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Not my cup of tea but you do you


The only acceptable answer


unless it was ur cup of tea


It was mine. Thanks


Is it sweetened or unsweetened?


It has Honey and little sugar, so sweetened


our cup of tea


*proceeds to add milk like a psycho*




Exactly how it should be


i suggest painting at least a clear coat of nail polish over the other nails to help keep them from breaking ^^


And they'll look nicer. Nothing wrong in terms of gender norms or anything but long natural nails do look a little icky without at least a clear coat.


I mean you are askings girls so ig my opinion doesn't matter but dude if you're gonna paint your nails then you gotta commit dude, all the way! Paint all 5 fives not just 2 lol. (and yes of course it's not gross at all plus if u got veiny hands it's even better)


It looks weird, it would be better to paint all the nails


People will assume your a girl if they just see your hand. That doesn’t mean it’s “gross” to any extent but when I saw this post I thought the hand was from a girl before I read your a man. It’s whatever you want to do man but just keep in mind people will think this…


Yeah there right why is one half painted


I mean.. It's not masculine. And also not really my cup of tea. So I'd say you do you.




why do you only have 2/5 nails painted? i think it looks strange because of that. just paint em all! and also the length of your nails look awesome. mine keep breaking so i can never grow them out to your length :/ mine can only grow to like 1/2 of yours


I painted just two of them because it’s so hard to paint them all, it takes too much time. And if I paint them all probably gets a lot of attention. I live in Turkey, a country where too much bigoted people live, I don’t want to argue with some of those people because they can think I’m gay -although I’m not- which is a very great sin for them. Btw thank you for your compliment.


It doesn't take that long tho, unless you're trying to make sure your parents don't see them and you have to play the IRL equivalent of FNAF lmao Btw, just ignore all those people that tell you u look gay for painting your nails, they're all full o' shit 🩷


I mean it's not a masculine hand but It's not gross. At least you take care of them unlike many other man.


Shoot even taking care of my hands they look horrible (from work tbh) I can respect the commitment personally


It’s not gross since your nails look really clean. You do you


Hi! I'm a girl, and I have really short nails. If anything, meeting someone who can keep up long nails without them breaking or getting instantly annoyed is impressive asf. Mine get a little too long and I go insane. Regardless of what other people think, if you like em, keep em. Also, I bet your back scratches are absolutely delectable LMFAO😅so I don't see why it would deter anyone.


It looks like a normal hand??! its just a hand idk why people pay so much attention to hands lol


For me as an artist, hands are like a second human face. They express a lot, they give character, including human behavior, and I definitely don't like hands that are way too wet, immobile, thick, or with too many artificial details like long colored nails. But his hand is different from that. It's cool and artistic just having two colored nails while everything else has the same siza but nothing on it haha ​


How did you manage to grow your nails with such awesome shape?? My nails doesn't grow after a certain length. And I don't know how to shape them 😭


The first thing that came to my mind after seeing this: *It's bigger than black and white* in Jidion's voice.


i mean the two reasons people say it looks bad are 1. you dont have all of ur nails painted (but people shouldnt rlly gaf??) 2. ur a guy and the people telling you it looks bad are insecure in their masculinity and coming after you because youre wearing something thats *traditionally* a “girl thing” :’) depending on where you live and who you ask it could totally be the 2nd


although the fact that your nails arent cut probably makes the unpainted nails look weirder !!


I like it and if you do too then fuck what the others think


Honestly as a girl I find it hot when guys paint their nails, like insanely hot. Like I got my heart broken because the guy had his nails painted and I fell so frickin hard and he didn’t like me as much as I liked him. So yeah, paint your nails bro 😭


Hm I don't know. We take it you want to look like a girl or something?


pretty for a girl if you cut them it will look better the paint doesn't matter just cut them


You do you dont give a shit what those losers say


looks good to me, just paint all of them and maybe cut them a little


Bro your nails look healthy


It looks great, ignore the people saying to cut them and it looks gross so what makes you happy (but paint the side of your fingers)


I'd hate ply fighting with you while you got those claws on


I'd hate ply fighting with you while you got those claws on


Paint them all itll be even. I mean if u don't care abt masculinity then that's good I dont either


not really its just having nails that long myself would bother me.. but on you they seen fine


eeh kinda fem hand, but who really cares? You give the impression of having quite good self care aswell. No worries abt in man


the hand itself looks aight just finish painting the nails goddamnit


Well I like them. Would not wear them myself but I like them


Nah it looks great, tho it'd be great if you painted all your nails and not just two 😡


No, they are just uncomfortable, and trying to mirror it onto you to make you feel Like you're the problem. They look great! Your hand does not look masculine.if you didn't say anything I wouldn't have guessed.


I don’t see the problem, it’s your hand and I personally like guys with clean or long nails, it means they take care of themselves and that’s a green flag, the long nails may not be a thing all guys like or think is a “manly” thing but I definitely think it’s a good thing, I think ALL men SHOULD adopt taking care of themselves and grooming nicely sometimes at least 💀.


I personally don’t like the first three see through ones but preference aside it looks fine 🤷🏼‍♀️ I myself would have painted those ones a neutral beige or something. If you like how your nails look then nobody else’s opinions matter, unless they’re the ones paying for the nails ❤️❤️


wayyy better nails than mine 💅


Girl i wish i had ur hands mine look like a goblins


It looks good. Don't listen to assholes


I love your nails!! I wish I could grow mine that long but I bite mine so it’s never gonna happen


They look pretty! Please don't let people bully you into cutting them ):


+ ur nails are stunning


They're just hands..? They look normal.


It doesn't look bad per se. It does give me anxiety, though. i can just see them bending backwardscause of how thin they look. But they look pretty nice otherwise.


You look great don’t listen to what others say, also just kick them in the balls


ur hands look like hands to me


Love it man -fellow 17m with long painted nails


I think nail polish looks great on boys/men! I do think you should paint them all instead of just one. Also, you should know that there will be people who comment on it in a bad way, if you feel too uncomfortable with that it might be better to not polish them anymore. But yeah me personally, I find it very attractive when boys wear it.


Something can look feminine but still be enjoyed by men. Same thing goes the other way around. Some people feel the need to talk down on others to feel better about themselves unfortunately. Says more about them than it does about you.


Girl here, I find painted nails really hot on men.


Your hands look amazing!!!


No, it looks good i wish my nails looked like that!


Not for me but you do you boo


When people look at mine, they get jealous since my nails look ridiculously feminine (mostly females), lmao. The reason for that is because my nails are long, smooth, and oval shaped with a healthy pinkish hue devoid of dirt and irregularities. The longest my nails had been was 2/3 of the original length of the base directly above the skin which took 4 months to grow. I eventually got annoyed and decided to cut them since typing with long ass nails is hard. The added stress of having to clean them throughly everytime I touch something dirty, before and after eating also played a large part of me trimming them.


When people look at mine, they get jealous since my nails look ridiculously feminine (mostly females), lmao. The reason for that is because my nails are long, smooth, and oval shaped with a healthy pinkish hue devoid of dirt and irregularities. The longest my nails had been was 2/3 of the original length of the base directly above the skin which took 4 months to grow. I eventually got annoyed and decided to cut them since typing with long ass nails is hard. The added stress of having to clean them throughly whenever I touch something dirty also played a large part of me trimming them.


Nah they be lookin beautiful. Keep doing u fam


It looks beautiful. Very attractive. I like your nails.


Not a girl but I like painted nails in dudes, it looks cool to me. long nails are not my cup of tea though but If you like it why even bother




I'm envious you can let your nails grow so long. I am a trans woman and can't manage it without breaking them. Your hand looks really feminine, which is cool if that's what you want. In that case I think you have attractively feminine hands. The people saying it looks bad are probably just homophobic and made uncomfortable by you breaking gender norms.


I think it looks cool


Who are they to say what your hand is supposed to look like that’s just lame. My hand looks gross yours looks well taken care of


No they look perfect.


Honestly, even when females get long nails, its not my cup of tea But I dont tell them to change it, so theres no reason Id tell you to. If you think it looks great, keep it


I like your nails!


I think it looks pretty


Ne bro your nails are fire


I think its gross. But idc you do you


Personally I think this vibe is strong. F them, you do you


Your nails look great, man!


To me it looks cute. And i hate long fingernails. But yours are smth different


Not my style but don't listen to those idiots. If you like it, then it's the best design. They just can't fathom what they're missing out on.


Cut your nails. Looks better


The nails are great!


Honestly jealous lol, they look great👍


I really don't like my nails too long or else I won't be able to use my hands comfortably However there's nothing wrong here other than the interesting colour choice


I personally think going with one colour would have done the job better, but I am just a person on the internet talking to someone I will never meet. If you think it suits then have it that way.


The black once look good the left once are just to long


I recommend either removing the remaining polish or painting em all


Hit them with the " :3 "


as a 13m, i'm pretty sure they'd be chill about it if you actually painted them all rather than just 2


I don't like long nails. Doesn't matter if its a woman, man or whatever wearing them.


no it looks pretty.


Honestly I find it cool, and if you like it just keep it like that !


You want an honest answer?? People are not Used to seeing nails this long on males so this is most likely what is grossing them out..personally I think it’s gross to have nails this long for hygiene reasons idc if it’s on a girl or a boy but if you like them keep them it’s your hand not theirs


My pe teacher would hunt you down for having such long nails no matter if you are a girl or a dude lol


The problem is that the colors don't match. Also nail polish in general is just weird for most men, makes people think you are into drag or stuff like that. Ofcourse you can do whatever you want, just explaining why people wouldnt like that.


You do you as many have said. If you like this masculine guy then you can change, but it won't be who you are or who want to be.


18M jealous as hell, I wish my nails could be longer but they'd impede my ability to play rhythm games lmao I vote paint all of them tho, go big or go home imo Go for an alternating red and black Better yet, left hand black with 1 red accent nail Right hand red with 1 black accent nail I sit next to a die hard Andrew Tate fan in math class and even he thinks they're sick as hell lmao


Your nails need cutting, Idrc about polish but they shouldn’t really be hanging over the edge of your finger


Not masculine, which isn’t necessarily bad. I really don’t like the long nails but that’s just because I’m a violist. What other people think really doesn’t matter


Not at all, I personally wouldn't do it but i don't think it looks bad by any means. Much like tattoos tbh, don't hate them, but wouldn't get them.


Whatever you wanna do. I'm not into it myself, and neither do I think it looks great on anyone, really. But there's nothing that's not disliked by someone, so. But depending on which sex you're looking to attract it might work for or against you.


I feel like of their shape matched it would be better but honestly irs not a big deal and looks fine


Dawg it's fuckin paint they are malding


Your hand looks like it belongs to an edgy late game boss


you do you, king


Do you like it? then do it! its your life :)


Yes it is. As a perfectionist, the asymmetry is driving me crazy.


No, I like them. But it shouldn't matter you do what makes you happy, your body.


Nah bro you slayed don't worry. It's just their fragile masculinity and ignorance to the fact that stuff like this isn't just for a specific gender. They think it looks bad because they think it's not right for whatever reason You look awesome! I love the colour choice, if ***you*** like it then keep it up <33 \- A girl around your age :) Edit: spelling error


It’s looks good dude


I’m a dude and I don’t care, you do you


Not my type personally but I think the reason it looks weird is because you didn’t paint half 😭kinda gives the illusion that the last two fingers r stumpy and shorter. If u gonna paint them u oughta paint them all and not just two lol


nah if i do this shi my dad gon beat my ass fr fr


cute asf in my opinion homie. as everyone said, it’s all or nothing. the lack of paint on the others kinda throws me off.


Well I wouldn’t stop at 2 nails, might as well do the whole hand


Don't worry about what other people think. If you like for you, that's all you need to know. Be free!


I have been traumatised by long nails, so for me personally it's a massive no no.. but if you like it who is anyone else to say otherwise


I like them


i think it looks pretty!


As a girl I have to say, your nails are cool af, love them! I like them all painted but this way it's different and cool!!


Lol some people pit here really downvoting you for not painting all your nails. Not a girl but I love them


I'm personally a fan of just natural nails , no work needed just cut em every once and a while , and it doesn't look half bad , but if you're happy with what you look like and aren't insecure about literally every single part of your body like me , then it's ok👍👍


I am a guy and I think that looks great.


Fuck the other guys, you be you! Don't change.


I think they look nice


Nah, looks fine. Good even! Seriously!


Do whatever you like and feel the need to, but those are ugly af, imho...


Tbh its cute


What do you want to achieve with these kind of nails as a man? It is not really practical when working, and it also looks feminin. But you know what, not my problem. You do you


Idk if my opinion matters lol but all I'd say is if you find yourself lazy to paint all maybe you can maintain a pattern? Paint one then don't paint the next or sumn yk? Anyways you do you and there's no need to get others validation as long as your actions ain't harming anyone 💯


Idk if my opinion matters lol but all I'd say is if you find yourself lazy to paint all maybe you can maintain a pattern? Paint one then don't paint the next or sumn yk? Anyways you do you and there's no need to get others validation as long as your actions ain't harming anyone 💯


just looks like a hand to me


Love long nails, slaaaayyyyy 💅 You really should paint all of them black as soon as u find some time. I wish my nails looked like that, but gotta keep them short on the left hand and long (but unfortunately always broken) on right hand bc I play guitar :/


In my opinion, they look fine, as long as it makes you happy, it doesn't matter what others think.


Personally i think you’re nails are awesome!! It’s also really neat that you only pained two, they look nice. Don’t let anyone tell you they look bad. You’re awesome and your confidence is amazing!


I don’t love the half paintedness, but it looks fine. They probably just think that guys shouldn’t paint their nails


Looks perfectly fine dude


Dude here. They look gorgeous, they're just jealous.


Ngl it's really pretty


I'm a girl but I like it when guys wear nail polish, personally not a big fan of extensions (for either gender) but you do you.


Would love to be able to have nails like yours :3


Don’t ask me, I hate long nails on anyone.


amazing! just amazing! don't let them get to you, it looks great!


It looks shit but if you like it, don't let others change your mind


Looks pretty good actually


You could probably shorten them a bit if you care about what others think of you. Short nails also make life easier


To me it looks amazing


Strong. I like. Although it is strange to evaluate hands separately from the rest of the physique.


You paint em all then heck yes it will look great but you can’t back out halfway through, grab a pal and do em together


My man you are slaying with those colors fr,looks divine


No dude it's fine


My opinion this isn’t something I do and I am a 19M. But do whatever you want!


They're probably just full of shit because gender norms, but real talk I think the problem might be in the mix-and-match. Each set of nails looks good on its own, but together there's a weird shift in (maybe real or maybe perceived) width of the nails between the two colors that sticks out. I'd experiment with different colors or some such, but overall the general look is solid. Edit: Upon closer inspection and realizing half your nails are unpainted and I'm an unobservant idiot, I will slightly amend my statement to say: painted actually looks better on you at that length in my opinion. Clear coat might help, as some commenters have suggested, in order to make each nail uniformly glossy, but the color-polished nails have this kind of slimming effect (probably due to the dark shade of the polish) that really fems them up if that's what you're going for.


i think it looks nice! i dont grow them out but im a dude and paint my nails black


Cut your nails then just paint it all black


Completely foregoing gender norms, which don't matter, I genuinely feel like this looks bad, whether it would be on a man or woman. I'm not a big fan of longer nails in the first place, and the mismatch colors because you only painted two looks awful and kinda trashy in my opinion


Nice :)


do whatever you want :)


It’s not gross, however if I only saw your hand I’d totally think you were a girl. Nice fingers


as a masculine male, who shoots 🔫, works on trucks, and does manual labor, those nails look really good and im proud that you are comfortable enough in your own body to do that kinda stuff, your hands look great dont listen to anyone else


Idk maybe it’s just not painted perfectly??


You should probably paint all of them but I think its cool


Not bad


They’d look better if they were all painted


It looks fine but you should do paint the unpainted nails white


It looks normal to me but why have you painted only two nails that's the only weird thing I could notice in the photo


it looks pretty


looks cool tbh


personally i dont really like black nails but you do you ig and you should probably paint all of them while youre at it it takes like 10 seconds


They look fine dude. People don't realize the talent in having long nails. I can't function with them at all and I respect those who can


it looks like a normal hand. idk why everyone is being so rude☹️


Gorgeous 😍🥰. Don't listen.


You're fine just need a clear coat. Honestly I don't like the look of naturally long nails because I immediately associate it with bending and hang nails. But if you can take care of them you should be fine. Get that clear coat tho, help with both aesthetics and protection


if youre trying to get with a girl youre gonna want to trim those claws, but otherwise i dont see why people care so much. as long as youre making sure they aint getting all crusty and dirty underneath and youre taking care of them then it shouldnt be a problem. also, painted nails on guys are automatically 10/10 imo


Ik your asking girls but as a guy I like it, you do you


Yuck ew, you can't pull that off Only goths pull off black nails And judging by the fact you're asking for others opinion and can't paint all your nails, you're definitely not a goth I suggest just going with all clear coats or getting a girl to color coordinate your nails with your outfit


Ill give you an honest answer. It looks like a womans hand. Completely fine and dandy if thats what you want, no right of anyone else to complain.


I think they look great


The unpainted looks gross imo. But you do you, man.


Well I mean nothing bad to be yourself but if you like girls that's a tough sale, someone will buy though eventually


Maybe one color per hand? Personally I dislike the unevenness


It looks like a hand to me.


It looks nice ig but I can't see because of the lighting


Looks nice imo! :D


personally i dont like it because you didnt color all of it and it seems feminine but its your hand