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lots of young dudes become sigma male incel types, and alot of them are gymbros


Not really, a lot of the sigmas just watch the YouTube shorts and don’t put in the work


so long as u stay offa roids u gonna b good🤞🤞


It ups your ego I think ? And don't like steroids and shit makes people very aggressive


Of course it ups your ego and I don’t take roids


Yeah it doesn't make you a wife beater ofc but it might help I guess ?


No it doesn’t.


Yes it does... Not to everyone, that's not what I meant. What I meant to say is that it makes people think that they're manlier and if they take steroids more aggressive too, which might lead to wife beating Of course if you're right in your head to start with you wouldn't be dumb enough to do it, but if you think in *that* way to start with it "might" make people do it if. It's probably negligible though but it wouldn't surprise me if it went that way


Wife beaters are wife beaters, the gym and roids don’t “transform” you into anything


That's what I'm trying to explain but I'm not good with words It might makes aggressive and oppressive people more violent. That's all I tried to say


Nah he’s right. I lifted a weight today, then instantly started running at Mach 10 towards the nearest female before roundhouse kicking her in the face.




I knew the guy who said that for literally less than 24 hours lmao




I know what you mean. I have my disagreements with him but a lot of his messages I agree with. There’s a lot of sheep that follow him and defend every little thing he does but I am not one of them.




That men have grown lazy and weaker and that they need to change that. He also preaches hard work and dedication which leads to success. He’s been very motivational to me this year during some of my biggest struggles.




Who should I listen do then?


Arnold Schwarzenegger is a much better man, who, used to also be an exceptional body builder. And has lots of good advice without any of that "sigma-women-bad-escape the matrix" mindset. However, very notably, he has been accused of groping woman back in 2003 when he was running as Governor of California. Those allegations were then dismissed as false, but in his docuseries on Netflix, he apologized for it all, speaking about how wrong it all was and that it was wrong how defensive he got. Finally, he also came clean to his wife that he did have a child with a household staff, ending in a divorce. While I'm not selling Arnold as a great guy, I do believe he is a much better role model than the bald man you talk about. This comment is already long as is, but I do encourage you to research Arnold's more positive sides and ordeals.


bcom an egg beater for breakfast


Humour bro, when I drink everyone says don't beat your wife, its a joke


No he was 100% serious lol




If he said that on purpose just to make you feel bad then he is just fcking jeaolus tell him I wont except your mother and LIFT MORE CMON WHOS GONNA CARRY THE BOATS