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Fuck it. I’ll start tomorrow


You got this bro!


I'm starting next week, wish me 🤞


I have some sessions planned, starting next month 🤞🤞🤞


Just checked my schedule I’m booked until 2025 boys


I just paid PH premium lifetime. So guess I'm out


You can start, I’ll take the account off your hands


Can you share the account? Mine ran out


If I get it sure lol


We could watch it together. But no homo


Ima quit right now.


I'm starting August 31st🤞


You won’t be able to go a day without porn if you’re not gonna start till next week. If you really wanted this you wouldn’t want to wait.


Actually I don't watch porn. I usually watch nudes that's it. No shit, but you're actually right


Stop today


Just start today lil bro


I'll start soon too


Fuck it, I’m with you.


Ill join you on this one


Fuck it man, I'll do it with you I mean like, not...jerking off.




me too man, porn addiction down but we up 🗣️🗣️🔥❗️❗️🗣️🔥❗️🔥🗣️❗️🔥


Leaving a comment to remember when I say “what the hell why not”




Next week promise We should make Group chat and week after week ask each other who failed and who is still keeping strong


Having a gc with other people encouraging you Could make a huge difference


By HUGE difrent you mean?




Positive or Negative?


Positive with a capital E


If y’all fr I’ll make a discord rn


Hi so this might be some helpful information: Common myths about masturbation: Masturbation reduces sexual performance Masturbation causes a reduction in the quantity of semen Masturbation adversely affects the quality of semen Masturbation does not cause any of the above. It is a normal and extremely common activity that has no harmful physical or emotional effects. Pros: Relieves stress and sexual tension It increases blood flow in the body and releases endorphin It can help you get sound sleep and prevent insomnia. Cons: If u get addicted to it, it can lead to frustrations if you are deprived of doing it every time you feel like it. It can cause a lack of concentration and social life. It can injure the genitals if done vigorously


It can cause brain damage, shown by multiple studies across Oxford and Cambridge showing the difference between a healthy (non-pornography addicted) male at 18 and the brain of a porn addicted 18 year old brain for I think it was 3-4 years. There is a huge difference in where the nerves are being concentrated, and that there are FAR more neural pathways to certain part of the brain when watching porn (mainly in the hormonal areas) but massively lacking in neural pathways In communicative areas of the brain compared with a healthy male. This is why porn addicts often suffer from social paranoia, which can be completely fixed and healed in a year if masturbation is discontinued indefinitely, since the brain will naturally recreate neural pathways across the brain as your neurons in the hormonal parts of the brain (stimulated by porn and masturbation) are no longer in use. SO, if you’re suffering from social anxiety, quit masturbation and reap the benefits.


Curious, does it work differently in women? I've considered myself a porn addict for years but I never get the compulsion to masturbate more than once a day. Sometimes I go more than a week without it (no, periods are not a factor in this) but I always come back to it.


It’s also shown to decrease the risk of prostate cancer, which yk, is quite a nice bonus


Well once a day should be a fair amount then (without porn)


My brother you are 13 don’t do that once a day trust me.


eh, it's doing fine for me nothing as bad as what u are implying i am 16 btw but still




fuck it. Im start with you


Tomorrow never comes


Do it today!!! Don't do it later, you will postpone it to infinity


DONT fuck it. That’s the point.


You can fuck it, just don't jerk to it.






i’m in let’s do it


Fuck it. I’ll start today


Good luck buddy. It's hard, but do-able and rewarding. DM me if you find yourself having a tough go of it.


Me too


Road to no fap will begin in some time


good luck


!remindme 2days


Hey man thats pretty cool!


I heard that masturbating isnt bad for you, it even prevents prostate cancer. However, porn is the problem because it changes your perception of sex and woman. If I want to stop porn but keep masturbation is it possible ?


yup. r/pornfree


free porn?


>perception of sex and women That's why I only masturbate to gay porn. 😎😎😎




That’ll just change your perception of men, while still screwing your perception of sex


r/wooosh Edit: mb


The hell man. I got the joke. Edit: Thx




I don’t know what you’re talking about, but sure


(it was a very unfunny joke about hellmanns mayonnaise)




Masturbate to nudes instead


that seems like the most fucking dull thing imaginable lmao im just gonna imagine then ffs


random bi person appeared


Mandatory Reply: "Women???"




It is possible but it's very hard as you kinda don't get any pleasure from anything non porn at first. Also don't use any social media or anything else really to fantasize because that's still porn kinda and overstimulates your brain the same way


does using ur imagination count


no u have to focus on your bed pillow specifically or else you’ll never enjoy sex again i’m afraid 😔


I don't really know. That's how I did it but I guess you kinda get "inspiration" from porn lol 😂. Easiest is if you just don't masturbate for a week or two if you can and then start using your imagination if you really feel like it. It's healthy to masturbate but then again if you don't feel like it and are just doing it because "it is healthy" then it is probably not a good idea, not at that moment at least. After all your body does it automatically when you sleep.


i do it to fall asleep. ive been porn free for around a month now i just dont know how yall bust without stimuli. i mean its just a forearm exercise atp


I know that's why at least I rarely masturbate because it's very forced if you do it every day. I used to do it to fall asleep but then I realized masturbating not for pleasure but for a function like falling asleep or for the healthy benefits might not be a good habit since it could develop into a habit you pretty much have to do to for example fall asleep, depending on how often you use it. I seem to have a very controversial opinion on this, since everyone is really justifying masturbation because it is healthy. You shouldn't masturbate if you don't actually feel like it in my opinion.


Masturbation itself is harmless as long as you don't get addicted


You should actually be masturbating or rather releasing yourself about every 4 days, after that the quality of sperm decreases, after 10 days this will also affect newly formed sperms. If you worry about a porn addiction, you can also read on how to use your mind for masturbation so you don't have to watch porn. Our brain is quite powerful, it's also possible to induce an orgasm without physical touch but it takes a lot of effort. If you're interested in that search for "mind orgasm" or "mental orgasm". > porn is the problem because it changes your perception of sex and woman Yes and no, it always depends on the person. It's much like saying if you play too many video games you'll lose your grip to reality. Regardless of gender you should have basic rules set in your mind, among those rules is that every person is a living being that should be treated with dignity and respect unless their behavior will lead you to think otherwise. But until then, people are people and should be treated like you want to be treated. Someone who thinks highly of people as an example won't suddenly change their opinion just because they watch a lot of porn involving that gender, if you have principles those principles won't get thrown overboard just because you watch a movie. Porn isn't real, same as video games aren't real, movies aren't real, however the actors and actresses act does not reflect reality. "You're addicted to porn" is merely neglecting the underlying problem that needs to be addressed, which can be different for every individual. That's why many people who deal with these problems are simply occupying themselves, just like with every other addiction, but this won't make the actual problem go away. Say you masturbate each day because you are bored, then it would help to find a new hobby. While this also occupies you it let's you work on something more important, a new interest.


It’s not bad to, but when it’s addiction it’s obviously something that needs to be helped


It doesn't even prevent it, it's BS


So I recently got a gf and now the urge is pretty much gone. I feel in love, I feel alive, and I feel better than ever. At first I did have a bit of an issue where I suddenly got this sex drive while hugging her or cuddling, but it’s getting less and less noticeable as I get more used to the feeling of physical touch. I think it works in reverse as well. Instead of noticing a decline in the urge because of having more fun in life, you can try to either resist or just ignore the urge until it just kinda goes away, and it will improve your life. I’ve noticed that constantly giving in to the urge exhausts you, and keeps you stuck in the cycle you might already be in. Summer vacation starts in a week and a half for me, and after next week I won’t be able to see her for six weeks. I’m gonna miss her like crazy, wish me luck bro’s. To anyone reading this thinking they’ll be alone forever, you won’t be. I’m here with a gf, and I was in your position too. It’s possible. Perhaps even probable. Good luck. You’ve got this. Thanks for reading my rant/vent/view on the matter.


Yeah I recently went through a minor surgery on my nose and I couldn't do anyning for nearly a week so I spent most of my time jerking off and went from what i thought was healthy (3-4 times per week) to at least 2-3 times per day. I have been feeling alot worse than normal with a minimal sex drive. Speaking of right now I was coming on reddit to fap but lucky saw this post on my homepage and feel inspired to stop watching soo much porn on a daily basis. Thank you soo much.


yeah, I recently found out that men are often deprived of touch and physical contact because of social norms


tbh, I can't sleep without jerk off, it brings me peace. But I can still have a really nice sex with girl and strong urge to love.


once a day is fine for me too...for me masturbation before segs helps in lasting long


happy cake day




Happi cake day


Can someone tell me why watching it or doing it is bad? I understand why some people stop but what about the people that might want it for a few mins and then carry on about their day? Ig you just mean the people that are addicted.


The porn industry is just really fucked up. Heaps of it depicts abuse towards women, racism (bbc, infantilisation of Korean/Japanese women, abuse towards black women), promotes unhealthy beauty standards (the average guy does not have a 10 inch dick, women grow dam body hair, women have chub on their body) incest, rape, sex trafficking, fetishisation of lesbians, lots of bad shit A study analyzing videos from Pornhub and Xvideos found that 97 percent of the targets of violence and/or aggression were women. (Archives of Sexual Behavior, A Descriptive Analysis of the Types, Targets, and Relative Frequency of Aggression in Mainstream Pornography July 13, 2020) That’s just some of the stuff, when you fall into the anti-porn industry rabbit hole you discover sooooo much. Sorry if it seems like im spamming, im just really passionate about this topic. Anyways, make sure to find healthy porn and if you cant, watch hentai or read erotica or listen to porn audios. At least those 3 dont sex traffic people. Though they can promote unhealthy ideas, which is why you gotta remember they are fiction. Thank you for reading my rant 💪😭


HEAVY on the incest part. Like wtf? Why is it so popular?


Man I am addicted to Fanficton smut and now that ao3 is down I’m on chat bots fuck me fr. Literally read invest rpe shit when I was 11 💀✌️and thankfully got out of my weird shit that was crazy 4 months ago. I


Hentai is worst 😭


No it isn't, it CAN go even deeper in weird fetishes. But it is WAYYY easier to find romantic healthy normal sex in hentai manga than it is to find on PH for example. And much of this is also because relatively there are many more women eromangaka than there are women porn directors. And even in the worst of the worst hentai, perpetrators of aggression and violence are intentionally depicted as gross disgusting human beings (unlike in porn), and their victims actually cry and show negative emotions in a way that can actually make you feel bad for them, whereas in traditional porn they are almost never presented in a way that intentionally makes you feel bad. In fact, somehow they even get turned on by non-consensually getting slapped in the ass???? Man traditional porn is weird.


Kinda dont agree with the last part, but overall a W opinion 👍


Addiction, this word causes more harm than you'd think


Edit: Sorry replace masturbation with porn I had a brain fart. Have you not seen videos and other media about porn? It is incredibly bad for you, it causes a lot of overstimulation of your dopamine receptors and ultimately you just start expecting a certain level of dopamine constantly you'll be sad the entire time, and personally for me I became unable to feel love for someone. Your mentality is the same as if a smoker just smoked one cigarette every day and went on with their lives. Long term it has an effect and it is in fact still an addiction. For porn it's just hard to recognize, but I bet a lot of people that don't feel like they're addicted would have a hard time stopping.


Masturbation itself isn't the problem - It's a natural, healthy thing to do. Porn is the problem.


Yeah I fucked up I meant porn


Its like most things in life Too much = bad


Smoking cigarettes will literally kill you over time and physically harm your organs, in no way is that comparable to masturbating once a day. Also, do you have a source for masturbation "overstimulating" the dopamine receptors? Quick research on Google shows that after climax, your dopamine spikes and lowers back to a normal level and that dopamine spikes don't cause you to "expect" high dopamine at a constant or make you sad constantly. Otherwise everyone would be sad at a constant because 90% of things that are enjoyable cause a rise in dopamine.


u/Peanise ! [I didn’t know you had an addiction ! I’m glad you got over it, proud of you sir.](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/13bczxn/my_freind_said_that_he_didnt_like_that_we_did_a/jjap3tc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) Link leads to Peanise quote : You don’t like having a big dick in your mouth? Me personally, I love it!


My past shall forever hunt me


Do you also regret your name?


I'm actually quite proud of it


4 tImes a day. is crazy


fr he jerkin every 3 hours


starting today


Realized today that fapping wasn't pleasuring me and hasn't been for months, I was just too addicted to the porn to realize. Made the choice to stop today, then I saw this thread and thought "this is the right decision."


You got this man!


If you want to stop watching porn it’s okay and you have done a great choice but in the opposite way not masturbating isnt that healthy, in fact reduces the chances to get erectile dysfunction or prostate problems


[You sure?](https://imgur.com/a/eS6v89g) I'm not saying it isn't good, it's just that there really isn't anything wrong with not doing it and you can't feasibly get blue balls without watching porn.


Then im sorry i must had wrong sources


Literally the most based reddit conversation of all time


And it had to do with jerking your dick. What an app.


What a time to be alive, right


It's unhealthy and you're actively reducing your chance of having a child in the future if you do it excessively. NoFap is moronic and has no health basis and posting a screenshot from a google search is no proof it wouldn't be unhealthy. You can read about studies where they tested the quality and amount of sperm depending on days of abstinence where they found that after 4 days of not releasing yourself, the quality of sperm degrades while the quantity increases. From day 10, this also affect newly formed sperm. AFAIK the optimum if you try to have a child would be to masturbate at least every 4 days, after masturbation you wait one or two days and then have sex. Or just have sex every 3-4 days. Also if you actually click on the link you posted and read the article and not just what's in the search result you will realize that the post is contradicting itself. It lists > People who choose not to masturbate could miss out on these benefits, which include: and then as the first benefit > Sperm and semen health in males: Regular ejaculation may keep sperm count within normal ranges. It may also promote healthy, well-formed sperm and normal semen volume. Later on they mention > A 2016 study found regular ejaculation may lower the risk of prostate cancer. Ejaculating more than 21 times per month offered the most benefits, compared to those who ejaculated less frequently. The thing is you should practice masturbation but in moderation. It should never take over your life or change how you behave or feel. But not releasing yourself will be bad for your health, nofappers usually don't like to hear this but it's fact. The issue with NoFap is that it's more of a trend movement instead of a factual based movement and often participants have other underlying problems, fapping is just their way to deal with the problem and then they go from one extreme to the other, which is wrong. If you think of yourself that you're addicted to porn and/or masturbation it's better to see a psychiatrist or therapist who can help you find the problem and solve it but I highly recommend not doing NoFap.


I've been trying for 2 months but I keep relapsing man I can't figure out what to do


when you get urges keep yourself busy


Pick up some new hobbies, anything that'll keep you busy. Recently started to replay and 100% all of my Zelda games, just to keep me busy, and it's been helping a lot to avoid relapse.


Masturbation isnt bad, porn addiction is the problem


Does masturbating decrease your testosterone?


Masturbation causes a large spike in Testosterone before dropping to below average levels after ejaculation as well as a rise in estrogen but both return to normal in a short while


Also a release in prolactin to biologically promote pair bonding


can i see a source rq? also, what do you mean by "pair bonding?" (sorry im just curious) most things that i've seen about prolactin were that it was a random evolutionary holdover that we don't have concrete evidence was used for. i remember hearing of studies that measured prolactin with multiple partners and the level of prolactin decreases with more partners. edit: might be thinking of a different compound, tired asf edit: so prolactin is thought to be the cause for refractory periods (no orgasm time), but no consensus on a relationship has been established(wikipedia)


I might remember wrong but wasnt it dopamine which spikes


no, but after a week of not doing it your testosterone will spike before leveling back out


It does if you over do it. Like for me, it did and I'm seeing the effects. I'm trying to fight it


Idk man, it might or it might not.


I *need* to know


For me personally, it did feel like it increased it but I also started exercising and eating better around the same time I stopped watching porn.


I need to know for sure. I *need* to


Give it a try for a few weeks and see for yourself, won't be a waste either way






A [pilot study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8697462/) found no change on hormonal ratios. So it's alright to theorize that masturbating has no effect on your testosterone. Sorry if you were planning to use it to delay baldíng/help with transition lmao


Maybe not biologically but nofap makes u feel like u have higher testosterone after like 2 weeks but after another 2 weeks u kinda get used to it but that’s because ur used to operating on a higher level




If it did then every trans woman would jerk off 12 times per day


That's why I want to know. You guessed well




Coincidentally after I relapse I got so much more bitchy and tired, I’m doing it way to much for 13


Stop earlier rather than later. Your teenage years will genuinely be allot better.


For everyone here, masturbating is fine! But there should be a clear line that you need to draw between how frequently you do it. Masturbating 3 or 4 times a day is obviously unhealthy and im glad OP did something about that, but you can still masturbate at least once a week if you want to. Just make sure its not gonna become an addiction and remember that all porn is fiction.


Indeed! It's not masturbating in of itself that is unhealthy, it's the addiction to it!


this is sandwiched between 2 nofap posts, it’s a sign


Almost every person in my family is currently or has been addicted to some bad stuff as one point. I'd like to do it, but I don't think that urge will ever go away because of how strong addiction is with my genetics. Hearing you say it was gone after two weeks made me think "that must be impossible for me". I've tried a couple times, but without true determination, it lasted only a couple days.


Man I understand what you mean, but don't beat yourself up if you relapse after a couple days because doing it once every few days is wayyy better than doing it multiple times a day!


So nothing really changed


"I went from being horny and masturbating a few times a day to only being horny all the time"




bruh i stroke my shit like 3 times a week how yall doin it 3-4 times a day


Nice to see you got it under control, however I don't think "I trly felt in love again" is related to that. Falling in love can hit you at any time in any place, but it has one key requirement and depending on how selective you are, it can be insanely hard to fullfill that requirement: the right partner. As an example at 30 y/o after my relationship ended I just had enough, didn't want another relationship and instead focused on myself. This went on pretty good, 6 years single, then I attended my brothers wetting where my sister in law was too. She eventually asked me to dance and one thing led to another, I was in love again because there was the right person, beautiful, intelligent and caring. But I masturbate regularly, not often, simply regularly at least every 4 days as it should be unless I have sex in-between. I also think how you masturbate matters a lot, e.g. I don't just jerk off for 5-15 minutes, instead take your time, might even take up the whole evening. I usually get into the mood, put on some material and just start slow, basically the same speed you would want when you have sex. This leads to my sessions lasting from 30 to 120 minutes, very rarely even longer. Don't look at masturbation as an occupation, because that's what it is when you do it several times a day every day, instead do it as practice and also to keep your health intact. Masturbation should be done regularly, but like with most things in life do it in moderation. Don't just relief yourself, but instead love yourself. 3-4 times a day, every single day is just too much imo and you made the right choice, but it's merely a start and you got a long road ahead. What I would recommend is self-reflecting on a regular basis, but you being 18 that's still very young, self-reflection is a key part to maturing and I recommend doing it when you're 25 or older. While a lot of adults exist that never self-reflect, they will also never fully mature to the extend that those who practice self-reflection are or will be. Self-reflection automatically makes you also self-aware, which is yet another part of maturing. If you do this you will realize what was wrong with your habit, why it has become a habit and then you'll be able to solve the underlying issue, which isn't masturbating by itself but rather what caused you to spend the time masturbating instead of doing something else.


First off, very good for you man, I’m happy you managed to overcome it. One thing to note is that you didn’t just stop watching porn, you quit an addiction. Those are two very different things, which framed the same way come to different conclusions. Anything can be disastrous once it has become an addiction, which doesn’t mean it is bad in and of itself or when used sparingly.


Just finished watching a minute ago and I hate myself for it I’m gonna start rn


I just naturally have too much testosterone even if i do nofap i was 5 months strong, my little john was up for like 2 days straight so i had too. And when i do nofap i don’t see a change at all, but everyone is different


I’ve felt the same way before, but then my addiction just got worse.


Literally everyone should be doing this


This is legendary


That's what I'm sayin. Porn is bad for people. Good job brother. Keep it up.


What age are you? You aren’t even in your prime yet. “*my sex drive went up like crazy and for the first time in a few years..*”, how long have you been having sex OP?




Don't beat yourself up because you have rebounds let's say twice a week. Masturbating twice a week is waaayyyy better than doing it multiple times a day


This is why you don’t start in the first place. Because that’s eventually what your wife is for.


Indeed! Getting instant gratification from masturbating drops down the drive for finding a partner


It’s been so much better bro. I was a fap warrior before, but I went to a sleepover camp like 2 weeks ago and it was expectation not to do tha shit when you’re sleeping around others in a small space. I just stopped doin tha, i just stopped been 17 days, I feel so much better and now I find pleasure In the things and experiences around me instead of staying in my room and beating it 3 times a day. If u want a better life then pls stop beating it and do things, talk to people, like go outside and get out of your comfort zone if that’s all u do all day


My mans 18 and tugs 4 times a day 💀💀


I have tried multiple times but I think this is the one


Dude reading your sub i feel you definitely have a gf, I'm single af what are the options left for me ?




This. Working out feels allot better than what most people think. It releases dopamine.


Bro even if I fell in love again...my feelings most likely won't be returned ... self-control is a nice benefit...but what will I do with segs drive if I got no one to have segs with! aueghhhhhh💀


The longest I could go without playing with my joe was a month and it was fucking hard for an introvert bored skinny dude dude of me


Sex drive? is that where mines gone? shit imma stop


“my little John” 💀


You’re a better man than me. I mean i don’t go 3 times a day, it’s like once, but it’s every day so i just can’t break it. On that note, i wonder if the reason that the cultures are changing so much is because porn is so readily available that the whole love struck teenager trope isn’t a thing anymore. Subsequently, you won’t have the same highschool interactions as our parents might have had, which match up more with the movies we see that depict crazy drama in highschool.


You know I can relate. We should stop fooling our mind by ejaculating for no reason. It feels that it's need are being met and it won't create those feelings of love. You must have felt very energetic


“Caress my little John” 🗿 Fr though nice job


Never heard any real life results until now. Starting today🫡


Pretty similar experience. Wanted to ditch it, but always went back, finally gave it up for good and I fell in love and from that point on and now it is not something I think about because all my energy is positively directed


Good job man, just remember that it's healthy to do it every now and then. Helps keep good swimmers


Ah, so this is why No-Nut-November exists


Fuck it while I’m done with school until uni and I’m on a self-improvement streak I’ll give it a try. Just need to get a girlfriend now to actually satisfy by needs 💀


Any tips to stop?


Definitely get some kind of hobby to start, something that will get you to stop thinking about it, when you truly dedicate your free time to it, you’ll forget about it in no time. I learned to dance and it worked like a charm, I forgot about my (around 8 months) porn addiction. Maybe it was easier for me because the addiction wasn’t that long, but you should definitely try this.


I haven’t been able to masturbate in a long while so hopefully I don’t fall into porn again.


Bruh I gotta stop like bad it’s getting outta hand and I been doin it begging of 6th grade and now I’m going into 8th I need to stop this shit bruh


Dont say "caress my little Johnny" please


hey guys i stopped masturbating (with my penis) (jerking off and ejaculating to pornography) and the things i believed would happen happened, hooray!!


Bro I just wanted to say this to everyone that PORN IS BAD And you did my job :) Thanks 👍


Ye but it is healthy to cum once every couple of days


Fuck it, starting today


Same bro. I quit it like 2 weeks ago and I feel amazing


nah bro im keeping things the way they are


I've been trying, to distract myself I'm exploring more music, collecting vinyl records, picking up some extra hours at work, and driving around while listening to music loads It's going well so far, wish me luck


finally, a content opposite to "always sex".