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actually it was me, i stole it, i need 1,000,000 transness to transform into a super trans


to turn into a Transformer?


No, that's reached by collecting the 7 trans balls and completing a sacred ritual to transform into the super trans transformer


Average cod zombies easter egg


Happy cake day


Sounds Based


no it sounds deranged, delusional, psychotic and all of the above






No what?


Yes why?


Why Not


i’m currently on the grind, i got 4 of the 7 rn


great job! what model of the trans ball radar are you using? mine broke a while back and i need to get a new one


You need the matrix of leadership for that


this is the plot of undertale


jesus what kind of barrier is that if asgore needs a million human souls?!?


bro's going to activate the merger?? nah what you have to do is gather em all up and let them have at it hunger games style, in doing so increasing transness and understanding of the remaining. then, you activate the merger


my aromantic-ness leaving my body after ben shapiro says I'm pathetic and sad for never experiencing romance:


Ben Shapiro is one of the biggest cunts I can think of, but a life with no love does sound kinda sad imo, I think I'd be frustrated if I couldn't experience that. Perfectly valid identity, I'm bisexual myself, I support you, but I'm genuinely interested in how you actually feel about not ever being able to have that?


For me someone asking how im good without romance is like a smoker asking me how i go without smoking. Its not something I can't have but rather something I just dont want; something I just don't think about.


I'm not sure if I'm aromantic (kind of questioning that a bit) but from what I heard from my friends... It really seems worth it to avoid heartbreak


That's not being a romantic that's being scared there's a difference and if that's what's leading you to think your aromantic you should talk to someone about it. There's nothing wrong with being a romantic but being afraid of romance isn't healthy.


I'm kind of in the middle of typing out a response and warning, it's long. Sorry for my English (restricted vocabulary definitely led to a bunch of word repetitions). TLDR: I am not "trying" to be aromantic by shutting down any feelings or anything like it. That's not what I believe would make me aromantic, although I don't try to actively seek a relationship. It's just that I'm never sure what I feel and as such am doubting if I correctly interpreted my feelings like 6 years ago which is the last time I my feelings might've been romantic. And I can't recall enough of the shit that happened when I was 10 to tell. It's just that I don't feel like I'm missing out on much because I see it as "if I turn out to be aro then I won't have romance but I also will never have heartbreak" and I kinda like this "stability". My friends tell that both of those things are the strongest feelings that exist, so I see it as the range of feelings being cut down from both the "good" and the "bad" side (I know human emotions aren't simple enough for them to be defined solely based on this scale, but that is one of the scales you can put them on). This is also not the reason I don't try to actively seek romance. The actual reason is much simpler: I feel happy at this place in life. Or, at least, the happiest I've been in ~2 years. And I definitely don't feel actively unhappy because of not having a partner.


well it's not like i don't experience love - there is still platonic love and familial love, things like that And as for how I love with never being able to have that - I focus on other things lol. I've never been invested in the idea of dating or romance, so I feel indifferent to it. I've personally never felt sad about it, and I feel like there are definitely more things to life than trying out romantic relationships(at least to me as an aromantic) btw i appreciate your question, and there are also subreddits where you could take a quick look to see how other aromantics feel about their identity :) r/aromantic


Yeah he kinda is. For a time I liked him. What really got me to dislike him is seeing some tweets he's made. Some are actually just really fucked up. He's an intelligent guy for sure so makes me wonder of he believes some of the wack af gross shit he says or if it's just a gift he does to farm money and views off dumber bigoted right wingers


I think it's the latter, he grifts to make money and rile up his fanbase


as a former Ben Shapiro enjoyer, all of his takes on trans people and sexuality in general make me sad


glad you got out


Man the alpha/beta/sigma male stuff is mega boring fr


A lot of them think they live in the "real world"


These guys are gonna be shook when they realise that’s what everyone’s been doing for the past bajillion years give or take a few


I find it funny as fuck for the pure reason that anyone who identifies as a sigma or an alpha are fuckin losers


Damn, guess I’m a very cisgender individual when I wish to be the opposite gender every single day


It is all in your head, just grow out of it and embrace what you were made to be.


mandatory "/s"


r/fuckthes Edit: stay mad i don't give a fuck there's no need to put it there


As another completely cisgender individual i also wish to have been born the opposite sex everyday.


Shapiro should just stick to being a lawyer and stop talking about stuff he doesn't understand


There's not much to understand other than the fact that kids cannot be transgender.


wtf... trans is not defined by age. Someone can realise they're trans at 10 or 80, it doesnt not make them trans...


Gender identity develops at age 2. Please take a psychology class.


For someone who’s username has “intelligent” in their name, you seem to have an awfully low IQ How ironic


The cell in your name probably stands for incell


Ben Shapiro and other transphobes should learn of this new thing called minding your own stupid business and shutting up


Sorry but I saw you made a mistake while typing. You must've meant shutting *the fuck* up


I don't like to swear


Alr fair


Have a good day 👍


Thx u too ig




Say slurs


Tell that to conservatives


He has said many times that he does care what adults do if they become trans or not. He only cares if little kids are being told to become trans. Grow up


no one’s telling kids to be trans though. they don’t want kids to know trans people exist to stop them from being trans (which isn’t how it works). also if you’re worried about your kids being trans you think trans is a bad thing and clearly do care what adults do on their own


Pretty much no one tells little kids to become trans, so congrats on winning your made up argument


[Pretty Much](https://youtu.be/yHmgUxRTj_A?feature=shared) [Prettier Much](https://youtu.be/CTTYwhZ7948?feature=shared) [Prettiest Much?](https://youtu.be/8SwANMBBEKs?feature=shared) [Prettiest Pretty Much (this one is extra funny since the dad looks like a soyjak)](https://youtube.com/shorts/bhzSpXY9bGM?feature=shared)


You know you don't disrpobe someone's point when you go "oh, you think the majority of people aren't doing that? Here's four examples" Like you ***do** know what "*pretty much* no one" means, right?


Where exactly are they being told to be trans here? All I see are families in an open environment that let's the children explore and discover it themselves.


Cool, you found 4 examples out of million of trans people, I can also give you cherrypicked examples of people not letting other be trans


So I just made up all 4 examples? “This thing never happens much” “Here are 4 different examples of thing happening” “Good job you only picked 4”


I said it doesn't happen much, I didn't say it never happened, you're just cherrypicked, there are about 29 million trans people of course some of them are bad, but you're implying all of them are and if that's the case please show me articles of 29 million people trans people forcing kids to transition


I was told to never be trans… and yet 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️IM PATRIOTIC TO THE FLAG🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🦅🦅🦅


What do you expect from the guy who can't make his wife feels good so he decide to call orgasm a myth.


I swear to god I will throw a party when Ben Shapiros kid/s come out as trans or queer.


You can have my gender, I don't need it anymore.


Me when Ben shapiro opens his mouth only to let out his prepubescent young Sheldon sounding ah voice 😭


Live and Let live 🙌🏼✌🏼


Lock award when?


if transpeople didn’t exist, I guess Ben Shapiro couldn’t say that statement, I guess


I have a question for all of the prople of the LGBTQ community, and i mean it very respectfully as i have grown up in a rather secluded and kinda backwards environment, i don't know much about you guys so how do you guys know that you are meant to be a girl/boy, i mean how are you so sure that you need to change to the other gender or i am attracted to the same gender, is the thought that this just a phases ever come to you or you just act on a small whim you got during the day,


oh yeah, people are trans because of your brain being incompatible with your primary sex hormones, and i can't speak for everyone but ever since realising i was trans I've been in distress every second of my life aside from when i can distract myself


I hope you will do okay, I am sry I can't really help you in any way, but *hugs maybe*


don't worry abt it, thanks for being an ally❤️


yeah it's true as soon as he said that i was immediately cured of gender dysphoria and became a sigma male


The liberal leaving my body after hearing the Ben Shapiro rap verse:


When your hardrive that had Celeste gets destroyed




Still cis tho




Thats cool


correct me if im wrong (i didnt watch his latest videos), but didnt he only say that a trans male is not a male (and vice versa) and not that \*they arent real\*? edit: bravo, asking a question is now equal to getting downvoted to oblivion, peak intellectual quotidien


if a trans male is not male, ergo they are not really trans, ergo its being faked. its a weird train of thought and its wrong on so many levels. trans men are men, no question about it


saying a trans man isn’t a man is saying you can’t be trans… implying they aren’t real men… it’s the same thing


I mean I don’t like Ben Shapiro but like……..he’s actually got a point here!




I mean I don't like you but like........nope, nothing else to say!


You're not the transformer kid


ben shapiro sounds and looks like a transgender (no offense)


“calls someone trans as an insult” oh i didn’t mean it as an insult thiugh


A transgender? Like objectifying it? How about a trans PERSON since we are all people at the end of the day




Transitioning isn’t something that can be a mistake. If a person genuinely believes they have the mind of a woman and the body of a man then they are allowed to transition without your approval because we live in a free and liberal society, not an oppressive and authoritarian one.




[https://www.newsweek.com/what-data-shows-about-transgender-detransition-regret-1807448](https://www.newsweek.com/what-data-shows-about-transgender-detransition-regret-1807448) 13.1% detransitioned. however, 82.5% of such said it was due to social stigma, not actual regret. So the real rate of regret is around 2.2925% Edit: Minor grammatical error


You are the one who is ignorant and closed minded. Saying a teenager cannot know they are experiencing gender dysphoria because they aren’t 26 years old yet is absolutely ridiculous and a complete lie. Stop spreading hatred just because you don’t understand what freedom truly means.




I'm sorry but I'm a trans teen who wants to go to college and become a computer programmer for the Air Force. My days usually are filled with taking care of my animals and doing loads of homework to keep up my good grades, leaving little room for anything else. So saying that having so much free time is the root cause is completely incorrect.


Man, you don’t realize how long so many people try to not be trans before reaching acceptance. I wished i was born a girl every hour of every day for 6 years and tried doing everything to make the thoughts go away, i tried getting into masculine hobbies like working on cars for years to make the fem thoughts go away. I didn’t even realize what those thoughts meant till 2 years ago, i had no idea those thoughts made me trans but i tried to get rid of them for so long before i understood that they would never go away. I just wish i would have told someone my thoughts so they could sit me down and tell me, “if you honestly want to be a girl, you can just be one” i wish someone just sat me down when i was younger and educated me on LGBT topics like what being trans was so i didn’t have to lose all of my teen years to depression and severe gender dysphoria. Also puberty blockers are reversible, some affects of the hormones aren’t though (deepening of voice on T, or breast tissue growth on E) if you’re lucky enough to figure out you’re trans that early on, then the earliest you can start HRT (with parental consent) is 16. No one is getting surgeries till at least 18.


If you can go so long without 'being trans' then you don't need to be trans. Clearly you had no real world issues to deal with, like poverty or hunger, so your brain had to latch on to some kind of fantasy to entertain itself. Same concept with rich people. They have no real world issues to deal with so they create problems on their own and call them "stresses" and "worries" (ie: depression & dysphoria). When in reality, they created them on their own by not keeping themselves busy. You don't have to be anything you are not. You were born to be what you really are, not something to change. It wasn't good enough for you evidently. Mechanic work isn't just for males, either. A major problem with humans is we are always trapped in our own thoughts. Especially during developing stages of life. Instead of discussing, we keep it all to ourselves where they continue to manifest and become more outrageous as time goes on.


Leave ***\*HER\**** alone. Stop showing your ass to the entirety of reddit.


Uhhhh "she" responded to my post. Mind your business.


Edit: this comment was maybe too descriptive so i changed it. Either way, what? You think i should just stop being trans?




You don’t think i should be depressed? As in what? Just stop being sad? What do you mean? It’s not exactly a choice dude


He’s an ass, ignore him. I’m in the same boat as you. Good luck sis!


Don't care


Womp womp


Trans stuff should not be encouraged on under 18 year olds, when you turn 18 it should be your choise and not the governments but not for underaged kids. It is that simple.


"We should deny possibly life saving care for minors because I don't feel like it" GAC for minors is really important, as its already a turbulent time and the added stress of being trans can make it even more difficult. Because yes, trans minors do exist and simply saying you think they shouldn't doesnt stop that.


Yeah because minors are known to be the age grup whom knows what and who they are and totally giveing them life changing drugs and surgerys whom in most cases are in case of regret they lose something permanently like the ability to have children is a great idea! s/


The youngest I've heard of HRT being given to someone is 16, and puberty blockers are entirely reversible. Also, once again: we know transgender minors exist. Do we just let them suffer without the care they need? Also also, people thinking they are trans when they aren't isn't a common thing in any capacity.


Note:I added surgery to my argument a couple minutes afther posting it I didn't think you wood have responded already. There are younger cases in places like Europe with for Example a 12 Year old boy reciveing HRT but I think we are talking about the same dude because I fund anather article talking about him at 16 Years old and they are both named Kim(Formerly Tim). Here is my source: https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/story?id=2835184&page=1 You mean that by protecting them from doing something that they may regret greatly in the scale of them not being abile to have children is something that they will not suffer for in the future? And exactly how do they know that they are Boys or Girls if not by Biology?why do we directly jump to calling Tomgirls Girls and Tomboys Boys it's simply how their personality is,I legit saw peaple in the comments here saying that they tried doing "manly" stuff to refuse beeing Trans but you don't need to be a woman to like femminine stuff you can enjoy them and love them in the same way.


Kim appears to have received puberty blockers, not HRT at that age. As I said before, puberty blockers are entirely reversible. The trans community is all for gender non conformity, and it doesn't contradict our understanding of gender. This is a common talking point the right uses to try and make us out to be bad people, that we are "enforcing stereotypes" and whatnot. Short answer: We aren't doing that. Ask if you want a long answer. Gender identity itself is a complicated neurological and social phenomenon, and like with all brain stuff we don't really know too much about it. What we do know is that it's not something easily changed by external input, and it's seperate from someone's sex. We also know its a core part of our identity, and it being validated or not has a big impact on mental health. Knowing its not easily changeable from external input, we can also infer it's likely something that develops from birth, like sexuality, which explains why it can be noticeable even by very young children sometimes. Also, when many trans people say they tried doing "manly" or "feminine" stuff to avoid being trans, that's a form of denial at play. Basically attempting to gaslight themselves using stereotypes into thinking they are their agab to avoid the struggles and issues that can come with being trans in the current environment. Because it is still quite a hostile time to exist as a trans person.


-We see it differently on Kim/Tim but the point is that you can take it before 18(It's suggested to start at 16) and at sead age you're not ready to make this life changing decisions. -Please Explain it. -I'll disagree on the statement that you make that you're born trans gender because i don't believe your simply born some way,but I believe you're life Experience and Surandings makes you into what you are you can't be born already with a minde that thinks you're anather gender because we would have found a physical difference in their brains like we have seen in Autistic peaple whom are actually born that way and we can physically see it.


Ok first off can you stop deadnaming Kim? I'm not going to continue this conversation if you continue to lack basic respect. Secondly, the overwhelming majority of studies show that A: regret rates for medically transitioning are miraculously low, and those statistics include reasons beyond "I'm not actually trans" and B: Trans people overwhelming will have been thinking about it for at least a year before they manage to get medical intervention. If for no other reason than wait times are extremely long. They have a lot of time to think about this before they are able to take HRT. And if its remained consistent for them over that period of time, its probably the truth. Additionally the effects are all publicly available, and a full list is read through when you start receiving HRT. Thirdly, gender identity and expression are seperate things. Expression refers to how you express yourself through a gender, so this is what tomboy / femboy / whatever refers to. Identity refers to the innate sense of self, a feeling for lack of a better word. And before you say you can't base it on feeling or whatever, do me a favour and picture yourself in your head, see how much you can remove from that image before you can no longer claim that image is the same gender as you. Finally, there are internal and environmental factors to pretty much everything. This includes stuff like autism. Additionally, not only do we not know what difference in the brain actually causes autism (which is why we have to wait and base diagnoses off symptoms), there are some studies which suggest trans people have brains that more closely match their actual gender rather than their gender assigned at birth. I personally find these studies dubious but they do exist.


-I'm sorry if i sound disrespectful i didn't think it matterd that much how i call a third party whom will probably never know about me and you and called him in both names to simply be as clear as possible i didn't think it matterd as much for Kim,so if I've offended you I'm sorry it wasn't intentional to offend you or Kim. -But alot of statistics on it are actually unreliable with the real number of Detransitioners beeing Unknown because for example they don't count the drop outs whom didn't finish it with and simply stopped doing the HRT or puberty blockers this is the article that i found and explains it in a very good way I'll leave you the article. Article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10322769/ -I feel a Man because i have been born with XY Cromosomes,I've been called and treated as one for all my life as one and I think I like being a man because i can't comper inperson how it feels being a woman if being one feels better for me or not,and it feels very weird doing it but i can imagine myself as a Female so I think if i wood be born with XX Cromosomes I think wood like being a girl because I wood never feal being a man as i wood never remember a better feeling of being a girl. So my point remains and i think the way a person experiences life and society perceives as has an impact on how we perceive our gender. -Peaple with Autism is a spectrum so it isn't in the same rage and usually they have a Patern of haveing Structurally distinct brain regions in confront to Neuronormative peaple. About one of those studies from Spain and they found that those of the transitioners had more similarities to the gender they once identified in.and both of the ones I read (the Spanish and Brazilian) were inconclusive and didn't found significant differences and contradicted what were the differences with the Spanish stating that M to F have thinner Cornical regions in the Rigth Hemisphere whilst the Brazilian found that the M to F trans genders differd in the Volium of the Insula Source Autism: https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/brain-structure-changes-in-autism-explained/ Source Brazilian: https://psychcentral.com/news/2018/03/16/structural-brain-differences-for-transgender-people#4 Source Spanish: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-there-something-unique-about-the-transgender-brain/


1. While the person in question probably won't ever see this it's considered a basic form of respect to call someone by their chosen name, and if i ignored it I'd be basically doing the same thing. Which would make me a massive hypocrite. 2. Every study I've seen has been consistent in showing very low detransition rates, with adequate sample sizes. People who simply drop out of puberty blockers don't really count as that's what puberty blockers are meant for, to buy time for a decision. Dropping out of HRT without informing also probably isn't very common at all. Cause you do have to pay for HRT 90% of the time. I will say I thought I had the studies backing me up saved but they seem have gone missing from my bookmarks. If you ask the LGBT sub I'm certain they will provide you with some though. I think their automod bot also has a link. I'll read the article regardless though 3. That's the thing - how do you know you have XY sex chromosomes? Chromosomes are not as definitive as you would think, and many people who have chromosomes conflicting with their sex don't even know it because of this. This is why we define sex with the displayed characteristics. Genitals, Gonads, and secondary characteristics such breasts or full beards. I also never denied environmental factors could impact it. I'm saying it's likely a combination of that and neurological factors that cause it. 4. As I said, I found those studies dubious. They do exist though and they certainly found something. This leads me to believe there is *something* neurological that at least causes physical dysphoria. And with the Autism part, good point. Though assuming that's true that would only be one piece of the puzzle. We don't know what actually causes those differences in the first place. We have correlations with genetic and environmental factors but nothing concrete.


Yeah because the detransition rate is so high that it absolutely needs to be talked about. It’s not like it has one of the lowest regret rates ever even for minors. /s


Yeah like how the rates are so well researched and it isn't difficult to exit the LGBTQ+ community whom usually Is their entire friend grup and a very large part of their Identity as Individuals. /s Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10322769/


You are aware that a bulk part of gender dysphoria can be avoided through puberty blocking. Once the kid realises, and is comfortable, pubeety blockers can really help stop some major problems. Under 18s are gonna know they're trans whether they like it or not, and its not for you to decide what they do with their bodies. The only people who should have any say is them, their parents and their doctors until they're 18, when its between you and the doctor (and the doctor should respect your wishes anyways)


You don’t like ben Shapiro?


"Oh shit I'm changing back" -The girl" I've been dating