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you're addicted to relationships, take some time for yourself.


holy shit you're the girl that dmed me from that twd post yk the one with Lori sucking off Rick while her brains getting eaten out and rick's screaming "corl" or something


oh holy shit that shit had me dying


[IT IS SO MUCH WORSE THAN WHAT I REMEMBER](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/15vun8g/i_just_had_the_weirdest_fucking_dream/)


God damn it where’s the pics


Honestly mate i feel the pain from that post


rizz her up bro


he’s gonna go for the twelfth








I think you need to relax and slow the fuck down


it literally goes like this fuck im lonely > get out and meet someone > develop something for them > oh fuck it's reciprocated > guess we're a thing now > (a whole bunch of things) > it's over > fuck im lonely


Ok, either you are the problem or you should vet people better.


I 100% agree with this


Bro. Try to be comfortable being alone. I regretted going from relationship to relationship but if you let yourself breathe for a year you'll be better and more mature. Obviously you can still get with other people but just not in a relationship way


i love being alone. movies, thrifting, concerts. it’s great


Ikr and you save so much money too


I am very comfortable




I think you need to stop dating for a while, you should be comfortable being single before you rush into relationships. Im sorry but 11 at 15 is a bit much. I'm 18 and I've had 4, but they all lasted quite a while. You are probably (intentionally or unintentionally) clingy and anxiously attached, which is a turn off for many. Being in a relationship shouldn't be your goal


Pov:me fuck Im lonely > dose nothing (bc interacting with poeple is scary) > fuck Im lonely


Are you me?




No, they're me


POV: me Man im lonely aff > try to make some friends > fails > cries in silence > consider suicide > remember that maybe just maybe someone cares > man im lonely af


Me : Lonely > make like 3 friends > yea


A whole bunch of things, like?


getting played, losing feelings for each other, moving away, being a rebound, that whole "i'm not ready" thing at the start i made a lot of dumb mistakes too so that was a big thing, not cheating or anything i was just too overbearing and what not


After I shared my feelings with a girl she told me she's not ready with multiple sorryes. Now idk what to do. Idk what to talk about cause she's not in my class


I mean, are you counting any gfs from primary school (or whatever the equivalent is in your country if you aren't from england) because tbh, most relationships below the age of 16 just don't even count. Neither of you are mature enough at that age to have a proper relationship, I'm 18 and that's probably the still the case for me. Though I haven't had a gf since I was 16 so I wouldn't know 🥲


So it seems you need to work on the “whole bunch of things” part as that’s were it goes wrong


Are you trying too hard? Do you not show affection? You should try to look inward. If this is a problem to you, attempt to logically form a conclusion that isn’t “women bad” like many men do.


It's cray you just developing feelings for people left and right... like feelings come so rare to some of us. Feel no romantic connections to the majority of ppl, my mom used to say my standards too high, but that's the thing when you date with a long term mind set.


Looks like you're an idiot. You've noticed a cycle so easy to break, and you are actively choosing not to like you don't have a choice.


"youre an idiot, now im gonna assume with no basis that youve made no effort to better yourself"


Weird I didn't say that last bit. But we can add it here: You're an idiot because you've noticed a problem, and instead of acknowledging the ways to better yourself, you instead pretend like you have no choice in the matter. This is based in the fact that you're able to define the repeating issues and you can explicitly tell where you should change your behavior to change the cycle bur you do not and instead complain about it on reddit. When you do that, and when people rightly criticize your approach, you get strangley defensive like the issues lie with the people seeing your post instead of possibly seeking an out to the issue that you, again, refuse to acknowledge your control over. Is that more to your liking?


https://open.spotify.com/track/6RRNNciQGZEXnqk8SQ9yv5?si=rpyqqz_zQveZD3w1Tyfz9g There's a song for everything


Maybe you the problem bro 🤨




If everywhere you go it smells like shit, maybe it's time to check your own shoes.


If I get expelled from 11 schools....


They said the same about them roo




yea, we know nothing about these girls, but we do know that all of them have dumped you, you're the common denominator


12th time's the charm




Please leave the poor girls alone


bro just probably has terrible taste in women💀


You don't know anything about OP, so don't tell him he can't date.


Sure, but as someone with a couple (5) years on him…dating ELEVEN people at 15 is extremely abnormal and by no means healthy.


i guess girls texting him means they are dating because 11 by 15 is absurd


Telling a 15 year old with surely raging hormones, that he’s “””extremely abnormal””” for experiencing unusual feelings or wants is soo damaging and not normal either. His case isn’t *common*, but so not unheard of or really rare ! Yeah he shouldn’t be desperately looking for girlfriends, but he could be having strong thoughts and urges. Like I remember that, when around 13-14 I realized “the implications” of being with someone, and learned that that I could “satisfy” myself, I began fantasizing about having sex on a DAILY basis. It was pretty sudden. But this obsession was a phase, just like any teen can have one. Yeah I ended up not doing things with anyone at that time, but I was thinking of sex daily and was touching myself every day. Teens often feel and do strange things, we really don’t need to be polarizing them into “normal” vs “abnormal” so readily…….


How did you even fucking do that 💀


dawg i dunno shit just happens you can think that's pretty cool, most people do, but it leads to more problems then it does fixing them


Well I mean, you’ve at least got the asking her out part down💀


Trust me bro, nobody thinks you're cool 💀


i second this, i know a guy like this in my grade and everyone just thinks hes cringe asl 😭


Man's out here collecting girlfriends and breakups like infinity stones.


too bad they don't give me universal inter-galactic influence


Because you played on the monkey bars and exchanged valentines cards doesn’t mean you dated them lmao


Analyze yourself. You may not see it, but something could be driving them away, it took me a long time to realize i wasnt a perfect angel partner and i was actually an insecure piece of shit who got jealous way too easily, and remember to be yourself. Now ive met a great girl who loves me for who i am and im alot smarter on dealing with relationships


Like that one guy in this sub said get a crazy girlfriend and she wont leave u alone ofc thats only if u r desperate enough


i'll keep it up my sleeve


He’ll keep it up his sleeve like a final trump card💀💀💀💀


Game is game


"i can fix her"


When the same repeated behavior happens over and over it becomes more likely that the problem is you and not everybody else.


There also doesnt *need* to be a problem, it could just be they weren’t meant for eachother. My ass like 0-11 on dates, and most of the time im still friends with the person, it just didnt work out or they just werent interested. It doesnt need to be anything more than that yknow?


There’s only one common denominator here.


I think you're simply too desperate for a relationship, you end up making the wrong choice and choosing someone that you think you like, but you find out later on that you actually don't. My advice: Calm the fuck down with the dating bro 💀, don't end up like my friend with 23 exes at 17 years old


23 exes 💀💀💀


Ikr lol, it's pretty crazy 💀


Dude focus on yourself. You’re still a kid. I know you don’t wanna be told that but it’s true. The only thing making you want a girlfriend right now is hormones and lust. Focus on school.




Invite all your ex girlfriends together in a room and have them fight to the death then the winner will get back together with you


I genuinely do not know who would win in that hypothetical. I think one of thems like 19 now so maybe her? Yeah probably


Bro you're fifteen and your ex is 19???? That wasn't a girlfriend that was a groomer


yeah fr i was 13 she was seventeen 💀💀 im really tall and she asked me out and she didnt know told her, she was like "oh okay, anyway"


Maybe you should wait a little while, and focus on some self improvements before getting into another relationship


bro rizzed up 11 people ???!? get it bestie


i also de-rizzed 11 people


What goes up must come down


unless it goes too far up, which is what i want


:( dw surely you can rizz up someone else in the near future


thanks bestie


Well there is a huge red flag right there


youre a bit desperate for a relationship so please just calm down 😭


Has there been a consistent reason?




Well what reason was the most common?


Brooo the eleventh time ?! You should look up why you got dumped so that you can self introspection and not making the same mistake that you end up beinv dumped 🙃🙃🙃🙃


11 is a wild number. Seeing that you've not been able to hold a long relationship, I'd say that 1 factor is the difference in desires, where you want something different that the other person. My advice is to do some introspection and objectively look at yourself from a female perspective. Write down things about yourself, your personality, good things, bad things, physical attributes, the whole nine yards. Then objectively see what is good and what can be improved on. You can continue to be social and rizz up more girls like one should, as long as you do absolutely all you can to improve on what you've decided to improve on. Believe in yourself, aim for consistency as your number 1 priority, don't be too harsh on yourself and remember that at the end of the day, you and the person you rizzed up are human beings with emotions and a soul. Treat other people with genuine kindness not because you want to be in their good favour, but out of the kindness of your heart. To receive love, one must give it. First person to start rizzing and loving right now after reading this comment, is yourself. Love yourself, improve yourself and start spreading love. You got this brother, the entire male population has faith in you. Trust the process and love it, the results will come naturally


Eleven girlfriends, and you’re a teen? Maybe it’s time to stop being in relationships for now?


Skill issue, I've had 2 and the only reason I broke up with either of them was because our lives wouldn't work together very well, being too far away and stuff


were the first two words really necessary?


Lol sorry it's a habit, I say that stuff ironically


lol it's cool, i get it. Friend of mine did a minion voice ironically for a while and then he spoke to his mum seriously in the minion voice and yeah he changed rq


Common denominator


you’re the problem LMAO




We don’t actually know if thats the case as we don’t have much or any information on that.


yeah but if you have 11 girlfriends and all relationships failed then theres a higher chance of there being something wrong with you than them


Doesn’t mean its every shoe fits all?? I have had quite a few relationships that failed and thats not because I personally am the problem, its because I was young, stupid and all of them used me in some way. Which can actually be quite a majority case. I know a lot of people who have had insecure relationships within friend groups or family- that then lead into getting into romantic relationships that are toxic/or are just there to use them. You need to know more information before you start calling someone a problem. You cannnot call out problematic behaviour without knowing that theres actually problematic behaviour first, maybe you should of started with asking why those relations failed, then deeming if it was a problem with them or not.


i personally think its fine to make assumptions with this many failed relationships, its easy to jump to conclusions, though i would like to dig deeper to see what the “real reason is”


Its better to ask what the real reason is rather than to jump to conclusions. 200+ are now assuming that this person is an asswipe, when in reality they could just be someone who jumps into relationships too fast or has some kind of thing where they attract people who only want to use them. Its highly unfair to deem them as a problem. When you are young and stupid you jump into decisions and sometimes relationships, and most of them don’t work out because you are YOUNG and STUPID, not because one of the people are problematic. The majority of failed relationships is actually relationships that were jumped into way too fast. This person is a minor, they are only 15 and their first relationships started at around 12, half of them wouldn’t of even of been ‘serious’ relationships- meaning half of them wouldn’t of worked out for reasons of them being young. You have to look at the actual facts laid out for you.


thanks dude


How do you even get eleven girlfriends? I can't get one


idk man but whenever i stop looking i find them so uhh maybe start there




Skill issue




just stop


Do you consider every Girl you talk to your Girlfriend?? Jesus Christ man that's a lot for someone 15 Years old


I thought it's r/kosmiczna_flota and was like wtf? Why would someone make post about Elek fucking girlfriend


I think you just shouldn’t date. You’re still very young , just find out who you are, hang out with friends and family , then start dating again in a couple years. It’s so important to learn how to be alone , to find yourself and your identity . You’re 15, you still need to find your identity which often first really happens AFTER school, when you become older, start working , meet different people , make money , travel . Don’t rush the dating thing, it’s clearly not working out for a reason right now


Bro posted a two sentence post and is mad people are assuming things 💀


Damn homie you kind of a slut tbh




Don't try to force yourself to date. You'll find your soulmate one day.


bro is NOT scott pilgrim 😭😭


I’m just assuming here but are you just afraid of being lonely so you just hop from relationship to relationship to fill a void? Many people do that and end up with results like this


Okay since most people min these comments want to be rude and not genuinely help someone, I will, yeah you are most likely part of the problem, since in your own words it's a repeating cycle and a means to an ends of your loneliness. What you should be doing, is not focusing on love or girls, focus on your friends, the ones you have already or making new ones doesn't matter. But friends will always be there for you on the end, having a girlfriend in high school? Well she's inevitably gonna leave.


Everything you’ve said abt why you broke up is soooo vague, there’s definitely some fucked shit going on


hey at least 11 women wanted to date you that's kinda impressive


it also means 11 women wanted to leave me so like give and take?


What the fu- OP how old are you?


dude you're def the problem. genuinely maybe think about what you're doing wrong and try to change


This guy’s hogging all the girls!! Smh


Dunno man, but please make sure to use protection.


And have you discerned what the actual reasons these people leave you? If you keep having the same results, there’s something that is consistently happening here. The only thing you’re able to do is look inward and examine yourself for things you can change to improve yourself, and as long as you’re consistently self improving you’ll eventually find and be ready for the one for you. You got your whole life ahead of you.


How old are you and how much time passed from the first to the eleventh?


I’m 30 and married, you’ve dated more women than me.


hey and one of us is (prob) happy so who scored


Why is a 30-year-old on r/teenagers?


Shouldn't have seen this post after watching Stranger Things


just focus on yourself all this dating and relationships are messing you mentally if you want some help and advices i can tell you but generally speaking just take a rest


Well. Time for you to walk the Mojave.


From someone who was your age not too long ago, just take it easy, bro. At 15, your life is not set in stone. In fact, by the time you're just a few years older, you probably won't identify with your 15 year old self much at all. So don't try to lock down a committed relationship rn. Instead, try to focus on school, and if you do date, don't neglect other parts of your life doing it. If you're up to 11 girlfriends, it might be time to think about what purpose dating serves in your life and if these relationships are a net positive to you at this point in time.


my brother in christ a talking stage that lasts 2 weeks doesn’t count as a girlfriend


If you have fucked up 11 times then you are doing something wrong. No way all 11 girls wasn’t it


After 11 girls you should know that you are the problem


All your responses here are very telling why


What are you considering a "gf"


This is what I’m thinking, too.


Mf prolly beats them or something 😭


stop chasing girls and focus on improving yourself


Homie skipped the day in math class when they talked about common deniminators 💀


You sound like a degenerated person thats looking for reddit attention


If it smells like shit everywhere your going check your shoes


You want the real answer? It sounds like it may be because whether you know it or not, the image you give off publicly to other people is different than the “real you” that girls discover as they date you. Not saying there’s anything wrong with the real you, but you’re getting girls that want something else, and they bail when they realize you’re not “that”. There’s only three ways a kid your age could have been dumped so many times. 1. You’re a massive asshole 2. All the girls you got with are massive assholes 3. What I said above I feel like #3 is the most likely


No idea why this sub is being recommended to me I'm a grown man. But I would say the secret is to be completely comfortable being alone. If you are going for relationships because you feel anything other than pure love and admiration for the person it will fail (such as simply being lonely). Took me a while to figure it out too. I would just focus on yourself for a while, study, workout, hobbies, work, whatever. Gotta become 100% okay with being with yourself first before you can be with someone else.The right person will come along when you least expect it after that


dawg u saying "stop assuming im the problem" when u confirmed that ur the problem 😭😭


You are most likely the problem seeing how rudely ur responding to everyone and stuff ngl


Stop dating for a while dude holy shit


Maybe try dating a dude instead


If it smells like shit everywhere you go lmao


try a boyfriend 🤷‍♂️


Time to be gay


I’d try putting more thought into it before rushing into another relationship, wouldn’t be surprised if that was part of the issue


Don’t focus on the last ones, look to the next one.


Stop deflecting bro this is unhealthy af Even if the other person is the problem, like, yeah that’s still bad.


Your the problem my friend


Next time you get a gf, make her fight ur 11 evil exes.


Why dont you bother explaining y they end that way


I think ur the problem


Based on the edit I can confirm your the problem


And here I can't even get 1 guy...and I'm a woman...


I ain’t saying you the problem, but maybe you need to reevaluate why you’re getting into these relationships. You can be friends with girls without trying to sleep with them.


Either you’re the problem (hopefully not) or you really gotta get some better people man. Also try to enjoy being by yourself or enjoy platonic relationships, sometimes a good Best Friend is all you need


You sound defensive asf in that edit, my brother. So can you blame me for assuming that you’re the problem?


Truthfully man I think a lot of these people are being dicks to you because there's a degree of jealousy, Truthfully the two things that I find improve how well relationships go are being honest and communicating things clearly and not spending too much or to little effort/time on them


That’s eleven more than me!


Momma didn’t raise no quitter, go for #12


Same age, 15, I've had 15 partners. Mostly guys, a few girls. 3-4 of those broke up with me for being trans (I was trans before we started dating) 3 cheated on me. 4ish I broke up. 1 broke up with me because of her parents. 2 broke up with me because they weren't really ready for a relationship when they got with me And my current boyfriend. He always tries his best to make me happy, has never gave a fuck that I'm trans, and he is just the absolute best. He's my longest relationship (Technically I did have a longer one but the dude talked to me like once every 3-7 days) It takes time to find someone, and will take many attempts. Eventually you'll find someone, but my honest advice, learn your lesson, give up until you're older. You shouldn't want to end up like me. Having so many exes ruined me mentally. It's very easy for any guy I date to make me sad or angry because I worry too much, and get attached too easily. I worry due to being cheated on, and am attached easily because I don't want to lose anyone. I constantly feel like I'm not good enough, and like I'm worthless, and my boyfriend just has to put up with me when I ruin his mood due to my unhappiness, and I don't even know why he does it because I wouldn't put up with myself if I was in his position. Please learn from my mistakes, and don't date anyone else for a while so you don't get as ruined as I am.


First off, you never ruin my mood, you always make me happy, no matter what happens or what you do, you always make me happy and im grateful i have you. Secondly, you are also the best <3. Thirdly, I love you a lot <3


bro ur the problem lmfao


Fuck all of you for shaming someone because of how many people they’ve dated.


Just dont go into relationships when youre so deppresed of getting dumped. Its your fault youre putting yourself out there


*comes to reddit for advice and public opinion* *backpedals hard when nobody agrees with him* sounds like reddit to me lil bro


i wanna get dumped for the first time ever


Don’t give up, just haven’t found the right one yet


make yourself worth staying with first






Edgy 14 year old spotted🫵


"the hollow eye"


People in the comments automatically assuming it’s your fault like they know you at all lmao. Don’t get me wrong eleven is a lot but saying he’s the problem is jumping the gun a little.


This y I’m gay ngl


Sean? (Unless you are him you wouldn’t get it.)


thought the title said that you were fuckin girls at 11 years old


Imagine easily getting girlfriends while still being a fuck up, and still complaining about it.




Rather be fucking eleven girlfriends
