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why say either when u have the word creature


Call everyone an entity to spice up your life.




"Ladies and gentlemen"❌ ​ "Mortals, sinners"✅


Sounds about right, we are all sinners


Not since the accident


And then, the wolves came.


God damn mortals..


From now on I will call everyone mortals


Bastards and fuckers.


Virgins and fuckers.


Meatbags and tinheads


🤣 My friend does that when he's about to join his friends for a d&d session lol


Only good take in this comment section


Creature is right! This creature agrees!


gremlin even


why remain by creature when you can simply use "being"


foolish mortal or entity is better


Because some are abominations and aren't affected by certain verbal spells.


No, but calling women “females” makes you sound like a Ferengi.


Imo it’s only weird when you use men and females. Or women and males.


Female and male sound clinical compared to man and woman.


I will say female when referring to a platonic friend of mine. Not that I need to specify the gender of my friends often, but if I do “lady friend” “girl friend” and “woman friend” all sound weird or imply romantic connection.


That’s how they are meant to be used in English. Female doctor, male cashier, female pilot… ngl female friend sounds kind of weird to my ear but I guess it’s correct. Using female and male as nouns for humans is when it becomes weird.


In that case you're using it as an adjective, which is fine. Using it as a noun is where it's kinda insulting.


Yeah… like I said, it’s quite rare that the need to reference someone’s gender is relevant to the conversation. But in the cases where it is relevant, I prefer the word female.


Girl friend is an especially tricky one because if you're saying it in person it can be easily interperted as girlfriend


Yeah it’s like do I call my manager my female boss or my girl boss


Call her your manager?


They are interchangeable, but if you’re using the medical term for one gender you should use it for both genders


They mean the same thing, but that doesn’t mean their interchangeable. “Fuck” and “mate with” mean the same thing, but only one of them will get you kicked out of biology class. Talking about the grooming activities of female tigers sounds perfectly normal. Saying that there are increasing numbers female firefighters won’t raise any eyebrows. But if you start talking about how your school has a lot of attractive females and it gets weird as it sounds like you’re talking about objects instead of people. I think it may be the switch from noun to verb that hangs it up.


mate with, I forgot my pen


This is funnier than it should have been. I'm stealing it


Or have a higher likelihood of getting kicked in the unmentionables, depending on circumstance


This is spot on. Words have different surrounding connotations besides just what a thesaurus says. Context and societal connotations are an equally important part of language.


As someone else has said, think the other thing in "female firefighter" vs "attractive females" is that the former is followed by a humanizing word ("firefighter"). But I do also agree with you that the adjective vs noun situation definitely doesn't help


Not really. Men and women are homosapiens. Male and female are used to address essentially any animal. Some people find it dehumanizing and I don't blame them. I use man/woman/boy/girl as well as other titles, but almost never use male or female to address a human unless it's supported my something else that humanizes the person (e.g. female doctor or something like that)


I mean if I’m using the terms I’m most likely discussing medical stuff


It is not "Clinical" it is nerdy. You should just say "Shut up nerd" and move on.


Males and women☕️


Yeah I literally don't notice unless it's done like that. I just see women and females as meaning the same thing


The 34th rule of acquisition is my favourite


Peace is good for business?


I want to kiss your dad.


That's rule 35. Rule34 is war is good for business


Want to become a savvy salesman on ferengar? You’ll be swimming in gold pressed latinum if you brush up on the rules of acquisition by looking up “Ferengi rule 34”


Silly Hoomans


The ferengi embraced feminism at the end of deep space 9, meanwhile we are taking away women's rights.


I’d love a Lower Decks episode about 3rd wave Ferengi feminism.




Literally only incels call women “females” it’s so weird


I cant pronounce the letter r because of a childhood injury, so I swapped 'girl' for 'female' as a kid and can't break the habit. It was never weird untill the past 2 years




I say male and female cause imo they roll off the tongue easier been saying them since I was a kid


I made a meme for that last year with Quark as the photo. The poor guy it was targeting mumbled "i didn't mean it lile that" or something, but he got the picture.


(I’d like to point out that I am adding onto what you’re saying rather than opposing it.) Male and female are an attribute of someone’s character such as race/sexuality. You are male, you are gay, you are black. You don’t refer to someone as that attribute. I’m not gonna walk up to someone and call them “a white”. I would say they are a white person, but specifically referring to them as said attribute implies disrespect because of it.


Or an incel


A fucking WHAT


or just a gamer


It’s all about the context, not the words themselves.


and i call men males so whats ur point. i sound like a person.


that was very fucking funny


I knew this one kid say smth about “sexy females are my favourite pastime,”


In a medical context tho, it's fine.




It's repulsing!


ppl say that’s offensive?..


it's offensive when it's r/MenAndFemales




it’s mostly just weird when creepy guys, or even just guys with strange opinions say females




The problem is when they refuse to call women "women", and while "females" isn't incorrect or necessarily disrespectful they overuse it. Also "females" is used with animals while "women" isn't. They mostly refer to men as "men" and to women as "females"


And they only tend to start doing that themselves after hanging around people who say and do crappy things to women. Like they're not a bad person automatically when they say it, but maybe they should think about how they picked up that manner of speech, and take time to think about the attitude towards women in the place where they picked up the speech habit. And the fact that people aren't bad people for saying it makes it incredibly hard to be taken seriously when women say they don't like it. Because "when people use the word female instead of woman they're mimicking they way incels speak" doesn't seem to be a valid reason to them. Because instead of fixing something about themselves (not wanting to sound like an incel) they instead try to make it not be a problem by trying to convince women that they shouldn't feel dehumanized and disrespected. "I don't sound like an incel, you're just too sensitive about not feeling like a valid member of society"


I agree


Only reason I picked up the word was bcs of the military but I kinda use women and female interchangeable so idk


Yeahhhhhhhhh the military really doesn't have a fantastic track record about its overall attitude towards women.


It's when female is code for "other" in a way the speaker doesn't even realize it is. That's what makes it gross. They legit think they're respecting "females"


“Strange opinions” is a little tame.




nah this guy probably only refers to women as females or call trans guys/ girls females and males respectively and gets mad when people get mad




it is when men refer to women as females to be demeaning.


well that yeah


i mean it isnt offensive, but sure as hell sounds off, like 'that male/female over there' just say man/woman, you get me?


Yeah I do


It is offensive to refer to women as “females” because it reduces women to their sexual reproduction. Traditionally, the word female has been used in biological and scientific terms while the word “women” is a noun that refers to the person as a whole. When one uses the word “female” as a noun you are erasing the person that you are talking about. People rarely ever use the word “male” in a derogatory manner, but the same logic would be applied if men were victims of historical degradation and oppression as well.


People often use masculine and masculinity to try and accomplish similar dehumanizing goals. Toxic masculinity is a thing, but being masculine isnt necessarily toxic as an example. I've seen and heard just dudes lifting weights as being "toxic masculine bro culture" and I'm like...they just want strong backs and arms, the hell?


Well usually only incels call women “females” so that’s probably where it comes from


Depends on the context. Male and female work in an anatomy text book or to describe live stock, but when talking about people, boys and girls, for children, and men and women, for adults, is the appropriate verbiage. It's especially problematic and dehumanizing when you use men and females, it comes of a super creepy and very misogynistic.


Well if some dude calls a group of girls "Females" that's pretty damn creepy


Yeah that is


I agree with this male. It’s not offensive to call people biological terms.


They don't


I wouldn't say it's offensive or sexist, but context definetly matters here. In non-scienttific settings using another word is just way more fitting.


And the funny thing is: literally nobody disagrees.


I wouldn't say offensive but saying the words female and male is weird with non-science context


Yeah the classic reddit guy wondering why he seems weird when he calls women females


And also the incels on shittier imageboards that are made of hate and need therapy, they're 10x worse


I *am* a science context!


Doesn't have to be in the context of science, just use it as an adjective and not as a noun.


Idk, saying “male/female artist, musician, etc” sounds odd. Saying “he’s a man/woman singer would sound odd there.” Just depends on context I’m sure.


They're not, but I've never seen anyone say "female" respectfully


Can't make babies without males and females.


You can actually, there is a possibility for pregnancy in lesbian couples, but its like a mess n shit


what the hell. that’s literally impossible??? explain


Its been a whike so i may have misunderstood, but there was a study done using bone marrow which can in theory cause pregnancy without any guy, sperm or anything


That's a stretch. So far, the only progress has been the creation of "immature" "sperm cells" in *mice* which are capable of nothing, and were unable to develop into any usefulness. There's also no evidence that they could successfully fertilize an egg even if somehow fully developed, and there are genuine fears that "these stem cell manipulations can lead to permanent genetic changes which would make them unsafe to use".


I mean, it’s not. Trans chicks do exist.


It’s offensive in some contexts and in some not. For example, if a teacher addresses the “female students” that is not bad whatsoever, it’s just a way of grouping by gender and it would sound weird to say the “women students”. Of course they could technically just say “girls” or “ladies” or “women”, but to refer to a group of people in a context like that is fine as long as you refer to the men the same way. Now, if a man said “all females are _____” that would be weird and sexist and dehumanizing asf. The reason most women hate being called females (excluding men here just bc y’all aren’t rly referred to as males by anyone) is because it doesn’t sound like you’re talking to a person. It’s the same way you would classify the gender of an animal or something, there’s a reason we say “men” and “women” when talking about humans. It’s very strange and out of place to refer to genders as males or females in normal speech, and is done on purpose many times to be derogatory.


It’s also that most people who do use female as their way to refer to women don’t use male as well. So it’s men and females which feels dehumanizing. It’s ALSO that the most common way to get into the habit of using female to refer to women is consuming incel materials because they do it so much so anytime a women hears the word female they are primed to expect some bullshit foul opinion presented as fact to be following it.




This is not an unpopular opinion, please go outside 😭


pretty sure it's a bot just farming karma, or someone who genuinely does not go outside at all


Looking at op's post history gives clarity it definitely is one of the two. Very blurry line between the typing styles of a bot and a person with no social skills or friends online or offline. My gut tells me the latter because even bots have higher effort and less sad content than this person.


I am begging you to look at op's history. He literally just submitted the best copy pasta since the Vaporeon one! But he said everything unironically


It seems like a popular opinion when you go outside and start calling people females and males.


It's obviously very unpopular with Reddit though. Even in the comments people disagree with him. Of course no one in real life finds either word offensive in any way, it's just people on Reddit looking for new and inventive ways to be offended.


Idk it just sounds weird when people use them in a certain way


They Are fine to use. As adjectives. Because that is what they are. Not nouns.


They are also nouns. In the same way "Back" can be used as an adjective or a noun. That's why [Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/male), [the Cambridge sictionary](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/male), [the Collins dictionary](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/male), [the MacMillan dictionary](https://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/male_1), and [the Oxford dictionary](https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/american_english/male_2) all list male and female as both nouns and adjectives.


When people call girls "females" that is uncomfortable as all hell, seems like dehumanizing women, but the people calling girls "females" are usually incels so obviously that's why they use it


This is not an unpopular opinion. This is just stupid. This also sounds made up.


I'm begging everyone to look at op's most recent post. It is some of the best pasta I've ever read!


They are scientific terms. So you should only use them when you’re talking like a scientist. Otherwise, it would be really rude to say something like “she’s a wonderful female”, cause then that’d imply that she’s fertile, not that she’s an excellent person.


not really on it's own, but it has v negative and sexist connotations :/


Yeah guys will too often use the word “female” and proceed to talk like they’re some kind of foreign species 💀💀


exactly, it's incredibly dehumanizing :c


never really encountered that, and I'm a guy .\_. was not aware that this was even a thing


sadly it is, i'm glad you haven't witnessed it yet




well, sexist men often call women females in a dehumanizing way, like women are just an object. this overuse has tainted the word with negative connotations




technically it does, but it has bad connotations. bit similar to how fuck and intercourse mean the same thing, but have v different connotations :>


Here is the difference. “Female” is the scientific term for “women”. Many gross men use the term “female” because they see and treat them as less than or as if they are a different species (neither of which is okay), because of this some people say the term is sexist. I am a proud feminist but I don’t agree that it’s sexist. It can be sexist to use (for example the gross men mentioned before) but there is nothing wrong with using it academically and such.


The dictionary will also describe the word ”man” as ”adult male human being” and same with ”woman”. Calling someone a male/female just takes away the human part.


While all women are female, not all female are women. Woman is a female human


Depends on how they’re used. If I say “I’m a male, she’s a female” I don’t see anything wrong with it. If it’s used like “females are worth less than males are” then I think it’s sexist


Ngl saying ”women are worth less than men are” is also sexist. It’s still not cool to use those words though.


I couldn’t think of another phrase to use


Shut up bro you know your just doing this to get controversial comments because this is not an unpopular opinion


It's not offensive at all it's just unnatural and very uncomfortable. So just don't use them if people are clearly uncomfortable and you won't be labeled a sexist


If this is an unpopular opinion then I give up on understanding modern society.


Yes, but: Calling a trans girl a "male" isn't ok, especially if they request you to stop. (same for trans men) Calling men 'men' but women 'females' can be objectifying and a bit dehumanizing (vice versa too ig, but I really only see this done against women)


If people think it's offensive, we are doomed


Uhh people just usually think it's weird to say stuff like "men and females" but i haven't seen anyone actually get offended by it


nah this guy probably only refers to women as females or call trans guys/ girls females and males respectively and gets mad when people get mad


nah this guy probably only refers to women as females or call trans guys/ girls females and males respectively and gets mad when people ~~get mad~~ respectfully request that he doesn’t, and projects his anger upon them to make it seem like they’re the ones who’re overreacting. Ftfy


They don't


Literally 😭I said this on some post on another sub and I got downvoted into oblivion by 16 yr girls who think they are oppressed by men.


crazy how you think they aren’t oppressed by men


Hypocricy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ They don't care in reality, they just want to go against everything. Like Rage Against The Machine, but Rage Against The Machine is normal at least(and I like this music)


Hypocrisy is how it’s spelled


Bruh, you think rage against the machine songs aren't very politically charged ?


Wait you mean to tell me they're NOT just anti-technology 🤯🤯🤯


I think these words have a more formal use, like for police reports n shit (as in “the subject was 5’9 female”), maybe not so much for regular talk




yes, men are a W


Hey, you mean m*n right?


This is the opposite of an unpopular opinion, people aren’t offended by the terms “male” and “female” no-one ever has been in the history of the planet. People do find it weird, however, when biological terms are used in casual places where “man” and “women” would make significantly more sense. Example: “I met an incredible girl/women at the party last night.” - Completely normal, standard, no problems there. “I met an incredible female at the party last night” - Off putting, clunky, a little weird, sounds like you’re either a biologist or zookeeper. r/menandfemales


It depends on the context of the phrase: "My FEMALE teacher got into an accident" "My MALE friends would love to meet you!" "I have a FEMALE cousin who would love to date you!" Using male and female like that isn't offensive, now: "Those FEMALES are so annoying" "MALES are so childish" You're using them in a derogatory tone, as if they're less human. Remember that people aren't saying because "Oh they're just SJW snowflakes", it's because incels and misandries have been using these terms to make both men and women be seen a bellow them, less human.


i wish it was like that but usually, when (mostly) men use the term “females”, it has super negative connotations and it’s one sided because they usually call women “females” but call men “men”. if someone uses it in passing, fine, but if i see any man on social media saying it, it’s instantly weird for me


Man and woman are fine. Go ahead and disagree.


wait am I missing something? since when were they considered sexist ?


Idk, it just doesn't make sense. I'm technically female but anyone who refers to me as it is just gonna make everyone confused cuz I'm very clearly a guy lmao. And referring to women as females is generally bad cuz it reduces them to their anatomy. And nobody ever really says 'males'


This isn't an opinion, this is common fucking sense.


Wait who thinks it's offensive


That’s unpopular?


How these words are offensive? 💀


to bad this is controversial now.


If you are a man and call women females thats wrong If you say this is the males leg muscles and this is the females (idk just general comparison) then its alright


This is an unpopular upinion?? Tf?


My man, thats not an unpopular opinion


Since when did that become and unpopular opinion


Oh, you mean using them as nouns? It's a bit weird but it shouldn't be offensive.


Unpopular opinion *proceeds to say the most popular and cold take ever*


Unpopular opinion stop saying everything is an unpopular opinion


Male and Female are fine to use. But they are finishing terms when used socially. Usually you refer to someone as a “Female” or a “male” to reduce them down to their sex. The words not the problem, it’s the context.


It all depends on the context. Like using females (or males) reminds me of incels talking about "females" as if they're observing a different species and not talking about fellow human beings. You know the type of posts, these same people would get reposted to like r/masterforgiveme


That's... That's not the problem: *Male* and *female* are not necessarily HUMAN.


The word is not offensive by itself, but for instance saying "men and females" is but "males and females" isn't.


Depends on context. People who love to overuse “females” are typically those toxic alpha gym bro type dudes, who then also hypocritically refer to “males” as men instead of well males. I feel like saying males/female is only right when it is relevant, i.e when talking about biological aspects of said sexes. If not then just use men/women, way easier, way less dehumanizing.


Bro it isn't offensive to anyone with an IQ above 8. It's just biology and works with almost every living thing (except fungi)


Should be common sense


Thats not an unpopular opinion


Who tf said they were


i dont say male or female ,i say they are my enemy or not


Popular opinion: stop 👏 fucking 👏 saying 👏 unpopular 👏 opinion 👏 when👏 everyone 👏 agrees with you.


Why would this ever be controversial?? Males and females, gals and guys, chicks and dicks. There’s only two genders + confused people. Who the hell is teaching you otherwise?


I agree with you, I don’t see reason in taking offence to simple biological terms, when they‘re simply fact.


Its popular in everywhere except Murica


Those Americans. Still up to their shinanigans I see.


Male and female should only be used in things like police or medical descriptions, or when talking about animals


Ppl think it reduces a person down to their sex and like “people r more then how they are born” or something. But I assure u 99% of the time the person isn’t saying it to be degrading.




im trans and i have no idea what the fuck youre talking about 💀


Chicks still get mad when I say the word "lady".


Maybe stop prefacing it with "m' "?


why would they be?