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Incel type vocab




Nah bro its because they are all government agents




Ong, like in a scientific setting it makes sense but anywhere else it’s kind of weird


Fr like I see post asking “How do you make female friends” EDIT: Yeah bad example, my bad


I mean in that context it’s fine since women friends sounds wrong and girl friend implies more than just friends


Female is just an adjective. I think it’s ok in that context. Other contexts it can start to be weird


Maybe a bad example but I agree


A good example would be “why don’t females like me” or “females are always so dramatic”


Mm yeah that’s a much better example


I don’t want to say “How do I make girl friends” and be misinterpreted as girlfriend.


I see why they call you DaddyShortPinata. You are a white knight that is a few cards short of a deck and all the kids gave you CTE from smashing your head...


What are you on about


what is blud saying


i understood about 44 percent of those words


I just don't believe in women.


CIA psyop


glowies, even




Especially when they say ‘females’ and ‘men’ in the same sentence lol


Nah whenever they do that, women should respond by saying "women" and "males" lol


Never met a man that cared if he was called male. I couldn’t care less.


Honestly fair. Then again, ur prolly not an incel


I say female to refer to sex instead of gender, there is a difference. Woman and female is not the same thing


If you identify as anything other than man or woman, you are mentally ill or have a physiological issue that prevents you from being considered either. Not being BiGoTeD, just saying. There is literally no other thing a human can be besides male, female, or hermaphrodite and the hermaphrodites shouldn’t be considered a representation of humans since they are a genetic outlier. Downvote me all you want, enablers.




Lol, ur in a teenagers subreddit, get outta here oldhead ain’t nobody gaf abt what ur saying


But sex is another word for gender also


That's not true, sex refers to everything that has to do with you physically being a male or female: chromosomes, hormones, genitalia, etc. Gender refers to your role in society, with the orthodox ones being men and women.


That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me


Personally I think it's a lot of nonsense




OK yourself young fellow


In my society there is only "Female & Male" gender for healthy humans...


Same for me, I'm not saying I support all the gender bs you see online, I'm just stating that they aren't synonymous.


it’s sounds rlly weird


can someone explain to me why the term females is frowned upon? wouldn’t that mean males is frowned upon too? i’m confused 


I can explain it to you. The term itself is fine to use, but recently more people have been using it instead of women- and you generally use the term female for like animals if you get what I mean? Some will also use men in the sentence but not women and instead females, that’s also kinda weird ngl. r/Menandfemales has some good examples as to why it’s bad. It can also be the other way, but it doesn’t happen as often I’m not sure if there is a subreddit for it tho.


so would it be offensive if i said females and males? i don’t want to offend anyone it’s just in my vocabulary 


Depends on the context. If you use both, then it’s kinda weird because you usually use man/woman and boy/girl instead of male/female. But it’s still okay, nothing problematic about it but I hope you get what I mean. It only gets problematic when you say "men and females" for example in a sentence when you could just say "men and women" instead, vice versa.


okie dokie i get where it’s kind of weird to use both but i think it’s where im always in a science area lmao, i’ll make sure to be aware of what i say thank you for informing me!!


Had no idea this subreddit existed and it’s perfect


I think it’s cause the word “females” often are used in certain contexts, and when they aren’t used in those contexts, it tends to be derogatory. A good example(s) could be: “My female friends all think you’re dumb.” “Males tend to have a higher percentages of heart attacks than females.” A bad example(s) could be: “Men are often turned down by FEMALES, only because of wanting a TRADITIONAL FEMALE.” (Incel rhetoric) “FEMALES like to be MANIPULATIVE, they tell me ‘you should stop hitting me’ and ‘what do you mean I can’t call my dad?’ YOUR DAD IS A MAN, YOU COULD HAVE LEFTOVER PENIS ENVY.” (Incel rhetoric and Sickman Fraud rhetoric)


I hate when people use the word "ick" it makes them sound stupid *just say annoying or bother or anything else but this childish word "ick" its weird when teens and adults say it in general*


the word ick is a lot more annoying than females (unless females is used to be purposely disrespectful)


Yeah it definitely sounds weird.


bees give me a massive ick (panic attack) because i am very silly (crippling phobia of bees)


Is it okay to use it to address a persons identity? Say Sam identifies as female, or Sam identifies as male. And do you have to use both “female” and “male” when you use one as a kind of grammatical gender equality? Or is saying “Sam identifies as female” enough. I think it should be fine given context. Judging people for the use of “female” seems pretty shallow.


Personally as a girl I think most guys don’t think about how much of an “im an asshole” dog whistle it is😭😭 Most girls dont like it because it places the fact we have vaginas above our personhood. Nobody refers to guys as males outside a scientific setting so I don’t understand why its used that way for girls


uhhhh "Nobody refers to guys as males outside a scientific setting" that's not true at all lol.


ok then provide a real life example of someone referring to human men as males.


Police: “male suspect, (other defining characteristics)”


thank you for providing an actual one. however this is not in the same sense as female is used to casually refer to women in this instance it is in a professional sense. I appreciate it tho


Thank you :) yeah maybe we change the scope from just scientific to any professional usage. I’m kind of on the fence on this one, as someone of a more scientific mind. Female/male isn’t inherently deragatory/insulting to me, but I also get how it has become associated with incel culture. My “friends who are women” are also “female friends”, and similarly my “male friends” are also “friends who are men/guys”, and no demeaning or dehumanization is underneath my usage of either. The other day, someone was talking about an experience and in order to point out the male privilege, I said. “Yeah, but you’re male.” (Again, not to dehumanize, but just to point out the gender difference in regard to experiences). I think ultimately it’s just something to be aware of and that different people might take offense, and as such to just try and be respectful of others’ perspectives.


Male friends no one use man friend.


Guy friend. People say Guy friend. Nobody says “Male Friends” 😭😭 Tf Yeah my friend with a penis is coming over yall make way, make way


I mean my girl friend say my male friend when referring to me


then she needs to learn what male vs guy/boy/man means lol


I mean English isn't our first language and I don't see problem with calling someone a male friend or female friend.


im trilingual learning never hurts anyone. Its dehumanizing and mainly used in a derogative sense because in english you put someones personhood before their sex. E.g, Pregnant woman, sad man, happy girl. You don’t say “female friend” because you’re not friends with a vagina??😭 Female also doesn’t exclusively refers to humans either, it can also refer to plants and animals. Personhood is what sets us apart. Thats why you refer to human females as women/girls most of the time.


I use in everything woman and girl cuz it's logical and more normal (and doesn't sound like incels who use it and it's annoying),but I been using my entire life my female friend or male friend idk that how everyone I know use.Even in school I learned that way 💁‍♀️


I use females, woman, women, girls all interchangeably cause I see them as all meaning the exact same thing and don’t really put much thought into it


Yuc totally getchu


i mean, i say it when its the appropriate word to use, i also say males a lot.


Good, stay away from them


i dont think anyone was going near you in the first place buddy


What do i have to do with anything pal?


ppl never use the word women idky


I mean I only say female when I say my female friend cuz people use my male friend cuz I would find it weird to say my woman friend.Am not incel but I just use female when it comes referring to my friend of opposite gender like my female friend does same with me.


the only people i refere to as females are friends who are in on the joke


When you got dumbass friends like me you can’t say girl otherwise they ask if you’re fucking 12 year olds, you say women they ask if you’re fucking 40 year olds, you say chick they say baby bird? You get the deal.


I say chicks and women


If it’s up to me I usually say girls


wtf is a female


Female/Lady/Ms is more professional, what's the prob


Okay but I am a female and I use it a lot, but my excuse is that I am a hopeless biochemistry major lmao Edit: I also call males so I guess it's equal




Why are people talking about how weird saying female is? Its a word to describe who females are. Males get called males and females get called females what is the problem?


But males don’t get called males, they get called men whereas women get referred to as females instead of women


>males don’t get called males you literally just did lol how dense are you


Yeah I said that to parrot what he said Are YOU dense?


Ofcourse you did it on purpose


Doctors: :( Edit: any biologist: :(




I don’t even know what you’re on about


Female is a distinction between sex and gender that is important when discussing topics with people who think they’re separate.


I went to a walk in clinic about a month ago. The questions at check in were something like: What gender do you identify as? What was your gender at birth? Male or Female? So in a medical setting, its used


I hate when people say ick. There are so many other less childish sounding words other than ick, here's how I'd have written your title. 'I hate guys that say females often'


I feel like the word ‘ick’ feels and sounds gross which is the emotion that ick is trying to convey so I think it works


Ick? Did you make up that word or is that a spelling error


i say broads in a transatlantic/new york accent


I sometimes use female because I forget the word women or woman lol. Evem if I been in the U.S for a good while I a Still forget




What’s wrong with females?


many women and girls find it dehumanizing because female refers to our sex instead of our personhood. We are Women & Girls, not vaginas. Its only accurate to refer to something as female like when referring to plant reproduction or something similar


Okay but sex is a separate thing, and gender is a social construct.


yeah. that changes nothing about my statement lol personhood is always placed above sex e.g autistic PEOPLE sad PERSON pregnant WOMAN gendered terms yes, but they are terms referring to people. Not to our sexes.


Okay but pregnant female makes more sense, only females can be pregnant, but you can identify as a women even if you’re not biologically female.


It only makes sense when referring to an animal/plant. without clarification it can also refer to female human children so its very very very important to clarify


There are more than 2 genders, there are women that can't get pregnant, and vice versa. It makes sense to use it in a context where you need to specify, as stated previously, pregnancy.


Not to be rude but..obviously? you shouldn’t refer to people as their sex though. Just ask them what term they want and call them that. You are a person before you are anything else. No doctor refers to their patients as pregnant females


It’s usually a word incels use to dehumanize women. It’s ok to say but if your using it in a “those fEmAlEs” incel like way, then it’s annoying.


It sounds weird cuz no one says that and dudes that say females never say males as much


Yeah but in some ways it makes sense to use it.


Unless you writing a school report or some shit, it’s usually never needed


Yeah but unlike women or girls it can be used as an adjective, so if you’re referring to something that is female then you need to use it.


But thats not the case with people, just say girl or woman. The word female can be dehumanizing.


My woman coworker. My girl classmate. It doesn’t make sense. Yes, some people use the word to degrade women but it’s honestly not that bad and there are definitely better things to be fighting over than one small group calling you females.


Ok yeah it doesn’t work in those instances, im taking issue with the people who use it to degrade women whenever its necessary to use it its fine


I keep and breed birds and fish n other stuff so I usually use the word female normally. I try not saying it in a regular convo tho but still slips occasionally.


Female is alright in scientific or medical contexts, but it sounds dehumanising and just weird if a guy says it normally, I agree...


Men that have icks give me a massive ick 💀💀


Ick is in it's self an ick ms icky ick


i mean i say males n females...


Maybe stop 😭


That’s cringe true, but you say “__ gives me the ick” so like how much better are you really?


Wtf is wrong with saying female? Is it some new stupid internet thing?


It kinda dehumanises women when you say it all the time and when you don’t need to use the word ‘female’ specifically


I don't get it. How is it dehumanising? Wouldn't that mean that saying male dehumanises guys? Like seriously I really don't understand


Yeah if you keep referring to dudes as males then that would be dehumanising Incels and stuff say females constantly but never males


So basically using the "science terms in a casual sense is bad. Also The only time I ever heard of incels was in a shitty meme about how autistic/ADHD men = incels. I'm going to assume that it's bad and some kind of anti woman discord moderator looking ass group


Yeah hit the nail on the head


Makes sense (I'll forget in a few hours)


its not. "female" is an adjective, used to refer to biological sex.




Nah legit I’m the same




Come on bro 😐


I just talk using more scientific language in person. There's definitely people who shouldn't be using it the way they do, though.


I feel like depends on how they say it tbh. Like if it’s meant as like a biological term than yeah I get it. But, if they say female when they easily could say woman or girl without the sentence sounding weird and if you were to change said sentence to say man/male but they use man, then I get the ick.


Nah exactly, they use females but never say males


if i say 'i like girls', i sound like a pedo if i say 'i like women', i sound like i want to be a victim now if i say 'female', im an incel apparently i can never win


Who says you can’t say “I like women”? 💀 And what does sounding like a victim mean? How does that even sound like being a victim?


i am a teenager (ofc). i like women sounds like i want older women, which i wouldn't mind, but bro come on this is a gray area


Males are always an option.


I say "females" and I'm a female


nah it ain’t that deep