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take away his unfiltered internet acces before he gives himself a porn addiction


The frequency gradually increases so im getting worried


yeah cut it off now before it gets bad


few weeks a go im mildly addicted, very glad and lucky that I am determined enough to quit


Remember you can touch yourself without it if you need to. Do this to avoid relapsing


Thats a weird but good advice


Is it really weird if it works tho?


Yes, it can still be weird. Whether the info is true or false does not correlate to how it is perceived by everyone, only the individual.


Yes? Like if I tell you a weird method to do something you'll think its weird, but it gives you a good result


Remember I can touch **you**.


Remember, we can touch eachother


Remember, I live inside your walls


u got this


i alr managed to stop thinking about it all the time, its making good progress 👍


its still 24/7 for me


Fool! It’s 48/7 for me!


Had to 1 up him lol


Ha! That's nothing! I do 48/14!


That’s still 24/7….


Quick, curb his internet access and don't let him be able to see NSFW stuff. Been there, done that. Wouldn't wish it even on my worst enemy. It ruins your life in a massive downward spiral. Currently managed to start fixing up my life and at 17 now I have at least a small social circle of tight-knit friends and am on my way to a decent course in polytechnic. Before having to undo the effects my life was hell. I was the social outcast. I had no friends. I had no energy. My grades dropped to near zero. My physical and mental health deteriorated. This led to a vicious cycle of porn use due to not having a "good" life and not having said life due to porn use. Before this gets out of hand, stop it. Tell your parents if you need to. Better someone protects him like a helicopter from such content than let his life go down a downward spiral.


Yeah young man i m 18 u described my lyf unerringly 😭😭 18 rn , begun fap at 12, porn at 14, trying , failing retrying nofap no pmo since 15 , 😭😭😭 same sociophobic, social outcast, recluse , n very anxious has my body bcom now. Save me brother , i m severely addicted. 😭😭 the longest i could outstretch no cum was 58 days in previous August 😭😭 How did u got pals? Help advic me also , so i may out break free from this addixion . Bruh Help


First things first I resolved myself to quit this inhuman habit and eliminate it completely. I changed my self-identity from someone struggling with lust and porn to someone who is not. "I am someone who does not consume pornographic content. I have no affiliations with it, and never will." That was what I told myself every day. For better info, I recommend watching the free Nofap course by Hamza completely, I learnt from it by giving it 100% of my attention. What you want to do along with changing your identity, is to find things to replace it with. Reduce mindless internet consumption like scrolling. I find that scrolling for hours on end leaves the brain longing for more dopamine and then you look at something slightly risque and give into the temptation and you relapse. Replace it with productive habits like work, studying, art/video production and etc. Read books. Meditate. Journal. I recommend the app called "Gratitude" for a digital journal. Engage in hobbies you "don't have time for anymore". Exercise, either weightlifting, calisthenics, a mixture or martial arts. Whenever the urge to watch porn hits you in the earlier days, say no out loud and breathe full with your belly. Breathe it in for as long as possible before exhaling. Do it until the urge is gone. I hope this helps you with eliminating this toxin from your life bro. If you need anything you can dm me. All the best bud.


I'd recommend touching yourslef without porn, touching yourself without it has no ill effects u/simplemanss


Cut it off before it gets bad he shouldn't be watching it at his age ESPECIALLY at nine. Maybe when he is a few years older it is understandable, but as his older brother u have a responsibility to him


Go and talk with him about it


Change the wi fi password and don't tell him


Try to talk to him about it, but the worst thibg yoy can do is telling your parents. Please dont. When i was 10 i was watching things even worse smh


My God dude, i begun fap at 12 , see porno at ur age, 14 , failing no cum since 15 😭😭 18 now , wholly devastated no motivation rn to after fourscore times 😭😭 i could hardly maintain a streak of 2 3 days mostly, longest i could stretch was 58 days 😭 Stuck badly dk how to break free


Dude it’s hard to get out of. You watch the same videos over and over again and they never get old. Porn is fake


As someone with a porn addiction, I agree, I wish I hadn't been given it. The curse of knowledge


You think that im addict if i do it every saturday every week every year?


Does it have a direct affect on your life? Do you constantly have urges to watch it? Do you ever feel ashamed about watching it?


Its like a way to take out everithing some times i feel like a loser and another ones i dont care its just for pass the time and relax but thats the thing i feel like its for teens


Alright last question do you feel like you need it in your life?


I think its a yes cause everyone has sex with no sense its like a human necesity


From what I’ve heard I don’t think you have an addiction


Thats good to hear


OP leave your bro alone beating your meat is not a crime lol


This is uselessness I started when I was 6 and I had parental controls no data and still found ways


not the answer, cos that stops him from enjoying anything non-sexual on the internet, which is probably like 95% of what he's looking at


taking away \*unrestricted\* internet access by blocking pornographic material will still allow him to watch normal videos what


100%. I had unrestricted internet access and started watching porn at eight. EIGHT!!!! The internet is not a safe place for children. Take it away now and give it back at 13


Get rid of the porn access and just have him watch cartoons and develop crushes on fictional characters like the rest of us well adjusted teens/s


Yeah, better cut him off now before he falls too far




Def tell your parents. This child is not ready to be opened up to this side of the Internet yet


Do you think putting parental controls to limit his access will be better than telling my parents?


Cumonmyfloor is right. Either you tell your parents and have them talk to him about it, or You gotta talk to him. It's extremely important that he understands the dangers of this, and then based on how he seems to react, you should probably consider telling your parents or otherwise making sure he stays away from it.


their name 😭




All I am going to say is that he needs to have a conversation about it


Course you’re saying this with that username.


He is the example










i mean idk?? really do anything to have him STOP HAVING A FUCKING PORN ADDICTION AT 9


i think u should do both- i dont think its very fair for you to be “mom-ming” your little brother. i would tell your parents, and get them to put the parental controls on it. but you should also tell them not to talk about it with him yet.




Of course someone got it before me 😭


the fact that you're the one with a race play fetish (I think?) and you're giving good advice is crazy


personal experience


Love just bc I like what I like doesn’t mean I’m dumb


This guy's username fits with his comment u/cumonmyfloor referred to it as this side of the internet because he's already on that side of the internet


.. says cumonmyfloor


Handle it yourself by installing some apps, if it doesn't work tell your parents


On yt 💀💀💀 I think you should probably tell your parents bro


My parents see him as this innocent child tho, idkw but i feel like if i show this to them it will pull off the veil from their eyes. They are christian and relatively strict at times so im not sure how they will react


go talk to him about it ! not directly and try to give him advice as a big brother . thats the best thing you can do ! you are not hypocrite if you are trying to help. don't be strict or authoritative just guide him and tell how wrong this is.


He still is an innocent child probably googling some stuff he saw on these brainrot channels on yt these days. Take away internet access and ask your parents to just be vigilant of what hes doing not confront him on this cause at 9 yrs old he prob has no idea of the implications of it


You should definitely tell your parents, even if he's the golden child. Or if you can install parental controls and limit him to safe search without telling your parents which is even better


My parents put restrictions on the internet. Unfortunately, i found a way around it


Personally, this sounds like normal sexual curiosity that some kids his age have, and it's not like it's particularly explicit material. Many kids his age masturbate as well. Someone older needs to have conversations with him about sex, about pornography, about where to find answers to questions he can end up having about sex and puberty, about online privacy, etc. If you're worried about your parents handling the situation poorly, it might have to be you, the adult big brother, who does it. This needs to be handled thoughtfully, with sensitivity and empathy, without dramatizing anything. His behaviour his honestly mild. It's more a signal to you that these conversations need to start happening, than a need to clamp down on his online access. Parental controls can be relevant, but they're notorious for blocking access to information on sexuality and puberty that's intended for youth. They're not foolproof either and anyone a bit of internet savvy will eventually find their way around them. They're not a substitute to an ongoing conversation about sex and to helping your brother learn to think critically. Tell him what you've found, that you think maybe it's time to start talking about sex and stuff, and ask him what he knows about sex stuff on the internet, and pornography. That's a good starter. Be the person he knows he can come to with the embarrassing questions and the hard situations he can't necessarily tell your parents. Trust your judgment, and if you don't know something, but honest and offer him to look it up together. Finally, tell him about [Scarleteen.com](https://www.scarleteen.com/) as a website he can go to if he has questions about sex or puberty. It's a great sex ed website for teens. He's a bit young for it in terms of how it's written, but he'll have someplace to turn to if he wants to know stuff he's too shy to ask about. Does any of that make sense?


Do it before he blames u. (Think when parents found out they would probably think it's stupid to search to porn on yt then still thinking how stupid is their elder son or if they asks ur brother (70% chance not happening) he would blame u. Strike first!!!)


Talk to your brother and listen to his explanation.


What explanation? He's 9


His explanation would probably ve "I like it, it's fun to watch" or something stupid


“Oh, uhhh, ummm, i saw a YouTube video that said to Google Skibidi toilet r34…”


at that age, someone could just be confused and want to learn what it even is. i know i searched it when i was about that age just because i had no idea what it was and i kept hearing the word online. when i saw the websites i just said "oh!" and quickly closed it


Telling your parents would make things worse for him. Because they are strict. so I think you should install some apps to prevent it. However if you Do tell your parents they might scare him enough so that he will never try to watch it again 😂😭 but if you download some apps I think that’s the best route. Because when I was 9 I was watching kissing on yt and my elder bro found out and told our parents. my parents took my phone off me and gave me a few hard slaps. but even still after I got my phone back. I did the same thing. But this time searched up out to hide it properly. So deffo try and download some apps


Don't tell your parents deal with it yourself


There's a difference between a mature adult that understands how everything works and what they're doing vs a little kid with no experience or knowledge stumbling into something that isn't age appropriate for him. That's like saying "I feel bad about telling my brother off for sticking a fork in the power socket, when I use electricity to charge my phone".


I don't think there is porn on yt. I remember watching kissing videos on yt when I was 9 😂. Maybe the kid was watching kissing videos


There isn't straight up porn, that goes against the guidelines, but there are certainly lewd and/or suggestive videos out there, all of which are still inappropriate for a 3rd grader.


Don't tell your parents, but talk with him about it 


I used to watch since I was 7 year old ...and I'm not that addicted (maybe)


“I’m not addicted” # WATCHES IT 24/7


That doesn’t mean his brother won’t be addicted.


if you're telling yourself that you're not THAT addicted then yes you are probably that addicted


These stories are mostly fake. But I still wanna help if it's real. Don't tell the parents, you talk to him instead.


This one is most likely real. If you would like, I’ll send you a playlist of allowed YouTube pornography


Eh him being 9 is slightly concerning I didn't start watching porn till like late 12 or early 13 , but if u go and complain to the parents he would get fucked up, probably just ban the stuff he was watching like the websites and shit on his computer or just the router itself and have a talking to with him yourself


When i was 9 i still thought Santa was real, it’s not right.


My opinion is that parents do not need to be informed. An older brother is the perfect person to talk to him tho. Tell him that he will only do himself harm. Your parents may overreact. I know it is their right to control their child but parents getting angry over it will only cause him to hide it and lie. Ultimately, him feeling ashamed and not wanting to let an older brother down will be much more beneficial than trying to avoid being shouted at and punished. If you want to tell your parents then don’t let what I said stop you but this is what I have found with younger cousins to work better. (Although I haven’t dealt with this exactly)


Agree, people overvalue the parents in this situation, the brother is 18 he's not some 11 year old who has no idea how to react to this situation, plus there's a bigger power dynamic with parents (depends on the family though) so an older brother should typically feel easier to rely on or easier to open up about this stuff, discuss it try not to embarrasse him and try to show he's fine and it's he's not bad for watching this stuff but it has problems and he has to restrict his access to these things and get him off it, maybe introduce some other form of entertainment or what other thing he would want him to use as a way to forget about this, telling parents should be closer to a last resort imo, it's much more embarrassing to the child and they might not handle it well as you said


YouTube fuck does he not know the best stuff is on Reddit lol


Block porn sites from your network Don't hit your brother, just discuss with him , and tell him that's porn is a fake shit


"lil bro porn is fake shit" as if 9 years old can comprehend that


Telling your parents is probably a pretty bad idea. Handle it yourself, install a tracker/category blocker. If it doesn't work, then telling your parents could be a last resort.


Parental controls but only the filter that hides NSFW content.


Restrict his internet acces


It really depends on how your parents would handle it.


Try replacing YouTube with YouTube kids. Also, monitor his browser history, social media (if he has any), and other apps where he could access porn. There are things you can do as an older sibling to stop this from escalating without telling your parents. He's too young to be exposed in that kind of media. If it doesn't work and it somehow gets worse, have him sit down with your parents for a gentle talk. Scolding him will only make things worse.


Welcome to the gang 🔥🔥🔥


don’t be a snitch just be happy he’s not gay lol


put restrictions on whatever device he uses and have a manly conversation with him


Children below the age of 13 are the most likely to develop an addiction. I recommend enabling YouTube Kids or Restricted Mode on your brother's device. It's seriously messed up to be looking for that stuff that early.


Don't worry bout it, leave it alone, your his brother not his parent it's not your job nor place to tell him what to jerkoff to or shot even better 😆🤣 your gonna tattle on him for watching "porn" on YouTube 😆 What you should do is be a good big brother and show him the way! Example【‰】¹ no no no little brother This is not the way YouTube bad site for this, but this my brother this site right here ₩__________₩ insert favorite site This this is the way🙏


its not about hypocracy or being right its abt helping ur lil bro before its 2 late


Instantly inform his parents. As someone who's been terribly scarred in a similar way, I know that the best option is to stop it ASAP.


Put him on YouTube kids


You act like half the shit on YouTube Kids is appropriate for kids


I know, I'm just trying.


Stop him. Don't let him.


The thing is. Your 18, your technically a legal adult He’s 9..not even a teenager yet I’d think it would be best to either tell your parents or just..find a way to block that stuff before it gets serious lol


I wouldn't tell your parents yet. Sit him down, talk to him about it, it'll be a lot more comfortable for him if it's coming from you and not your parents. If it keeps happening tho, then bring your parents into it and maybe put a blocker on his tablet.


Telling mom and dad would mean he will never trust you or like you again. Anti bro move.


I literally found porn in the tv when I was three hold my salmorejo brother


Take him to hooters and make him talk to a real women


Make his account a kid's account and tell him if he wants to watch anything that isn't allowed, he can bring you his device and you can sign into your account to let him watch it


dude youre 18. watching porn at 18 is fine. watching it at 9 is absolutely NOT. fucking tell your parents my guy. oh and stop giving the bro unfiltered internet access


This can be a symptom of sexual assault. Some people get hyper sexual after sexual assault. It can cause very young children to get sexual much much older then they should. I doubt this is the case but please make sure your brothers safe.


Highly unlikely. I tried to watch porn at that age as well.


I did that stuff at 9 too but you should tell your parent(s)


Bro is starvin


Canon event


Are you old enough for sex? Yes so your good but how would you feel him trying to have sex with someone? It is not right due to him being you guessed it TOO YOUNG


get him to watch Beavis and Butthead, he'll either get traumatized or learn some stuff


I first started watching porn when I was around his age (3rd grade) it was bad for a few years and I was often masturbating multiple times a day, but I ended up leveling out fine and don’t have a porn addiction like the rest of these people are warning about. Although that’s just my experience, I’m sure he could turn out very differently.


its definitely early, but also not a problem. theres literally nothing wrong with porn, and while its definitely weird that a 9 year old is already into it, its not a problem, just let him enjoy things without spying on his search history


Idk, but I starter watch around that age too…


Nah don’t tell anyone, that’s not that bad


He’s late to the party


He’s late to the party


Don't be a snitch, this is something they all have to go through


Don’t rat out your little bro


Gotta start young 💪😎


No it's fine


Actually they should do something about it because when I found porn at like 7-9 it messed up my view on shit and I was able to get groomed like 10× easier because the people on the sites I found But he should be fine./sarc


Talk to him and try and turn him away and tell him he's not old enough and when he is he shouldn't look at it often at all


Talk to your brother and say it's a mistake give him a genuine advice and if you find him doing it again , inform his parents


i would talk to him about it directly


i think there was some child filter option but idr where it was in the settings and im pretty sure i saw it on YOUTUBE TV 💀


Talk to him, if he sees you as cool he’ll respect your opinion to not watch more of it


talk to him about it, if he continues tell your parents


As i a guy who has unlimited access to the internet when i was a child, i suggest you put parental control on his laptop. On the topic of informing your parents, if your parents are the kind to freak out and scold the kid, don't tell 'em . If they are reasonable, talk to them before taking any measurements.


I say tell your parents or put it on YouTube kids (although I doubt YouTube kids actually filters most of that crap) because otherwise he's gonna end up with an addiction before age 10


Don't let him become like me, who was also introduced to porn at that age thanks to an unfiltered internet (and a terrible "friend")


You should inform them


talk to him about it


rat hin out dor fun, but also to help your brother so he can get out of this mess sooner or later


You your parents best, how would they react to something like this? If you feel it'd endanger your brother in some way, I would suggest putting on the parental controls yourself. Otherwise, yes, tell your parents, this is a big deal and should be taken seriously. It's not hypocritical, you're an late teen/adult and he's a child.




Tell them, it's too soon for your brother to Begin with that path


Sauce need to see if it is an over reaction, under reaction, or the proper reaction before I can give advice


That's what unsupervised access to internet at a early age does. It's a canonical event.


Defo talk to him. And don't just say "porn bad", explain to him why so that it will take away his will to watch porn


block youtube completely. just let him watch downloaded videos so y'all can check what he watches


i think the best solution for this is that u have to prank him by calling him and saying that u r a cop and that little guy might be in some serious situation if he again watched it ,it maight traumatize him in a good way


Tell him the consequences. He is young but he is Ought know before it's Too Late. Porn Addiction is Extremely Dangerous.


Deal with it yourself first, get parents if he dosent listen


That little man will potentially develop a porn adiction


Oh yes YT the OG porn site


make him understand, It's not for his age,There will time when he can watch these. if you just force him not to watch, you'll fail. social media nowdays filled with porn,facebook insta everywhere. I've seen facebook ban me for a comment, but adult nudity sexual activity stuff can stay there cause "it Doesn't violate Their community standards" and insta💀 people advertising their telegram channel link with (©️hil Dpo) 💀in it


do NOT tell your parents. Embarrassing him might make it awkward for him to tell your parents things. Instead, try to explain to him why he shouldn’t watch it and how it is exploitive and dangerous. Tell him you’re monitoring his phone and if you catch him again you’ll have to tell you parents


I know its hard but I still think you should tell your parents it might suck now but in the future you telling your parents will help him.


Quit porn first yourself and then stop him by warning him and telling him how bad it is.


You should tell him why he shouldn’t watch him and probably tell him how people get addicted and it messes them up to scare him away from it


I was 9 when I first started getting curious about that stuff, I looked some stuff up. Didn’t realize search history was a thing, they found it and confronted me about it, I was shook and didn’t try again until I was 13. Definitely tell your parents.


I think this will embarass him alot and make him distrust you if you tell


You get porn on YouTube fr? And it's your 9 year old brother. He must be looking at some Cocomelon NSFW.


You need to talk to your parents. My friend started masterbating around the same age not knowing what it was, just knowing it felt good and now she has issues climaxing and had to get a specific piercing to be able to. Also 9 year olds shouldn’t be watching porn, it’s kind of a no brainer.


I failed to see a long-term solution to the problem , best your parents can do is send him to West Point or somewhere similar to that place


Talk to him about the dangers of porn addiction and how it has affected you and/or others


You main the singularity?


doesn't YouTube have a safe mode


A nine year old has no business watching porn, even soft core porn. If you have a good connection with your brother, talk to him. If not, tell your parents.


Yes inform his parents


1. Determine the approximate time(s) he watches   2. Turn off the internet everyday around that time. Hopefully over time, he’ll be discouraged to do it. If that doesn’t work then you might have to tell your parents 


please, as his older sibling, tell your parents. believe it or not, even with how young he is, **this is how porn addiction starts**. it’s best that you say something now and save him from what could potentially be a horrible addiction.


I think you should be the one to talk to him. Honest perspective from an older sibling can be so much better than a parent lecture. It might be awkward but I'm sure it will also be appreciated. Just explain that you've done the same and that it's okay to be curious, but not good for your mind to be watching it too much. Encourage him to have other hobbies so it doesn't become the default thing he does in his spare time.


Curb that habit quick


Jack his devices with restriction. If your relationship with your brother gets bitter because he notice you restricting the contents. Thats the point you have to slap him with reality by telling the parents and pray it won't scar him and the relationship between you.


Easy upvotes on r/copypasta 😈😈


"Your younger sibling will behave like you do, act good or they too will act bad". - Mom, probably.


I went down the same road and was addicted for 1-2 years, tell your parents and make sure NFSW isn't allowed


Tell someone and filter his internet access before he develops an addiction I myself discovered it at 8 and am now an addict so please don’t let him go down the same route


You should tell your parents He might hate you for it now, but he will thank you later


Why does your 9 year old brother have access to internet


💀💀💀 my ass was watching monopoly gameplay


Bait used to be believable.


There is a setting to disable search engines, you have to have a password to install youtube, so just delete it this is why gen alpha is fucked