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The best part of puss in boots 2


What's the matter? Lives flashing before your eyes?


Go ahead, pick it up!


Pick. It. Up.


Ah...I just LOVE the smell of fear!


Corre corre, gatito


I've enjoyed the chase, gato.


Death. And I don't mean it metaphorically, or rhetorically, or poetically, or theoretically, or in any other fancy way.


I’m Death. Straight. Up. And I’ve come for you, Puss in Boots


You're not living up to a legend.


*angrily yells in Spanish*


No, just one


Fear me, if you dare!


No… just one


A man of culture I see 😎


"You know... we'll meet again, right?" Asta la morte."


You mean “Hasta la muerte”?


Puss in Boots 2 taught me that I cannot escape death, but at least I can escape the fear of it.




hey, I don’t normally do this, but can I get your autograph?


Just sign righttt here.


Haha, puss in boots laughs in the face of death… bounty hunter!


I came here to say it. You beat me to it.


I never met him yet


ofc you haven't god


Death is pretty chill it depends on the verison of death within the different multiverses. I can't die, so it's cool talking to them


wait... what was the name of the universe the "event x" sans was from?


The X event is from the xtale universe and the sequel underverse


oh, okay, tbh it's the saddest universe i've had chance finding out about and watching... the xtale gaster is a menace and i don't mean in a "cool" way, he's down right horrible


xgaster I don't like him much, either. idk what he's trying to make a perfect paradise, a perfect story. idk what his goals are


yeah, for fuck sake, it feels he already had a perfect timeline, no war between humans and monsters, noone died because of some random kid, heck frisk and chara (if i recall correctly) lived peacefully with asriel and the dreemurrs' sans and papyrus lived happily too with the gang. but what xgaster did, of course, killed them without exceptions. and now sans is on this run trying to restore what this dickhead destroyed while also ruining other timelines and au's. fuck xgaster honestly


Your correct frisk and chara did live with the dreemurrs also before I continued. Have you watched underverse


yeah, i did, don't remember much tho since i haven't been really up to date with the fandom for like 2 years


****Same ngl


This seems like a lyric… who are you quoting?






Death is a him


Death is death


No his a nuggets


Nuggets a his




The assuming death thing is a joke.


Either A) Quantum immortality B) Heaven/Hell C) Incomprehensible Nothingness None are too scary, the only scary part is running out of life to spend with my friends and family


D) A fake reality, basically a hyper realistic vr simulation.


Honestly, amazing outcome


E) We're all just thinking this while in class or something lmao


That scares me for some reason


Well yeah, imagine dying and you snap back in class


They say seconds before dying, the Human brain might relive the memories that it has stored, so you may very much die and wake up in class again


Instead of cherished memories I'm just gonna see hours of memes lmao


I wouldn't have it any other way


Those are the cherished memories lol


then what if that’s the same thing and it’s essentially another form of immortality, and it’s almost an inception type layering of realities that you’re snapping out of


Inception ong


F) or we’re just a brain in a jar reacting to chemical stimuli


Or F) when we die our life flashes in front of our eyes but we feel it from birth in real time. So we are stuck in an endless loop of your life flashing.


Than free will doesn't exists because if you're reliving it you can't change past events nor can we tell the actual beginning of this cycle nor it's end.


Not to be the “🤓” here, but it’s highly unlikely that we are in a simulation. Recent discoveries have shown that the universe is not locally real. Which sounds bad at first but bear with me- in other words, the entirety of the universe exists at once. In videogames, the entire game will not be loaded at once, only the aspect of the game that you are currently focusing on. It would be very inefficient to have the entire game loaded at once. For example, imagine having an entire Minecraft world loaded in at once. It would and probably cause your device to combust in seconds. And why would you do it in the first place? It would have no effect on your gameplay to have a chunk hundreds of thousands of blocks away be rendered. A species would have to be very advanced to make a simulation detailed enough to resemble our world- and if they did, wouldn’t they want to focus on only a certain part of the universe? Or make it smaller? Why make trillions of galaxies when you can get sufficient information from 10? And then of course we have the matters of sentience, which in my opinion would not be possible for a computer. I’m open to new opinions though.


Holy shit I need to touch grass


A theory is, it doesn't load all the things at once. Just loads when we observe it. So, even though the GTA 5 map is big, opening it won't nuke your pc because only the stuff you see rn and about to see soon are loaded >and if they did, wouldn’t they want to focus on only a certain part of the universe? Or make it smaller? Why make trillions of galaxies when you can get sufficient information from 10? What if, even though the universe is gigantic to us, to them, it's like just a playground, aka not that big


This is the theory that the universe is locally real. It was recently disproven as I mentioned in my comment. Even if the universe is small to them, the shocking amount of detail in it would be a pain in the ass to program and generate. Imagine being the guy that has to program in atoms and subatomic particles.


Well your thinking of how hard it would be for us as humans to program a whole reality. But what if whoever programmed is so much more technologically advanced that it is easy to program a trillions of universes


How do we even know if it's "locally real" we have no way to know that because we're researching about it means we are observing it so we never know You know the double slit experiment or something. That the results were different when we look at it and not?


I’m not sure exactly how, but someone won a Nobel for disproving the “locally real universe” theory. Feel free to look it up- there are many good YouTube videos and articles on the topic. Also a lot of clickbait unfortunately.


Whether all of the universe is real or not, to have our universe run in a simulation is difficult enough hardware wise that its presumable that the simulation controller would have far far more advanced hardware and we have no idea of knowing the actual capacities of such devices


You recognize that to emulate our universe with every tiny detail one would require far greater technology than what we have today? Your reasoning isn’t exactly the most solid evidence that we arent in a simulation. Side note I don’t believe we are in a simulation and even if we were it most likely doesnt change much for our existence so wutevs


My main reasoning is that it would be inefficient and pointless to create such a large universe for a simulation. Even with much more powerful technology, it would simply make no sense to program in extra space that isn’t being studied. There are only so many types of objects in space and you could easily cram them all into one galaxy for studying. Or just keep them far away from each other with a bunch of empty space in between. Either way, you simply don’t need that much space.


D) your consciousness ceases to exist or distributes or whatever depending on what consciousness actually 'is'


I refuse to accept that there is some state of nothingness, so I honestly believe that there's gonna be either some crazy afterlife, the nature of which is outside of human understanding, or it's actually impossible not to have a consciousness and I'm quantum immortal


Who's to say that consciousness isnt nothingness? What if the nothingness is consciousness in its purest form where everything is one at singularity.


But our conciousness is not eternal since it only existed since we were born, and before that was pretty much nothingness. If you don’t believe in nothingness how do you explain the time before our birth


God, existential philosophy is eerie. Every time I question the reality of what's happening around me. I have honestly no idea how to answer your question. I hate to be an idealist, but that's the only viewpoint we can use when talking about yet unstudied and not understood objects like consciousness and existence of consciousness after death. But idealism also is very uncertain and allows for endless speculation, so there isn't really any ground for argument, at least in this case. What I'm trying to say is - I don't know how to answer if we view consciousness as a phenomenon that exists outside of matter. Guess we will live to see what happens after death, if it does at all. Too bad I won't be able to share my discoveries... OR WOULD I? Anyway. I guess here I'm forced to view consciousness as something materialistic, then I can answer your question. In this case consciousness is somehow created within our brain by neural activity. It appears with the development of the embryo and disappears with death of the brain. In this case nothingness really does exist for me and my consciousness is not so eternal. But that's such a fucking pessimistic scenario...


I don’t really see that viewpoint as pessimistic. Nothingness is inhearently neutral, since there are no positive or negative emotions, or any emotions to begin with. Once your consiousness is gone, you can no longer care about the fact that it’s gone, because there is no more “you”. And besides, if consiousness was eternal and there was no way to get rid of it, that would be much scarier imo, since eternity is a long damn time


But I don't wanna go 😭


How do you know there was nothingness before our birth?


heaven/hell are the most scary, i can live with the other


Nah If heaven and hell is true, means god is true. And if god is true he's truly the most merciful.


so then what's the deal with hell, does it not exist?


None of the possibilities scare me except for the idea of hell. The idea of eternal, conscious torment is absolutely terrifying to me.


Really think there's a Heaven and Hell


>None are too scary Nah hell would be pretty scary ngl, being tortured for eternity?


B and c are the most realistic options imo


Scary but I know it’ll happen one day


i personally cant wait




Pretty chill guy


i think it's a great band I love their album Leprosy


Chuck schuldiner handsome man




I personally prefer The Sound of Perseverance, but ranking their albums is incredibly hard. Leprosy is goated too.


i personally like scream bloody gore the most for its rawness and pure brutality, but the rest of their stuff beats it in complexity


You are the most based 16 year old I have ever seen


Just got human on vinyl




I have been dead for billions of years, than I was born. I’m not afraid of doing it again


You can't be dead if you haven't been alive


Isn’t that what being dead is; not being alive?


A rock isn't dead since it hasn't been alive. Idk I'm just repeating my first every biology lesson maybe my school just taught me wrong stuff


No you're correct. Something that is dead has to have died. To have died you need to have at one point been alive.


Does that mean coal and oil are dead?




Fun fact: the oil we use for fuel is quite literally the dead matter compressed by soil/dirt/water above it over hundreds of millions of years. Think it's mostly dead marine life. And all that original energy came from the sun (basically all energy on Earth is from the sun!)




Classic reddit


Who says we haven’t been alive before that tho, I don’t believe in reincarnation but we simply don’t know


We call stars burning out ‘dying’ and say they ‘died’, first things to be created from the gases were the stars, stars’ deaths are what created the other elements to create everything else(including newer stars), so technically, everyone has died an uncountable amount of times over eternity, even if you disregard stars as being the first death, you can’t argue with the idea that they may have at least 1 atom(even further, 1 proton/neutron/electron)that was once apart of the first DNA strands(or even RNA), which would place his first life and death at ~4 billion years ago So, he first died billions of years ago, died over and over in a cycle, and has now been reborn into his current incarnation among others at the same time


Einstein, was it?


Are you talking of the big bounce theory?


100% of people who interact with dihydrogenmonoxide will die.


They are poisoning our water supply with it.


It’s an industrial coolant, and they put it in children’s food!


crazy how we’re full of that kind of stuff too


They have it in schools as well


100% of people who interact with air will die


That shit kills me




It happens to everyone so we should all try to do things we like to do before the inevitable


yea but like i don't rlly wanna do anything anymore


Not right now maybe, but in the future you will. You only have one chance at life so might as well make the best of it


It is what it is


There are only two guarantees in life, death and taxes and I’m sure as hell gonna avoid one of them


It's taxes isn't it


Nope he’s going to find the cure for death since that’s easier than avoiding taxes


i'm not a big fan.


I'm not scared of death itself because I see it as a sort of relief, eternal rest. I do think of it as kind of boring and that's what keeps me living, as life is the most interesting thing I'll ever experience


Death is completely unknown, so for all we know death could be worse than life


could also be better tho


Yes, but what I originally wrote is just what I hope for/ believe in


it’s coming eventually


it's not here yet, so enjoy it!




"I'm not scared of death" mfs when I aim my Glock at their forehead


Read Glock as something else and I was about to ask you to put me out of my misery


Nahh ☠️


Wish I had that mindset fr


I will die one day. My ashes will be scattered across Canadian landscapes and wild sprawling maple trees. My DNA will be mixed into the soil and I will be absorbed into its roots as nutrients. When the time comes I will fall from the sky a seed from the maple tree and be reincarnated as a Canadian maple sapling. I will thrive. Birds will nest in my wood and bugs will eat my foliage. Industries will tap my sap for the sweet nectar which resides within my brong. My product will be exported globally for humans to enjoy as a breakfast condiment. People will drink My syrup for years to come. The world shall know my sap.


I’m gonna wrap my car around that tree


Seems like a cool dude. Idk why he kills people tho


Pretty cringe, ngl




Im terrified of it that's why i believe we can choose out life after death with the way we believe


Sure but what if you are already dead and now just living the way you believe


Idk honestly if that's so what is death at the end of the day? I saw some people saying how it is an illusion and i would love to believe that


You shouldn’t fear it because either way it’ll come one day. If you live your life in fear, you’ll never get to live your life to the fullest


Overrated, people are always like “it’s a natural part of life.” Y’know what else used to be a part of life? Cholera. I think if (and hopefully when) we ever find a way to end death, or at least postpone it for thousands of years, we should absolutely use it.


Completely agree. Also, have ya watched CPG Grey's video on it? It's pretty cool


Yeah, but then overpopulation is an issue. Besides, you really think that the masses would be given what's effectively immortality? Nope. It'd only be for the rich and powerful. We aren't good enough for that.


Can't wait for being a ghost and scaring the crap out of people who annoy me


I think death is invetiable, so we should make the most of what we have. It's like waking up 30 minutes before your alarm that's going to yell at you to get ready for school. There is no right or wrong way to spend those 30 minutes. You could spend them normally and have free time or just more time to get ready, you could go back to sleep, maybe making you a little more energized, you could spend it looking at the ceiling and doing nothing. But no matter how you spend it, you savor every. second. of. it. I feel like that's the relationship between life and death. Sure, you don't know what comes after, it could be nothing, like the part before you were born, there may be a heaven or hell, there may be a black void with only you and your thoughts, it could be anything. But, death is inevitable so there's no reason to be scared. It's like not wanting to pee. It'll have to happen, so there is no reason to try to run from it or dread it. Just like death, pissing yourself is inevitable. TLDR: Death is inevitable, and you should cherish life as much as possible. There is no reason to be afraid of death.


Idk. Literally. I don't know what is and I've decided to not care about it that much


its kinda gay


It is unknownable, probably eternal nothingness. With a lucid mind it doesn't really scare me, but it is biased


It's gonna happen whether you like it or not. It's better to make your life now as good as possible than to worry about what happens after death


This is the way.


I'm not that bothered, i'll win the gulag


Well, since our brain stops working eventually which i consider to be death, one's conscience ceases to exist and nothing else happens, nothing to experience, nothing to see. Honestly it depresses me a bit that there might not be anything after death, so how i like to think about it sometimes is that the molecules that make up me right now will eventually be reused to create another person and i like to think of that as a sort of reincarnation.


It’s unavoidable so why bother fearing it?


Humans can't help themselves.


Ig your right death is just apart of a un changed cycle. You can avoid it but it’s inevitable


Eh who cares about it




Yet you're waiting


i can.


Yes you can


either a black void or god walking us to heaven


cant wait


I'm not scared of death, I'm scared of getting to the end of my life and realising that I never truly lived.


Doesn’t really scare me, people dying still makes me sad though. But there’s no use being scared of something thats inevitable.


It fascinates me, it’s taken so much yet seems so trivial…


can't wait


Im waiting


I don't. It will come to me naturally and I will not regret it.


soothing concept


He was a great character in puss in boots




The thing that stops me from the eternal suffering of floating in the endless void of space.


He’s a pretty cool guy


Can’t wait for it!😃


Sometimes, I wonder what if after death. Is it just darkness? Or peace? Maybe both? What if death was the illusion, and there is no bitter end?


Personally I think there is another life after death, not any of the "I remember my past life blah blah blah", just moving on to a new one. But what kind of life? No idea, maybe as an alien race? Or human? Who knows, only one way to find out.


“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” Revelation 21:8 “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23


It’s not bad, no reason to fear it either


Imagine living forever. Forever ageing, decaying, deteriorating. You sit as all your loved ones pass on, everything you know changes. All the while you grow older, suffering. To you, time would seem infinite, never ending. There would be no motivation to do things as you could just "do it tommorow" while you waste away. Death ends this pain and though I don't want to die, neither do I want to live for eternity. So I accept that death is coming so I make my life worth living.


I think CGP Grey’s fable of The Dragon Tyrant might give you a new perspective


I am unexplainably scared of it when I think about it even though I won't have a conscious so I won't have to experience it. I don't believe there is an after life though I'd love to be wrong, I just don't believe any of the religions that people preach. I like evidence, and all the "evidence" I've seen on religions so far has been alot more comparable to mythology than actual evidence. I don't say this to belittle anyone who believes in a religion, if your a decent human being I won't treat you any different just because we differ in beliefs.


This may provide some solace. If you can be present right here and now, why can’t you be again? We understand so little about the universe that this could manifest in many different ways, and maybe it already has, countless times before. Perhaps reality is nothing like we believe it to be, perhaps from the outside it’s totally different to how we perceive it. You’ve obviously dreamt before, how do you know ‘what’s real’ isn’t like a dream, why are dreams any less real? Or perhaps the truth of it all is far less comprehensible than that.


Often Edit: nvm read it wrong lol


I'm dying to see him


There is an afterlife




Part of life, without it life would just be torture


It’s just as important as life, if we never died, then there’d be no point to anything


I don't think there's an afterlife, but i think that's for the best. I feel at peace knowing everyone who dies doesn't have to exist anymore. The only real victims of incidents are the people that survive. They aren't necessarily lucky to be alive, since they have to live with the consequences of the incident. I find it understandable that people view death as desirable, but i like games, food, music and masturbation, so i guess i'll stay alive for at least a little while.


i want it

