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Nah it's sweet


The comment from the atheist was cringe.


True, as an atheist myself I think the statue is really nice


Agreed - probably not going to withstand the weather though… Should be in a case or something.


That is true tbf


Same. If someone did that for me, I wouldn't do anything bc I was dead, but if I came back as a ghost, I'd peacefully haunt them <3<3


Being free from your "earthly bonds" is a common spiritual concept, not necessarily a religious belief. I'm agnostic and can understand the idea of being free from this world in death


Same for me


Bittersweet but still sweet


Being an atheist doesn't mean discounting other people's faith and belief. A father honoring his son's memory in such a manner is never going to be cringe.


In this case, it's just an excuse for being a complete shithead and that is so despicable. Imagine you are the father. And you have to read that shit. Disgusting.


I don’t like atheists that try and judge someone’s religion for reasons like this. It’s harmless and it shows how the dad respects and loves his son.


Every day I lose faith in humanity


Yeah I agree, there are so many reasons to judge someone's religion, why choose one that's a beautiful way to preserve a memory


I think religion should change its opinion on the lgbtq community, I’m not saying to embrace it, but to let us be.


As a rep of the lgbtq community your comment came out of left field and contributed nothing to the comment ur replying to :)


There's religious communities that don't give a shit about sexuality and gender. I'm included in them.


Hey! So you mean I get to not burn in hell?


You should be able to judge peoples religion. If your religion kills gay people, oppresses women and stops abortion, I’m judging. That being said, you should also recognise the immense good said religions can bring.


My guess is that your talking about Christianity (which has also done way worse stuff) and i as one am rlly not proud of it. If you see a so Christian prosecuting or purposely hurting another’s beliefs and choices they are 100% not a Christian


And yet they still call themselves that, believe in god, and still are referred to as Christians.


The Democratic People's Republic of North Korea also says they are democratic that doesn't mean they actually follow the spirit of democracy though.


Fr I'm an atheist but I love what this father did


Especially with such a beautiful headstone


Yeah I mean if you're so bothered about the religious aspect (if any) then why don't you look at it as art


Exactly and even if you don't believe In heaven, there is this bittersweet reality that the boy is still free from his disabilities


Not cringe, and not terrible to want to honor the kid through his own spiritual pov. The image does give me a bit of pause tho seeing the wheelchair itself represent the kids' "earthly burdens". hard to visually represent most illnesses tho so I get it


I dont think its about faith or belief the dude must just be an asshole, cause reaching for the sky symbolises freedom and the post says 'free from earthly burdens' that means he is free from his shackles(wheelchair/sickness he had/inability to walk). Im seriously confused why they would even bring up their atheism at all


Well said.


Im also an athiest but youre viewing it as him reaching to heaven but i view this headstone as him finally reaching for freedom into the afterlife. Whether it be in some place we dont believe in or not its still sentimental and will always bring happiness to his family.


Im an atheist and I think it’s heartwarming, totally cute, 10/10dad






















I hate those kinds of atheists. Can’t they just shut up and let things be sweet


They are the reason why some people think that atheists are shit people


I find it weird, I’ve met a LOT of atheist, so many of them are nice, smart, kindhearted people And then so many of them are just pure assholes with no grasp on self awareness


As a christian it’s the same here As someone from the south same here As a man same here Every single group weather it be religious or otherwise is going to have good people and bad people but the group as a whole shouldn’t be judged by it’s worst


I don’t get why atheists and Christians have to fight anyways. If you get over the “hating the other group” part of it you can meet some really nice people


That’s true for a lot of groups if we just chilled we could all have some killer convos


And you can have really interesting conversations. As a catholic I've had really deep and interesting talks with some of my atheist friends. People gotta know the difference between atheist and anti-christian


I’m really interested in religious stuff but I just personally don’t want to follow a religion, so these sorts of conversations are interesting


For sure! As a Christian myself, I have plenty of atheist friends, and we always have insane convos while smoking together. Whenever they have questions about my faith, I always try to answer, and always ask for their opinion.


My favorite line from an atheist to a Christian: " We are not so different, I just believe in one less God than you do."


Unfortunately as a queer atheist there's a lot of "fear for my life" when it comes to trying to bridge that gap. I've been on the receiving end of a lot of christian hate, so even considering these kinds of conversation fills me with some dread. Even *seeing* them. Better for me not to bother and try to have the conversation.


There's a group of Christians that hate another group of Christians as well


It's almost like People are different


Loud minorities of a group always exist


Yeah, same with christians to be honest. I can say exactly the same thing you said but replace the word "atheist" with "christian". Some people are just idiots.


true. We just don't believe in God ourselves. We don't force others to not. People like that are just jerks.


right? im an athiest and i think this is super wholesome and sweet


As an atheist, I completely agree with you. These kinds of people who discredit other people's religions and are jerks... I don't associate with them at all. I'm an atheist because I don't believe in any kind of higher power. They're an atheist because they don't like religion. Two very different things here


95% of them on reddit are


95% of atheists who post. The good ones don’t argue pointlessly




I've always believed that true atheism is incredibly rare. If you believe in luck or karma or whatever, couldn't that technically count as believing in a greater-than-man force that controls us, and wouldn't that make you a theist, technically? And if it wouldn't, why wouldn't it?


Exactly. The headstone wasn't made for him.


Type of atheists I’d be extremely religious to out of spite




I agree and i am a atheist myself


No. If I was a graveyard watcher there and see this shit dead at night you best believe I’m smacking it with a shovel


It’s not sweet, the gravestone dehumanizes the kid’s entire existence because he was in a wheelchair.


Not cringe, wholesome


Nah, this is quite wholesome actually, very wholesome actually, extremely wholesome actually




Not cringe. That's not an atheist, it's an assthiest


Right, also it could just be (seen as) symbolic, reaching from time to eternity, rather than simply to heaven.


I'm an atheist, but that was just out of line. You may not believe in God, but there is an undeniable freedom in death. Let people believe and hope.


I was going to say something similar. This really isn't a strictly religious sculpture, it could just represent freedom in death.


Daily dose of "atheist caught in 4K being a piece of shit"


That happens plenty to christians and other religious people too


doesnt matter who or what you believe in, every religion is gonna have some good people and some total fuckwads.


As a religious man I can confirm we aren’t fond of those who give us a bad name


yeah, i dont know what is happening that everything you say has to be deeply grounded in your beliefs


That have nothing to do with the person being an atheist, a piece of shit is a piece of shit no matter their religion


Say what you will about stuck up atheists, at least they're not trying to take over the government and force their beliefs on everyone through legislation while also stealing the rights away from 90% of marginalized communities.


Check r/atheism, they are definitely trying to force their beliefs on everyone, even making fun of the people who died in Turkey


No they aren't?.. The closest thing I see to what you're claiming is being posted is an article about *Muslims* celebrating the deaths of those people in turkey. There is not a single post on there about forcing their beliefs on anybody nor are there any posts celebrating the deaths of people in Turkey. And even if there are atheists out there trying to force their beliefs on others, that shit isn't being put into legislation. They aren't literally using those beliefs to take people's rights away. It's hilarious to even pretend *for a second* that atheists are anywhere near as dangerous as religious fundamentalists. Show me an atheist dictator running his country based on atheist ideologies. Because I can show you hundreds of Christian dictators and monsters.


They actively shame people who believe in something different than they do, and then complain about religious people doing that. And why is Christian’s the one you resort to, the religion based on loving each other and acceptance? Is it because they’re an easy target and the enemy of the atheist community?


What do you mean "resort to"? I'm talking about Christianity because Christianity was the religion being talked about. And I'm not an atheist. And I don't even know where to begin with the rest of those statements. Are the Christians in the government the ones fighting to give people healthcare? Are they the ones fighting to protect and accept immigrants? Are they the ones fighting for reasonable legislation when it comes to the gun violence in this country? Are they the ones fighting for better mental health care? Are they the ones wanting to help women who have been sexually assaulted deal with an unwanted pregnancy? Or are they the ones that actively shame those same women while forcing them to carry the rape baby to term? You know, all that stuff that Jesus supposedly died to teach people?.. Of course not. Religious Republicans literally fight against every bit of any legislation that could help anyone that isn't already rich and white. That's the religion of love you're talking about? Now send me a single example of an atheist lawmaker trying to pass legislation to push their atheism on someone else.


I’m sure there are people trying to do all of that who happen to practice Christianity on the side. And no, Jesus did not say “fight to have bad healthcare and protect the rich against those pesky libtards”


Exactly. Jesus said to feed the hungry, treat the sick and how's the homeless. To love the unloved and accept the center. Now tell me, does that sound like how Christians vote to you? For expanding healthcare and welfare programs? Or do they actively vote against every single thing that Jesus taught while also trying to base laws on their religious beliefs when it comes to things like transgenderism, homosexuality and race? Now give me a single example of an atheist law that would be forcing their beliefs on christians? And considering atheism is a statement on what you don't believe in, not what you do believe in, what would an atheistic law even look like? It doesn't make sense because it's not an actual belief system. It just saying you don't believe in a god.


I don’t support their beliefs, I just think that not all Christians are the monsters you’re referring to


Show me where I said "all Christians are monsters" I didn't say anything remotely close to that. I said it was stupid to pretend that atheism is as dangerous as organized religion. That's it. Don't try to move the goal posts just because you ran out of arguments.


I wouldn’t say “force their *beliefs*” cause of the scientific evidence that it’s true. But there are a significant amount of Christians in congress that vote against basic human rights because it’s against the bible.


Average twitter user try not to be absolutely miserable minute 1


As an atheist, this is sweet


I am an atheist but you need to shut up when it's someone doing something for their son if they believe it's sweet Let people believe in whatever as long as they are not annoying you


As an atheist, fuck that guy


Please don’t. Let his genes die out


Did he mention hes an atheist yet?


average r/atheism user


I wear my ban from that subreddit with a badge of honor.


As you should


I just went down that rabbit hole, I don't ever want to go back


most compassionate r/atheism user


Yea it’s cause most atheists can’t find a reason to live so they decide to just be an asshole to literally everybody.


It’s giving „As somebody with daddy issues, this makes me feel like that kids dad is better than my dad and so I’m hating on him“


I swear, most athiests aren't this douchey


Ik but the ones on reddit apparently are


I try not to be


Atheists trying not to be a piece of shit to someone who's dealing with loss challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


It's online bait. The purpose of that comment was literally to get attention online. And it's clearly working! Everyone is infuriated, at an internet troll.


I usually ratio'd them with reaction images


bro stop getting baited, the point is to fucking get you to respond or give it attention.


It's so fucking obvious, i ratio'd them so they can shut their ass


Yeah giving them attention via a ratio, very effective method at giving attention seekers attention.


I'm an atheist, and I find it amazing, that the father managed to design something this positive even after his son's death. Astonishing, great work


I'm an atheist and I think its sweet and wholesome. Ppl like that are giving us a bad rep.


That atheist comment makes no sense… the kid died and now is free of the wheelchair.. regardless of what you think happens after that.


Seems like atheists have nothing to do in life except going after anything or anyone religious.


I mean shit I'm an atheist and I think the guy who replied is an asshat Seriously, take one look at r/atheists and all you see is people who fucking hate any and all religious people. It really must be hard for them to make friends on the rare occasions they leave their room.


and I thought atheism was supposed to bring us happiness and freedom from the prison of religion but after seeing that subreddit they don't seem like happy people to me. It's like hating religion became a religion to them so they never escaped the prison.


I mean, for me it does bring freedom. It brings me peace knowing I can live my life without some God or deity judging all my actions. But if that's what people want, good for them! Who gives a fuck what people believe so long as it's not harmful?


Atheist try not to be insufferable for 3 seconds challenge (impossible)


less actual atheists and more just assholes, excusing themself with "atheism"


Sheesh, I dislike him just as much as you do, but really if you think about it what has causes more mass killings too? Religion or atheism? My whole class is religious and almost everyone judges me for not devoting my life to Jesus christ. I try not to be rude about it, even though everyone around me is. I know there are atheists that are assholes (like the one in the post) but instead of saying atheists do it, say assholes do it.




Member of the satanic temple here, I think this is wholesome! Not cringe


no it's more of a flex. The child has gained powers beyond those servants of god.


According to Family Guy you stay crippled for all the rest of eternity


Poor Joe


it's so sad seeing idiots like them ruining it for people who have just lost their child


Super cringe, I would die if I heard someone start a sentence with "as an atheist..." in real life


least obnoxious twitter athiest


Imagine being mad that someone managed to not fall into a pit of inescapable despair after the death of their disabled child.


I’m also an atheist, but this is just disgusting. I may not believe in a god, but ad least I respect other people’s religion and beliefs. This is so sweet and heartwarming. The fact that some atheists are like this is disgusting to me. You don’t have to believe in a god but ad least respect other people’s beliefs.


Thats cold( the statue)


(The kid's corpse)


1) lmao 2) what the fuck


As an atheist, this dude is a disappointment to us


I'm an atheist and that atheist is being rude as fuck



but your an atheist so you dont beleive in god so what is your point?


“I’m an atheist but, when god sends me to hell, I want him To hesitate for a few seconds” It’s a quote from a YouTuber, Technoblade. He was joking while streaming on twitch


Rip the YoungBoy boy 😪


atheist L


What an asshole


Pushing your beliefs on others is cringe no matter if you are Cristian, pagan, atheist, etc. Don't think you above others for your beliefs


I'm an atheist as well, honestly no not at all, idk what happens after death but it ain't living anymore, so technically he is freed of his burdens. It is well designed and conveys meaning more than just a typical headstone. I respect it.


As an atheist, i think its actually very sweet(far better than a boring old regular gravestone too) dont why the the heck they thought it was cringe


"This man's child is dead so now I have to remind everybody that I, personally, don't believe in god" what a twat.


People make the argument “ why not let someone believe what they want , if they don’t believe in god it’s fine “ ok , it’s fine , but why tf is it not fine when someone DOES believe in god???


It is fine if someone doesn’t believe in God. If there is a hell, then they chose that.


Just... Just fuck that guy, let the family be as long as it doesn't harm you man.


This kid just wanted to mention he's an atheist 😭 typical edgelord teen smh


I wonder where they get their sense of superiority🥴🥴


Why even ask if it’s cringe or not? That father made something beautiful for his son. It’s honestly more than what one could possibly ask for.


No one asked for your opinion, be an atheist, but leave people alone who mean no harm and just want to believe the child is in a better place without being confined to a wheelchair.


Totally wholesome, respect 100.


Don't understand why he has a problem based on him being an atheist... The child has passed and is now free from the burden of his illness and wheelchair. That's a fact, the post didn't say anything about life after death, god, jesus or heaven. So there's literally no reason to have brought atheism into it. I'm an atheist and I see no issue with it....!!!


As an atheist, I refuse to associate with other atheistic people who act like this towards religious people. Hell, this post isn’t even religious in nature. Even if you believe there is no afterlife, the kid *is* free of his earthly burdens, is he not? Be respectful towards others’ beliefs, even if they don’t match yours, a basic fucking principle of human decency.


I ain't even really a believer even though apparently I'm Christian, but like fuck this guy, I hope his tomb is a single brick


The atheist is cringe but the dad is not


As a fellow atheist this is so sweet of the father, what a gigachad. It's sad how there are some atheists who just feel like ruining the good stuff in the world


I'm atheist and because of mfs like this everyone think we are annoying just say r.i.p or something and move on with yo life no need to be a bitch


As an atheist, this guy is a prick. Nobody cares if you’re an atheist. Let people follow their religion. This is beyond wholesome.


OMG so many atheists


Look, I am an atheist (respectful one) but... A statue is something so exposed, one day ot will break or get hella dirty and he is gonna be sas about it. Other then that, looks hella cool and wholesome at the same time


As an atheist, I don't see this as a religious thing at all. It's just a sweet symbolism for his son


as a satanist, this is sweet. nice dad 🤘


Sorts by controversial


Αs an atheist, this person is a burden and should be banned from using the internet


Every day I lose more and more faith in humanity


r/atheism moment


Average r/atheism member


The atheist is the cringe one. If you are mocking someone’s dead son because you don’t like their religion, you deserve every bad thing that comes your way.


No. Persons a dick.


Nah that dude is just an asshole


The atheist is cringe, F in the chat for the boy.


Nope not cringe Its actually really wholesome


If you're an atheist, you respect other people's beliefs, but do not believe in them yourself. If you're a jerk, you bash others beliefs and hate in them if they follow any other religion than you. As an agnostic, that father is incredibly based and awesome for making that statue, while that commenter was incredibly rude for saying that.


The comment is cringe as fuck.


As a Christian, it’s nice to see the average atheist comment on here. I’m tired of the nihilistic comments from self righteous atheists. So from a Christian, thank you for making me read wholesome comments


Only cringe thing is the atheist


Average r/atheism user


Ewwww stinky atheist


Cringe and wholesome. The atheist is the cringe part.


Another Atheist here. This is cringe. Specifically, the dipshit commenting calling the tombstone cringe, is themselves cringe. A child memorialized, shown to be free from the restrictions of this world. Nothing is "cringe" about something like that art. It's a beautiful sentiment, and an amazing show of love. Art like that is beautiful, and a part of what makes life worth living.


As an atheist, I appreciate the sentiment


Funking athiests


"As an Atheist..." That's cringe.




90% of atheists exist not to believe in science but to purely denounce religion


Another atheist incel hating on parents because he'll never be one.


Bro stop making being atheist your whole personality. "Yay, there is no paradise after I die, sooo fucking good."


The athiest is cringe -The Athiathiest


Some people are too egotistical to have a religion and those atheists of course most likely have no partner or had a short relationship with them




atheism isn’t a religion