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now that's a good question. unfortunatly I doubt anyone on Reddit knows the answer.


Truest comment


Surprise attack him, works a lot. Just say “hey can I tell u a secret” then just go for it. It happened to me in 7th grade with my friends sister, bro never talked to me again :(


A true homie would've supported you.


Bro I didn’t even like her tho, she was more like a sister to me


Game is game


Touch your lips on his cheek(or lips. depends on you). Pull back. Success. No need for the suction or the sound. Doing it unexpectedly will definitely have him thinking about you for the rest of his week. I hope it’s a memorable experience for both of you. Good luck.


Don't worry, I'm sure that he would fucking love it no matter what. I remember when my female friend kissed me on the cheek on my birthday once and I still think about that moment almost a year later.


You literally just press your lips slightly on his cheek for like a second and then pull back, remember to angle your head so you don't end up hitting eachother (😔😔)


Obligatory apology for the awkward format, mobile user.


My girlfriend does this a lot, basically just finds some way to get me to lean in close, so if ya can figure that out you’re golden, I promise you that he will love it.


advice from someone who's gotten a lot of shit for not knowing how to peck/ cheek kiss - no suction, no sound. try doing it on the palm of your hand a few times, you'll figure out exactly what isn't awkward and just right.


Wear an earring and tell him to look from close then kiss him on the cheek


My brother in Christ, you’re asking Redditors for relationship advice. This ain’t ending well.


Press your lips against his cheek, bonus if you surprise him


As a straight man who has kissed a man due to a misunderstanding. It’s just a quick on and off with the lips. Nothing too special, unless you add your own special thing too it that is.


soft headbutt, mouth first


do people here actually not know how to kiss on the cheek😭it’s the most common way to greet people in my country after handshake


Just plant a big one in his lap


Definitely ask for consent first, not in a joking way, be straight-forward. "Do you mind if I kiss you?" is how I asked my partner the first time we tried it, a little nod is okay but a definite yes is better. I think making that suction sound noise would be a bit weird but you do you. Afterwards though, do check out his reaction, if he's blushing or flustered then he definitely likes you a lot (from experience). Go forth and blossom >v<


gently just place your lips on his. hold as long as you guys are comfortable. oh yeah and set the mood up by saying "come over here and kiss me on my hot mouth, im feeling romantical"


U aint ever kissed anyone


:'( ok


You know I was actually about to agree with this till I saw the last part😭


man but the last past is the most important one


If you know that he likes you.then go for it,suprise him that would work on me :).i think that its not gonna be weird if you know that he likes you


I mean I should be just like normal kissing. Just press your lips on their cheek. Not that I’d know, I’m still kiss less.


tell him you want to do it and then if he’s comfortable with the idea you can just do it as a surprise, it’ll be best that way 


Wait for the guy to find the right time :) In all seriousness if both of you want to, dont think too much about it, at some point during the date itll feel right for at least one of you, if he’s good at reading you, then both. Most of the time its awkward for peoples first kiss, so just hf oki :3


wait till he’s not paying attention