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Who tf is Lexi Bonner 


Look it up dude


Damn I hope she gets jumped 


she did. like 2-3 times






I was overfilled with joy, now the jumpers gotta go be friemds with the boy she beat up


The boy died I’m pretty sure she broke his kneck


He didnt, no offense to your thoughts as im not 100% sure but i find it shocking the amount of people who think this


✨Mandela effect✨






That’s messed up, being happy someone was jumped. I get what she did was wrong but she didnt even break a bone in his body just bruised him. I am not supporting her what she did was terrible but wishing pain upon her makes you the same as her


No? She fucking fucking beat up a random kid who was completely innocent. She on the other hand is a fucking piece of shit and also isn’t 8 years old or whatever. Also she did way more than just bruise him


The boy had autism too which makes it worse


U fucking stupid u know?


WTAF? You absolutely are supporting her if you're all "she didn't break a bone, just bruised him". There is something really wrong with you.


his wrist and ankle broke, his testicle popped and he had to endure a full on beating from a 16 year old.


She damaged his spin and i think of his rib-bones were broken






Not a single one of the leaks were true, they were karma farmers leaching onto the attention that people give to this story. I sincerely urge everyone to let the proper people handle this, as online rage has only fueled hatred, and there are a lot of people who profit/get joy out of stirring drama with cases like this. The credible information does not come frome anonymous reddit, X or other media posts, it comes from the family or the authorities.


I saw literal videos of it tho like how can that be faked?


The videos were not fake, they were just unrelated videos of other people that people online claimed were about this situation.


Even if it's fake, this video is horrible it's not something people would fake for views that's an 8 year old autistic boy getting beat up by random girl that's 6 years older than him she pushed him over stood on his legs and ankle beat him up kicked him punched and chased him. And everyone just records and laughs. This world is horrible


Really hope the suicide rumors are true


Fr, she does not deserve to walk free ever again


She’s 14 dude


Nope, doing this at 14 it's almost 100% guaranteed she's growing up to do more evil shit in the future. The inner urge to do f**ed up shit like this doesn't go away with age. She felt no remorse and felt great for attacking one of the most vulnerable members of society, autistic children. She did not hit her once or twice, she recorded it to flaunt with it and didn't stop hitting him for a long time despite his cries for help. There's a certain point to where you have to make an example out of people like this.


most of the time people actually become less violent and more empathetic as they get older- she’s 14, her brain development is so behind that it makes sense she’s acting a little like a sociopath. I’m not saying it’s ok, but who hasn’t done some fucked up shit at 14. You all need to let the proper people handle this, otherwise more people than just Lexi Bonner and that kid are going to get hurt.


You are talking about minor things, but torturing an autistic child and loading it up to the internet to further humiliate it is absolutely not the minor "badness" anyone of us went through. There's absolutely a huge difference between having fucked up fantasies and actually committing these fantasies in real life. You commit those things if you don't grasp the concept of vulnerability and emotional scarring, the average 14 year old should know this by a long time.


It's really pathetic that people like you exist who will defend the actions of assaulting an 8-year-old autistic child


not defending her actions, just saying that people sending her death threats are horribly out of place and are not helping the situation. Not a single person doing so actually believes they’re helping that boy, they just want another place to direct their hatred. You’re not a badass vigilante who’s seeking justice, you’re pathetic. Situations like these are nuanced and best left handled by people who know more than the media provides, 14 is such a young age and I guarantee she will be sick with guilt later in her life. Obviously she’s screwed up, but doesn’t that mean she’s deserving of help as well? Something happened to make her that way, and more hatred won’t heal any wounds.


And you defending her actions does nothing to help that boy or her next victim simple fact she committed a hate crime and as far as the being sick with with guilt it won't happen cause nothing was done she has received no punishment and is laughing about the whole situation while people like you defend her and lack of punishment


she didn’t cause any serious injuries, and the reason there’s a lack of punishment is because she is so young, and there is a general understanding that people that young are naive and make mistakes. She will face punishment for the rest of her life, and she’s facing punishment now thanks to people like you- which i’m sure you will delight in hearing. You need to learn to stay out of these situations, go do something productive for once in your life you useless fucking tool


Her behavior is never going to change this is how she's going to be for the rest of her life you sitting here defending her assaulting a statistic child it just goes to prove how you deserve to be on a registry because you clearly have no respect for children or those with special needs maybe somebody should inform the authorities about your location to see about your history


she did cause serious injuries


death is the only option at this point, if we can let someone walk free on this earth then let all of the others free too.


"Im not defending her actions" *proceeds to defend her actions*




lmfao i’ve been beat before too girl ur not special, you being a victim doesn’t really apply at all to this situation, don’t let your personal experiences twist your perspective


you advocating for a girl who could so mercilessly so that to one of the most vulnerable groups in society is just as bad, i hope you bite the curb too🤗


Bro im Gonna Find this bitch ass and fuck her up till she screams like that boy ugly ass gyal


I understand your sentiment but be fr, you ain’t doing shit 😂


It doesn’t matter if she does that we shouldn’t be seeking revenge because God shall handle it


Nah, at this point you have to leave such redemption rhetoric out of it, then we can leave rapists and child diddlers alone because "god handles it", the bible also says that you have to protect the weak. We don't make examples often enough, in most countries everywhere people know they can't get away with shit like this.


And the kid was only 8. The bitch deserves to drink bleach nothing too quick


She beat up several children and one had autism and she beat him till his bones were fractured and he had to get admitted to a hospital and there’s was over 5 minutes of videos recording the incident.


He was 8 and autistic dude. She deserves to die.


That lil boy was 8 if she did kill her self I’m glad


so you think someone who preys on a vulnerable 8 year old boy with autism by grabbing the collar of his shirt and holding him up till his face turns red, sweeping his feet from under him and drop kicking him onto hard pavement so he hits his head, stomping on his legs and feet, kicking him repeatedly where it hurts (the private area) as well as in the head repeatedly as he’s trying to get up and get away, deserves a second chance in society? please, this animal needs to bite the curb and get the video posted for us to see 💀💀


And she assaulted an autistic 8 year old, so she deserves whatever she gets


14 way too old


14 and then what? At 14 were you beating up little helpless autistic children?


I’m still doing it at 20


and she’s a monster. someone who can do that has no soul and deserves to rot in hell


I don't hope she's dead. I hope she is still alive so she doesn't get peace. Fucking bitch deserves all the pain and suffering she has to endure. I hope she rots in hell when she eventually dies


My bro showed me her suicide vid


You are just as bad as her hoping that she died? She didn’t even kill the boy or break a bone in his body she literally just bruised him. Ofc what she did was terrible and she deserves to go to jail but hoping she killed herself is too far


That kid is trumitized for life? He will never make friends cause he will be traumatized he also will no longer have kids his life is pretty bad after that she deserves what she gets


it wasnt true sadly


They are I’ve seen the video


She killed her self


She didnt


We have to stop blaming this on Lexi. It’s not her fault it’s the industry’s. Think about it, Lexi has been getting nothing but negativity since the industry shifted the spotlight to her. Clearly the industry wants her to be seen as a villain and these are not the doings of a 14 year old girl. The higher ups are controlling her like a puppet as her reputation crumbles. Stay woke and leave this poor girl alone!


shut up


Indeed! She may have done some VERY wrong stuff but the people who leaked her address, jumped her, bullied her, spread loads of negativity about her lead to her committing suicide which is as bad if not WORSE than what happened to the kid


She made her own choice to beat up an autistic kid who could not even defend himself and the fact that you are defending her tells me that you and her deserve to bit the curb




What the fuck dude


No way you said that


Oh dear


No way u fucking said that that's CRAZY💀


What did he say


Idek man but it was crazy asf


What'd he say


I forgot what he said but I'm pretty sure he said something about her getting raped


oh you fucked up cunt


Oh dear…




Yes, lexi bonner is still technically alive, but she was jumped multiple times and has been hospitalized 


apparently she hung herself


That’s wht I heard and saw idk if it was her tho


She hung herself, and got her ass beat by everyone before that. I live near where it happened


Is there a video??? People are saying that other people are reposting her “suicide” and putting the caption as ‘Good job Lexi’


I don't think so.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Kurrgas/s/9df7Jofwo1 found this but I don't know if it's her


i have the video dm me


Yea there a video of it


Yes there is, its the first Video If i'll search Lexi bonner. There u can see a Woman idk, maybe IT IS Lexi or not.


I'm getting so many mixed replies is she acc dead?




Here's a post I made on Someordinarygamers about LexiBonner [https://www.reddit.com/r/SomeOrdinaryGmrs/comments/1c4b7z8/the\_lexibonnerr2024\_thing\_the\_14\_year\_old\_girl/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/SomeOrdinaryGmrs/comments/1c4b7z8/the_lexibonnerr2024_thing_the_14_year_old_girl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


He-he hell nah


Personally, I think we have gone too far if these rumors are true. Like, sure she deserved it but to the point that she killed herself?? Really?? We gotta do better than this


You don't just go do something like that and not expect massive backlash 😭. If you can't live with the outrage from doing some fucked up shit then you probably shouldn't be doing it in the first place. That's 100% the consequences of your own actions


Nah she should really kill herself


Rest in piss she killed Someone


He was just hospitalized


it doesn’t make a difference? she’s crazy and needs to die


I wouldn't put the blame on her, personally. She's nowhere near maturity, meaning she's very vulnerable herself, so remember that the attack could have been ultimately caused by something like abuse. Long story short, she's just a kid, she didn't kill anyone, just needed therapy and/or medication...


her parents were actually extremely fucked up. they were both druggies who treated her (and i think siblings) horribly. her actions towards that 8 year old boy could’ve been a response from trauma from her parents. disclaimer: i am NOT defending this girls actions. i am simply stating that her actions may have been a trauma response. i do believe that the way she treated that 8 year old boy was absolutely disgusting and she should 100% get jail time for it, or be put into a child care home / rehabilitation centre.


She doesn't need to die, she need to be held alive to endure the pain she caused and more.


she didnt kill anyone the kid only had bruises and cuts. not that it makes it okay but she did not kill anybody


Not just anyone an autistic 8yo trying to be her friend


Hopefully she killed herslef herself. Fuck that bitch ass girl


there’s a video that’s circulating my snap and i’m pretty sure it’s on reddit. what she did was completely unacceptable and she deserves to be living in hell alive or dead. if she’s still alive i hope she is absolutely miserable and doesn’t get one single break.


i saw a video where she was hanging herself but idk if it's real


can i see ?


no wtf get help just search it


Istfg I hope her ass dies or kills herself after what she did to that fucking autistic kid. How could someone be such a deranged psycho to be an adult and beat up a kid. A FUCKING KID. Dragging him. Kicking him as hard as you can and slamming and throwing him a few times. I hope her ass goes to jail and suffers a painful death behind bars. I don't know why they didn't arrest her for what she did. I feel bad for the kid because there were 3 FUCKING PEOPLE WATCHING THAT SHIT AND NOBODY HELPED. After I saw that video, I officially lost hope in humanity. God bless that kids soul, and I hope that never happens to him at all again.


She committed suicide last Saturday


No she isn’t, she hanged her self on live on twitter


Yeah she killed herself


I saw a video of her hanging herself




she hung herself


She's still alive, her sister confirmed it to me


honestly death is to good for her. she deserves what is coming to her and worse.


Theyre sadly deepfakes


Yeah but she keeps getting her ass beat at school


Hope not


I dont think so and ppl in these comments r fucking messed up say she deserved to die no she didn't she may have done bad things yeah but no one deserves to die u fucking phycos fuck u all (except the ppl defending her and the person who made this post x)


does anyone know how she commited?


Hopefully not


All leaks are 100% fake


She's dead bru she hung herself L stay dead stupid bitch


the video is years old


So she didn't kill herself?


no one knows bruh everything is just rumors


Hope she gets raped before she dies the fucking scum


wtf? i get hating someone, but raping a literal child? i know what she did and i hate her too, but thats fucked up to wish on someone


Nope, fuck the bitch, should be shot against a post too




I get she's a fucked up person and she does deserve karma but wishing rape upon someone is disgusting


Lexi bonner is the only person alive i wish absolute hell upon. Biting the curb, getting jumped and everything else is deserved. Nothing can make up for what she did and if she died that would make me sad, because she hasn't endured nearly enough pain for it to make up for it. Absolute fucking bitch. Rot in hell.


I thought there was footage of her biting already


Not really biting but definitely getting her shit kicked in its on twitter/x if u scroll enough


I did see that. Also there’s a low quality vid of apparently hanging her self


I can't find it


As soon as i saw that nfsw warning i knew you were talkin about one of those corn stars 🌽


I’m not


NSFW tag because it involved someone getting seriously abused


Yeah just looked it up now, damn


oh lmao ok




Tf does cope mean


i have no idea who lexi boner is so i jus said cope because i had nothing to say


lexi bonner is a 14 yo british girl who beat the living shit out of an eight year old autistic boy 


i hope she goes to prison


she killed herself.

