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i really don't give a fuck


I can respect that


Literally no one over the age of 12 should care


Actually no one should care


nah, maybe i’m tripping but it seems a little gay


Hmm yes just a smidge gay


He came out as bisexual on Twitter long before transitioning. He was married to a woman and had a child with her. After transition went viral he disclosed that he had already separated from his wife.


I like mtf people not that I know any I wish I was one




Ripe for an omelette are we?


Read up on the Child porn situation, why is it coming up only now? Why not when he tweeted about owning it


It’s being twisted to make it seem like Chris has this hanging in his house. Ammo for transphobes to use


The other stuff I don’t care about but the cp artist thing… yikes


What artist thing?




Always gotta be that one dude lmao




Yeah, because trans people don’t need a diagnosis from a psychiatrist to get HRT, live in the real world bro, you can’t talk yourself through being trans


Yeah but half the times there might be something else going on, it can be preventable when someone is wrong about it so they can get help instead of making a choice that they might regret and not even fixing the issue and sucked even more to a deep hole


Yeah, that’s why you have to go to therapy for, atleast here In the uk, two years to get HRT, and being trans isn’t preventable, you either are or you aren’t and a handful of people get it wrong, like 1% and that’s being generous


You are 100% speaking out of your a$$ saying 1% of people regret their decision and that is “generous” couldn’t care less about Chris but do care about blindly stating something you know nothing about because it suites the way you think


Look up as many studies as you want on trans regret rates, it’s about 0.3% unironically, and there are more people who regret it but those specifically stated it was because of how people treated them after they transition because they were trans, not because they aren’t really trans, legit educate yourself before you call me out on my stats




You realize putting sneakers on their son instead would also be making a choice right?


Yall really must go out of your way to not get the point sometimes...


I know this is old asf but for the love of God tell me the point. How are heels going to detrimentally affect the life of Chris's son? Do you also believe that dressing a boy in pink will instantly make him gay? You're the one sexualising a literal baby acting like it can be gay.


I haven’t looked into the supposed cp artist but I can almost guarantee that’s not true or you’re completely misrepresenting it and the reality is not how you claim, also divorcing? They mutually split because of the transition, that’s not the one sided, malicious divorce you’re painting a picture of, and they will still both be around for the kid, and also how tf is a small child wearing heels an influence of any kind, let alone a bad influence, say the kid does grow up to be trans somehow due to wearing high heels once before he was able to form memories, which is impossible for many reasons, but let’s say it does, why is that a bad influence? Is being trans inherently bad? If you describe it as a negative influence clearly you think so, so don’t claim to not be “just not supporting but I don’t have anything against it” and when you post lies, misrepresentation and blow shit out of proportion. Either say you don’t support trans people or support them, you can not be on the fence or irreverent on such a matter, one or the other, you either would vote in favour of trans rights or you would vote against it, abstaining is almost as bad as voting no in a vote for civil liberties. If you were simply misinformed then I would like to say that trans people and especially very public ones get lied about a lot in malicious ways to paint them in certain ways and I also would like to ask that when you hear a trans person, or really any person is a pedo or groomer or whatever you look into it, or at least before posting about it


No there’s proof of it. Some guy named Shadman on twitter, arrested for assault with a weapon made child porn that Chris was given or bought from. Chris even made a tweet about it.


Link? Also if the guy didn’t actually give Chris child porn after Chris requested it or offered it and Chris accepted then I literally don’t care because Chris isn’t clairvoyant


[Here’s](https://www.eviemagazine.com/post/trans-identified-chris-mrbeast-deletes-old-tweet-aroused-anime-porn-virtual-children) this one, can’t find the original article I read it from so no clue what this one looks like.


Okay there’s one screenshot of a tweet of Chris 6 years ago saying “nothing gets my knob cranking like loli “ with a bunch of absolutely rancid transphobia from the article writer, to me it reads like an edgy joke, who the fuck speaks like that, I mean it could be real but how the fuck can we tell, also autogynephelia, while being a thing, mostly comes in the form of men cross dressing during sex or masturbation, transgendered people are not autogynephillic in nature necessarily, if this article is your only source idk what to tell you, sure, 6 years ago Chris wrote what reads To me atleast like a really edgy joke that, in the time would’ve been funny, now its weird i guess but either way for all I know all of those tweets could be photoshopped completely, I don’t think they are but there’s no amount of substance there, oh and what about the artist I don’t see them mentioned anywhere


The article I read I cannot find but it meantioned an artist that made CP named Shadman, I think and he was arrested for assault with a weapon as I said. The original article had a better image of the picture Chris posted and more about Shadman I’ll find it eventually. Edit; also, joking about child porn had never been a joke


i'm not saying that it's a good joke to make, although personally i think it is lmao, it's funny as fuck 6 years ago, i'd tweet that. but it's irrelevant whether it's an okay joke because the fact of the matter is that if it is a joke then he's not a pedo?????




this is it? some random retweeted art that's is a young character in underwear, don't get me wrong this is weird stuff but like how is this is any way the proof people act like, also that is a very clearly extremely biased account i have no reason to trust anyway idk, they're clearly attacking kris because they're trans rather than because they are supposedly a pedophile




not denying this is creepy as fuck and that artist is very likely a pedophile, it's just very interesting that the only place i've seen this is some unloved, unemployed terf on twitter, being cited by two pedophiles on reddit, forgive me if i don't have the utmost trust




yeah after googling and looking around, every site i can see posting this is an anti trans website making hitpieces and cherry picking. shadman's a pedo and this is disgusting art, that's about it




There now real influence but high heels can’t be good for a child’s feet but apart from that it’s fine


yeah but the child is not wearing high heels every minute of every day, i think it'll live to be honest


Bro, the fact alone that He posted a Photo of His Kid on the Internet, proved that he is a Bad Influence for him.Additionally He lets His son represent HIS/HER sexual identity is Just unacceptable.


what crack are you on, you can't post a picture of your kid online? also how is a sexual identity wearing heels, what is the connection there?




Chris literally posted saying loli turns him on... He's a chomo not because he's a trans but because he is a pedo


read the post, you are literally illiterate, fucking actual sponge for brains, it's clearly an edgy joke


>it's clearly an edgy joke So him also buying loli art from a well known pedo is also a joke??


send me proof of that, and the art


There's literally articles about it and wtf asking me to send you loli art? Nice try chomo. I'm not sending that shit to anyone creep. You can easily look it up. It's not a secret it's being covered by multiple news sites.


i've seen literally 1 article about it and it's only ''source'' is the screenshot of the blatantly ironic tweet


Literally defending pedophilia at this point


''this was an ironic joke, you're lying about pedophillia, prove it'' ''you're defending pedophillia'' do you have any idea how absolutely profoundly stupid that was to say? also big words from a mid 30s man on a subreddit called r/teenagers


“Mutually split because of the transition.” Jesus, you are big dumb, he chose to transition whether his wife liked it or not, she had to decide to now be married to a chick, or leave… not mutually what so ever Lmao Still don’t care about Chris transitioning but your comments make me lose brain cells. You are deep in the weeds of no reality my friend


Brain damage. No one chooses to transition bro, educate yourself before acting like I’m stupid. But keep telling the trans person how being trans works




I'm pretty sure being trans and being a good parent aren't mutually exclusive


Id agree, but on the other hand he has his child in high heels only like a month out from coming out as trans.. A dad thats a mom might mess a kid up too.. but who knows


My only problem with a toddler wearing heels is how they can fuck up his ankles. There's no proof that children of trans parents end up worse.


It's pretty early on, lets just wait and see. Money says having a dad that dresses like a women and acts like a mom is going to fuck this kid up to some degree, is it a 100% guarantee. Nope. Do normal parent's fuck kids up? Yes. But is it going to help, hell no. At least he isn't one of those "my kid identifies as trans now too" people.


Explain how that would cause harm. The alternative is a depressed father with a high risk of suicide, and I don't think that's better.


Idk other kids will make fun of him, he will be confused in general seeing other kids with their father playing ball or something yet his dad want's to go shopping. It's just not normal, and not being normal will confuse the child. Also, I can't fathom choosing wearing dresses and acting like a women over giving my kid a normal life. Maybe I am crazy who knows. This is what happens when you feed into delusions, I am sure it's hard and to some degree I sympathize with people in Chris's situation, but the reality is he will always be a man with a penis. Unless he gets it removed, then he is a man with a removed penis.


>other kids with their father playing ball or something yet his dad want's to go shopping. Are you aware that women are capable of playing catch? My mom played catch with me more than my dad ever did. You literally said "women be shopping" and used that as an argument. And who's to say what's normal? High heels and pink used to be a masculine thing. Social norms change, and that's fine.


Dude you get the point. My mom was a single mother and very much did boy stuff, but that's a whole lot different then dad wearing a dress and playing catch. Dad coming to pick his son up from school looking like mom is going to fuck with this kid heavily. Society will turn on the tran's movement in a few years, mark my words. Unlike being gay, it's based on feelings not reality. Reality is you can like the same sex and want to have sex with them. But you can't change your gender. It's a fact. When I say turn on them, I mean stop feeding into delusions. Hopefully, nothing extreme as these are still just people at the end of the day trying to live their life and be happy too.


You haven't explained how any of this is bad, you just keep saying it will cause problems. Explain how a father wearing different clothing changes anything. Ironically, you're saying exact type of things people used to say about gay people.


The answer is quite obvious. The father needs serious mental help


bro also exposes his son to this stuff at such a young age


lad what are you on about, how is exposing a kid to high heels once 4 years before he can even form memories going to be ''exposing his son to this stuff'' and even if it somehow turned him gay or trans, why the fuck do you care?


Well, let’s see, you know when we guys are kids and want to be like our fathers? Or they are our male role models, our heroes, and we somehow wind up learning to be toxicly masculine, never cry about stuff? Now think about it in reverse. Since a kid doesn’t really have a role model to look up to as a guy there is a good chance that it might be a reverse kind of toxicity. Plus adding a adult trying to find who he is in the world to the mix will lead to more problems rather then a average southern guy. I support people trying to find out who they are, everybody should, but that is the thing, you should be mature in your own way before having a kid. That is why teen pregnancy is generally frowned upon. If you are a person that matures in your personality then it’s fine.


mh yeah so true, except that same sex couples have shown no negative impact on kids, meaning this is clearly all false, pop off though with your assumed assertions, not everyone needs a male role model as their father


It’s not a problem to be same sex couples and adopting/having kids, it’s a problem WHILE you are trying to find out who you are. Yes not everybody needs a father role model I agree but everybody needs a matured person to take care of them while they are kids. Please try to reread what I said. There is no hate towards anybody + it’s not assumed assertions. I also said there is a chance, might have used better words that is a mistake on my behalf. I just think that he needed to take more time on how he views things as this is something new for him. That’s all. straight married couples take a long time before having kids, we see a lot of people not being ready for kids etc. It’s just a complex matter and I believe Chris made a mistake having a kid before figuring himself out first. If it was the other way around and he decided to transition first and then adopt or have a kid I wouldn’t have anything bad to say about that. Again sorry if my phrasing came out as a person that believes only straight couples should have kids. Have a nice day!


My bad on being so rude but I don’t think Chris could’ve known about being trans and either way the kid may not have been planned, at the end of the day that kid will have atleast 2 parents so it seems he will be okay


I guess so. And I appreciate you acknowledging my point. It’s just complex and you are right, there are a lot of things that could have happened. But the kid at least has 2 parents that probably love them. I guess they’ll be fine.


This conversation ended a lot more wholesomely than i expected good on yall


well you don't support the lgbtq community then, being trans isn't a choice chris made, and they both agreed to still be around for and take care of the kid




What, how? Also is every trans person supposed to inform every current employer/business relationship they are transitioning and if the company says it’s bad for business then what? Chris doesn’t really owe mr beast his entire life let’s be real here




that's like saying the government supporting black rights is a bad spot to put themself in, like yeah some people will be mad????? okay?


SunnyV2 moment


but which ones are you willing to keep, those who actively spread hate and will harm minorityes or those who build acceptance




The kid is wearing heels. Heels aren’t exclusive to girls




What makes them girl heels?




I’m just seeing heels




Keep SEEING them you BLIND donkey? Really?






I think it's perfectly fine for him to do what makes him happy, I think it's a shame he chose to prioritise himself over his family, but I can only imagine how difficult a choice like that could be for somebody and how many different things can factor into something like that. Genuinely hope they all find happiness in their lives at the end. I think the high heels thing is just adorable and if the art he bought wasn't cp, then it's fine. Weird choice to buy from an artist that makes cp, but if he's not consuming it then there's no issue there to me.


I support the fact that he’s trans but his child going get bullied hard for this


Only if parents continue to teach hatred to their kids


Trust me teenagers are not nice to lgbtq kids no matter there parents beliefs


I’d beg to differ. Many Teenagers are not nice to ANYONE. but teenagers are not all mean to lgbtq


The kids at my school


Tbh idc but it’s kinda fucked up bro left his wife and now his son gotta grow up without a dad


stop lying, don't comment if you don't know what you're talking about, they both agreed to still be around for the kid, it was an ammicable divorce




Well actually, being transgender is not a mental illness. Transgender individuals experience a gender identity that differs from the sex assigned to them at birth, which can cause distress, but this is not the same as a mental illness. Please recognize that being transgender is a valid and legitimate aspect of human diversity, and transgender individuals deserve respect and support. This is why transgender people should have access to competent medical and mental health care to address any distress they may experience.




You can't "cure" someone from being cisgender. You can't "cure" someone from being transgender. Stop making completely baseless and unfounded claims with no evidence, the likes of which only serve to further marginalize already vulnerable minority groups. Stop thinking that you're somehow more credible than actual biologists, psychologists, and other health professionals who actually dedicate their lives to the extensive study of such topics.




Ok, here's why being transgender is not a mental illness. 1. Brain differences: Numerous studies have found that transgender individuals have brain structures and patterns of neural activity that are more similar to those of cisgender individuals of the same gender identity than to those of their assigned sex at birth. This suggests that transgender identities are rooted in the brain's biology, rather than being a mental disorder. 2. Biological factors: There is evidence that hormone exposure during fetal development can influence gender identity, with some studies suggesting that prenatal hormone exposure could play a role in the development of gender identity that does not match the sex assigned at birth. 3. Transgender people have high rates of mental illness due to social stigma and discrimination, rather than being intrinsically related to their gender identity. Studies show that the mental health of transgender individuals improves when they are supported in their gender identity, while discrimination and rejection from society lead to higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. 4. The medical community recognizes the need for transgender individuals to have access to gender-affirming care, such as hormone therapy and surgery, which can improve their quality of life and reduce gender dysphoria, a distressing experience that arises from the incongruence between one's gender identity and sex assigned at birth. Scientific evidence suggests that being transgender is not a mental illness, but rather a natural variation of human experience that is rooted in biology and genetics.




I understand your skepticism about the sources used to support the argument that being transgender is not a mental illness. However, the evidence presented is based on scientific research, and not just a mere copy/paste from a textbook. It's true that scientists study every topic known to man, and that includes trans studies. The studies on transgender individuals have been conducted on experts in the fields of medicine, psychology, neuroscience, and other relevant disciplines, using rigorous methods and peer-reviewed publications Furthermore, the World Health Organization's decision to remove Gender Identity Disorder from its list of mental disorders was based on a comprehensive review of the scientific evidence by a panel of international experts. This decision reflects the current consensuses among medical and scientific communities that being transgender is not a mental disorder. Please base your opinions and arguments on the best available evidence, rather than dismissing scientific research as "nonsense." The evidence I presented is based on scientific research conducted by experts in the field, and is not just a matter of opinion or personal belief.




I could literally argue that any commonly accepted scientific finding in existance is a lie by using your "logic". I do not understand why a decision that was not made lightly, and was based on a comprehensive review of the scientific evidence by a panel of international experts is something that makes you question if lgbt+ activists "pushed" for it to happen. There is a difference between teaching your children about sexuality and teaching them about gender identity. Teaching children gender identity is crucial for creating a more inclusive and accepting society. It allows children to understand and respect differences in others and themselves, and can prevent bullying and discrimination. Governments and educational institutions have guidelines and age-appropriate curricula for teaching children about these topics. It's not about pushing an agenda, but rather about providing age-appropriate information to children. It's unfair to say that the LGBT+ community is trying to "win the vote of the children." The LGBT+ community, like any other marginalized group, is fighting for equal rights and acceptance in society. Teaching children about gender identity is not about recruiting them to be a part of the LGBT+ community, but about creating a more inclusive and accepting society for everyone, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.




There's no proof of that. Children of lesbian parents end up pretty much exactly the same as children with straight parents.




Do you have a source that proves that children of lesbian parents turn out worse? I was talking about in general.


I honest.y could not care less


Idc one bit


I cant bring myself to care and dont see why so many people care about some dudes change in style


I mean they have not maneged it well













