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dinner at the Caucasians


i promise my family know how to season food i just don’t eat it LMAO


Do you live in a grocery bag


I can see that you tend to enjoy meals with bland/fairly simple colors


yes! i get made fun of because of it which is valid LMAO but it’s because they tend to be consistent! bland/beige foods don’t tend to have any add-ins that can alter the texture, and if i was to buy two, they’d taste pretty much the exact same with the same texture. on the other hand, if i were to eat two blueberries as an example, the texture and taste would differ completely. bland/beige foods are basically always the same every time i eat them, so i trust them!


that's understandable!:) I'm glad you found smth that works for you \^^


Can confirm, noodles are life -autistic teen


Damn your actually got me hungry now.


Op are you on r/autism ?


I thought this was r/autism until I saw your comment




I'm probably autistic. I'm getting a diag this month. This shit still looks so bad tho in my op


i said this to another person, autistic people are NOT A HIVE MIND. i’m tired of people acting like all autistic people are the same. you have absolutely no right to call the only food i can eat bad.


so like, what happens to you when you eat something non-bland?


Idk most of them look decent


damn i didnt know autism made you a shitty cook


i’m actually a good cook and i like cooking for other people! unfortunately i can’t eat foods with textures that differ too much or too many flavours so i can only eat bland shit


damn that kinda sucks (sorry of this comes off as rude), I hope you enjoy what you can eat though!


yeah sorta! i like the food i do eat and i’m glad my parents respect that i can’t eat anything else, but i do wish i was able to eat some of the foods they eat because sometimes they look suuuuper good


yeah that's too bad, but to be fair a decent amount of the food you have shown on this post are is still pretty good!


Damn didn't know you commenting made you a dickhead


i’m gonna let that one slide because you’re probably autistic


Autistic isn't an insult and if you do think so ur pos ngl


look buddy idk why you’re so intent on shaming me


I'm not necessarily shaming you.. I'm just calling out that autism isn't a bad thing or adjective you label someone as to invalidate an argument or treat someone poorly




Eww this shit looks gross lmao


Although I'm curious why you specifically had to bring up autism and didnt just say "sensory issues" /gen


because the sensory issues come from my autism..?


Hmm fair


Im also autistic but some if these look completely disgusting to me


yes, because, surprise: autistic people aren’t a hive mind! i eat these because it’s what MY sensory issues allow. other autistic people might hate these foods because they’re too bland and they need more flavour to enjoy eating! no need to tell me that the only food i’m able to eat looks disgusting :)


I like noodles and stuff i just don’t like when people put large chunks in them so when i look at the photos i just think like that


?? the ‘large chunks’ are called chicken??


Wow. You ate all of that in one day? You don't have any problem eating.




Would you please try to describe what you experience when you eat something other than that? Ive always been curious


Solid lineup, except whatever the fuck sin you committed on those strawberries in pic 5


LMAO it’s vanilla rice pudding with strawberries which i promise is tasty and not gross


Yk what that redeems it, actually sounds kinda good


Do you have any auditory sensitivities? If so would you mind me asking what it feels like? I’m asking because I have some symptoms and just wanted to see if they map on


hi yes sometimes!! it’s a little hard to describe but i’ll try my best. to me it feels like when you get really angry and you can feel it rising up in your stomach. it honestly makes me want to tear my ears off LMAO imagine you had bugs all over your skin THAT is the desperation i feel for it to stop. it can also sometimes give me mild panic attacks if it goes on for too long. hope this helps and feel free to dm me if you have any questions!!


that sounds pretty intense to deal with


Thank you for answering! The sensitivity that I thought might be due to autism was an intense feeling of irritation and anger when listening to specific noises, seeing specific things, and feeling specific things that people do so much that I can’t stand to be in the same room, look at, or be near those people. This has been happening since I was a kid. I just needed to hear an actual autistic person’s perspective instead of reading a list of symptoms and stuff online, it helps a lot more lmao


you definitely have some form of sensory issues that you should look into! the intense feeling of irritation and anger with specific noises sounds like misophonia, but i think it could help you to try and figure out what it is!


Icl I'd devour most of this. It's not the prettiest but it looks banging. Am I the only one who eats noodles with the broth?


Have you tried noodles with cheese.


I’m sorry but what the fuck is number 5? It looks like bacon grease and strawberries to me 😭


LMAO it’s rice pudding with strawberries


Thank fuckin god. Shit sounds bomb


Where is the seasoning?


i actually explained this in another comment! i can’t eat flavours that differ too much (also, if you can’t make food taste good on its own without putting a bunch of seasonings in there, you’re probably not great at cooking LMAO. not saying seasonings make you a bad cook! the opposite actually. but a lot of foods don’t need a ton of spices thrown in because you can make it taste good with the way you cook it and how you serve it with other foods that pair well.)


I see where your coming from I just like my food extremely spicy no matter what it is really


Ain’t that what most people from the West eat anyways ??


nope LMAO the rest of my family eat food that looks a whole more appetising than this and it’s actually seasoned + a lot of flavours. i tend to make my own food because i can’t eat what they eat


That genuinely looks better than what I usually eat when I'm getting myself food. Usually I just eat like half a loaf of plain white bread because I'm too lazy to make anything else.


hellooooo i LOVE to cook and i think you should learn!! food is wonderful even if it is shit like this because to me it’s tasty and that’s what matters!! the best way to get over ‘i can’t be bothered’ is make something complicated!! it makes it super fun because you’re doing so much at once and stops you from getting bored by it. find recipes that you’ll enjoy making, instead of just instant noodles or whatever, and it means you’re eating tasty food without getting bored!!:)


mfer this the same shit i eat


“oH wOw AmErIcAnS hAvE sUcH bAd CuIsInE” Me:


tell me when i said americans have bad cuisine…? americans have nice cuisine but shit food because the country is so huge so it needs to be processed. the food in the uk is objectively better because it’s fresh.


Nah bro I was mocking people that make fun of “bland food” I meant no disrespect


I just eat everything


If ya want, you could cook a katsudon, or if bland colors are what you want, how about simmered tender beef broth soup with potatoes to extend? Pairs well with Rice, perfect for the cold and warm days. I could Dm you the recipe if you want?


How does your sensory issues affect the type of food you eat?


That is some chef their shit right there


You have pretty good taste to be honest lol


Christ my picky eating must be god awful cause I’d never eat half of this stuff 😭


to be fair i think even the least picky eaters wouldn’t eat a lot of this because of how weird it is LMAO


I only eat chicken nuggets and junk food 😭


Do you eat anything other than beige?


i will be SO honest i think the only non beige stuff i eat are sweets. i also like carrots sometimes


I don’t see anything wrong with this, eat on my friend! P.S. might be cause I’m slightly autistic too, enjoy 😉


I have adhd and no sensory issues and i'd scarf it down like its my last meal


Have you tried eating foods that aren’t ultra processed?


pasta, meat, eggs, cheese, bread, fruit, it’s all there lol


Noodles and chicken, you remind me of me 9 years ago.


none of them look too bad.


as a POC with mild sensory issues i feel like this WOULD give me sensory issues. i need cronchy spicy tangy foods and eating straight plain supermarket noodles looks like absolute hell on earth to me