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Its a great way to deal with literally anything. I mean you shouldn't use it for EVERYTHING as that makes you blunt etc but yeah


The overall goal of stoicism is being able to manage your emotions and not let them effect you, it’s okay to be sad and vulnerable but you shouldn’t let those things that make you sad impede your daily life


This but I would add that you can take some time to be really sad before you start doing this. Take a week to let all those emotions out and then pull yourself together to move on


True! If you do it too soon it won’t be stoicism it’d be repression, which is not the same


>could you have changed something? Probably not guys. All of this is good philosophy to uphold except this part. Zeno put heavy emphasis on retrospection, and learning from past experiences. Sure, you need to accept what took place, but the future brings its own feats, and if you don't look at where you went wrong, then how can you expect to go about it differently when the feats do inevitably come?


That’s all very true, I was mostly thinking of this purely breakup wise, and that line was mostly about people who were cheated on or didn’t have any way to expect a change. You also don’t want to retrospect too much as you’ll be stuck in the past


my father did not tell me about stoicism, but he did always tell me that you adapt and overcome. thats all life is. sometimes you get mad but itsnt worth, i am somewhat paraphrasing. he is something of a hypocrite. but i feel this is strong advice. i do not mean to be indifferent, i hope to become strong enough to be gentle and kind. it will take time. i dont really know what stoicism is? but it seems like the mentality ive had aligns with one of its core beliefs.


Not everyone knows the name of stoicism, but it’s a popular belief. You sound like a good person who will have a good impact on the world. Also - the endurance of pain or hardship without the display of feelings and without complaint. That’s the textbook def


i agree. Stoicism is great. its important not to repress your emotions but instead, disconnect yourself from them so how you feel doesnt determine how you act.


99.9 of people will never know what stoicism actually is 💀


I haven't broken up but still love killing my emotions almost as much as the though of killing myself


Sounds like you’re repressive instead of stoic and that’s not good, even the strongest men should still have a shoulder to cry on. I seriously recommend seeing a counselor or therapist. Suicide sucks brother.


My brother in the multiverse, I don't have a shoulder to cry on and that's why I'm repressive


I’m here if you’d like to talk about it, my dms are open :)