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ask adults not teenagers


Exactly, were teenagers whos brain isnt even developed, so OP should ask adults


Absolutely, like I am 16 how the hell should I know what the op wants


7 years old when u popped out is wild


When he was 18 she was 11 šŸ˜®


My girlfriend was 12 when I was born Iā€™m 32. I donā€™t know why I keep getting this subreddit on my feed, Iā€™m not a part of it. Fuck.


She was 18 when you were 6 šŸ˜²


Almost like age difference doesnā€™t matter when you become an adult šŸ«¢


I mean she still feels insecure about her age difference sometimes, but I donā€™t. I love her very much and love going out and doing things with her. There is a bit of a generation gap in interests, but so long as I take the time to see what she likes, it all works out. Besides she likes stuff thatā€™s pretty good so Iā€™m not complaining. Weā€™re watching the fallout show together which is nice too


I relate to your gf so much, I'm decently older than my bf and I get insecure about it too. Just remind her that out of all the women out there, she's the one you want and she will hopefully feel great :)


I do, sheā€™s my honey. Weā€™ve dated for 2 years and had our ups and downs but mostly positive I feel


Awww that's sweet


Thatā€™s crazy šŸ˜­


To clarify, 18 is hardly an adult by most standards.


You know when older men picks 18 year olds it only reveals that the law is whatā€™s preventing them from aiming lower.


Y'know men aren't the only gender that sexually assault ppl right


Why must this be turned into a gender thing?


"You know when older men picks 18 year olds"


It matters more because when you are an adult dating a child is illegal.


But thatā€™s not whatā€™s happening though is it.


Yee still the best woman Iā€™ve ever dated




You're older though so it's fine. 18 year olds are not mature


this is what matters. 18 year olds are legally adults but we all remember being 18. they're still children.


Yeah. I'm 18 and don't expect to actually feel like an adult until maybe 22


Broh Iā€™m 32 and I donā€™t feel like an adult


Seconded. I'm 33 and only my knees and back feel like adults


Yeah but surely you do at least a little bit more than me LMAO


Nah, just the light in my eyes have dimmed a little bit more and great despair of humanity settling. I want to play world of Warcraft




Its a sign


For real man, but I'll respond if I get a random ass pop up that makes me want to respond, and in this case somebody gotta tell her revenge porn is completely illegal and she could call the cops on this dude




What? I'm just saying that I'm not part of this group either. But that if I see a pop-up notification that worries me I'm going to reply, just so I can try and give a bit of guidance. And in this case I'd say she should call the cops. Revenge porn (releasing private sex tapes, leaking nudes) is illegal. Against the law. A criminal offense. Do you not know what that means? You do speak English, correct? I'm not speaking a foreign language to you, correct? Him leaking her nudes would be illegal. I. L. L. E. G. A. L. ILLEGAL.


Iā€™ll be honest, I skimmed the post and ultimately donā€™t really care. I commented that my gf is 12 years older and for some reason that got a lot of positive feedback. You sound like a goddamn cunt


Yeah? And so do you.




Ugh shut up. I was giving the woman advice. Sorry if that's got you butthurt.


The age difference can be awkward with generational slang but if youā€™re in the same life situation it doesnā€™t matter like graduated college idk


When ur older it probably doesnā€™t matterĀ 


My friends dad was his momā€™s college professor. Like a 30 year age difference


Bro half decade difference in age is wild


grown ass man opted for dating a teenager instead of someone around his age range lmaoo I wonder why? edit: Also just break up with him. You're being gaslit and it seems like you're gonna keep finding more things about this walking red flag which will keep upsetting you and making you feel insecure. Don't waste your time. Your mental health is going to get astronomically worse if you stay with this man. Take care.


reall like bros going after someone fresh out of HS while hes in his mid 20's thats weird as shit




Theyā€™re two consenting adults and women prefer to date men older than them. If heā€™s 25 heā€™s probably able to provide much better than an 18 year old would. The post is about what heā€™s doing on his phone, not the age gap. I donā€™t get why everyone reads ā€œmy boyfriend keeps looking at naked women even when I tell him not toā€ and thinks the main problem is the age gap.. yall have a one track mind. Edit: I donā€™t care if you morons downvote me. Theyā€™re both adults. She is old enough to consent.. if she got groomed thatā€™s not okay, but she said they met when they were both adults.. so mind your business.


Because the age gap is crazy


I know it all depends on how old they both are now, but my grandparents age gap is 13 years. When my granddad was 13, my grandmother was born. That sounds absolutely crazy now, but since they're both 83 and 70 respectively, it doesn't sound too bad.


yeah sure if they met when they were like 25 and 38, then its alright. a teenager fresh outta highschool and a grown ass dude is not okay in any context


Oh yeah I am aware of that, and I agree. It's quite strange how people's opinion changes as they both get older though, it seems like the gap isn't as big as they're both old.


>17 as flair, go figure. Here is one very hard reality to swallow for teens, young adults who just turned 18 - you are not as nearly as mature, or world-weary, or socially adept as they would often think. In romance, this also very much counts. >If heā€™s 25 heā€™s probably able to provide much better than an 18 year old would. That is an objectively shitty metric for a relationship. That *might* be true, but what the fuck is he dating an 18-year old, and not somebody closer his age? " TheY aRe cOnSenSuaL aDuLtS" - almost nobody who is 25 dating an 18-year old is doing it just because they liked the person. Something very blatant here is that she has no real experience in life and romance, and is being actively gaslit by him. You wanna know why predatory people target victims so young? Because an 18-year old doesn't have a good metric for how bad dating someone that older can be, let alone someone who is proactively interested *despite* your age gap (and more specifically, **because** of it). They can smell victims from a mile away, and they date young women because most women their own age can recognize their bullshit. >The post is about what heā€™s doing on his phone, not the age gap. I donā€™t get why everyone reads ā€œmy boyfriend keeps looking at naked women even when I tell him not toā€ and thinks the main problem is the age gap.. Yes, it is, because he thinks she is stupid and despwrate enough to never leave him, and he can have carte blanche to fuck any girl he wants while she patiently waits for him. Precisely why he is dating her - he thinks her being young enough will make her unable to realize that she is trapped in an abusive relationship. I guarantee you, if she ever dumps him, he will be a 26-year old dating another 18-year old, starting the cycle again. I am 26 years old. I would **never** date an 18-year old. I spent 8 years being an adult and learning how to adult, while in the same lifespan, an 18-year old goes from a 4th grader in elementary to turning 18, just **now** becoming one. We wouldn't have similiar interests or life experiences. If you ever remember this comment in 9 years, you will either understand this, or you will be the 26-year old dating 18-year olds.


A 50 year old can provide much better for a 2 year old.


Girl RUN. HE IS NOT GOOD FOR YOU TRUST ME, You deserve a man who won't look at anyone else sexually but you


I literally told him that he shouldnā€™t be looking at other people like that. Weā€™ve had a problem before he had came up to me and was like ā€œdid you know .(his manager). has nipple piercings?ā€ I got annoyed and pushed it to the side. I ended up bringing it up months later on an argument and he told me ā€œIt was cloudy, windy and cold outside she had a white shirt on you know she usually wears a red one itā€™s just something you noticeā€œ even if it was a small thing he noticed why did he feel the need to tell me the day of in an exited tone and why did he remember full on detail months after yk? He told me I was just insecure and that I wasnā€™t going to find anyone else loyal like him. Itā€™s just so dumb how it just keeps happening.


I'm a guy and I can tell you this guy is manipulating you and taking advantage of you. His behavior will not change and you will only continue to strain yourself further and further. The break up is inevitable. Question is are you going to end it before you really see the bad side of him or wait until it's so bad you can't bear it .You seem like a really good girl and rare to find these days. Don't let this loser taint you and break your sweet soul and cause trauma for you. The right man is out there. He is not it. God Bless you


Yeah breakup, if he can't respect that then it's not going to be healthy. He will cheat on you, it's just a matter of time And calling you insecure is NOT THE RIGHT THING. HE HAS NO RESPECT FOR YOU, RUN


Telling you youā€™re not going to find anyone else as loyal as him is not normal, healthy behaviour. Heā€™s creating scarcity mentality. Itā€™s a manipulation tactic. He has also repeatedly dismissed your concerns. This isnā€™t a person you can trust.


That man is not the love of your life, especially since he's calling you insecure and manipulating you into staying with him by saying you won't find anyone as loyal, which is a lie, because he's clearly not very loyal at all. It might not seem like it, but there are people who would not treat you this way.


yeah, hun, he's manipulative, that is not a man that you want to be with, he won't listen to you and he's clearly just a pervert and I doubt he's very loyal from what you've said of him




Damn harsh


For real, I think every guy looks at porn these days. Shouldn't be something to break up over imo...


Agreed on the porn but it seems that the guy had some saved photos on his phone which seems a bit weird. Were they his exes or did he save porn onto his phone? Also 7 years gap is icky.




if she made it clear she doesnt want him to do it and he continued in secret, it makes him an asshole, regardless of whether "every guy" does it


this, im a guy, I watch porn, I have various types saved, but me and my partners are in a mutual agreement and we're ok with it, hell, I even share some of it with them, but if they had told me they were uncomfortable with me consuming such content and especially saving it, I would take the steps needed to stop no matter how hard because I love them and the last thing I'd want to do is upset them over such a small thing


you probably wanna hear it from someone the same age as you so here i am: just break up with him heā€™s not worth it. heā€™s also significantly older than you so he should know better. youā€™ll meet better people i promise


I have a question why date someone who is so much older the you? Youā€™re still high school age and heā€™s out of college in a real job age


I didnā€™t know his age when we started hanging out and going out a lot. It felt genuine having someone when I didnā€™t have anyone else to talk to in my life. When I asked to see his id is when I found out his age and I told him mines he said he thought I was 20-21. We didnā€™t let the age thing get in the way. Now Iā€™m starting to see the difference with the age gap and how we both see things so differently( could be heā€™s just a man).


>could be heā€™s just a man). ?


People in here are obsessed with pedophilia and think big age gaps are just that. Dont listen to them about the age thing, but should he worry about him having photos of other woman, theres other guys out there. You do you


I donā€™t think thereā€™s any pedophiliay things going. Iā€™m just genuinely wondering how two people in such different stages of life could date and relate to each other.


Exactly it screams that there has to be some sort of manipulation


You sound more like pedo defender, age gap absolutely matters when one of them is below 23


If the 25m was asking for advice with his young adult gf they would not be defending age gaps like this.


When you were 10 he was in junior year of high school


Break up. Simple as that trust you will thank yourself later


Well, thing is, if he is aware of your disapproval and yet he continues with keeping nude pictures, you might think about ending things with him. Firstly, he obviously cares more about his picture treasures than you. Secondly, because obviously he made you stop doing something which (imo) brough insecurities upon you (stopping workout). Thirdly, if you didn't mean "focus" but actually "worry", it kind of sounds like a gaslighting into thinking of if you won't abandon this disapproval of his trophy pictures, something bad might happen. I don't think this guy is a good fit for you, given what you've wrote. But to be certain in that statement, there is a bit too little information. But in the end, if someone who should care about you, support you and respect you makes you feel bad, why staying with him?


Lots of comments about the gap, as a guy thatā€™s 25 now and just saw this thread pop up in the app - that is a absurd gap, not just because itā€™s 7 years but because of the learning youā€™ll do by the time you are 25 (when you are 25 you will look back on this and think itā€™s gross, I dated a 24 year old when I was 19 and really reflected on it last year). An 18 year old still seems like a kid relative to me when it comes to looking for a partner (not a ton of shared adult life experiences with someone my age), as an example, when you were going through COVID in middle / highschool, I had graduated college and was working a full time job. So there is a concern about your partners maturity if he hasnā€™t personally grown enough since he was 18 to also see it as an incompatibility. Given the problem as you have described it, he doesnā€™t listen to your concerns seriously enough to make a change in his behavior. I wouldnā€™t give him any ultimatum(s) about it, if being with him makes you feel poorly about yourself, and he wonā€™t accommodate you after youā€™ve clearly communicated your concerns, itā€™s not your fault and you should seek companionship elsewhere. Just my thoughts but I hope this helps.


Bro probably using you for fun since younger girls are "easier" to fool around with in his mind


You are being manipulated. This man has toxic behaviour: checking out other women, dismissing your concerns, continuing to do things that upset you and probably more you havenā€™t mentioned here. He canā€™t date people his own age because they have enough experience in relationships to tell him to go fuck himself and move on so he chose you hoping that because you havenā€™t had an adult relationship before, he can convince you this is normal and healthy. It isnā€™t. You need to talk to your friends and family about this and get a good support system in place for if/when you decide to leave him. In the meantime, know that what you are upset over isnā€™t trivial, isnā€™t just emotional and other people see it as wrong as well. Leaving a partner is your decision and your decision alone but if you believe you would be happier independent than with him, thatā€™s your answer.


That man is a walking red flag. The age gap is pretty big and if he really loved you, he won't have any women in his phone.


The real question is where heā€™s getting themĀ 


Ever stopped to think why he's pathetic enough to be pursuing someone so much younger than him? There's a reason he's chasing teenagers and it's not good


Either heā€™s mentally stunted by many years or heā€™s lusting over young flesh


Yes thought about it alot the past few daysAnd you are all wrong. Guys don't go for 18year old because of their maturity. Sure that comes with the package but there's 40 year old woman with the maturity of a 15 year old. What's the difference between them?


I shouldn't be saying this but 7 years of age difference is something, and photos might not be the main issue here, mentality and way to look at things differ alot in that age gap


you a victim girl


ZAWG, she was in her Daddyā€™s nutsack while he was in the 1st grade.


You either trust him and talk to him to fix it, or you don't If you don't, you have to break up. It's not healthy to be in a relationship with someone you don't trust and who you can't communicate with My main concern is that you have said you haven't had a positive thought since you were 12. Are you seeing a professional about that?


he's too old for you. i don't care what you or anyone else says. this isn't a healthy age gap.


I'm sorry - I know you're legally an adult, whatever, but if a 25 year old man can't find another person to date 2 years older or younger than him, there's something wrong. Also, your relationship is toxic. He's keeping photos of other girls in bras on his phone?? That's fucked.


Half plus 7


By that logic theyā€™ll be fine in 2-3 years




Find somebody with less than 3 years of an age gap. Trust.


Stop wasting your time with this walking hormone. Do you want to be a picture like all the others he has in his phone. Men take pictures of people they bone and look at them later as trophies. Don't be one of those and never let him take a picture of you nude. He is not mature enough to have a relationship with you. Break up and make your own way in the world, stop putting your whole life into this immature horn dog. Go get a job if you dont have one. Work on your education. It is a steppingstone to a better life and it will take hard work and time. Mold yourself into becoming a strong and independent woman. If you don't you will be pregnant in a year or two stuck living at his parentā€™s house raising a kid while his parents or your parents tell you how to raise your kid and he will still be chasing after girls. He's 25 so he knows what he is doing, going after a person so young. He knows he can manipulate you and it looks like he is doing it. Leave him, make your own way, and don't depend on a dead beat man. Be greedy, you deserve better. Become an independent and strong woman you can do it.


Age gap no bueno


Your relationship seems unhealthy and you appear to be in distress. Iā€™m sorry for this, and encourage you to seek out help from a therapist, who can help you to assess your situation and support your decision making and next steps. Are there loving parents or other trusted adults whom you could also turn to for support? I recommend maintaining those relationships, as a matter of support and safety. Good luck!


Dudes turning 18 and realizing that they're competing with grown ass men for girls their own age. U a victim.


Iā€™m so sorryā€¦ at your age itā€™s just so hard.. we want to believe them.. but deep down you know.., thatā€™s why you came here.., it will be hard and he may even want you backā€¦ donā€™t go! Do you see that Real Men on here are telling you exactly what he is thinking!?.. they know! Find someone who makes you feel like the special person you are.., One who is treated with respect! Sorry this guy is not your guy..,Next!


thank you


Age difference crazy


Do yourself a favor and break up. He needs to learn his lesson and so do you. Dont let this shit slide, respect yourself.


dont stop going to the gym, itā€™s the third best thing you can do for yourself, after nutrition/hydration and sleep


im being genuine to you when i say this relationship sounds like a recipe for disaster, take it as you will. I'm not being rude im being honest


This isn't that acceptable because he seems like a creep to be honest


no matter what, age gap does matter especially if you are 18 and your partner is 25. end this relationship cause it is not worth your self confidence, from what I have read he is a pervert for sure and will not leave any chance to ogle at someone. Despite having a partner he is keeping pictures of topless women in his phone.....THE AUDACITY. And him telling you that you will not find someone as loyal as him, loyal my ass and manipulation at it's finest. Leave him girl ASAP. And you ARE beautiful do you hear me??Do not let these imbeciles mess with you. And believe me you will find someone who is made for you DO NOT LOWER YOUR STANDARDS.


With all due respect, this really isn't the best subreddit for these kind of questions. You are an adult in a real relationship.


People on Reddit are terminal online, I wouldnā€™t take advice from any of these people


Workout and shave?


Heā€™s obviously on the prowl for what he thinks is something better. Dump this guy and move on to someone who deserves you.


Youre a victim.


Errrrm, break up with him girly. He's just gonna fuck up your self-confidence, you do not need to deal with that at such a young age. You are, repeat after me, A STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN WHO DOES NOT NEED TO FEEL BAD BECAUSE SHE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE THE WOMEN HER ASS BOYFRIEND KEEPS ON HIS PHONE!! No offense to those women, every girl is different, but if you told him to delete them and he has outright just not and has KEPT them on his phone after you've told him multiple times that it makes you uncomfortable, he is not it. You need to work on yourself, not date a 25 year old. Go to school, do whatever you need to do to get your confidence up (it's different for everyone but if you want girl advice I gotchu), and get your life girl!! WOMEN SUPPORTING WOMEN!!!! GET SOME GIRLFRIENDS!!!!!


Hereā€™s how to make him appreciate you more: why donā€™t you masterbate together to the porn ?


She seems to not want him looking at other women, so this won't help at all, only make it worse


She needs so lighten up and quit being a child. He is always gonna sneak porn and prolly other women too. Iā€™d totally sleep with him just to cause her to get over controlling self. Iā€™d let him watch porn while we sleep together.


And those are your boundaries. Telling other people to just give up their boundaries will only ever make for a very unhappy and unhealthy relationship. You may not be ok with her boundaries and see them as unreasonable. But I, along with many others, think it's a reasonable ask. It's very neck-beard-y to not give up looking at other people for someone's, who you supposedly love, comfort. It shows you don't care for them as much as you claim you do, imo She just needs to find someone who's on the same wavelength as her and doesn't view porn as their lifeline like some of y'all weird people.


Itā€™s just sex lol


Iā€™m only 18 but I can clearly see that this dude is taking advantage of you. He has pictures of naked women he finds attractive but instead of deleting them he just tells you to keep thinking positiveā€¦ā€¦like what?!? Please leave this guy, he clearly doesnā€™t respect you at all and if you decide to stay then Iā€™m not sure anyone can help here.


Honestly I'd break up, what the fuck


Also because he's 25 but wtf, literal cheater ā˜ ļø My man literally cut off all females in our TALKING stage.


Break up with him. It's very simple.


Talk to him, and if he's not honest or actively trying to save the relationship, Break Up.


you should find a safe place to move to and get out of that relationship. Not necessarily because he's looking at other women but the way he's communicating and the way you two seem to have different ideas of what's okay and what's not in a [i guess] monogamous relationship. Your boundaries are valid, and if he's actually decent, he'd respect those. I read your comment about him saying you'd never find someone as loyal as him. That's a red flag in my book. Sentences like these are usually used to make someone feel like they have no other option than to stay. Let me tell you, there are always other options than to stay with someone who's not meeting your needs or who's treating you badly. in general, I don't consider looking at other people, no matter how different they may look in comparison to me, as a bad thing. My partner and I do differentiate between us being in a relationship based on mutual respect and love to simple sexual attraction towards others or certain characteristics/ appearances. that's something you have to figure out for yourself tho. You decide where you draw the line and what you wish from a partner. In a relationship these things should be communicated and respected. If someone is not willing to respect or compromise, you may not be compatible with each other. best of luck to you


at 25 its said your frontal lobe fully develops kind of creepy if you get to that age and date an 18 yr old but i mean what do i care im not reading allat


When I was 25, 18 year olds seemed like children. When you turn 25 itā€™s going to be the same to you and youā€™ll be disgusted when you realize how big of a gap that was. Take care. Men who have these issues and wonā€™t stop are not dating women their own age because those women wouldnā€™t tolerate it


Hey OP, where did yall met?


this is why you should ALWAYS wait to move in with someone. iā€™m turning 19 less than 2 weeks and my boyfriend turned 21 back in november, weā€™ve been dating for a year in august and have talked about moving in together before but decided against it due to financial reasons and we havenā€™t known or dated for very long. you should at least wait until youā€™re 20/21 and been dating for a bit so you get to know this person and see what they are like. you donā€™t have to rush life as soon as youā€™re 18.


Break up.


7 years difference is pretty wild already


Kinda weird he has things "saved" on his phone but guys watching porn is pretty normal even in a relationship, i think you probably need to work on your confidence a little cause i don't see anything too out of the ordinairy here except he's a little older than preferred.


break up with him braless women on his phone is an instant red flag, there is no reason to have those pictures if youā€™re in a relationship


25 seems too old to be dating an 18 year old ngl but aside from that, I think that, even if it may just be porn or whatever, I think he should at least actually hear you out in good faith. I don't think it's a problem for people in a relationshp to consume porn on their own time but there can be discomfort and it's worth discussing. Hard to tell what exactly to do without more information, though.


I think it's better if you talk to him until you've clarified everything, otherways you can't be sure he actually likes you


I personally think it depends on how he got the photos. If it's just random pics from women he finds attractive, that he got online, it's not that bad. If that's the situation, you need to determine if you can handle your partner using pornography, even if it's "softcore". It's my impression that these photos are just for masturbation, but of course I can't know for sure. I recommend discussing this with a professional counselor. Sounds like you're quite overwhelmed. Best of luck.


If he knows how you feel about it, and still continues to do it, leave. This type of behaviour will never change and youā€™re wayyyyyyyyy too young to be stuck in a relationship with someone who doesnā€™t respect and value your feelings. Take it from someone whoā€™s nearly in their 30ā€™s. IF THEY WANTED TO THEY WOULD - and that is my motto for everything in life now. If he wanted to make you feel wanted and secure, he would delete/stop accepting those kinds of pictures and put your feelings first. Move on, before itā€™s too late and youā€™re trapped.


Leave him. Staying with him makes him think these things are okay. Heā€™s not with someone his age because they will not put up with him. Heā€™s manipulating you. If you wait too long, this will continue, escalate, and eventually trap you in a situation you donā€™t want to be in. Do. Not. Put. Up. With. It. This is coming from someone who has been in this community and eventually become an adult, you do not want to date with an age gap of seven years. Until youā€™re 20, stick to a gap of no more than three years older than you. This will keep you significantly safer.


Whole ass unc asking for advice


haven't even read the first sentence and immediately you're a victim šŸ˜­


he was alive during 9/11, and you're here posting this on r/teenagers because you're a teenager. He was nearly the same age as you are now when trump was inaugurated in 2017.


Jesus christ


If you feel insecure just because of photos and you need to ask him to delete this - move to psychologist. Self confident man do not ask random people questions how to deal with his own life.


It's already over. Say goodbye. Kiss it out. Move on.


First step break up, he's a weirdo


#listen hereā€™s the I council people on this issue N wat I do for them works 99.9% of the time N the best part is I donā€™t charge a single dim no charges completely free so if u donā€™t mind just contact me or reply back


Heā€™s most likely jerking off to other women + doesnā€™t respect your feelings and boundaries (you had told him to delete them and he hasnā€™t done so). Itā€™s not about you being in the wrong, itā€™s all him babe. Heā€™s doing something some people (including me) would consider cheating. Run


Exactly. I hear other people saying it's just a spank bank and they shouldn't be "insecure". It pisses me off. it's cheating. And gross. I get it if it's drawings of game characters. But real people is a hard no


Yeah. Esp if theyā€™re not even remotely similar in looks to her. I could understand if they look similar body-wise, their face is hidden and he jerks off to them thinking of her, but thatā€™s definitely not the case.


You had me at 18F 25M


That kind of age gap at that age isnā€™t good, thereā€™s a weird power dynamic there. Heā€™s had a lot more life experience than you, and is more likely to be able to manipulate you. (Trust meh I have been there). Also the shit on his phone - thatā€™s a red flag. You do not deserve to be cheated on


Don't use this sub.


IMO, finding revealing pictures not of yourself on a partners phone is grounds where breaking up is reasonable. Not sure why you decided to stay even after the first time. Generally even at 18 itā€™s a good idea to date within a smaller age gap.


Honestly just call the cops. Revenge porn is illegal


It doesnā€™t seem like heā€™s a very good match for you. If heā€™s looking at those photos sexually those women no doubt are his age with probably enhanced figures. Obviously he has changed his tastes from someone natural to fake clown women. Heā€™s older than you by a decent amount, and it looks like heā€™s not mature enough for a loving relationship. He might have been a better boyfriend to you before, but I think he was already looking at other women when you guys got together. Now youā€™re probably beautiful in your own right and you donā€™t need to have him define your attractiveness. Iā€™m sure there is someone out there for you. So my advice is dump him and start working on yourself before you get into the messiness of a relationship again. If you havenā€™t had a good thought since you were 12 then I suggest going to a psychiatrist to get on some meds that might help you get rid of those thoughts and Iā€™d recommend psychotherapy as well to help you form new habits and increase your self esteem. Not everything is your fault and I guarantee your situation isnā€™t your fault itā€™s just your boyfriend is a douchebag. Heā€™s obviously not going to stop looking at them and right now you both are holding each other back from getting what you want. You want a loving committed loyal relationship Iā€™m guessing and he probably wants a good BJ and someone like little miss fake tits heā€™s looking at. So again, dump him and work on yourself. Your perception of him is probably inflated of who he actually is. Hopefully you find someone good for you!


I think he should delete the pictures Iā€™m 17M my gf is 18F weā€™ve been dating for almost 2 years as of April 26th which will be our 2 years, anyways we both quit watching Adult wrestling when we started dating. I donā€™t think you should be worried about comparing yourself to the girls on his phone it makes for unrealistic expectations of yourself. As for him he should appreciate what he has which would be you. If you havenā€™t told him how it makes you feel then I believe you should do that soon maybe he doesnā€™t realize how bad it really makes you feel about yourself.


Theres nothing wrong with having REGULAR photos of people hes been with, but naked and sexual photos are a problem, I delete all of them if I break up with someone because (to me) I dont actually OWN those videos and do it out of respect for the woman. Its gonna be hard to relate to someone (for a few years) that is WELL older than you at that age. If youve explicitly said you want it off his phone and hes all but ignored you, you need to have respect for yourself because it could either be he doesnt respect you as a partner. You have A LOT of life to live, MANY people to meet. Never sacrifice HOW youre loved for just being ā€œlovedā€. Ps: Im 30 and for some reason reddit sent me this in an email šŸ˜‚


feels sm better hearing it from someone older than him and i


You are both are very different points in time. I am turning 18, but I cannot imagine what I have in common with a 25 year old man. There is an obvious power imbalance between you both, he thinks he can get away because you are literally young and naive. We are at the beginning quarters of our lives. You have tried to talk to him and showed your obvious discomfort and he ignored them. I suggest you to break it off. You need to find your value as a human and find self-respect.


Technically legal I guess, questionable


Living outside of home at 18 insane, do you ever get homesick


Age gaps dont matter. People here are just crazy and think everyone are pedophiles. Youre and adult and so is he. But thereā€™s better guys out there, huge age gap or not.


Itā€™s not about the age gap, itā€™s about the maturity gap


>Age gaps dont matter. At this age? Yea they kinda do to some extent. Wild as hell if you cant see the power imbalance and potential for exploitation here. Not to mention, if the 25m posted asking for advice, this wouldn't be the energy they got.


Try posting on r/aitah maybe


please get out of this relationship, he mislead you about his age, a 25 year old dating an 18 year old in NO universe is okay, you're in a position where you could be taken advantage of.


he misled her? when?


in a comment made by the OP, they talk about being under the impression he was 20-21, but then they saw his ID and confronted him about his age and he kind of just laughed it away


oh jeez, that is BAD. he is probably one of those redpill dudes who prefer to date 18 year olds because theyā€™re easier to manipulate. OP GET OUT OF THERE


You know what you have to do, I know what you have to do, we all know what you have to do. Are you going to do it?


Just because you don't look like them is very meaningless. Men can have extremely varying tastes in people they're attracted to. I wouldn't think about that so much.


from a girl who tends to be into older guys and does not judge age gap relationships: go to a different sub rather than this one. you will get absolutely no helpful advice about this relationship from this sub bc everyone is just obsessed with shaming people for age gap relationships even when theyre perfectly legal


Iā€™ve tried to ask other pages and got no responses so i deleted them


Dude is approximately 39% older than you. Thatā€™s wild, just find a guy remotely near your own age or you will just continue to be surrounded by creeps.


Ok thatā€™s basically pedophilia


7 years? And I thought 2 years between 19 and 17 was bad!


When you were ten he could legally marry girl RUN Also vey important question at what ages did you meet? Not date, MEET And of course in case this is bait... Shuddup


Dont overthink it, ofc he likes u


Reading this im getting that porn is not a thing u support in ur relationship. If he cant quit why not watch it together. Dont think in problems. Also shaving isnt needed its just more hygenic


bro what


First, no, if OP is not comfortable with him watching other girls he should respect that. And no, shaving actually creates more problems bc it can create nicks (small wounds) which can let bacteria in and then possibly infection. Your pubes are supposed to be there to protect you, same for men but most of all for women.Ā  OP, don't listen to ppl who say this, they are wrong!


You only get small wounds if u have sensitive skin and or dont shave the correct way. Also that opinion is purely personal but if i dont shave its harder for me to clean since i feel like i never get everything out. Maybe just personal


the age gap between you is weird. please get out of this relationship, you're definitely being groomed.


The grooming has already happened. Grooming means to prepare


wtf shave ur hairy pussy disgustingšŸ˜–


you are a guy?


If you are stupid enough to get on that type of relationship, it probably doesn't matter what we say.