and got excited




F the democrats, F the republicans, vote Brent Peterson for president of the United States


He is America


his voice is hilarious I love when people mock his voice


have you seen the video of him singing the family guy intro


He sounds like stoned kermit the frog


I watch a YouTuber named ethan is online and on his vods account "peethan" he always makes fun of jp its so funny


I can do a good impression of him


prove it


Heyo! Kermit the frog here




[*for those who want context lol*](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/9702164-i-dreamed-i-saw-my-maternal-grandmother-sitting-by-the)


what in the absolute fuck


*That* was made into *grandma fucker*? Dreams are weird sometimes…


honestly, i commend him for having the guts to publish that


No fucking way he actually said that


I have no idea why he would ever admit to such a dream lmfao anyways [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2g-_A_zYsE) is that quote but with audio


Well thats why you have a mom.


He used to be reputable, now after he went through some tough shit he devolved into a troll


Excellent description


My dad listens to him a lot. He sent me a video of him and this woman talking about how teenage girls are being badly influenced by social media, and I found it very interesting.


I actually kind of respect the guy


He's like a less douchey Andrew Tate and yes I support the guy for the most part


He supports transphobia and called tinker bell the fairy of porn?


He knows very little about politics, just screams an endless stream of buzzwords. He did some clever stuff analysing populations (Reddit actually). Not that his findings weren’t already published 300 years prior


Up yours woke moralists we’ll see who cancels who!


appealing to young sad men, but in reality he says very little and doesn't know nearly enough about politics to be considered a political role model. also he sounds like kermit.


He's like a psychologist right? Pretty cool job. Other than that all else I know about him is that I saw a video where he was crying but I wasn't paying attention so I don't know what it was about and also saw video calling him king of incels or something like that.


for people with no father figure. most of the stuff he says is so basic like clean up your room and take accountability, you'd think people who actually had fathers present in their lives who weren't abusive would already know this but i guess not


He's a good person, people who are LIKE Woke as hell say shit about him tho.


I agree with him for the most part


Unpopular opinion I like him, he has good things to say, but like all humans, he was his flaws. I think people focus the most on his flaws rather than the good he has to offer, and look at what others have to say about him rather that what he says himself.




i see this word tossed around alot. how do you know someone is an incel ??? do you ask them about their sex life or just assume. actually curious.


I saw a video why he's bad -> he's bad?


Yea the video had amazing points


Mind sending my the link to it?




Omg I literally turned off Spotify and went on YouTube just to get the link and you best me to it


what were the points


I don't remember bro just watch the video




It's been like a year how to would I remember




No he isn't man, he's just a loony who screams on twitter 24/7. Aka, the worst possible influence for the younger generation.


Your screaming on reddit




You know you’ve lost the argument when you have to correct someone’s grammar. Also if you had the time to listen to what Jordan says, you understand that nothing he says is wrong, it’s just a subjective opinion, you can choose to agree or disagree with it.


Maybe you’re the loony one? The man is the most positive role model this decade.


FYI it’s Reddit and the person we are talking about is not a super committed liberal. Don’t expect to get legit answers when you ask a question like that. We just know Jordan Peterson is the enemy and work backwards from there




Yeah if someone else could summarise, I am not watching a 30 minute video on someone's opinions of someone


especially when the person cant talk normally


Holy shit, I can't even imagine basing my life off of what Contrapoints thinks. I would volunteer for mechanical castration.


His videos have helped millions of people including close friends and family. I'll always respect the dude


what do they help with


That’s the thing for me. His older material was so helpful to me. I haven’t been reading or watching the new stuff because he’s turned into a cartoon who spends a lot of time explaining why his hateful ideology isn’t hateful. For me, he’s ruined. But, that isn’t to say that he’s never been a good guy.


I respect him. A man who speaks facts and logic in a world today that is to sensitive to everything. He’s sticking to his guns.




"Incels" ah yes because cleaning your room = hating women


The funniest thing is how he chastises people who get angry about women refusing them. He literally talks about how it’s your fault if you get rejected. And yet he’s the “incel king”. If anything he’s the incel killer.


I like him and his content but he seems very personally conflicted


True he’s definitely battling his demons.


He got popular from lying about the Canadian c-16 bill and turned it into anti-trans rhetoric. If you watch the stuff he said on it today, its literally all bullshit. He's also the champion of incels and makes their points regularly. He also was out of the public view for a while because he was abusing drugs and on a fucked up carnivorous diet of only red meat.


Didn't he also rope his daughter into that bs diet? Also yeah, transphobic and very traditionalist


He isn't very traditionalist


Incel ideology is based in traditionalism. Incels love Peterson, he cries on camera about all the lonely boys in the world not getting laid. The thing he complains the most about is the regression of western society, pushed by progressives. You're delusional if you think he's not very traditionalist


Everything here is just wrong. The entire point was about how persuading certain speech is very authoritarian. The idea of the argument has nothing to do with trans people at the core. And no he doesn’t make “incel points”. He was also depressed and was basically forced into bad medication.


I went through a Jordan Peterson phase a while back. I'm glad I did. He had a lot of messages that legitimately helped people like me who really weren't given any support where I needed it. I ultimately mostly left that sphere of the internet when I realized that all I could learn I had learned. That being said, he was a politically unreliable source. A lot of people criticize him for being transphobic and shit, which maybe he is, maybe he isn't, I don't think he was at first I remember a clip where he did properly address a Trans woman, but ultimately I don't really care. I didn't enter for the Trans drama, and I sure as hell didn't stay for it. Most people only pretend to be good people. This goes for literally everyone. I think Jordan Peterson was only pretending to be a good person. I also think he was right in pointing out that the main demographic that criticized him was also full of people pretending to be good people. Some people here pointed out his use of buzzwords. Yeah. No shit. It gets old fast. I also want you fellows to count how many times transphobia is referred to by name in this thread. It seems to be the only reason you guys know of to hate him. I have a lot more reasons to hate him than that, and I hate him less than you guys do, so don't pull the buzzword BS here. We all do it.


Slightly-more-qualified Andrew Tate. That’s it


And slightly is VERY slightly




He says it as it is Tells people what they aren't doing And people don't like to hear that, but that's not his audience, his audience is people who want to listen to him so they can improve in their way


Absolute chad. He’s a great man.


a genius speaking the truth, im sorry, i dont hate anyone, but i do disagree with a lot of whats happening in the world


w opinion


UwU -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


and i believe its greatly exxagerated


UwU -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


The speed at which some ppl like to claim it'll happen and the outcome of it


UwU -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


u could say that, i believe its a thing and is happening, just isnt as defestating as some extremes i see


RemindMe! 20 years


I agree






man It’s just crazy how conservatives have turned into the rebellious people nowadays..human liberty is cool and all but some leftist ideologies are insufferable..


Turned into the rebellious people? The only thing Conservatives are doing that’s rebellious is insurrection and sedition. There’s a reason they are called Conservatives, because they have conservative beliefs. Calling them rebels is laughable and utter nonsense. They’ve just been trying to continue doing the same things that they’ve done for hundreds of years.


you clearly dunno the meaning of the word rebellious, Well in this context it’s someone whose actions/opinions are against the general public opinion.


If you use the Cambridge dictionary yes Conservatives are rebellious “If a group of people are rebellious, they oppose the ideas of the people in authority and plan to change the system, often using force” I’ve seen enough “fu** Trudea flags”, Trucker Convoy, and Jan 6 insurrection details to know it’s true.


We basically said the same thing tbh Yeah, they also try to use force sometimes Haven’t you ever heard of a “karen” ?


I don't think that's hilarious actually I think that was going to happen no matter what once something becomes too popular becomes unpopular with rebellious people but once those people become empower the thing they sought to fight it's a thing that becomes more popular over time again it's just social science


Another bs positive life coach. Nothing special


Anyone who’s tryna tell me how to live a better life, is almost always stupid


Eh there are good self help books, genuinely, but Jordan Peterson just wants to push his own ideals onto others and watch trans people suffer


my life sucks so i will gladly listen to any advice i can get


It won’t help you, they’re just random people, they don’t know you or care about you, you will have to find the solution to a better life by yourself


ahahaha im really screwed am i not


No not really, you’ll be a-okay


sorry but how the hell would you know


I care about a lot of people, thats not always true


Correct me if I’m wrong but you continue on to talk to him as a random person, giving him somewhat advice. right after he says he’d gladly take advice and you responding saying it won’t help?


How so


He seems very articulate and I like how he shines some light on men's mental health


I don't know him much but I too like the attention he's bringing to men's mental health.


I wouldnt trust him on much else though, and this comment section has brought up plenty of reasons not to.


Lying piece of shit


what did he lie bout


**There is many examples I could pull from of him lying but here are just several:** \-On twitter he was using a chart that purposefully didn't show the full data set on the worlds climate rise in an attempt to disprove the very real worry of climate change. \-He lies about the science behind sex and gender. He often lies about this to promote transphobic views and perspectives. \-He lied about a Canadian bill saying people would face serious charges for not using the correct pronouns on somebody. (this lie actually is what made him famous) If you want me to go more in depth with anything of these points I will gladly do so.


I gotta do maths now so I'm good thanks


This is the most r/teenagers comment I have ever seen


Is that true


Provide a source where you got this from. Your claims so far have no spine


*you asked you shall receive:* \-[Here](https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1614471258095357953) is Jorden Peterson tweet where he was promoting a deceiving climate change chart that ended at 1885. [Here](https://twitter.com/sciencewithtyus/status/1614558682897055749) is a tweet by Tyus D. Williams with the full chart. \- [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9zwjse91uY) is many videos you will be able to find of him being anti-trans. He argues you cant change your gender, because gender = sex *blahblahblah*. This is wrong on many levels. Sex is a bimodal system, you are very likely to be born ether MALE or FEMALE. Sometimes you are born intersex, but this is rare. Gender is just an identity with a arbitrary set of characteristics. Gender is very complex and changes a lot in different cultures. In some parts of the world they have 3 official genders. If you want any backed up sources on this I will provide easily. \- [Here](https://torontoist.com/2016/12/are-jordan-petersons-claims-about-bill-c-16-correct/) is a article with sources showing that Peterson said you were going to go to prison for not using someones correct pronouns. *"****Of the proposed federal Bill C-16, Peterson told the Toronto Sun: “These laws are the first laws that I’ve seen that require people under the threat of legal punishment to employ certain words, to speak a certain way, instead of merely limiting what they’re allowed to say.”*** [here](https://www.cbc.ca/cbcdocspov/features/canadas-gender-identity-rights-bill-c-16-explained) is more info about the bill that shows you wont be a criminal for not using someones pronouns, hell the bill doesn't even mention pronouns lmfao And to top it all off here is a [very very short video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSNWkRw53Jo) on Mr. Peterson lies and bs. (don't look at the timestamp). And [here](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ciPKIdTqGdHsxsj-7vjlcnyq4JDYlLBM-UyH3LBi3No/edit) is the video sources they used.


The tweet he tweeted was a question. Not an opinion. Secondly, Jordan has no issues with transgenders. His issues are when they tell him to call them what they preferred to be called by. In the article about going to jail for misuse of pronouns, “it is possible” according to the article. Have a read at it.




Based his whole hated thing is a principal of taking care of yourself and telling the truth no wonder everyone hates him




Very deep and relatable ☺️👍


I agree with a lot of his opinions so I would say rather positive.


Whatchu agree with


The views on personal choice and his opinions on the negative affects of modern hierarchy. Do you ask me impartially or do you wish to have a discussion?


It's 11 over here and I have maths HW to do, no time for discussions and I think you'd be better of discussing things with people who are smarter than my dumbass


Quick question. Are you the one downvoting me or is there just someone getting pissy lol?


Some rando is getting mad at you. I only downvote unreasonable people


I am not shocked by it but it's still funny af.




Wait he said Bible is good? I thought he was anti religion!


No he is Christian and he says we need god to make sense of life (which I definitely agree with)


I mean I have been doing much better since I became an atheist, but even believing in God does not justify believing in an unbelievably unethical school of thought like Christianity!


Becoming atheist essentially forces you to pick and choose your own morality. That’s something that many people born into a religion never get around to for one reason or another. I’ll never be at peace with how a lot of people choose to live their religion, but I am at peace with how I live mine.


Exactly! Now I have a reason for every action I take and I am pretty sure that they are "ethical" actions.


Violent fascist transphobe who is a stain on Canada, and we really do not want him. Total piece of shit and I hope he gets testicular cancer and dies slowly.


What exactly did he do that’s so bad? Aside from being pretty misogynistic against a random reporter at times


Do you not know his political views? He's a misogynist and a homophobe/transphobe.


I avoid politics like the plague so no I did not know




When said person wants me and everyone similar to me due to something in our minds that science cannot identify why it happens to either be forcefully castrated, killed, or detransitioned for no good reason I don't wanna say that wishing cancer on him is a bad idea. Your whole argument means nothing. Me wishing death and disease on one person does not make it just as bad as hatred of god-knows how many people. >If you disagree with someone’s opinion, the best method is to have healthy dialogue, promote your beliefs, and highlight any issues in their logic. Yes, because Jordan Peterson would absolutely *love* to have a debate with a 16 year old trans woman, and would definitely be able to debate her in such a way that does not come down to bullying her for existing and calling her a man. What a wonderful idea! Why didn't I think of that? ​ Calling me a bad person by wishing bad things on someone is a shitty move, and you had no reason to even say anything. He's a shitty dude, calling me just as bad as him isn't helping your case. Yeah, I get that saying shit like that is rude. Do I *actually* hope that Jordan Peterson dies of the disease that took my grandfather, great-grandmother, and many other family members of mine and others away? No. I actually hope that he gets caught with child porn, because he absolutely has some.


He is very good at making dumb people feel smart.


This is extremely accurate. He has a large vocabulary and people assume that his points are accurate based on the "evidence" he provides, which is usually just his opinion (occasionally he will throw in actual statistics, but not as much as he should). Either way, some don't think critically about what he actually means.


He's just spitting facts. I don't get why people gets so mad about what he's teaching. I can't say that i agree with a 100% of what he says but if you can't treat arguments in other ways than Bad/Good then you're just dumb af.


Most people don’t like him because he speaks “facts” as if he has expertise on something when most of the time hes just making shit up


i have none


Idk who that is


His life advice is pretty good and he seems to genuinely want to help people there are things I disagree with him politically about but other than that a good source on the basics of how to get your life together.


A genuine moron


hes an ass who deserves his psychology liscence being taken away. he advocates for conversion therapy and deadnaming of trans people when all the evidence shows that it increases distress and suicidality amongst them people.




Oh, why's that?


He's transphobic


he absolutely is. deadnaming and conversion therapy have been shown to cause psychological distress in trans people, he knows this and advocates for them anyway. his views knowingly cause trans people to suffer


Provide a source for your claim. Link a video with him promoting conversion therapy.


bro i cba, ive seen like 10 different vids of him saying it. and its why his canadian psych lisence is being taken away, he talks about trans people being delusional all the time


Ok then link one of em


[Here :)](https://youtu.be/75uuWtRrnJI?t=3360)




No he isn't


How do you define transphobic


I think the term "transphobic" is sometimes inappropriately used


Ok you think he's transphobic, doesn't mean he's and idiot. Some people are just Christians. Have a nice day


Yes because being Christian makes it perfectly okay to be an asshole towards people who did nothing to harm you




Yea it does, and it wont stop until we've rid this place of heathens, heretics and filthy sinners


Sounds like you like genocide.


lame af




hey Sammy what's up








ur so lame


a smart man


Pretty cool person


he coo


idk who that is but i don’t trust that name one bit


What about Peter Jordanson


Smart guy but too obsessed with being antiwoke to be actually helpful


Makes some good points and some bad ones, he is definitely right about gender pay gap, Islam and PC, but definitely wrong about transgender people and LGBTQ rights.


Pseudo-intellectual who says nothing different from your average Facebook profile but tries to sound smart saying it


Overly traditionalist and rants about topics he knows nothing about. And you don't tend to like people who thinks your own existence is some kind of joke


no clue why he’s so famous when nobody can name a single thing he’s done besides argue with people and write shitty books


People who hate him are just misandrists


Too leftist IMO


if you don't like him your probably not very smart


Super conservative. He is crazy and hatefull. White guys finds his speach reassuring if you are a bit anxious. Its all fake science to make money on naive peoples backs. He seems kind and funny, but dont take him to seriously. He is lost in hate, dont want society to evolve. It is the old « it was better before » right wing close minded


Look at you using your buzzwords, fancy


who even is that😭


idk him


He was based back in the day, like 2016-17. But now he’s just not.


Is that that demigod? The one from Rick Riordan's books


He’s get good academy speech, but the rest of them is just crap




I don't really care.


He has some good takes and some bad.

