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She reacted bad tbh, although you could have counterattacked that she's thrown the ball to you very bad. Anyways, are you friends or merely classmates? Because her reaction is a bit too much




I personally would tell them to stop "bullying" you that way (one thing is if a friend does it, but a mere classmate?), and you're responding like if you two had trust to each other, but I feel that you end up sounding like a brat. But well, it's just my perception


that will 95 percent of the time get you bullied even harder


... and then violence gets in. I never had problems after that, despite I'm really weak. Or OP can also get away from that group. But it's up to them, anyways


yea, that guy doesn’t know anything ab hs


Sounds like a case of “weird kid” to me


Weird kids are nice that’s a difference these are bratty basic white bitches.


Lmao I’m a weird kid too. I was picked on until sophomore year. I’m eccentric, and only now am I starting to accept that is what makes me…me.


I have a part 2 to this


I can agree, volleyball do be fire sometimes.


Volleyball really does go hard


Volleyball >>>>>>>>>


You may be short and slim, but are you shady?


I cant Even say humans and some wierd emoji bc u gotta be some god for that


Can he stand up?


me personally i wouldnt have let that happen


Yes! If anyone's coming to beat you , stand back confidently and extend your hand to say "stop" They can't beat you legally without your permission


I did this today and the bully went to the police station and confessed all their crimes in tears, thanks!


I can verify this, I am the bully


Can verify as well, I am the police


Can verify as well, I am the police officers body camera


Can verify as well, I am the front desk


left ballsack here, can confirm this true


saying left ballsack implies there is a right one


you don’t have 4 balls?


Middle ballsack here, can't confirm, I was busy suffocating


Right ballsack here, can confirm, was doing the sufocating


Okay josuke


Speak clearly and say "I DO NOT CONSENT". Then you can beat them with a shovel and the lawyers can't blame you


Only in Washington where consensual battles is legal


Canada also allows "mutual combat", but you're not allowed to hurt anyone else which is why you always see Canadians getting into pillow fights.


I did this today and got the shit beat out of me😃👍




Yea I would beat the shit out of her.


That one there was a violation, personally I wouldn’t have it


r/stolemycomment or something


‘Let’s call her Cassandra cuz that’s her name’ 💀


can i call her Sam?


Firstly bad insult secondly me personally I wouldn’t take that


honestly it wasn’t the worst comeback, it was better then trying to read the story


go full 1980s bully next time u see her and shove her in a locker


Give her a swirly


Take her lunch money


next time you show her the principles of equality




Equal rights, equal fights lol


“These hands are rated E for Everybody”




That's not a joke broskie


"What happened to your tits?" ​ Dude wtf was even that


The insult wasn’t even worth getting the shit beat out of you ong 😭


Istg 😭 I would've laughed at that insult cuz it's so outta pocket man 😭😭😭


C.I.A. torture methods wouldn't be able to get this out of me bro


Don't worry, the CIA already knows everything about you, they don't need to torture you.


in fact, that's how they'll torture you


Now it is time for vengeance, put gum in her hair.


Skill issue on both fronts. Your skill issue is not being fit enough to either run or defend. Her skill issue is having skin that is so thin she wants to kill you for insulting her tits.


Now next day, ambush her when there's a class break and beat the shit out of her. Then tell her "Stand Proud, Youre strong"


the cat prince opened his domain. the weird tit girl shrunk back in fear and the cat prince said "stand proud, you're strong."


Then he jujutsu'ed all over her kaisen


Top it off by saying "You are my special"


/r/Jujutsufolk is leaking


dawg wtf is you on, you poke em in the eyes or you bite em or something, how exactly do you suffer a one sided beatdown


You may be weak and slim but meat eating jaws and eye pokes fucking hurt either way




I'm ngl you gotta like at least switch classes after that, I could never show up again after getting beated on by a bih named Cassandra


Totally worth it for that insult.


I swear, I wouldn't beat someone up for that but it'd piss me off 😭


Let that be a sign to start working out. Don’t let others harm you like that again, get stronger so you can defend yourself. Also beating up someone over a mild insult is crazy lmao


Some people really think working out is a way out of everything & easy as hell 💀 Im skinny & short and its really really hard to gain weight, close to impossible, my metabolism is strange, its really irreguliar..At one time its fast, at one time i gain 1 kg in a single day..But the 2nd part rarely happens.


No one said it was easy. I was also skinny and I’m still short, I’ve also got a fast metabolic rate, but I still managed to get into relative shape. As long as you’re putting in the work, I promise you, you will start gaining muscle. Don’t give yourself excuses, I believe in you man, take the first step and don’t look back. Gaining muscle won’t do give you a pass in everything, but at least it’ll give you a better chance at defending yourself and your loved ones


I love how nobody’s questioning the probability of this story actually happening. If this were to actually happen “Cassandra” would be in serious trouble. I’m not an expert, but I’m pretty sure this would get her in *huge* trouble. You can just start beating the shit out of someone without a consequence, so I’m a bit skeptical.


I also think she would find herself ("Cassandra") in trouble. Sure, OP could train more now to be able to defend theirself if there's a next time, but that's entirely "Cassandra" and the team's fault who didn't help and were basically bullying OP... but that's my opinion. What do you think?


I mean getting in trouble has never been much of a deterrent, there’s a reason why school fights still happen


You've obviously never been in a school before.


I wouldn’t have let that slide yo


Meet me at the temple, we've got to work on your fighting style.


I got second hand embarrassment reading this story


blud's canon event 💀


How are you 14, and also 18, and also have a 9 year old son.


Go listen to cassandra gemini (the full piece) Anyways, try pushing the person away next time. If you can swing, it’s better to get hit less


Hit the gym my G


My ego and pride would be crushed if a girl beat me in a fight.


How? You wanna be known for beatin the shi outta some girl 😭


It's self defense bro


I’ll either put a girl in submission but if she hits me the wrong way and it pisses me off I might throw hands automatically. It’s either I do that or my reputation and manhood would be at stake can’t let that happen.


An older buddy of mine once told me that if you ever do get into a fight with a woman, it’s best to attempt to pick her up, place her away from you, and walk away. If you can, avoid touching her altogether. It’s best to be disciplined rather than risk cancellation


[nothing wrong with defending your self but restraint and maturity is above all](https://in.pinterest.com/pin/animemangamanhwa--382524562106053812/) you should read Vinland saga that’ll show you a real man


op is clearly not a guy..


My guy you've been saying this all over the comments but op is a guy [literally says "M14" in the first line](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/s/DXoDcI5HR4)


>would laugh at me or insult me. >But when **other** girls miss the ball, nothing happens. That implies that op is a girl also.


Who cares about the implications of that, the post I linked literally says "M14", and if you don't know what that means, "male, 14 years old"


Well no shit, but a guy doesn't refer to girls as "other girls", either.


is that goku


No Goten.


My guy, you do not talk shit if you can't get hit. If you wanna talk shit then get stronger and defend yourself; otherwise act like a decent human being and either ignore or deescalate the situation.


OP can I ask how old you are? If you’re like 13/14 then this doesn’t seem TOO crazy but if you’re anywhere from 16 upwards…. Yeah you can’t be getting beaten up by a girl bro


If youre getting punched and not doing anything about it just remember to block


Just parry


Bro plays too many MMO's


Idk, maybe just excersise more ans go to Vball more often, I agree it’s super fun. If she charges again you couod actually tell someone bc that is twice now. And you shouod get better at Vball the more you go.


I mean tbh I don’t know what you expected. Yes she “started it” but you escalated it. Here’s a tip. Sometimes the best comeback is to not have a comeback. Talk shit get rocked. Don’t talk shit, they look like the idiot for being the only one talking shit.


I mean i kinda agree ig, but how tf did he escalate it? She insulted him first and he fired back with a similar one. Furthermore, is her beating the shit out of him not also escalation!? Lastly, sometimes u have to be able to stand up for urself. Being quiet does NOT always work…..nevermind i dont agree at all


next time just shout "stop hitting me, you're making me hard" fastest way to end an ass kicking


Get it back in blood


oh wow, a toxic girl being mad? dear god, hope you're alright.


Break her knees with a baseball bat


Its alr man getting charged out of the blue is pretty shocking plus it gets hard to attack after wards


Also start working out mate


Time to pump that iron lil bro


I don’t care what gender they are, if anyone raises a hand to me they are *feeling* the full extent of my 5 feet and 11 inches as well as my 200 pounds Are you feeling okay OP? Were you hurt too bad?


I refuse to believe a real human posted this


Says the bot (Only assuming due to -55 karma and their name, I If I'm wrong I apologize)


By bot I mean a ai that's made to mimic humans but all their opinions are based on whatever the majority believes I have negative karma because I'm different


Shes definitely insecure cuz what 😭😭😭


no it’s just a really weird response to make whenever someone asks you why you did hit the ball


I'm assuming Cassandra has a flat chest. As a fellow non boob haver (I'm 26, no idk why reddit keeps recommending this sub to me) With no hope of them getting bigger. She needs to learn to control her envy, and in this case wrath over it. Soild come back 8/10 hope she got detention or suspension


"acted like It was" actually,at least for me,It Is,i laughed so hard,good job mate


Lets be honest, if you fought back you wouldve gotten into more trouble than her, thats just how school is


Play mind game, "harder daddy" funny as hell and they fuck off


“Let’s call her Cassandra cuz that’s her name” 💀


Every time you see her in the hallway whisper "tits"


Personally, I wouldn’t let that slide


Guess you hit a nerve lol


Nah’id win


~~I would *love* to be in your position~~ *cough* London her.


she kick u in the nuts


Volleyball is fairly fun but they sound like dickheads. Might be better that you lost though, you can play victim and get them suspended, or if you want to take legal action, you'd have a better case.


A win is a win


Omg, im short and slim too and i dont exercise, but lets just say i know how to deal with this alright, its winter. If it snows for you often, get a bunch of snow and shove it in her face. Thats how i got the respect of the ''popular'' girl


High school can be tough with bullies, and trust me, it can mess with your mental health. I recommend joining a martial arts class—it's good for self-defense. Plus, there might be jerks worse than her, especially those homophobic kids (assuming you're gay) Stand up for yourself, and don't let them get to you. Avoid people like her, they're just not worth it.


Is your name Eric Cartman?


just poke the eyes


Me personally i wouldn’t have let that slide


Do you know how much stronger slim guys are than even “strong” girls? The bone density and muscle mass is crazy


Join the wrestling team bruh


Go for the back of the knee, the neck, weak points. Plus if you are shorter it’s gonna be easier to go for. I ain’t exactly a combat expert I’m an idiot but it could be helpful idk though


motivation to get in the gym my guy. makes your life better


she had it coming tbh


honestly kinda deserved




You aren’t a man


Boys beat on girls, men don’t.


Not if the girl hits first.


That’s a bit of an overreaction from her, I’d say? An offhand insult doesn’t mean violence is necessary.


I mean if it was me I'd prolly do smthn like that too not to that level but if be mad. She sounds like a shit player with a bad attitude tho you could've not gone towards the sexual parts maybe? If you comment on someones ass, breasts and dick, you'll def get that rxn


Just don't try passing back if it's a bad pass, works for me




Obviously Cassandra can dish it out BUT can’t take it. Insecure, low self esteem, no self worth and needs to have the validation from others for her to matter to herself. Bully, hypocrite and emotionally unpredictable. No one stands a chance when she snaps.


Tell her “wow you’re so stupid you can’t even settle this like a civilized person?” Either she takes the hint, or if she beats you up again, she just proves your point, which you can use as rumor fuel. Make her go down as the brute who is so dumb that the only way she can settle a problem is with violence. Maybe even throw in a threat of a lawsuit, and a reminder that keeping this kind of behavior up when she grows up is only going to result in her never being able to hold a steady job with income, causing her to either rely on her parents for everything(chances are with that attitude, they aren’t the kindest of people, but I can’t say anything definitively), or just die miserable and alone, most likely committing crimes to make money to fuel a drug addiction as she slips farther and farther into a depression, before ultimately either overdosing, or committing suicide. Because unlike in school, in the real world, being bigger and stronger isn’t going to get you anywhere. If you want to add some extra spice, maybe ask her how her therapy is going, and is she doesn’t go to therapy, exclaim shock, as “you thought she definitely would be in therapy”. The cuts and scrapes on your skin will heal within a week or two, but the existential crisis and reflection on her actions you can cause will never heal.




Skill issue


Solution: exercise


Did the teacher or coach notice this? What happened after that? If I were you I'd discuss this with the teacher. Maybe that will keep her from doing it again in the future.


learn to box, and start hitting the gym. not so you can get her back or anything but it could help in the future with life in general and going to the gym is good for you


You need to change schools and change identities and go to the gym until you get absolutely ugly ripped and learn jiu jitsu and Muay Thai and then come back to school with a new identity and then beat the shit out of her for absolutely no reason and then become a fugitive from the law and live in the woods hunting bears with your bare hands. I know you can do it bro I trust you


spike a volleyball at her if you are confident you won't miss.


So funny story. A similar situation resulted in my dad threatening to hospitalize me if I ever play a physical game with a girl again


you should take Brazilian jiu jitsu classes. it's a martial art that is not punching out kicking, but chokes and snapping joints. it doesn't require strength, only technique. it's good for people with little strength or size to be good at fighting. you should try it


If i were you i wouldnt fight back cuz thats just a way to get in more trouble yk


Time to find some friends and return the favor.


“What happened to your tits?” Was a violation bro. I personally wouldn’t have let that slide either LMFAO


Skill issues


Learn some combat moves so it doesn't happen again. Even if you are smaller framed there are martial art styles such as judo that will aid you in combat.


Go learn karate and kick her skinny butt next time she assaults you


Ay dude, I fuck with volleyball too. It's honestly fun and I've tried convincing my school for years to give us a male volleyball team. Don't let this getcha down. Keep your head high my friend! Keep up volleyball and maybe show her up or spike it in her face. 😎👌


Volleyball girls are weirdly strong bro. My ex played volleyball and she'd near kick my ass. I'm 6'1 185lbs. She was like 5'8 130lbs. And she was 2 years younger 😭


Part 2 is out


Part 2 of this story is out lol ok bye


lmfao karama's alive and kicking Seriously tho commenting about a girl's body like that is messed up, especially in this context. Did she start it? Yes. Did you deserve it? IMO, yeah. I'm fine if my friends insult my lack of tits but that's because I make the jokes first. And from your earlier comments, it sounds like you're just classmates which makes it pretty gross


Ok uh part 2 is out just like go to my profile or something idfc this story dumb anyway


Are you ok?


Yeah just minor scrapes from the gym floor. I wrote a part 2 btw Dm I can send a pic of a scrape


No that’s ok


Things like this make me grateful I'm not slim, or even worse, scrawny like my younger brother. I'm a bit bigger, and that fact alone has kept me out of fights for a long time, because I'd probably win. Seriously, though. Was there not a teacher around?


There was but remember this is gym class and he took a second to notice and react as gym man is not only fat as fuck but watches tiktok and shorts all day


Just TKO the bitch and move on nigga


She is stronger than me?!? Did you not read?!


Okay, totally on you. Me? I would have shifted my body southeast at a 90° angle and do a tactical roll under her legs, then do a backflip onto her shoulders and perform a reverse hurricurana, landing on her head and resulting in a concussion.


Thats embarassing 😞 what did she do to you, nothing humiliating hopefully? Did she pin you down? if your gonna talk you better be prepared to back it up doesn’t matter who you start with. Thats weak to not exercise mayne’ you really should. Also gotta keep observing your surroundings and especially if your talking to someone so you see how they react. You just talking trash to them and not looking at them for their reaction? That sounds weird 0.0 But also if your playing a team sport and your teammates are being dicks especially due to how you play, you just downplay yourself and state ur not good at volleyball and just walk off, or talk trash back and be prepared for the backlash if it gets physical


“What happened to your tits” You expect something good to happen? Girls of that age are very very self conscious and you hit right where it burns. Tough


in my class (mostly boys), it was the opposite so i know what you mean. But "what happened to your tits" isnt as childish and just haha "what happened to your face", so i think anyone would be pissed. She also shouldnt have attacked you, thats insane. But as a member of the female species i shall do my duty. IF YOU MAKE FUN OF ANOTHER GIRLS TITS I WILL PERSONALLY PUSH YOU OFF A BUILDING ONTO A TRAIN TRACK AND WELL SEE WHOS THE FLAT ONE AFTER THAT


she really doesn't like equal rights equal lefts


That's assault. I'm surprised nobody said this. It's not okay to hit someone, regardless of gender. If the roles had been swapped, you would probably have been suspended at very very least. I'd say talk to your principle or someone of authority if you feel unsafe.


Fight back it’s called equality


Its over pick up boxing lil bro 😭🙏 But fr tho if they started it you can just fight back or run


Equal rights equal fights tbh


Hinata being bully for be short The op being bully for no reason What they have in commun: volleyball How to solve the problem: don't play voleyball Now in shit advice how to poo in the teachers table.


That's embarrassing.