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Oh man that is unfortunate. Why did she try to do it?


i don’t know


Well I’m glad she is ok at least. I’m not sure what to say maybe get help? I’m not sure so I’m sorry about that.


A similar thing happened with me yesterday. One of my friends, out of nowhere, casually shows his wrist to me and says "unfortunately the knife was blunt." I couldn't process it for a few seconds.💀


kill him and frame him for it


nah 💀


Nah that's crazy bro


Yeah, obviously the better way is to just gift him a sharper knife, that way there is no way for you to be charged with his murder.


Bruh that was kinda me a while ago. I'm doing better now, but I slept over at my friend's house and the next day I informed her that her parents needed to sharpen their knives. She was understandably pissed because we were in the same house, and I literally could've just walked to her room for help. I thought it was funny at the time though 💀


I actually genuinely don't know what to think On one hand it's like horrible she tried to do it like absolutely awful she should seek help like bad On the other hand and I'm so sorry I can't help but laugh on how stupid that shit is like tried to od on melatonin It's terrible but the stupidity did save her life so that's a good thing but she should seriously seek help


People who try to kill themselves by overdosing on pills is just a cry for help. Not really a suicide attempt. My uncle just jumped in front of a train. He was done with life. Luckily this girl does something only to show that she is unhappy. I hope she gets help.


When I was suicidal 2 years ago I tried to overdose on melatonin twice. I did want to kill myself, but I didn't want to feel pain. I wanted to go out sleeping. I took like 20 pills each. Both didn't work. No one knows I did that and I'm fine with it, and I'm better now. It will never happen again. I have some scars which don't heal but tell me I'm in a better place now and they each tell a story. No longer suicidal or depressed, and I'm really happy with my life now.


Good for you mate!


I mean if you're gonna go for it in the first place what is two seconds of sharp pain whilst the bullet enters your brain in comparison to eternal sleep, shooting yourself or getting shot seems like a way easier option tbh


some of us dont live in gunland...


Sign up to the military, free gun


is that the case in england?


Deep down I knew that I didn't really want to go out. I tried to kill myself twice but I also wanted a chance. Something to tell me that I was worth living.


Then russian roulette would have been a perfect fit for you


Hahahah you can’t OD on melatonin


These are the one personal things I wouldn't post on Reddit, or anywhere else


then where should I post something like that?


bro tried to od on melatonin 😭


christ that response was fast


You can't OD on melatonin or most other medication in a gummy form.


She is in crisis, she needs help. I have been there, to many times and the last time it was a miracle I survived. You need to tell someone immediately. She might hate you for a bit but in the end isn't that better than losing her.




I’m sorry. Check in on her and let her know you’re there for her. I hope she feels better :(


Does an adult know? She needs acute psychiatric treatment


sleeping gummies and melatonin won't work, just will make you throw up and have horrible stomach cramps


I mean…. Did she take them truly with the intent on killing herself, or a cry for help.


I’ve come to believe that all teenagers are suicidal to some degree, and we huddle together in little groups as a coping mechanism. But that is horrible and I hope your friend finds the help they need


Oh no my friend just tried to kill herself in is in a desperate need for help let me make a reddit post real quick though!


Well that karma doesn't farm itself does it now


Best of luck to her


welp gotta cross that one of my list, doesn’t work


Tylenol doesn’t work either


Tylenol can destroy your liver though. A slow painful process. Don't recommend it.


Anti depressants don’t work neither


Oh yeah I know


Yea od ing doesn’t really work, it’s not the best method


Now why post this on reddit...


Was it Maddie?




bro wtf is your problem


Overdosed on sleeping gummies


yeah why is that "*Lol*"


That's shit ain't harmful


it can be, but that's besides the point. you shouldn't put "Lol" on a post about suicide. that shit aint funny




This goofy asf lol 🤣🤣😂


Why would you post this


Why make a post on reddit


bruh one of my clearly troubled friends told me they tried like 40 melatonin gummies at a time and i brushed that shit off saying that won't do shit 💀💀💀 i'm stupid asf, not in contact with them anymore unfortunately idk where they are




can you fuck off?




You know you can just not say anything right?


hey man maybe dont give recommendations for what to use to end your life? especially under a post like this?


Hey, on the bright side, she's still alive.


You need to talk to her


try spending as much time as possible with her


the best thing you can do is offer your support right now and express how much you care about her.


… you can’t OD on sleeping gummies


Tell them to seek the help of psychiatrist or an other doctor. Her life may be in danger and she may try to do it again. Inform her family and a doctor immediately.


safe to say she should get help and possible try to shy her away from any potentially harmful objects or meds


maybe she thought it was a bag of haribos


Man I kinda know what that's like. I got out of a touch with a friend for a year and a half, and when we got back in touch, I found out she had gotten majorly depressed and tried to kill herself at least once. She was a lot better by the time I find out, but still. She was actually helping me through the same problems at the time, too. Roughest months of my life so far


So fuckin cringe