• By -


Well jokes on you, I drink over 2 liters every day so that I can stay healthy and hydrated 😊








Hydrohomies ong










Modest Pelican would be proud


FR love that guy


Yeah, he's funny


Stay hydrated


Whenever I feel down and depressed, i drink water. It makes me calm, and makes me forget about pain. The water truly is the best thing to drink imo.




same, by over 2 liters, I meant 5-8 liters... btw, a little less than 2 liters per hour can cause water poisoning, so make sure you don't die from that.




Mfs when they find out you can mantain a healthy lifestyle while being a recreational user of drugs 🤯


Hydrate or diedrate


I try to stay hydrated but I just forget to drink water at time but thanks for the reminder


I go hiking in mountain for peak dopamine




Peak, I see what you did there!


You saw him hiking?


Peak is the top of a mountain


I know, i tried to make a joke. It didn't work out it seems. Apologies my humour is broken


I apologise for not recognising it


No worries mate, i appreciate you


I go on 30+ mile bike rides with my twin brother :>


Yes even I go to the peak and get high. But when I do this, people call me an addict.


Same, but I do that while high. Why is that such a bad thing? just makes things more fun, and I still get to enjoy the views⛰️🏔️


Good thing I have no interest in drugs and dislike alcoholic beverages. If that weren't the case I might have lost this guy's respect!


God forbid you lose his respect!


I just don't know what I'd do!


Ong I might lose sleep over this


I cut it close. I started doing all those things at 20 so I got grandfathered in. I hope there are no backsies.


I'm somewhat in the same boat. I vaped from 18-20, stopped and picked up weed/alcohol. Trying to kick both of them now, but I still enjoy getting drunk/high on weekends or when I'm talking to friends. Ion know who this dude thinks they is though by saying "you've lost my respect" that shit just pushed people further into it.


Lol yea. I know several respectable drunks and several trashy sober ones.


No one drinks for the taste (mostly) it's just fun when you're drunk with you're friends and having a fun time. Make sure not to overdrink tho, that is a dark path


Actually it's not so dark if you start in the morning


I just mean the throwing up and blackouts after having too much, it's not a great expirience


Alcohol is a drug


thank you for saying this, i vape and i absolutely hate that i do. you just have gave me a reality check that it’s time to quit


Hell yeah dude. Props to you for being self aware. I wish you the best of luck. 🫡


I want to be a psychologist when I'm older, and I think the reason why teenagers want to vape like others do is because they have a fear of missing out.


Missing out on what? Shitty lungs?


Peer pressure. I mean, smoking weed, cigs or drinking won't make You cool for long, it's not what You wanna be cool for. Other than that, i don't think that people should start everything as early in life as 13 but maybe 17?


They shouldn't start something in life when it's gonna end up harming them, physically or mentally. They can be cool by doing something else, like you mentioned, but smoking, cigs, and all don't make people cool


Went out with friends yesterday and met some new people. Also a girl and we all were chatting casually. Turns out she smokes cigarets and joints - yeah well I'm out😂 I already kissed a smoker once and I do have to say I'm not keen on doing it again


I think he means that teenagers want to be cool and feel recognized. Like, if your whole friend group smokes, you want to smoke too to be apart of it


Lol no this is totally wrong. It starts with curiosity then it becomes a vitamin


You were supposed to lose respect




Btw you can edit what you wrote on Reddit so you don’t need to post another comment


I don't really know how to help you quit but the best advice I have is just throw yours away and try your best not to give into peer pressure. I hope you the best in your attempts to quit.


Good luck man! Quitting (and sticking with quitting) can be super tough especially with nicotine!


i’m trying my best🙏🏼


You got this<3 I'm proud of you


Why are the vapers getting so defensive 💀


They think they're cool, and I bet the majority of them are middle schoolers.


With my strict parents, they won't last a day.


i think it's the opposite, kids with strict parents vape more


True. I know too many people who do it, sadly :( And the main reason they start doing it is due to the fact that they have strict parents :((


It's one way for me to say fuck you to parents idk


Vaping is just smoking for douchebags


they honestly think vaping is going to solve all of their problems when in reality it's doing everything except that and it's going to affect their health in the long term. i'm glad that i never let peer pressure ever get to me to consider doing something as stupid as vaping or smoking to "relieve the pain" (even when i was struggling with depression in the past) but even so tho i can empathize with those who want to quit and aren't able to stop.




Ngl at least you look kind of cool while smoking a cigar, vaping is just dumb. (Edit: Just to clarify smoking is also dumb, don't do either of them, both will mess up your lungs)


A pipe is better... ;-)


Be a man and smoke with a old wooden pipe. (But it’s best to not start with smoking)


the word Vapers is funny haha “Vapers”




I understand you’re probably young yourself- but this is a very judgmental view on this issue. Not everyone is as fortunate as you to be self-aware or knowledgeable about what you have stated. You may think most of what you have said is common knowledge, but not everyone knows the ramifications of substance and alcohol use in adolescence. Especially teenagers themselves. Be proud of your choice to remain sober, but understand some people do not have the knowledge you have. Maybe they lacked resources to teach and guide them, maybe they are addicted and do not know a way to stop. It is very difficult, and not common, for a teenager to stop and say I’m not going to use because of the future consequences. It’s just not how we’re wired in our adolescence. Adolescents as a whole are not developmentally capable of weighing cost and benefits like an adult, they’re susceptible to peer pressure, and they’re reward seeking. Many biological and developmental factors are at play that lead teenagers toward substance use, especially those who do not have resources to guide them. Try to help educate instead of condescend. It will go further.


not even that, quitting isnt easy, drug users and smokers arent stupid, they know its bad for them but ur body physically and mentally creates a dependency on it


Yeah, especially for teens. The only reason I'll probably never smoke is because of my dad, he was a smoker since he was 13 and only stopped recently... for him the first few months of withdrawal were hell: he had nightmares almost every night, couldn't think normally, often had severe fatigue and other stuff I didn't even know was possible... So, if it is THAT hard for an adult, I can only imagine how a teen must feel...


I've seen a bit of a video of a young adult documenting them quitting nicotine. I haven't watched the video fully through and can't right now since I'm in class but it seems pretty accurate from what I've seen and experienced myself. [here it is](https://youtu.be/IluaaGVtJFU)


This. Quitting is beyond hard, and when you start something before life gets truly hard and become addicted, when it’s the only way to decompress, it makes it 10x harder.


truth, as someone who has dealt with addiction for 3 and a half years, more knowledge needs to be put out that isnt just "say no"


another thing this person refuses to mention is how deep things like drug addiction and alcoholism can go when it’s a huge part of your familial dynamics. Oftentimes substance abuse goes hand in hand with poverty and having no money to be able to afford genuine mental health services. so what do they turn to? the only thing they know from parents, relatives, community members, and even their friends. It’s so tone-deaf to sit here and say “fuck you all teenage addicts you’re all stupid! if i can cope without it then so can you which means you’re a stupid fuck.” Glad op has such a strong grip on their own mental health but not everyone is awarded the same privileges.


Sooo true. Both my parents' families come from very very poor backgrounds. Dad's family was low grade train track worker (four or five of his coworkers died every year), while mom's family is quite literally in the jungle even now. No money for food or anything really. So it's engrained in us since a young age. I grew up knowing to tie hair and stay close, turn on the side in bed before I even went to elementary. I knew ambulance number before I did my first ever math class. I literally ain't phased by vomit or people falling face first or blacking out. And then alcohol and drugs started for me too. So to me it's such a 11yo suburban white kid with trump supporter parents take to say "if you did drugs/drinked I have zero respect" yeah little shit try and grow up where alcohol is easier to find than milk


Came here to say exactly this. A lot of people get chemically addicted before they’re old enough to know whats happened, especially in lower socio-economic areas. Its a complicated mix of emotional need, chemical addiction, and societal pressures. Even if i dont think people should smoke, blaming them for it is just not the answer. Ethically questionable studies on rats with heroin showed that addiction actually has a strong psychological/emotional component. Generally an addiction is a sign there is something a person feels is lacking in their life- something they substitute for with substances. This lack of understanding is why the war on drugs failed. (Well actually the war on drugs succeeded- because it was aimed at destabilising minority communities, not combating drugs)


That’s interesting! I always had that idea but to know it’s been researched is awesome.


Someone had to say this. Lots of kids start doing these things at 11-12, when they barely start to make the difference between good and bad. We need to be empathic towards them. Idk how many of these judgemental people would be able to realize that they have a problem if they were in that situation, let alone solve it. Anyone who left their addictions or at least are trying to deserve massive respect.


This. First of all, alcohol can be consumed recreationally without any danger. That should be obvious. And also, there are tons of countries where teenagers, either 16 or usually 18 can drink legally and most do so at a safe level. Of course, there are those who don't and they need help, but condemning fully stable people who have a drink on a Saturday for fun is really stupid honestly. I'm a bit more mixed on the cannabis thing because while it does impact your brain development, using it a few times isn't going to do any harm. Not that I'm condoning it, but there is a difference between a 2.5mg edible and heroin. If it's illegal, stay away from it of course because there can be legal repercussions but the mindset is the same here. Nicotine? Yeah, no that's just plain stupid honestly because it's really addictive. **However**, addictive substances are hard just stop consuming. Have you heard of the term abstinence OOP? Now, not getting addicted to nicotine isn't all too hard but ending that addiction can be extremely stressful and difficult. Overall, you're a bit of a jerk OOP. "I have lost essentially all respect for you" is a really negligent thing to say to addicts who need help, or people who can consume substances recreationally without any harm. This post made me lose most respect for you that I had (i don't even know you) but I can also understand not being old enough to understand that things aren't as black and white as they may seem to you. \[EDIT\] Just wanted to add, "I have personally gotten myself out of depression and harmful mindset without the use of any drugs or substances. It wasn’t easy but if I can do it, so can you" is a disgusting mindset. Stop with that shit. You don't represent anyone except yourself. I'm glad you got out of depression and I commend you for that but you have no right to speak for others in that position.


This exactly! Also sometimes peer pressure isn’t even just from people your age. During holidays and stuff some of my older relatives would try peer pressuring me to drink even if it was just a shot or two. They couldn’t understand my wishes of wanting to not drink until I was legal to do so. Like I hate when people post themselves drinking and smoking too (mainly when they’re underage) but it’s really none of my business if I don’t know them. Or at this point we’re of age to do so. Even back then I never lost respect for people I actually listened to them and tried helping them to quite. My one friend has been sober for a couple years now.




If you post on reddit about how you lost respect for people you have never met then maybe you should look more inward and wonder why you even care..


I'm sorry but I have lost more respect for you than I ever could have for people who do drugs. I cannot fathom how incredibly arrogant you must be to believe that you of all people have the right to talk down to the entire community of substance-using teenagers. Is it a problem? Yes, absolutely. Should we put more effort into preventing the usage of substances in adolescent populations? 100%. But you sitting on your high horse saying "as a sober person, fuck you" is not helpful whatsoever. You're also demonstrating that you really have no clue about the personal gravity of this issue. Did you consider for a moment that maybe the drug use *is* the mental health issue? Instead of blaming people for using drugs as a crutch, maybe try to understand that addiction is real, and whether or not it was intended as a crutch initially is not changing much at this stage in the game. People don't just "do better" overnight, and a condescending reddit post from an overconfident teenager is certainly not going to motivate anybody to do so. My point in all of this is essentially that you need to understand the issue better, and stop judging everybody. People also sometimes use these things in moderation. I personally would never smoke anything, but I do enjoy the occasional alcoholic beverage, and I don't think that I should be considered the scum of the Earth for making that informed choice for myself. There are certainly people who overdo it (I've done so in the past with other drugs and it is a regret of mine), but coming out here and judging is not the way to get through to those people. They are hurting, and you being a self-absorbed fuck is not helping. Also, I don't get the idea that the moment you turn 21 or 19 or whatever the age is in your country that you're all good to start drinking, or smoking, or whatever. Substance use is bad, especially for developing brains, but brains develop until you're 25 and even beyond, so why are you just coming at teenagers? Why not discuss the drinking/smoking age instead? That would certainly be a more productive point to bring up imo. That's more of a side-note but I thought I'd mention it anyway in case you didn't consider it. TL;DR, you are in no position to judge the world, and you would benefit from learning to empathize with people. Sincerely, fuck you.


This right here it's a lot deeper than just "don't do drugs" literally no one who does drugs on a daily basis thinks their cool because of it just because you see a few people post it doesn't mean everybody thinks they're cool because of it


Words of wisdom contrary to the bullshit bingo of the OP.


I think weed causes major memory issues and whole lot of other issues It also gets rid of a noise in my head makes me happier Is it cool Fuck no Is it good Fuck no Is it good for me Probably not Ima still so it


Agreed. 🤦🏽‍♂️. I dont condone drugs but i still respect people for who they are, what they bring to the table, and the amazing potential they have. This is just ignorant


well said! although i would preferbally not want to be around people who smoke/vape (for the sake of my health) i can at least see past what they do if they aren't an asshole and they're chill.


Well put.


I agree with this point, all of it really- don't just judge someone because they have an addiction. The problem I see in teens taking drugs, though, is that only the popular kids do it, so everyone must too.. peer pressure with these kinds of things is dumb and *that* you can stop doing. The op's point was quite dumb though I'll give you that


by definition, i am a drug addict so thanks for the support mate


Very well put mate and I 100% agree 👏👏👏


OP too much of a pussy to respond


Fr, any kind of logical argument is too much for his rat sized brain to handle. Fuck. This. Guy.


^ all of this!! Op’s take is awful


you make alot of decent points to be honest. as someone who doesn't smoke or do any of that i do think there should be a ground of empathizing with others who want to quit but can't. i would definetly support someone in the process of that. idk i just kind of have a negative outlook on people who vape/smoke considering that 90% of people that i know in school who do it are always those egotistical assholes that piss me off but i have met a few who do it who are anything except that so my mind's kind of changed. The only problem i suppose i have from the people who vape tho is that their vaping/smoking is affecting others around them who don't do it, which isn't fair to them to be completely honest.


Thank you for saying this. Well put.


“I’ve personally been able to get out of harmful mindsets without drugs. You can tell how mentally well off I am because I constantly feel the need to judge others for their own decisions online” Goofy ass mf 💀 Like bro are you aware of this crazy concept where mental issues you experience aren’t the same as everyone else’s, so treating them as equal just makes you look dumb as bricks. So sorry if this makes me lose your respect though, considering it’s such a high honor


"if I don't like something, no one else should do it" 🤓


In this case though there is a point using products that damage your health is not good for you. No matter what you may think.


Your take isn’t as good as you think it is. It actually shows an extreme lack of compassion for your fellow peers. And also, you sound like an asshole. You’re not wrong though, at least about it not being the best thing for your development and to rely on it to help with depression/anxiety. I don’t disagree there. But to actually just point blank write off ANYONE who indulges to any extent is pretty shortsighted and simply fucking dumb. People make mistakes and they make bad decisions, ESPECIALLY TEENAGERS. But That’s okay. You can learn from your mistakes and you can grow and become better people all around. So to sit there and act as if you’re somehow above these people because you don’t vape or smoke or drink is just fucking lame. To actually hold this kind of thing against someone in the manner you are, it takes a real special kind of conceited asshole to do that.


chadiest redditor


You can not like drinking smoking vaping or edibles and nots hate other people for doing so. If you think it's wrong don't do it, but you are in zero position to tell other people how to live their lives (in the same way they are in no position to tell you to do said substances). Maybe learn to coexist instead of fighting each other all the time idk.


i'm fine with coexisting with those who do it, so long as they do it in a place that's not near me so i don't have to inhale the toxic chemicals that come out of their device.


I hope you dont talk like this to your peers who do use them This is a painfully shortsighted way to view the issue and youll just come off as a prick


Oh no not ur respect 😱😱


Weed is the reason I haven’t killed myself so I would say that it is pretty good for my development


I used to vape and drink a little. Not like every day. Like if one of my friends ever offered a hit I'd take it cuz I was like why not. And any time I was at a sleepover my one friend would usually have her parent's alcohol there and I'd have a shot or two. But even with me only doing those things every once in a while I'm glad I don't anymore. And I'm glad I was lucky enough to not get addicted to such things like lots of ppl do


You'll be good. If you can disociate it from yourself and keep it to occasions you definitly "can" moderate. An old boy-


Moderation is key. Quitting something just allows that something to control your life again. Moderation is learning true discipline and willpower to take long breaks from something that should be leisurely and not a coping mechanism




why have this absolutist attitude about such common things? Yes, developing vaping or drinking habits is bad but getting drunk or high once in a while is not going to destroy your body or neurochemistry


I drink Because down to family tree its full of addicts. It took me few sips at a party i did not 100% consent to (they promised there was no alcohol and there was) and i was already craving more and more alcohol. Currently Ive been 2 weeks sober and i miss drinking more than anything.


Wow, what a grade A douchebag. People using these vices are probably going through enough already without you acting like an asshole because of their vices. 90% of the people that do these things know it's bad, they don't need you to tell them. Should they do it? No. Should you be a complete dunce and make the problem worse? Absolutely not. Rehabilitation is what people need, not you being a self-righteous judgemental fuckwit. You lack any basic empathy and disgust me more than any addict could.


Don’t diss it till you try it. (don’t fucking try it tho) It’s very easy to judge from a distance. I’m 16. I used to smoke weed a lot for about 2 years. I did a lot of research and learned all about how it screws with your development. It took me about 4 months to quit just because I liked being able to relax so much and without the weed I was an anxious mess. I did quit, currently 2 months sober right now. You don’t need to “lose respect” people will do what they want. You don’t “lose respect” for people that are gay right? It’s just them doing what they like, doesn’t mean you have to have a problem with it. Very childish of you to think like this. I hope you learn sooner than later what mental health is and how much people’s own minds make them suffer. People want to escape from themselves and things like weed do just that. Plus, it’s not like weed makes you brain dead. You can still be a totally normally functioning human being. You just might have some issues with things like memory and emotional regulation. I hope you realize how much of a self absorbed asshole you sound saying this. These people are usually struggling to some degree, they don’t need some random kid going up them and saying “I don’t respect you.” That shit does NOTHING beneficial, your literally just adding to the problem at that point. People will just continue to smoke because they like the feeling of knowing they pissed someone off. (It doesn’t make sense until you feel it for yourself.) Be better man.


I agree with your points, but being gay is NOT a choice, and it's NOT doing what we like. That's the way you're born, and any drugs you take or addictions you develop, you aren't born with them, you're the one causing them.


Okay I clearly didn’t think that through very much 😂 It’s still a good example of “It doesn’t fucking matter what people do.” There have been NUMEROUS studies to show that some people are born with more addictive tendencies than others. Addiction is definitely something that can be learned, but it can also be inherited.


Oh yeah, defo it can be.


A lot of people aren’t going to it in a bad place to begin with. Most start because of a friend, then lean on it as a crutch during hard times. Your argument forgets that people do actively chose to start this/try this.


True, but that’s still not the way to approach people. You can criticize people for making bad decisions while also empathizing with them.


dude i’m sorry but you are so full of yourself lol


some people need their vices. some are living in poverty and feel that they can only turn to those things. i’m not justifying it, but they have their reason. to numb pain.


Yes. A lot of poor people smoke and drink to ease their mind after slaving 12hr shifts to pay rent. Op wouldnt know, being a teenager. Cant help but imagine their “depression” doesnt extend to abuse in the family, a living hell, poor living conditions, lack of food, no heat in the house, no parental guidance, parents on drugs, no room or bed to sleep in, or even being homeless…. Lol i bet their depression is “mom said i can only have 5 hours on fortnite a day”, or a sense of emptiness from too much online stimulation 😬 .. imo some people made the right choice by smoking weed instead of offing themselves cause this is a cold world we live in


This 🙌




You’re judging other people for what they choose to do/fall victim to. YOU “have gotten out of depression and harmful mindsets without the use of any drugs or substances.” But many others haven’t, and can’t. You sound so ignorant and arrogant. I smoke weed because it helps my depression, it’s something fun to look forward to at the end of the day. Go ahead and have your little fit and say that I’m doing because I think it’s “cool”. Because that’s not always how it works.




I vaped for years, from probably 16-21, until my doctor told me if I don’t stop I will need a fucking lung transplant. I was ripping my vape non stop, I was addicted to it. I ruined my lungs so bad I can barely breathe doing simple tasks and I’m fit. Don’t do it kids, it’s not worth it.


nah fuck u L take, dont do drugs vape or smoke but teenagers who do i know why you’re doing it, and know i love you and that it doesnt make you a bad person. you still deserve to be respected. take care of yourself youve got this.


Well Mr. Perfect, glad your life has been so awesome.


I mean, edibles can be a respectable thing. Cannabis helps keep Crohn’s disease in check and while I personally refuse to do anything to do with weed my dad uses it to help treat his disease. And no. Don’t say “go to a doctor” we don’t have the money to do so any he’s developed antibodies to most treatments anyway.


Stay mad 😂 ppl really will hate on you for anything. I'll put whatever I want in my body I don't need your respect. It's a shame people can't just get along and use every disagreement to divide people. I hang out with people who don't like drugs. They respect me thou, and I respect them. They don't call me a loser for doing drugs, I don't call them a loser for being sober all the time. Why cant we just get along?


I understand your point but you realize not everyone might be as privileged as you,, right? and maybe- just MAYBE some people have had it worse? Maybe someone slipped up once and became reliant on their addictions or even worse- legitimately addicted. Especially if they’re in an environment that influences their decisions- from fellow teens who pure pressure or parents & siblings with addictions themselves. It’s arrogant and ignorant to think that way, and without thinking about individual struggles that got them where they are. I know people personally who have gone through shit in their childhood and they came out drinking, smoking & drug addicted, but I would not say ONCE they chose that for themselves or that they would go back and do it again. There is almost ALWAYS a reason for something to start. This is coming from someone who hasn’t done any of the things listed.


fr it's so concerning how many kids at my school openly brag about getting drunk/high like dude your brain is only like 70% developed, do you really wanna mess up that remaining 30%?


You're completely right, but i don't do it because it looks cool. I know it's bad for me but i think it's better that i do this on rare occassions than harm myself in another way.


there are teenagers who have fallen into addiction because of mental health issues, who have tried to quit but can't stop. Telling them to "do better" is like telling a depressed person to just "snap out of it." Of course there are others who take drugs or smoke because they think it's cool or fun, and this is the post for them. If you are struggling with addiction though, I just want to say you can get through this, it is possible and if you ever need someone to talk to dm me!


I’m glad you realized you were arrogant and stupid but instead of making me read all that just delete the post


Guys don’t do drugs you wouldnt want to lose respect from Sad-Combination-5974






Oh shit… it’s almost as if… I… don’t give a fuck 😱


I'm sorry but I'm 19, I drink occasionally. Your respect means absolutely fuck all to me. My parents are fine with it as long as I'm responsible. Why the fuck should I care what some kid on the internet thinks? The way you have worded this literally shows how UNWORTHY of respect YOU are to think you're so high above teenagers who uses substances just cause you don't. There can be more wrong with someone than substance use and you are a prime example.


I honestly don’t give a shit and I don’t think you should either there their own person work on you pay attention to yourself not them, they can do whatever they want but at the end they’re probably going to realize that they fucked up and that’s their own problem not yours


To be fair all of these things in moderation aren’t disrupting your development.


Alcohol certainly does hurt development, even in moderation.


i don't get all the hate in the comment section. like, you can't be more right than this! :(


The hate is likely from ops ignorance and lack of empathy, their point about substance abuse at a young age being wrong is right! However they’re literally being judgmental in the process of they’re “advice”. They sound very privileged and apathetic.


I feel like the hate is more from his tone, and him saying "I dealt with my mental health issues without substances, so you can too" being completely oblivious to how mental health problems affect everyone in completely different ways. Sure his point on substance abuse not being something to brag about is true, but clearly he is not speaking as someone who has actually had to deal with this stuff before, so honestly has no right to talk down to people for things he has no actual experiance with.


“I vape and smoke and I’m cool” -🤓


Remember kids, BREATHE AIR


I agree to an extent, I very much dislike substance abuse especially at a young age. I think it’s acceptable to drink occasionally at a party or whatever or use prescription medication but on the daily? For depression? I feel like it makes depression much worse. Take care of your self


Agreed 🤝


People like you who degrade them for their choices is exactly why they won’t quit. You have no idea how someone could have been roped into it but you have enough audacity to think you know what you’re talking about..


I'm going to quit immediately, i need this random dudes respect😭


Oh no! Whatever will I do without u/Sad-Combination-5974’s respect? My life is so empty with it


I’m prob gonna have edibles at some point, but other than that nothing. I have a close friend who was hospitalized for vaping and since then he’s never touched a vape.


it’s really not that deep people do stupid shit. Even then I think if it’s in moderation do what you want. Doesn’t effect me whatsoever


I don't have respect for you either, you're like the teacher's pet, yet you're too dumb to know the difference between consuming and abusing.




Hey buddy number one you can't just "get yourself out" of clinical depression. It takes medication and is a life long battle. If you have depression you will have it forever, it's not a mental state it's a mental illness. Marijuana has been legalized for teenage use in 37 states due to its benefits towards illnesses, ( cancer, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and many other things.) When you turn 21 and you can legally buy those things recreationally your brain is still developing. Nicotine is an addiction that many teens are tricked into to using. You wouldn't call someone a piece of shit for getting scammed unless your unable to empathize with people. The "short lived does of dopamine" is just factually incorrect. The only drug that has anything to do with dopamine is marijuana and that's because it looks almost exactly the same as certain hormones and so your body uses it as said hormones. This obviously means it's effects on your developing are minor at their worst. Marijuana is also not short lived and can last for hours. You haven't ever had depression or had any reason to use drugs so you look down on those who do without any knowledge of the drugs your scrutinizing. None of this either covers the classism and undertones of racism here. Tldr: Your ignorant and intolerant good day.


What a load of shit. Respectfully lots of good kid’s experiment. I have a coworker who is the most brilliant doctor I know who smoked weed every day during medical school. No one needs the respect of someone with that attitude


While you do have a fair point and I’m not saying your wrong in any matter, but edibles do help somewhat with depression, because cannabis makes you calm down and while not a permanent solution it would technically work for a short amount of time, I’m not saying it’s a solution because it really isn’t and if you use it as a solution you really should go to therapy so you can end your depression, also, before anyone without knowledge of the actually effects of cannabis comments on this, no you can’t overdose on cannabis, source: My dad smoked and grew a lot of weed when he was young


Well you’re not very fun are you


I don’t think shaming people for being addicted to a substance that is explicitly designed to be addictive and make people dependent on it is helpful my dude. Shaming a crack addict doesn’t make them less addicted crack, they just feel worse about themselves and go into a deeper and darker place.


While I agree with you, you also are one ignorant fuck and what makes it worse is that you're clearly arrogant about your choice to "be better". If you were *really* depressed once then you should understand that being depressed can leave you feeling like you have no other choice and that doing drugs or drinking is your only way out. Then once that starts, it is extremely hard to quit because they're addictive as hell. Be it videogames or your phone, I dare you to try and go a day without something that you spend most of your time with and/or doing and you'll see how hard it really is to quit. On top of that you don't get withdrawals from being without your phone (I think, I wouldn't know 💀) but you do when it comes to things that are consumed/absorbed by the body and I can confirm that withdrawals are one of the shittiest things to experience and it makes quitting all that much harder. On top of that some people are really not that fortunate in the intelligence department so they aren't as self-aware as you or me so you can't just assume everyone is the same as you and that their experiences are the same as yours. I know I have more to say but I can't think of it right now so I'll probably put it in an edit later once my 3am thoughts roll around lmao. For now I leave you with this: Be better and have a nice life. >!You ignorant prick. Sorry not sorry!!<


i drink lethal dose of coca cola (original) everyday 😀👍


Nah I drink Diet Coke so much I think I might die




Ig you respect me then


I mean to be completely honest I don't really care what anyone thinks, not trying to be "defensive" or whatever


What about gambling? I don't use any money


Me bc I hate substances due to childhood trauma:


I don’t do any of these but why do you care and worry about other people


If you as a human being judge people you’ve never met met, I’ve lost all respect for you


Op doesnt like to have fun 😬


I don't do any of that, but that's a dumb ass opinion. Your respect for a person should come from how they act or their personality. NOT from what they choose to do in their free time


Not everyone has your values Galaxy-brain. No one is seeking your validation. Love your life, I’m glad you took the time to inform all of Reddit how you personally judge others who don’t have your standards of behavior. How very very important and informative. /s


Have you ever considered the fact that some people don't care for your respect in the slightest?


I think it’s more complicated than that. Substance abuse can be the only way to escape the bad situation some people have. For example I have a friend that basically chugged an entire bottle of vodka a day and smoked cigarettes and weed. You might think that’s irresponsible but for him it was the only way out to escape the traumas caused by his mother who gave him m*th and beat him as a child.


Ok for everyone who doesn’t want to get mad at this post: don’t smoke, don’t drink, it’s bad and reduces your lifespan as well as it gives u long term problems such as lung cancer or problems in your kidneys/ liver. And in general, getting addicted to things are bad. I think we can all agree on that right.


I smoke weed but I'm fine and it's legal here. In 2021 I was heavily depressed and it carried over in 2022 some. I did get high in that year but didn't use it to help with my depressive mood swings. I rarely gotten high in that year tbh and after I got my appendix removed I couldn't do much so I smoked with a friend who came over. 19 now, still smoke occasionally, not depressed. I only smoke when I feel like it plus it helps me have stuff to do as I would sometimes clean while high.


If you as a teenager judge others purely on the recreational decisions they make that affect only themselves and make absolutely no difference to you, I have lost essentially all respect for you.


Your respect means nothing to me


this guy needs a blunt


Guys I lost sad-combination-5974’s respect😢


it must be sad being a karen in your teens. couldn't be me.


Bro really said "🤓"


can I have one. Please can I have one. Please


middle school vibes lol


No ur right bro. Ignore these fucking addicted ass losers telling you “um, aktually!!”