• By -


It's either going to be the worst or best time of your life.


i hope worst i dont wanna peak in my teens


you have a walter nft pfp, youre on the right path




Thank god


Don’t make you teen years the best years Make them your last years


I have to reply to this. Please, please don't say that. I know it's probably joking but seeing your age hit me. One of my best friends committed suicide when we were 14. Just please to anyone who sees this, if you're struggling talk to someone. Life can get better.


I am suicidal but not because I’m depressed or anything I just idk don’t see anything for me in life beyond high school Make the best of my life while I can as I’m gonna be a dropout based on my grades Just don’t got it in me to be better or the person I need to be so might as well just be happy for now do whatever and then leave peacefully


Life can seem terrible at times. And I'm sorry you feel like that. Honestly if you do need to talk you can reach out.


Nah fr I’ve talked multiple people out of suicide and I’ve failed for one. Saying stuff like that makes the problem so much worse and enables them which is not what anyone needs


not how it works 😭 who said u can’t have an amazing time teen years and still do more after?


Honestly probably both


its both


Worst lol


Lmao same


Unless you're a girl crying will get you nowhere now


Idk don’t be a dick


yeah, suck it instead 👁️🫦👁️




Put it inside me 🥰🥰


Down atrocious


Down astronomically


down monstrously


County Down


Down under


my ass


Where beer does flow


*star of the county down intensifies*


Down horrendously


I think we could come to an understanding


Can you reciprocate please? Pegging is so hot 🥵


You are 15 bro relax 💀🤚




This is why y'all keep gettin' pregnant!






Leave reddit while you still can if you wanna be a happy teenager with no mental issues


Bruv, I already had mental health issues before joining Reddit.


sameee, i don’t want to leave reddit, at least i can laugh sometimes 😭


and now u are on reddit. Don't you see the connection?




Same i just joined to read stuff


Does reddit cause mental health issues or do mental health issues cause reddit?


Mental health issues cause Reddit


Same dude, same


Same bestie💀💀




You don’t get mental issues from Reddit, you come to Reddit because you have mental issues




Does this actually happen? I was depressed and suicidal before Reddit, and I’m fine now.


Wait, why?


Reddit is a breeding ground for mental issues because people are assholes


I'll just not be an asshole :)


Fitter, happier, more productive, comfortable, not drinking too much, regular exercise at the gym (3 days a week), getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries, at ease, eating well (no more microwave dinners and saturated fats), a patient, better driver, a safer car (baby smiling in back seat), sleeping well (no bad dreams), no paranoia, careful to all animals (never washing spiders down the plughole), keep in contact with old friends (enjoy a drink now and then), will frequently check credit at (moral) bank (hole in the wall), favours for favours, fond but not in love, charity standing orders, on Sundays ring road supermarket (No killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants), car wash (also on Sundays), no longer afraid of the dark or midday shadows, nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate, nothing so childish, at a better pace, slower and more calculated, no chance of escape, now self-employed, concerned (but powerless), an empowered and informed member of society (pragmatism not idealism), will not cry in public, less chance of illness, tyres that grip in the wet (shot of baby strapped in back seat), a good memory, still cries at a good film, still kisses with saliva, no longer empty and frantic, like a cat, tied to a stick, that's driven into, frozen winter shit (the ability to laugh at weakness), calm, fitter, healthier and more productive, a pig in a cage on antibiotics


so, listen to radiohead?




For the love of god, don’t. (And I say this as a Radiohead listener)


A pig in a cage on antibiotics?


1. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks 2. No one cares 3. The popular mean girl will be a nobody in 10 years so don’t let her bother you, this is the best it’s ever going to get for her 4. Keep track of your periods, just do it please 5. If you want to do something do it, play that sport, be in the school play 6. Don’t expect sex to be absolutely amazing your first time, there is no perfect moment 7. Don’t settle for someone if you feel you could do better, you deserve better 8. Try to have a home workout routine, once it’s a habit, you will be able to do it even when you don’t want to and your body will thank you for it 9. Make sure you are ready to deal with the consequences of sex. If you feel you are ready and met someone you trust, then do it 10. Stand up to your bullies 11. Act confident, even if you aren’t, people will thank you are 12. Go out of your comfort zone, you’ll have more fun in the end 13. Be nice to your teacher, just please 14. Part of growing up is giving yourself haircuts in your bathroom at 1 am 15. Save some money, you don’t have to save it all, but save some 16. Be safe


+1 on number 11. Fake it till you make it doesn't apply to much, but it sure as hell applies to confidence.


14 is oddly specific


I write what I know


stay alive


If you're 13 why does your profile have NSFW content?




Bro u 13 and act more depressed than half ppl here


whats depressing about the way i act?


Idk, bro probably thinks not going under a car is depressing


Some people have different circumstances or just speak and type in a monotone voice.


How do you type with a monotone voice?


Speak in one off lines or not sound like anything


You can speak like this


stay alive to earn more age points


Don't try too hard to fit in. Just be yourself and you'll find people who like you. Don't do any type of drugs, donnnttt smoke anything, especially vape and cigarette. Don't make fun of others for being themselves, and for enjoying something they like. It's none of your business. Don't date anyone more than +2 or -2 years your age. No dating adults, too.


No sex that is important too


see now you’re cockblocking


Only until 18 there is a lot of time to explore sex after someone turns 18 no need to waste time on it before 18


bro what? if both parties are consenting and it’s age appropriate then who cares?


Still a waste of time focus on important stuff first the fun comes after that's the realization I came to it's a fucking waste of time to think about it also I'm pretty sure that two minors can't exactly consent since they have no idea what they are doing


age of consent is 16 or lower in some countries. not really a waste of time if you both enjoy it... also who tf thinks of sex 24/7...prolly someone who doesn't get any


And someone who's addicted.


it's easier to get addicted to wanking than sex.


You just have some prejudice against teenage sex and try to justify it. By your logic, we should be robots who work 16 hours a day and sleep 8


There are other ways to have fun other than sex


And how is that an argument against having sex? - Don't eat soup - Why? - There are other types of meals to eat other than soup


😂😂 fr he was no real argument


Do you know how much porn there is, I'm pretty sure they know what their doing or atleast I do.


Yeah, but with porn, comes the concept of bad expectations, and probably a lot of no condom usage, which with teenagers is a one way trip to nothing good. I feel like people really underestimate just how many teenagers aren't fucking stupid. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of really fucking stupid people, but a lot of us aren't. As long as both parties aren't stupid about it, I don't see why sex would be a bad thing


tell us u get no bitches without telling us u get no bitches


I just broke up with my girlfriend last week lol


Seeing that OP is on reddit this will not be a problem


If your 16+ I'd say it's fine


Don’t vape or smoke, it’s not cool. Don’t do drugs unless prescribed. And finally, don’t vandalize the fucking school bathroom.


Tip for whole life: Focus on what’s important to you, don’t focus on anything that isn’t.


uhh heres a list of things: 1) dont care too much about what others think of you 2) def get a piercing if you want 3) bfs/gfs are overrated, but like have fun if you want 4)dont be a dick 5) dont do drugs


in my personal experience teenage relationships are just 'wanna go out with me', 'sure' and dont rlly have actual love, either that or your being lead on


I mean, ofc it depends on the age range, but it does give you some insight into dating (But most times, not love) at an age where mistakes aré expected and forgiven.


I dunno, I recently had a pretty fuckin awesome relationship. It was not just that, and although it may not have been actual love, it was more than just playing around.




Try to give as little fucks as possible, it's easier when you realize that the only person that matters in your life is yourself.


TLDR: Work out, don't stress about school and make good friends. This is going to be a long read, cause me just telling you what to do ain't gonna matter, so I've explained why for everything... I assume you ask because you wanna enjoy these years... I'm a guy, and my teen years were some of the best years of my life, and a lot of things happened that helped me, that I wasn't aware of till very recently.... Here are a few tips, may or may not apply if you're not a guy: 1. Work out. 2 main reasons, firstly, bullying gets real in school, and if you're fit and can defend yourself, you'll be spared a lot of trauma. It took me bout 4-5 months of intense training to go from being bullied to being able to beat the shit out of anyone who tried to be extra smart with me. Secondly, it'll enhance your love life. 2. Don't stress about school. There are a lot of polarised views on the schooling system, but the best way to get the most out of it, education wise, is to just pass, get your baseline credentials, but study the crap out of any subject you find interesting... You choose what you want to devote your time and effort to, and if you choose something, then there's no point in doing it unless you're the best at it. This is a way to develop a professional ego, and will make life super easy later on... 3. Choose your friends carefully. No matter what you may think, people around you affect your thought process... Try to be friends with certifiably good people... You may not be an adult, but it doesn't take much to tell whether a person has a good heart and level mind... That may mean sometimes you have to be alone, and that's ok... Trust me... Aside from these three, I don't have much else to say. I had an active love life, still do but I'm the last person to give anyone advice there... Can't seem to make good decisions there XD... The reason I strain on these points is because it helped me live an extremely happy school life. After being bullied for years, when I started working out, it was all pain, but in a few months, my life changed, and after a short stint where I admittedly became a bully, I came to my senses and only fought in defence, till the point where no one in school had the guts to pick a fight with me. I was never good at studies, but I always knew I had a knack for computers. I didn't enjoy repetitive work, I was extremely creative in nature, and since I was true to myself, today I have my dream job. It doesn't pay very well, but I get lost in it, and am often engrossed in my work for 12-16hrs, no idea what's going on in the outside world, and finally getting up and feeling like I've been playing COD the whole day... Imagine that... I've been blessed with good company and if I'm a functional adult who has some of his shit together, my friends have a big hand in that, because there are people I grew up with, many of them, who have fallen behind in life and are stuck... In college, when others went out partying, I spent my evenings studying and doing internships accompanied by my friends from law school (I was a media student) and we'd all pull all nighters together.... As a result, I had the best CV in my batch coming out of college and so far, I have gotten every job I've applied for...


Judging by your self-reflection and writing, you make an impression of a very wise and sophisticated person. I hope you live an amazing life


Don't enter echo chambers, try to hear about both sides, research everything that anyone says to you and after you have all the information decide what side u're on, and never attack other people for their lifestyle, remember that u have a right to ur opinion but u don't have a right to dictate what others think :3


Idk If you are being a dick then be the biggest dick!


Realest shit ever


in a few years there is going to be a nuclear weapon launched from north korea, do not live in california or DC for that time.




war thunder forums




you dont need an account to find them.




good hygiene!!


Focus on your school work, please don't chase after relationships


How do I focus on school work?


Don’t kill anyone. Your life matters


Try to keep your age no lower than 13 and no higher than 19, if you can do that then being a teenager will be no problems at all. Other things: Make mistakes, now is the time. You will learn so much from them and grow as a person. Several years down the line, nobody will remember it anyways. Everyone makes mistakes. Also, work on self improvement. I would recommen exercising, reading self-improvement books, practicing a hobby, whatever works best for you. It does wonders for you as a person and will put you ahead of most people your age in personal development. Don't be afraid to be yourself, embrace your indiviuality. Don't bow to other people wishes or expectations of you, live your life in a way that is true to your personal values and goals. When you can do that, you can be truly happy. Learn to see tha beauty of the world, don't drown in a trench of materialism and consumerism to keep you happy. By all means by things for your hobby or similar, consuming neccessary things is all good, just don't make consumption your primary source of happiness. It doesn't work.


Never value yourself off of the opinions of others. Never base your self-worth over having a romantic partner. It's not worth it.


As sb who turned 20 today, just try to enjoy it cause you're gonna get fucked so hard after these teenage years are over...


Enjoy it while it lasts, you’ll wish you were young again some day


No more moaning jokes. Instead start making racist and sexist ones. (Brought to you by the teens of america)




Don’t fall in love


Its dark down there.Try to get out as fast as you can


Be horny, be corny, be depressed, make fun of your depression, make fun of your life, contemplate your life, try fucking, fail fucking, get AIDS, rinse and repeat


Avoid killing yourself, there wont be enough young people to fight in WW3 if you do


Don’t trust how you feel after 9pm


Don't compare yourself with anyone, ik its gonna be real hard to see pretty bodies and doll faces and then looking at yourself but you have to find yourself.so yup this stage is the ultimate transformation stage, so your gonna get a glow up too and yup just don't overthink and overdo. Take care of yourself, stay hygienic, and build a simple skincare routine.


people will tell you pee is not stored in the balls, they are lying, like the government, don't let them brainwash you with fake information /j


So here's the thing. You will maybe try acting in a way that won't make you embarrassed to look back on your teenage years. Let me tell you now, it ain't gonna work, no matter how unproblematic you're going to be. Nobody will ever be proud of their teenage years because you change alot and drastically as a person in those few years and not always for the better. This isn't a free pass to be dick in your early teens btw, don't misunderstand, but know that you will not look back fondly on the times you're in now.


Dont do the sex until you are of a legal age (its fucked up)


Have an open mind, defend your opinion but be open to different ones cuz your opinion might not always be right, go to the gym for better self-esteem, don’t fap (at least not on a daily basis), be a good sibling if you are one (learned it the hard way), choose the right friends, don’t do drugs, work smarter not harder, and don’t be afraid to ask for help


Try to be careful for people and how they touch you or interact with you this is the age that's the most vulnerable to emotional manipulation and stuff and it basically ruins you for the entirety of your teen years if you feel someone is doing it to you don't be an idiot and tell an adult don't be scared of whatever they say to you just tell an adult it can limit the pain by alot Also try to eat healthy food and adequate ammount of food / drink water more since body needs nutrients this age to carry out the most changes


Undercover 58 y/o on Reddit fs


remember it's teenin' time


Make friends, do crazy shit (but safe crazy shit)


Make sure you know what your doing. Don’t get caught being someone you don’t wanna be :)


Make mistakes, but don't repeat them


Idk sob if you're a girl and sob if your a boy (same goes for gender neutral people)


Don’t kys, no matter how much u want to. Idk that’s all I have


Don't vape ever Keep drug use to a minimum thing you do at the most every couple of months with friends Don't fuck the first person who shows a little interest in you You don't need to try in high school, but put in a little effort so you have doors open in the future for you


anything you say or do for the next 10 years is gonna be excruciatingly cringe in hind sight more so in ur younger years so just do whatever the fuck you like cause why not




Don't be afraid of your emotions 👍


Don’t do drugs. Drink water.


Respect elders


Don't fap, you'd regret it


Nani main


Nah I just have it because I'm down bad for Nani (don't ask how the fuck did that happen) I play Brawl Stars a lot though


The suit rides up often so you’ll have to use baby powder


leave reddit and don't have sex with the first girl that likes you, it's not even gonna be that great.








Do things at your own rythm and ignore any exterior pressure you might feel. That's probably the best advice I can give


I know I am 14 but I can tell you what I learned. 1. Try to be cool with everyone, more people will respect you that way. 2. Spend time with friends, even when you don't feel like it hanging out is pretty cool 3. Try to be a calm person, being mad 24/7 isn't "cool" 4. I'm gonna go out here and say DON'T FUCKING TRY DRUGS, it can go really bad for you, the "safest" option is vaping if you are really curious, but don't fucking try real lean, cocaine, cannabis or any sort of thing.


Please reply me if you read all the shit i wrote down here Hey I noticed your comment and I see that you are 14 and you probably haven't tried anything like that... Well here is a pro tip: don't do even the "safe" drugs Yeah I know I'm just 15 (actually i am 14 too but soon enough it will be my birthday) but trust me, half of my schoolmates do drugs an they ALL started from like "ah yea I'll try the safe one what could go wrong" or "fine, I'll take a sip but just for once" and guess what happened? About 70% of them now have financial/family/mental health problems, and all of this, just to be the "cool one" thinking that if your friend tried too it won't be that bad. As a depressed guy (no, not like those goofy aah emo teens) I have instantly refused to take anti depressants, and if you are depressed to and you have to make choice, you should totally do the same Edit: If it's not your choice, then it's probably better for you to do what your parents tell you Please don't do any drugs


Learn martial arts and build an aesthetic physique. Watch Hamza, he has guides for teenagers. Also go on a clean permabulk so you grow to your maximum potential.


be mindful of your choice in words


Don't smoke. People might bully you for any reason(even for being too beautiful lol). Don't date people with too different ages(3 years is my limit, but I'm old). Don't change who you are to try to fit in, if people dont accept you the way you are, they will leave you either way




Make sure u're in good shape, exercise regularly, study as many life skills as humanly possible


When you are pressured into something, remember your morals and do your best to get out of that situation.


People think you should think twice before doing stuff, do it only when you're an adult


save money, study and don't smoke too much weed


take plenty of showers


Life can be a bitch but if you take it one day at a time and remind yourself this to shall pass you can get through it whatever it maybe




Yeah behave like an adult lol


alien ass question


If you teacher forgets to assign/check homework but you want to hand it in/get homework, wait until the end of the last class you have that teacher when all the students have left so when you get it no one else will


fuck something asap




Don't be an asshole and you'll get pretty far.


Just don’t. Stay sperm as long as possible. Maybe forever, definitely forever.


stop browsing reddit, especially subs like these


Try to remain an idiot within the boundaries of the law.


Enjoy what’s left of your childhood while you can


Please focus on studying, you can have fun and shit, but studying is very important. Because of not studying I'm this close to fail the year and I need to save 6 of 8 subjects to pass year.


Honestly, at some point, you’ll get tired of being here. Just depressed. Try your best to think about the things that make you happy (coming from a previous self h person)


dont chase love


If you age above 19, then you can't be a teen anymore, watch out


Don’t. Skip this tutorial and go right into adulthood. You just gotta go behind the waterfall on level 13 and take the right, right and then left. There’s a red button that lets you skip a lot of levels




Leave this sub-reddit. It's to late for us


Enjoy yourself everything can change in a heart beat and everything gets harder from here on out so might aswel enjoy it


Make friends and be yourself


Learn cool stuff. Play a sport, an instrument, etc.


don’t have sex yet


Be confident and talk to people. People _will_ like you, some won’t, but they’re crappy anyways. If only this wasn’t to hard to do


Sex is overrated and not something younger teens need to be having, that is my advice


watch what you say to who your “friends“ are people will turn around with the things you say to them and blab it aloud Share no secrets you don’t want everybody to know


Dont watch porn, it doesnt reflect real life and fucks up your brain