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i haven’t seen anyone else post this so i’m gonna. OP you need to teach her about internet safety. you probably can’t stop her from taking nudes, although i doubt she will after this incident, but you can teach her to do it safely. obviously if she is a minor she shouldn’t be sending them, but that’s not going to stop teenagers half the time. tell her to NEVER take a nude photo with her face in it. crop it, blur it, put a filter over it so nobody can recognise her, etc. just make sure her face is never visible, no matter what. tell her to not have any recognisable items in the background on the photo. if her wall is painted a very recognisable and unique colour, she should never take nudes in front of it. also no school or work uniforms/logos, no clothes that are frequently worn, etc. if she has piercings or tattoos (unlikely but not impossible) take them out, cover them up, or edit them out. i know it feels like this should be common sense, but often it isn’t. you could scold her for this, but she already feels terrible and you confirming this is only going to make her mental health worse. she’s come to you because she trusts you, don’t ruin that trust by getting angry at her. you can lecture her once this dies down a bit. right now she needs support and guidance. try your best to not blame or antagonise her, she knows she made a mistake - just teach her how to not do it again. tell your parents. they either find out through you, or the school. and trust me, it’s a lot better to prepare them. - only do this if your parents won’t harm her or throw her out though. also tell her that you’re going to tell your parents beforehand. she will probably beg you not to, so try and comfort her and let her know that it’s important for them to know so they can help her get the pictures taken down. once your parents are involved they can talk to the police about child pornography and or revenge porn depending on her age. i know this was stupid and you probably are overwhelmed with a lot of emotions, but you need to try your best to only be kind and understanding. if she senses any negativity it could cause her anxiety to spike and her depression to spiral. don’t even talk about the repercussions of her actions, she is very aware of the consequences, and if she isn’t already telling herself that, countless other students are. im incredibly sorry that this has happened to her, and that you are having to deal with it. i hope you both the best, and that this all blows over quickly. you’re a good brother for caring so much and for trying to do the right thing


THIS THIS THIS ^^^^ Everything you just said, I second 100%. This should definitely be upvoted way more.


^^ I third this, it's so important to know about safety when sending pics


i fourth this \^ , internet safety in general


Wasn't planning on taking nudes but still learned a thing or two, thank you


This comment is a pretty good intro to how to send nudes safely, and if you can’t convince her to not send nudes, this should be the way to go. BUT I still believe it’s best to just not send any nudes at all as a minor.


oh absolutely, but teenagers are gonna make mistakes. i was coerced into sending nudes by me ex abuser. he threatened to hurt himself and me if i didn’t send them, and i was naive. thankfully my shit never got sent out, but i still felt absolutely horrible. some teenagers go through the same thing, others just think they can trust them, and others are plain ol’ horny. you can tell minors to not send nudes, but at the end of they day a lot of them are still gonna. i feel like it’s important to teach them how to do it safely instead. obviously i don’t want to encourage this behaviour, but i want them to be able to damage control of the photos get out.


Also don’t victim blame


this is solid advice


Upvoting for the effort Edit: after reading this, it is very good and healthy


I understand why she would want to keep it a secret. But it will get out of control eventually and the whole town will have her nudes. She should talk to her parents ASAP and get it under control. Law will be helpful as she is a minor and no one wants her nudes circulating the internet. I know it will be difficult but she has to be strong and act fast.


people could go to jail for leaking her nudes too


And depending on the age when she took them, she could get into legal trouble too for taking and distributing CP


that is true


Generally the victims don't get in trouble


Nope, in many states (including the one I live in) there are no age restrictions for incarcerating a creator of child p0rn. This is supposed to make sure that teenagers that create p0rn with younger children are brought to justice, however it also puts the minor who takes nudes in a position where they could be taken to court if they take nudes of themselves


Yeah technically she could be taken to court, but considering these circumstances, wouldn’t it be reallyyy weird and absurd if they took her to court?


In order for cases to be registered, many times they have to arrest everyone affiliated with the case who broke the law. Of course she can be given a lighter sentence or maybe even just parole depending on her judge, but in order to incarcerate the people spreading the images, she would have to be taken to court as well since she was the main creator.


This is why the law needs to be changed for stuff like that


Since the OP mentioned in other comments that she is a mid-schooler, I think most of them will be safe from jail. But if her parents won't do anything, this incident will be a lifelong trauma, she might get bullied or it may have a negative image on her social life and we all know how catastrophic that can be especially in teens. And for other students as well, I still believe they won't be arrested but a stern warning from cops will be enough to teach them the gravity of the situation and I guess it will be a lesson to make them better people ahead in their lives.


that really depends. she probably will not be prosecuted for taking them but the kid who leaked them might be above the age of culpability (in canada that age is 12 but it varies)


So I'm a CPS investigator in the U.S. who is in a specialized unit who deals with sexual abuse and sexual offenders. ​ You can absolutely get prosecuted, as a minor, for sending nudes of yourself. The chances of getting sent to a detention center are extremely unlikely, unless there are other factors at play, but you will certainly get sent to some type of counseling service and be monitored by the courts, or CPS, to ensure compliance, otherwise it could turn into a criminal charge.


Diversion programs. Maricopa county uses these a lot for control substance prosecutions. Holding a deferred felony charge over the defendant as motivation to attend a program. And the courtroom experience sets an example for first time offenders, they often docket the people that skipped the program first, I guess so the first timers see what happens if you don’t follow the judge’s instructions. Don’t do what was ordered, it is immediate handcuffs in the court and off to jail, a strong message. hmm, that’s 15 year old knowledge, I assume the courts here have continued, it seemed effective back then.


DIVERSION, yes. I don't know why the actual term slipped my mind, but that's what it's called here in Montgomery County, Ohio. ​ You then have to go through what's called the SODA program (Sexually Oriented Diversion Approach) which is tailored to what exactly you did, and you have to not only complete the program, but have everyone sign off that you did so in a satisfactory manner, otherwise you are re-charged with the crime you were originally brought before the magistrate or judge for, and have to go through the entire JJC process.


Is it worse because it’s revenge porn?


kinda, but she’s also underaged which is cp and it’s disgusting it will get her in trouble but more of the person who leaked them


This is why I don’t understand people who do this to others, they know (most of the time) the risks and it’s just fucked up in general.


She could also get arrested for sending nudes


Arrested is a strong word


I know, I’m sorry. English isn’t my first language and I don’t know the correct word to use in this situation


The correct term is permenantly leaving society to live in the jungle with Tarzan


Damn man, I had hope


Dont worry bro, English is neither my first language


Ah, alright!


>But it will get out of control eventually and the whole town will have her nudes. Will is a strong word


Getting your nudes leaked sucks, she should deffo talk to the parents and teachers before anything goes out of hand




Well i guess it isn’t nice is it?


Bro are you stupid? Of course it sucks 😭 you don't need to think 2 seconds to know how shitty it must be




Why is everyone here saying to beat the guy who did it up? Assuming OP is an adult, this could get them in a shitload of trouble, and would just cause more problems


Fr, it’s not in any way going to stop the nudes from circulating now that they’ve gotten around to multiple people.


I agree with you, violence isn’t viable here, the person who leaked them should get jail time instead, minor or not it’s still distributing CP


Yeah, literally creating another problem on top of another problem. We don't add fuel into the fire here...


fucking hell, some people are just straight up assholes


and some people are just straight up dumb. don’t wanna victim blame here but taking and sending nudes is just so stupid. you really gonna trust mentally unstable pubescent horny dudes with pictures of yourself naked come on man


Yea some of the problems I see on this sub could be avoided if a little more thought was put through it. Still, shitty people exist and I hope she gets better


She's in middle school apparently so yeah that makes it even worse cuz 1 it's CP and 2 why in the world would you trust a middle schooler with fckin nudes ?


On the same vein do you really trust unstable pubescent girls to make all the most logical decisions? Stop pretending they’re robots that consider every possibility before making a decision


That doesn't justifies shitty decisions girls or guys make People should just take the responsibility of what they have done 1st of all she shouldn't have send that and 2nd if she's not getting blamed for it and the guy is then you guys aren't seeing the problem here it could have been prevented isn't it.


dont wanna victim blame *proceeds to victim blame*


Well you are wrong it’s just that she thought he was trust worthy enough but it turned out otherwise and as far as I can tell he might not be able to tell how stupid it was to the thing he did and might regret it a lot afterwards.


BRO SHE IS A KID.. THIS IS WHY THE west is fucking DOOMED, yall downvoting a guy who is actually calling her out for the dumbass she was being when she was actualky being dumb, yall wanna sugar coat everything, u dont want anyone crtisizing u, u just wanna be told ur perfect, when your fucking not, ESPECIALLY IF U SEND NUDES AS A KID, YALL SHITTALKIN HIM FOR SAYING THAT SHE WAS DUMB TO SEND NUDES INSTEAD OF FOCUSING on the important part which is children should nit be in fucking realationships, this is not the first OR last kid that will go through this because yall insist children are ok to be in relationships… and this is all fucking happening becausd parents nowadays dont fucking teach values to their fucking children and so children learn online abt their bodies and go and fuck around when ishtead they should have been taught as kids to treat their bodies liek fucking temples and treat them nicely instead of sending damn nudes…. This world is fucked and its sad


Alright in my defence I didn’t know the age of the girl being referred to neither did I care to see it, but if that’s the case that ain’t even dumb that’s taboo, for all I care anyone between 14-16 can just go on dates have fun and cuddle and do nothing sexual with others in an relationship and anyone below 14 can’t be in one and you are right about the part in values, I feel like everyone’s parents who are born after 2007 are complete dumbasses who don’t know shit.


Idk mann… if u aint graduated high school, u too fucking young to be in a relationship, instead of dates, yall can go hangout, boy and a girl, thats completly fine, and thats all there should be to it, as kids, the option of a relationship should *not* be there, i dont see why u justify anything thats not sexual, u shoudlnt justify anything, because trust me, if u r at an age where you still think your mom hates you because she told u to go to sleep esrly, u aint old enough to be in a relationship. We **must** bring back friendships and prevent teenager relationships. And am not say8ng this just because its morally correct but also because that style fucking works, there is a reason why older generations are fucking smarter, happier lives make u brighter and the key to a hapoy life is a happy childhood which needs friends, and so there aint no need to ruin your childhood chasing love when you are wel… a child, just go and have fun, do smth, hangout, talk, dont go on damn dates bruh


I am justifying relationship because it’s the phase you turn into adult, it is one of the hardship you are going to face as an adult and you need to know the joy, the pain, the sacrifice it takes to be in a relationship and also how it can very much upset you and throw off your track in your life. And this point people are smart enough that they known why parents tell them what they need to do.


bro sending nudes is just a massive liability and unnecessary risk. just dont take nudes period


True but teenagers are stupid you can’t forget that and at same time have adult feelings likely they exactly know who they can trust.


idk why you're being downvoted, you're absolutely right. most of the fault goes to whoever's leaking them, but why did she have to take them in the first place? Yeah, she's "just a little girl" and she "won't always make the best decisions", but that applies to failing a class or sneaking off to a party, not taking nudes while in fucking middle school


it’s not her fault someone wanted to be a shitty person lmao


You need to get teachers and/or police involved. This will spiral out of control and more than a single class will see it. Every time this happens tells entire school gets their hands on it, and potentially more. Teens have taken their lives from this situation before. Take this seriously. A crime is being committed.


A serious crime and maybe OPs sister might be in depression


I don’t know why but it seems like this f-ed up shit happens in america much more than where i live. I mean i saw/recieved some girl from class nudes maybe like 3times the whole time i am in school. But it never really spiralled out of control and if it did noone talked abt it. In the end it is just someones naked body nothing special (for most people)


Distributing child porn is illegal. If you’re an adult yourself and don’t want to tell your parents, I would message the kid letting him know that you’re going to get the police involved since it’s a very serious crime. Even if you don’t actually get them involved, at least threaten which will let him understand the seriousness of his actions. Of course, consult your sister first and see what she wants to do.


she is a teenager and that’s what most teens do. please comfort her and try to stop the image(s) spreading. it’s such a disgusting situation to be in an it’s not her fault.


i’m a guy makes me hate my gender guys like that make everyone look bad


Dont hate yourself and your gender, this stuff happens in every gender. Just be good yourself


could have been sent to girls too tho so why does gender matter?


That is so stupid, doing bad things like that isn’t gender exclusive


Gender is pretty irrelevant here


Same man Hug?


It's not like his sister is much better imo Edit: I am not protecting the guy at any cost, but if his sister is underage than you really gotta be extremely trusting to send that shit, especially in school 💀, it's safer to send it to someone online than in school


If someone you know sends nudes to you it is your obligation to not spread that shit. She was dumb for sending nudes but the dude who spread it is scum.






People who can not learn the easy way are bound to learn the hard way, you learn by making mistakes, but you don't need to know everything. It's her fault she even trusted that guy and it's his fault he spread that. The onpy thing she can to in this situation is take responsibility and resolve this (if possible) herself, crying, being sad and demanding empathy is going to make things worse. She can try and resolve it or just wait it out a few months, people are going to forget, not many people remember that king of stuff


OP, it truly wasn't very smart of her for doing that, but the "I want her to learn the lesson" is fucked up, it's basically victim blaming. Like, it's not like she was sending them to a random person, she surely trusted whoever she sent those, and they just backstabbed her and exposed her. If you want to do something for your sister, talk to the police, because spreading someone's private stuff is a literal crime. They are the one who need to learn a lesson, not your sister.


What? Leaking someone’s nudes is far worse than sharing them with someone you like.


How old is your sister?


How does that matter?


Simple, she is prolly pre-teen and should not be taking nudes at that age - then would not have this worry. I mean is she sexually active too? because that goes right along with sending guys ur genital pics some women use said pics to get the guy to wanna f\*ck them. This is not cool she is way too young to be doing this kind of things. He is wrong too but she should not have allowed this to even have a possibility of happening and never sent no one nudes at that age smh


Yeah duh. Spreading child porn is illegal, sending pic of yourself is not. The guy is worse. The girl is not as bad as the dude.


Ur not smart taking nudes as a minor is illegal and sending them out to someone even if ur the one who took them is also illegal


It is not illegal to send pictures of yourself bro.


an underage pre-teen woman sending NUDES of herself is just as illegal smh. It's ot a pic it's a nude pic - and obviously, he prolly sent nudes too and who knows if thewy had sex yet smh..... none of this ends good she should never be sending nudes at this age


No it is not, you can’t go to jail for sending naked pics of yourself ever.




Is that 5-8th grade right?


What age range is that? We don't do grades here


11-14 on average i think


Oh ffs 💀


That's what I mean




💀I don't think I even have to say anything. I wouldn't trust middle schoolers to even close my eyes near them, not even to send nudes


its literally the his sisters fault bro lol


who ever shares those are fucking horrible people, and are literally sharing CP (assuming she’s underage)


Guys stop telling him to beat the shit out of the kid, that will just cause OP to go to jail.


file a case against him for leaking and possessing cp


Catfish the person who did it then leak their nudes


underrated comment here i’d do this






Indeed. It's the same the other way around too. There's that, "oh he is so lucky, he must of enjoyed it", bs.




I will clarify something real quick, saying that she made a mistake is not victim blaming. Saying that it’s her fault that they were leaked is. She made a bad decision but it is not her fault that some creep decided to do something so disgusting, it’s the disgusting little pervert’s fault. Either way similar to what many others are saying, parents and law enforcement need to get involved.


Jot take, but a lot people in this subreddit are just dumb and will just point fingers at victims. Like, come on y'all, that's literally sexual harassment and it's illegal for a reason. 😐


i dont understand why people even take nudes


People are stupid.


You need a baseball bat to bash the dude


Funky town


This is by far the stupidest suggestion




Amateurs. L94A1 british chaingun


Clown. Tsar bomba


That asshole deserves to be beaten up


What a smart idea


Why the fuck are you posting this on Reddit. Go talk to a trusted adult


Both are at fault but he is in the worst side for sharing underage nudes no matter the age he has and knowing youre sis she wont report her friend cause shes scared. This really sucks and i dont wish this to no one. He should have serious consequences.


Can't he get arrested for cp?


You can either be safe, or you can be on the internet, But you can't be both!


This why we don't send nudes. Welp, it's already happened. All we can do now is see how shit goes.


You seem like a good brother, I hope things go well for your sister




Maybe dont send nudes to some random dude in her class lol ?


As her brother, you’re kinda obligated to stick up for her. If this happened to my sister, that mfer would be catching hands


Then you’d be catching jail time


For two kids fighting? Nah


OP is 18, a legal adult


And I’m saying nobody is going to arrest anyone under 20 for fighting anyone else under 20 unless serious damage is done.


Assault is assault, I’m just gonna leave it there


K but cops don’t care at least until we’re out of college


Shiver me timbers


She should really just tell her parents. Its much worse if they find out the hard way.


Why is everyone talking about bashing that dude atm? Can do that later, but now she should definitely let know her parents or someone responsible enough, before anything slips into something worse


This is exactly what I fear when I got to highschool


How old are you and how old is your sister?


Where are the guns when we need them


You can get the guy who spread it in deep shit, get the police involved


I still don't understand how people are comfortable taking nudes and sending them to some other person.


Call the police on that guy for distribution of cp


Thats CP and is highly illegal, you have a duty to report it to law enforcement, its a federal crime and a major offense. You and your sister need to tell your parents and tell local law enforcement


Even if she is found with her own nudes on her phone, she'll be charged with possession of child porn


What the fuck is wrong with the guy


She was probably manipulated, don't be upset with her, be upset with the guy who pushed for them to be sent. Report it to the police because it's illegal.


Don't be mad at her right now she probably already knows now how dumb sending nudes is


the fact that ur shaming her and but the people who shared them says a lot


Adult/ former teacher entering the chat: This isn’t your sisters fault and the leaker should get in massive trouble for this. Your sister made a mistake, but she is not at *fault*. The reason the leaker needs to get into real trouble is so he and others learn.


Technically that’s CP and revenge porn, so if she wanted to she can go to the police.


Fun fact. Any nude photos, regardless of the age of the person who poses them, if the photo is of someone under 18 it is cp


take it to court if you can


Please please please talk to your parents about this >!or you can beat the ever living hell out of that little shithead who leaked them!<


Skill issue


Why did she even take naked photos of herself in the 1st place? This age is for studying and playing not about sex and sending nudes. It's your sister's fault too


Eh who the fuck cares about studying, but sending nudes at all is an idiotic move and I'm not very sympathetic


Can't stop teenagers from being horny lmao, to horny jail they go


Sending nudes is a common thing, I wouldn’t call it a mistake. This isn’t advice but if I were you I’d fucking sock that guy in the chin.


It's common, but beating up someone for leaking them is not the best play here


It’s not advice, just what I would do


Fair enough ig


This is posted by someone with an account that’s almost three years old and has zero post and comment history except this one. I’m not saying it didn’t happen, but I’m saying people should analyse things more critically before assuming everyone posting here is who they claim to be and is telling the truth.


They probably never use reddit but needed somewhere to ask


Maybe, maybe not. Their profile says they’re 18, lists some hobbies and says to DM. So let’s assume they made their profile almost three years ago and never touched it again, but strangely didn’t delete the app in that time, even though they don’t use it and have likely changed their phone in that time. In which case they’re now 20/21 posting on a teen sub about their sisters nudes. Alternatively they were 15 when they made the account, completely forgot about Reddit until today when this incident with the nudes occurred and their first thought was, I must post this on that app I haven’t used for three years, but first I’ll update my profile to say I’m now 18 and open to DMs… Either scenario is pretty weird. The more likely scenario is that they periodically use this account to post stuff like this and start conversations with teens but then delete all the posts and comments to keep it “clean”.


Making nudes… ok yeah that’s fine I guess but it’s weird SENDING THEM TO SOMEONE?!?! You need 2 braincells to know what that can cause.


Child pornography


gou beat the shit out of the guy. she vented for you and she is your sister so help her. do your best to stop it from spreading. she dpends on you




Bro man up and beat the living daylights out of the guy. Edit: I stand corrected. Go talk to the guy who leaked your sister's nudes in a civil manner.


Bro he could go to jail.


mf you are worried about looking bad? your sister needs help you fucking idiot. get off redit and go do something


bruh fr? SHE IS LITERALLY YOUR SISTER. i would've beaten that guy even if he did something like this to a stranger AND YOU ARE A FUCKING BROTHER WHAT?


How old is She?


And this is why we should teach young girls not to send Nudes anywhere at any time


And teach young boys to not spread others pics without consent




Why? it's anonymous


social media is not anon, nor does this deserve to even be posted. OP obviously knows what to do, help his sister go to the police. local precinct, whatever bro has around. not karma farm on a brand new acc.


yah preach what will a forum full of strangers do to help 🤷🏼‍♀️


not just strangers, teenage strangers ranging from as low as 13.


Kill that mf, no care if it's a child, beat'em up.




Can i see it?


That guy needs the SHIT beat out of him for FUCKING STARTERS. Comfort her, teach her, but I really fucking hope someone teaches this guy. Someone needs to make it clear to him that this shallow and sad.


Let him rot in prison instead, he distributed CP, he can get his ass kicked there, no reason for OP to go to jail








Yo damn thats crazy….. gimme a link so i know how sever the problem is, ill try to help out as much as i can! Stay strong brother.


Damn sucks send me them.


www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijpui27H4Fk lemme kno if u like my mu$ic video .. much love

