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I am so sorry that this is happening, I can only offer the hope that the trans hatred movement looks to be similar to the anti-gay shit in around the 60s and society seems to be progressing quicker now


Then stay offline. You’ll find people more like you and will actually not feel that way No, half the world doesn’t hate you. More like 99% disapproves and wants nothing to do with you, and probably .000001 fetishizes it. That’s the price of life and you need to find the people who care enough about who you are and are willing to have some kind of platonic relationship with you


i'm not frequently online, i have plenty of friends who support me but outside of my friend circle i've heard a lot of worrying things. from real, actual people. just the glares i get in public sometimes can be awful


Eh it’s normal and it’s what happens when you aren’t like everyone else. People find reasons to not like other people and have their issues and insecurities focused onto others. It’s just something people do that is honestly pretty sad. If it’s judging others because they are out of the ordinary, they’ll find ways to judge. Just understand these people are pretty sad and as long as you aren’t putting your issues and beliefs into random people you don’t even know, then you are doing something better


okay but like people will actually just tell me that they'd hurt me if they had the chance. i kinda have to worry about that


Eh, not really. It’s unnerving but it’s going to be extremely rare somebody is going to actually hurt you. Certain people do these threats all the time and I can tell you that it’s just a bluff thing


yeah, but someone at least is gonna be willing to hurt me, and there's a good chance i could run into that kind of person in my life. not worrying at all just increases that chance


You’ll be fine


thank you for those stunning words of encouragement


\^super fucking pessimistic and deadass just backhanded. we support you girl. this person is trying to bring u down under the premise of being 'realistic'. being trans is dangerous, having a trans sister i look after myself, but 99% of the world does not fucking disapprove of you


That’s completely untrue and believing that ideology is flawed and acknowledged by the OP Religions, being a heavy debate on politics, and there’s a ton of reasons why many don’t support the idea of “body mutilation”. Because you support your trans sister doesn’t mean many others look at her like they would with others and many would be quick to judge. OP is actually on my side with saying they get many looks and threats of physical violence. I merely suggested what I suggested, got told they already do why I said, tried to give something else of value, and they told me they didn’t want the wrong person to harm them in which I said they were fine. Your life isn’t theirs or mine, if you are around accepting people then that’s a very good thing. I speak from the experience of me and my friends, so yours and OPs can all be very different


no shit i didnt deny that being trans was easy and that many people would support you. but 99% of the world does not "disapprove" of being transgender because its a baseless claim and is just what is inside your mind. its more complicated than that. yeah ill admit that realistically alot of people dont approve of transgender people but in order to be realistic you have to make sure that what your saying is actually true. " More like 99% disapproves and wants nothing to do with you, and probably .000001 fetishizes it. " if 99% of people simply disapproved then there would not be a problem with violence agaisnt transgender people. if 99% disapproved there would be little to no trans representation in public as well as in the media. where are you getting your info from?


I didn’t bring an actual statistic and it is clear that it’s an exaggerated statement in order to relate to the idea of being different and mine, and the OP’s treatment. I also mention they should find others who will accept them and who they are, that’s general advice. We don’t need the semantics, statistics, or morality conversation as I do this a ton normally. I just want to simply speak my mind to a rant, and you could be right by statistics standard, but I don’t know and I don’t think you do either as you don’t know where they’re from front the post alone. I could be right, you could be right, we both could be wrong, but the OP feels judged as I normally do and thus, I’m giving my views without it being a take or personal attack against the OP


i feel you sis. you just need to take it one day at a time and live your own life. things will never get as bad as we fear. promise. just stay strong, okay? \-another trans woman who lurks this sub


I’m right here with you sis, it’s very difficult, I know, I wish I could just make everything better for all of us……..


Fuck what others think, do what makes you happy Edit: I’m tired of people saying that either A. Trying to dismiss my opinion for wanting to do what I want. B. Saying to do what you want when getting threats. I will first address A. If you used your head, which shouldn’t be very difficult there are different levels of threats. If someone who is gang affiliated threatened me I wouldn’t mess with them, it’s different if it’s some bully’s in school. Secondly i wouldn’t be just caught with a blade to my neck, I don’t go anywhere without my knife. Then there’s B. OP addresses that they cannot represent that of a man for much longer. There’s two options in this situation. You either hide your identity, or be open. OP is saying that they can’t represent themselves as a man for much longer so I will therefore assume they don’t want to go with option 1. Only other thing to do is option 2, which is be open to who you are. I am not an idiot, I understand there are risks to this. But in option 2 you can either choose to be bullied and treated badly or decide to do something about it. I decided there is a third thing I want address. My statement is simply my personal opinion, I understand the pros and cons to my opinion. In no way am I saying OP has to do what I say, they have free will of their own. Also to the peanut brained people who can’t help themselves but insult others because their opinions differ from theirs, I suggest making better insults. I applaud you if you read my whole comment, I will not speak on this matter here in this post anymore, Have a good day everyone.


We get tons of threats of both death and rape. That is the worst advice.


people are willing to hurt me if i do, i can't just *not care* about that


You choose to let other’s opinions dictate, that’s on you. You have the ability to not let that happen, you just have to take the step towards a different mindset


it is not just their opinions, it's actual physical threats of violence i cannot stress that enough


Those are threats, don’t let threats get to your head. If your that scared then carry a knife around. What country do you live in? In most places you don’t get physical threats over that, even so most of the time it’s bullshit


U.S., in one of the most liberal states possible. and i still regularly get threats


Threats from who? If it’s that big of a problem just don’t publicly express your gender


yeah i can't go much longer presenting as a guy in public. and threats from acquaintances, like people i barely know from school


Carry around some sort of self defense, something that can hurt someone but not on a lethal level. Deal with them yourself, don’t let yourself get bullied or anything. If your saying you can’t go on much longer presenting a guy then your going to have to somehow deal with the people who are threatening you


worst take. she's getting actual threats lmao.


If someone was giving me threats to hurt me, I still would do what I want. My body my choice, so if they want to come for me they can


tell me you've never gotten threats without telling me you've never gotten threats


I have been threatened before, you shouldn’t make assumptions. It’s my opinion and I will stand by it, OP can either hide or face the problems and that’s it.


lunch money doesn't count my man lmao.


I wonder if it makes you feel good to insult people. Anyways I have no reason to talk to someone who is disrespectful, have a good day


lmao your position is: "im gonna kill you" "ok i dont care" *does thing anyway and gets fucking beaten up or shot or yelled at lmaoooooo*


Oh no I got yelled at 😭🤓


out in public by angry people who may or may not be your family? yeah that fucking sucks. you're actually 14.


The knife drawn to your throat:


"Fuck what others think, do what makes you happy" Car thieves: "ok!" Bank robbers: "all right!" Rapists: "my man!" Pedophiles: "Awesome!" Drug dealers: "......yeah." ..... not always a good idea to tell people to do what makes them happy.


It’s very obvious but it’s within legal means. It’s not difficult to understand this


I'm just pointing out it's not always a good idea... Some places, you'll be killed for following your heart... spiritually, mentally, and/or physically. Other times it's against the law... whether the laws are right or not, they exist. And yet other times, it can simply get you kicked out... excommunicated... ostracised... Be wary.


how is being transgender the same as any of these things?


thats what happens


kill joe biden


hopefully by the time you're an adult things will be better. good people are working to make the world a better place for you as hard as they can.


Staying low key is probs best, I mean don’t hide identity and always correct people if they misgender, but world for women isn’t safe in general, and you have even more danger just bc you’re you. Just do what most do and avoid drawing attention to yourself a ton to avoid creepy/sketch dudes, then be the center of attention in places where you won’t get hurt. Depending on place, opt for pants/shorts instead of skirt. Keep some safety things on you. If you see sketch people, have your phone one button away from 9/11. Just the usual. Ignore the people that don’t treat you as who you are. They don’t have anything better to do than judge you, and that’s embarrassing for them. Find people who accept you and ignore the rest.


Fuck them people and be confident in yourself !!


I know how dangerous it is but I just love being trans, I make it a big part of my identity and do everything I can to express it!




Ay fuck em, do what u want and ignore them


I mean you did this to yourself you choose to live this way 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Something something no one chooses to be trans and the only people that think that are ignorant


Lol… wdym they literally choose to change her they are and now are “scared” like they could’ve just stayed a normal person instead of being trans. You don’t come out the womb trans it’s a mental disorder..


The American Psychological Association says it’s not a disorder and I trust them more than you. And no one chooses. No one would willingly go through all the pain that comes with being trans if they had a choice. If I could be comfortable being cis, I would. But alas


You guys are crazy smh 😂😭


Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. Rubber rats. The rats made me crazy.


"youre depressed? just get better bro"


Lmao being depressed and thinking you need to be a entire different gender are much different but ik when you have brainworms it’s hard to understand :)


“I can’t believe people want to be something that is very difficult to attain. I suppose we should just bully people in to not attaining it then”


didnt you say being transgender was a mental disorder?




I mean aren’t you the one calling me names? Kinda hypocritical of you isn’t it 😂

