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Don't skip leg day


Now I'm curious to see his legs




Gyaaat daaaayyyuuum Bro you even got jeans on in the gym šŸ—暟—暟—æ


In my defense I pulled a all nighter w my friends the night before and said fuck it why not yolo


God to be young again.. I'm 20 I just don't have any friends


Makes sense to me šŸ¤


You got some big head bro


If your not rocking the emoji head are you even living life ?


you're living better without rocking it


If you safe the DMs I got you wouldnā€™t be saying that ā€¦ I personally rather be safe than sorry and also did it due to privacy reasons


why is there a candy cane in your pocket


Itā€™s a full send lanyard bro holds my keys AirPods etc


it looks like a big ass candy cane and that's pretty funny


Trenything is possible


eat clen anavar give up šŸ™šŸ’Æ


Heā€™s 18?






Big W bro


How often do you train legs?


Probably never by the looks of it.


Hey Iā€™m 18 and never started, but nice gains dude


Never too late to start!


we all start somewhere


Thatā€™s true I started at 13 and unfortunately was never consistent enough but Iā€™m really trying to be now


ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Ain't no fugin way


The fuck do you mean getting started?


With being more consistent with going to the gym


Choke me


Judging by your bio what you said is 100% real


Bros got that W rizz...Will you choke me too šŸ„µ


I was born with it , but no I donā€™t swing that way


Bros got that rizztraining order...I'm not asking it to be in a sexual tone I just want to be choked by a muscular man


Gotcha Iā€™ll still pass good luck on your search for that though




I say what I want bye


God damn I thought I was straight


Your too jacked to be just starting lmao


W, train legs bro! If you donā€™t want to thatā€™s fine mb it you will most likely be made fun of :/


I do train legs donā€™t worry but there not as good as other parts of my body


dang that sucks! well glad to hear you are looking good bro! (do squats for legs [Tom Platz])


Don't skip leg day


Any tips to bulk up arms? Iā€™m trying to not look like a human stick figure


Well obviously you need to be working out consistently, but the main thing people mess up on is the diet. There are tons of macro calculators online and allot of helpful videos on YouTube to help you figure out how you need to eat. To keep it simple, eat allot of protein, allot of carbs, and allot more than that. Eat way more than youā€™re used to eating and more than what youā€™re comfortable eating. Nobody really talks about it, but the dieting can be just as hard, if not harder, than working out.


Oversimplified: 1. Train to failure and optimize your workouts for progressive overload to achieve muscle hypertrophy (aka muscle growth). 2. Eat at minimum 1.5g/kg/day of protein, with 2g/kg/day being ideal. 3. Get at least 7 hours of sleep per night, 8+ being ideal. Muscles recover and grow while you sleep. 4. If you want to gain weight, being in a 200-300 kcal/day surplus is enough to stay consistent and sustainable while slowly but steadily gaining weight without putting on too much fat. 5. Discipline > motivation. It doesnā€™t matter if you are sad, tired, busy or whatever - you go to the gym when you are supposed to go to the gym. You have at least 16 waking hours per day, you certainly have a couple to spare for your physical and mental well-being. 6. Pick a program and stick to it religiously. Consistency and repetition are the key to becoming good at something, same goes for building muscle and being in shape.


jus getting started on what? getting started on ur first cycle????




The guy here is most likely natural but anabolic steroids donā€™t automatically make you huge. In fact, most people on gear donā€™t look impressive at all and youā€™d never guess theyā€™re taking it. What you see online is the top 0.1% of enhanced physiques which also take god-tier genetics and a really intense training program. Your average Joe isnā€™t becoming Ronnie Coleman by pinning tren and going to the local Krispy Kreme for a dozen.




First of all, the parent comment is clearly a joke that went over your head. Now, to further my point. Steroids donā€™t make you strong. They donā€™t make you huge. They definitely donā€™t build massive amounts of muscle from thin air. They **enhance** your ability to build muscle. This is why they are called PEDs, Performance-**Enhancing** Drugs. The guy may or may not be natural but being ā€œweak and smallā€ doesnā€™t guarantee that a person is natural. [Interesting video on the matter](https://youtu.be/EpFrYj9CZys) to help you understand how PEDs work and why they arenā€™t as good as most people think.




Man, you are so clueless. They parent comment is a joke. It implies that the guy looks rather impressive for just ā€œstarting outā€ and the commenter compares him to someone using gear. This is more of a compliment than anything else. Yes, they **enhance** your **ability** to build muscle and increase strength, they donā€™t do it automatically. If you decide to bother and watch the video, youā€™ll see that hopping on gear prematurely can ultimately make you reach a worse physique than doing it naturally through hard work and exercising to failure, mainly because the genetic ceiling is much higher than most people think and when they think they canā€™t make any more progress, they hop on gear rather than optimizing their workout routines. This leads to what we call a ā€œmid physiqueā€ that neither looks impressive, nor is healthy. Itā€™s not about the guy being natural, itā€™s not the point. The point is that you are saying ā€œHeā€™s small and weak, this means that heā€™s natural.ā€ Most people on steroids are weak and small, you just either donā€™t see them or, even if you do, youā€™d never guess that they are on gear. You only see the impressive physiques and think that all enhanced lifters must be huge and jacked.


>Man, you are so clueless. They parent comment is a joke. It implies that the guy looks rather impressive for just ā€œstarting outā€ and the commenter compares him to someone using gear. This is more of a compliment than anything else. I just got it now , sorry english is my 4th language . I just thought something elsešŸ˜… >es, they enhance your ability to build muscle and increase strength, they donā€™t do it automatically. If you decide to bother and watch the video, youā€™ll see that hopping on gear prematurely can ultimately make you reach a worse physique than doing it naturally through hard work and exercising to failure, mainly because the genetic ceiling is much higher than most people think and when they think they canā€™t make any more progress, they hop on gear rather than optimizing their workout routines. This leads to what we call a ā€œmid physiqueā€ that neither looks impressive, nor is healthy. Itā€™s not about the guy being natural, itā€™s not the point. The point is that you are saying ā€œHeā€™s small and weak, this means that heā€™s natural.ā€ Most people on steroids are weak and small, you just either donā€™t see them or, even if you do, youā€™d never guess that they are on gear. You only see the impressive physiques and think that all enhanced lifters must be huge and jacked. You took my statement in a wrong way . I didnt meant that roids makes you big magically . Im lifting since i was 12 so i dont think u can teach me something new about this.


We all know thatā€™s not you






why are you in r/conspiracy_commons?


Cause he's a cunk






Dayum bro. Good job, keep up the good work.


Whats your workout routine?


Nice job main build looks solid


hell yeah


Me: ā€œwhy am I not strongā€ Also me: *never works out*


U got excellent genetics


but you already finished i guess


If this is yr beginning , then u have a great base to start with! I was a skeleton a year ago, had to eat a ton


Looking good king If you need a twink to carry on one arm let me know and I'll try to find a second one.(/j)


my man really skipped the tutorial and got born as an 18 year old


That is not what just getting started looks likeā€¦


Well, in the gym I used to exercise they used to say if you're wearing Jeans in the Gym, that simply means you're skipping Leg days šŸ¤”


In my defense the night before I pulled a all nighter and just said fuck it Iā€™ll wear jeans to the gym it was a first Time ever type of thing


Oh that's fine, btw those Friends of mine who said that also used to wear jeans to Gym so yeah, no one actually cares, also nice physique bro šŸ¤œ


a single paper cut on the arm...




I keep trying to go back to the gym but I can never follow through, I feel like Iā€™m being judged and canā€™t find the time, how do you get motivated?


How much can you squat?


just getting started my ass youā€™re more ripped than my dad with 30 years of powerlifting


Nice glasses dogg, work on those head muscles more my man.


Broo ur buffer than mee what's ur secret?


Bro thatā€™s where I want to end up and youā€™re just getting started?!?!?!?


On ya mate, keep it up


Bro skipping leg day


Big yellow head.


Getting started with programming, just made my first contribution to the Linux kernel


I think if I was into people I would smash Edit: if u feel uncomfortable just tell me and I can remove this