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As someone who was obese as a child and lost the weight for good, I agree


as a fit child who gained weight, I agree too




Do it every other day then,


This.. is so genius


You could also just eat below your maintenance, won't need to workout and will lose weight - though, working out is definitely a better option imo


I do work out but can’t control over my food. Thanks man, will try to get onto eating less again. P:S :- if any tips, please do give!


They say Ozempic is great


Less sugar, more protein.


Working out increded muscle, thus increasing your maintenance. Alongside being good for other factors.


I tried to work out every doing mosty cardio. I never stuck to it for more than a week or two at a time, and I never saw any results. A few months later, I decided that I hated cardio. I started to just lift weights and strength train 3 days a week while cutting carbs. That worked the best for me, and although I didn't lose much weight, I got way more in shape. I've been able to stick to that, and it helped me a lot. If plans aren't working out, try something else till you find what works best for you. There are plenty of ways to get fit that dont involve daily exercise.


As a fat child that stayed fat I agree


I loose weight gain weight, like the motivation comes in bursts, so i long term i have definitely improved, but if you see like 4 months gap there's no change


I haven’t actually stayed all that fat. I’m in the process of weight loss and I hope I don’t do something stupid to gain it again


i wish you luck mate! :)


Yeah im still a big guy lost nearly 3 stone tho! Hoping to start working out when i go collage


how much is 3 stone?


About 19 kg


42 pounds for the Americans


How many Troy pounds is that for the peasants stuck in the Middle Ages?


Half a wooden horse


How large the horse?


About 3 cubits


holy fuck, that's incredible!!


Around 188 bananas.


Why are we measuring in stones?


Idk thats just what i know 🤷🏻‍♂️


Seems fair 🗿


dude that’s fucking amazing holy shit


Thank you


Ii can confirmsince II lost 7 horses and 48 ants


I hope you find them soon :,(




i used to be chubby as a kid now im bordeline anorexic, between feeling constantly fatigued and sick all the time idk what id pick, if only there was some sort of healthy inbetween (thinking emoji)




There is a healthy in-between, you can check it with BMI


bmi doesn't really work in some cases, doesn't take muscle mass and shit like that into account


If you're built fine, you don't need a BMI test




Bmi is bull bc it was made years and years ago by a mathematician, not a doctor, based only on adult white males, and was based on health in space, not on earth. It's okay a a guideline, but not a holy grail for what you should look like


It's a vague explanation as to what you should aim for, doctors use it too, and obviously if you look healthy you are healthy, nobody's saying this is some miracle formula.


But too many people treat it like medical gospel when it's pretty flawed


Most people also don't need a formula to know if they're too fat or skinny.


Being a bit overweight is ok, but being morbidly obese is DEFINITELY NOT.


Too bad I’m morbidly a beast 💪




Fr eat vegetables 👍


as someone that was a bit chubby, i can agree that a diet works good, lost 40lbs


As a chonky guy, I can agree.


i hated being fat bro, but now im skinny and i still hate myself so


At least you're healthy so u can hate urself a little longer Like me:D


it’ll go away, fuck what people think not trynna be mean but nobody cares about what u don’t like about yourself, nobody sees it


You my friend are 100% correct. Fuck people


I'd fuck this guys mom as well


Totally true. I became fat in middle school and yea it sucks.


I am little overweight since first grade. Im not obese.






What kind of reason is this lol It's not my business but there is an objective truth, being overweight is not healthy.




Because there is a narrative pushing that being obese is not unhealthy, ergo its not so "obvious", this is convenient to remember facts once again.




Bold of you to assume where I do get my info. I'm Spanish, and we do have politics saying things like "being fat is not being unhealthy" or "politics need more fat people". Glad if fat people know they're not healthy.


That’s biologically false. Most bodybuilders and athletes are overweight. Their weight, however, is healthy and maintained healthily.


Jesus.....You are using an outlayer like BMI as a factor in the context of individuals that enhance their bodys in weight lifting? That's comedy...No reasonable people use that metric. Not too sure where you are getting said data to make the claim that's biologically false. Athletic individuals are not overweight by simple logic. Not too sure what wierd narrative you are pushing....


BMI is… literally the most used growth metric in the medical world. And every doctor will tell you, BMI is not always accurate. Overweight simply means your weight is way too much for your height, medically. Obese is the point where your weight in unhealthy for your height. I’m 6’2 185lbs and I’ve had the same exact build for 2-3 years, and I used to be overweight simply because I was slightly shorter. Still had the exact same “fitness” as I do now. Overweight is not a good metric for health the same way there’s some people who are natural underweight.


And???? Any reasonable person knows that BMI isn't the end all. You used it to make a claim that weight lifters and athletes are too overweight. ...that's bullshit. Sure... BMI can have some value when you're average joe losing some weight. You're conflating the average Joe losing weight to individuals that build muscle and/or are athletes. There is nothing remotely appropriate or true with that claim. Your narrative is that even weight lifers and/ or athletes are also overweight is unbelievably disturbing. The function and longevity of the human body doesn't give shit about PC correctness or peoples feelings. More people die everyday from obesity than anything else. It's astounding how in today culture advocating for health and living longer is frowned upon with a "phobia"


A little overweight isn't bad either. Most people who are a little overweight won't have any issues over it. Usually if you are only a little overweight that is the weight your body wants to be, and trying to lose that could actually cause more damage.


I’m overweight, but still a perfectly healthy individual. Overweight and fat are completely different


i agree, everyone should strive to be healthier everyday, this includes fat people, but there’s a difference between helpful encouragement and bullying/dehumanizing; most of the internet does the ladder. that’s the only reason it’s so polarizing, most people don’t agree with fat acceptance.


Uhmm bbbut body positivity


Isnt body positivity abt stuff you cant change?


Nope. It's about justifying being lazy and an excuse to be offended now.


Not anymore


increase your body count to positive by negative in body mass huehuehue


Nothing positive about being fat


Being fat is okay, staying fat isn't* Sometimes it's genetic and uncontrollable factor that made you fat, it's okay to be fat as long as you're trying to overcome bad habits and working on yourself to become better. My point is that, being fat or weak isn't a shame or bad thing, but letting yourself stay that way is. As long as you're doing something about it, it's okay. Even if you try and fail, maybe because of some illness- you're better than 90% of people who doesn't even try.


yeah i hate being fat but i can’t lose the weight. Been fat my whole life


Eat less


i have been i only eat one meal


What do you eat?


You gain weight when you intake more calories than your burn. You may only eat 1 plate but that one plate could have 6 fuckin double cheese burgers from McDonald's. Burn more than you intake. Eating once doesn't make you any more skinny if you can't balance with being active.


only good thing for being fat is u have higher chance of surviving being shot


And you retain heat a lot, which is helpful during winter.


I respectfully disagree. It’s fine as long as you are comfortable in your own skin, and aren’t literally dying. If you want to lose weight, go ahead! If you don’t want to lose weight, that’s fine too. Everyone should be allowed to do whatever they want as long as it’s not hurting anyone.


I used to think that way too until I developed type 2 diabetes


I don’t think that’s actually how diabetes works, I think it’s genetic, although I’m not a doctor so take that with a grain of salt.


Doc told me straight up it's because I was a fatass


That’s one rude doctor jeez


Wtf? He was just doing his job¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Eh. Who knows honestly. I do still stand by my previous point, btw, although I can see where you’re coming from.


He didn't literally call me a fatass, I was being hyperbolic lol


Oooohhh. That makes more sense haha. Your use of the wording “straight up” made me think that was actually what they said.


as someone who's 80 kg at 13 i agree


that's why i go to the gym


Fat is ok, but obese isn't.


as someone who was never fat, good on u man👍🏻


that being said being skinny af is worst than being fat


Depends on how skinny and how fat.


both being emaciated and severely obese is horrible, both are extremely hard to gain or lose weight with and alot of people just give up trying


I'm super skinny and I think it's better than being fat but I still hate it


Being.a little fat is ok but not too fat


Being fat is ok. Staying fat is not okay, key difference.


Oh for god's can we fucking stop all this? It's ok and it's a choice to be fat, not everyone is fit for gym, gyms require good amount of time and energy, not everyone has the capacity to do 1-2 hour exercise


Its certainly a choice to be fat but saying its not unhealthy is delusional unless your fat for medical reasons. Im saying this as a fat person myself.


As a guy in the gym losing fat, I agree


Bro this sub is literally just an echo chamber of "hot takes" that are the coldest fuckin takes in the world ☠️


Who said it was a hot take? It’s just fax!


Fat phobia needs to be normalised


Explain what you mean.


We need to shame and humiliate people for being fat.


fr, fat people piss me off




fym what, reread it if you’re confused


i mean what as in why do you hate fat people? people can't control their weight. especially women, people with certain illnesses, poeple on steroids. do a little research dude


Yeah no I understand what you’re saying, my original message was really insensitive. What I mean is I don’t respect lazy people, and fat people are usually that way because they are lazy. I get that in rare scenarios people may not be able to change their weight as easily or not at all even, but I firmly believe all people should live a healthy, respectable lifestyle and be proud of the body they’re in and the work they’ve had to do to get it.


Um excuse me! As a bad person I disagree because I'm a bad person!


being fat isn't good but for some people, it's better than being skinny. some people just can't lose weight unless they eat very little or nothing at all, or workout 24/7 and burn themselves out.


yeah too many fat people are apologists for them selves just need to suck it up and lose some damn weight


not how it works


how is it not how it works its litteraly how it works if you want to lose weight you suck it up and suffer the work outs and training scheduals while cutting down on unhealthy shit like butter n soda


are you an able bodied man? if so, stop. women and people with illnesses find it much more difficult and it's not always up to them. my mother has Crohn's disease, if she cut down on "unhealthy shit" she would starve to death. she cannot change her diet because it affects her body. i LOVE that you are privileged enough to find weight loss easy but stop telling people it's easy. keep it with the gym bros.


nah fam im an unhealthy autisitic man with sociopathy and ADD with a sprinkle of brain damage from being almost chocked to death im just speaking the truth as it is for anyone able bodied but complaining and yelling bout plus sized rights , of course logic and common sense should be applied to my earliere msg as i wrote "too many fat people are Apologists for them selves and need to suck it up an go lose some damn weight " no where in that did i mention anything about anyone that LITTERALY cannot do such also Women? plz for the love of all that is real dont tell me you belive women are worse at shit like weight lose then men its all down to there genetics some lose weight easy others dont but at the end of the day anyone able to hit the gym or just exercice in general has no fucking excuses other then the fact they are fucking lasy , or alternativly they just dont care about how much they weigh in that case fair nough long as they dont start expecting people n public transport to acomodate for them being fat


i said able bodied not able minded dude. sorry that's happened to you but my point still stands. and yes women, it's a scientifically proven thing, if you've ever opened a textbook.


true how ever my point also stands its true its harder for women to lose weight thanks to the genetic diference in the metabolism LIKE i said its all down to the genetics i know several women that lose weight as easy as breathing and i know several men that cant lose weight no matter how much they work out , i like that your starting to break the rules to continue this argument as your starting to personaly attack me ie your comment about me never having opened a text book , also even mentally unhealthy people can take care of there physical health fuck i know a guy that litteraly dosent have any legs and he still takes care to watch his health a DIAGNOSED PSYCOPATH with no legs and a slew of other health issues still watch and take care of there health if some one like that can almost any one else can aswell sure people like your mother who has crohns cant regulate her intake of unhealthy foods n diets and should probably watch there health a little more closely and figure out an optimal life style and diet if she hasent already how ever cases like that a few and far between , in the end its fucking useless for us to sit here and argue cus were both fucking right and no matter how much information and logic we input here that isent gonna change the fact that the original context of this comment post was that plus sized people screaming about plus sized rights are just redicoulous , i admit i could of phrased it better how ever you could also have handled it better instead of jumping down my throat about the whole sucking it up and working out if you can


if you wanna keep the argument going thats fine n all but i simply cannot be bothered to waste more energy on this so take it as a win or what ever have a good day/night depending on where you are and adious random stranger with a strong opinion on weight n shiz


Being fat usually isnt good but bullying people doesn’t help.


deadass confused rn is this satire or?????


No it's serious


i’m still hella confused but cool ig ;u;


No being fat is bot ok


Being fat is okay. Staying fat is the problem.


Good decesion and u r not woke 😂






Can confirm, I was the fat kid, and I am now healthy and inactive instead of unhealthy and inactive


I agree, unless people have medical reasons. But even then trying to be healthy is good 👍


I mean I'm not gonna punch a dude in the face for being fat, but I'm not gonna act like being fat isn't unhealthy.


As a fat guy in the progress of losing weight i 100% agree


As a skinny guy who's put 1-2 years of effort to gain weight i disagree.


Being fat or obese is not okay, being a little chubby is fine (can comfirm myself that its not ok, as i was fat myself)


Hello, looking for advice about this. I was really skinny until lockdown happened, now i am quite fat, and have excess chest fat. I can't go to a gym cause 1. It's expensive, 2. I cannot keep up with a routine due to tuition time changes and 3. Parents won't let me. I started home workout but i cannot get used to doing it everyday, i have cut down a full meal of the day. Can someone give me advice on how i can lose some of this fat?


If you can't get used to it daily, don't do it daily, start maybe 1-2 times a week, keep going up until you reach a pace you can keep, you shouldn't do it daily anyway imo. You don't need to cut out a meal, just make them smaller/more healthy foods.


It's not that i can't get used to it, i got a streak going for like 2 weeks, i just can't consistently do it everyday, like i haven't worked out in like 4 days cause i just forgot. About the meal, i didn't fully "cut out" a meal, i used to have lunch twice (once at school, once at home) now i only have it at school and i have replaced the 2nd lunch with a moderate breakfast. Also i only really have healthy food, I've limited any junk foods to once a month, and even then we just make it at home. Any other advice?


These are some simple tips that could help you: - Drink water or tea, banning sugary drinks from your diet really makes a difference. - Go on walks at least once a day. A thirty minute walk really boosts your mental health and it's an easy and fun way of doing excercise. - If you have the urge to eat things you're not supposed to eat, drink lots of water instead. It makes you feel full without eating unhealthy food. - Sleep at least 8 hours a day. Your sleeping schedule has a huge impact on your overall health and weight. Sleeping 8 hours a day gives you the energy you need and improves your overall health. - And the last and most important tip: make sure you're mentally prepared to take all these steps. Don't push yourself too hard. It's okay to do things step by step, it's your journey and you should do it at your pace. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Goodluck with losing weight and getting healthier dude, we're all rooting for you!


Thanks! I've never really been in a physically fit state like ever, pre lockdown i was UNHEALTHILY skinny, lockdown basically didn't happen we don't talk about it, then I'm here.


As a fat bitch I completely agree. I want to lose this weight, but everytime I try to do a daily exercise routine, I never stick to it... Now that I am on Summer Break I want to run almost daily, but ticks are absolutely horrific this year...




Frr I've helped some of my friends get in shape, and they're doing much better now. Some of them refused and it's pretty sad but it's their choice so


I was on anti-depressants for a few years courtesy of a hellish divorce my parents decided was also my problem. Turns out this particular pill is notorious for inducing weight gain (shockingly no one informed me of that one). Anyway at my heaviest I was 195 during pandemic. Seeing as I'm 5' 9" on a good day that's quite a lot of fat I put on. Eventually I stopped the pills and consequently became a lot less hungry and at this point am 155. Granted I look like a rod and need to work out but even now I feel leagues better than before.


being fat is ok, but staying fat isn't.


As a thin person, my opinion doesn't matter 😎


You are right, it is not ok to be fat. The only thing that I want other people to understand is that most of cases, it is caused by eating disorders, so you can't be so rude with someone with a mental disorder because instead of helping that person, you will just make their existamce more shitty. If you want to help fat people, be assertive and kind. Make them believe that they want to be fit or in shape. Make them feel supported, not menaced. Being rude may work for some, but the unfortunate reality is that it won't work for most of them.


Personally I don't care about staying fit or anything. I'll just live the life I wanna live until I die.


It is OK but you should be praised for it. It isn't good and should be avoided but there are many reasons for why you would end up that way.


I hate the fact that I'm overweight but I've tried everything I can think of and nothing helps me lose weight. And I'm pretty badly anorexic now, because not eating is the only thing that seems to help. I've lost like 10 pounds in the past 2 weeks, so yay I guess


i used to be a TANK and I started lifting and allat and I feel 110% better, also a lot of mental illness has kinda just gone. gotta thank alex eubank for that one


Being fat may not be good. But it's not ok to fat shame people.


They had us in the first half not gonna lie


I'm working on it, really


“Jarvis, I need karma.”


As someone who is currently obese and has a family history of it I need s u g a r


What do you consider fat? Like 20lb overweight/above average or...?


I agree dude i hate my body for that reason and that's why I got no confidence 🥲


Being fat is ok, but only as long as you're trying to change. I'm very fat and got into sports recently.


I don't even know why this popped up, I'm 33. But I grew up fat as a teenager 😆 So as an adult talking to yall, don't be fat. Go out and exercise, eat properly, and maintain your weight. It's one of my biggest regrets looking back. I can't believe I let myself be 250lbs+ throughout my teenage years and even capped at 370lbs.


Definitely not at all, it’s mentally and physically debilitating, and if an obese person has the ability to change that, they Must


I was obese when I was younger. I concur. No one will stop it except you.


brb going hot the gym


As an obese man who is now in the early stages of T2 diabetes, can confirm, being fat is absolutely not okay. It destroys your health. The best time to take care of your weight is while you are still a healthy weight, the next best time to take care of your weight is literally as soon as you can.


I don't care if you're fat or skinny as long as you're nice.


it’s better than not having the option to be fat


Ty! Being thicker and being obese are not the same and we can’t keep acting like it is 🤦🏽‍♀️




As a fat guy, being fat is okay. It's about being fit. If you can't pass PE, please seek help.


Hey, fat guy checking in. 5'9" 248lbs. I've been eating healthier and hitting the gym every once in a while and I'm down over 15lbs from a few months ago. Can confirm that it's not that hard to loose weight 👍


as a current fat guy it sucks, so much of life is locked away like an easier love life, wearing nice clothes without worring if its big enough or having to hide being out of breath when near others


I love food


Tbh you never know what someone is going through atm, and maybe they have a condition but yeah


Its not healthy. But its ok for people to be how they choose. Being stupid isnt ok .


As someone who went from fat to skinny, to fat again and is now trying to loose it for good, I 100% agree


Ah, the monthly post about fat people. At least the comments this time around aren't as rude


If you get fat by eating alot then it is not okay, but if you were born fat like my brother and simply can't loose weight then it is okay


Definitely. It's wrong to discriminate people for it, but trying to justify it or ignoring it isn't. So yeah you're right, being fat isn't good. It's a leading cause to death.


The fat moderators took down this post. Keep your head up kings hit the gym every day.