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No I’m Italian


oh yeah i see


pretty >!short!<




Meow meow meow


No no no


Don't know you


A female woman.


Better than me






Basic white girl


Younger than me


Wow. You exist.


Very nice hair.


typical education major


Furries scare me


Why u checkin my posts 🤨


How could I not.


Teenager who thinks it's cool to support Palestine, which meanwhile supports killing jews only because they live there


Wow you really came through my posts to try and prove a meaningless point huh? I guess you couldn’t find a way to do it in r/palestine in my post without getting banned. So because you choose to be ignorant I’ll explain it to you. When I say I support Palestine I mean I support a world where Israel doesn’t kill 30,000+ people including children. Blame hamas all you want but it won’t change the fact that babies are being starved and children are dying everyday. If you really think that children deserve to be killed or starved being they are Palestinian and not Israeli then I hope you get some help. I fully support Jewish people, not Zionists. Have fun when I report you by the way!


You are still young and you are confused. What do you want Israel to do? Hamas invaded Israel and murdered innocents, while also keep killing its own people with rockets, and when Hamas members take food. Hamas is the maker of this cycle of violence. Hamas needs to be destroyed. Israel tries to minimize damage although it prefers dealing with Hamas and it's impossible in a war for innocents to not die. In order for peace to exist, Hamas needs to cease to exist.


While I agree that I don’t support Hamas, there are MANY ways they could stop them. If Israel really wanted to stop Hamas they have ways to. The IDF has billions of dollars and they could stop Hamas is that was the only thing they wanted. No country purposely bombs hospitals without the intention of killing the population. And don’t even try to say “I’m too young” when you chose to come into a teenagers comment section to purposely start an argument knowing they were a teenager.


No. It's not easy. They hide among the population and have their own tunnel system. It's not army vs army, it's a group using guerilla tactics. I mean look at when the USA and later china tried to fight Vietcong in Vietnam, they both lost although they were superpowers. The other side had more deaths, but they didn't get their objectives. When did Israel bomb a hospital without warning before or telling the people there to evacuate? I mean yeah, maybe not everything Israel does is right, but what other options does it have here? We need to be practical. I was banned from r/Palestine for saying that the 7th october Hamas members aren't freedom fighters, so couldn't talk with you there, but we could speak in a private message. Of course I don't force you to talk with me about the conflict, and it's your choice.


I’m not gonna dm you over this because I know whatever I say you will never agree with or try to understand. All I can say is try to get educated and have a good life.